وفيات 2023 فى امريكا
وفيات 2023 فى امريكا . الاسماء تحت تاريخ الوفاة، بالترتيب الابجدى المعلومات بالتسلسل : الاسم و العمر وب لد المواطنة عند الميلاد و الجنسية اللى بعد كده (ان امكن)، والموضوع اللى اتشار ليه، و سنة الميلاد (اذا كانت معروفة)، و المرجع.
[تعديل]- 1 يناير
- مارتن ديفيس، 94، عالم رياضيات (خوارزمية ديفيس-بوتنام) (و. 1928)[1]
- جانجستا بو، 43، مغنى راب (Three 6 Mafia) (مواليد 1979)[2]
- اديث لانك، 96، مؤلفة وكاتبة عمود نصائح (مواليد 1926)[3]
- سيباستيان مارينو، 57، عازف جيتار (Overkill، Anvil) (مواليد 1965)[4]
- ارت ماكنالى، 97، قاعة المشاهير مسؤول كرة قدم، مدير ادارة شؤون اتحاد كرة القدم الاميركى (1968–1991) (مواليد 1925) )[5]
- كيلى مونتيث، 80، ممثل كوميدى (مواليد 1942)[6]
- ميناكشى نارين، 58 سنه ، عالم فيزياء تجريبية (مواليد 1964)[7]
- اديث بيرلمان، 86، كاتبة قصة قصيرة (مواليد 1936)[8]
- فريد وايت، 67، قاعة المشاهير عازف الدرامز (الارض والرياح والنار) (مواليد 1955)[9]
- 2 يناير
- لينكولن الموند، 86، سياسى ومحامي، حاكم رود ايلاند (1995–2003)، الولايات المتحدة. محامى لـ مقاطعة رود ايلاند (1969–1978; 1981–1993) (ب. 1936)[10]
- كين بلوك، 55 سنه ، سواق رالى محترف (مواليد 1967)[11]
- سوزى ماكى تشارناس، 83 سنه ، روائية (مملكة كيفن مالون، سجلات هولدفاست) وكاتبة قصة قصيرة ("الثدى") (مواليد 1939)المرجع غلط: إغلاق
مفقود لوسم<ref>
- باستر كورلى، 72 سنه ، صاحب مطعم، ومؤسس مشارك لشركة Dave & Buster's (مواليد 1950)[12]
- كاثرين ديفيد، 73 سنه ، ناقدة ادبية وروائية فرنسية المولد (مواليد 1949)[13]
- روكسان دونيرى، 79، سياسية (مواليد 1943)[14]
- كاى ايمونز، 71 سنه ، مؤلف ومدون (مواليد 1951)[15]
- فرانك جالاتى، 79، مخرج مسرحى (عناقيد الغضب، مزيكا الراغتايم) وكاتب السيناريو (السائح العرضى)، الفائز بـ تونى (1990) (مواليد 1943) [16]
- كليف جوستافسون، 91، مدرب بيسبول (Texas Longhorns) (مواليد 1931)[17]
- بوبى هوغ، 83، سياسي، عضو فى مجلس النواب فى اركنساس (1979–1998) (و. 1939)[18]
- توماس ال. هيوز، 97، مسؤول حكومي، مدير مكتب المخابرات والابحاث (1963–1969) (و. 1925)[19]
- مارلين ستافورد، 97، مصورة بريطانية امريكية المولد (مواليد 1925)[20]
- روبرت ستيفان، 89 سنه ، محامٍ، المدعى العام فى كانساس (1979–1995) (و. 1933)[21]
- 3 يناير
- جيمس د. بروبكر، 85، منتج افلام (بروس تعالى, روكى, The Right Stuff) (مواليد 1937)[22]
- والتر كننغهام، 90، رائد فضاء (ابولو 7) (مواليد 1932)المرجع غلط: إغلاق
مفقود لوسم<ref>
- جريتا كيرنان، 89، سياسية، عضو فى الجمعية العامة لولاية نيوجيرسى (1978–1980) (مواليد 1933)[23]
- جيمس لوينشتاين، 95، دبلوماسي، سفير الى لوكسمبورغ (1977–1981) (و. 1927)[24]
- فريدريك جيه مارشال، 71 سنه ، قاضي، قاضى المحكمة العليا فى نيو يورك (2000–2022) (مواليد 1951)المرجع غلط: إغلاق
مفقود لوسم<ref>
- نيت ثاير، 62، صحفى (Far Eastern Economic Review، Jane's Defense Weekly، Soldier of Fortune) (مواليد 1960)[25]
- 4 يناير
- ارثر دنكان، 97، راقص نقر (عرض لورانس ويلك، عرض بيتى وايت) (مواليد 1925)المرجع غلط: إغلاق
مفقود لوسم<ref>
- كيسى هايدن، 85، ناشط فى مجال الحقوق المدنية (مواليد 1937)[26]
- الوود هيليس، 96، سياسى وعضو فى الولايات المتحدة. مجلس النواب (1971–1987) (ب. 1926)المرجع غلط: إغلاق
مفقود لوسم<ref>
- ميكو تاكا، 97، ممثلة (سايونارا) (مواليد 1925)[27]
- كالفين محمد، 64، لاعب كرة قدم (Los Angeles Raiders، Washington Redskins، San Diego Chargers) (مواليد 1958)[28]
- ارثر دنكان، 97، راقص نقر (عرض لورانس ويلك، عرض بيتى وايت) (مواليد 1925)المرجع غلط: إغلاق
- 5 يناير
- جاك بندر، 91، رسام كاريكاتير (Alley Oop) (مواليد 1931)[29]
- ايرل بوين، 81، ممثل (Terminator, Monkey Island, Warcraft) ( ب. 1941)[30]
- مارك كابس، 54، مهندس صوت (مواليد 1968)[31]
- نيت كولبيرت، 76، لاعب بيسبول (سان دييغو بادريس، هيوستن استروس، ديترويت تايجرز) (مواليد 1946)[32]
- كارل دوسر، 90، لاعب بيسبول (كانساس سيتى لالعاب القوى) (مواليد 1932)[33]
- هربرت جينتيس، 82، اقتصادى وعالم سلوكى ومؤلف (التعليم فى امريكا الراسمالية) (مواليد 1940)[34]
- جوردى هارمون، 79، مغنى السول (The Whispers) (مواليد 1943)[35]
- مايك هيل، 73 سنه ، محرر افلام (ابولو 13, [[راش (فيلم 2013)|راش] ], فروست/نيكسون), الفائز بـ الاوسكار (1996) (ب . 1949)[36]
- راسل بيرس، 75 سنه ، سياسى وعضو (2006–2011) ورئيس (2011) لمجلس مجلس شيوخ اريزونا (مواليد 1947)[37]
- ديف شوبرت، 49، مصور شوارع (مواليد 1973)[38]
- روث ادلر شنى، 99، مصممة منسوجات ومصممة ديكورات داخلية المانية المولد (مواليد 1923)[39]
- كوينتين ويليامز، 39 سنه ، سياسي، عضو فى مجلس نواب ولاية كونيتيكت (من 2019) (مواليد 1983)[40]
- 6 يناير
- بنجامين بيدرسون، 101، فيزيائى (مشروع مانهاتن) (مواليد 1921)[41]
- فريد بينرز، 92، لاعب كرة قدم (نيو يورك جاينتس) (مواليد 1930)[42]
- جيف بلاكبيرن، 77 سنه ، كاتب اغانى ("My My, Hey Hey (Out of the Blue)") وعازف جيتار (بلاكبيرن اند سنو، موبى جريب ) (ب. 1945)[43]
- بيل كامبل، 74، لاعب بيسبول (مينيسوتا توينز، بوسطن ريد سوكس، شيكاغو كابس) (مواليد 1948)[44]
- لو هانتر، 87، كاتب سيناريو ومعلم كتابة السيناريو (مواليد 1935)[45]
- جون وارن جونسون، 93، رجل اعمال وسياسي، عضو فى مجلس النواب فى ولاية مينيسوتا (1966–1974) (و. 1929)[46]
- دانى كاليكينى، 85 سنه ، فنان ومغنى من هاواى (مواليد 1937)[47]
- ديفيد س. لوستسن، 75، سياسي، عضو فى مجلس نواب داكوتا الجنوبية (1977–1984) ومجلس الشيوخ (1985–1987) (ب. 1947)[48]
- انيت مكارثى، 64، ممثلة (Twin Peaks، مخلوق، Baywatch) (ب. 1958)[49]
- فرانك مولدن، 80، لاعب كرة قدم (لوس انجلوس رامز، فيلادلفيا ايجلز، نيو يورك جاينتس) (مواليد 1942)[50]
- ثيودور ر. نيومان جونيور، 88 سنه ، فقيه وقاضى (1976–2016) ورئيس القضاة (1976–1984) فى العاصمة. محكمة الاستئناف، قاضى المحكمة العليا فى العاصمة (1970–1976) (و. 1934)[51]
- اوين روزمان، 86، مصور سينمائى (طارد الارواح الشريرة, الشبكة, الاتصال الفرنسى) (مواليد 1936)[52]
- ديك سافيت، 95، قاعة المشاهير لاعب تنس (مواليد 1927)[53]
- 7 يناير
- راسل بانكس، 82، روائى (الانجراف القارى, الاخرة الحلوة, ' "Cloudsplitter) (مواليد 1940)[54]
- جوزيف ا. هاردى التالت، 100 عام، مدير تنفيذى فى صناعة الاخشاب، مؤسس 84 لامبر (مواليد 1923)[55]
- مارى الين هوكينز، 99، سياسية، عضو فى مجلس النواب فى فلوريدا (1974–1994) (مواليد 1923)[56]
- نعومى ريبلانسكى، 104، شاعرة (مواليد 1918)[57]
- ادم ريتش، 54، ممثل (ثمانية تكفى، Dungeons & Dragons، The الشيطان وماكس ديفلين) (ب. 1968)[58]
- دوروثى تريستان، 88، ممثلة (كلوت، الفزاعة) وكاتبة سيناريو (الاعشاب) (مواليد 1934)[59]
- 8 يناير
- تشارلز ديفيد اليس، 71، عالم احياء جزيئية (مواليد 1951)[60]
- لينيت هارداواى، 51 سنه ، ناشطة محافظة (الالماس والحرير) (مواليد 1971)[61]
- جاك دبليو هايفورد، 88، قس خمسينى وكاتب ترانيم، مؤسس جامعة الملك (مواليد 1934)[62]
- برنارد كالب، 100، صحفى (مصادر موثوقة، نيو يورك تايمز)، سكرتير مساعد الدولة للشؤون العامة (1985–1986) (ب. 1922)[63]
- 9 يناير
- ليز براون جونيور، 82، مزيكا و ممثل ومنتج (مواليد 1940)[64]
- وليام كونسوفوى، 48، محامى (مواليد 1974)[65]
- ميليندا ديلون، 83، ممثلة ("لقاءات قريبة من النوع التالت، قصة عيد الميلاد، غياب الحقد' ') (ب. 1939)[66]
- احمد جالواى، 42، لاعب كرة قدم (كلايمور الاسكتلندى، سان دييغو شارجرز، فرانكفورت جالاكسى) (مواليد 1980)[67]
- ڤيرچينيا كرافت بايسون، 92، مربى خيول اصيلة وصحفية رياضية (Sports Illustrated) (مواليد 1930)[68]
- سينسى باول، 80، لاعبة كرة سلة (دالاس تشابارالز، كنتاكى كولونيلز، ڤيرچينيا سكوايرز) (مواليد 1942)[69]
- تشارلز سيميتش، 84، شاعر صيربى المولد (مواليد 1938)[70]
- جورج س. زيمبل، 93، مصور وثائقى امريكي-كندى (مواليد 1929)[71]
- 10 يناير
- دونالد بلوم، 73، قاتل (مواليد 1949)[72]
- دينيس بوديمير، 84، عازف جيتار جاز وروك (The Wrecking Crew) (مواليد 1938)[73]
- استفان دياك، 96، مؤرخ مجرى المولد، عضو فى الاكاديمية المجرية للعلوم (مواليد 1926)[74]
- جيف هاميلتون، 56، متزلج اولمبى (مواليد 1966)[75]
- بليك هونشيل، 44، صحفى (مواليد 1978)[76]
- تاير نيكولز، 29 سنه ، سواق توصيل، موضوع احتجاجات تاير نيكولز (مواليد 1993)[77]
- روى شويترز، 78، فيزيائى (مواليد 1944)[78]
- كريستوفر تي. والش، 78، عالم كيمياء حيوية، عضو فى الاكاديمية الوطنية للعلوم (مواليد 1944)[79]
- 11 يناير
- بيتر كامبل، 62، لاعب كرة الماء، حائز على ميدالية فضية اولمبية مرتين (1984، 1988) (مواليد 1960)[80]
- كارول كوك، 98، ممثلة (The Lucy Show، السيد المذهل السيد ليمبيت، البيت على المدى)، ستة عشر شمعة (مواليد 1924)[81]
- هارييت هول، 77 سنه ، جراح طيران بالقوات الجوية (مواليد 1945)[82]
- تشارلز كيمبرو، 86، ممثل (ميرفى براون، احدب نوتردام) (ب . 1936)[83]
- بن ماسترز، 75، ممثل (All That Jazz, Dream Lover, عواطف) (ب. 1947)[84]
- Eli Ostreicher، 39 سنه ، رجل اعمال متسلسل بريطانى المولد (مواليد 1983)[85]
- تشارلز وايت، 64، لاعب كرة قدم (كليفلاند براونز، لوس انجلوس رامز)، فايز بـ كاس هيزمان (1979) (و. 1958)[86]
- 12 يناير
- هارولد براون، 98، ضابط بالقوات الجوية (طيار توسكيجى) (و. 1924)[87]
- ديفيد دكتوريان، 88، سياسي، عضو فى مجلس الشيوخ فى ولاية ميسورى (1977–1991) (و. 1934)[88]
- ليزا مارى بريسلى، 54 سنه ، مغنية وكاتبة اغانى ("اطفاء الانوار")، وابنة الفيس بريسلى (مواليد 1968)المرجع غلط: إغلاق
مفقود لوسم<ref>
- تشارلز تريجر، 87، عازف كمان (مواليد 1935)[89]
- شارلوت فالى الين، 81 سنه ، كاتبة روائية معاصرة كندية المولد (مواليد 1941)[90]
- اليوت فالنشتاين، 99، عالم اعصاب وعالم نفس (مواليد 1923)[91]
- بوبى وود، 87، سياسي، عضو فى مجلس النواب بولاية تينيسى (1976–2004) (و. 1935)[92]
- 13 يناير
- آل براون، 83، ممثل (The Wire) (مواليد 1939)[93]
- بيل ديفيس، 80، لاعب بيسبول (كليفلاند انديانز، سان دييغو بادريس) (مواليد 1942)[94]
- روبى كنيفيل، 60 سنه ، متهور ورجل اعمال بهلوانى (مواليد 1962)[95]
- جيمس ال. مورس، 82، فقيه، قاضى المحكمة العليا فى فيرمونت (1988–2003) (و. 1940)المرجع غلط: إغلاق
مفقود لوسم<ref>
- يوشيو يودا، 88، ممثل يابانى المولد (McHale's Navy) (مواليد 1934)[96]
- 14 يناير
- كيث بيتون، 72، مغنى (بلو ماجيك) (مواليد 1950)[97] (اُعلن عن وفاته فى ده التاريخ)
- والى كامبو، 99، ممثل (Machine-Gun Kelly, متجر الرعب الصغير, سيد العالم) (مواليد 1923)[98]
- كريغ لوى، 65، سياسي، عمدة غينزفيل (2010–2013) (و. 1957)[99]
- 15 يناير
- اد بيرد، 83 سنه ، لاعب كرة قدم (سان فرانسيسكو 49ers) (مواليد 1939)[100]
- فيكتوريا تشيك، 86، اقتصادية (مواليد 1936)[101]
- ج. جى هاريس، 31، مغنى ("امريكان ايدول") (مواليد 1991).[102]
- جورج ماكليود، 92، لاعب كرة سلة (بالتيمور بوليتس) (مواليد 1931)[103]
- لويد موريسيت، 93، عالم نفس ومنتج تلفزيونى (Sesame Street) (مواليد 1929)[104]
- تيد سافاج، 86، لاعب بيسبول (سانت لويس كاردينالز، شيكاغو كابز، لوس انجلوس دودجرز) (مواليد 1936)[105]
- جان فيلوز، 98، راقصة و ممثلة ("حمى التارجح، اين اطفالك؟، Jive Junction ) (مواليد 1924)[106]
- 16 يناير
- جونى باورز، 84 سنه ، مغنى وعازف جيتار روكابيلى (مواليد 1938)[107]
- آرثر رافينيل جونيور، 95 سنه ، سياسى وعضو فى مجلس النواب فى ولاية كارولينا الجنوبية ومجلس الشيوخ، عضو فى الولايات المتحدة. مجلس النواب (1987–1995) (ب. 1927)[108]
- لوبى سيرانو، 92، راقصة باليه تشيلية المولد (مواليد 1930)[109]
- رسول صديق، 73، عازف بوق الجاز (مواليد 1949)[110]
- جارى سميث، 64 سنه ، منتج تسجيلات (مواليد 1958)[111]
- جان بيير سوينجز، 79، عالم فلك بلجيكى امريكى المولد (مواليد 1943)[112]
- فرانك توماس، 93، لاعب بيسبول (نيو يورك ميتس، بيتسبرغ بايرتس، فيلادلفيا فيليز) (مواليد 1929)[113]
- 17 يناير
- جاى بريسكو، 38، مصارع محترف (ROH، CZW، NJPW) (مواليد 1984 )[114]
- جون بورا، 78، الكنيسة اليونانية الكاثوليكية الاوكرانية رئيس كاهن، اسقف مساعد لـ فيلادلفيا (2006–2019) (و. 1944)
- فان كونر، 55 سنه ، عازف جيتار (Screaming Trees) (مواليد 1967)[115]
- جيروم آر كوكس جونيور، 97 سنه ، رائد كمبيوتر وعالم ورجل اعمال (مواليد 1925)[116]
- تى جيه. deBlois، 38 سنه ، عازف طبول (حياة ضاعت ذات مرة) (مواليد 1984)[117]
- ماريا دورزيكا، 81 سنه ، عالمة فيزياء بولندية المولد وناجية من الهولوكوست (مواليد 1941)[118]
- كريس فورد، 74، لاعب كرة سلة ومدرب (ديترويت بيستونز، بوسطن سلتكس)، بطل الدورى الاميركى للمحترفين (1981 ) (ب. 1948)[119]
- وليام توماس هارت، 93، فقيه، قاضى الولايات المتحدة. المحكمة الجزئية لشمال الينوى (من سنة 1982)(و. 1929)[120]
- ادوارد ر. بريسمان، 79، منتج افلام (American Psycho, كونان البربرى ) (مواليد 1943)[121]
- ساندرا سيكات، 86 سنه ، مدربة تمثيل (اندرو جارفيلد، لورا ديرن) و ممثلة ([[تحت راية السماء (مسلسل قصير)|تحت راية السماء] ]) (ب. 1936) [122]
- 18 يناير
- دون كامبيرن، 93، محرر افلام (Easy Rider، Romancing the Stone) (مواليد 1929)المرجع غلط: إغلاق
مفقود لوسم<ref>
- روبرت هيرش، 82، محامٍ (مواليد 1940)[123]
- دون كامبيرن، 93، محرر افلام (Easy Rider، Romancing the Stone) (مواليد 1929)المرجع غلط: إغلاق
- 19 يناير
- كارين غولدبرغ، 69، مصممة جرافيك (مواليد 1953)[124]
- انطون ووكس، 25 سنه ، Charlotte FC لاعب كرة قدم انجليزى (مواليد 1997)[125]
- جورج روز، 81، لاعب كرة قدم (مينيسوتا فايكنج، نيو اورليانز ساينتس) (مواليد 1942)[126]
- جينجر ستانلى، 91، موديل و ممثلة وست مثيرة (مخلوق من البحيرة السوداء، Jupiter's Darling، انتقام ال مخلوق) (مواليد 1931)[127]
- بيتى لى سونج، 98، ناشطة ومؤلفة و اكاديمية (مواليد 1924)[128]
- بروس دبليو وايت، 70 سنه ، رجل اعمال، مؤسس White Lodging (مواليد 1952)[129]
- 20 يناير
- سال باندو، 78، قاعة مشاهير الكليات لاعب بيسبول (كانساس سيتي/اوكلاند لالعاب القوى، ميلووكى برويرز)، بطولة العالم بطل (1972، 1973، 1974) (مواليد 1944)[130]
- تيد بيل، 76، روائى (مواليد 1947)[131]
- توم برمنجهام، 73، سياسي، عضو (1991–2002) والرئيس (1996–2002) فى مجلس شيوخ ماساتشوستس (مواليد 1949)
- جيرى بلافات، 82، دى جى ومقدم برامج اذاعية (مواليد 1940)[132]
- جوين كناب، 61 سنه ، صحفى رياضى (The Philadelphia Inquirer, San Francisco Chronicle, نيو يورك تايمز ) (مواليد 1961)[133]
- بول لافارج، 52 سنه ، روائى وكاتب مقالات و اكاديمى (مواليد 1970)[134]
- ميكايلا بايتش، 61، عازفة كمان (مواليد 1961)[135]
- ريتشارد ستيدمان، 85 سنه ، جراح (مواليد 1937)[136]
- Howard M. Tesher، 90، مدرب سباقات الحصنه الاصيلة (مواليد 1932)[137]
- توم فيلا، 77، سياسي، عضو فى مجلس النواب بولاية ميسورى (1974–1984، 2000–2008) (و.1945) [138]
- 21 يناير
- بي.جي.، امير الراب، 57 سنه ، مغنى راب وفنان رقص يورودانس ("لون احلامى"، "[[هل يمكننا الاكتفاء؟] ]") (ب. 1965)[139]
- جارى بيتيجرو، 78، لاعب كرة قدم (فيلادلفيا ايجلز، نيو يورك جاينتس) (مواليد 1944)[140]
- سال بيرو، 72 سنه ، رئيس نادى المعجبين (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) ومؤلف (مخلوقات الليل ) (مواليد 1950)المرجع غلط: إغلاق
مفقود لوسم<ref>
- 22 يناير
- ايسلى بلاكوود جونيور، 89 سنه ، ملحن (اثنا عشر دراسة ميكروتونية لوسايل الاعلام المزيكا الالكترونية)، عازف بيانو، و استاذ جامعى (مواليد 1933)[141]
- لين بريمر، 68 سنه ، مغنى قرص وشخصية اذاعية (WXRT) (مواليد 1954)[142]
- ماثيو اتش. كلارك، 85، اسقف كاثوليكى روماني، اسقف روتشستر (1979–2012) (و. 1937)[143]
- اوكتافيانو خواريز كورو، 49 سنه ، هارب مكسيكى المولد (مواليد 1973)[144]
- سام باس وارنر جونيور، 94، مؤرخ (مواليد 1928)[145]
- 23 يناير
- جورج كرابترى، 78، فيزيائى (مواليد 1944)[146]
- وليام لوفير، 85، عالم رياضيات (مواليد 1937)[147]
- فيكتور نافاسكى، 90، صحفى (The Nation، مونوكلى، [[مجلة نيو يورك تايمز] ]) (مواليد 1932)[148]
- ايفريت كوينتون، 71، ممثل (Natural Born Killers, بولوك, الاخوة) (مواليد 1952)[149]
- كارول سلون، 85، مغنية جاز (مواليد 1937)المرجع غلط: إغلاق
مفقود لوسم<ref>
- 24 يناير
- لانس كيروين، 62، ممثل (جيمس فى سن 15, العداء الوحيد, سالم لوت) (مواليد 1960)[151]
- ميرا ليهر، 88، فنانة (مواليد 1934)[152]
- جاكسون روم، 51، مغنى وكاتب اغانى (مواليد 1971)[153]
- 25 يناير
- برنهارد تى ميتماير، 92، فريق فى الجيش (مواليد 1930)[154]
- ويلى ريتشاردسون، 74 سنه ، ناشط فى مجال الحقوق المدنية (مواليد 1948)[155]
- سيندى ويليامز، 75، ممثلة (Happy Days، Laverne & Shirley، كتابات على الجدران الامريكية) (ب. 1947)[156]
- 26 يناير
- ديف اولبرايت، 63، لاعب كرة قدم (خشن ساسكاتشوان) (مواليد 1960)[157]
- دين داترى، 76، عازف لوحة مفاتيح (كلاسيكيات IV، قسم ايقاع اتلانتا) (مواليد 1946)[158]
- جيسى ليمونير، 25، لاعبة كرة قدم (Los Angeles Chargers، Detroit Lions) (مواليد 1997)[159]
- بيتر ماكان، 74 سنه ، كاتب اغانى ("هل تريد ممارسة الحب"، "الوقت المناسب من الليل") ومزيكا (مواليد 1948)[160]
- بيلى باكر، 82 سنه ، مذيع ومحلل رياضى (ACC، NCAA Final Four) (مواليد 1940)[161]
- جارى بيترز، 85، لاعب بيسبول (شيكاغو وايت سوكس، بوسطن ريد سوكس) (مواليد 1937)[162]
- الان رايان، 77 سنه ، محامى (مواليد 1945)[163]
- اليس وولف، 89، سياسية نمساوية المولد، عضوة فى مجلس النواب فى ولاية ماساتشوستس (1996–2013) (و. 1933)[164]
- 27 يناير
- مارسيا جي. كوك، 68 سنه ، قاضية وقاضية فى الولايات المتحدة. المحكمة الجزئية للمنطقة الجنوبية من فلوريدا (من سنة 2004) (و. 1954)[165]
- روبرت دالفا، 80 سنه ، محرر افلام (The Black Stallion, كابتن امريكا: المنتقم الاول, جومانجى) (مواليد 1942)[166]
- جريجورى الين هوارد، 70، كاتب سيناريو ومنتج افلام (تذكر الجبابرة, على, هارييت) (مواليد 1952)[167]
- الفريد ليزلى، 95، رسام و مخرج سينمائى (Pull My Daisy) (و. 1927)[168]
- دانييل لويس ويليامز، 73، اوبرالى باسو عميق، (مواليد 1949)[169]
- 28 يناير
- هيلدا بيترمان، 80، سياسية، عضو فى مجلس النواب فى ولاية مينيسوتا (1991–1999) (مواليد 1942)[170]
- جارث ايفريت، 69 سنه ، سياسي، عضو فى مجلس النواب فى بنسلفانيا (2007–2020) (مواليد 1954)[171]
- كينت لوكهارت، 59، لاعب كرة سلة استرالى امريكى المولد (Eastside Spectres، Albany Patrons) (مواليد 1963)[172]
- ليزا لورينج، 64، ممثلة ("عيلة آدامز) (مواليد 1958)[173]
- دان راموس، 41 سنه ، سياسي، عضو فى مجلس النواب بولاية اوهايو (2011–2019) (مواليد 1981)[174]
- باريت سترونج، 81 سنه ، مغنى ("المال (ده ما اريد)") وكاتب اغانى ("سمعته من خلال شجرة العنب"، "كان بابا رولين" "ستون") (ب. 1941)[175]
- سيدنى ثورنتون، 68، لاعب كرة قدم (بيتسبرغ ستيلرز) (مواليد 1954)[176]
- توم فيرلين، 73 سنه ، مزيكا (تلفزيون) وكاتب اغانى ("Marquee Moon"، "اثبت ذلك") (مواليد 1949)[177]
- 29 يناير
- بوب بورن، 98، صانع حلوى (Peeps)، مخترع التاماليس الساخنة (مواليد 1924)[178]
- هنرى مور، 88، لاعب كرة قدم (نيو يورك جاينتس، بالتيمور كولتس) (مواليد 1934)[179]
- جون د. موريس، 76 سنه ، مؤيد للخلق، رئيس معهد ابحاث الخلق (1996–2020) (و. 1946)[180]
- روجر شانك، 76، مُنظِّر الذكاء الاصطناعى (مواليد 1946)[181]
- كايل سماين، 31 سنه ، متزلج حر (مواليد 1991)[182]
- ويل ستيفن، 75 سنه ، عالم مناخ وكيميائى استرالى امريكى المولد (مواليد 1947)[183]
- آنى ويرشينج، 45، ممثلة (24، The Last of Us، الهاربون) (مواليد 1977)[184]
- 30 يناير
- جون آدامز، 71 سنه ، مشجع بيسبول كبير (كليفلاند جارديانز) وعازف طبول (مواليد 1951)[185]
- بوبى بياتارد، 86، قاعة مشاهير كرة القدم للمحترفين مدير تنفيذى (مواليد 1937)[186]
- بات بانش، 83 سنه ، مؤلف اغانى مزيكا الريف ("ساظل احبك"، "Wild One"، "العيش فى لحظة") (مواليد 1939)[187]
- جون بيلى جونز، 95، قاضى (مواليد 1927)[188]
- آن ماكلولين كورولوغوس، 81، سياسية، الولايات المتحدة. وزير العمل (1987–1989) (ب. 1941)[189]
- ليندا باستان، 90، شاعرة (مواليد 1932)[190]
- مايك شرنك، 80 سنه ، المدعى العام للمنطقة (مواليد 1942)[191]
- تشارلز سيلفرشتاين، 87، كاتب (The Joy of Gay Sex)، معالج وناشط مثلى الجنس (مواليد 1935)[192]
- بيدو تيرلاجى، 76 سنه ، سياسي، عضو فى الهيئة التشريعية لغوام (من 2019) (مواليد 1946)[193]
- جيمس الكسندر توم، 89 سنه ، مؤلف (مواليد 1933)[194]
- جيف فلامينج، 63، كاتب ومنتج تلفزيونى (The X-Files, Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, [ [التعرض الشمالى]] و هانيبال) (مواليد 1959/1960)[195] (تم اعلان الوفاة فى اليوم ده) تاريخ)
- 31 يناير
- كليف براينت، 75 سنه ، لاعب كرة قدم جامعى (Ohio Bobcats) ومدرب (Illinois Fighting Illini، Texas Longhorns) ( ب. 1947)[196]
- لو كامبانيلى، 84، مدرب كرة سلة (جيمس ماديسون دوكس، كاليفورنيا جولدن بيرز) (مواليد 1938)[197]
- ديفيد دورينبرجر، 88، سياسي، عضو فى الولايات المتحدة. مجلس الشيوخ (1978–1995) (ب. 1934)[198]
- ديف الدر، 47 سنه ، لاعب بيسبول (كليفلاند انديانز) (مواليد 1975)[199]
- دونى مارسيكو، 68، مغنى (ذا جاغرز) (مواليد 1954)[200]
- جو موس، 92، لاعب كرة قدم (واشنطن رد سكينز) ومدرب (فيلادلفيا ايجلز، تورنتو ارجونوتس) (مواليد 1930)[201]
- تشارلى توماس، 85، Hall of Fame مغنى (The Drifters) (مواليد 1937)[202]
شهر فبراير
[تعديل]- فبراير 1
- جوان براكر, 77, Hall of Fame college basketball coach (Midland University) (مواليد 1945)[203]
- Don Bramlett, 60, لاعب فوتبول (Minnesota Vikings) (مواليد 1962)[204]
- Franklin Florence, 88, civil rights activist (مواليد 1934)[205]
- Roland Muhlen, 80, Olympic sprint canoer (1972, 1976) (مواليد 1942)[206]
- George P. Wilbur, 81, actor (Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers, Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, Remote Control) and stuntman (مواليد 1941)[207]
- Stanley Wilson Jr., 40, لاعب فوتبول (Detroit Lions) (مواليد 1982)[208]
- فبراير 2
- Ron Campbell, 82, baseball player (Chicago Cubs) (مواليد 1940)[209]
- Chris Chesser, 74, film producer (Major League, The Rundown, Bad Day on the Block) (مواليد 1948)[210]
- Kenny Jay, 85, professional wrestler (AWA) (مواليد 1937)[211] (death announced on this date)
- Butch Miles, 78, jazz drummer (مواليد 1944)[212]
- Robert Orben, 95, comedian and speechwriter (مواليد 1927)[213]
- Lanny Poffo, 68, professional wrestler (NWA, WWF) (مواليد 1954)[214]
- James C. Wofford, 78, equestrian, Olympic silver medalist (1968, 1972) (مواليد 1944)[215]
- فبراير 3
- بول Janovitz, 54, musician (Cold Water Flat) and photographer (مواليد 1968)[216]
- Lawrence M. McKenna, 89, jurist, judge of the U.S. District Court for Southern New York (since 1990) (مواليد 1933)[217]
- Joan Oates, 94, archaeologist and academic (مواليد 1928)[218]
- Irving Stern, 94, politician, member of the Minnesota Senate (1979–1982) (مواليد 1928)[219]
- جاك تايلور, 94, broadcaster (مواليد 1928)[220]
- فبراير 4
- Susan Duhan Felix, 85, ceramic artist (مواليد 1937)[221]
- Adrian Hall, 95, theatre director (مواليد 1927)[222]
- Marv Kellum, 70, لاعب فوتبول (Pittsburgh Steelers, St. Louis Cardinals) (مواليد 1952)[223]
- Floyd Kerr, 76, لاعب كورة سله (Colorado State Rams) (مواليد 1946)[224]
- Pete Koegel, 75, baseball player (Milwaukee Brewers, Philadelphia Phillies) (مواليد 1947)[225]
- بول مارثا, 80, لاعب فوتبول (Pittsburgh Steelers) و مدير (San Francisco 49ers) (مواليد 1942)[226]
- Arnold Schulman, 97, screenwriter (Love with the Proper Stranger, Goodbye, Columbus) (مواليد 1925)[227]
- Steve Sostak, 49, rock singer (Sweep the Leg Johnny) (مواليد 1973)[228]
- Jerry W. Tillman, 82, politician, member of the North Carolina Senate (2003–2020) (مواليد 1940)[229]
- Ron Tompkins, 78, baseball player (Kansas City Athletics, Chicago Cubs) (مواليد 1944)[230]
- Harry Whittington, 95, attorney and political figure (Dick Cheney hunting accident) (مواليد 1927)[231]
- فبراير 5
- Hank Beebe, 96, composer (Bathtuمواليد Over Broadway) (مواليد 1926)[232]
- Chris Browne, 70, cartoonist (Hägar the Horrible) (مواليد 1952)[233]
- Demetrius Calip, 53, لاعب كورة سله (Los Angeles Lakers) (مواليد 1969)[234]
- Inge Sargent, 90, Austrian-born author and human rights activist, queen consort of Hsipaw State (1953–1962) (مواليد 1932)[235]
- Kaye Vaughan, 91, Hall of Fame لاعب فوتبول (Ottawa Rough Riders) (مواليد 1931)[236]
- Lillian Walker, 78, singer (The Exciters) (مواليد 1944)[237]
- فبراير 6
- David Harris, 76, journalist and anti-war activist (مواليد 1946)[238]
- Emory Kristof, 80, photographer (مواليد 1942)[239]
- Eugene Lee, 83, set designer (ساتارداى نايت لايڤ, Candide, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street) (مواليد 1939)[240]
- Charlie Norris, 57, professional wrestler (مواليد 1965)[241]
- فبراير 7
- Lee جرينfield, 81, politician, member of the Minnesota House of Representatives (1979–2001) (مواليد 1941)[242]
- Tonya Knight, 56, professional bodybuilder and game show contestant (American Gladiators) (مواليد 1966)[243]
- Andrew J. McKenna, 93, businessman, chairman of McDonald's (2004–2016) (مواليد 1929)[244]
- فبراير 8
- Burt Bacharach, 94, Hall of Fame composer ("Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head", "Walk On By", "Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)"), six-time Grammy winner (مواليد 1928)[245]
- Shirley Fulton, 71, judge (North Carolina Superior Court) (مواليد 1952)[246]
- Cody Longo, 34, actor (ايام حياتنا, Hollywood Heights, Piranha 3D) (مواليد 1988)[247]
- Oscar Lawton Wilkerson, 96, pilot (Tuskegee Airmen) and radio personality (مواليد 1926)[248]
- فبراير 9
- Doug Mattis, 56, figure skater (مواليد 1966)[249]
- Nelson Rising, 81, businessman (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco) (مواليد 1941)[250]
- Dimitrious Stanley, 48, لاعب فوتبول (New Jersey Red Dogs, Winnipeg Blue Bombers) (مواليد 1974)[251]
- فبراير 10
- Morris J. Amitay, 86, administrator, executive director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (1974–1980) (مواليد 1936)[252]
- Len Birman, 90, Canadian-born actor (Silver Streak, Generations, Captain America) (مواليد 1932)[253]
- Larry Coyer, 79, football coach (Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Denver Broncos, Indianapolis Colts) (مواليد 1943)[254]
- Michael جرين, 69, molecular and cell biologist (مواليد 1954)[255]
- فبراير 11
- Howard Bragman, 66, public relations executive (مواليد 1956)[256]
- Robert Dean Hunter, 94, politician, member of the Texas House of Representatives (1986–2007) (مواليد 1928)[257]
- Lee James, 69, weightlifter, Olympic silver medalist (1976)(مواليد 1953)[258]
- Austin Majors , 27, actor (NYPD Blue, Treasure Planet, The Ant Bully) (مواليد 1995)[259]
- Donald Spoto, 81, biographer (مواليد 1941)[260]
- فبراير 12
- Roger Bobo, 84, tuمواليد player (مواليد 1938)[261]
- Doug Fisher, 75, لاعب فوتبول (Pittsburgh Steelers) (مواليد 1947)[262]
- David Jolicoeur, 54, rapper (De La Soul) and songwriter ("Me Myself and I", "Feel Good Inc."), Grammy winner (2006) (مواليد 1968)[263]
- Ted Lerner, 97, real estate developer, owner of the Washington Nationals (since 2006) and founder of Lerner Enterprises (مواليد 1925)[264]
- Linda King Newell, 82, historian and Mormon scholar (مواليد 1941)[265]
- J. Paul تايلور, 102, politician, member of the New Mexico House of Representatives (1987–2005) (مواليد 1920)[266]
- W. Russell Todd, 94, United States Army general (مواليد 1928)[267]
- فبراير 13
- Tim Aymar, 59, heavy metal singer (Pharaoh) (مواليد 1963)[268]
- Marshall "Eddie" Conway, 76, Black Panther Party leader (مواليد 1946)[269]
- Roger Bonk, 78, لاعب فوتبول (North Dakota Fighting Sioux, Winnipeg Blue Bombers) (مواليد 1944)[270]
- Conrad Dobler, 72, لاعب فوتبول (St. Louis Cardinals, New Orleans Saints, Buffalo Bills) (مواليد 1950)[271]
- Brian DuBois, 55, baseball player (Detroit Tigers) (مواليد 1967)[272]
- Robert Geddes, 99, architect, dean of the Princeton University School of Architecture (1965–1982) (مواليد 1923)[273]
- Tom Luddy, 79, film producer (Barfly, The Secret Garden), co-founder of the Telluride Film Festival (مواليد 1943)[274]
- David Singmaster, 84, mathematician (مواليد 1938)[275]
- Huey "Piano" Smith, 89, R&B pianist and songwriter ("Rockin' Pneumonia and the Boogie Woogie Flu") (مواليد 1934)[276]
- Jesse Treviño, 76, Mexican-born painter, throat cancer (مواليد 1946)[277]
- Spencer Wiggins, 81, soul singer (مواليد 1942)[278]
- فبراير 14
- Afternoon Deelites, 31, thoroughbred racehorse (مواليد 1992)[279]
- Charley Ferguson, 83, لاعب فوتبول (Buffalo Bills, Cleveland Browns, Minnesota Vikings) (مواليد 1939)[280]
- Emil C. Gotschlich, 88, chemist, developer of the meningitis vaccine (مواليد 1935)[281]
- Allen جرين, 84, لاعب فوتبول (Dallas Cowboys) (مواليد 1938)[282]
- Gary L. Harrell, 71, United States Army general (مواليد 1951)[283]
- Jerry Jarrett, 80, professional wrestler (NWA) and wrestling promoter, founder of CWA (مواليد 1942)[284]
- Greg McMackin, 77, football coach (Oregon Tech Hustlin' Owls, Hawaii Warriors) (مواليد 1945)[285]
- Neale Stoner, 86, sports coach and athletic director (مواليد 1936)[286]
- John M. Veitch, 77, Hall of Fame racehorse trainer (مواليد 1945)[287]
- فبراير 15
- بول Berg, 96, biochemist, Nobel Prize laureate (1980) (مواليد 1926)[288]
- Thomas Dortch, 72, businessman and civil rights leader (مواليد 1950)[289]
- Catherine McArdle Kelleher, 84, political scientist (مواليد 1939)[290]
- David Oreck, 99, entrepreneur (مواليد 1923)[291]
- راكيل ويلتش, 82, actress (One Million Years B.C., The Three Musketeers, Fantastic Voyage) (مواليد 1940)[292]
- John E. Woods, 80, translator (مواليد 1942)[293]
- فبراير 16
- Simone Edwards, 49, لاعب كورة سله (New York Liberty, Seattle Storm) (مواليد 1973)[294]
- Chuck Jackson, 85, R&B singer ("Any Day Now", "I Keep Forgettin'", "Tell Him I'm Not Home") (مواليد 1937)[295]
- Tim McCarver, 81, baseball player (St. Louis Cardinals, Philadelphia Phillies) and broadcaster (Fox Sports) (مواليد 1941)[296]
- Hank Skinner, 60, killer (مواليد 1962)[297]
- فبراير 17
- Otis Barthoulameu, 70, musician (Fluf, Olivelawn) and record producer (Cheshire Cat) (مواليد 1952)[298] (death announced on this date)
- Rebecca Blank, 67, economist and academic administrator, acting secretary of commerce (2011, 2012–2013) and chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2013–2022) (مواليد 1955)[299]
- Jerry Dodgion, 90, jazz saxophonist and flautist (مواليد 1932)[300]
- Gerald Fried, 95, composer (Gilligan's Island, Star Trek: The Original Series, Roots) (مواليد 1928)[301]
- Kyle Jacobs, 49, songwriter ("More Than a Memory") (مواليد 1973)[302]
- James A. Joseph, 88, diplomat, ambassador to South Africa (1996–1999) (مواليد 1935)[303]
- Stella Stevens, 84, actress (Girls! Girls! Girls!, The Nutty Professor, The Poseidon Adventure) (مواليد 1938)[304]
- Tom Whitlock, 68, songwriter ("Danger Zone", "Take My Breath Away", "Winner Takes It All"), Oscar winner (1987) (مواليد 1954)[305]
- فبراير 18
- Barbara Bosson, 83, actress (Hill Street Blues) (مواليد 1939)[306]
- Jim Broyhill, 95, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1963–1986) and Senate (1986) (مواليد 1927)[307]
- Thomas R. Donahue, 94, labor leader, president of the AFL–CIO (1995), complications from a fall (مواليد 1928)[308]
- Ammon McNeely, 52, rock climber (مواليد 1970)[309]
- David G. O'Connell, 69, Irish-born Roman Catholic prelate, auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles (since 2015) (مواليد 1953)[310]
- Justin O. Schmidt, 75, entomologist (مواليد 1947)[311]
- Richard H. Tilly, 90, economic historian (مواليد 1932)[312]
- فبراير 19
- Richard Belzer, 78, actor (Homicide: Life on the Street, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, The Flash), stand-up comedian, and author (مواليد 1944)[313]
- Davis Causey, 74, guitarist (Sea Level) (مواليد 1948)[314]
- Greg Foster, 64, hurdler, Olympic silver medallist (1984) (مواليد 1958)[315]
- David Lance Goines, 77, artist (مواليد 1945)[316]
- Red McCombs, 95, businessman and sports team owner (San Antonio Spurs, Minnesota Vikings), co-founder of iHeartMedia (مواليد 1927)[317]
- Jim McMillin, 85, لاعب فوتبول (Denver Broncos, Oakland Raiders) (مواليد 1937)[318]
- Jansen Panettiere, 28, actor (The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry, The Perfect Game, Robots) (مواليد 1994)[319]
- فبراير 20
- Bruce Barthol, 75, bassist (Country Joe and the Fish) (مواليد 1947)[320]
- Michael S. Heiser, 60, biblical scholar and author (مواليد 1963)[321]
- John Hitt, 82, academic administrator, president of the University of Central Florida (1992–2018) (مواليد 1940)[322]
- فبراير 21
- Ron Altbach, 76, keyboardist (King Harvest, Celebration) and songwriter ("Alone on Christmas Day") (مواليد 1946)[323]
- Zandra Flemister, 71, diplomat (مواليد 1951)[324]
- Jesse Gress, 67, rock guitarist (مواليد 1956)[325]
- Albie Pearson, 88, baseball player (Los Angeles/California Angels, Washington Senators, Baltimore Orioles) (مواليد 1934)[326]
- Rayford Price, 86, politician, member (1961–1973) and speaker (1972–1973) of the Texas House of Representatives (مواليد 1937)[327]
- فبراير 22
- Howard R. Lamar, 99, historian, president of Yale University (1992–1993) (مواليد 1923)[328]
- Dylan Lyons, 24, television journalist (Spectrum News 13) (مواليد 1998)[329]
- Augie Nieto, 65, businessman, founder of Life Fitness (مواليد 1958)[330]
- فبراير 23
- Donald Dillbeck, 59, convicted murderer (مواليد 1963)[331]
- Tony Earl, 86, politician, governor of Wisconsin (1983–1987) and member of the Wisconsin State Assembly (1969–1975) (مواليد 1936)[332]
