Multi-media instructional systems in adult education, with special reference to information retrieval from textbooks
Squires, Geoffrey T.C.
The purpose of this study is to analyse the concept of
information in instructional systems for adults, outlining the
implications of this analysis for the design and use of textbooks
as information stores, and formulating hypotheses for further,
experimental research. A context fcr this analysis is provided
by a preliminary examination of the systems approach in adult
education, which is seen as an attempt to provide a framework
for educational innovations which may stem from the introduction
of new media.
The new media of radio and television are used both as
media of mass communication and as teaching devices in formal
education. A review of opinions expressed by adult educators
suggests that assumptions about the first of these uses have
influenced the second. However, research has shown that in both
mass communication and formal instruction, factors other than
the medium are important. It is argued that approaches to course
development based solely on the notion of utilizing the new media
are likely to underestimate important factors relating to the
instructional setting, the message or content, and the audience.
It is further argued that the new media cannot always be thought
of as aids to the teacher or tutor, since in some cases they act
as independent teaching agents. However, a problem-based approach,
which considers the allocation of all resources, human and
material, in the light of the needs of each teaching situation,
provides a framework for the use of the new media.