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Nobel, Alfred Bernhard, 1833-1896

LC control no.n 81147736
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingNobel, Alfred Bernhard, 1833-1896
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Variant(s)Nūbil, Alfrid, 1833-1896
Nobel, Alfred, 1833-1896
No-pei-erh, 1833-1896
Nuobeier, 1833-1896
Associated countrySweden
Birth date1833
Death date1896
Profession or occupationBusinessmen Inventors Philanthropists
Found inHsing, J. C. No-pei-erh yü No-pei-erh chiang chin, 1981: t.p. (No-pei-erh) Cover (Alfred Nobel; also Nuobeier)
Wikipedia, Aug. 8, 2019 (Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish businessman, chemist, engineer, inventor, and philanthropist)
Invalid LCCNn 50005984