- Thomas H. Lee, 78, financier, founder of Thomas H. Lee Partners and Lee Equity Partners (مواليد 1944)[333]
- John Olver, 86, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1991–2013), member of the Massachusetts Senate (1973–1991) and House of Representatives (1969–1973) (مواليد 1936)[334]
- Allen Steck, 96, mountaineer and rock climber (مواليد 1926)[335]
- فبراير 24
- James Abourezk, 92, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1971–1973) and Senate (1973–1979) (مواليد 1931)[336]
- Michael Blackwood, 88, documentary filmmaker (مواليد 1934)[337]
- Ed Fury, 94, bodybuilder and actor (Ursus, The Seven Revenges Ursus in the Land of Fire) (مواليد 1928)[338]
- Walter Mirisch, 101, film producer (In the Heat of the Night, Midway, The Hawaiians), Oscar winner (1967) (مواليد 1921)[339]
- David L. Starling, 73, railroad executive (مواليد 1949)[340]
- فبراير 25
- Jack Billion, 83, politician, member of the South Dakota House of Representatives (1993–1997) (مواليد 1939)[341]
- Kris Jordan, 46, politician, member of the Ohio House of Representatives (2009–2010, since 2019) and Senate (2011–2018) (مواليد 1977)[342]
- Fred Miller, 82, لاعب فوتبول (Baltimore Colts) (مواليد 1940)[343]
- Dave Nicholson, 83, baseball player (Baltimore Orioles, Chicago White Sox, Houston Astros) (مواليد 1939)[344]
- Carl Saunders, 80, trumpeter, composer and educator (مواليد 1942)[345]
- Richard Trefry, 98, army lieutenant general (مواليد 1924)[346]
- فبراير 26
- Terry Holland, 80, basketball coach (Virginia Cavaliers) (مواليد 1942)[347]
- Gus Franklin Mutscher, 90, politician, speaker of the Texas House of Representatives (1969–1972) (مواليد 1932)[348]
- Bob Richards, 97, pole vaulter and politician, Olympic champion (1952, 1956) (مواليد 1926)[349]
- Fred Shabel, 90, basketball coach (UConn Huskies) (مواليد 1932)[350]
- فبراير 27
- Ricou Browning, 93, actor (Creature from the Black Lagoon, Revenge of the Creature) and television director (Flipper) (مواليد 1930)[351]
- Burny Mattinson, 87, animator (The Jungle Book, The Great Mouse Detective, Robin Hood) (مواليد 1935)[352]
- Jerry Simmons, 76, tennis coach (LSU Tigers) (مواليد 1946)[353]
- فبراير 28
- Michael Botticelli, 63, Olympic figure skater (1980) (مواليد 1959)[354]
- Brian J. Donnelly, 76, politician and diplomat, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1979–1993) and ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago (1994–1997) (مواليد 1946)[355]
- Jean Faut, 97, baseball player (South Bend Blue Sox) (مواليد 1925)[356]
- مواليد Hickey, 77, لاعب فوتبول (Montreal Alouettes, Brooklyn Dodgers, Denver Broncos) (مواليد 1945)[357]
- Jay Weston, 93, film producer (Lady Sings the Blues, Buddy Buddy) (مواليد 1929)[358]
- مارس 1
- William E. Cooper, 93, major general (b. 1929)[359]
- Ted Donaldson, 89, actor (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Adventures of Rusty, Father Knows Best) (b. 1933)[360]
- Charles Harrington Elster, 65, writer and broadcaster (A Way with Words) (b. 1957)[361]
- Leon Hughes, 92, musician (The Coasters) (b. 1930)[362]
- Dan McGinn, 79, baseball player (Montreal Expos, Chicago Cubs, Cincinnati Reds) (b. 1943)[363]
- Jerry Richardson, 86, لاعب فوتبول (Baltimore Colts) and executive (Carolina Panthers) (b. 1936)[364]
- مارس 2
- Lokenath Debnath, 87, Indian-born mathematician, founder of the International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (b. 1935)[365]
- Phil Hopkins, 73, basketball coach (Western Carolina Catamounts) (b. 1949)[366]
- Theodore Kanamine, 93, brigadier general (b. 1929)[367]
- Dell Raybould, 89, politician, member of the Idaho House of Representatives (2000–2018) (b. 1933)[368]
- C. Paul Robinson, 81, physicist (b. 1941)[369]
- Wayne Shorter, 89, jazz saxophonist (Miles Davis Quintet, Weather Report, The Jazz Messengers), 12-time Grammy winner (b. 1933)[370]
- مارس 3
- Barbara Everitt Bryant, 96, market researcher, director of the United States Census Bureau (1989–1993) (b. 1926)[371]
- Carlos Garnett, 84, Panamanian-born jazz saxophonist (b. 1938)[372]
- Sara Lane, 73, actress (The Virginian, I Saw What You Did) (b. 1949)[373]
- David Lindley, 78, musician (Kaleidoscope) and singer ("Mercury Blues") (b. 1944)[374]
- Calvin Newton, 93, gospel singer (The Oak Ridge Boys, Sons of Song) (b. 1929)[375]
- Tom Sizemore, 61, actor (Natural Born Killers, Heat, Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down) (b. 1961)[376]
- Lou Stovall, 86, painter (b. 1937)[377]
- مارس 4
- Phil Batt, 96, politician, governor of Idaho (1995–1999), member of the Idaho House of Representatives (1965–1967) and twice of the Senate (b. 1927)[378]
- Robert Haimer, 69, musician (Barnes & Barnes) and songwriter ("Fish Heads") (b. 1954)[379]
- Judith Heumann, 75, disability rights activist (b. 1947)[380]
- Michael Rhodes, 69, bass player (b. 1953)[381]
- Andre Smith, 64, لاعب كورة سله (Nebraska Cornhuskers) (b. 1958)[382]
- Donald Snyder, 71, politician, member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives (1981–2000) (b. 1951)[383]
- Spot, 72, record producer (Damaged, Milo Goes to College, Zen Arcade) (b. 1951)[384]
- مارس 5
- Francisco J. Ayala, 88, Spanish-born evolutionary biologist and philosopher (b. 1934)[385]
- جوان Elliott, 97, mathematician (b. 1925)[386]
- Bob Goodman, 83, Hall of Fame boxing promoter (b. 1939)[387]
- Frank Griswold, 85, clergyman, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church (1998–2006) (b. 1937)[388]
- Tom Hsieh, 91, politician, member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors (1986–1997) (b. 1931)[389]
- Ilkka Järvi-Laturi, 61, Finnish-born film director (Spy Games) (b. 1961)[390]
- Gary Rossington, 71, Hall of Fame guitarist (Lynyrd Skynyrd, Rossington Collins Band) (b. 1951)[391]
- Helen Vanni, 99, opera singer (b. 1924)[392]
- Dave Wills, 58, sportscaster (Tampa Bay Rays) (b. 1964)[393]
- مارس 6
- Harvey Carignan, 95 serial killer (b. 1927)[394]
- Sergey Grishin, 56, Russian-born businessman and engineer (b. 1966)[395]
- Traute Lafrenz, 103, German-born resistance fighter (White Rose) (b. 1919)[396]
- Eric Alan Livingston, 38, musician (Mamaleek) (b. 1984)[397]
- Wally Smith, 96, British-born mathematician (b. 1926)[398]
- مارس 7
- Ian Falconer, 63, author (Olivia) and illustrator (The New Yorker) (b. 1959)[399]
- Lisa Janti, 89, actress (World Without End, Ten Thousand Bedrooms) (b. 1933)[400]
- Tom Love, 85, entrepreneur, founder of Love's (b. 1937)[401]
- Pat McCormick, 92, diver, four-time Olympic champion (1952, 1956) (b. 1930)[402]
- Peterson Zah, 85, politician, president of the Navajo Nation (1991–1995) (b. 1937)[403]
- مارس 8
- Jim Durkin, 58, thrash metal guitarist (Dark Angel) (b. 1964)[404]
- Bert I. Gordon, 100, film director and screenwriter (Village of the Giants, Empire of the Ants, The Amazing Colossal Man) (b. 1922)[405]
- Dolores Klaich, 86, author and activist (b. 1936)[406]
- Jim Moeller, 67, politician, member of the Washington House of Representatives (2003–2017) (b. 1955)[407]
- Tish Naghise, 59, politician, member of the Georgia House of Representatives (since 2023) (b. 1963)[408]
- Abraham Zarem, 106, scientist (مانهاتن Project) (b. 1917)[409]
- مارس 9
- Robert Blake, 89, actor (Baretta, In Cold Blood, Electra Glide in Blue, Lost Highway) (b. 1933)[410]
- William R. Cotter, 87, lawyer, president of Colby College (1979–2000) (b. 1936)[411]
- Mark Crutcher, 74, anti-abortion activist and author, founder of Life Dynamics Inc. (b. 1948)[412]
- Chris Greeley, 60, politician (b. 1962)[413]
- Connie Martinson, 90, writer and television personality (b. 1932)[414]
- Otis تايلور, 80, لاعب فوتبول (Kansas City Chiefs), Super Bowl champion (1970) (b. 1942)[415]
- مارس 10
- Jesús Alou, 80, Dominican baseball player (San Francisco Giants, Houston Astros, Oakland Athletics) (b. 1942)[416]
- Skip Bafalis, 93, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1973–1983), member of the Florida Senate (1966–1970) and House of Representatives (1964–1966) (b. 1929)[417]
- Kevin Freeman, 81, equestrian, Olympic silver medalist (1964, 1968, 1972) (b. 1941)[418]
- Dick Haley, 85, لاعب فوتبول (Washington Redskins, Minnesota Vikings, Pittsburgh Steelers) (b. 1937)[419]
- Rolland Hein, 90, college professor and scholar (b. 1932)[420]
- Napoleon XIV, 84, singer ("They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!") (b. 1938)[421]
- Demetrio Perez Jr, 77, Cuban-born educator and politician (b. 1945)[422]
- Anthony Verga, 87, politician, member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives (1995–2009) (b. 1935)[423]
- William Wulf, 83, computer scientist (b. 1939)[424]
- مارس 11
- Wendy Barker, 80, poet (b. 1942)[425]
- Amy Fuller, 54, rower, Olympic silver medalist (1992) (b. 1968)[426]
- Bud Grant, 95, لاعب كورة سله (Minneapolis Lakers), Hall of Fame لاعب فوتبول (Winnipeg Blue Bombers) and coach (Minnesota Vikings) (b. 1927)[427]
- John Jakes, 90, author (North and South, The Kent Family Chronicles) (b. 1932)[428]
- David Reed, 96, Anglican clergyman, bishop of Colombia (1964–1972) and Kentucky (1974–1994) (b. 1927)[429]
- مارس 12
- Warren Boroson, 88, journalist, educator, and author (b. 1935)[430]
- Chris Cooper, 44, American-Italian baseball player (San Marino Baseball Club, Italy national team) (b. 1978)[431]
- Rolly Crump, 93, animator (Lady and the Tramp, Sleeping Beauty, One Hundred and One Dalmatians) and designer (b. 1930)[432]
- Dix Denney, 65, guitarist (The Weirdos, Thelonious Monster) (b. 1957)[433]
- Dick Fosbury, 76, high jumper (Fosbury Flop), Olympic champion (1968) (b. 1947)[434]
- Felton Spencer, 55, لاعب كورة سله (Minnesota Timberwolves, Utah Jazz, Golden State Warriors) (b. 1968)[435]
- مارس 13
- Bob Breitenstein, 79, لاعب فوتبول (Denver Broncos, Atlanta Falcons, Minnesota Vikings) (b. 1943)[436]
- Nicholas Calabrese, 80, contract killer (b. 1942)[437]
- Jim Gordon, 77, musician (Derek and the Dominos), songwriter ("Layla") and convicted murderer (b. 1945)[438]
- ادوارد Leavy, 93, jurist, judge on the U.S. District Court for Oregon (1984–1987) and U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (since 1987) (b. 1929)[439]
- Joe Pepitone, 82, baseball player (New York Yankees, Houston Astros, Chicago Cubs), World Series champion (1962) (b. 1940)[440]
- Pat Schroeder, 82, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1973–1997) (b. 1940)[441]
- Eric Lloyd Wright, 93, architect (b. 1929)[442]
- مارس 14
- Bobby Caldwell, 71, singer ("What You Won't Do for Love") and songwriter ("The Next Time I Fall") (b. 1951)[443]
- Jim Ferree, 91, golfer (b. 1931)[444]
- Antonina Uccello, 100, politician, mayor of Hartford (1967–1971) (b. 1922)[445]
- مارس 15
- Jeff Gaylord, 64, professional wrestler (UWF, WCCW) and لاعب فوتبول (Toronto Argonauts) (b. 1958)[446]
- Stuart Hodes, 98, dancer (b. 1924)[447]
- Mary Ann Nevins Radzinowicz, 97, academic and scholar (b. 1925)[448]
- Ronald Rice, 77, politician, member of the New Jersey Senate (1986–2022) (b. 1945)[449]
- Norman Steinberg, 83, screenwriter (Blazing Saddles, My Favorite Year, Johnny Dangerously) (b. 1939)[450]
- مارس 16
- Gladys Kessler, 85, jurist, judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia (1977–1994) and the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (since 1994) (b. 1938)[451]
- مارس 17
- John Carenza, 73, Olympic soccer player (1972) (b. 1950)[452]
- Hal Dresner, 85, screenwriter (The Eiger Sanction, Zorro, The Gay Blade, Sssssss) (b. 1937) [453]
- Fuzzy Haskins, 81, Hall of Fame singer (Parliament-Funkadelic) (b. 1941)[454]
- John Jenrette, 86, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1975–1980), member of the South Carolina House of Representatives (1964–1972) (b. 1936)[455]
- Lance Reddick, 60, actor (The Wire, Fringe, John Wick) (b. 1962)[456]
- Robert W. Sennewald, 93, army general (b. 1929)[457]
- Ray Solari, 95, لاعب فوتبول (California Golden Bears) and coach (b. 1928)[458]
- Guy Troy, 100, Olympic pentathlete (1952) and United States Army officer (b. 1923)[459]
- مارس 18
- Gloria Dea, 100, actress (King of the Congo, Plan 9 from Outer Space) and magician (b. 1922)[460]
- Harold Parks Helms, 87, politician, member of the North Carolina House of Representatives (1974–1984) (b. 1935)[461]
- Charity Scott, 72, legal scholar (b. 1951)[462]
- Steven Ungerleider, 73, sports psychologist, author and documentary film producer (Munich '72 and Beyond, End Game, Citizen Ashe) (b. 1949)[463]
- Dot Wilkinson, 101, Hall of Fame bowler and softball player (b. 1921)[464]
- مارس 19
- Willie Cager, 80, لاعب كورة سله (Texas Western Miners) (b. 1942)[465]
- Elizabeth de Cuevas, 94, sculptor (b. 1929)[466]
- Mike Kadish, 72, لاعب فوتبول (Buffalo Bills) (b. 1950)[467]
- John Linebaugh, 67, weapons manufacturer (.500 Linebaugh, .475 Linebaugh) (b. 1955)[468]
- مارس 20
- Geof Kotila, 64, لاعب كورة سله and coach (Michigan Tech Huskies) (b. 1959)[469]
- Michael Reaves, 72, screenwriter (Gargoyles, Batman: The Animated Series, Spider-Man Unlimited) (b. 1950)[470]
- مارس 21
- Fernand J. Cheri, 71, Roman Catholic prelate, auxiliary bishop of New Orleans (since 2015) (b. 1952)[471]
- Joe Giella, 94, comic book artist (b. 1928)[472]
- Bill Lewellen, 71, politician, member of the Arkansas Senate (1990–2000) (b. 1952)[473]
- Dan Morse, 84–85, bridge player (b. 1938)[474]
- Julie Anne Peters, 71, novelist (Keeping You a Secret, Luna, Between Mom and Jo) (b. 1952)[475]
- Leroy Raffel, 96, restaurateur and businessman, co-founder of Arby's (b. 1926)[476]
- Willis Reed, 80, Hall of Fame لاعب كورة سله (New York Knicks) and coach (New Jersey Nets), NBA champion (1970, 1973) (b. 1942)[477]
- Pedro Velasco, 85, Olympic volleyball player (1964, 1968) (b. 1937)[478]
- Peter Werner, 76, film and television director (In the Region of Ice, Moonlighting, Grimm), Oscar winner (1976) (b. 1947)[479]
- مارس 22
- Rebecca Jones, 65, Mexican-born actress (Imperio de cristal, Para volver a amar, Que te perdone Dios) (b. 1957)[480]
- Ben Shelly, 75, politician, president of the Navajo Nation (2011–2015) (b. 1947)[481]
- Tom Leadon, 70, musician (Mudcrutch) (b. 1952)[482]
- Wayne Swinny, 59, guitarist (Saliva) (b. 1963)[483]
- Jeffrey Vandergrift, 55, radio presenter (The Dog House) (b. 1967)[484]
- مارس 23
- K. C. Constantine, 88, author (b. 1934)[485]
- Darcelle XV, 92, drag queen (b. 1930)[486]
- Jerry جرين, 94, Hall of Fame sportswriter (Associated Press, The Detroit News) (b. 1928)[487]
- Joseph R. Inge, 75, lieutenant general (b. 1947)[488]
- Toichiro Kinoshita, 98, Japanese-born theoretical physicist (b. 1925)[489]
- Rita Lakin, 93, screenwriter (Peyton Place, ذا دوكتورز, The Rookies) (b. 1930)[490]
- Frank LeMaster, 71, لاعب فوتبول (Philadelphia Eagles) (b. 1952)[491]
- Brendan O'Brien, 60, voice actor (Crash Bandicoot) (b. 1962)[492]
- Israel Zelitch, 98, plant pathologist and ecologist (b. 1924)[493]
- مارس 24
- Tim Joiner, 62, لاعب فوتبول (Houston Oilers, Denver Broncos) (b. 1961)[494]
- Scott Johnson, 70, composer (b. 1952)[495]
- Gordon Moore, 94, businessman, engineer (Moore's law) and philanthropist, co-founder of Intel and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (b. 1929)[496]
- Randall Robinson, 81, lawyer, author, and activist (b. 1941)[497]
- مارس 25
- W. Onico Barker, 88, politician, member of the Virginia Senate (1980–1992) (b. 1934)[498]
- Chabelo, 88, American-born Mexican actor (The Extra, Escuela para solteras) and comedian (La Carabina de Ambrosio) (b. 1935)[499]
- Daniel Chorzempa, 78, organist and composer (b. 1944)[500]
- Barry Goldberg, 61, volleyball coach (American University) (b. 1962)[501]
- Leo D. Sullivan, 82, animator (Jabberjaw, BraveStarr, Taz-Mania) (b. 1940)[502]
- مارس 26
- Dan Ben-Amos, 88, folklorist and professor (b. 1934)[503]
- Keith Colson, 88, college basketball coach and athletics administrator (New Mexico State Aggies) (b. 1934)[504]
- Ron Faber, 90, actor (The Exorcist, Navy SEALs, The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover) (b. 1933)[505]
- Rick Lantz, 85, football coach (Georgia Tech, Navy Midshipmen, Berlin Thunder) (b. 1938)[506]
- Ronnie Lee, 66, لاعب فوتبول (Miami Dolphins, Seattle Seahawks, Atlanta Falcons) (b. 1956)[507]
- Virginia T. Norwood, 96, physicist (b. 1927)[508]
- Thomas J. Osler, 82, mathematician, long-distance runner and author (b. 1940)[509]
- Ray Pillow, 85, country singer ("I'll Take the Dog") (b. 1937)[510]
- Bill Zehme, 64, writer and journalist (b. 1958)[511]
- مارس 27
- Nick Galifianakis, 94, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1967–1973) and the North Carolina House of Representatives (1961–1967) (b. 1928)[512]
- N'Neka Garland, 49, television producer (چينيرال هوسپيتال) (b. 1973)[513]
- Max Hardcore, 66, pornographic actor (b. 1956)[514]
- Charles Hough Jr., 88, equestrian, Olympic bronze medallist (1952) (b. 1934)[515]
- Howie Kane, 81, pop singer (Jay and the Americans) (b. 1945)[516] (death announced on this date)
- Carol Lavell, 79, equestrian, Olympic bronze medallist (1992) (b. 1943)[517]
- Ronald A. Sarasin, 88, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1973–1979) and the Connecticut House of Representatives (1969–1973) (b. 1934)[518]
- Peggy Scott-Adams, 74, blues and R&B singer (b. 1948)[519]
- مارس 28
- Mel King, 94, politician, member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives (1973–1983) (b. 1928)[520]
- Bill Leavy, 76, football official (b. 1947)[521]
- Mardye McDole, 63, لاعب فوتبول (Minnesota Vikings) (b. 1959)[522]
- مارس 29
- Helen Barolini, 97, writer (Umbertina), editor, and translator (b. 1925)[523]
- Brian Gillis, 47, singer (LFO) (b. 1975)[524]
- David W. Hoyle, 84, politician, member of the North Carolina General Assembly (b. 1939)[525]
- Dragomir R. Radev, 54, computer scientist (b. 1968)[526]
- Sweet Charles Sherrell, 80, bassist (James Brown, The J.B.'s) (b. 1943)[527]
- مارس 30
- Michael Berlyn, 73, video game designer (Tass Times in Tonetown, Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind) (b. 1949)[528] (death announced on this date)
- Fred Klages, 79, baseball player (Chicago White Sox) (b. 1943)[529]
- Michael Rudman, 84, theatre director (b. 1939)[530]
- Mark Russell, 90, political satirist and comedian (b. 1932)[531]
- Steve Skeates, 80, comic book writer (Aquaman, Hawk and Dove, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents) (b. 1943)[532]
- Bill Slocum, 75, politician, member of the Pennsylvania State Senate (1997–2000) (b. 1947)[533]
- مارس 31
- Ada Bello, 89, Cuban-born LGBT rights activist (b. 1933)[534]
- John Brockington, 74, لاعب فوتبول (جرين Bay Packers) (b. 1948)[535]
- Gene Derricotte, 96, لاعب فوتبول (Michigan Wolverines) (b. 1926)[536]
- Raghavan Iyer, 61, Indian-born chef and author (b. 1961)[537]
- George Nagobads, 101, Latvian-born ice hockey team physician (United States national team, Minnesota Golden Gophers) (b. 1921)[538]
- Ricochet, 15, Golden Retriever surfing dog (b. 2008)[539]
[تعديل]- ابريل 1
- Leonard Abrams, 68, journalist (East Village Eye) (b. 1954)[540]
- Kwame Brathwaite, 85, photojournalist and activist (b. 1938)[541]
- Alicia Shepard, 69, journalist and writer (b. 1953)[542]
- Roger Vinson, 83, jurist, judge (since 1983) and chief judge (1997–2004) of the U.S. District Court for Northern Florida (b. 1940)[543]
- ابريل 2
- Toni Elling, 94, burlesque dancer (b. 1928)[544]
- Judy Farrell, 84, actress (M*A*S*H) and screenwriter (Port Charles) (b. 1938)[545]
- Frank Gilliam, 89, لاعب فوتبول (Iowa Hawkeyes, Winnipeg Blue Bombers) (b. 1934)[546]
- Seymour Stein, 80, Hall of Fame music executive, co-founder of Sire Records (b. 1942)[547]
- ابريل 3
- William M. Barker, 81, jurist, chief justice of the Tennessee Supreme Court (1995–2009) (b. 1941)[548]
- Neal Boenzi, 97, photographer (b. 1925)[549]
- David Finfer, 80, film editor (The Fugitive, Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause) (b. 1942)[550]
- Heklina, 54, drag queen and actor (b. 1968)[551]
- Jane LaTour, 76, labor activist and journalist (b. 1946)[552]
- Roy McGrath, 53, public official and fugitive, chief of staff to the governor of Maryland (2020) (b. 1969)[553]
- Herb Rule, 87, politician, member of the Arkansas House of Representatives (b. 1937)[554]
- ابريل 4
- David Bartholomae, 75, scholar (b. 1947)[555]
- Ethan Boyes, 44, track cyclist (b. 1978)[556]
- Craig Breedlove, 86, racecar driver (b. 1937)[557]
- Bob Lee, 43, tech executive (Cash App, Square, Inc.) (b. 1979)[558]
- Vivian Trimble, 59, musician (Luscious Jackson, Dusty Trails, Kostars) (b. 1963)[559]
- Billy Waugh, 93, Special Forces army soldier (b. 1929)[560]
- ابريل 5
- Harrison Bankhead, 68, jazz double bassist (b. 1955)[561]
- Bill Butler, 101, cinematographer (Jaws, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Grease) (b. 1921)[562]
- Nancy Detert, 78, politician, member of the Florida Senate (2008–2016) and House of Representatives (1998–2006) (b. 1944)[563]
- Cedric Henderson, 57, لاعب كورة سله (Atlanta Hawks, Albany Patroons, Olympique Antibes) (b. 1965)[564]
- Leon Levine, 85, businessman, founder of Family Dollar (b. 1937)[565]
- Booker Newberry III, 67, singer ("Love Town") and keyboardist (b. 1956)[566]
- ابريل 6
- Jim Caldwell, 80, لاعب كورة سله (New York Knicks) (b. 1943)[567]
- Katie Cotton, 57–58, communications chief (Apple Inc.) (b. 1965)[568]
- Bill Hellmuth, 69, architect, chairman of HOK (since 2005) (b. 1953)[569]
- Hobie Landrith, 93, baseball player (New York Mets, Cincinnati Reds, San Francisco Giants) (b. 1930)[570]
- Kent C. Nelson, 85, businessman (b. 1937)[571]
- Mimi Sheraton, 97, food critic (نيو يورك تايمز, The Daily Beast) (b. 1926)[572]
- ابريل 7
- Ben Ferencz, 103, Hungarian-born lawyer (Einsatzgruppen trial) (b. 1920)[573]
- Carl Fischer, 98, art director and photographer (b. 1924)[574]
- Billy Hahn, 69, basketball coach (West Virginia Mountaineers) (b. 1953)[575]
- Tracy Johnson, 56, لاعب فوتبول (Houston Oilers, Atlanta Falcons, Seattle Seahawks) (b. 1966)[576]
- Kidd Jordan, 87, jazz saxophonist (b. 1935)[577]
- Harry Lorayne, 96, magician (b. 1926)[578]
- Steve H. Murdock, 74, sociologist, director of the United States Census Bureau (2008–2009) (b. 1948)[579]
- Rachel Pollack, 77, science fiction writer (Unquenchable Fire, Doom Patrol) (b. 1945)[580]
- John Regan, 71, bass guitarist (Frehley's Comet) (b. 1951)[581]
- James W. Valentine, 96, evolutionary biologist (b. 1926)[582]
- ابريل 8
- اليزابيث هوبارد, 89, actress (ذا دوكتورز, As the World Turns, Ordinary People) (b. 1933)[583]
- Michael Lerner, 81, actor (Barton Fink, Eight Men Out, X-Men: Days of Future Past) (b. 1941)[584]
- ادوارد L. Rissien, 98, production company executive and producer (Snow Job, Saint Jack, Castle Keep) (b. 1924)[585]
- Mickey Slaughter, 81, football quarterback (Denver Broncos) (b. 1941)[586]
- Norman H. Stahl, 92, jurist, judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit (since 1992) and the U.S. District Court for New Hampshire (1990–1992) (b. 1931)[587]
- ابريل 9
- Karl Berger, 88, German-born jazz pianist, composer, and educator (Creative Music Studio) (b. 1935)[588]
- Bruria David, 84, American-born Israeli rebbetzin, founder of Beth Jacob Jerusalem (b. 1938)[589]
- Alexander J. Dessler, 94, planetary scientist (b. 1928)[590]
- Donald W. Ernst, 89, film editor (The Brave Little Toaster, The Lord of the Rings) and producer (Fantasia 2000) (b. 1934)[591]
- بول Hinrichs, 97, baseball player (Boston Red Sox) (b. 1925)[592]
- Chuck Morris, 46, percussionist (Lotus) (b. 1976)[593] (body discovered on this date)
- Fred Pancoast, 90, football coach (Vanderbilt Commodores, Memphis State Tigers, Tampa Spartans) (b. 1932)[594]
- Dick Springer, 75, politician, member of the Oregon House of Representatives (1981–1989) and Senate (1989–1995) (b. 1948)[595]
- Valda Setterfield, 88, British-born dancer, pneumonia.[596]
- James Timlin, 95, Roman Catholic prelate, auxiliary bishop (1976–1984) and bishop (1984–2003) of Scranton (b. 1927)[597]
- Tom Yurkovich, 87, Olympic ice hockey player (1964) (b. 1935)[598]
- ابريل 10
- Jane Davis Doggett, 93, graphic designer (b. 1929)[599]
- Richard Ieyoub, 78, politician, attorney general of Louisiana (1992–2004) (b. 1944)[600]
- Al Jaffee, 102, cartoonist (Mad, Trump, Humbug) (b. 1921)[601]
- Frank Lasky, 81, لاعب فوتبول (New York Giants, Montreal Alouettes) (b. 1941)[602]
- Ronald Whyte, 80, jurist, judge of the U.S. District Court for Northern California (since 1992) (b. 1942)[603]
- Rick Wolff, 71, writer and radio host (b. 1951)[604]
- ابريل 11
- Carol Locatell, 82, actress (Friday the 13th: A New Beginning, Coffy, The Family Stone) (b. 1940)[605]
- Jerry Mander, 86, activist and author (Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television) (b. 1936)[606]
- Lesley Swick Van Ness, 42, television news anchor (WGEM) (b. 1980)[607]
- Donald Voet, 84, biochemist (b. 1938)[608]
- ابريل 12
- Ivo Babuška, 97, Czech-born mathematician (Babuška–Lax–Milgram theorem, Ladyzhenskaya–Babuška–Brezzi condition) (b. 1926)[609]
- Carolyn Long Banks, 82, civil rights activist and politician, member of the Atlanta City Council (1980–1997) (b. 1940)[610]
- James Bradley, 67, لاعب كورة سله (Pallacanestro Trieste) (b. 1955)[611]
- Louis Gaskin, 56, convicted murderer (b. 1967)[612]
- David Hurles, 78, gay pornography distributor (b. 1944)[613]
- Megan Terry, 90, playwright (b. 1932)[614]
- Doug Tibbles, 83, television writer (Bewitched, My Three Sons) and drummer (The Stone Coyotes) (b. 1940)[615]
- Blair Tindall, 63, oboeist and journalist (b. 1960)[616]
- G. I. Williamson, 97, theologian, pastor, and author (b. 1925)[617]
- ابريل 13
- Mike Baxes, 92, baseball player (Kansas City Athletics) (b. 1930)[618]
- Norm Kent, 73, attorney and gay rights activist (b. 1949)[619]
- Larry LeGrande, 83, baseball player (Memphis Red Sox, Detroit Stars, Kansas City Monarchs) (b. 1939)[620]
- Don Leppert, 91, baseball player (Pittsburgh Pirates, Washington Senators) (b. 1931)[621]
- Marilyn McReavy, 78, Olympic volleyball player (1968) (b. 1944)[622]
- ابريل 14
- Mark Arneson, 73, لاعب فوتبول (St. Louis Cardinals) (b. 1949)[623]
- Bill Bradbury, 73, politician, secretary of state of Oregon (1999–2009), member (1985–1995) and president (1993–1994) of the State Senate (b. 1949)[624]
- Dave Frost, 70, baseball player (California Angels) (b. 1952)[625]
- Ed Koren, 87, cartoonist (The New Yorker), (b. 1935)[626]
- Lonnie Napier, 82, politician, member of the Kentucky House of Representatives (1985–2013) (b. 1940)[627]
- James M. Skibo, 63, archaeologist (b. 1960)[628]
- Garn Stephens, 87, actress (Phyllis, Halloween III: Season of the Witch, The Sunshine Boys) (b. 1936)[629] (death announced on this date)
- George Verwer, 84, evangelist, founder of Operation Mobilisation (b. 1938)[630]
- ابريل 15
- Peter Badie, 97, jazz bass player (b. 1925)[631]
- Kaylin Gillis, 20, homicide victim (b. 2003 or 2002)[632]
- Maryellen Goodwin, 58, politician, member of the Rhode Island Senate (since 1987) (b. 1964)[633]
- Lynda Myles, 83, television writer (سانتا باربرا, Loving, As the World Turns), actress and playwright (b. 1939)[634]
- Bill Thomas, 91, college basketball coach (Missouri State Bears) (b. 1931)[635]
- ابريل 16
- بول Aizley, 87, politician, member of the Nevada Assembly (2009–2017) (b. 1936)[636]
- Chuck Ciprich, 81, racing driver, cancer (b. 1941)[637]
- Ahmad Jamal, 92, jazz pianist (b. 1930)[638]
- Darryl Lenox, 56–57, comedian (b. 1966)[639]
- ابريل 17
- Jim Gillis, 64, journalist and newspaper columnist (The Newport Daily News) (b. 1958)[640]
- James Melcher, 83, hedge fund manager and Olympic fencer (1972) (b. 1939)[641]
- Randy Seiler, 76, attorney, U.S. attorney for the district of South Dakota (2015–2017) (b. 1946)[642]
- Chris Smith, 31, لاعب فوتبول (Jacksonville Jaguars, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns) (b. 1992)[643]
- ابريل Stevens, 93, singer ("Deep Purple", "Whispering"), Grammy winner (1964) (b. 1929)[644]
- Nikita Storojev, 73, Russian-born operatic singer (b. 1950)[645]
- Ronald R. Thomas, 74, academic administrator, president of the University of Puget Sound (2003–2016) (b. 1949)[646]
- ابريل 18
- Alfred L. Goldberg, 80, biochemist and academic (b. 1942)[647]
- Joel Hochberg, 87, businessman, president of Rare (b. 1935)[648]
- Willie McCarter, 76, لاعب كورة سله (Los Angeles Lakers, Portland Trail Blazers) and coach (Detroit Mercy Titans) (b. 1946)[649]
- Don McIlhenny, 88, لاعب فوتبول (Detroit Lions, جرين Bay Packers, Dallas Cowboys) (b. 1934)[650]
- Charles Stanley, 90, pastor and televangelist, president of the Southern Baptist Convention (1984–1986) and founder of In Touch Ministries (b. 1932)[651]
- ابريل 19
- Bob Berry, 81, لاعب فوتبول (Minnesota Vikings, Atlanta Falcons) (b. 1942)[652]
- Robert Dean, 67, Olympic handball player (1976) (b. 1955)[653]
- Todd Haimes, 66, artistic director (b. 1956)[654]
- Ron "Patch" Hamilton, 72, Christian singer-songwriter, preacher, and voice actor (b. 1950)[655]
- Jeremy Nobis, 52, Olympic alpine skier (1994) (b. 1970)[656]
- Otis Redding III, 59, singer (The Reddings) (b. 1963)[657]
- Richard Riordan, 92, investment banker, businessman and politician, mayor of Los Angeles (1993–2001) (b. 1930)[658] (subscription required)
- Bud Shuster, 91, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1973–2001) (b. 1932)[659] (subscription required)
- Dave Wilcox, 80, Hall of Fame لاعب فوتبول (San Francisco 49ers) (b. 1942)[660]
- ابريل 20
- John Wright, 79, film editor (The Hunt for Red October, Speed, X-Men) (b. 1943)[661]
- ابريل 21
- Ernie Barrett, 93, لاعب كورة سله (Boston Celtics) (b. 1929)[662]
- John A. Curry, 88, academic administrator, president of Northeastern University (1989–1996) (b. 1934)[663]
- Emily Meggett, 90, chef and author (b. 1932)[664]
- Ken Potts, 102, World War II veteran, survivor of the attack on the USS Arizona (b. 1921)[665]
- Ted Richards, 76, cartoonist (b. 1946)[666]
- ابريل 22
- Herb Douglas, 101, Olympic long jumper (1948) (b. 1922)[667]
- Emanuel V. Soriano, 86, Philippine-born engineer and academic (b. 1936)[668]
- ابريل 23
- Tori Bowie, 32, athlete, Olympic champion (2016) (b. 1990)[669]
- Keith Gattis, 52, country music singer, songwriter, and producer (b. 1970)[670]
- Yvonne Jacquette, 88, painter (b. 1934)[671]
- Alton H. Maddox Jr., 77, lawyer (b. 1945)[672]
- Robert Patrick, 85, playwright, poet and lyricist (b. 1937)[673]
- Frank Shu, 79, Chinese-born astrophysicist (density wave theory), president of the National Tsing Hua University (2002–2006) and member of the National Academy of Sciences (b. 1943)[674]
- Dick Towers, 92, football coach (Southern Illinois Salukis) (b. 1931)[675]
- Isaac Wiley Jr., 69, drummer (Dazz Band) (b. 1954)[676]
- ابريل 24
- David E. Carter, 80, entrepreneur and writer (b. 1943)[677]
- Lilian Day Jackson, 63, singer (Spargo) (b. 1959)[citation needed ]
- Mike Pride, 76, journalist and writer (b. 1946)[678]
- Gilbert Sheldon, 96, Roman Catholic prelate, bishop of Steubenville (1992–2002) and auxiliary bishop of Cleveland (1976–1992) (b. 1926)[679]
- Dennis Ribant, 81, baseball player (New York Mets, Pittsburgh Pirates, Detroit Tigers) (b. 1941)[680]
- Casper R. تايلور Jr., 88, politician, speaker (1994–2003) and member (1975–2003) of the Maryland House of Delegates (b. 1934)[681]
- ابريل 25
- Frank Agrama, 93, Egyptian-born film director (Queen Kong, Dawn of the Mummy) and producer, founder of Harmony Gold USA (b. 1930)[682]
- هارى بيلافونتى, 96, musician ("The Banana Boat Song", "Jump in the Line"), actor (Odds Against Tomorrow), and civil rights activist (b. 1927)[683]
- Carolyn Bryant Donham, 88, storekeeper, accusation led to murder of Emmett Till (b. 1934)[684]
- Billy "The Kid" Emerson, 97, singer-songwriter ("Red Hot", "When It Rains, It Really Pours") (b. 1925)[685]
- Ralph Humphrey, 79, rock drummer (The Mothers of Invention) (b. 1944)[686]
- Pamela Turnure, 85, press secretary (Jacqueline Kennedy) (b. 1937)[687]
- ابريل 26
- Jerry Apodaca, 88, politician, governor of New Mexico (1975–1979) and chair of the PCPFS (1978–1980) (b. 1934)[688]
- Sonny Gordon, 57, لاعب فوتبول (Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Hamilton Tiger-Cats, Saskatchewan Roughriders) (b. 1965)[689]
- Stew Leonard Sr., 93, businessman and grocer, founder of Stew Leonard's (b. 1929)[690]
- ابريل 27
- Dick Groat, 92, baseball player (Pittsburgh Pirates) (b. 1930)[691]
- Harold Kushner, 88, rabbi and author (When Bad Things Happen to Good People, Overcoming Life's Disappointments, When All You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough) (b. 1935)[692]
- Gerald Nesbitt, 91, لاعب فوتبول (Ottawa Rough Riders, Arkansas Razorbacks) (b. 1931)[693]
- Jerry Springer, 79, television host (The Jerry Springer Show) and politician, mayor of Cincinnati (1977–1978) (b. 1944)[694]
- ابريل 28
- LeRoy Carhart, 81, physician, subject of After Tiller (b. 1941)[695]
- Claude Gray, 91, country music singer-songwriter ("Family Bible") (b. 1932)[696]
- Vincent Stewart, 64, Jamaican-born Marine Corps general, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (2015–2017) (b. 1958)[697]
- Ben Tompkins, 93, football referee (NFL) (b. 1929)[698]
- ابريل 29
- ادوارد J. Garcia, 94, jurist, judge of the U.S. District Court for Eastern California (since 1984) (b. 1928)[699]
- Janet G. Mullins Grissom, 73, lobbyist, White House director of political affairs (1992–1993), assistant secretary of state for legislative affairs (1989–1992) (b. 1949)[700]
- Larry Rivers, 73, لاعب كورة سله (Harlem Globetrotters) (b. 1950)[701]
- Don Sebesky, 85, composer, arranger, and conductor (b. 1937)[702]
- Mike Shannon, 83, baseball player (St. Louis Cardinals) (b. 1939)[703]
- ابريل 30
- Ralph Boston, 83, long jumper, Olympic champion (1960) (b. 1939)[704]
- Havre de Grace, 15, Thoroughbred racehorse (b. 2007)[705]
- Lance Ten Broeck, 67, professional golfer and caddie (b. 1956)[706]
[تعديل]- June 1
- Billy Ray Adams, 84, لاعب فوتبول (Ole Miss Rebels) (b. 1938)[707]
- Ronald L. Baker, 85, folklorist (b. 1937)[708]
- Michael Batayeh, 52, comedian and actor (Breaking Bad, American Dreamz, AmericanEast) (b. 1970)[709]
- Jim Melchert, 92, artist (b, 1930)[710]
- Anna Shay, 62, socialite, businesswoman and television personality (Bling Empire) (b. 1960)[711]
- John Sullivan, 82, baseball player (Detroit Tigers, New York Mets) and coach (Toronto Blue Jays) (b. 1941)[712]
- Cynthia Weil, 82, songwriter ("On Broadway", "Make Your Own Kind of Music") (b. 1940)[713]
- June 2
- Bob Bolin, 84, baseball player (San Francisco Giants, Boston Red Sox, Milwaukee Brewers) (b. 1939)[714]
- Bob Menne, 81, golfer (b. 1942)[715]
- George Riddle, 86, actor (Simon, Arthur, Little Manhattan) (b. 1937)[716]
- Beverly Shade, 87, professional wrestler (b. 1936)[717]
- June 3
- Byron Barton, 92, writer and illustrator (b. 1930)[718]
- بول Geoffrey, 68, English-born actor (Excalibur, Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes, The Manageress) (b. 1955)[719]
- جيم هاينز, 76, sprinter, Olympic champion (1968), and لاعب فوتبول (Miami Dolphins, Kansas City Chiefs) (b. 1946)[720]
- Michael Sheehan, 83, Roman Catholic prelate, bishop of Lubbock (1983–1993) and archbishop of Santa Fe (1993–2015) (b. 1939)[721]
- June 4
- Bill Beck, 61, politician, member of the Tennessee House of Representatives (since 2014) (b. 1962)[722]
- Roger Craig, 93, baseball player (Brooklyn / Los Angeles Dodgers, New York Mets) and manager (San Francisco Giants) (b. 1930)[723]
- Norma Hunt, 85, owner of the Kansas City Chiefs (since 2006) (b. 1938)[724]
- Scott Schinder, 61, music critic and journalist (Rolling Stone, Entertainment Weekly, Trouser Press) (b. 1962)[725]
- George Winston, 73, pianist (December, Summer, Forest), Grammy winner (1996) (b. 1949)[726]
- June 5
- Robert Hanssen, 79, former FBI agent and convicted spy (b. 1944)[727]
- Ron Miller, 78, fencing coach (b. 1944)[728]
- June 6
- Jack Baldschun, 86, baseball player (Philadelphia Phillies, Cincinnati Reds, San Diego Padres) (b. 1936)[729]
- Linda Burdette, 74, gymnastics coach (West Virginia University) (b. 1948/49)[730]
- Thomas G. Carruthers, 94, politician, member of the Connecticut State Senate (1973–1975) (b. 1929)[731]
- Pat Casey, 29, BMX rider (b. 1993)[732]
- Pat Cooper, 93, actor (Fighting Back, Analyze This, Analyze That) and comedian (b. 1929)[733]
- بول Eckstein, 59, actor and television writer and producer (Godfather of Harlem, Narcos, Law & Order: Criminal Intent) (b. 1963)[734]
- William Howarth, 82, writer and professor (b. 1940)[735]
- John McCoy, 79, politician, member of the Washington House of Representatives (2003–2013) and Senate (2013–2020) (b. 1943)[736]
- Noreen Nash, 99, actress (The Big Fix, Phantom from Space, Giant) (b. 1924)[737]
- Richard E. Snyder, 90, publishing executive (Simon & Schuster, Western Publishing) (b. 1933)[738]
- William Spriggs, 68, economist (b. 1955)[739]
- June 7
- Saskia Hamilton, 56, poet (b. 1967)[740]
- Tom Jolls, 89, television personality (WKBW-TV) (b. 1933)[741]
- Sir Ivan Menezes, 63, Indian-born beverage industry executive, CEO of Diageo (since 2013) (b. 1959)[742]
- Lia Mortensen, 57, actress (A Nightmare on Elm Street) (b. 1964)[743]
- Lisl Steiner, 95, Austrian-born photographer, photojournalist and documentary filmmaker (b. 1927)[744]
- The Iron Sheik, 81, Iranian-born Hall of Fame professional wrestler (AWA, WWF) (b. 1942)[745]
- Eve Tetaz, 91, activist (b. 1931)[746]
- June 8
- Robert Holmes Bell, 79, jurist, judge (since 1987) and chief judge (2001–2008) of the U.S. District Court for Western Michigan (b. 1944)[747]
- Julie Garwood, 78, author (Ransom) (b. 1944)[748]
- Wade Goodwyn, 63, news journalist (NPR) (b. 1959)[749]
- Zina Jasper, 84, actress (Crimes and Misdemeanors) (b. 1939)[750]
- Ian McGinty, 38, comic book writer and artist (Bravest Warriors, Bee and PuppyCat) (b. 1985)[751]
- Pat Robertson, 93, media mogul, religious broadcaster, chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network and presidential candidate (1988) (b. 1930)[752]
- June 9
- Laurent W. Belanger, 92, politician, member of the Florida House of Representatives (1974–1976) (b. 1931)[753]
- Otis Grand, 73, Lebanese-born blues musician (b. 1950)[754]
- Firouz Naderi, 77, Iranian-born scientist (b. 1946)[755]
- Ron Richard, 75, politician, member (2003–2011) and speaker (2009–2011) of the Missouri House of Representatives and member of the Missouri Senate (2011–2019) (b. 1947)[756]
- Alton Waldon, 86, politician, member of the New York State Assembly (1983–1987), State Senate (1991–1999), and U.S. House of Representatives (1986–1987) (b. 1936)[757]
- John F. Wood Jr., 87, politician, member of the Maryland House of Delegates (1987–2015) (b. 1936)[758]
- June 10
- Kyle Brown, 42, baseball player (Ohio State Buckeyes) and network director (ESPN) (b. 1981)[759]
- Ken Hansen, 71, politician, member of the Montana Senate (2002–2010).[760]
- Don Hood, 73, baseball player (Baltimore Orioles, Cleveland Indians, Kansas City Royals) (b. 1949)[761]
- Ted Kaczynski, 81, mathematician and domestic terrorist (Unabomber Manifesto) (b. 1942)[762]
- Virgil Luken, 80, Olympic swimmer (1964) (b. 1942)[763]
- Roger Payne, 88, biologist and environmentalist (b. 1935)[764]
- Jim Turner, 82, لاعب فوتبول (New York Jets, Denver Broncos) (b. 1941)[765]
- June 11
- Franz S. Leichter, 92, Austrian-born politician, member of the New York State Assembly (1969–1974) and Senate (1975–1998) (b. 1930)[766]
- Danny Young, 51, baseball player (Chicago Cubs) (b. 1971)[767]
- June 12
- Cyril Birch, 98, British-born sinologist and translator (b. 1925)[768]
- Michael Catt, 70, pastor (Sherwood Baptist Church) and film producer (Fireproof, Courageous) (b. 1952)[769]
- Carol Higgins Clark, 66, mystery author and actress (b. 1956)[770]
- Patrick Gasienica, 24, Olympic ski jumper (2022) (b. 1998)[771]
- Harvey Glance, 66, sprinter, Olympic champion (1976) (b. 1957)[772]
- Reggie Moore, 42, American-born Angolan لاعب كورة سله (Maccabi Givat Shmuel, UB La Palma, Primeiro de Agosto) (b. 1981)[773]
- John Romita Sr., 93, comic book artist (The Amazing Spider-Man) (b. 1930)[774]
- Richard Severo, 90, science journalist (نيو يورك تايمز) (b. 1932)[775]
- Stan Savran, 76, sports media personality (b. 1947)[776]
- Treat Williams, 71, actor (Hair, Everwood, Once Upon a Time in America, Chicago Fire) (b. 1951)[777]
- June 13
- David M. Bartley, 88, politician, member (1963–1976) and speaker (1969–1975) of the Massachusetts House of Representatives (b. 1935)[778]
- ادوارد Fredkin, 88, physicist, computer scientist and businessman (b. 1934)[779]
- Lonnie Hammargren, 85, neurosurgeon and politician, lieutenant governor of Nevada (1995–1999) (b. 1937)[780]
- ابريل Kingsley, 82, art critic (b. 1941)[781]
- Eina Kwon, 34, restaurant owner, shot (b. 1989)[782]
- Cormac McCarthy, 89, novelist (Blood Meridian, No Country for Old Men, The Road) (b. 1933)[783]
- Curtis L. Meinert, 88, epidemiologist (b. 1934)[784]
- Larry Myers Jr., 49, reality television personality (My 600-lb Life) (b. 1974)[785]
- Blackie Onassis, 57, rock drummer (Urge Overkill) (b. 1966)[786]
- Hiroe Tsukamoto, anime producer.[787] (death announced on this date)
- June 14
- Charles L. Blockson, 89, historian, author, and bibliophile (b. 1933)[788]
- Robert Gottlieb, 92, writer and editor (The New Yorker) (b. 1931)[789]
- Brett Hadley, 92, actor (The Young and the Restless) (b. 1931)[790]
- Roman Jackiw, 83, Polish-born theoretical physicist, Dirac Medalist (1998) (b. 1939)[791]
- Homer Jones, 82, لاعب فوتبول (New York Giants, Cleveland Browns) (b. 1941)[792]
- Charles C. Lovell, 93, jurist, judge of the U.S. District Court for Montana (since 1985) (b. 1929)[793]
- Warren McGraw, 84, lawyer, politician, and judge (b. 1939)[794]
- Henry Petroski, 81, engineer and professor (b. 1942)[795]
- June 15
- David P. Calleo, 88, political scientist (b. 1934)[796]
- Dan Lardner, singer and guitarist (QTY).[797] (death announced on this date)
- Donald Triplett, 89, medical figure, first person diagnosed with autism (b. 1933)[798]
- June 16
- Bob Brown, 81, Hall of Fame لاعب فوتبول (Philadelphia Eagles, Los Angeles Rams, Oakland Raiders) (b. 1941)[799]
- Daniel Ellsberg, 92, whistleblower of the Pentagon Papers (b. 1931)[800]
- Rita Reif, 94, newspaper columnist and author (b. 1929)[801]
- Bruce Roberts, 93, photographer and author (b. 1930)[802]
- Norman R. Stone Jr., 87, politician, member of the Maryland House of Delegates (1963–1967) and Senate (1967–2015) (b. 1935)[803]
- Jim Tweto, 68, bush pilot (Flying Wild Alaska) (b. 1955)[804]
- Dave Viti, 83, لاعب فوتبول (Hamilton Tiger-Cats) (b. 1939)[805] (death announced on this date)
- June 17
- James R. Hurley, 91, politician, member of the New Jersey General Assembly (1968–1982) and New Jersey Senate (1982–1990) (b. 1932)[806]
- Gus Newport, 88, politician, mayor of Berkeley, California (1979–1986) (b. 1935)[807]
- June 18
- Big Pokey, 48, rapper (Screwed Up Click, "Sittin' Sidewayz") (b. 1974)[808]
- Jim Brandenburg, 87, college basketball coach (Wyoming Cowboys, San Diego State Aztecs) (b. 1935)[809]
- Dick Hall, 92, baseball player (Pittsburgh Pirates, Baltimore Orioles, Philadelphia Phillies) (b. 1930)[810]
- Stockton Rush, 60, co-founder and chief executive officer of OceanGate (Titan submersible implosion) (b. 1962)[811]
- Charley Scales, 85, لاعب فوتبول (Cleveland Browns, Pittsburgh Steelers, Montreal Alouettes) (b. 1938)[812]
- Teresa تايلور, 60, drummer (Butthole Surfers) and actress (Slacker) (b. 1962)[813]
- June 19
- Michael A. Banks, 72, writer (b. 1951)[814]
- George Frazier, 68, baseball player (St. Louis Cardinals, New York Yankees, Minnesota Twins) (b. 1954)[815]
- Clark Haggans, 46, لاعب فوتبول (Pittsburgh Steelers, Arizona Cardinals, San Francisco 49ers) (b. 1977)[816]
- Gerald C. Meyers, 94, businessman, CEO of American Motors Corporation (1977–1982) (b. 1928)[817]
- Max Morath, 96, ragtime pianist, television presenter and author (b. 1926)[818]
- June 20
- Robert Elegant, 95, author and journalist (b. 1928)[819]
- Brison Manor, 70, لاعب فوتبول (Denver Broncos, Tampa Bay Buccaneers) (b. 1952)[820]
- H. Lee Sarokin, 94, jurist, judge of the U.S. District Court of New Jersey (1979–1994) and Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (1994–1996) (b. 1928)[821]
- June 21
- Russell H. Dilday, 92, pastor, president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (1978–1994) (b. 1930)[822]
- Daniel Fuller, 97, theologian and academic (b. 1925)[823]
- Cedric Killings, 45, لاعب فوتبول (Houston Texas) (b. 1977)[824]
- George Winterling, 91, television meteorologist (WJXT) (b. 1931)[825]
- Robin F. Wynne, 70, jurist, associate justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court (since 2014) (b. 1953)[826]
- June 22
- Robert Black, 67, double bass player (Bang on a Can All Stars) (b. 1956)[827]
- Cora Cohen, 79, artist (b. 1943)[828]
- Michael Horodniceanu, 78, Romanian-born engineer (b. 1944)[829]
- Harry Markowitz, 95, economist (modern portfolio theory), Nobel Prize laureate (1990) (b. 1927)[830]
- June 23
- Margia Dean, 101, actress (I Shot Jesse James, The Baron of Arizona, The Quatermass Xperiment) (b. 1922)[831]
- Penny Ann Early, 80, jockey and لاعب كورة سله (Kentucky Colonels) (b. 1943)[832]
- Frederic Forrest, 86, actor (The Rose, The Conversation, Apocalypse Now) (b. 1936)[833]
- Sheldon Harnick, 99, lyricist (Fiorello!, Fiddler on the Roof, She Loves Me) and Tony winner (1960, 1965) (b. 1924)[834]
- Jimmy Kim, 56, taekwondo practitioner, Olympic champion (1988) (b. 1967)[835]
- Omer Léger, 92, American-born Canadian politician, New Brunswick MLA (1971–1987) (b. 1931)[836]
- Jesse McReynolds, 93, bluegrass musician (Jim & Jesse) (b. 1929)[837]
- Lee Rauch, 58, drummer (Megadeth, Dark Angel) (b. 1956)[838]
- Amy Uyematsu, 75, poet (b. 1947)[839]
- June 24
- Saundra Graham, 81, politician, member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives (1977–1988) (b. 1942)[840]
- Dodie Heath, 96, actress (Brigadoon, The Diary of Anne Frank, Seconds) (b. 1926)[841]
- Lena Kourkoutis, 44, physicist (b. 1978)[842]
- Robert "Say" McIntosh, 79, political activist (b. 1944)[843] (death announced on this date)
- David Richards, 82, theater critic and novelist (b. 1941)[844]
- Dean Smith, 91, track and field athlete, Olympic champion (1952), stuntman and actor (Rhinestone, Raw Deal, Creepshow 2) (b. 1931)[845]
- June 25
- David Bohrman, 69, television news executive (ABC News, CNN, Current TV) (b. 1954)[846]
- James Crown, 70, businessman (b. 1953)[847]
- John B. Goodenough, 100, materials scientist, Nobel Prize laureate (2019) (b. 1922)[848]
- Mike Kellogg, 81, radio broadcaster (Moody Radio) and writer (b. 1941)[849]
- Richard Ravitch, 89, businessman and politician, lieutenant governor of New York (2009–2010) (b. 1933)[850]
- Peg Yorkin, 96, philanthropist (b. 1927)[851]
- June 26
- Richard B. Bernstein, 67, constitutional historian (b. 1956)[852]
- Dick Biondi, 90, disc jockey (b. 1932)[853]
- Tony Bouza, 94, Spanish-born police chief (b. 1928)[854]
- Nicolas Coster, 89, British-born actor (سانتا باربرا, Another World, All the President's Men) (b. 1933)[855]
- Carroll Leavell, 86, politician, member of the New Mexico Senate (1997–2018) (b. 1936)[856] (death announced on this date)
- David Neubert, 69, double bassist and academic (b. 1953)[857]
- Scott Pelluer, 64, لاعب فوتبول (New Orleans Saints) and coach (Boise State Broncos, Washington Huskies) (b. 1959)[858]
- Mike Spivey, 69, لاعب فوتبول (Chicago Bears, New Orleans Saints, Oakland Raiders) (b. 1954)[859]
- June 27
- Dewey L. Hill, 97, politician, member of the North Carolina House of Representatives (1992–2012) (b. 1925)[860]
- Ryan Mallett, 35, لاعب فوتبول (New England Patriots, Houston Texans, Baltimore Ravens) (b. 1988)[861]
- Bobby Osborne, 91, bluegrass musician (Osborne Brothers) (b. 1931)[862]
- Robert Sherman, 90, radio broadcaster (WFUV, WQXR), author, and music critic (نيو يورك تايمز) (b. 1930)[863]
- Bhante Vimalaramsi, 76, Buddhist monk (b. 1946)[864]
- Lilli Vincenz, 85, German-born gay rights activist (b. 1937)[865]
- June 28
- Bob Shannon, 74, radio disc jockey (WCBS-FM) (b. 1948)[866]
- Lowell Weicker, 92, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1969–1971) and Senate (1971–1989), governor of Connecticut (1991–1995) (b. 1931)[867]
- June 29
- الان آركين, 89, actor (The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming, ادوارد Scissorhands, Little Miss Sunshine), Oscar winner (2006) (b. 1934)[868]
- Monte Cazazza, 68, industrial musician (b. 1954)[869]
- Don Kennedy, 93, radio broadcaster (WPIC, NBC Radio, WWPW), television personality (WSB-TV), and voice actor (Space Ghost Coast to Coast) (b. 1930)[870]
- Christine King Farris, 95, civil rights activist (b. 1927)[871]
- Marvin Kitman, 93, television critic (Newsday) and humorist (b. 1929)[872]
- Anita Wood, 85, recording artist, TV performer and girlfriend of ايلڤيس پريسلى (b. 1938)[873]
- June 30
- Droz, 54, professional wrestler (WWF) and لاعب فوتبول (Denver Broncos, Montreal Alouettes) (b. 1969)[874]
- Rick Froberg, 55, musician (Drive Like Jehu, Hot Snakes, Obits) (b. 1968)[875]
- Lawrence W. Jones, 97, physicist and academic (b. 1925)[876]
- Laird Koenig, 95, author (The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane) and screenwriter (Bloodline, Inchon) (b. 1927)[877]
[تعديل]- July 1
- Frank Field, 100, television meteorologist (WNBC) (b. 1923)[878]
- Robert Lieberman, 75, film and television director (All I Want for Christmas, Fire in the Sky, D3: The Mighty Ducks) (b. 1947)[879]
- Christopher H. Sterling, 80, media historian (b. 1943)[880]
- لورانس تورمان, 96, film producer (The Graduate, The Thing, The River Wild) (b. 1926)[881]
- July 2
- Joseph John Gerry, 94, Roman Catholic prelate, bishop of Portland (1989–2004) and auxiliary bishop of Manchester (1986–1989) (b. 1928)[882]
- Susan Love, 75, surgeon (b. 1948)[883]
- Minnie Bruce Pratt, 76, writer and activist (b. 1946)[884]
- James A. Sharp Jr., 90, politician, mayor of Flint, Michigan (1983–1987) (b. 1933)[885]
- July 3
- Vicki Anderson, 83, soul singer (b. 1939)[886]
- Catherine Burks-Brooks, 83, civil rights activist (b. 1939)[887]
- James Dobbins, 81, diplomat, ambassador to the European Union (1991–1993) and Afghanistan (2001–2002) (b, 1942)[888]
- Antwun Echols, 52, middleweight boxer (b. 1971)[889]
- Cecil Exum, 60, لاعب كورة سله (North Melbourne Giants, Melbourne Tigers, Geelong Supercats) (b. 1962)[890]
- Lincoln Mayorga, 86, pianist and arranger (b. 1937)[891]
- Don Reinhoudt, 78, weightlifter (b. 1945)[892]
- Vince Tobin, 79, football coach (Arizona Cardinals) (b. 1943)[893]
- July 4
- George Aghajanian, 91, psychiatrist (b. 1932)[894]
- John Berylson, 70, businessman and association football chairman (Millwall) (b. 1953)[895]
- Kristaps Keggi, 88, Latvian-born orthopedic surgeon (b. 1934)[896]
- Fred Willis, 75, لاعب فوتبول (Cincinnati Bengals, Houston Oilers) (b. 1947)[897]
- July 5
- Marvin S. Arrington Sr., 82, politician and jurist, president of the Atlanta City Council (1980–1997) and Fulton County superior court judge (2002–2012) (b. 1941)[898]
- Coco Lee, 48, Hong Kong-born singer-songwriter (Singer) (b. 1975)[899]
- Jack Rains, 85, attorney, secretary of state of Texas (1987–1989) (b. 1937)[900]
- George Tickner, 76, rock guitarist (Journey, Frumious Bandersnatch) (b. 1946)[901] (death announced on this date)
- July 6
- Jeffrey Carlson, 48, actor (All My Children, The Goat, or Who Is Sylvia?, Hitch) (b. 1975)[902]
- Johnie Cooks, 64, لاعب فوتبول (Baltimore / Indianapolis Colts, New York Giants, Cleveland Browns) (b. 1958)[903]
- Francis R. Dillon, 83, Air Force general, commander of the OSI (1988–1993) (b. 1939)[904]
- Gene Gaines, 85, football player (Ottawa Rough Riders, Montreal Alouettes) and coach (Winnipeg Blue Bombers) (b. 1938)[905]
- George W. Jackson, 98, politician, member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives (1981–1990) (b. 1924)[906]
- Peter Nero, 89, pianist and conductor (Philly Pops), Grammy winner (1962, 1963) (b. 1934)[907]
- Joop Sanders, 101, Dutch-born painter and educator (b. 1921)[908]
- Mutulu Shakur, 72, convicted robber and murderer (1981 Brink's robbery) (b. 1950)[909]
- Dick Sheridan, 81, football coach (Furman Paladins, NC State Wolfpack) (b. 1941)[910]
- Stephen M. Silverman, 71, journalist (New York Post, Time Inc.) (b. 1951)[911]
- Caleb Southern, 53, musician and computer scientist (b. 1969)[912]
- Marlena Spieler, 74, food writer (Bon Appétit, Saveur, San Francisco Chronicle) (b. 1949)[913]
- Jimmy Weldon, 99, voice actor (The Yogi Bear Show, Challenge of the Superfriends, Shirt Tales), ventriloquist and television host (b. 1923)[914]
- July 7
- Oscar Brashear, 78, jazz trumpeter (b. 1944)[915]
- Mary Ann Hoberman, 92, author and poet (b. 1930)[916]
- Nikki McCray, 51, Hall of Fame لاعب كورة سله (Washington Mystics, Indiana Fever) and coach (Old Dominion Lady Monarchs, Mississippi State Bulldogs) (b. 1971)[917]
- July 8
- Gary Allen, 63, لاعب فوتبول (Houston Oilers, Dallas Cowboys, Calgary Stampeders) (b. 1960)[918]
- Bryan Collins, 58, football coach (LIU Sharks) (b. 1965)[919]
- Greg Cook, 72, singer (The Unifics) (b. 1951)[920]
- Tara Heiss, 66, Hall of Fame لاعب كورة سله (Maryland Terrapins) (b. 1956)[921]
- Judith Liebman, 86, operations researcher and engineer (b. 1936)[922]
- Renault Robinson, 80, police officer (b. 1942)[923]
- Bill Shipp, 89, author and journalist (The Atlanta Constitution) (b. 1933)[924]
- Evelyn M. Witkin, 102, geneticist (b. 1921)[925]
- Melvin Wulf, 95, lawyer (b. 1927)[926]
- Juris Zarins, 78, German-born archaeologist (b. 1945)[927]
- July 9
- Joe Campbell, 68, لاعب فوتبول (New Orleans Saints, Oakland Raiders, Tampa Bay Buccaneers) (b. 1955)[928]
- Manny Coto, 62, Cuban-born television writer, director and producer (Star Trek: Enterprise, 24, Dexter) (b. 1961)[929]
- Charlie Daniels, 83, politician, Arkansas commissioner of state lands (1985–2003), secretary of state (2003–2011), and state auditor (2011–2015) (b, 1939)[930]
- Andrea Evans, 66, actress (وان لايف تو ليڤ, The Young and the Restless, Passions) (b. 1957)[931]
- Kenton Forsythe, 78, audio engineer and inventor (b. 1944)[932]
- Lee Hedges, 93, high school football coach (Captain Shreve High School) (b. 1929)[933]
- Roy Herron, 69, politician, member of the Tennessee House of Representatives (1987–1997) and Senate (1997–2013) (b. 1953)[934]
- Mikala Jones, 44, surfer (b. 1979)[935]
- Henry Kamm, 98, German-born journalist (نيو يورك تايمز), Pulitzer Prize winner (1978) (b. 1925)[936]
- Benno C. Schmidt Jr., 81, law scholar, president of Yale University (1986–1992) (b. 1942)[937]
- Leroy W. Stutz, 84, Air Force officer, pilot, and prisoner of war (b. 1939)[938]
- July 10
- Randy Fullmer, 73, animator (Who Framed Roger Rabbit) and producer (The Emperor's New Groove, Chicken Little) (b. 1950)[939]
- Al Giordano, 63, journalist (Narco News) and political commentator (b. 1959)[940]
- Richard G. Hovannisian, 90, historian and professor (b. 1932)[941]
- Sally Kempton, 80, spiritual writer (b. 1943)[942]
- Manny the Frenchie, 12, French Bulldog (b. 2011)[943] (death announced on this date)
- Bob Segarini, 77, American-Canadian musician and radio presenter (b. 1945)[944]
- JoAnn Watson, 72, pastor and politician, member of the Detroit City Council (2003–2013) (b. 1951)[945]
- July 11
- Gaea Pelefoti Failautusi, 83, American Samoan politician, senator (1995–1999) (b. 1939)[946] (death announced on this date)
- Dakota Fred Hurt, 80, television personality (Gold Rush: White Water) (b, 1943)[947]
- Mantaur, 55, professional wrestler (WWF) (b. 1968)[948]
- C. R. Roberts, 87, لاعب فوتبول (Toronto Argonauts, San Francisco 49ers) (b. 1936)[949]
- July 12
- André Watts, 77, pianist and academic, Grammy Award winner (1964), Avery Fisher Prize recipient (1988) (b. 1946)[950]
- An Yin, 64, Chinese-born geologist (b. 1959)[951]
- July 13
- Ed Bressoud, 91, baseball player (New York / San Francisco Giants, Boston Red Sox, St. Louis Cardinals) (b. 1932)[952]
- Josephine Chaplin, 74, actress (The Canterbury Tales, Escape to the Sun, Nuits Rouges) (b. 1949)[953]
- Mike Endsley, 61, politician, member of the Wisconsin State Assembly (2011–2015) (b. 1962)[954]
- Carlin Glynn, 83, actress (The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas, Three Days of the Condor, The Trip to Bountiful) (b. 1940)[955]
- ادوارد Hume, 87, television and film writer (The Day After, Barnaby Jones, The Streets of San Francisco) (b. 1936)[956]
- Justin Peacock, 52, television writer and producer (Suits, The Lincoln Lawyer, Alert: Missing Persons Unit) (b. 1971)[957]
- Bill Reynolds, 78, sports journalist (The Providence Journal) (b. 1945)[958]
- July 14
- Bernard Bachrach, 84, historian (b. 1939)[959]
- Nick Benedict, 77, actor (All My Children, The Young and the Restless, ايام حياتنا) (b. 1946)[960]
- Dianne Chambless, 75, clinical psychologist (b. 1948)[961]
- Anthony Meo, drummer (Biohazard)[962] (death announced on this date)
- Nancy Pyle, 85, politician (b. 1938)[963]
- Hettie Simmons Love, 100, minority female college student, first African-American to earn an MBA from an Ivy League university (b. 1922)[964]
- Beverly Moss Spatt, 99, public official and preservationist, chair of the نيو يورك Landmarks Preservation Commission (1970–1974) (b. 1924)[965]
- July 15
- Darrel Aschbacher, 88, لاعب فوتبول (San Francisco 49ers, Philadelphia Eagles, Saskatchewan Roughriders) (b. 1935)[966]
- Julius Crosslin, 39, لاعب فوتبول (Dallas Cowboys) (b. 1983)[967]
- Dave Currey, 80, football coach (Long Beach State 49ers, Cincinnati Bearcats) (b. 1943)[968]
- John R. Manz, 77, Roman Catholic prelate, auxiliary bishop of Chicago (1996–2021) (b. 1945)[969]
- William O'Malley, 91, Roman Catholic priest and actor (The Exorcist) (b. 1931)[970]
- James Zagel, 82, judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois and novelist (b. 1941)[971]
- July 16
- Elise Finch, 51, meteorologist (b. 1972)[972]
- Harry Frankfurt, 94, philosopher (b. 1929)[973]
- Funny Cide, 23, Thoroughbred racehorse (b. 2000)[974]
- SunRay Kelley, 71, builder (b. 1951)[975]
- Neil Maune, 62, لاعب فوتبول (Notre Dame Fighting Irish) (b. 1961)[976]
- Richard Henry Mills, 93, jurist, judge of the U.S. District Court for Central Illinois (since 1985) (b. 1929)[977]
- Kevin Mitnick, 59, computer security consultant, author and convicted hacker (b. 1953)[978]
- Angelo Mozilo, 84, banker and financial CEO (Countrywide Financial) (b. 1938)[979]
- July 17
- Jerry Bradley, 83, music executive (Wanted! The Outlaws) (b. 1940)[980]
- DJ Deeon, 56, dance music DJ and producer (b. 1966)[981]
- Stuart Epperson, 86, evangelical and businessman, co-founder of Salem Media Group (b. 1936)[982]
- Walt Groller, 92, polka musician (b. 1931)[983]
- Sue Marx, 92, documentary film director and producer (Young at Heart), Oscar winner (1987) (b. 1930)[984]
- July 18
- Miller Farr, 80, لاعب فوتبول (Houston Oilers, St. Louis Cardinals, San Diego Chargers) (b. 1943)[985]
- Richard W. Goldberg, 95, jurist, judge of the United States Court of International Trade (since 1991) (b. 1927)[986]
- Lew Perkins, 78, athletic director (Wichita State Shockers, UConn Huskies, Kansas Jayhawks) (b. 1945)[987]
- Martha Saxton, 77, historian (b. 1945)[988]
- Stu Silver, 76, screenwriter (Throw Momma from the Train) and television writer (Soap, Webster) (b. 1947)[989]
- Larry Yellen, 80, baseball player (Houston Colt .45s) (b. 1943)[990]
- July 19
- Frank Cody, 75, record producer, A&R and radio executive (KTWV) (b. 1948)[991]
- Alex Etheridge, 13, child (b. 2009/2010)[992]
- James Reston Jr., 82, journalist (b. 1941)[993]
- Eleanor Vadala, 99, chemist and materials engineer (b. 1923)[994]
- Dedric Willoughby, 49, لاعب كورة سله (Chicago Bulls) (b. 1974)[995]
- Jean Fagan Yellin, 92, historian and author (b. 1930)[996]
- July 20
- Bill Geddie, 68, television producer (The View) (b. 1955)[997]
- Myron Goldfinger, 90, architect (b. 1933)[998]
- Patricia T. Holland, 81, Latter-day Saints writer and leader (b. 1942)[999]
- July 21
- Tony Bennett, 96, jazz and traditional pop singer ("I Left My Heart in San Francisco", "Rags to Riches", "Because of You") (b. 1926)[1000]
- Jerome Coopersmith, 97, dramatist (Hawaii Five-O, Baker Street, The Apple Tree) (b. 1925)[1001]
- Mike Ivie, 70, baseball player (Detroit Tigers, San Francisco Giants, San Diego Padres, Houston Astros) (b. 1952)[1002]
- Neal Langford, 50, bass guitarist (The Shins) (b. 1973)[1003]
- July 22
- Aaron Cicourel, 94, sociologist (b. 1928)[1004]
- Miles Feinstein, 82, attorney (b. 1941)[1005]
- Lelia Goldoni, 86, actress (Shadows, Hysteria, Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore) (b. 1936)[1006]
- Russell H. جرينan, 97, author (It Happened in Boston?) (b. 1925)[1007]
- Larry Ray, 65, former MLB baseball player (Houston Astros) (b. 1958)[1008]
- Arthur Rubin, 97, singer and actor (The Patty Duke Show, The Producers) (b. 1926)[1009]
- Roger Sprung, 92, folk musician (b. 1930)[1010]
- July 23
- Earl I. Anzai, 81, politician, attorney general of Hawaii (1999–2002) (b. 1941)[1011]
- Pamela Blair, 73, actress (A Chorus Line, Loving, All My Children) (b. 1949)[1012]
- Brent Budowsky, 71, journalist, political opinion writer and columnist for The Hill (b. 1952)[1013]
- Dorothy Goodman, 97, educator (b. 1926)[1014]
- Leo Richardson, 91, basketball (Savannah State, Buffalo Bulls) and football coach (Savannah State) (b. 1931)[1015]
- Inga Swenson, 90, actress (Soap, Benson, North and South) (b. 1932)[1016]
- July 24
- Brad Houser, 62, musician (Edie Brickell & New Bohemians, Critters Buggin) (b. 1960)[1017]
- Jesse Lott, 80, visual artist (b. 1943)[1018] (death announced on this date)
- Charles W. Misner, 91, physicist (Gravitation) (b. 1932)[1019]
- Dan Morrison, 75, baseball umpire (b. 1948)[1020]
- Ronald Numbers, 81, science historian (The Creationists) (b. 1942)[1021]
- July 25
- Julian Barry, 92, screenwriter and playwright (Lenny, Rhinoceros, The River) (b. 1930)[1022]
- Earl Buford, 81, police officer, Pittsburgh police chief (1992–1995) (1941/1942)[1023]
- Bo Goldman, 90, screenwriter (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Melvin and Howard, Scent of a Woman), Oscar winner (1975, 1980) (b. 1932)[1024]
- Roy Harrisville, 101, theologian (b. 1922)[1025]
- Johnny Lujack, 98, لاعب فوتبول (Chicago Bears), 1947 Heisman Trophy winner (b. 1925)[1026]
- Anthony Potts, 59, major general (b. 1963/1964)[1027]
- Tommy Seigler, 84, professional wrestler (b. 1938)[1028]
- Rocky Wirtz, 70, businessman, owner of the Chicago Blackhawks (since 2007) and president of Wirtz Corporation (since 2007) (b. 1952)[1029]
- July 26
- Jonathan Cuneo, 70, lawyer (b. 1952)[1030]
- Patricia A. Goldman, 81, public official and women's rights advocate (b. 1942)[1031]
- Curtis Graves, 84, politician, member of the Texas House of Representatives (1967–1973) (b. 1938)[1032]
- James Harvey, 35, bassist (Goatwhore) (b. 1987/1988)[1033]
- Henry Logan, 77, لاعب كورة سله (Oakland Oaks/Washington Caps) (b. 1946)[1034]
- Mark Lowery, 66, politician, treasurer of Arkansas (since 2023) and member of the Arkansas House of Representatives (2013–2023) (b. 1957)[1035]
- Randy Meisner, 77, Hall of Fame musician (Eagles, Poco) and songwriter ("Take It to the Limit"), Grammy winner (1976, 1978) (b. 1946)[1036]
- Alan Schoen, 98, physicist and computer scientist (Gyroid) (b. 1924)[1037]
- Helen Williams, 87, fashion model (b. 1935)[1038]
- July 27
- Beatle Bob, 70, dancer (b. 1953)[1039]
- Mike Giddings, 89, football coach (San Francisco 49ers) (b. 1933)[1040]
- Gary Glenn, 65, politician, member of the Michigan House of Representatives (2015–2018) (b. 1958)[1041]
- Ruth W. جرينfield, 99, concert pianist and teacher (b. 1923)[1042]
- Keith Waldrop, 90, poet (b. 1932)[1043]
- Douglas S. Wright, 75, politician, mayor of Topeka, Kansas (1983–1989) (b. 1948)[1044]
- July 28
- Louis DeLuca, 89, politician, member of the Connecticut State Senate (1991–2007) (b. 1933)[1045]
- July 29
- Marc Gilpin, 56, actor (Jaws 2, The Legend of the Lone Ranger, Earthbound) (b. 1966)[1046]
- Thomas Goltz, 68, writer and journalist (b. 1954)[1047]
- O'Shae Sibley, 28, gay man (b. 1994/1995)[1048]
- Nancy Van de Vate, 92, composer (b. 1930)[1049]
- Ben Wilson, 84, لاعب فوتبول (Los Angeles Rams, جرين Bay Packers) (b. 1939)[1050]
- George Wilson, 81, لاعب كورة سله (Cincinnati Royals, Chicago Bulls, Seattle SuperSonics) (b. 1942)[1051]
- July 30
- Betty Ann Bruno, 91, journalist (KTVU) and actress (The Wizard of Oz, The Hurricane) (b. 1931)[1052]
- بول Reubens, 70, actor (Pee-wee's Big Adventure, Pee-wee's Playhouse, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Blow) (b. 1952)[1053]
- July 31
- Angus Cloud, 25, actor (Euphoria, North Hollywood, The Line), accidental drug overdose (b. 1998)[1054]
- Carol Duvall, 97, television host (The Carol Duvall Show) (b. 1926)[1055]
- Jim Larkin, 74, journalist and publisher (Phoenix New Times) (b. 1949)[1056]
- Roberto Cintli Rodríguez, 69, Mexican-born columnist, author, and academic (Mexican American studies) (b. 1953/1954)[1057]
[تعديل]- August 1
- Annabelle Gamson, 94, dancer and choreographer (b. 1928)[1058]
- Howard Kunreuther, 84, economist (b. 1938)[1059]
- David Le Batard, 50, graphic artist (b. 1972)[1060]
- Dom Minasi, 80, jazz guitarist, composer and music producer (b. 1943)[1061]
- Williamson Murray, 81, historian (b. 1941)[1062]
- Wes Nisker, 80–81, author and Buddhism instructor (b. 1942)[1063]
- Sheila Oliver, 71, politician, lieutenant governor of New Jersey (since 2018), member (2004–2018) and speaker (2010–2014) of the New Jersey General Assembly (b. 1952)[1064]
- R. Stewart Wood, 89, Episcopal bishop (b. 1934)[1065]
- August 2
- Charles Balentine, 60, لاعب كورة سله (Arkansas Razorbacks) (b. 1962/1963)[1066]
- بول Brodeur, 92, journalist and writer (b. 1931)[1067]
- Sherry Combs Johnson, 84, Hall of Fame rodeo barrel racer (b. 1938)[1068]
- Constance Darnowski, 88, Olympic hurdler (1952, 1956) (b. 1934)[1069]
- Delano Lewis, 84, diplomat, ambassador to South Africa (1999–2001) (b. 1938)[1070]
- Mark E. Noennig, 75, politician (b. 1947)[1071]
- Vincent Speranza, 98, World War II veteran (b. 1925)[1072]
- August 3
- James Barnes, 61, convicted murderer (b. 1962)[1073]
- James Cafiero, 94, politician, member of the New Jersey General Assembly (1968–1972) and Senate (1972–1982, 1990–2004) (b. 1928)[1074]
- Walter Charles, 78, actor (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Fletch Lives, Prancer) (b. 1945)[1075]
- Carl Davis, 86, American-born British conductor and composer (The French Lieutenant's Woman, Pride and Prejudice, King David) (b. 1936)[1076]
- Richard M. Goody, 102, British-born atmospheric physicist (b. 1921)[1077]
- Charles Hardy, 57, competitive eater (b. 1966)[1078]
- Mark Margolis, 83, actor (Breaking Bad, Oz, Scarface, Better Call Saul) (b. 1939)[1079]
- Melvin George Talbert, 89, Methodist bishop (b. 1934)[1080]
- Nechama Tec, 92, Polish-born sociologist and writer (b. 1931)[1081]
- Adrienne Vaughan, 45, publishing house executive, president of Bloomsbury USA (b. 1977/1978)[1082]
- August 4
- Jango Edwards, 73, clown and comedian (b. 1950)[1083]
- Daniel W. Herzog, 82, Episcopal clergyman, bishop of Albany (1998–2007) (b. 1941)[1084]
- Rhoda Karpatkin, 93, lawyer and consumers rights activist (b. 1930)[1085]
- Charles Ogletree, 70, attorney and law professor (b. 1952)[1086]
- Carmen Xtravaganza, 62, Spanish-born model and singer, depicted in Paris is Burning (b. 1961)[1087]
- August 5
- Walter Bortz II, 93, physician and author (b. 1930)[1088]
- Nermin Crnkić, 30, Bosnian-born soccer player (Tuzla City, Sarajevo, Jablonec) (b. 1992)[1089]
- Tristan Honsinger, 73, cellist (b. 1949)[1090]
- Slim Lehart, 88, country singer (b. 1935)[1091]
- James J. Lindsay, 90, general (b. 1932)[1092]
- Dennis M. Nagy, 80, air force lieutenant (b. 1943)[1093]
- Arthur Schmidt, 86, film editor (Back to the Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Forrest Gump), Oscar winner (1988, 1994) (b. 1937)[1094]
- Herbert J. Siegel, 95, businessman (b. 1928)[1095]
- Elton Veals, 62, لاعب فوتبول (Pittsburgh Steelers) (b. 1961)[1096]
- August 6
- Harold Hyman, 99, historian (b. 1924)[1097]
- Roger Kramer, 84, American-born Canadian لاعب فوتبول (Calgary Stampeders, Ottawa Rough Riders, Montreal Alouettes) (b. 1939)[1098]
- David LaFlamme, 82, singer and violinist (It's a Beautiful Day) (b. 1941)[1099]
- Harvey Meyerhoff, 96, businessman (b. 1927)[1100]
- August 7
- DJ Casper, 58, DJ and songwriter ("Cha Cha Slide") (b. 1965)[1101]
- Roland Freeman, 87, photographer (b. 1936)[1102]
- William Friedkin, 87, film director (The French Connection, The Exorcist, To Live and Die in L.A.), Oscar winner (1971) (b. 1935)[1103]
- Robert Giles, 90, newspaper editor and publisher (The Detroit News) (b. 1933)[1104]
- Toussaint McCall, 89, R&B singer (b. 1934)[1105]
- Jim Price, 81, baseball player (Detroit Tigers) and broadcaster (Detroit Tigers Radio Network, PASS), World Series Champion (1968) (b. 1941).[1106]
- August 8
- Dorothy Casterline, 96, linguist (b. 1928)[1107]
- Johnny Hardwick, 64, voice actor and writer (King of the Hill), Emmy winner (1999) (b. 1958)[1108]
- Sixto Rodriguez, 81, singer-songwriter ("Sugar Man"), subject of Searching for Sugar Man (b. 1942)[1109]
- Shelley Smith, 70, model and actress (The Associates) (b. 1952)[1110]
- August 9
- Sean Dawkins, 52, لاعب فوتبول (Indianapolis Colts, New Orleans Saints, Seattle Seahawks) (b. 1971)[1111]
- Brice Marden, 84, painter (b. 1938)[1112]
- Philip Sherman, 67, rabbi and mohel (b. 1956)[1113]
- Robert Swan, 78, actor (Hoosiers, Natural Born Killers, Backdraft) (b. 1944)[1114]
- August 10
- Patricia Bragg, 94, businesswoman, author, and health consultant (b. 1929)[1115]
- Henry Dickerson, 71, لاعب كورة سله (Detroit Pistons, Atlanta Hawks) and coach (Chattanooga Mocs) (b. 1951)[1116]
- William George, 76, artist, actor (Dawn of the Dead) and stuntman (b. 1946/1947)[1117]
- Rosemary S. Pooler, 85, jurist, judge of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York (1994–1998) and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (since 1998) (b. 1938)[1118]
- Mike Santiago, 67, football coach (Stephen F. Austin Lumberjacks, Incarnate Word Cardinals) (b. 1955)[1119]
- Brad Thomson, guitarist (The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza).[1120] (death announced on this date)
- Stan Waterman, 100, cinematographer (The Deep) and film producer (Blue Water, White Death) (b. 1923)[1121]
- August 11
- Ellen Casey, 91, social advocate, first lady of Pennsylvania (1987–1995) (b. 1931/1932)[1122]
- John Fielder, 73, photographer (b. 1950)[1123]
- Jerome Hauer, 71, civil servant, director of the نيو يورك Emergency Management (1996–2000) (b. 1951)[1124]
- Tom Jones, 95, lyricist (The Fantasticks, 110 in the Shade, I Do! I Do!) (b. 1928)[1125]
- Andy Larkin, 76, Olympic rower (1968) (b. 1946)[1126]
- Judith Ann McKenzie, 81, biogeochemist (b. 1942)[1127]
- Gus Solomons Jr., 84, dancer and choreographer (b. 1938)[1128]
- Shoji Tabuchi, 79, Japanese-born fiddler (b. 1944)[1129]
- Gregg Tafralis, 65, Olympic shot putter (1988) (b. 1958)[1130]
- Dick Tomanek, 92, baseball player (Cleveland Indians, Kansas City Athletics) (b. 1931)[1131]
- Mike Young, 74, restaurateur, co-founder of Chuy's (b. 1948/1949)[1132]
- August 13
- Clarence Avant, 92, music executive, entrepreneur, and film producer (b. 1931)[1133]
- Nelson Broms, 104, business executive, investor and philanthropist (b. 1919)[1134]
- Alex Collins, 28, لاعب فوتبول (Seattle Seahawks, Baltimore Ravens, Memphis Showboats) (b. 1994)[1135]
- Peter Magadini, 81, drummer and author (The Musician's Guide to Polyrhythms) (b. 1942)[1136]
- Magoo, 50, rapper (Timbaland & Magoo) (b. 1973)[1137] (death announced on this date)
- Randy Minniear, 79, لاعب فوتبول (New York Giants, Cleveland Browns) (b. 1943)[1138]
- Rudy Schlesinger, 81, baseball player (Boston Red Sox) (b. 1941)[1139]
- John L. Scott Jr., 69, politician, member of the South Carolina House of Representatives (1991–2009) and Senate (since 2009) (b. 1953)[1140]
- August 14
- John L. Carroll, 79, judge and academic administrator (b. 1943)[1141]
- Rich Landrum, 77, television broadcaster and professional wrestling announcer (JCP) (b. 1946)[1142]
- August 15
- Gary Barnes, 83, لاعب فوتبول (جرين Bay Packers, Dallas Cowboys, Chicago Bears) (b. 1939)[1143]
- Ada Deer, 88, civil servant, assistant secretary of the interior for Indian affairs (1993–1997) (b. 1935)[1144]
- Chip Dox, 80, art director and production designer (ايام حياتنا) (b. 1942/1943)[1145]
- August 16
- Howard S. Becker, 95, sociologist (b. 1928)[1146]
- Jerry Moss, 88, Hall of Fame recording executive, co-founder of A&M Records (b. 1935)[1147]
- Chai Yitzchok Twerski, 91, Palestinian-born rabbi (b. 1931)[1148]
- August 17
- Walter Aipolani, 68, singer (b. 1955)[1149]
- Art Collector, 6, racehorse (b. 2017)[1150]
- Karol J. Bobko, 85, astronaut (STS-6, STS-51-D, STS-51-J) (b. 1937)[1151]
- Bobby Eli, 77, guitarist (MFSB), songwriter ("Love Won't Let Me Wait"), and record producer (b. 1946)[1152]
- Robert Ekelund, 82, economist (b. 1940)[1153]
- Wayne Gilbert, 76, artist (b. 1946)[1154]
- Wallace H. Nutting, 95, general (b. 1928)[1155]
- Betty Tyson, 75, woman wrongly convicted of murder (b. 1948)[1156]
- Gary Young, 70, drummer (Pavement) (b. 1953)[1157]
- August 18
- James L. Buckley, 100, jurist and politician, U.S. senator (1971–1977), counselor of the United States Department of State (1982) and judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (since 1985) (b. 1923)[1158]
- Laura Ann Carleton, 66, clothing store owner (b. 1956/1957)[1159]
- Cave Rock, 3, Thoroughbred racehorse (b. 2020)[1160]
- Nancy Frangione, 70, actress (Another World) (b. 1953)[1161]
- Ray Hildebrand, 82, musician (بول & Paula) (b. 1940)[1162]
- Lolita, 57, orca (b. 1966)[1163]
- Richard Luft, 85, politician, member of the Illinois House of Representatives (1975–1979) and Senate (1983–1993) (b. 1938)[1164]
- Al Quie, 99, politician, governor of Minnesota (1979–1983), member of the Minnesota Senate (1955–1958) and U.S. House of Representatives (1958–1979) (b. 1923)[1165]
- Casper Roos, 98, actor (Deadtime Stories) (b. 1925)[1166]
- August 19
- Maxie Baughan, 85, Hall of Fame لاعب فوتبول (Philadelphia Eagles, Los Angeles Rams) and coach (Cornell Big Red) (b. 1938)[1167]
- James Burke, 97, space engineer (b. 1927)[1168]
- Gloria Coates, 89, American-born German composer (b. 1933)[1169]
- Alex Cole, 58, baseball player (Pittsburgh Pirates, Cleveland Indians, Minnesota Twins) (b. 1965)[1170] (death announced on this date)
- Douglas Coler, 63, actor (ايام حياتنا) (b. 1960)[1171]
- Carl Crennel, 74, لاعب فوتبول (Pittsburgh Steelers, Montreal Alouettes, Hamilton Tiger-Cats) (b. 1948)[1172]
- Dan جرين, 70, comic book artist (Spider-Man, Wolverine, Doctor Strange) (b. 1952)[1173]
- Howard James Hubbard, 84, Roman Catholic prelate, bishop of Albany (1977–2014) (b. 1938)[1174]
- Ron Cephas Jones, 66, actor (This Is Us, Luke Cage, Mr. Robot), Emmy winner (2018, 2020) (b. 1957)[1175]
- James Parker, 47, Olympic hammer thrower (2004) (b. 1975)[1176]
- John Warnock, 82, computer scientist (Adobe Systems Inc.) (b. 1940)[1177]
- Eleanor Weinstock, 94, politician, member of the Florida House of Representatives (1978–1986) and Senate (1987–1992) (b. 1929)[1178]
- August 20
- Peter P. Garibaldi, 91, politician, member of the New Jersey Senate (1984–1988) and General Assembly (1968–1974) (b. 1931)[1179]
- David Jacobs, 84, television writer, producer and director (Dallas, Knots Landing, Paradise) (b. 1939)[1180]
- Dale Patchett, 73, politician, member of the Florida House of Representatives (1976–1990) (b. 1950)[1181]
- Mickey Rupp, 87, racecar driver (b. 1936)[1182]
- Vic Seipke, 91, bodybuilder (b. 1932)[1183]
- Howard Spodek, 81, historian (b. 1941)[1184]
- Jerry Turner, 69, baseball player (San Diego Padres, Detroit Tigers, Chicago White Sox) (b. 1954)[1185]
- Bill Vukovich II, 79, racing driver (b. 1944)[1186]
- August 21
- Laszlo Birinyi, 79, Hungarian-born investor and businessman (b. 1943)[1187]
- Elizabeth Hoffman, 97, actress (Fear No Evil, Born on the Fourth of July, Sisters) (b. 1926)[1188]
- Carlos Pérez, 88, Colombian-born oncologist (b. 1934)[1189]
- August 22
- Tom Courtney, 90, sprinter, double Olympic champion (1956) (b. 1933)[1190]
- Peter Gonzales Falcon, 75, actor (L'ospite, Roma, The End) (b. 1947/1948)[1191]
- Nathan Louis Jackson, 44, producer, screenwriter (13 Reasons Why) and playwright (b. 1978/1979)[1192]
- C. R. Rao, 102, Indian-born mathematician and statistician (Cramér-Rao bound, Rao-Blackwell theorem) (b. 1920)[1193]
- Jim Romaniszyn, 71, لاعب فوتبول (Cleveland Browns, New England Patriots) (b. 1951)[1194]
- Vaccine, 43, musician and record producer (b. 1979)[1195]
- August 23
- Bob Feldman, 83, songwriter ("My Boyfriend's Back", "I Want Candy") and record producer ("Hang On Sloopy") (b. 1940)[1196]
- Terry Funk, 79, Hall of Fame professional wrestler (NWA, WWF) and actor (Paradise Alley, Over the Top, Road House) (b. 1944)[1197]
- Chryss Goulandris, Lady O'Reilly, 73, Greek-born businesswoman (b. 1950)[1198]
- Robert Hale, 90, bass-baritone opera singer (نيو يورك Opera, Deutsche Oper Berlin) (b. 1933)[1199]
- Joseph Hubert Hart, 91, Roman Catholic prelate, auxiliary bishop (1976–1978) and bishop (1978–2001) of Cheyenne (b. 1931)[1200]
- Warren Hoge, 82, journalist (نيو يورك تايمز) (b. 1941)[1201]
- Hersha Parady, 78, actress (Little House on the Prairie, Hyper Sapien: People from Another Star, CBS Afternoon Playhouse) (b. 1945)[1202]
- Norman Pfeiffer, 82, architect (b. 1940)[1203]
- Steve Sidwell, 78, football coach (Colorado Buffaloes, New England Patriots, New Orleans Saints) (b. 1944)[1204]
- Ralph Smith, 84, لاعب فوتبول (Cleveland Browns, Philadelphia Eagles, Atlanta Falcons) (b. 1938)[1205]
- August 24
- Craig Henriquez, 64, biomedical engineer (b. 1958/1959)[1206]
- Lawrence Francis Kramer, 90, politician, mayor of Paterson, New Jersey (1967–1972, 1975–1982) (b. 1933)[1207]
- George Montgomery, 90, drag racer (b. 1933)[1208]
- Barbara Rossi, 82, artist (b. 1940)[1209]
- Aaron Schechter, 95, Haredi rabbi (b. 1928)[1210]
- Arleen Sorkin, 67, actress (Batman: The Animated Series, ايام حياتنا, Duet) (b. 1955)[1211]
- Bray Wyatt, 36, professional wrestler (WWE) (b. 1987)[1212]
- Ta’Kiya Young, 21, alleged shoplifter (b. 2001/2002)[1213]
- August 25
- Walt Curtis, 82, poet (b. 1941)[1214]
- August 26
- Bob Barker, 99, game show host (The Price Is Right, Truth or Consequences) and animal rights activist (b. 1923)[1215]
- John Benton-Harris, 83, photographer (b. 1939)[1216]
- Jerold A. Edmondson, 81, linguist (b. 1941)[1217]
- Carl Cohen, 92, philosopher (b. 1932)[1218]
- John Kezdy, 64, punk singer (The Effigies) and attorney (b. 1958/1959)[1219]
- Clay Mathile, 82, pet food industry executive, CEO of Iams (1982–1999) (b. 1941)[1220]
- Tony Roberts, 94, sportscaster (Notre Dame Fighting Irish football) (b. 1928)[1221]
- August 27
- Pat Corrales, 82, baseball player (Philadelphia Phillies, Cincinnati Reds) and manager (Texas Rangers), World Series winner (1995) (b. 1941)[1222]
- Robert C. Holub, 74, germanist and academic administrator, chancellor of UMass (2008–2012) (b. 1949)[1223]
- Mac Huddleston, 79, politician, member of the Mississippi House of Representatives (since 2008) (b. 1943)[1224]
- Joe the Plumber, 49, conservative activist and commentator (b. 1973)[1225]
- Brian McBride, 53, musician (Stars of the Lid, Bell Gardens) (b. 1970)[1226] (death announced on this date)
- J. Tinsley Oden, 86, engineer, founder of the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (b. 1936)[1227]
- Franne Lee, 81, costume designer (Candide, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, ساتارداى نايت لايڤ) (b. 1941)[1228]
- Eddie Skoller, 79, American-born Danish singer and actor (b. 1944)[1229]
- Rich Stubler, 74, football coach (Toronto Argonauts, Hamilton Tiger-Cats, Edmonton Eskimos) (b. 1949)[1230]
- Don Sundquist, 87, politician, governor of Tennessee (1995–2003), member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1983–1995) (b. 1936)[1231]
- Fritz H. Windhorst, 88, jurist, lawyer and politician, member of the Louisiana State Senate (1972–1992) (b. 1935)[1232]
- August 28
- August 08, 31, R&B singer-songwriter ("I'm the One") and producer (b. 1992)[1233]
- James Casey, 40, saxophonist (Trey Anastasio Band) (b. 1982/1983)[1234]
- Len Chandler, 88, folk musician (b. 1935)[1235]
- Janet Dean Fodor, 81, linguist.[1236]
- Tina Howe, 85, playwright (The Art of Dining, Painting Churches, Coastal Disturbances, Pride's Crossing) (b. 1937)[1237]
- Carl C. Johnson, 97, Army Air Force colonel (Tuskegee Airmen) (b. 1926)[1238]
- Edith Graef McGeer, 99, neuroscientist (b. 1923)[1239]
- Dennis J. Murphy, 91, major general (b. 1932)[1240]
- Sarava, 24, Thoroughbred racehorse (b. 1999)[1241]
- Sonny Seiler, 90, attorney and football mascot owner (Uga) (b. 1933)[1242]
- Teeuwynn Woodruff, 54–55, writer and game designer (Dungeons & Dragons, Wraith: The Oblivion, World of Darkness) (b. 1968)[1243]
- John Zajac Jr., 90, politician (b. 1932)[1244]
- August 29
- Coolidge Ball, 71, لاعب كورة سله (Ole Miss Rebels) (b. 1951)[1245]
- Don Browne, 80, television executive (Telemundo, NBC News) (b. 1943)[1246]
- Nancy Buirski, 78, film director (A Crime on the Bayou, Desperate Souls, Dark City and the Legend of Midnight Cowboy) and producer (Loving) (b. 1945)[1247]
- Ahmo Hight, 50, fitness model and actress (b. 1972/1973)[1248]
- Robert Klane, 81, novelist and screenwriter (The Man with One Red Shoe, National Lampoon's European Vacation, Weekend at Bernie's) (b. 1941)[1249]
- August 30
- Norman Rodgers, 95, politician, member of the Iowa State Senate (1973–1987) (b. 1927)[1250]
- Jack Sonni, 68, musician (Dire Straits), marketing executive and writer (b. 1954)[1251]
- August 31
- Gil Brandt, 91, NFL Hall of Fame football executive (Dallas Cowboys, Los Angeles Rams, San Francisco 49ers) (b. 1932)[1252]
- Aram Chobanian, 94, educator, president of Boston University (2005) (b. 1929)[1253]
- Robert Clegg Jr., 69, politician, member of the New Hampshire Senate (2002–2008) (b. 1954)[1254]
- Steve Crump, 65–66, journalist (WBTV) and documentary film producer (b. 1957)[1255]
- Gayle Hunnicutt, 80, actress (Dallas, Eye of the Cat, Marlowe, Fragment of Fear) (b. 1943)[1256]
- Douglas Lenat, 72, artificial intelligence researcher, founder and CEO of Cycorp (b. 1950)[1257]
- Marti Maraden, 78, American-born Canadian actress (b. 1945)[1258]
- Bill Pinkney, 87, Hall of Fame sailor (b. 1935)[1259]
- Sarah Young, 77, author (Jesus Calling) (b. 1945/1946)[1260]
[تعديل]- September 1
- Dennis Austin, 76, computer programmer, co-creator of Microsoft PowerPoint (b. 1947)[1261]
- Robert Becerra, 64, guitarist (Stains) (b. 1958/1959)[1262]
- Jimmy Buffett, 76, singer-songwriter ("Margaritaville", "Come Monday", "Cheeseburger in Paradise") and businessman, founder of Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville (b. 1946)[1263]
- Gerald P. Carmen, 93, diplomat, representative to the European Office of the UN (1984–1986) and administrator of the GSA (1981–1984) (b. 1930)[1264]
- Elton Gissendanner, 95, veterinarian and politician, member of the Florida House of Representatives (1967–1968) (b. 1927)[1265]
- Bill Malley, 88, production designer (The Exorcist, The Fury, The Ninth Configuration) (b. 1934)[1266]
- Bill Richardson, 75, politician, diplomat, ambassador of the United States to the United Nations (1997–1998), Secretary of Energy (1998–2001) and governor of New Mexico (2003–2011) (b. 1947)[1267]
- Nels J. Smith, 84, politician, member (1963–1979) and speaker of (1977–1979) the Wyoming House of Representatives (b. 1939)[1268]
- Tempt One, 54, graffiti artist (b. 1968/1969)[1269]
- September 2
- Walter Arlen, 103, Austrian-born composer and music critic (b. 1920)[1270]
- Max Gomez, 72, Cuban-born medical journalist (WNBC, WCBS-TV) (b. 1951)[1271]
- Robert A. Lamb, 72, British-born virologist (b. 1950)[1272]
- Ilija Mitić, 83, Serbian-born soccer player (San Jose Earthquakes, Oakland Clippers, United States national team) (b. 1940)[1273]
- Marcia de Rousse, 70, actress (True Blood, St. Elsewhere, Schooled) (b. 1953)[1274]
- Shannon Wilcox, 80, actress (The Border, Six Weeks, Songwriter) (b. 1942/1943)[1275]
- September 3
- Ruschell Boone, 48, Jamaican-born newscaster (NY1) (b. 1975)[1276]
- بول Roach, 95, football coach (Wyoming Cowboys, Denver Broncos, Oakland Raiders) (b. 1927)[1277]
- September 4
- Wilma Briggs, 92, baseball player (Fort Wayne Daisies, South Bend Blue Sox) (b. 1930)[1278]
- Edith Grossman, 87, literary translator (b. 1936)[1279]
- Steve Harwell, 56, singer (Smash Mouth) (b. 1967)[1280]
- Tail Dragger Jones, 82, Chicago blues singer (b. 1940)[1281]
- Tirso del Junco, 98, Cuban-born politician and Olympic rower (1948) (b. 1925)[1282]
- Ed Meador, 86, لاعب فوتبول (Los Angeles Rams) (b. 1937)[1283]
- Ferid Murad, 86, physician and pharmacologist, Nobel Prize recipient (1998) (b. 1936)[1284]
- John Wolfe Jr., 69, attorney and politician (b. 1954)[1285]
- Gary Wright, 80, singer-songwriter ("Dream Weaver", "Love Is Alive") and musician (Spooky Tooth) (b. 1943)[1286]
- September 5
- Tom Davies, 48, British-born bassist (Nebula) (b. 1974/1975)[1287]
- Lee Halliday, 95, singer and record producer (b. 1927)[1288]
- Molly Holzschlag, 60, author, lecturer and advocate of the Open Web (b. 1963)[1289]
- George Lefont, 85, movie theater owner (Plaza Theatre) (b. 1938)[1290]
- September 6
- Larry Chance, 82, doo-wop singer (The Earls) (b. 1940)[1291]
- Richard Davis, 93, jazz bassist (b. 1930)[1292]
- Jim Tom Hedrick, 82, television personality (Moonshiners) (b. 1940)[1293]
- Steve Roden, 59, contemporary artist and musician (b. 1964)[1294]
- Louis Vitale, 91, Franciscan friar and peace activist, co-founder of Nevada Desert Experience (b. 1932)[1295]
- Whitey Von Nieda, 101, لاعب كورة سله (Baltimore Bullets) (b. 1922)[1296]
- September 7
- Charles Gayle, 84, jazz saxophonist and pianist (b. 1939)[1297]
- Geechy Guy, 59, stand-up comedian (b. 1964)[1298]
- Johnny Mathis, 80, لاعب كورة سله (New Jersey Americans, الينتاون جيتس) (b. 1943)[1299]
- Ginger Mayson, 68, college volleyball coach (Michigan State Spartans) (b. 1954/1955)[1300]
- September 8
- Mylon LeFevre, 78, Christian rock singer (b. 1944)[1301]
- Lisa Lyon, 70, bodybuilder (b. 1953)[1302]
- Brett Sawyer, 63, professional wrestler (NWA, SCW) (b. 1960)[1303]
- Nancy Storrs, 73, Olympic rower (1976) (b. 1950)[1304]
- Anthony Sully, 79, serial killer (b. 1944)[1305]
- Felicia تايلور, 59, news correspondent (CNN International) (b. 1964)[1306]
- Norma O. Walker, 95, politician, mayor of Aurora, Colorado (1965–1967) (b. 1928)[1307]
- September 9
- William B. Black, 81, politician, member of the Illinois House of Representatives (1986–2010) (b. 1941)[1308]
- September 10
- Robert S. Bennett, 84, attorney (Clinton–Lewinsky scandal) (b. 1939)[1309]
- Charlie Robison, 59, country singer-songwriter ("I Want You Bad", "El Cerrito Place") (b. 1964)[1310]
- Matthew Stewart, 41, trumpeter (Streetlight Manifesto) (b. 1981/1982)[1311]
- Mabel Walker, 94, Olympic sprinter (1948) (b. 1928)[1312]
- September 11
- Dick Bertel, 92, radio and television personality (NBC, Mutual Broadcasting System, Voice of America) (b. 1931)[1313]
- Point Given, 25, Thoroughbred racehorse (b. 1998)[1314]
- Ronald L. Rencher, 82, politician, member (1971–1976) and speaker (1975–1976) of the Utah House of Representatives, U.S. attorney for the District of Utah (1977–1981) (b. 1941)[1315]
- Howard Safir, 81, law enforcement official, New York City police (1996–2000) and fire (1994–1996) commissioner (b. 1942)[1316]
- Mary Terrall, 71, academic and science historian (b. 1952)[1317]
- September 12
- Brandon Hunter, 42, لاعب كورة سله (Boston Celtics, Orlando Magic) (b. 1980)[1318]
- Roy Kidd, 91, Hall of Fame college football coach (Eastern Kentucky) (b. 1931)[1319]
- Pete Kozachik, 72, visual effects artist (The Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Coraline) (b. 1950/1951)[1320]
- Mike Williams, 36, لاعب فوتبول (Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Buffalo Bills) (b. 1987)[1321]
- Zeus, 3, Great Dane dog, world’s tallest dog (b. 2019)[1322]
- September 13
- James E. Kieffer, 80, politician, member of the North Dakota House of Representatives (1971–1972) (b. 1943)[1323]
- Joseph J. Kohn, 91, Czechoslovakian-born academic and mathematician (b. 1932)[1324]
- Marvin E. Newman, 95, photographer (b. 1927)[1325]
- Buzzy Peltola, 58, politician (b. 1965)[1326]
- September 14
- Robert Addison Day, 79, businessman (b. 1943)[1327]
- Pearl Bowser, 92, film historian and director (Midnight Ramble) (b. 1931)[1328]
- Robert Tree Cody, 72, musician (b. 1951)[1329]
- Lauch Faircloth, 95, politician, senator (1993–1999) and North Carolina secretary of commerce (1977–1985) (b. 1928)[1330]
- Carol Harter, 82, academic administrator, president of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (1995–2006) (b. 1941)[1331]
- Fred Lewis, 72, percussionist (Lakeside) (b. 1950/1951)[1332]
- Joseph Massino, 80, mobster (b. 1943)[1333]
- Michael McGrath, 65, actor (Tootsie, Spamalot, Nice Work If You Can Get It, The Secret of Kells) and Tony winner (2012) (b. 1957)[1334]
- Scott تايلور, 78, Olympic pentathlete (1972) (b. 1945)[1335]
- September 15
- Prudence McIntyre, 78, singer (Patience and Prudence) (b. 1945)[1336]
- Billy Miller, 43, actor (The Young and the Restless, چينيرال هوسپيتال) (b. 1979)[1337]
- September 16
- Dick Curtis, 95, actor (The Day It Came to Earth, Motel Hell, What Waits Below) (b. 1927/1928)[1338]
- Victor Fuchs, 99, health economist (b. 1924)[1339]
- Irish Grinstead, 43, R&B singer (702) (b. 1980)[1340]
- Gita Mehta, 80, Indian-born writer (Karma Cola, A River Sutra) and filmmaker (b. 1943)[1341]
- September 17
- Roric Harrison, 76, baseball player (Atlanta Braves, Baltimore Orioles, Minnesota Twins) (b. 1946)[1342]
- September 18
- Harold Baker, 93, jurist, judge of the U.S. District Court for Eastern Illinois (1978–1979), U.S. District Court for Central Illinois (1979–2022), and the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (1998–2005) (b. 1929)[1343]
- Henry Boucha, 72, ice hockey player (Detroit Red Wings, Minnesota North Stars), Olympic silver medalist (1972) (b. 1951)[1344]
- Constance Clayton, 89, educator and civic leader (b. 1933)[1345]
- Leina'ala Drummond, 77, model, Miss Hawaii (1964) (b. 1946)[1346]
- Brereton C. Jones, 84, horse breeder and politician, lieutenant governor (1987–1991) and governor of Kentucky (1991–1995) (b. 1939)[1347]
- Joe Matt, 60, cartoonist (Peepshow) (b. 1963)[1348]
- Peter W. Mullin, 82, businessman (b. 1941)[1349]
- September 19
- Billy Chemirmir, 50, Kenyan-born convicted murderer (b. 1972)[1350]
- جوان A. Epps, 72, legal scholar, president of جامعة تمبل (2023) (b. 1951)[1351]
- Stephen Gould, 61, heldentenor (b. 1961)[1352]
- James F. Hoge Jr., 87, journalist and publisher (The Chicago Sun-Times, New York Daily News, Foreign Affairs) (b. 1935)[1353]
- Buddy Teevens, 66, football coach (Dartmouth Big جرين) (b. 1956)[1354]
- September 20
- Katherine Anderson, 79, singer (The Marvelettes) (b. 1943/1944)[1355]
- Dick Clark, 95, politician, member of the U.S. Senate (1973–1979) (b. 1928)[1356]
- Elaine Devry, 93, actress (The Atomic Kid, China Doll, A Guide for the Married Man) (b. 1930)[1357]
- Bobby Durnbaugh, 90, baseball player (Cincinnati Redlegs) (b. 1933)[1358]
- Stephen Erickson, 83, philosopher (b. 1939/1940)[1359]
- David Mack, 69, politician, member of the South Carolina House of Representatives (1997–2020) (b. 1953)[1360]
- Lucy Morgan, 82, journalist (Tampa Bay Times), Pulitzer Prize winner (1985) (b. 1940)[1361]
- Jack Sandlin, 72, politician, member of the Indiana Senate (since 2016) (b. 1950)[1362]
- Phil Sellers, 69, player (Detroit Pistons, BV Amstelveen) (b. 1953)[1363]
- Kent Stax, 61, drummer (Scream) (b. 1960/1961)[1364]
- Hollis Watkins, 82, civil rights activist (b. 1941)[1365]
- September 21
- Arlen Erdahl, 92, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1979–1983) (b. 1931)[1366]
- Hubert Ginn, 76, لاعب فوتبول (Miami Dolphins, Baltimore Colts, Oakland Raiders) (b. 1947)[1367]
- Jeremy Silman, 69, chess player (b. 1954)[1368]
- Robert W. Smith, 64, trumpeter and composer (b. 1958)[1369]
- September 22
- Bob Glasgow, 81, politician, member of the Texas Senate (1980–1993) (b. 1942)[1370]
- Evelyn Fox Keller, 87, physicist, author and feminist (b. 1936)[1371]
- Pava LaPere, 26, businesswoman and entrepreneur (b. 1996/1997)[1372]
- Mike Henderson, 70, singer-songwriter ("Broken Halos", "Starting Over") and musician (The SteelDrivers) (b. 1953)[1373]
- Mark Manges, 67, لاعب فوتبول (St. Louis Cardinals) (b. 1956)[1374]
- Wallace B. Smith, 94, Community of Christ preacher, prophet-president (1978–1996) (b. 1929)[1375]
- September 23
- Jim Courtney, 87, politician, member of the Montana House of Representatives (1977–1979) (b. 1936)[1376]
- Nic Kerdiles, 29, ice hockey player (Anaheim Ducks) (b. 1994)<ref.Nic Kerdiles, 1994–2023</ref>
- Terry Kirkman, 83, musician (The Association) and songwriter ("Cherish", "Everything That Touches You") (b. 1939)[1377]
- Danny Morris, 74, baseball player (Minnesota Twins).[1378]
- بول Woodruff, 80, classicist and professor of philosophy (b. 1943)[1379]
- September 24
- Viktor Belenko, 76, Russian-born fighter pilot (b. 1947)[1380]
- Nashawn Breedlove, 46, actor (8 Mile) and rapper (b. 1976/1977)[1381]
- Tim Foley, 75, لاعب فوتبول (Miami Dolphins) (b. 1948)[1382]
- Barry Olivier, 87, guitar teacher, creator of the Berkeley Folk Music Festival (b. 1935)[1383]
- Chuck Romine, 87, politician, member of the West Virginia House of Delegates (1968–1974, 1998–2000, 2016–2018) (b. 1936)[1384]
- September 25
- Burkey Belser, 76, graphic designer (nutrition facts label) (b. 1947)[1385]
- Eugenio Calabi, 100, Italian-born mathematician (Calabi conjecture, Calabi–Yau manifold, Calabi flow) (b. 1923)[1386]
- Gerry Shamray, 66, comic book artist (American Splendor) (b. 1957)[1387]
- September 26
- Sandra Dorsey, 83, actress (Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland, Gordy, Dumb and Dumber To) (b. 1939)[1388]
- Teri Hope, 85, model and actress (Fun in Acapulco, Force of Impulse) (b. 1938)[1389]
- Brooks Robinson, 86, Hall of Fame baseball player (Baltimore Orioles), World Series champion (1966, 1970) (b. 1937)[1390]
- September 27
- Donna Becker, 91, baseball player (Kalamazoo Lassies) (b. 1932)[1391]
- Dom Famularo, 70, drummer (b. 1953)[1392]
- Bob Sheridan, 79, boxing and MMA commentator (b. 1944)[1393]
- Ryuzo Yanagimachi, 95, Japanese-born embryologist (b. 1928)[1394]
- September 28
- Glenn Bujnoch, 69, لاعب فوتبول (Cincinnati Bengals, Tampa Bay Buccaneers) (b. 1953)[1395]
- Viliami Moala, 30, لاعب فوتبول (California Golden Bears, Baltimore Ravens) (b. 1993)[1396]
- September 29
- Jon Fausty, 74, sound and recording engineer (b. 1949)[1397]
- Dianne Feinstein, 90, politician, member of the U.S. Senate (since 1992), mayor of San Francisco (1978–1988) and president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors (1978) (b. 1933)[1398]
- Joyce Grable, 70, professional wrestler (NWA) (b. 1952)[1399]
- Joseph E. Johnson, 90, academic, University of Tennessee system president (1991–1999) (b. 1933)[1400]
- Kurt Schumacher, 70, لاعب فوتبول (New Orleans Saints, Tampa Bay Buccaneers) (b. 1952)[1401]
- Ed Young, 91, Chinese-born illustrator (b. 1931)[1402]
- September 30
- Russell Batiste Jr., 57, drummer (The Meters, Vida Blue, Papa Grows Funk) (b. 1965)[1403]
- Michael Flynn, 75, author (The Forest of Time, Fallen Angels) (b. 1947)[1404]
- Russell Sherman, 93, classical pianist (b. 1930)[1405]
[تعديل]- October 1
- Eve Bunting, 94, Northern Irish-born author (Smoky Night, The Presence: A Ghost Story) (b. 1928)[1406]
- Jim Caple, 61, sports journalist (ESPN.com) and writer (b. 1962)[1407]
- Russ Francis, 70, لاعب فوتبول (New England Patriots, San Francisco 49ers) (b. 1953)[1408]
- Ron Haffkine, 84, record producer and music manager (Dr. Hook & the Medicine Show) (b. 1938)[1409]
- Doug Larsen, 46–47, politician, member of the North Dakota Senate (since 2020) (b. 1976)[1410]
- Richard J. Lesniak, 84, politician, member of the Indiana House of Representatives (1968–1972) (b. 1939)[1411]
- Sir Christopher Lewinton, 91, British-born businessman (b. 1932)[1412]
- Richard McSpadden, 63, educator and pilot (b. 1959/1960)[1413]
- George Reed, 83, football player (Saskatchewan Roughriders) (b. 1939)[1414]
- Tim Wakefield, 57, baseball player (Boston Red Sox, Pittsburgh Pirates) and commentator (NESN) (b. 1966)[1415]
- Claudius E. Watts III, 87, Air Force general, president of The Citadel (1989–1996) (b. 1936)[1416]
- Beverly Willis, 95, architect (b. 1928)[1417]
- October 2
- Kevin M. Birmingham, 51, Roman Catholic prelate, auxiliary bishop of Chicago (since 2020) (b. 1971)[1418]
- Mack C. Chase, 92, businessman (b. 1931)[1419]
- Casey Cox, 81, baseball player (Washington Senators/Texas Rangers, New York Yankees) (b. 1941)[1420]
- Herbert Handt, 97, operatic tenor and conductor (b. 1926)[1421]
- James Jorden, 69, journalist and music critic (Parterre Box) (b. 1954)[1422] (body found on this date)
- Josh Kruger, 39, journalist and activist (b. 1984)[1423]
- Henry H. Montplaisir, 87, politician, member of the North Dakota House of Representatives (1965–1966) (b. 1936)[1424]
- Hampton Smith, 89, football coach (Albany State Golden Rams) (b. 1934)[1425]
- October 3
- Joe Christopher, 87, baseball player (Pittsburgh Pirates, New York Mets, Boston Red Sox) (b. 1935)[1426]
- Jennie M. Forehand, 87, politician, member of the Maryland Senate (1995–2015) and House of Delegates (1978–1994) (b. 1935)[1427]
- Thomas Gambino, 94, mobster (Gambino crime family) (b. 1929)[1428]
- Lena McLin, 95, music teacher, composer and pastor (b. 1928)[1429]
- Howard Murphy, 79, football coach (Westfield State) (b. 1944)[1430]
- Harriet Pattison, 94, landscape architect (b. 1928)[1431]
- Bob Wagner, 76, football coach (Hawaii Rainbow Warriors) (b. 1947)[1432]
- October 4
- Wayne Comer, 79, baseball player (Detroit Tigers, Milwaukee Brewers, Washington Senators) (b. 1944)[1433]
- Pat Hays, 76, politician, mayor of North Little Rock, Arkansas (1989–2013) and member of the Arkansas House of Representatives (1987–1989) (b. 1947)[1434]
- Rives McBee, 84, golfer (b. 1938)[1435]
- Boris M. Schein, 85, Russian-born mathematician (b. 1938)[1436]
- Shawna Trpcic, 56, costume designer (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Angel, Ahsoka) (b. 1966)[1437]
- George Tyndall, 74, gynecologist (b. 1948/1949)[1438]
- October 5
- Dick Butkus, 80, Hall of Fame لاعب فوتبول (Chicago Bears) and actor (Hang Time, Johnny Dangerously) (b. 1942)[1439]
- Keith Jefferson, 53, actor (Django Unchained, The Hateful Eight, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) (b. 1970)[1440]
- Jordan Levy, 79, radio host (WTAG) and politician, mayor of Worcester, Massachusetts (1980–1981, 1988–1993) (b. 1943)[1441]
- October 6
- Michael Chiarello, 61, celebrity chef (Top Chef, Top Chef Masters, The Next Iron Chef) (b. 1962)[1442]
- Loren Cunningham, 88, missionary leader (Youth with a Mission), co-founder of the University of the Nations (b. 1935)[1443]
- Vincent Patrick, 88, author and screenwriter (The Pope of جرينwich Village, Family Business, The Devil's Own) (b. 1935)[1444]
- Jim Poole, 57, baseball player (Baltimore Orioles, Cleveland Indians, San Francisco Giants) (b. 1966)[1445]
- October 7
- Sy Becker, 87, reporter and movie critic (WWLP, WSPR) (b. 1936)[1446] (death announced on this date)
- Patricia Cray, 82, actress (Wonder Boys, The Kill Point, Love and Other Drugs) (b. 1941)[1447]
- Eric Griffin, 55, Olympic boxer (1992) (b. 1967)[1448]
- Anna Gutu, 31–32, Ukrainian-born mountaineer (b. 1990/1991)[1449]
- Brian Iwata, 75, psychologist (b. 1948)[1450]
- Loyal Jones, 95, folklorist (b. 1928)[1451]
- Gina Marie Rzucidlo, 45, mountaineer (b. 1978)[1452]
- Ted Schwinden, 98, politician, governor (1981–1989) and lieutenant governor (1977–1981) of Montana, member of the Montana House of Representatives (1959–1963) (b. 1925)[1453]
- October 8
- Fred Boyd, 73, لاعب كورة سله (Philadelphia 76ers, New Orleans Jazz) (b. 1950)[1454]
- David Dollar, 68, economist (b. 1954)[1455]
- Bret Gilliam, 72, technical diver (b. 1951)[1456]
- James P. Kauahikaua, 72, geophysicist and volcanologist and first Native Hawaiian scientist-in-charge of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (b. 1951)[1457]
- Jeff Peterek, 60, baseball player (Milwaukee Brewers) (b. 1963)[1458]
- Herschel Savage, 70, pornographic actor (Debbie Does Dallas, Memphis Cathouse Blues, The Texas Vibrator Massacre) and director (b. 1952)[1459]
- Burt Young, 83, actor (Rocky, Chinatown, The Pope of جرينwich Village) (b. 1940)[1460]
- October 9
- Terry Dischinger, 82, لاعب كورة سله (Chicago Zephyrs, Detroit Pistons, Portland Trail Blazers), Olympic champion (1960) (b. 1940)[1461]
- Chuck Feeney, 92, travel retailer and philanthropist, founder of DFS Group and Atlantic Philanthropies (b. 1931)[1462]
- Keith Giffen, 70, comic book artist and writer (Legion of Super-Heroes, Justice League), co-creator of Rocket Raccoon (b. 1952)[1463]
- Steven Lutvak, 64, composer and singer-songwriter (A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder) (b. 1959)[1464]
- Kevin Phillips, 82, political commentator (NOW on PBS) (b. 1940)[1465]
- Dick Rauh, 98, graphic artist and visual effects artist (Little Shop of Horrors, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Working Girl) (b. 1925)[1466]
- Buck Trent, 85, country musician and television personality (Hee Haw) (b. 1938)[1467]
- Allan Weisbecker, 75, surfer, novelist, and screenwriter (Crime Story) (b. 1948)[1468] (death announced on this date)
- October 10
- Roger Bedford Jr., 67, politician, member of the Alabama Senate (1982–1990, 1994–2014) (b. 1956)[1469]
- Jeff Burr, 60, film director (Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III, Stepfather II, Puppet Master 4) (b. 1963)[1470]
- Shirley Jo Finney, 74, actress (Nashville Girl, Echo Park, Moving) and stage director (b. 1949)[1471]
- Mark Goddard, 87, actor (Lost in Space, Blue Sunshine, Roller Boogie) (b. 1936)[1472]
- Martin Goetz, 93, software engineer (b. 1930)[1473]
- John Klenke, 65, politician, member of the Wisconsin State Assembly (2011–2015) (b. 1958)[1474]
- Eva Kollisch, 98, Austrian-born lesbian rights activist and writer (b. 1925)[1475]
- Ken Lally, 52, actor (Heroes, Mortal Kombat, Red Dead Redemption) and stuntman (b. 1971)[1476]
- Dick Leach, 83, tennis player and coach (b. 1940)[1477]
- Brendan Malone, 81, basketball coach (Rhode Island Rams, Toronto Raptors) (b. 1942)[1478]
- Louise Meriwether, 100, author (Daddy Was a Number Runner) and activist (b. 1923)[1479]
- Gail O'Neill, 61, model and journalist (The Early Show) (b. 1962)[1480]
- October 11
- Doug Clark, 75, serial killer (b. 1948)[1481]
- Phyllis Coates, 96, actress (Superman and the Mole Men, Adventures of Superman, The Incredible Petrified World) (b. 1927)[1482]
- Walt Garrison, 79, لاعب فوتبول (Dallas Cowboys) (b. 1944)[1483]
- Rudolph Isley, 84, singer-songwriter (The Isley Brothers) and songwriter ("It's Your Thing", "That Lady") (b. 1939)[1484]
- Jim Jensen, 89, politician, member of Nebraska Legislature (1994–2006) and contractor (b. 1934)[1485]
- Rosemarie Myrdal, 94, politician, lieutenant governor of North Dakota (1992–2000) (b. 1929)[1486]
- Cynthia Whittaker, 82, academic and author (b. 1941)[1487]
- October 12
- Robert von Dassanowsky, 58, Austrian-born writer, historian, and film producer (b. 1965)[1488] (death announced on this date)
- Howard Forman, 77, politician, member of the Florida Senate (1989–2000) (b. 1946)[1489]
- Tom O'Lincoln, 76, Marxist historian and author (b. 1947)[1490]
- Lara Parker, 84, actress (Dark Shadows, Save the Tiger, Race with the Devil) (b. 1938)[1491]
- Colette Rossant, 91, French-born restaurateur (b. 1932)[1492]
- October 13
- Michael J. Bragman, 83, politician, member (1981–2001) and majority leader (1993–2000) of the New York State Assembly (b. 1940)[1493]
- Louise Glück, 80, poet (The Triumph of Achilles, The Wild Iris), Pulitzer Prize winner (1993), Nobel Prize laureate (2020) (b. 1943)[1494]
- Burdette Haldorson, 89, لاعب كورة سله, Olympic champion (1956, 1960) (b. 1934)[1495]
- Frank A. Herda, 76, army soldier, Medal of Honor recipient (b. 1947)[1496]
- Ronald M. Mottl, 89, lawyer and politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1975–1983), Ohio House of Representatives (1987–1997) and twice of Ohio Senate (b. 1934)[1497]
- Loren Parks, 97, businessman (b. 1926)[1498]
- Bud Somerville, 86, curler (b. 1937)[1499]
- Lois Wright, 95, artist (b. 1928)[1500]
- October 14
- Wadea Al-Fayoume, 6, Palestinian-born child (b. 2017)[1501]
- Andy Bean, 70, professional golfer (b. 1953)[1502]
- Maurice W. Long, 98, electrical engineer and physicist (b. 1925)[1503]
- Piper Laurie, 91, actress (The Hustler, Children of a Lesser God, Twin Peaks), Emmy winner (1987) (b. 1932)[1504]
- Mei Tsu-lin, 90, Chinese-born linguist, member of Academia Sinica (b. 1933)[1505]
- October 15
- Dick Bielski, 91, لاعب فوتبول (Philadelphia Eagles, Dallas Cowboys) and coach (Baltimore Colts) (b. 1932)[1506]
- Neal Brooks Biggers Jr., 88, jurist, judge of the U.S. District Court for Southern Mississippi (since 1984) (b. 1935)[1507]
- Tod Brown, 86, Roman Catholic prelate, bishop of Boise City (1988–1998) and Orange in California (1998–2012) (b. 1936)[1508]
- Joanna Merlin, 92, actress (Fame, Mystic Pizza, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) and casting director (b. 1931)[1509]
- Todd Reynolds, 56, Olympic pair skater (1994) (b. 1966)[1510]
- David Shaffer, 87, South African-born physician and pediatrician (b. 1936)[1511]
- Suzanne Somers, 76, actress (Three's Company, Step by Step, She's the Sheriff) (b. 1946)[1512]
- October 16
- Roland R. Griffiths, 77, psychopharmacologist (b. 1946)[1513]
- Geri M. Joseph, 100, diplomat, ambassador to the Netherlands (1978–1981) (b. 1923)[1514]
- Steven Weisberg, 68, film editor (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Men in Black II, The Cable Guy, Great Expectations) (b. 1955)[1515]
- October 17
- Carol Berman, 100, politician, member of the New York Senate (1979–1984) (b. 1923)[1516]
- ادوارد Bleier, 94, television executive (b. 1929)[1517]
- Carla Bley, 87, jazz composer and pianist (b. 1936)[1518]
- Bob George, 51, film producer, (Endings, Beginnings) (b. 1971)[1519]
- Tom Rychlec, 89, لاعب فوتبول (Buffalo Bills, Detroit Lions, Denver Broncos) (b. 1934)[1520]
- October 18
- Roger Brown, 73, لاعب كورة سله (Detroit Pistons, Denver Nuggets, Carolina Cougars) (b. 1950)[1521]
- Dave Puddington, 95, football coach (Washington University Bears) (b. 1928)[1522]
- Dwight Twilley, 72, singer-songwriter ("I'm on Fire") (b. 1951)[1523]
- October 19
- The 45 King, 62, record producer and DJ (b. 1961)[1524]
- Judy Balaban, 91, actress and author (b. 1932)[1525]
- October 20
- Jack Anderson, 88, poet and dance critic (b. 1935)[1526]
- Jack Brennan, 86, political aide (b. 1937)[1527]
- Pete Ladd, 67, baseball player (Houston Astros, Milwaukee Brewers, Seattle Mariners) (b. 1956)[1528]
- Richard M. Osgood Jr., 79, physicist (b. 1943)[1529]
- October 21
- Vincent Asaro, 86, mobster (Bonanno crime family) (b. 1937)[1530]
- Natalie Zemon Davis, 94, historian (b. 1928)[1531]
- Joan Evans, 89, actress (Edge of Doom, On the Loose, Skirts Ahoy!) (b. 1934)[1532]
- Rob Gardner, 78, baseball player (New York Mets, New York Yankees, Oakland Athletics) (b. 1944)[1533]
- Stephen Kandel, 96, television writer (Iron Horse, MacGyver) (b. 1927)[1534]
- Cindy Montañez, 49, politician, member of the California State Assembly (2002–2006) and mayor of San Fernando (2001–2002) (b. 1974)[1535]
- Betsy Rawls, 95, golfer (b. 1928)[1536]
- Dusty Street, 77, radio disc jockey (KROQ, Sirius XM) (b. 1945/1946)[1537]
- Samantha Woll, 40, synagogue leader, president of Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue (b. 1983)[1538]
- October 22
- Ida Applebroog, 93, multimedia artist (b. 1929)[1539]
- Jeffrey A. Bader, 78, diplomat, ambassador to Namibia (1999–2001) (b. 1945)[1540]
- Lee Eliot Berk, 81, academic, president of Berklee College of Music (1979–2004) (b. 1942)[1541]
- Tasha Butts, 41, لاعب كورة سله (Minnesota Lynx) and coach (Georgetown Hoyas) (b. 1982)[1542]
- Vic Fischer, 99, German-born politician, member of the Alaska Senate (1981–1987).[1543]
- Don Laughlin, 92, gambling entrepreneur (b. 1931)[1544]
- Anita Summers, 98, educator (b. 1925)[1545]
- Gregg Sutton, 74, musician (Lone Justice) and songwriter ("Stop!", "Breathe") (b. 1948/1949)[1546]
- Charles E. Young, 91, academic administrator, president of University of Florida (1999–2003) and chancellor of UCLA (1968–1997) (b. 1931)[1547]
- October 23
- J. Frederick Motz, 80, jurist, U.S. attorney for the district of Maryland (1981–1985), judge (since 1985) and chief judge (1994–2001) of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland (b. 1942)[1548]
- Harry Porterfield, 95, newscaster (WBBM-TV, WLS-TV) (b. 1928)[1549]
- Betty Price, 92, music teacher, art director and ambassador (b. 1931)[1550]
- Mervin Shiner, 102, country singer-songwriter and guitarist (b. 1921)[1551]
- Tom Walker, 74, baseball player (Montreal Expos, Detroit Tigers, St. Louis Cardinals) (b. 1948)[1552]
- October 24
- Arnold Díaz, 74, journalist (WPIX, WCBS-TV) (b. 1949)[1553]
- Steve Riley, 67, drummer (Keel, L.A. Guns, W.A.S.P.) (b. 1956)[1554]
- Richard Roundtree, 81, actor (Shaft, Se7en, Speed Racer) (b. 1942)[1555]
- October 25
- Bertie Bowman, 92, congressional staffer (b. 1931)[1556]
- Steve Erwin, 63, comics artist (Checkmate, Gunfire) (b. 1960)[1557]
- Robert Irwin, 95, installation artist (Getty Center) (b. 1928)[1558]
- David V. Mitchell, 79, newspaper editor (Point Reyes Light) (b. 1943)[1559]
- Byron Wien, 90, business investor (b. 1933)[1560]
- October 26
- Ray Brown, 74, لاعب فوتبول (Atlanta Falcons, New Orleans Saints) (b. 1949)[1561]
- Goa Gil, 72, musician, DJ, and remixer (b. 1951)[1562]
- Phillip Isenberg, 84, politician, mayor of Sacramento (1975–1982) and member of the California State Assembly (1982–1996) (b. 1939)[1563]
- Richard Moll, 80, actor (Night Court, Batman: The Animated Series, Mighty Max) (b. 1943)[1564]
- Harvey Munford, 83, politician, member of the Nevada Assembly (2004–2016) (b. 1940)[1565]
- Judy Nugent, 83, actress (The Ruggles, Magnificent Obsession, There's Always Tomorrow) (b. 1940)[1566]
- Bingo Smith, 77, لاعب كورة سله (Tulsa Golden Hurricane, Cleveland Cavaliers) (b. 1946)[1567]
- October 27
- Curtis LeRoy Hansen, 90, jurist, judge of the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico (since 1992) (b. 1933)[1568]
- William F. May, 96, ethicist (b. 1927)[1569]
- Brandon Smith, 71, actor (Jeepers Creepers, Bernie, From Dusk till Dawn: The Series) (b. 1952)[1570]
- October 28
- Adam Johnson, 29, ice hockey player (Pittsburgh Penguins) (b. 1994)[1571]
- Roland Lajoie, 87, major general (b. 1936)[1572]
- Patricia Mahan, 71, politician, mayor of Santa Clara (2002–2014) (b. 1952)[1573]
- Bill Rice, 84, country music singer and songwriter (b. 1939)[1574]
- ماثيو پيرى, 54, actor (فريندز, The Whole Nine Yards, Fallout: New Vegas) (b. 1969)[1575]
- Dean Weese, 88, Hall of Fame basketball coach (Wayland Baptist Flying Queens) (b. 1935)[1576]
- October 29
- Robert Brustein, 96, theater critic (New Republic), playwright, and political commentator (HuffPost) (b. 1927)[1577]
- Reed McNeil Izatt, 97, chemist (b. 1926)[1578]
- Thierry Rautureau, 64, French-born celebrity chef (b. 1959)[1579]
- October 30
- Sam Ball, 79, لاعب فوتبول (Baltimore Colts) (b. 1944)[1580]
- Peter S. Fischer, 88, television writer (Murder, She Wrote, Columbo, Ellery Queen) (b. 1935)[1581]
- Frank Howard, 87, baseball player (Los Angeles Dodgers, Washington Senators/Texas Rangers, Detroit Tigers) and coach (Milwaukee Brewers, New York Mets) (b. 1936)[1582]
- Tim Parenton, 61, college baseball coach (Samford Bulldogs, North Florida Ospreys) (b. 1961)[1583]
- Lois Galgay Reckitt, 78, politician, member of the Maine House of Representatives (since 2016) (b. 1944)[1584]
- October 31
- Tyler Christopher, 50, actor (چينيرال هوسپيتال, ايام حياتنا, The Lying Game) (b. 1972)[1585]
- Lawrence Cohn, 91, lawyer, record company executive, and blues record collector (b. 1932)[1586]
- Ken Mattingly, 87, astronaut (Apollo 16) (b. 1936)[1587]
- George W. Owings III, 78, politician, member of the Maryland House of Delegates (1988–2004) (b. 1945)[1588]
- Taraja Ramsess, 41, stuntman (Black Panther, Avengers: Endgame, The Suicide Squad) (b. 1982)[1589]
- Mel Sembler, 93, diplomat, ambassador to Italy (2001–2005) and Australia (1989–1993) (b. 1930)[1590]
[تعديل]- November 1
- Ady Barkan, 39, political activist and lawyer (b. 1983)[1591]
- Norma Berger, 90, baseball player (Springfield Sallies) (b. 1932)[1592]
- Geaux Rocket Ride, 3, Thoroughbred racehorse (b. 2020)[1593]
- Bob Knight, 83, Hall of Fame basketball coach (Indiana Hoosiers, Texas Tech Red Raiders, 1984 Olympic Team), Olympic champion (1984) (b. 1940)[1594]
- Peter Tarnoff, 86, politician, under secretary for political affairs (1993–1997), president of the Council on Foreign Relations (1986–1993) (b. 1937)[1595]
- Peter White, 86, actor (The Boys in the Band, All My Children, Dallas) (b. 1937)[1596]
- November 2
- Walter Davis, 69, لاعب كورة سله (Phoenix Suns, Denver Nuggets), Olympic champion (1976) (b. 1954)[1597]
- Mortimer L. Downey, 87, politician, deputy secretary of transportation (1993–2001) (b. 1936)[1598]
- Dick Drago, 78, baseball player (Boston Red Sox, Kansas City Royals, California Angels) (b. 1945)[1599]
- R. H. Sikes, 83, professional golfer (b. 1940)[1600]
- Brenda Snipes, 80, public official, supervisor of elections for Broward County, Florida (2003–2018) (b. 1943)[1601]
- Leroy Stover, 90, police officer, first black officer in the Birmingham Police Department (b. 1932/1933)[1602]
- Howard Wayne, 75, politician, member of the California State Assembly (1996–2002) (b. 1948)[1603]
- November 3
- Robert Butler, 95, film and television director (Batman, The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, Hill Street Blues, Remington Steele) (b. 1927)[1604]
- Gary Colson, 89, basketball coach (Valdosta State Blazers, Pepperdine Waves, New Mexico Lobos) (b. 1934)[1605]
- Bubba Copeland, 49, politician, mayor of Smiths Station, Alabama (since 2016) (b. 1974)[1606]
- Dennis Higgins, 84, baseball player (Chicago White Sox, Washington Senators, St. Louis Cardinals) (b. 1939)[1607]
- Betty Reardon, 94, teacher (b. 1929)[1608]
- Martin Shefter, 79, political scientist and author (b. 1943)[1609]
- Priit Vesilind, 80, Estonian-born photojournalist and author (b. 1943)[1610]
- November 4
- Karen Davis, 79, animal rights activist, founder of United Poultry Concerns (b. 1944)[1611]
- Robert G. Doumar, 93, jurist, judge of the U.S. District Court of Eastern Virginia (since 1981) (b. 1930)[1612]
- Art Eckman, 81, sports broadcaster (ESPN, San Francisco Giants, WXIA-TV) (b. 1942)[1613]
- Aaron Harper, 42, لاعب كورة سله (Chorale Roanne, Levski Sofia, Ferro Carril Oeste) (b. 1981)[1614]
- Philip Meyer, 93, journalist and scholar (b. 1930)[1615]
- Ahmad Tousi, 76, Iranian-born soccer manager (Sanat Naft) (b. 1947)[1616]
- Gary Winnick, 76, businessman, industrialist and billionaire (b. 1946)[1617]
- November 5
- Russell Camilleri, 86, Olympic wrestler (1960, 1964) (b. 1936)[1618]
- Evan Ellingson, 35, actor (CSI: Miami, 24, Complete Savages, My Sister's Keeper) (b. 1988)[1619]
- David Ferry, 99, poet, translator and educator (b. 1924)[1620]
- John L. Heilbron, 89, academic and science historian (b. 1934)[1621]
- Pat E. Johnson, 84, choreographer (Enter the Dragon, The Karate Kid, Mortal Kombat) (b. 1939)[1622]
- Matt Ulrich, 41, لاعب فوتبول (Indianapolis Colts) (b. 1981)[1623]
- November 6
- Bill Dellastatious, 101, لاعب فوتبول (Missouri Tigers) and coach (Missouri State Bears) (b. 1922)[1624]
- Janet Landgard, 75, actress (The Swimmer, The Donna Reed Show, Land Raiders) (b. 1947)[1625]
- Joe Sharkey, 77, author and columnist (b. 1946)[1626]
- Mike Shuster, 76, journalist and blogger (NPR) (b. 1947)[1627]
- Simon Sze, 87, Taiwanese-born electrical engineer (Floating-gate MOSFET) (b. 1936)[1628]
- Carl Torbush, 72, college football (Ole Miss Rebels, North Carolina Tar Heels) and baseball (Southeastern Louisiana Lions) coach (b. 1951)[1629]
- November 7
- Frank Borman, 95, astronaut (Apollo 8) (b. 1928)[1630]
- C-Knight, 52, rapper (The Dove Shack) (b. 1970/1971)[1631]
- Julius Otto Duncan, 97, politician, member of the Texas House of Representatives (1951–1953) (b. 1928)[1632]
- Bruce Sterling Jenkins, 96, judge and politician, member of the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah (since 1978) and Utah Senate (1959–1965) (b. 1927)[1633]
- LaMar Lemmons Jr., 87, politician, member of the Michigan House of Representatives (2005–2010) and businessman (b. 1936)[1634]
- November 8
- Roger Kastel, 92, film poster artist (Jaws, The Empire Strikes Back, Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze) (b. 1931)[1635]
- November 9
- R.L. Boyce, 68, blues musician (b. 1955)[1636]
- David Gauthier, 91, Canadian-born philosopher (b. 1932)[1637]
- Alan Hevesi, 83, politician, comptroller of New York City (1994–2001) and New York State (2003–2006) (b. 1940)[1638]
- Kurt Olson, 75, politician, member of the Alaska House of Representatives (2005–2017) (b. 1948)[1639]
- John Sayre, 87, rower, Olympic champion (1960) (b. 1936)[1640]
- John Tooby, 71, anthropologist (b. 1952)[1641]
- November 10
- John Bailey, 81, cinematographer (Ordinary People, The Big Chill, Groundhog Day), president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (2017–2019) (b. 1942)[1642]
- Henry Dunay, 88, goldsmith and jewelry designer (b. 1935)[1643]
- Charles Jordan, 69, لاعب كورة سله (Indiana Pacers, ASVEL, Fortitudo Bologna) (b. 1954)[1644]
- November 11
- D. J. Hayden, 33, لاعب فوتبول (Oakland Raiders, Detroit Lions, Jacksonville Jaguars) (b. 1990)[1645]
- Clarence A. Holland, 94, politician, member of the Virginia Senate (1984–1996) and mayor of Virginia Beach (1976–1978) (b. 1929)[1646]
- Kyle LeDuc, 42, racing driver (Lucas Oil Off Road Racing Series, Championship Off-Road, Extreme E) (b. 1981)[1647]
- Dave Stenhouse, 90, baseball player (Washington Senators) (b. 1933)[1648]
- Conny Van Dyke, 78, singer and actress (Hell's Angels '69, W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings, Framed) (b. 1945)[1649]
- Edith D. Warren, 86, politician and educator, member of the North Carolina General Assembly (1999–2012) (b. 1937)[1650]
- Tom Zych, 83, politician and minister (b. 1940)[1651]
- November 12
- M. Russell Ballard, 95, Mormon leader, member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (since 1985) (b. 1928)[1652]
- Peter J. Boylan, 87, major general (b. 1936)[1653]
- بول Martin Lester, 70, professor (b. 1953)[1654]
- Elinor Otto, 104, factory worker, an original Rosie the Riveter (b. 1919)[1655]
- Kevin Turen, 44, film and television producer (Euphoria, X, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, Pieces of a Woman) (b. 1979)[1656]
- Don Walsh, 92, oceanographer, explorer, and marine policy specialist (b. 1931)[1657]
- November 13
- Maryanne Trump Barry, 86, judge and attorney, judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (1999–2019) (b. 1937)[1658]
- Rob Belloir, 75, baseball player (Atlanta Braves) (b. 1948)[1659]
- Michael Bishop, 78, science fiction author (No Enemy But Time, Who Made Stevie Crye?, Brittle Innings) (b. 1945)[1660]
- Lundy Kiger, 69, politician, member of the Oklahoma House of Representatives (2018–2020) (b. 1954)[1661]
- Robert Philibosian, 83, politician, Los Angeles County district attorney (1981–1984) (b. 1940)[1662]
- George Tscherny, 99, Hungarian-born graphic designer and educator (b. 1924)[1663]
- Work All Week, 14, Throughbred racehorse (b. 2009)[1664]
- Devon Wylie, 35, لاعب فوتبول (Kansas City Chiefs, Tennessee Titans) (b. 1988)[1665] (death announced on this date)
- November 14
- Rick Ahearn, 74, political consultant (b. 1949)[1666]
- Ken Adamson, 85, لاعب فوتبول (Denver Broncos) (b. 1938)[1667]
- Neville Garrick, 73, Jamaican-born graphic artist and photographer (b. 1950)[1668]
- Betty Rollin, 87, journalist (b. 1936)[1669]
- Peter Seidler, 63, baseball executive, chairman of San Diego Padres (since 2020) (b. 1960)[1670]
- Terry R. تايلور, 71, sports editor (Associated Press) (b. 1952)[1671]
- Thelda Williams, 82, politician, interim mayor of Phoenix (1994, 2011–2012, 2018–2019) (b. 1941)[1672]
- November 15
- Radcliffe Bailey, 54, visual artist (b. 1968)[1673]
- Dex Carvey, 32, comedian (b. 1991)[1674]
- Sandy Farina, 68, singer-songwriter and actress (Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band) (b. 1955)[1675]
- Willard Johnson, 87, political scientist and africanist (b. 1935)[1676] (death announced on this date)
- Worta McCaskill-Stevens, 74, physician-scientist (b. 1949)[1677]
- Ken Squier, 88, Hall of Fame motorsport sportscaster (NASCAR on CBS), co-founder of Motor Racing Network (b. 1935)[1678]
- Jeanette Stocker, 96, baseball player (Kenosha Comets) (b. 1927)[1679]
- November 16
- Thomas J. Bliley Jr., 91, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1981–2001) and mayor of Richmond (1970–1977) (b. 1932)[1680]
- George Brown, 74, drummer (Kool & the Gang) (b. 1949)[1681]
- Johnny جرين, 89, لاعب كورة سله (New York Knicks) (b. 1933)[1682]
- James Paul Johnson, 93, lawyer, politician, member of the Colorado House of Representatives (1973–1981) (b. 1930)[1683]
- Sarah Louise Keys, 95, civil rights activist (b. 1928)[1684]
- Bobby Ussery, 88, Hall of Fame jockey (b. 1935)[1685]
- November 17
- Charlie Dominici, 72, singer (Dream Theater, Dominici) (b. 1951)[1686] (death announced on this date)
- Merle Goldman, 92, historian and academic scholar (b. 1931)[1687]
- H. Roger Grant, 79, railroad historian and author (b. 1943/1944)[1688]
- Suzanne Shepherd, 89, actress (Mystic Pizza, Goodfellas, Requiem for a Dream, The Sopranos) (b. 1934)[1689]
- Lou Skizas, 91, baseball player (Kansas City Athletics, Detroit Tigers, Chicago White Sox) (b. 1932)[1690]
- November 18
- David Del Tredici, 86, composer (b. 1937)[1691]
- November 19
- Rosalynn Carter, 96, mental health activist, first lady of the United States (1977–1981) and of Georgia (1971–1975) (b. 1927)[1692]
- Roslynn Cobarrubias, 43, television presenter, producer and speaker (b. 1980)[1693]
- Herbert Gold, 99, novelist (b. 1924)[1694]
- Carlton Pearson, 70, minister and gospel music artist (b. 1953)[1695]
- Peter Spellos, 69, voice actor (Transformers: Robots in Disguise, Digimon Adventure, Men in Black II) (b. 1954)[1696]
- November 20
- Alice Denney, 101, art curator (b. 1922)[1697]
- Preston Hanna, 69, baseball player (Atlanta Braves, Oakland Athletics) (b. 1954)[1698]
- Willie Hernández, 69, baseball player (Chicago Cubs, Philadelphia Phillies, Detroit Tigers) (b. 1954)[1699]
- John E. Walsh, 65, political consultant, chair of the Massachusetts Democratic Party (2007–2013) (b. 1958)[1700]
- Mars Williams, 68, saxophonist (The Psychedelic Furs, The Waitresses) (b. 1955)[1701]
- November 21
- Ron Acks, 79, لاعب فوتبول (Atlanta Falcons, New England Patriots, جرين Bay Packers) (b. 1944)[1702]
- Francis R. Nicosia, 79, historian (b. 1944)[1703]
- James Philip, 93, politician, president of the Illinois Senate (1993–2003) (b. 1930)[1704]
- Stravinsky, 27, Thoroughbred racehorse (b. 1996)[1705]
- Dave Young, 64, لاعب فوتبول (New York Giants, Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts) (b. 1959)[1706]
- November 22
- Tom Larson, 84, sportscaster (WSBK-TV, NESN) (b. 1938/1939)[1707]
- Jean Knight, 80, singer ("Mr. Big Stuff") (b. 1943)[1708]
- Nguyen Qui Duc, 64–65, Vietnamese-born radio broadcaster, writer and translator (b. 1958)[1709]
- Steve Pool, 70, television meteorologist (KOMO-TV) (b. 1953)[1710]
- Phil Quartararo, 67, music industry executive (b. 1956)[1711]
- Jim Salestrom, 67, singer-songwriter (b. 1956)[1712]
- Linda Salzman Sagan, 83, artist and writer (b. 1940)[1713]
- November 23
- Jim Carter, 75, لاعب فوتبول (جرين Bay Packers) (b. 1948)[1714]
- Steve Jurczyk, 61, engineer, acting administrator of NASA (2021) (b. 1962)[1715]
- Mark Kellar, 71, لاعب فوتبول (Minnesota Vikings, San Antonio Wings, Chicago Fire) (b. 1952)[1716]
- Charles Peters, 96, journalist, editor, author, founder and editor-in-chief of Washington Monthly (b. 1926)[1717]
- Greg "Fingers" تايلور, 71, harmonica player (b. 1952)[1718]
- November 24
- Douglas Ahlstedt, 78, operatic tenor (b. 1945)[1719]
- George Cohon, 86, American-born Canadian fast food executive, founder of McDonald's Canada and McDonald's Russia (b. 1937)[1720]
- Ron Hodges, 74, baseball player (New York Mets) (b. 1949)[1721]
- Herb Klein, 93, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1993–1995) (b. 1930)[1722]
- Elliot Silverstein, 96, film and television director (Naked City, Cat Ballou, A Man Called Horse) (b. 1927)[1723]
- Marc Thorpe, 77, visual effects artist (Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Howard the Duck) (b. 1945/1946)[1724]
- November 25
- Douglas D. Alder, 91, historian and academic administrator, president of Utah Tech University (1986–1993) (b. 1932)[1725]
- Whitney Anderson, 91, politician and businessman (b. 1931)[1726]
- Robert Hart Baker, 69, symphonic and operatic conductor and music director (b. 1954)[1727]
- Larry Fink, 82, photographer (b. 1941)[1728] (death announced on this date)
- Clarke Ingram, 66, historian and radio personality (b. 1957/1958)[1729]
- November 26
- Tim Dorsey, 62, novelist (Florida Roadkill, Hammerhead Ranch Motel) (b. 1961)[1730]
- Pablo Guzmán, 73, television journalist (WCBS-TV) (b. 1950)[1731]
- Jimmy Owens, 93, songwriter (Jimmy and Carol Owens) (b. 1930)[1732]
- November 27
- Bob Albright, 87, politician, member of the Alabama House of Representatives (1974–1986) (b. 1936)[1733]
- William Anastasi, 90, conceptual artist.[1734]
- Susan Catania, 81, politician, member of the Illinois House of Representatives (1973–1983) (b. 1941)[1735]
- Mary L. Cleave, 76, astronaut.[1736]
- Victor J. Kemper, 96, cinematographer (Dog Day Afternoon, National Lampoon's Vacation, Pee-wee's Big Adventure), president of the American Society of Cinematographers (1993–1996, 1999–2001) (b. 1927)[1737]
- John Nichols, 83, novelist (The Sterile Cuckoo, The Wizard of Loneliness, The Milagro Beanfield War) (b. 1940)[1738] (death announced on this date)
- ادوارد G. Smith, 62, jurist, judge of the U.S. District Court for Eastern Pennsylvania (since 2014) (b. 1961)[1739]
- William Michael Stankewicz, 78, teacher and convicted attempted murderer (b. 1944/1945)[1740]
- Frances Sternhagen, 93, actress (The Hospital, Outland, Cheers), Tony winner (1974, 1995) (b. 1930)[1741]
- November 28
- Thomas Augsberger, 60, German-born film producer (Tucker & Dale vs. Evil, Waiting..., Mr. Brooks) (b. 1962/1963)[1742]
- Julius W. Becton Jr., 97, military officer, director of FEMA (1985–1989) (b. 1926)[1743]
- Mark Candon, 71, politician (b. 1952)[1744]
- John Colianni, 61, jazz pianist (b. 1962)[1745]
- Charlie Munger, 99, investor and businessman (Berkshire Hathaway) (b. 1924)[1746]
- November 29
- Charles Gilchrist Adams, 86, Baptist minister (b. 1936)[1747]
- Richard L. Berkley, 92, politician, mayor of Kansas City, Missouri (1979–1991) (b. 1931)[1748]
- Elliott Erwitt, 95, French-born photographer (b. 1928)[1749]
- Scott Kempner, 69, guitarist (The Dictators, The Del-Lords) (b. 1954)[1750]
- Henry Kissinger, 100, German-born diplomat, national security advisor (1969–1975) and secretary of state (1973–1977), Nobel Peace Prize recipient (1973) (b. 1923)[1751]
- Mildred Miller, 98, mezzo-soprano (b. 1924) [1752]
- Michael Oleksa, 76, Russian Orthodox priest, linguist and writer (b. 1947)[1753]
- November 30
- William P. Murphy Jr., 100, physician and inventor (b. 1923)[1754]
- Paul Snyder, 88, baseball executive (Atlanta Braves) (b. 1935)[1755]
- Edwin Yoder, 89, journalist (b. 1934)[1756]
[تعديل]- December 1
- Sandra Day O'Connor, 93, jurist, associate justice of the supreme court (1981–2006), member of the Arizona Senate (1969–1975) and chancellor of the College of William & Mary (2005–2012) (b. 1930)[1757]
- Lyle Elmer Strom, 98, jurist, judge (since 1985) and chief judge (1987–1994) of the U.S. District Court for Nebraska (b. 1925)[1758]
- December 2
- Stanley Graham, 97, psychologist, president of the American Psychological Association (1990) (b. 1926)[1759]
- Clarence Kelly, 82, sedevacantist traditionalist Catholic prelate, superior general of the Society of Saint Pius V (since 1983) (b. 1941)[1760]
- Joe Hicks, 91, baseball player (Chicago White Sox, Washington Senators, New York Mets) (b. 1932)[1761]
- Maria Martin, 72, Mexican-born radio journalist (Latino USA) (b. 1951)[1762]
- Edwin J. Peterson, 93, jurist, justice (1979–1993) and chief justice (1983–1991) of the Oregon Supreme Court (b. 1930)[1763]
- Edwin Wilson, 96, theater critic (The Wall Street Journal) (b. 1927)[1764]
- December 3
- Claude Engle, 85, electrical engineer (b. 1938)[1765]
- Andrea Fay Friedman, 53, actress (Life Goes On, Family Guy) (b. 1970)[1766]
- David McKnight, 87, actor (J. D.'s Revenge, Hollywood Shuffle, The Five Heartbeats) (b. 1936)[1767]
- Jerome O'Neill, 77, attorney, U.S. attorney for the District of Vermont (1981) (b. 1946)[1768]
- December 4
- Juanita Castro, 90, Cuban-born activist (b. 1933)[1769]
- James L. Easton, 88, businessman, philanthropist, and Hall of Fame archer, president of the World Archery Federation (1989–2005) (b. 1935)[1770]
- Edgar S. Woolard Jr., 89, businessman (DuPont) (b. 1934)[1771]
- December 5
- Ralph Cirella, 58, stylist and makeup artist (b. 1964/1965)[1772]
- Lionel Dahmer, 87, chemist (b. 1936)[1773]
- Ron Fernandes, 72, لاعب فوتبول (Baltimore Colts) (b. 1951)[1774]
- Vojislav Govedarica, 82–83, Serbian-born actor (Rambo: First Blood Part II, Little Nikita, Lionheart) (b. 1940)[1775]
- Norman Lear, 101, screenwriter and producer (All in the Family, Maude, The Jeffersons) (b. 1922)[1776]
- Lawrence Steven Meyers, 67, actor (Dick Tracy, Battle Beyond the Stars) and film producer (Unfaithful) (b. 1956)[1777]
- December 6
- Jack Hogan, 94, actor (The Legend of Tom Dooley, The Cat Burglar, Combat!) (b. 1929)[1778]
- Ellen Holly, 92, actress (وان لايف تو ليڤ, Cops and Robbers, School Daze) (b. 1931)[1779]
- Neil B. Shulman, 78, doctor and medical writer (b. 1945)[1780]
- John Brooks Slaughter, 89, electrical engineer (National Science Foundation) (b. 1934)[1781]
- Dave Wehrmeister, 71, baseball player (San Diego Padres, Chicago White Sox, Philadelphia Phillies) (b. 1952)[1782]
- December 7
- Terry Baucom, 71, bluegrass singer and banjo player (Russell Moore and IIIrd Tyme Out) (b. 1952)[1783]
- Lola Dee, 95, singer (b. 1928)[1784]
- David Ellenson, 76, rabbi and academic administrator, president of HUC-JIR (2001–2013, 2018) (b. 1947)[1785]
- Ken Long, 70, لاعب فوتبول (Detroit Lions) (b. 1953)[1786]
- Stan Rogow, 75, film and television producer (Fame, The Clan of the Cave Bear, Lizzie McGuire) (b. 1948)[1787]
- Guy Stern, 101, German-born intelligence officer (Ritchie Boys) (b. 1922)[1788]
- Keisha Whitaker, 51, actress and producer (b. 1972)[1789] (death announced on this date)
- December 8
- Nidra Beard, 71, singer (Dynasty) (b. 1951/1952)[1790] (death announced on this date)
- Frank Fiscalini, 101, politician and educator (b. 1922)[1791]
- Ryan O'Neal, 82, actor (Love Story, Paper Moon, Barry Lyndon) (b. 1941)[1792]
- Paul Webb, 94, college basketball coach (Randolph–Macon Yellow Jackets, Old Dominion Monarchs) (b. 1929)[1793]
- December 9
- Anna Cardwell, 29, reality television personality (Here Comes Honey Boo Boo) (b. 1994)[1794]
- Raymond E. Goedert, 96, Roman Catholic prelate, auxiliary bishop of Chicago (1991–2003) (b. 1927)[1795]
- Dærick Gröss Sr., 76, illustrator (The Guide to Getting it On) and writer (b. 1946)[1796]
- Mary Ann Handley, 87, politician (b. 1936)[1797]
- Frank Wycheck, 52, لاعب فوتبول (Tennessee Titans) (b. 1971)[1798]
- December 10
- Julian Carroll, 92, politician, governor (1974–1979) and lieutenant governor (1971–1974) of كنتاكى, member of the Kentucky Senate (2005–2021) (b. 1931)[1799]
- Michael L. Cowan, 78, navy admiral (b. 1944)[1800]
- David Drake, 78, writer (Hammer's Slammers, RCN Series) (b. 1945)[1801]
- Mort Engelberg, 86, film producer (Smokey and the Bandit, The Hunter, The Big Easy) (b. 1937)[1802]
- Barbara Iglewski, 85, microbiologist (b. 1938)[1803]
- James L. Robertson, 83, jurist, justice of the Supreme Court of Mississippi (1983–1992) (b. 1940)[1804]
- Cayle Sain, 31, drummer (Twitching Tongues) (b. 1992)[1805] (death announced on this date)
- December 11
- Andre Braugher, 61, actor (Homicide: Life on the Street, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Glory) (b. 1962)[1806]
- Jeffrey Foskett, 67, singer, songwriter, and producer (The Beach Boys) (b. 1956)[1807]
- Kenny Graham, 82, لاعب فوتبول (San Diego Chargers, Cincinnati Bengals, Pittsburgh Steelers) (b. 1941)[1808]
- Ken Kelsch, 76, cinematographer (The Driller Killer, Bad Lieutenant, Return to Sleepaway Camp) (b. 1947)[1809]
- Essra Mohawk, 75, singer-songwriter ("Primordial Lovers", "Change of Heart") (b. 1948)[1810]
- Camden Toy, 68, actor (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, The Bay) and film editor (b. 1955)[1811]
- December 12
- Bob Allen, 86, baseball player (Cleveland Indians) (b. 1937)[1812]
- William G. Connolly, 86, newspaper editor (نيو يورك تايمز) (b. 1937)[1813]
- Larry Miggins, 98, baseball player (St. Louis Cardinals) (b. 1925)[1814]
- Craig Watkins, 56, lawyer and politician, district attorney for Dallas County, Texas (2007–2015) (b. 1967)[1815]
- December 13
- Bill Burgess, 82, لاعب فوتبول (Auburn Tigers) and coach (Jacksonville State) (b. 1941)[1816]
- Kenny DeForest, 37, comedian (b. 1986)[1817]
- Travis Dopp, guitarist (Small Brown Bike).[1818]
- Julia Gentleman, 92, politician, member of the Iowa State House of Representatives (1975–1979) and Iowa State Senate (1979–1991) (b. 1931)[1819]
- Mike Grgich, 100, Croatian-born winemaker (b. 1923)[1820]
- Steve Junker, 88, لاعب فوتبول (Detroit Lions, Washington Redskins) (b. 1935)[1821]
- Roger McMurrin, 84, conductor and pastor (b. 1939)[1822]
- Ted Morgan, 91, French-born historian (b. 1932)[1823]
- Geraldine Peten, 75, politician, member of the Arizona House of Representatives (2017–2021) (b. 1947)[1824]
- John Wade, 95, Olympic rower (1948) (b. 1928)[1825]
- December 14
- Selma Archerd, 98, actress (Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, Melrose Place) (b. 1925)[1826]
- Cari Beauchamp, 74, author, historian, journalist and documentary filmmaker (b. 1949)[1827]
- Clyde Berry, 92, football and baseball player and coach (b. 1931)[1828]
- Betty Cooper Hearnes, 96, politician, first lady of Missouri (1965–1973) and member of the Missouri House of Representatives (1979–1989) (b. 1927)[1829]
- George McGinnis, 73, Hall of Fame لاعب كورة سله (Indiana Pacers, Philadelphia 76ers, Denver Nuggets) (b. 1950)[1830]
- Lee Redmond, 82, world record holder, longest fingernails on both hands (b. 1941)[1831]
- Gus Morrison, 88, politician, mayor of Fremont, California (1985–1989, 1994–2004, 2012–2013) (b. 1934/1935)[1832]
- December 15
- Jim Ashmore, 88, لاعب كورة سله (Mississippi State Bulldogs) (b. 1935)[1833]
- December 16
- Richard Hunt, 88, sculptor (b. 1935)[1834]
- Scott Lautenbaugh, 59, politician, member of the Nebraska Legislature (2007–2014) (b. 1964)[1835]
- Manny Martínez, 69, drummer (The Misfits) (b. 1954)[1836]
- December 17
- Norma Barzman, 103, screenwriter (Never Say Goodbye, The Locket, Finishing School) (b. 1920)[1837]
- Amp Fiddler, 65, musician (Enchantment, Parliament, Funkadelic), composer and record producer (b. 1958)[1838]
- Jim Ladd, 75, disc jockey and radio host (b. 1948)[1839]
- James McCaffrey, 65, actor (Rescue Me, Max Payne, Alan Wake 2) (b. 1958)[1840]
- Eric Montross, 52, لاعب كورة سله (Boston Celtics, Dallas Mavericks, Detroit Pistons) (b. 1971)[1841]
- Gary Richards, 72, American journalist (Bay Area News Group) (b. 1951)[1842]
- December 18
- Larry V. Faircloth, 75, politician (b. 1948)[1843] (death announced on this date)
- Dan جرينburg, 87, writer (How to Be a Jewish Mother, The Zack Files, Maximum Boy) (b. 1936)[1844]
- Arno J. Mayer, 97, Luxembourgish-born historian (b. 1926)[1845]
- December 19
- Ed Budde, 83, لاعب فوتبول (Kansas City Chiefs) (b. 1940)[1846]
- ليدا جرين, 85, politician, member (1995–2009) and president (2007–2009) of the Alaska Senate (b. 1938)[1847]
- Bram Inscore, 41, musician (Electrocute), songwriter ("Youth", "Don't Give Up on Me") and producer (b. 1982)[1848]
- December 20
- Carl Barzilauskas, 72, لاعب فوتبول (New York Jets, جرين Bay Packers) (b. 1951)[1849]
- Philip H. Hayes, 83, politician, member of the Indiana House of Representatives (1975–1977) (b. 1940)[1850] (death announced on this date)
- Frank Riggs, 73, politician and charter school executive, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1991–1993, 1995–1999) (b. 1950)[1851]
- December 21
- John C. Kornblum, 80, diplomat, ambassador to Germany (1997–2001) (b. 1943)[1852]
- Paula Murphy, 95, racing driver (b. 1928)[1853]
- David L. Norvell, 88, politician, attorney general of New Mexico (1971–1975) and member of the New Mexico House of Representatives (1962–1970) (b. 1935)[1854]
- Ian Punnett, 63, radio broadcaster (Coast to Coast AM), author and academic (b. 1960)[1855]
- Robert Solow, 99, economist (Solow–Swan model), Nobel Prize recipient (1987) (b. 1924)[1856]
- December 22
- Laura Lynch, 65, musician (The Dixie Chicks) (b. 1968)[1857]
- Ryan Minor, 49, baseball player (Baltimore Orioles) (b. 1974)[1858]
- Ruth Seymour, 88, radio executive (KCRW) (b. 1935)[1859]
- December 23
- Hugh Aynesworth, 92, journalist and author (b. 1931)[1860]
- Bobbie Jean Carter, 41, television personality (House of Carters) (b. 1982)[1861]
- Mike Nussbaum, 99, actor (Fatal Attraction, Field of Dreams, Men in Black) (b. 1923)[1862]
- William Pope.L, 68, visual artist (b. 1955)[1863]
- Richard Romanus, 80, actor (Mean Streets, Heavy Metal, Hey Good Lookin') (b. 1943)[1864]
- December 24
- Cheri Barry, 68, politician, mayor of Meridian, Mississippi (2009–2013) (b. 1955)[1865]
- Richard Bowes, 79, science fiction author (b. 1944)[1866]
- John Cutler, 73, audio engineer (Grateful Dead) and record producer (In the Dark) (b. 1950)[1867]
- Kamar de los Reyes, 56, actor (وان لايف تو ليڤ, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Sleepy Hollow) (b. 1967)[1868]
- Naomi Feil, 91, gerontologist (b. 1932)[1869]
- Alice Parker, 98, composer, arranger, and choral conductor (b. 1925)[1870]
- Willie Ruff, 92, jazz musician and educator (b. 1931)[1871]
- Milan Zeleny, 81, Czech-born economist (b. 1942)[1872]
- December 25
- Vinie Burrows, 99, stage actress (b. 1924)[1873]
- David Freeman, 84, record producer (County Records) (b. 1939)[1874]
- December 26
- James Ray, 66, لاعب كورة سله (Denver Nuggets, Berloni Torino, Fenerbahçe) (b. 1957)[1875]
- Bobby Rivers, 70, television personality (WISN-TV, WPIX, VH1) (b. 1953)[1876]
- Tom Smothers, 86, comedian and musician (Smothers Brothers) (b. 1937)[1877]
- December 27
- Ken Bowman, 81, لاعب فوتبول (جرين Bay Packers) (b. 1942)[1878]
- Forestry, 27, Thoroughbred racehorse (b. 1996)[1879]
- Michael Gibbons Jr., guitarist (Leeway)[1880]
- Herb Kohl, 88, politician and businessman (Kohl's), member of the U.S. Senate (1989–2013) (b. 1935)[1881]
- Ignacio E. Lozano Jr., 96, diplomat, ambassador to El Salvador (1976–1977) (b. 1927)[1882]
- December 28
- Kelly Doran, 66, businessman and real estate developer (b. 1957)[1883]
- Bill McColl, 93, لاعب فوتبول (Chicago Bears) (b. 1930)[1884]
- Herman Raucher, 95, screenwriter (Summer of '42, Class of '44, The Other Side of Midnight) (b. 1928)[1885]
- Tommy Talton, 74, guitarist (We the People, Cowboy) (b. 1949)[1886]
- Donald Wildmon, 85, United Methodist minister, author, and radio host, founder of the American Family Association (b. 1939)[1887]
- December 29
- Maurice Hines, 80, actor (The Cotton Club), singer and choreographer (b. 1943)[1888]
- Roland Leong, 78, drag racer (b. 1945)[1889]
- Les McCann, 88, jazz pianist and singer ("Compared to What") (b. 1935)[1890]
- Joey Meyer, 74, لاعب كورة سله and coach (DePaul Blue Demons) (b. 1949)[1891]
- Sandra Reaves-Phillips, 79, actress (Ma Rainey's Black Bottom, Round Midnight, Lean on Me), writer, and singer (b. 1944)[1892]
- December 30
- Martha Diamond, 79, painter (b. 1944)[1893]
- Cindy Morgan, 69, actress (Caddyshack, Tron, Galaxis) (b. 1954)[1894] (death announced on this date)
- Douglas J. J. Peters, 60, politician, member of the Maryland Senate (2007–2021) (b. 1963)[1895]
- December 31
- Shecky جرينe, 97, comedian and actor (History of the World, Part I, Splash, Tony Rome) (b. 1926)[1896]
- Eddie Bernice Johnson, 88, politician, member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1993–2023) and Texas Senate (1987–1993) (b. 1935)[1897]
- Cale Yarborough, 84, Hall of Fame racing driver, founder of Cale Yarborough Motorsports and NASCAR Cup Series champion (1976, 1977, 1978) (b. 1939)[1898]
لينكات برانيه
[تعديل]- المقال ده مالوش وصلات على ويكيداتا دلوقتى
[تعديل]- ↑ -Davis-6/#!/TributeWall Martin David Davis
- ↑ boo-found-dead-three-6-mafia-group-founder-confirms/I32NPSK5DNGCTCEGL7R5HELNCA/ اتلقا على مغنى الراب فى ممفيس "Gangsta Boo" ميتًا، ويؤكد مؤسس مجموعة Three 6 Mafia[permanent dead link]
- ↑ ماتت كاتبة العمود العقارى اديث لانك توفيت كاتبة العمود العقارية اديث لانك من فترة طويلة[permanent dead link]
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- ↑ وفاة عضو قاعة المشاهير آرت ماكنالى عن عمر 97 سنه
- ↑ توفيت الممثلة الكوميدية كيلى مونتيث
- ↑ ميناكشى نارين، 1964-2023
- ↑ -story-writer-quiet-humble-precision-dies-86/ اديث بيرلمان، كاتبة قصة قصيرة حائزة على جوايز تتميز بالدقة الهادئة والمتواضعة، توفيت عن عمر 86 سنه .[permanent dead link]
- ↑ وفاة عازف طبول الارض والرياح والنار فريد وايت عن عمر 67 سنه
- ↑ com/Politics/wireStory/former-ri-governor-us-attorney-lincoln-almond-dies-96125043 وفاة حاكم RI السابق والمحامى الامريكانى لينكولن الموند عن عمر 86 سنه .[permanent dead link]
- ↑ / وفاة سواق سيارة الرالى كين بلوك عن عمر 55 سنه بعد حادث عربة الثلوج
- ↑ -and-busters-المؤسس المشارك-james-buster-coley-dead-dies/ المؤسس المشارك لـ Dave & Buster جيمس 'Buster' Coley مات عن عمر 72 سنه فى انتحار واضح[permanent dead link]
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- ↑ -passes-away/ "وفاة الرئيس التشريعى السابق لمقاطعة اورانج". اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2023-01-03.
{{استشهاد ويب}}
: الوسيط|مسار أرشيف=
غير صحيح: مسار (مساعدة)، الوسيط غير المعروف|تاريخ الارشيف=
تم تجاهله (مساعدة)، وتحقق من قيمة|url=
(مساعدة)صيانة الاستشهاد: url-status (link) - ↑ -كتب-حول-العيش مع تشخيص-مرض قاتل-يموت-في-71.html توفى المؤلف المقيم فى يوجين، كاى ايمونز، اللى كتب عن العيش مع تشخيص قاتل للتصلب الجانبى الضموري، عن عمر 71 سنه .[permanent dead link]
- ↑ Director, Writer, and Actor Frank Galati Dies at 79
- ↑ 2023/01/02/legendary-longhorn-baseball-coach-cliff-gustafson-dies-at-91/69771103007/ وفاة مدرب البيسبول الاسطورى Longhorn كليف جوستافسون عن عمر 91 سنه [permanent dead link]
- ↑ kait8.com/2023/01/04/former-state-representative-2-time-speaker-house-dies/ وفاة ممثل ولاية اركنساس السابق
- ↑ وفاة توماس هيوز، مستشار حرب فيتنام وخبير السياسة الخارجية، عن عمر 97 سنه
- ↑ -مارلين ستافوردز-جلوب-سترادلينج-فوتوغرافي-ان-بيكتشرز باريس، بيروت، دلهى … تصوير مارلين ستافورد ممتدًا على الكرة الارضية – بالصور
- ↑ Policy- Government/article270710542.html وفاة روبرت ستيفان، المدعى السنه اللى قبلها لولاية كانساس من فترة طويلة، عن عمر 89 سنه .
- ↑ James D. Brubaker ، منتج مسلسل The Right Stuff، Rocky Movies، مات لما كان عنده 85 سنه
- ↑ وفاة غريتا كيرنان، عضوة مجلس النواب السابقة، عن عمر 89 سنه .
- ↑ org/the-honorable-james-g-lowenstein-1927-2023/ فى ذكرى: معالى جيمس ج. لوينشتاين
- ↑ at-62 نيت ثاير، اللى عمل مقابلة مع بول بوت، مات لما كان عنده 62 سنه .[permanent dead link]
- ↑ كيسى هايدن ، قوة علشان الحقوق المدنية والنسوية، توفيت عن عمر 85 سنه قالب:Subscription require
- ↑ taka-dead-sayonara-1235293122/ وفاة ميكو تاكا، النجمة المشاركة لمارلون براندو فى فيلم "سايونارا"، عن عمر 97 سنه .
- ↑ [https:// www.tributearchive.com/obituaries/26871148/calvin-saleem-muhammad كالفين سليم محمد، الاب.]
- ↑ 2023/01/08/jack-bender-rip/ جاك بندر – ارقد بسلام
- ↑ ايرل بوين، ممثل فى افلام The Terminator، مات لما كان عنده 81 سنه
- ↑ mark-capps-1235480406/ اطلق فريق البوليس SWAT النار على مهندس التسجيل اللى اخد جايزة جرامى وقتله فى ناشفيل
- ↑ .mlb.com/news/nate-colbert-dies وفاة بادريس العظيم نيت كولبيرت عن عمر 76 سنه
- ↑ Carl R. Duser
- ↑ us/obituaries/gazettenet/name/herbert-gintis-obituary?pid=203595662 هربرت جينتيس
- ↑ the-whispers-dead-at-79/ جوردى هارمون، العضو المؤسس لـ The Whispers، مات عن عمر 79 سنه
- ↑ وفاة مايك هيل: اوسكار - كان عمر محرر الافلام اللى اخد جايزة رون هوارد 73 سنه
- ↑ /5404463/former-arizona-state-sen-russell-pearce-sb1070-sponsor-dies-at-75/ توفى السناتور السابق لولاية اريزونا راسل بيرس، راعى SB 1070، عن عمر 75 سنه .
- ↑ Dave شوبرت
- ↑ Ruth ادلر شني
- ↑ /ct-rep-quentin-williams-dead-car-crash-legislator-wrong-way-driver/ النائب كوينتين ويليامز الضحية المفترضة للسواق اللى ا غلط فى الاتجاه
- ↑ ?id=38642624 بنيامين بيدرسون
- ↑ -mourns-loss-of-fred-benners.aspx SMU تنعى فقدان فريد بينرز[permanent dead link]
- ↑ جيف بلاكبيرن - المؤلف المشارك لـ My My, مرحب مرحب ' – gestorben (in German)
- ↑ وفاة بيل كامبل، لاعب الرجل الحديدى السابق فى فريق Twins، عن عمر 74 سنه
- ↑ an-icon-in-screenwriting-industry-dies-at-87/article_f4ad0396-9116-11ed-9fc5-c30f4dfacee2.html وفاة "فتى نبراسكا الحقيقي" ليو هانتر، ايقونة فى صناعة كتابة السيناريو، عن عمر 87 سنه .[permanent dead link]
- ↑ /news/obituary-remembering-former-aca-ceo-john-w-johnson/ النعي: تذكر الرئيس التنفيذى السابق لـ ACA جون دبليو جونسون
- ↑ danny-kaleikini-dies-at-age-85/ توفى الفنان الاسطورى فى هاواى دانى كاليكينى عن عمر 85 سنه
- ↑ ديفيد سكوت لوستسن اسق.
- ↑ Nie żyje Annette McCarthy. Aktorka miała 64 lata (in Polish)
- ↑ [https:// www.wlox.com/2023/01/10/former-nfl-player-moss-point-native-willie-frank-molden-passes-away/ لاعب اتحاد كرة القدم الامريكانى السابق، مواطن موس بوينت ويلى فرانك مولدن يتوفى]
- ↑ /2023/01/11/theodore-newman-judge-dc-dead/ وفاة ثيودور نيومان جونيور، اول رئيس قضاة اسود فى محكمة الاستئناف بالعاصمة، عن عمر ناهز 88 سنه
- ↑ اوين روزمان ، مصور سينمائى لمسلسلى The French Connection وThe Exorcist، مات لما كان عنده 86 سنه .
- ↑ /sports/tennis/dick-savitt-dead.html وفاة ديك سافيت عن عمر 95 سنه ؛ كسب بلقب اوستراليا وويمبلدون للتنس سنة 1951
- ↑ راسل بانكس، مؤلف كتاب " Cloudsplitter، مات عن عمر 82 سنه
- ↑ /2023/01/07/joe-hardy-dies-100-birthday-84-lumber-nemacolin-woodlands/stories/201604060199 توفى جو هاردي، قطب الاخشاب رقم 84 اللى كان يحتل المرتبة 2 × 4 بين اعواد الاسنان، و هو فى عمر المائة عيد ميلاد
- ↑ /tallahassee-fl/mary-ellen-hawkins-11095989 مارى الين هوكينز
- ↑ ناعومى ريبلانسكى ، شاعر النضال المامول، مات لما كان عنده 104 اعوام قالب:Subscription require
- ↑ 'ثمانية هل يكفى موت النجم آدم ريتش عن عمر 54 سنه
- ↑ دوروثى وفاة تريستان، الممثلة فى افلام "Klute" و"Scarecrow" و"The Looking Glass"، عن عمر 88 سنه .
- ↑ تذكر رائد فى بيولوجيا الكروماتين
- ↑ -الماس والحرير-مات-قلبها الكبير والثمين-فقط-عادي-/ ترامب يعلن ان الماس من 'الماس والحرير' قد مات: 'قلبها الكبير والثمين ادا للتو عادى خارج'[permanent dead link]
- ↑ com/culture/pastor-jack-w-hayford-dead-at-88/ وفاة القس جاك دبليو هايفورد عن عمر 88 سنه
- ↑ برنارد كالب، صحفى ومعلق، مات لما كان عنده 100 عام قالب:Subscription Required
- ↑ -of-renown-1235484078/ مش براون جونيور، مزيكا و ممثل ومنتج، مات لما كان عنده 82 سنه .
- ↑ "وفاة المحامى المحافظ البارز ويليام كونسوفوى عن عمر 48 سنه". رويترز. 10 يناير 2023. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-07-05. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Close-encounters-a-christmas-story-absence-of-malice-actress-1235249273/ ميليندا وفاة ديلون: كانت ممثلة "لقاءات قريبة" و"قصة عيد الميلاد" و"غياب الحقد" تبلغ من العمر 83 سنه
- ↑ الركض السابق لكريمزون تايد احمد جالواى يمر عن عمر من 42
- ↑ -racing/articles/265940/industry-pioneer-payson-dies-at-92 وفاة رائد الصناعة بايسون عن عمر 92 سنه
- ↑ com/news/2023/1/12/mens-basketball-university-of-portland-mourns-passing-of-hall-of-fame-basketball-player-cincy-powell.aspx جامعة بورتلاند تنعى رحيل قاعة المشاهير لاعب كرة السلة سينسى باول
- ↑ simic Umro američki pesnik srpskog porekla Čarls Simić (in Serbian)
- ↑ -photographe-de-marilyn-monroe-n-est-plus.php صورة مارلين مونرو مش زائد[permanent dead link] (in French)
- ↑ -فى السجن تفاصيل تظهر فى وفاة سجن دونالد بلوم[permanent dead link]
- ↑ اخبار/العابرات-29/العابرات
- ↑ [1] قالب:فى لانج
- ↑ جيف هاميلتون، توفى متزلج حائز على الميدالية البرونزية الاولمبية ومواطن من اوبورن، عن عمر 56 سنه .
- ↑ / وفاة الصحفى بليك هونشيل فى جورنال نيو يورك تايمز منتحراً
- ↑ ضابط-متهم-تاير-نيكولز-موت-تقارير-2023-01-26/ اتهم خمسة ظباط بوليس سابقين فى ممفيس بالقتل فى وفاة تاير نيكولز
- ↑ -roy-schwitters-died-cancer/69815490007/ وفاة الفيزيائى روى شويترز، اللى قاد مشروع المصادم الفائق فى تكساس، عن عمر 78 سنه .[permanent dead link]
- ↑ -والش يموت كريستوفر تى والش يموت[permanent dead link]
- ↑ بيتر كامبل
- ↑ -dead-lucille-ball-protege-sixteen-candles-actress-1235297334/ كارول كوك، لوسيل بول بروتيجى و ممثلة فيلم "Sixteen Candles"، توفيت عن عمر 98 سنه
- ↑ harriet-hall-has-passed-away/ يحزننا ان نعلن وفاة الدكتورة SkepDoc Dr. Harriet Hall
- ↑ وفاة تشارلز كيمبرو : الممثل والمذيع اللى رشحه تونى و ايمى فى فيلم "ميرفى براون" كان من العمر 86 سنه
- ↑ وفاة بن ماسترز: ' كان عمر نجم صابون العاطفة 75 سنه
- ↑ -تحطم دراجة نارية فى تايلاند/ وفاة رجل اعمال سابق فى بورو بارك فى حادث دراجة نارية فى تايلاند
- ↑ توفى تشارلز وايت، اللى اخد جايزة Heisman فى جامعة جنوب كاليفورنيا، فى 64
- ↑ news/local/harold-brown-port-clinton-tuskegee-airman-dies-at-98/512-25c7dbfd-105a-48a4-8162-1fc8d73ccf7d توفى هارولد براون، طيار توسكيجى من بورت كلينتون، عن عمر 98 سنه .
- ↑ وفاة عضو مجلس الشيوخ عن ولاية شمال شرق ميسوري، قس، مربي، عضو مجلس الشيوخ السابق عن ولاية شمال شرق ميسوري، قس، مربي
- ↑ توفى تشارلز تريجر، الفائز بمسابقة Wieniawski
- ↑ allen-obituary?pid=203707771 شارلوت فالى الين
- ↑ اليوت فالنشتاين
- ↑ .chattanoogan.com/2023/1/12/462276/Former-Rep.-Bobby-Wood-Dies-At-His.aspx وفاة النائب السابق بوبى وود فى بيته فى هاريسون
- ↑ -brown-the-wire-actor-dies-obit/ آل براون، ممثل مسلسل The Wire المعروف بلعب دور العقيد ستان فالشيك، مات لما كان عنده 83 سنه [permanent dead link]
- ↑ startribune.com/former-gophers-baseball-great-bill-davis-dies-at-age-80/600243557/ وفاة اسطورة البيسبول السابق فى غوفرز بيل ديفيس عن عمر 80 سنه .
- ↑ -dead-dies-stuntman-stunts/ روبى كنيفيل، الابن المتهور لايفيل كنيفيل مات عن عمر 60 سنه [permanent dead link]
- ↑ yoda-dead-mchales-navy-actor-was-88-1235237435/ وفاة يوشيو يودا: كان ممثل فيلم McHale's Navy من العمر 88 سنه
- ↑ -blue-magic-dies توفى مغنى السحر الازرق الاسطورى كيث بيتون عن عمر 72 سنه [permanent dead link]
- ↑ -11112165 والاس جوزيف كامبودونيكو[permanent dead link]
- ↑ 2023/01/15/gainesvilles-1st-openly-gay-mayor-craig-lowe-remembered-for-advocacy/69809223007/ وفاة اول عمدة مثلى الجنس بشكل علنى لمدينة غينزفيل، كريج لوي، عن عمر 65 سنه .[permanent dead link]
- ↑ "local-news/virginia-sports-hall-of-famer-ed-beard-dies/ قاعة مشاهير الرياضة فى ڤيرچينيا، وفاة اد بيرد من مواطنى جنوب نورفولك". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2024-01-12. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ فيكتوريا تشيك (1936 - 2023)
- ↑ 01/16/american-idol-contestant-cj-harris-dead-dies-singer/ "American Idol" Alum CJ Harris مات عن عمر 31 سنه [permanent dead link]
- ↑ com/obituary/george-lee-mcleod تخليدًا لذكرى جورج لى ماكلويد
- ↑ RIP Lloyd Morrisett، واحد من مؤسسى Sesame Street
- ↑ [https:/ /www.mlbtraderumors.com/2023/01/ted-savage-passes-away.html وفاة تيد سافاج]
- ↑ جان فيلوز، راقصة ليندى هوب الشهيرة، توفيت فى 98
- ↑ / نعى نعى جون ل. بافليك
- ↑ -family-says/ وفاة سناتور الولاية السابق آرثر رافينيل الابن عن عمر 95 سنه ، كما تقول العيلة[permanent dead link]قالب:رابط ميت
- ↑ الراقصون اللاتينيون/ لوبى سيرانو مهد الطريق للراقصين اللاتينيين
- ↑ Carnet noir : Rasul Siddik est décédé (in French)
- ↑ -وقد توفى -and-fort-Apache-studios-owner-/ توفى جارى سميث، منتج Pixies / Blake Babies ومالك استوديوهات Fort Apache
- ↑ نعى جان بيير سوينجز اعلان
- ↑ وفاة Original Met Frank Thomas
- ↑ وفاة جاى بريسكو عن عمر 38 سنه
- ↑ Tree-bassist-all-i-know-nearly-lost-you-1235226006/ وفاة فان كونر: كان عمر عازف الجيتار المؤسس لـ Screaming Trees 55
- ↑ نعى كوكس?id=38719305 جيروم روكهولد "جيري" كوكس جونيور
- ↑ النعي؟id=38698160 توماس جوزيف تي. ديبلوا
- ↑ ماريا دورزيكا
- ↑ Graduate-nba- وفاة البطل/69818935007/ وفاة كريس فورد، لاعب كرة السلة الاسطورى هولى سبيريت، بطل الدورى الاميركى للمحترفين 3 مرات[permanent dead link]
- ↑ ويليام توماس هارت
- ↑ ادوارد بريسمان، منتج مستقل بارز لـ " وفاة "وول ستريت"، و"كونان البربري"، و"الاراضى الوعرة"، عن عمر 79 سنه
- ↑ Sandra Seacat, Actress and Beloved Acting Coach, Dies at 86
- ↑ -9-بطولات العالم-توفي-عن عمر 82 سنه / توفى بوب هيرش – مذيع 6 دورات اولمبية و 9 بطولات عالمية – عن عمر 82 سنه .[permanent dead link]
- ↑ a-big-talent/ بداية صغيرة تكريم لموهبة كبيرة
- ↑ -مع-قارب-آخر-التحقيق الاولي-قبل-الوفاة-يكشف ان لاعب الدورى الامريكانى لكرة القدم انطون ووكس اصطدم بقارب آخر قبل الوفاة، كما يكشف التحقيق الاولي
- ↑ .com/life-of/george-rose-jr/obituary/?flow=201 جورج لى روز الابن.[permanent dead link]
- ↑ جينجر ستانلى هالويل
- ↑ dead.html بيتى لى سونج، الباحثة الرائدة فى اللغة الصينية فى امريكا، توفيت عن عمر 98 سنه .
- ↑ Hospitality industry icon Bruce White dies
- ↑ [https:/ /www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/35497381/former-athletics-captain-brewers-gm-sal-bando-dies-78 وفاة كابتن العاب القوى السابق، Brewers GM Sal Bando عن عمر 78 سنه .
- ↑ ثيودور اوغسطس بيل التالت
- ↑ health/12720769/ وفاة الفارس الاسطورى فى فيلادلفيا جيرى بلافات عن عمر 82 سنه [permanent dead link]
- ↑ "رائعة، مضحكة، ملتوية": كاتب عمود سابق فى مجلة كرونيكل جوين كناب مات لما كان عنده 61 سنة
- ↑ Paul LaFarge (1970-2023)
- ↑ عازفة الكمان ميكايلا بايتش (1961-2023)، المراة الاولى لتسجيل 24 نزوة باجانيني
- ↑ -ريتشارد ستيدمان جراح العظام الرائد ومؤسس عيادة ستيدمان وستيدمان فيليبون للابحاث يموت فى 85.html الدكتور جى ريتشارد ستيدمان، جراح العظام الرائد ومؤسس عيادة ستيدمان ومعهد ستيدمان فيليبون للابحاث، مات لما كان عنده 85 سنه .
- ↑ المدرب Howie Tesher يمرر بعيد
- ↑ Thomas Albert Villa
- ↑ فرانكفورتر دانس-Legende und Jam El Mar Schützling verstorben قالب:فى اللغة
- ↑ نعي/اسم/غاري-لويس-بيتيجرو-نعى جارى لويس بيتيجرو
- ↑
".uchicago.edu/news/memoriam-easley-blackwood-jr فى ذكرى: ايسلى بلاكوود الابن". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2022-03-13. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
{{استشهاد ويب}}
: تحقق من قيمة|url=
(مساعدة) - ↑ brehmer-dies-chicago-radio-wxrt-20230122-xw2hb64drzd53jlaop4yg4g3pi-story.html توفى لين بريمر من اذاعة شيكاغو عن عمر 68 سنه .
- ↑ whec.com/top-news/bishop-matthew-clark-dies-at-85/ وفاة الاسقف ماثيو كلارك عن عمر 85 سنه .
- ↑ -jail/42610334 وفاة الهارب السابق "المطلوب" وقت احتجازه فى سجن مقاطعة ميلووكي[permanent dead link]
- ↑ سام باس وارنر جونيور، 94
- ↑ ا رسالة من JCESR: فى ذكرى جورج كرابتري
- ↑ In Memoriam F. William Lawvere
- ↑ -سنين قيادة الامة توفى الصحفى فيكتور س. نافاسكي. لسنين ، قاد الامة.
- ↑ وفاة ايفريت كوينتون: رائد مسرح وسط مدينة نيو يورك و كان بطل السخيفة من العمر 71 سنه
- ↑ dining/n-c-food-writer-remembered-for-her-expertise-and-generous-spirit/article_9bb23d60-a7cd-11ed-921f-93da8bbaa41e.html كاتبة الطعام فى نورث كارولاينا تتذكرها لخبرتها وروحها السخية، وينستون سالم "المجلة" (10 فبراير 2023).
- ↑ 16 وفاة بعمر 62 سنه / لانس كيروين، نجم سلسلة السبعينات القادمة "جيمس بعمر 16 سنه ،" يموت بعمر 62 سنه
- ↑ -توفى عن عمر 88 سنه ، توفيت "عرابة المشهد الفنى فى ميامي"، ميرا لير، عن عمر 88 سنه .
- ↑ روبرت جاكسون روم
- ↑ id=39394197 LTG Bernhard T. Mittemeyer M.D.
- ↑ richardson-dies/ "وفاة ويلى ريتشاردسون صوت ولاية اوريجون علشان المساواة العرقية". اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2023-01-31.
{{استشهاد ويب}}
: الوسيط|archive-url=
بحاجة لـ|تاريخ أرشيف=
(مساعدة)، الوسيط غير المعروف|تاريخ الارشيف=
تم تجاهله (مساعدة)، وتحقق من قيمة|archive-url=
(مساعدة) - ↑ Cindy Williams, ‘Laverne & Shirley’ Star, Dies at 75
- ↑ وفاة ساسكاتشوان-روغريدرز-لاينباكر-ديف-البرايت-فى عمر 63 سنه توفى لاعب ساسكاتشوان روغريدرز السابق ديف اولبرايت عن عمر 63 سنه
- ↑ Entertainment/music/2023/01/26/dean-daughtry-dies-atlanta-ايقاع-section-keyboardist-مؤسس مشارك/11128468002/ وفاة دين دوتري، المؤسس المشارك لقسم اتلانتا للايقاع، عن عمر 76 سنه : "لقد ترك بصمته '
- ↑ Story/_/id/35531055/ex-detroit-lions-linebacker-jessie-lemonier-dies-age-25 وفاة الظهير السابق لفريق ديترويت لايونز جيسى ليمونير عن عمر 25 سنه
- ↑ [https: //musicrow.com/2023/02/hit-songwriter-peter-mccanna-dies-at-age-74/ وفاة مؤلف الاغانى الشهير بيتر ماكان عن عمر 74 سنه ]
- ↑ [ https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/35535286/billy-packer-82-long-final-four-basketball-analyst-dies بيلى باكر، 82 سنه ، لاعب كرة سلة فاينل فور من فترة طويلة وفاة المحلل]
- ↑ .com/gary-peters-1963-al-rookie-of-the-year-dies-at-85/ جارى بيترز، 1963 احسن مبتدئ للعام، مات لما كان عنده 85 سنه
- ↑ -dead.amp.html الان ا. رايان، المطارد العنيد للمتعاونين النازيين، مات لما كان عنده 77 سنه قالب:Subscription require
- ↑ /us/obituaries/bostonglobe/name/alice-wolf-obituary?id=39091726 اليس ك. وولف
- ↑ ديترويتر السابقة مارسيا كوك، اول انثى سوداء فى فلوريدا قاضى فيدرالي، يموت عن عمر 68 سنه
- ↑ روبرت وفاة دالفا، محرر الافلام المرشح لجايزة الاوسكار عن فيلم "The Black Stallion"، عن عمر 80 سنه
- ↑ Was-70-obituary-1235243129/ وفاة غريغورى الين هوارد: كاتب السيناريو فى فيلم "تذكر الجبابرة" و كان المنتج من العمر 70 سنه
- ↑ /27/arts/alfred-leslie-dead.html وفاة الفريد ليزلي، الفنان اللى ابتعد عن التجريد، عن عمر 95 سنه
- ↑ Judith Williams trauert um ihren Vater Opernsänger Daniel Lewis (in German)
- ↑ محلي/ممثلة الولاية السابقة-هيلدا-بيترمان-تموت-في-80 وفاة ممثلة الولاية السابقة هيلدا بيترمان عن عمر 80 سنه
- ↑ 2023/01/retired-7-term-gop-pa-house-member-dies-on-69th-birthday.html وفاة عضو مجلس النواب الجمهورى المعتزل لمدة 7 فترات فى بنسلفانيا فى عيد ميلاده التاسع والستين
- ↑ /news/nbl-mourns-lockhart-passing NBL تنعى مرور لوكهارت
- ↑ /2023/01/lisa-loring-dead-actor-original-wednesday-addams-1235243958/ وفاة ليزا لورينج: الممثل والاصل الاربعاء ادامز كان عمره 64 سنه
- ↑ 2023/01/former-ohio-state-rep-dan-ramos-has-died.html توفى النائب السابق لولاية اوهايو دان راموس
- ↑ باريت وفاة مغنى "المال" القوى اللى كتب اغانى موتاون بما فيها "سمعتها من خلال شجرة العنب" عن عمر 81 سنه .
- ↑ ستيلرز-RB-dead-68/ سيدنى ثورنتون، بيتسبرغ ستيلرز آر بى السابق، ميت عن عمر 68 سنه
- ↑ توم فيرلين، المؤسس من تلفزيون فرقة Punk-Era المؤثرة، مات لما كان عنده 73 سنه .
- ↑ 01/31/1152833849/bob-born-dies-parent-of-peeps-hot-tamales-just-born-quality-confections توفى بوب بورن، "ابو اللمحات" وحلوى تامالى الساخنة
- ↑ .rollerfuneralhomes.com/memorialpage.asp?id=65304&locid=17 هنرى مور
- ↑ john_morris/ جون د. موريس
- ↑ Dr .روجر شانك
- ↑ مقتل المتزلج المحبوب فى جنوب بحيرة تاهو كايل سمين فى انهيار ثلجى فى اليابان
- ↑ -وفاة عالم المناخ الشجاع فى كانبيرا عن عمر 75 سنه . توفى ويل ستيفن، عالم المناخ "الشجاع"، فى كانبيرا عن عمر 75 سنه
- ↑ -نعي-1235243778/ وفاة آنى ويرشينج: الممثلة فى افلام "24" و"Bosch" و"Timeless" كانت تبلغ من العمر 45 سنه
- ↑ Story/_/id/35558251/cleveland-drummer-baseball-fan-john-adams-dies-71 وفاة عازف الدرامز فى كليفلاند، مشجع البيسبول جون آدامز عن عمر 71 سنه
- ↑ Hall-Fame-Nfl-executive-bobby-beathard-dies-86 وفاة المسؤول التنفيذى فى Hall of Fame NFL بوبى بياتارد عن عمر 86 سنه
- ↑ Hit Songwriter Pat Bunch التمريرات
- ↑ جونز، جون بيلي
- ↑ Ann McLaughlin Korologos ، وزير العمل فى عهد ريجان، مات لما كان عنده 81 سنه .
- ↑ ليندا باستان، شاعر ذو جمال مركّز، مات لما كان عنده 90 سنه قالب:Subscription Required
- ↑ السابق-da-dies-at-age-80.html توفى مايك شرونك، المدعى السنه اللى قبلها اللى امضى اطول فترة خدمة فى مقاطعة مولتنوماه، عن عمر 80 سنه .
- ↑ ده الاسبوع على مثلى الجنس امريكا الامريكانيه 2/1/2023
- ↑ توفى السيناتور السابق وعمدة يونا خوسيه بيدو تيرلاجى توفى السيناتور السابق وعمدة يونا خوسيه بيدو تيرلاجي
- ↑ Author-james-alexander-thom-dies/69860428007/ وفاة المؤلف الاكتر مبيع فى ولاية انديانا جيمس الكسندر توم، المعروف بالخيال التاريخي
- ↑ -dead-x-files-hannibal-northern-exposure-writer-1235259940/ وفاة جيف فلامينج: كاتب ومنتج افلام X-Files، وHannibal، وNorthern Exposure كان عمره 63 سنه
- ↑ توفى مدرب كرة القدم الجامعى السابق عن عمر 75 سنه
- ↑ العاب القوى JMU تنعى الرحيل مدرب كرة السلة فى قاعة المشاهير لو كامبانيلي
- ↑ توفى السيناتور السابق عن ولاية مينيسوتا ديف دورينبرجر عن عمر 88 سنه .
- ↑ LegacyRemembers/david-elder-obituary?id=41955683 ديفيد ماثيو الدر
- ↑ /donnie-marsico-singer-for-sweet-breeze-dies-68-cancer/stories/202301310103 النعي: وفاة دون جيه مارسيكو، مغنى فرقة Sweet Breeze، عن عمر 68 سنه .
- ↑ [https:/ /ottawasun.com/sports/football/cfl/gone-but-not-forgotten-former-rough-riders-kaye-vaughan-joe-moss-die-in-90s فريق Rough Riders السابق كاى فوغان، لن يكون جو موس نسي]
- ↑ Charlie Thomas, longtime member of The Drifters, dies at 85
- ↑ Joanne Bracker May 3, 1945 - February 1, 2023
- ↑ Don Bramlett
- ↑ Franklin Florence, civil rights leader, dies at 88
- ↑ Roland Muhlen
- ↑ R.I.P.: George P. Wilbur, the Michael Myers of Halloween 4 and 6, has passed away
- ↑ Ex-NFL DB Stanley Wilson Jr. Dead At 40... After Collapsing At Mental Hospital
- ↑ Ronald Thomas Campbell
- ↑ Chris Chesser Dies: ‘Major League’, ‘The Color Of War’ Producer Was 74
- ↑ Former AWA star Kenny Jay passes away
- ↑ Butch Miles (1944–2023)
- ↑ Bob Orben, One-Man Gag Factory and Speechwriter, Dies at 95 (subscription required)
- ↑ WWE legend 'The Genius' Lanny Poffo, brother of Randy Savage, dies aged 68
- ↑ Remembering James C. Wofford
- ↑ Paul Janovitz July 3, 1968 - February 3, 2023
- ↑ Judge McKenna, H.W. Bush Appointee To SDNY, Dies At 89
- ↑ Oates (subscription required)
- ↑ Irving Melvin Stern
- ↑ Former longtime WGN anchor and suburban radio host Jack تايلور dies at 94
- ↑ Ceramicist, ‘welcomer’ and Klezmer ‘impresario’ Susan Felix dies at 85
- ↑ Adrian Hall — The Man Who Made Trinity Rep. a National Treasure — Dies at 95
- ↑ Lecompton native who helped lead Steelers to 2 Super Bowl victories dies at 70
- ↑ Former Colorado State basketball star and NBA draft pick Floyd Kerr dies at the age of 76
- ↑ Peter J. Koegel
- ↑ Former Steelers player, 49ers executive Paul Martha dies at 80
- ↑ Arnold Schulman, Screenwriter on ‘Goodbye, Columbus’ and ‘Love With the Proper Stranger,’ Dies at 97
- ↑ Sweep The Leg Johnny’s Steve Sostak Dead At 49
- ↑ Former NC Sen. Jerry Tillman dies at 82
- ↑ Ron Tompkins
- ↑ Harry Whittington, longtime Texas GOP supporter shot by Dick Cheney in a hunting accident, dies
- ↑ Obituary: Harold H. Beebe Jr.
- ↑ Chris Browne – RIP
- ↑ Demetrius Calip, member of Michigan basketball's 1989 title team, dies at 53
- ↑ Austrian-Born Shan Princess Inge Eberhard Dies
- ↑ "Former Rough Riders star lineman Kaye Vaughan dies at age 91". National Post.
- ↑ Lillian Walker-Moss, co-founder of "Tell Him" hitmakers The Exciters, dies
- ↑ David Harris, Leader of the Vietnam Draft Resistance Movement, Dies at 76
- ↑ Famed National Geographic Underwater Photographer Emory Kristof Passes Away
- ↑ Eugene Lee Dies: Longtime ‘SNL’ Production Designer, Tony-Winning Broadway Scenic Designer Was 83
- ↑ 'Thunderblood' Charlie Norris Dead at 59
- ↑ جرينfield, Lee
- ↑ Iconic Women’s Bodybuilder Tonya Knight Passes Away at 56 After Battle with Cancer
- ↑ Andrew McKenna Sr., civic and business leader, part owner of Bears, dies at 93
- ↑ Burt Bacharach, master of pop songwriting, dies aged 94
- ↑ "1st Black woman elected to NC Superior Court seat dies at 71". Associated Press. 8 فبراير 2023. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-03-25.
- ↑ https://www.tmz.com/2023/02/10/days-of-our-lives-actor-cody-longo-dead-dies/
- ↑ Oscar Lawton Wilkerson, Jr.
- ↑ "FGG mourns the passing of figure skater Doug Mattis". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-02-12. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Nelson Rising, who shaped L.A. and oversaw some of California’s biggest projects, dies at 81
- ↑ Former Ohio State football receiver Dimitrious Stanley dies at 48
- ↑ Morris J. Amitay
- ↑ Mr. Len Birman
- ↑ Broncos mourn the passing of former defensive coordinator Larry Coyer
- ↑ UMass Chan professor, vice provost for research dies unexpectedly
- ↑ Howard Bragman, Public Relations Veteran and Founder of BNC and Fifteen Minutes PR, Dies at 66
- ↑ Former state representative, longtime ACU administrator Bob Hunter dies
- ↑ Lee James
- ↑ NYPD Blue Star Austin Majors Dead at 27
- ↑ Donald Spoto, Biographer of Hitchcock and Many More, Dies at 81 (subscription required)
- ↑ Tuba legend dies
- ↑ Douglas Fisher
- ↑ De La Soul’s Trugoy The Dove Has Died
- ↑ Ted Lerner, titan of D.C.-area real estate and Nationals owner, dies at 97
- ↑ Linda King Newell
- ↑ Las Cruces political icon J. Paul تايلور dies at age 102[permanent dead link]
- ↑ Norwich Mourns the Loss of President Emeritus, MG W. Russell Todd USA (Ret)
- ↑ Control Denied and Pharaoh Vocalist Tim Aymar Dead at 59
- ↑ Eddie Conway (1946–2023)
- ↑ Roger Franklin Bonk
- ↑ Former Cardinals Pro Bowl Guard Conrad Dobler Passes Away
- ↑ Brian DuBois
- ↑ Robert Geddes, Modernist Dean of Princeton’s Architecture School, Dies at 99 (subscription required)
- ↑ Tom Luddy Dies: Telluride Film Festival Co-Founder And Producer Was 79
- ↑ David Singmaster (in Italian)
- ↑ New Orleans rock ’n’ roll pioneer Huey 'Piano' Smith has died
- ↑ San Antonio artist Jesse Treviño has died following cancer battle
- ↑ Memphis soul great Spencer Wiggins dead at 81
- ↑ Afternoon Deelites, Bacharach's Best Runner, Dies at Old Friends
- ↑ Bills Legend Charlie Ferguson passes away at age 83
- ↑ Emil C. Gotschlich, creator of lifesaving vaccines, has died
- ↑ Allen Leldon جرين
- ↑ In Memoriam – MG Gary Harrell
- ↑ Jerry Jarrett dead at 80
- ↑ Former Hawaii Football Coach Greg McMackin Dies at 77
- ↑ "Former Athletics Director Neale Stoner Passes Away Tuesday". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-03-05. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Hall of Fame Trainer Veitch Dies at 77
- ↑ Nobel Prize winner and recombinant DNA pioneer Paul Berg dies
- ↑ Atlanta Mourns Death of Businessman and Community Advocate Thomas Dortch Jr
- ↑ Catherine Kelleher January 19, 1939 - February 15, 2023
- ↑ David Oreck, founder of vacuum company and World War II aviator, dead at 99 (subscription required)
- ↑ Raquel Welch Dead at 82
- ↑ Fahndung nach der Melodie (in German)
- ↑ Former WNBA champion, Storm center Simone Edwards dies at 49
- ↑ Chuck Jackson, ’60s Soul Great, Dies at 85
- ↑ World Series champion, TV analyst Tim McCarver dies at 81
- ↑ Texas death row inmate dies after December surgery for tumor
- ↑ The story of "O" - RIP singer-guitarist Otis Barthoulameu
- ↑ Former UW-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank dies at 67
- ↑ Jerry Dodgion, saxophonist and flutist who embodied the versatile grace of a sideman, is dead at 90
- ↑ Gerald Fried, Emmy Winner for 'Roots' and Composer for 'Star Trek,' 'Gilligan's Island,' Dies at 95
- ↑ Kellie Pickler’s Husband Kyle Jacobs Identified as Man Found Dead at Singer’s House
- ↑ SU mourns death of alumnus, former US ambassador to South Africa
- ↑ Stella Stevens Dies; ‘Poseidon Adventure’ Actress & Elvis Presley, Jerry Lewis Co-Star Was 84
- ↑ Friends mourn Tom Whitlock, Springfield writer of 'Danger Zone' and 'Take My Breath Away'
- ↑ Barbara Bosson, 'Hill Street Blues' Star, Dies at 83
- ↑ N. Carolina congressman, briefly senator Broyhill dies at 95
- ↑ Thomas Donahue, Influential Leader of Organized Labor, Dies at 94 (subscription required)
- ↑ Legendary Yosemite Climber Ammon McNeely Dies
- ↑ LA’s ‘peacemaker’ Bishop David O’Connell dead at 69
- ↑ Tucson's "King of Sting," Justin Schmidt, dies from Parkinson's disease
- ↑ Richard Hugh Tilly (in German)
- ↑ Richard Belzer Dead: The Actor And Comedian Was 78
- ↑ Athens music scene stalwart, The Jesters member Davis Causey dies
- ↑ Greg Foster, Olympic medalist and world champion hurdler, dead at 64
- ↑ David Lance Goines, iconic Berkeley printmaker, dies at 77
- ↑ San Antonio billionaire Red McCombs passes away at 95
- ↑ Raiders announce death of former defensive back Jim McMillin
- ↑ Hayden Panettiere's Brother Jansen Panettiere Dead At 28
- ↑ Bruce Barthol, Country Joe & the Fish bassist, dies at 75
- ↑ Renowned Old Testament Scholar Dr. Michael Heiser Passes Away After Cancer Battle
- ↑ Past UCF President John C. Hitt Dead at 82
- ↑ In memory of our bandmate, Ron Altbach 1946–2023
- ↑ Zandra Flemister, first Black woman in Secret Service, dies at 71
- ↑ Jesse Gress, Todd Rundgren guitarist and longstanding Guitar Player contributor, dies aged 67
- ↑ Albie Pearson
- ↑ Former Texas House Speaker Rayford Price dies at 86
- ↑ Howard R. Lamar, former Yale president and eminent historian
- ↑ Remembering Spectrum News 13 reporter Dylan Lyons
- ↑ Life Fitness, Augie’s Quest Founder Augie Nieto Dies
- ↑ Florida executes Donald Dillbeck; first inmate to die since 2019
- ↑ Tony Earl, Wisconsin's 41st governor who championed the environment, equal rights, dies at age 86
- ↑ US billionaire financier Thomas Lee found dead at 78
- ↑ Former Massachusetts Congressman John Olver dies at 86
- ↑ Legendary Climber Allen Steck Dies at 97
- ↑ "Former U.S. Senator James Abourezk dead at 92". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-03-20. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Michael Blackwood
- ↑ Ed Fury, Bodybuilding Legend and Sword-and-Sandal Movie Star, Dies at 94
- ↑ Walter Mirisch, Oscar-Winning Producer of ‘In the Heat of the Night,’ Dies at 101
- ↑ Former Kansas City Southern CEO David Starling dies
- ↑ Jack Billion Obituary Sioux Falls, S.D, 2006 Democratic Gov. candidate dead at 83
- ↑ Kris Jordan, a Republican who represented Delaware County in the Ohio House, dies at 46
- ↑ Fred Miller, former Colts star and Super Bowl champion, dead at 82
- ↑ "David Lawrence Nicholson". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-03-01. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Carl Saunders
- ↑ Retired Lt. Gen. Richard Trefry Dies
- ↑ Former Virginia basketball coach Terry Holland dies after battling Alzheimer's
- ↑ Former State Rep., House Speaker, Washington Co. Judge Gus Mutscher Dies
- ↑ Bob Richards, first to win two Olympic pole vault gold medals, dies
- ↑ UConn Mourns Passing Of Former BKB Coach Fred Shabel
- ↑ Ricou Browning, the Gill-Man in ‘Creature From the Black Lagoon,’ Dies at 93
- ↑ Remembering Disney Legend Burny Mattinson
- ↑ LSU men’s tennis coaching legend Jerry Simmons passes away at 76
- ↑ Michael Botticelli
- ↑ Death announced of former US Congressman Brian Donnelly
- ↑ AAGPBL pioneer Jean Faut passes away at 98
- ↑ "Bo Hickey, former New Canaan hockey, football coach and NFL player, has died. 'Bo was a legend'". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-03-01. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Jay Weston, ‘Lady Sings the Blues’ Producer, Dies at 93
- ↑ Major General William E. Cooper Jr.
- ↑ Ted Donaldson, Young Actor in ‘Father Knows Best’ and ‘A Tree Grows in Brooklyn,’ Dies at 89
- ↑ Charles Harrington Elster, San Diego word maven and author, dies at 65
- ↑ Leon Hughes, founding member of The Coasters, dies at 92
- ↑ Daniel Michael McGinn
- ↑ Panthers founder Jerry Richardson passes away at 86
- ↑ Dr. Lokenath Debnath
- ↑ Former Western Carolina men's basketball coach Phil Hopkins dies at age 73
- ↑ Trailblazing Japanese-American Army general dies at 93
- ↑ Former Rep. Dell Raybould dies at 89
- ↑ Remembering Paul Robinson
- ↑ Wayne Shorter, sage of the saxophone, dies at 89
- ↑ Barbara Bryant, the first woman to head the U.S. census, has died at 96
- ↑ "Miles Davis saxophonist Carlos Garnett has died aged 84 - Tributes pour in online". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-03-31. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Sara Lane, Actress on ‘The Virginian,’ Dies at 73
- ↑ Iconic Claremont musician David Lindley dead at 78
- ↑ Calvin Newton Of Sons Of Song Passes Over Into Jordan
- ↑ Tom Sizemore, 'Saving Private Ryan' Actor, Dies at 61
- ↑ Lou Stovall, Washington artist and master printmaker, dies at 86
- ↑ ‘He was a titan in Idaho politics’: Former Idaho Gov. Phil Batt dies
- ↑ Robert Haimer, aka Artie Barnes of Barnes & Barnes ("Fish Heads"), has died
- ↑ The World Mourns the Passing of Judy Heumann, Disability Rights Activist
- ↑ Michael Rhodes, Esteemed Bassist and Nashville Session Musician, Dies at 69
- ↑ Husker Basketball Great Andre Smith Passes Away
- ↑ Donald William Snyder
- ↑ SST Records Producer Glen "SPOT" Lockett Dies at 72
- ↑ Muere el genetista Francisco J. Ayala a los 88 años de edad (in Spanish)
- ↑ Joanne Elliott
- ↑ Bobby Goodman, Hall of Famer, Passes Away at 83-Years-Old
- ↑ Frank T. Griswold III, 25th presiding bishop, dies at 85
- ↑ Chinese American Political Pioneer Tom Hsieh Passes at 91
- ↑ Elokuvaohjaaja Ilkka Järvi-Laturi on kuollut (in Finnish)
- ↑ Gary Rossington, Lynyrd Skynyrd’s Last Original Member, Dead at 71
- ↑ Helen Vanni
- ↑ Rays radio broadcaster Dave Wills dies at age 58
- ↑ The Want-Ad Killer' Serial Killer Harvey Carignan Dead at 95
- ↑ 'Scarface Oligarch' who sold Harry and Meghan their home for $14.7million dies in Moscow
- ↑ Traute Lafrenz Page
- ↑ Mamaleek’s Eric Alan Livingston Dies at 38
- ↑ Walter Laws Smith
- ↑ Remembering Ian Falconer, the New Yorker Artist and Author of the "Olivia" Books
- ↑ "Lisa Montell". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-06-25. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Tom Love, founder of Love's Travel Stops passes; he was 85
- ↑ Pat McCormick
- ↑ Peterson Zah, the one and only Navajo chairman and president, dies at 85
- ↑ Dark Angel Guitarist Jim Durkin Dies At 58
- ↑ Bert I. Gordon, Auteur of Mutant Monster Movies, Dies at 100 (subscription required)
- ↑ Dolores Klaich
- ↑ Former state, Vancouver political leader Jim Moeller dies
- ↑ Democratic Georgia state Rep. Tish Naghise dies
- ↑ Abraham Zarem, one of the last surviving Manhattan Project scientists, dies at 106
- ↑ Robert Blake Dies: Actor In 'Baretta' And 'In Cold Blood' Was 89, Beat Real-Life Murder Rap
- ↑ William R. Cotter, Colby’s Longest-Tenured President, Has Died
- ↑ Priests for Life statement on the passing of Mark Crutcher
- ↑ Christian D. Greeley
- ↑ Connie Martinson dies; TV host chatted up more than 2,000 authors on long-running show
- ↑ Longtime Chiefs wide receiver Otis تايلور dies at age 80
- ↑ Jesús Alou, two-time World Series champion and youngest member of legendary Alou brothers, dies at 80
- ↑ Former U.S. Rep. L.A."Skip" Bafalis, of Florida, dies in Virginia
- ↑ Kevin Freeman
- ↑ Dick Haley, former Steelers Personnel Director, Dies at 85
- ↑ Dr. Rolland N. Hein
- ↑ Jerry Samuels Dies: One of Pop Music’s Most Unique One-Hit Wonders as ‘Napoleon XIV’
- ↑ Educator, publisher and former Miami commissioner Demetrio Perez Jr. dies at 77
- ↑ Anthony J. Verga Sr.
- ↑ Obituary: Computing Pioneer William Wulf Leaves Lasting Mark on Teaching, Research
- ↑ Wendy Bean Barker
- ↑ Amy Fuller
- ↑ Bud Grant, who led Vikings to 4 Super Bowls in HOF career, dies
- ↑ John Jakes, Whose Historical Novels Hit the Jackpot, Dies at 90 (subscription required)
- ↑ The Right Reverend David Benson Reed
- ↑ Warren Boroson
- ↑ Baseball grossetano in lutto per la prematura scomparsa di Chris Cooper (in Italian)
- ↑ Rolly Crump, Animator Who Helped Create Early Look of Disneyland, Dies at 93
- ↑ Dix Newell Denney
- ↑ Olympic high jump legend Dick Fosbury, dead at 76
- ↑ Louisville hoops legend Felton Spencer has died
- ↑ TU Mourns Loss of Golden Hurricane Hall of Famer Bob Breitenstein
- ↑ Mob hitman turned informant Nick Calabrese dies at 80
- ↑ Jim Gordon, Drummer for Eric Clapton and ‘Layla’ Co-Writer Who Was Convicted of Murder, Dies at 77
- ↑ One of Oregon’s longest-serving judges dies at age 93
- ↑ Flamboyant Yankees great dies at 82: ‘Playful and charismatic personality’ made him a fan favorite
- ↑ Former Rep. Pat Schroeder, pioneer for women’s rights, dies
- ↑ In Memoriam: Eric Lloyd Wright
- ↑ Bobby Caldwell, 'What You Won't Do For Love' Singer Dead at 71
- ↑ Tar Heel, PGA Golfer Jim Ferree (1931-2023)
- ↑ Hartford's GOP Mayoral Trailblazer, Ann Uccello, Dies At 100
- ↑ Jeff Gaylord Dead at 64
- ↑ Stuart Hodes, Who Danced With Martha Graham, Is Dead at 98
- ↑ Mary Ann Radzinowicz, Milton scholar, dies at 97
- ↑ Senator Ronald L. Rice has Died
- ↑ Norman Steinberg, Screenwriter on ‘Blazing Saddles,’ ‘My Favorite Year’ and ‘Johnny Dangerously,’ Dies at 83
- ↑ Gladys Kessler
- ↑ Carenza, John
- ↑ Hal Dresner Dies: Writer For ‘Cool Hand Luke’ And ‘Zorro The Gay Blade’ Was 85
- ↑ Former Parliament-Funkadelic singer Fuzzy Haskins dead at 81
- ↑ John Jenrette, former South Carolina congressman arrested in Abscam scandal, dies at 86
- ↑ Lance Reddick Dies: ‘John Wick’, ‘The Wire’, ‘Fringe’ & ‘Bosch’ Actor Was 60
- ↑ Robert William Sennewald
- ↑ Raymond Solari
- ↑ Colonel (USA Retired) Guy Kent Troy
- ↑ Gloria Dea, the Strip’s first magician, dies at 100
- ↑ Democrat Parks Helms, a fixture in North Carolina politics, dies at 87
- ↑ Charity Scott (1951 – 2023)
- ↑ Dr. Steven Ungerleider
- ↑ Softball Legend Dot Wilkinson Passes Away
- ↑ Willie Cager of Texas Western 1966 national championship team dies on anniversary of historic win
- ↑ Elizabeth de Cuevas, Sculptor
- ↑ Michael Scott Kadish
- ↑ Legendary Wyoming Big-Bore Handgun Pioneer John Linebaugh Dead At 67
- ↑ "Huskies mourn passing of Geof Kotila". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-05-08. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Michael Reaves, TV, Prose and Comics Writer, Dead at 72
- ↑ Auxiliary Bishop Fernand J. Cheri, III, OFM Dies at 71
- ↑ In Memoriam: Joe Giella
- ↑ Former Arkansas Sen. Bill Lewellen dies at 71
- ↑ Dan Morse
- ↑ Obituary: Julie Anne Peters
- ↑ Boardman-based Arby's co-founder dies at 96
- ↑ New York Knicks legend Willis Reed dies at 80
- ↑ Pete Velasco, Jr.
- ↑ Peter Werner Dies: Prolific TV Director & Oscar Winner Was 76
- ↑ La actriz mexicana Rebecca Jones muere a los 65 años (in Spanish)
- ↑ Former Navajo Nation President Ben Shelly dies at age 75
- ↑ Tom Leadon, Mudcrutch Co-Founder, Dead at 70
- ↑ Saliva Guitarist Wayne Swinny Dead at 59
- ↑ Missing Wild 94.9 Radio Host ‘JV' Found Dead in San Francisco Bay
- ↑ Carl Constantine Kosak
- ↑ Portland's famous drag queen Darcelle dies at 92
- ↑ Iconic Detroit News columnist Jerry جرين, last to cover every Super Bowl, has died at age 94
- ↑ Joseph Richard Inge
- ↑ ‘Heroic’ physicist Toichiro Kinoshita dies at 98
- ↑ Rita Lakin, Pioneering Screenwriter and Creator of ‘The Rookies’ and ‘Flamingo Road,’ Dies at 93
- ↑ Eagles mourn the passing of Frank LeMaster
- ↑ Brendan James O'Brien
- ↑ Israel "Zuni" Zelitch
- ↑ Timothy L. Joiner Sr.
- ↑ Scott Johnson, Playfully Inventive Composer, Is Dead at 70
- ↑ Gordon Moore, Intel Co-Founder, Dies at 94
- ↑ "Activist Randall Robinson Dies at 81". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-03-25. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ William Onico Barker
- ↑ Murió Xavier López, 'Chabelo', actor y comediante (in Spanish)
- ↑ Daniel Chorzempa, organist acclaimed for his Bach interpretations – obituary (subscription required)
- ↑ American University volleyball coach Barry Goldberg dies at 61
- ↑ Leo D. Sullivan, Pioneering Black Animator, Dies at 82
- ↑ Dan Ben-Amos (1934-2023)
- ↑ Colson, New Mexico State Final Four assistant and later AD, dies at 88
- ↑ Ron Faber Dies: Actor Who Delivered Bad News In ‘The Exorcist’ Was 90
- ↑ CCSU Hall of Famer Rick Lantz Passes Away
- ↑ Ronny "Bo" Lee
- ↑ Bidding Farewell to Virginia T. Norwood, the Mother of Landsat
- ↑ Thomas J. Osler
- ↑ Ray Pillow
- ↑ Bill Zehme, Biographer and Rolling Stone Writer, Dead at 64
- ↑ Nick Galifianakis
- ↑ N'Neka Garland, ‘General Hospital’ Producer, Dies at 49
- ↑ Max Hardcore Passes Away
- ↑ "Sorry for Your Devastating Loss": Equestrian World Left Heartbroken After 88-Year-Old Legend, Who Made History Once, Passes Away
- ↑ Howie Kane of Jay & The Americans Dies At Age 78
- ↑ In Memoriam: Carol Lavell (1943-2023)
- ↑ Remembering Ronald A. Sarasin
- ↑ Blues and R&B star Peggy Scott-Adams dies at age 74
- ↑ Mel King dies at 94
- ↑ Longtime NFL Referee, Two-Time Super Bowl Official Dead At 76
- ↑ Mardye McDole, football star at Murphy High, Mississippi State, dies at 63
- ↑ Helen Barolini
- ↑ Brian ‘Brizz’ Gillis, Co-Founder of ’90s Boy Band LFO, Dies at 47
- ↑ Former N. Carolina senator, tax secretary Hoyle dies at 84
- ↑ In Memoriam: Dragomir Radev, Professor of Computer Science
- ↑ "Sweet Charles" Sherrell, music director for James Brown, dies at age 80
- ↑ Obituary: Bubsy creator Mike Berlyn passed away at age 73
- ↑ Fred Klages: A Baseball Life
- ↑ Michael Rudman obituary
- ↑ Mark Russell, political satirist with a star-spangled piano, dies at 90
- ↑ Steve Skeates, Longtime Comic Writer and Hawk & Dove Co-Creator, Dies at 80
- ↑ William L. Slocum Jr.
- ↑ Ada Bello, LGBTQ pioneer who made Philadelphia home, dies at 89
- ↑ Packers Hall of Famer John Brockington passes away
- ↑ San Antonio's last Tuskegee Airman dies at 96
- ↑ Cookbook author and teacher Raghavan Iyer remembered as 'beautiful soul'
- ↑ Dr. George Nagobads, 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team physician, dies at 101
- ↑ Ricochet, San Diego’s beloved surfing therapy dog, dies at 15
- ↑ Leonard Abrams, 68; In covering the arts scene, his East Village Eye created ‘a community in print’
- ↑ Kwame Brathwaite, Influential Photographer Who Proclaimed ‘Black Is Beautiful,’ Dies at 85
- ↑ "JAWS Member Alicia (Lisa) Shepard, advocate for ethical journalism, dies at 69". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-04-13. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Pensacola federal judge Roger Vinson passes away after battle with cancer
- ↑ Detroit burlesque legend Toni Elling has died at 94 years old
- ↑ M*A*S*H Star Judy Farrell Dead at 84 after Suffering Stroke
- ↑ Vikings Mourn Passing of Frank Gilliam, NFL Scouting Pioneer
- ↑ Seymour Stein, Legendary Music Exec Who Signed Madonna and Talking Heads, Dies at 80
- ↑ Former Supreme Court Justice Mickey Barker Dies
- ↑ Neal Boenzi, Top New York Times Photographer for Four Decades, Dies at 97
- ↑ David Finfer, Oscar-Nominated Editor of ‘The Fugitive,’ Dies at 80
- ↑ SF drag legend Heklina reportedly has passed away
- ↑ An Activist For Women In Unions, Jane LaTour Dies At 76
- ↑ Roy McGrath killed during encounter with FBI in Tennessee after three-week manhunt
- ↑ Former Arkansas legislator, attorney Herb Rule dies at 87
- ↑ Obituary: David John Bartholomae, Ph.D. | Professor who led Pitt's English department and focused on writing
- ↑ USA Cycling champion dies after being struck by car in San Francisco’s Presidio
- ↑ ‘King Of Speed’ Dies At 86
- ↑ Cash App Creator Bob Lee Dead After Stabbing In San Francisco
- ↑ Luscious Jackson’s Vivian Trimble Dead At 59
- ↑ Special Forces legend Billy Waugh passes away at 93
- ↑ Harrison Napoleon Bankhead, III
- ↑ Bill Butler, Cinematographer on ‘Jaws’, Dies at 101
- ↑ Sarasota County Commission Vice Chair Nancy C. Detert dies
- ↑ Morto Cedric Henderson: fu protagonista dello scudetto 1986 dell’Olimpia Milano (in Italian)
- ↑ Philanthropist, Family Dollar founder Leon Levine dies at 85
- ↑ "Love Town" hitmaker Booker Newberry III dies at age 67
- ↑ Ex-Georgia Tech, ABA player Jim Caldwell passes
- ↑ Katie Cotton, Guardian of the Apple Brand for 18 Years, Dies
- ↑ Bill Hellmuth, FAIA, Chairman and CEO of HOK, dies at 69
- ↑ Hobie Landrith, the first Mets player ever, dead at 93
- ↑ Remembering former CEO Oz Nelson
- ↑ The Legacy of Mimi Sheraton, the Pioneering Critic Who Died at 97
- ↑ ‘No one is to be treated as subhuman’: Nuremberg prosecutor Benjamin Ferencz dies at age 103
- ↑ In Memoriam : Carl Fischer (1925-2023)
- ↑ Coach Billy Hahn Has Died
- ↑ Clemson Football: Former Tiger Tracy Johnson passes away
- ↑ Edward 'Kidd' Jordan, New Orleans avant-jazz saxophonist, music educator, dies at 87
- ↑ Harry Lorayne, Dazzling Master of Total Recall, Is Dead at 96
- ↑ Steve Murdock, Texas scholar who headed Census Bureau, dies
- ↑ Rachel Pollack, Trailblazing Doom Patrol Writer, Dies at 77
- ↑ Former Frehley's Comet Bassist John Regan Dies
- ↑ James William Valentine
- ↑ Elizabeth Hubbard, Soap Star on ‘As the World Turns’ and ‘The Doctors,’ Dies at 89
- ↑ Michael Lerner, ‘Barton Fink’ Actor, Dies at 81
- ↑ Edward L. Rissien, ‘Castle Keep’ Producer and Filmways, Playboy Productions Exec, Dies at 98
- ↑ La Tech football great Mickey Slaughter, who also played QB in NFL, dies at 81
- ↑ Federal Judge Norman Stahl of Manchester Dies at Age 92
- ↑ Jazz musician and local treasure, Karl Berger dies at 88
- ↑ BD"E: Rebbetzin Bruriah David A"H, Founder And Leader of BJJ Seminary
- ↑ Alex Dessler, founding father of Rice space science, dies at 94
- ↑ Animation Editor-Producer Don Ernst Dies Age 89
- ↑ Paul Hinrichs
- ↑ Bodies of father and son who disappeared on kayaking trip have been recovered, sheriff's office says
- ↑ Ex-College Football Coach Died At 90 This Week
- ↑ Richard "Dick" Springer
- ↑ Valda Setterfield Dies at 88; a Star in the Postmodern Dance Firmament (subscription required)
- ↑ The Most Reverend James C. Timlin, Eighth Bishop Of Scranton, Dies At 95
- ↑ Thomas Michael Yurkovich
- ↑ Aviation industry icon Jane Davis Doggett dies at 93
- ↑ Former Louisiana AG Richard Ieyoub dies at 78
- ↑ Al Jaffee: 1921-2023
- ↑ Frank Lasky
- ↑ ‘Dean of the Silicon Valley Bench’: Retired Judge Ronald Whyte Dies at 80
- ↑ Rick Wolff, longtime WFAN host, dead at 71 after brain cancer battle
- ↑ Carol Locatell, ‘Friday the 13th Part V’ Favorite, Dies at 82
- ↑ Jerry Mander, San Francisco’s radical adman, dies at 86
- ↑ Remembering Lesley Swick Van Ness
- ↑ Donald Herman Voet (1938 – 2023)
- ↑ Ivo Babuška, Mathematician Known for Finite Element Method Breakthroughs, Dies at 97
- ↑ Inquirer Family Mourns the Loss of Friend and Activist Carolyn Long Banks
- ↑ James Bradley Jr.
- ↑ 'Ninja killer' Louis Gaskin executed for 1989 slaying of NJ couple in Florida
- ↑ Legendary gay pornographer David Hurles dies
- ↑ Megan Terry, Feminist Playwright and Rock Musical Innovator, Dies at 90 (subscription required)
- ↑ Douglas F. Tibbles
- ↑ Blair Tindall Dies: ‘Mozart In The Jungle’ Author Was 63
- ↑ G.I. Williamson, 97, Called Home to Glory
- ↑ Michael Baxes
- ↑ Norm Kent – Noted Attorney, Publisher, LGBT Rights Activist, Baseball Aficionado – Dies at 73
- ↑ Roanoker Larry LeGrande, star of the Negro Leagues, dies at 83
- ↑ Don Leppert, first base coach for ‘71 Pirates title team, dead at 91
- ↑ Marilyn McReavy
- ↑ Former St. Louis Cardinals Linebacker Mark Arneson Dies at the age of 73
- ↑ Former Oregon Secretary of State Bill Bradbury dies at 73
- ↑ Dave Frost
- ↑ Ed Koren, New Yorker cartoonist and beloved Vermonter, dies at 87
- ↑ Former State Rep. Lonnie Napier passes away at 82
- ↑ In Memoriam - Dr. James Skibo
- ↑ ‘Halloween III: Season of the Witch’ Actor Garn Stephens Has Passed Away
- ↑ George Verwer (1938-2023): The trailblazing evangelist reached the world for Christ
- ↑ Peter Badie (1925–2023)
- ↑ A 20-year-old woman was shot and killed after her friend turned into the wrong driveway in upstate New York, officials say
- ↑ Senate Majority Whip Goodwin Dies at 58
- ↑ Lynda Myles
- ↑ Remembering Coach Bill Thomas
- ↑ Paul Aizley, legislative trailblazer and UNLV professor, dies at 87
- ↑ Chuck Ciprich obituary
- ↑ Ahmad Jamal Dead At 92
- ↑ Darryl Lenox from 2013
- ↑ 'He surely will be missed': Remembering Newport Daily News reporter, columnist Jim Gillis
- ↑ James Melcher
- ↑ "Former U.S. Attorney for South Dakota, outgoing SD Democratic Party chairman dies at 76". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-06-07. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Former Browns DE Chris Smith Has Passed Away
- ↑ ابريل Stevens (1929–2023), Deep Purple singer with Nino Tempo
- ↑ Obituary: Russian Bass & Educator Nikita Storojev Passes Away, Aged 73
- ↑ University of Puget Sound Mourns the Passing of President Emeritus Ronald R. Thomas
- ↑ Alfred L. "Fred" Goldberg
- ↑ Obituary: Joel Hochberg, ex-Rare president, has passed away
- ↑ Drake University Mourns Loss of Former Men’s Basketball Star Willie McCarter
- ↑ Don Mcllhenny, who scored Cowboys’ first rushing TD, dies at 88
- ↑ Dr. Charles Stanley, influential Atlanta faith leader and author, dies at 90
- ↑ Former Oregon Ducks quarterback, UO athletics Hall of Famer Bob Berry dies
- ↑ Robert Dean
- ↑ Todd Haimes, who led a theater company to Broadway, dies
- ↑ Ron Hamilton جرينville SC, Majesty Music former president died after battling dementia
- ↑ Former Olympic skier found dead in his jail cell in Cedar City
- ↑ Otis Redding III, star musician and son of soul legend, dies at age 59
- ↑ Former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan dies at 92
- ↑ Bud Shuster, Unabashed 'Asphalt King' of Congress, Dies at 91
- ↑ Pro Football Hall of Fame LB Dave Wilcox, a 7-time Pro Bowler for 49ers, dies at 80
- ↑ John Wright, Oscar-Nommed Film Editor of ‘The Hunt for Red October and ‘Speed,’ Dies at 79
- ↑ K-State Mourns the Passing of Mr. K-State Ernie Barrett
- ↑ John ‘Jack’ Curry, Northeastern’s fifth president, remembered as visionary in higher education
- ↑ Mrs. Emily H. Meggett
- ↑ Ken Potts, one of two known remaining USS Arizona survivors, dies at 102
- ↑ Ted Richards – RIP
- ↑ Herb Douglas
- ↑ Former UP president Emanuel Soriano; 87
- ↑ Olympic sprint champion Tori Bowie dies at 32
- ↑ Beloved Songwriter, Producer, Performer Keith Gattis Has Died
- ↑ Yvonne Jacquette, Whose Bird’s-Eye View Paintings Captured Changing Cityscapes, Has Died at 88
- ↑ Alton H. Maddox, Jr., famed civil rights attorney, dies at 77
- ↑ R.I.P. Robert Patrick, Playwright
- ↑ Xu Xia, a giant in astronomy and academician of Academia Sinica, passed away at the age of 79(in Chinese)
- ↑ Richard 'Dick' Towers, former coach, dies
- ↑ Isaac Wiley, Co-Founder & Drummer of Dazz Band, Dead at 69
- ↑ David E. Carter dies at 80
- ↑ Retired Concord Monitor editor Mike Pride dies at 76; remembered for devotion to journalism
- ↑ Most. Rev. Gilbert I. Sheldon, the third Bishop of the Diocese of Steubenville, dies at 96
- ↑ Dennis Joseph Ribant
- ↑ Casper تايلور, former speaker of Maryland House, dies at 88
- ↑ Frank Agrama, Founder and Chairman of Harmony Gold, Dies at 93
- ↑ Harry Belafonte, activist and entertainer with a ‘rebel heart,’ dies at 96
- ↑ Woman whose accusation led to the lynching of Emmett Till has died at 88, coroner says
- ↑ Billy "The Kid" Emerson (1925–2023)
- ↑ In Memorian: Ralph Humphrey
- ↑ Pamela Turnure Timmins, press secretary to Jackie Kennedy, dies at 85 (subscription required)
- ↑ Former N.M. Gov. Jerry Apodaca dies at 88
- ↑ Former Middletown High standout athlete, class president dies from ALS
- ↑ Stew Leonard Jr. pens emotional obituary for dad who founded well-known grocery chain
- ↑ Pirates legend Dick Groat, a staple of Pittsburgh sports culture, dies at 92
- ↑ Rabbi Harold Kushner, whose works of practical theology were best-sellers, dies at 88
- ↑ Gerald Nelson Nesbitt
- ↑ Jerry Springer, legendary talk show host, dead at 79
- ↑ LeRoy Carhart, a doctor well known for performing late-term abortions, has died
- ↑ "Family Bible" Singer, 'The Tall Texan' Claude Gray Has Died
- ↑ Marine Corps, CMC remembers Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart
- ↑ Ben Hiner Tompkins
- ↑ Garcia, Edward J.
- ↑ "Janet Mullins Grissom". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-05-02. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Basketball legend Rivers, longtime Globetrotter, dies at 73
- ↑ Don Sebesky, Broadway Orchestrator of Parade and More, Has Passed Away
- ↑ Cardinals broadcaster, World Series champ Mike Shannon dies
- ↑ Tennessee State and Olympic track great Ralph Boston, who set world long jump record, dies at 83
- ↑ Horse of the Year Havre de Grace Passes Away[permanent dead link]
- ↑ Colorful journeyman pro golfer-turned-caddie Lance Ten Broeck, dies at age 67
- ↑ Ole Miss legend Billy Ray Adams passes away at 84
- ↑ Ronald L. Baker (1937-2023)
- ↑ ‘Breaking Bad’ Mike Batayeh Dead at 52
- ↑ Jim Melchert, conceptual and ceramic artist and beloved UC Berkeley professor, dies at 92
- ↑ Anna Shay, star of ‘Bling Empire,’ dead at 62
- ↑ John P. Sullivan
- ↑ Cynthia Weil, Co-Writer of 'You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling,' 'Make Your Own Kind of Music,' On Broadway' and More, Dies at 82
- ↑ Bobby Bolin, former Giants pitcher, dead at 84
- ↑ PGA Tour winner Bob Menne dies at 81
- ↑ George Riddle, Actor on ‘The Onion News Network’ and ‘The Fantasticks,’ Dies at 86
- ↑ Women's Wrestling Great Beverly Shade Dies
- ↑ Obituary: Byron Barton
- ↑ Paul Geoffrey, Actor in ‘Excalibur,’ ‘Greystoke,’ Dies at 68
- ↑ Jim Hines, 1968 Olympic 100m champion and world record-holder, dies
- ↑ Former Archbishop of Santa Fe dead at 83
- ↑ Nashville Democratic Rep. Bill Beck dies
- ↑ Roger Craig, SF Giants manager who energized ’80s youth movement, dies
- ↑ Norma Hunt Obituary
- ↑ Scott Schinder, veteran music writer, dies at 61
- ↑ Pianist George Winston Dead At 73
- ↑ Robert Hanssen, former FBI agent convicted of spying for Russia, dead at 79
- ↑ Ron Miller, Revered Fencing Coach at the University of North Carolina for More Than Five Decades, Has Died
- ↑ Jack Baldschun
- ↑ WVU Hall of Fame Coach Linda Burdette-Good dead at 74
- ↑ Thomas G. Carruthers
- ↑ BMX star Pat Casey dies at 29 following a motocross bike accident
- ↑ Pat Cooper, Comedian of Outrage, Is Dead at 93
- ↑ Paul Eckstein Dies: ‘Godfather Of Harlem’ Co-Creator Was 59
- ↑ William Howarth, eminent Thoreau scholar, pioneer in the environmental humanities and ‘remarkable mentor,’ dies at 82
- ↑ Senator John McCoy of Tulalip passes away at 79 years old
- ↑ Noreen Whitmore
- ↑ Publishing Titan Dick Snyder Dies at 90
- ↑ Bill Spriggs: An Economist Who Fought For Racial And Economic Equality
- ↑ Saskia Hamilton (1967-2023)
- ↑ Tom Jolls, legendary WKBW weatherman, dies at 89
- ↑ Sir Ivan Manezes, CEO of Tanqueray gin maker Diageo, passes away
- ↑ Lia DuBarry Mortensen
- ↑ Lisl Steiner, Photographer Who Glimpsed Luminaries Up Close, Dies at 95
- ↑ The Iron Sheik, WWE Hall of Famer, dies at 81
- ↑ Eve Tetaz, stalwart human-rights activist, dies at 91
- ↑ Federal judge who presided over rare Michigan death penalty trial dies at 79
- ↑ Julia Elizabeth Garwood
- ↑ Wade Goodwyn, longtime NPR correspondent, dies at age 63
- ↑ Zina Jasper Obituary
- ↑ Artist Ian McGinty has passed away at age 38
- ↑ Pat Robertson Dies: Religious Broadcaster And Presidential Candidate Was 93
- ↑ Laurent Belanger
- ↑ Otis Grand (1950–2023)
- ↑ Firouz Naderi, NASA Scientist Who Led Mars Missions, Dies at 77(subscription required)
- ↑ Ron Richard, former leader of Missouri House and Senate, dies at 75
- ↑ Judge Alton Ronald Waldon, Jr.
- ↑ Former Del. Johnny Wood dies at 87.
- ↑ Kyle Brown, ESPN director and longtime staffer, dies at 42
- ↑ Harlem mayor Hansen dies at 71
- ↑ Donald Harris Hood
- ↑ Unabomber Ted Kaczynski dies by possible suicide in prison: Source
- ↑ Passages: Olympian, NCAA Champion Virgil Luken Dies at 80
- ↑ Remembering the late biologist Roger Payne and his monumental 'Songs of the Humpback Whale'
- ↑ Former Broncos kicker, Ring of Fame inductee Jim Turner dies at 82 years old
- ↑ Franz Leichter, 92, Maverick Albany Legislator Who Got Results, Dies
- ↑ Daniel "Danny" Bracy Young
- ↑ Remembering Cyril Birch, whose books taught Chinese literature to generations of students
- ↑ ‘Fireproof’ Christian film producer Michael Catt, 70, dies
- ↑ Carol Ann Clark
- ↑ Patrick Gasienica, U.S. Olympic Ski Jumper, Dies in Motorcycle Crash at Age 24
- ↑ Auburn track and field great Harvey Glance passes away
- ↑ Reggie Moore passes away at 42
- ↑ John Romita Sr., Legendary Marvel Comics Artist & Wolverine Co-Creator, Dead at 93
- ↑ Richard Severo
- ↑ Legendary Pittsburgh sports broadcaster Stan Savran dies
- ↑ Treat Williams, Star of 'Everwood' and 'Hair,' Dead at 71 Following Motorcycle Accident
- ↑ Holyoke’s David M. Bartley, author of special education law, past HCC president dies at 88
- ↑ Local obituary: Edward Fredkin, 88, ‘visionary’ scientist and fighter pilot
- ↑ Lonnie Hammargren dies, was Nevada’s former lieutenant governor
- ↑ Art Historian, Critic, and Curator ابريل Kingsley Dies at 82
- ↑ Pregnant woman shot and killed while stopped at intersection in Seattle
- ↑ Cormac McCarthy, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of 'The Road,' dies at 89
- ↑ Curtis L Meinert
- ↑ Larry Myers Jr. Dies: 'My 600-Lb. Life' Star Was 49
- ↑ Urge Overkill drummer Johnny "Blackie Onassis" Rowan has died
- ↑ Producer Hiroe Tsukamoto Passes Away
- ↑ Charles L. Blockson, Dec. 16, 1933 to June 14, 2023
- ↑ Remembering Robert Gottlieb, Editor Extraordinaire
- ↑ Y&R Alum Brett Hadley Dies At 92
- ↑ Professor Emeritus Roman Jackiw, “giant of theoretical physics,” dies at 83
- ↑ Former NFL player, Pittsburg native Homer Jones dies at 82
- ↑ MT Senior District Court Judge Charles Lovell dies at the age of 93
- ↑ Former state Supreme Court justice, state Senate president Warren McGraw dead at 84
- ↑ ‘America’s poet laureate of technology’ Duke professor Henry Petroski dies at 81
- ↑ David Calleo, scholar who traced American foreign policy flaws, dies at 88 (subscription required)
- ↑ QTY singer and guitarist Dan Lardner has died
- ↑ Don Triplett, the first person diagnosed with autism, dead at 89
- ↑ 'The most aggressive lineman that ever played' football, Bob Brown: 1941-2023
- ↑ Daniel Ellsberg, Pentagon Papers whistleblower, dies aged 92
- ↑ Rita Reif, ‘NY Times’ Auction & Antiques Journalist, 94
- ↑ "Bruce Stuart Roberts". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-07-11. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Norman Stone, longest-serving Senate member, dies at 87
- ↑ Discovery Channel pilot Jim Tweto dies in fatal plane crash, aged 68
- ↑ "Dave Viti". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-06-21. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Jim Hurley, Senate and Assembly Minority Leader, dies at 91
- ↑ Former Berkeley Mayor Gus Newport, global social justice activist, dies
- ↑ Houston rapper Big Pokey dies at 48
- ↑ Former Wyoming Basketball Coach Jim Brandenburg Passes Away
- ↑ Orioles Hall of Famer Dick Hall passes away at age 92
- ↑ Stockton Rush, Pilot of the Titan Submersible, Dies at 61 (subscription required)
- ↑ "Charley Scales". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-10-31. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Teresa تايلور, Butthole Surfers Drummer and 'Slacker' Star, Dead at 60[permanent dead link]
- ↑ In Memoriam
- ↑ Former Colorado Rockies Broadcaster George Frazier Passes Away
- ↑ Former Steelers LB Clark Haggans dies at age 46
- ↑ Automotive pioneer Gerald C. Meyers, former CEO of American Motors, dies at 94
- ↑ Duluth's Max Morath, ragtime legend and public TV pioneer, dead at 96
- ↑ Elegant (subscription required)
- ↑ Brison Manor, star UA lineman, dies at 70
- ↑ H. Lee Sarokin, judge who freed ‘Hurricane’ Carter, dies at 94
- ↑ Russell Dilday, Baptist statesman, dead at 92
- ↑ How Three Friends Dropped Out of Princeton Theological Seminary, Joined the Inaugural Class of Fuller Theological Seminary, and Changed Evangelicalism
- ↑ C-N, SAC Hall of Famer Cedric Killings passes away
- ↑ Longtime meteorologist George Winterling dies at 91
- ↑ Justice Robin Wynne has died
- ↑ Bang on a Can All-Stars founder Robert Black has died
- ↑ Cora Cohen (1943-2023)
- ↑ Michael Horodniceanu
- ↑ Harry Markowitz, Nobel-Winning Pioneer of Modern Portfolio Theory, Dies at 95 (subscription required)
- ↑ "Margia Dean". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2017-08-12. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Pioneering female jockey Penny Ann Early dead at 80
- ↑ Frederic Forrest, Standout Supporting Player in ‘Apocalypse Now’ and ‘The Rose,’ Dies at 86
- ↑ Sheldon Harnick, Famed 'Fiddler on the Roof' Lyricist, Dies at 99
- ↑ Jimmy Kim
- ↑ L’ancien ministre néo-brunswickois Omer Léger est décédé (in French)
- ↑ Jesse McReynolds passes
- ↑ Former Megadeth Drummer Lee Rauch Dies
- ↑ Amy Lynn Uyematsu
- ↑ Saundra Graham dies at 81, a legislator and leader who stormed Harvard stage against displacement
- ↑ Rowena Dolores Heath
- ↑ Lena Kourkoutis, renowned electron microscopy expert, dies at 44
- ↑ "Political activist Robert 'Say' McIntosh dead at 79". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-12-02. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ David Richards, theater critic with lively touch, dies at 82
- ↑ Legendary hall-of-fame Texoman passes[permanent dead link]
- ↑ David Bohrman Dies: Innovative TV News Executive And Producer At CNN And Other Networks Was 69
- ↑ James Crown, owner of Aspen Skiing Co., dies in crash at Aspen Motorsports Park
- ↑ Goodenough, Nobel laureate who gave the world Li-ion batteries, passes away
- ↑ In Memoriam: Mike Kellogg
- ↑ Richard Ravitch, ‘titan of New York’s civic world,’ dead at 89
- ↑ Peg Yorkin, feminist leader and philanthropist, dies at 96
- ↑ Richard Bernstein
- ↑ Dick Biondi Dies at 90
- ↑ Tony Bouza, colorful and controversial Minneapolis police chief in the 1980s, dies at 94
- ↑ "Nicolas Coster Dies At 89". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-06-27. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Former state Senator Carroll Leavell passes away
- ↑ US double bassist David Neubert has died
- ↑ Scott Pelluer, standout linebacker at Washington State and NFL, dies at 64
- ↑ 70's Star Mike Spivey Passes Away
- ↑ Dewey Hill Sr., longtime state representative and owner of Hills Supermarket, passes away
- ↑ Report: Former NFL Quarterback Ryan Mallett Dead In Drowning Accident
- ↑ Leslie County native, music legend Bobby Osborne dies
- ↑ Bob Sherman (1932–2023)
- ↑ Bhante Vimalaramsi Memorial Page
- ↑ Pioneering LGBTQ rights advocate Lilli Vincenz dies at 86
- ↑ Longtime WCBS-FM Afternoon Host Bob Shannon Dies At 74
- ↑ Lowell Weicker, Connecticut governor and U.S. senator, dies at 92
- ↑ Alan Arkin, Oscar-Winning 'Little Miss Sunshine' Actor, Dead at 89
- ↑ Performance arist and inventor of term ‘industrial music’ Monte Cazazza dies
- ↑ ‘Officer Don’ Kennedy, Atlanta children’s show host, dies at 93
- ↑ Christine King Farris, Martin Luther King Jr.’s sister and civil rights activist, dies at 95
- ↑ Marvin Kitman, Satirist Whose Main Target Was TV, Dies at 93
- ↑ Anita Marie Brewer
- ↑ Darren Drozdov passes away
- ↑ Rick Froberg, frontman of Hot Snakes and Drive Like Jehu, dead at 55
- ↑ Lawrence W. Jones
- ↑ Laird Philip Koenig
- ↑ Pioneering Former WNBC Meteorologist Dr. Frank Field Dies at 100
- ↑ Robert Lieberman Dies: 'Fire In The Sky', TV & Commercials Director Was 75
- ↑ In Remembrance of Christopher Sterling
- ↑ Lawrence Turman, Oscar-Nominated Producer of ‘The Graduate,’ Dies at 96
- ↑ Former Portland Catholic bishop Joseph Gerry dies at 94
- ↑ Susan M. Love, MD, MBA, Chief Visionary Officer and "Founding Mother" of Breast Cancer Advocacy and Research Dies
- ↑ Important update about Minnie Bruce Pratt’s health
- ↑ Former City of Flint Mayor James Sharp Jr. passes away
- ↑ Vicki Anderson Has Died
- ↑ Birmingham Freedom Rider Catherine Burks-Brooks dies at 83
- ↑ James Dobbins, former US special envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan, dies at 81
- ↑ Davenport boxer Antwun Echols dies
- ↑ Cecil Exum passes away at 60
- ↑ Former Columbia County resident and classical music star Lincoln Mayorga dies
- ↑ Powerlifting & Strongman Legend Don Reinhoudt Passes Away At 78
- ↑ Former head coach, coordinator Vince Tobin dies at 79
- ↑ In Memoriam: George K. Aghajanian, MD
- ↑ Millwall owner John Berylson passes away in ‘tragic accident’
- ↑ "Middlebury's pioneering surgeon Keggi dies at 88". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-07-11. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Frederick F. Willis III
- ↑ Retired Fulton County Superior Court Judge Marvin S. Arrington Sr. dead at 82
- ↑ 快訊/李玟驚傳過世!享年48歲 親姊姊發文證實噩耗 (in Chinese)
- ↑ Hon. Jack M. Rains
- ↑ Journey Co-Founder George Tickner Reportedly Dies at 76
- ↑ Jeffrey Carlson, Who Played 1st Trans Character on Daytime TV, Dies at 48
- ↑ Bulldog Country says goodbye to all-time great Johnie Cooks
- ↑ Ret. Brig. Gen. Francis Dillon, OSI’s 11th commander, dies at 83
- ↑ Ottawa Mourns the Loss of Legend Gene Gaines
- ↑ George W. Jackson
- ↑ Famed pianist and Pops legend Peter Nero is dead at 89
- ↑ Joop Sanders (1921–2023)
- ↑ 2Pac's stepfather Mutulu Shakur reportedly passes away
- ↑ NC State Announces Former Longtime Football Coach Has Died
- ↑ Stephen Silverman
- ↑ Caleb Southern
- ↑ Marlena Spieler, former Chronicle food columnist and bon vivant, dies at 74
- ↑ Jimmy Weldon
- ↑ Remembering Oscar Brashear
- ↑ Obituary: Mary Ann Hoberman
- ↑ Former Lady Vols basketball star, Mississippi State coach Nikki McCray-Penson dies at 51
- ↑ Former Hawaii football star Gary Allen dies at 63
- ↑ Stony Brook Athletics Mourns the Loss of Bryan Collins
- ↑ ‘The Unifics’ singer, Gregory Cook, dies at 72
- ↑ Maryland Mourns the Passing of Hall of Famer Tara Heiss
- ↑ Judith S. Liebman
- ↑ Renault Robinson, Co-Founder of the Afro-American Patrolmen’s League, Dies at 80
- ↑ Legendary Georgia journalist Bill Shipp dies at 89
- ↑ Evelyn M. Witkin, World-Renowned Geneticist, Dies at 102
- ↑ Melvin Wulf, Prominent Civil Liberties Lawyer, Dies at 95
- ↑ Juris Zarins
- ↑ Man Found Dead Monday Identified as 1981 Super Bowl Winner
- ↑ Manny Coto Dies: Emmy-Winning ’24’ EP Who Created AI Drama 'Next' & Worked On 'Star Trek: Enterprise', 'American Horror Story' & 'Dexter' Was 62
- ↑ Arkansas political legend, longtime office holder, Charlie Daniels, dies
- ↑ Andrea Evans Dies: 'One Life To Live', 'The Young And The Restless' Actor Was 66
- ↑ In Memoriam: Kenton Forsythe, 1944-2023
- ↑ Legendary prep football coach in Shreveport, Lee Hedges, dies at 93
- ↑ Former Democratic Tennessee lawmaker Roy Herron dies after jetski accident
- ↑ "Pro surfer Mikala Jones dies at 44 after surfing accident in Indonesia". CNN. 11 يوليو 2023. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-07-28.
- ↑ Henry Kamm, Pulitzer-Winning New York Times Journalist, Dies at 98 (subscription required)
- ↑ Benno Schmidt Jr., a Reforming Leader at Yale and CUNY, Dies at 81
- ↑ "Stutz leaves legacy of determination". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-07-15. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Walt Disney Animation Studios Producer, Randy Fullmer, Passes Away at 73
- ↑ Al Giordano, 1959-2023
- ↑ Renowned Academician Professor Richard G. Hovhannisyan Passes Away at Age 90
- ↑ Remembering Sally Kempton
- ↑ Manny the Frenchie — a Canine Social Media Star 'Loved Around the World' — Dead at 12
- ↑ RIP: Bob Segarini Passes At Age 77
- ↑ "Detroit Icon Rev. Dr. JoAnn Watson Passes Away at Age 72". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-07-10. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Senate passes Concurrent Resolution offering its condolences to the family of First Lady Ella Mauga
- ↑ 'Gold Rush: White Water' Dakota Fred Hurt Dies At 80
- ↑ Mike 'Mantaur' Halac Dead, Former WWF Wrestler Died At Age 55
- ↑ C.R. Roberts, who led USC to victory over Longhorns in segregated Texas, has died at 87
- ↑ Indiana University mourns loss of André Watts, distinguished professor of piano
- ↑ In Memoriam: Professor An Yin
- ↑ ‘Commanding presence’ Ed Bressoud dies at 91
- ↑ Mme Joséphine Gardin-Chaplin (in French)
- ↑ Michael Endsley
- ↑ Carlin Glynn Dies: Tony Winner For 'The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas' And Mother Of Mary Stuart Masterson Was 83
- ↑ Edward Hume Dies: 'The Day After' Writer, 'Barnaby Jones', 'Streets Of San Francisco' Creator Was 87
- ↑ Justin Peacock Dies: ‘Suits’ & ‘Lincoln Lawyer’ Writer Was 52
- ↑ Longtime Providence Journal columnist Bill Reynolds dies at age 78
- ↑ Bernard "Bernie" Bachrach
- ↑ Veteran Soap Opera Actor Nick Benedict Dead at 77
- ↑ Remembering Dianne L. Chambless
- ↑ Original Biohazard drummer Anthony Meo dies after battle with cancer
- ↑ ‘Her heart was in service’: Former San Jose Councilmember Nancy Pyle dies
- ↑ Harrisburg’s Hettie Love, first Black graduate from Ivy League MBA program, dies at 100
- ↑ Beverly Moss Spatt, Protector of Landmarks in New York, Dies at 99 (subscription required)
- ↑ Darrel Godsil Aschbacher
- ↑ Former Oklahoma State Fullback Julius Crosslin Dies Suddenly
- ↑ In Memoriam: Director of Athletics Dave Currey
- ↑ Bishop John Raymond Manz †
- ↑ The Rev. William J. O’Malley, accused McQuaid teacher of ‘The Exorcist’ fame, dies at 91
- ↑ U.S. District Judge James Zagel, ‘Renaissance man’ who presided over some of Chicago’s biggest trials, dies at 82
- ↑ CBS Meteorologist Elise Finch Dies at 51
- ↑ Harry Frankfurt (1929-2023)
- ↑ Funny Cide, New York horse that nearly won Triple Crown, has died
- ↑ SunRay Kelley, Master Builder of the Counterculture, Dies at 71
- ↑ Neil John Maune
- ↑ Richard Mills, Central District and Appellate Court judge, dies at 93
- ↑ Kevin David Mitnick
- ↑ Angelo Mozilo, Countrywide Financial's former CEO, dies at 84
- ↑ Breaking: Country Music Hall Of Famer Jerry Bradley Passes
- ↑ DJ Deeon, star of Chicago house music scene, dies aged 56
- ↑ Salem Media Announces the Passing of its Co-founder Stuart Epperson Sr.
- ↑ 'He was an icon': Tributes pour in for polka legend Walt Groller
- ↑ Sue Marx, Oscar-winning filmmaker from Michigan, dies at 92
- ↑ Miller Farr Jr.
- ↑ Obituary of Judge Richard Wayne Goldberg
- ↑ Former Kansas and Wichita State AD Lew Perkins dies at 78
- ↑ Martha Saxton, Historian Who Explored Women's Lives, Dies at 77 (subscription required)
- ↑ Stu Silver, ‘Throw Momma from the Train’ Screenwriter, Dies at 76
- ↑ Lawrence "Larry" Alan Yellen
- ↑ "Father Of Smooth Jazz" Frank Cody; Longtime Programmer & Broadcast Architecture Co-Founder Dies At 75
- ↑ A boy's dying wish to meet Travis Barker came true. It changed the Blink-182 drummer's life
- ↑ James Reston Jr., Author With a Hand in Nixon Apology, Dies at 82
- ↑ Eleanor Vadala
- ↑ ISU Mourns Loss of Hall of Famer Dedric Willoughby
- ↑ Jean Fagan Yellin, Who Uncovered a Slavery Tale’s True Author, Dies at 92 (subscription required)
- ↑ Bill Geddie, 'The View' Co-Creator and Barbara Walters' Longtime Producer, Dies at 68
- ↑ Myron Henry Goldfinger, FAIA (1933-2023)
- ↑ Patricia Terry Holland Passes Away
- ↑ Tony Bennett, Master Pop Vocalist, Dies at 96
- ↑ Jerome Coopersmith
- ↑ Michael Wilson Ivie
- ↑ Neal Langford, former The Shins bassist, dead at 50
- ↑ Aaron Victor Cicourel
- ↑ Legendary N.J. attorney who defended mobsters, TV stars dies at 82
- ↑ Lelia Vita Goldoni
- ↑ Russell Henry جرينan[permanent dead link]
- ↑ Larry Dale Ray
- ↑ Arthur Rubin
- ↑ Roger Sprung, Banjo Virtuoso of N.Y.C. Folk Scene, Dies at 92
- ↑ The Department of the Attorney General honors the memory of former Attorney General Earl Anzai
- ↑ Pamela Blair Dies: 'A Chorus Line' Star, 'All My Children' Daytime Emmy Nominee Was 73
- ↑ Brent Budowsky, columnist for The Hill, dies
- ↑ Dorothy Goodman, Washington International School co-founder, dies at 97
- ↑ Dr. Leo Richardson
- ↑ Benson's Inga Swenson Dead at 90
- ↑ Brad Houser, bass player and co-founder of Dallas rock band New Bohemians, dies
- ↑ Jesse Lott, a towering figure in Houston's art scene for more than six decades, dies at 80
- ↑ Charles W. Misner, 1932 - 2023
- ↑ "Glasgow native, former MLB umpire Dan Morrison dies at 75". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-07-30. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Ronald L. Numbers
- ↑ Julian Barry Dies: Writer Of Oscar-Nominated Lenny Bruce Biopic And Acclaimed Broadway Version Was 92
- ↑ Former Pittsburgh Police Chief Earl Buford Jr. dies at age 81
- ↑ Bo Goldman, Oscar-Winning Screenwriter, Dies at 90 (subscription required)
- ↑ Roy Alvin Harrisville of St. Paul, Minnesota | 1922 - 2023
- ↑ Johnny Lujack, 1947 Heisman winner who led Notre Dame to 3 national titles, dies at age 98
- ↑ Officials identify pilot who died in single-engine plane crash in Havre de Grace
- ↑ Tommy Seigler dead at 84
- ↑ Chicago Blackhawks owner Rocky Wirtz dies at age 70
- ↑ With profound regret, CGL announces the passing of founding partner Jonathan W. Cuneo.
- ↑ Patricia A. Goldman
- ↑ Curtis Matthew Graves
- ↑ Former Goatwhore/Ritual Killer Bassist James Harvey Has Passed Away, GoFundMe Launched For His Sons
- ↑ WNC sports legend Henry Logan passes away at 78
- ↑ Arkansas State Treasurer Mark Lowery dies at the age of 66[permanent dead link]
- ↑ Randy Meisner, Eagles Co-Founder and Singer of 'Take It To The Limit,' Dies at 77
- ↑ Dr. Alan Hugh Schoen
- ↑ Helen Williams obituary: pioneering model dies at 87
- ↑ Beatle Bob, St. Louis Dancing Legend, Has Died
- ↑ Remembering Mike Giddings and How He Helped Change the NFL
- ↑ "Former state rep Gary Glenn died Thursday". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-08-01. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Ruth جرينfield, esa irresistible inolvidable[permanent dead link] (in Spanish)
- ↑ Keith Waldrop (1932-2023)
- ↑ Former Topeka mayor passes away
- ↑ Friends, family and colleagues remember former Sen. Louis C. DeLuca’s service to state, community Archived 2023-08-05 at the Wayback Machine (subscription required)
- ↑ Marc Gilpin, Young Actor on ‘Jaws 2,’ Dies at 56
- ↑ American writer Thomas Goltz who wrote about Khojaly tragedy passed away
- ↑ Man Fatally Stabbed in Confrontation as He Danced at a Gas Station
- ↑ Komponistin Nancy Van de Vate in Wien gestorben (in German)
- ↑ Ben Ivery Wilson
- ↑ Cincinnati Mourns Loss of National Champion, Gold Medalist George Wilson
- ↑ Former KTVU reporter Betty Ann Bruno dead at 91
- ↑ Paul Reubens dead: Pee-wee Herman actor was 70
- ↑ Angus Cloud’s Cause of Death Revealed: Actor Overdosed on Fentanyl, Cocaine and More
- ↑ HGTV Host Carol Duvall Dies at 97
- ↑ James Larkin, New Times and Backpage executive who faced charges of aiding prostitution, dead at 74
- ↑ Roberto Rodriguez, prolific writer on Chicano life, dies at 69
- ↑ Annabelle Gamson
- ↑ Howard Kunreuther
- ↑ Miami artist LEBO dies after struggle with illness
- ↑ Dom Minasi – RIP
- ↑ Williamson Murray, military historian who peered beyond battles, dies at 81
- ↑ Remembering Buddhist teacher and author Wes Nisker (1942–2023)
- ↑ Sheila Oliver, New Jersey’s Trailblazing Lieutenant Governor, Has Died
- ↑ Michigan Bishop Stewart Wood Jr. Dies at 89
- ↑ Charles Balentine, who hit iconic shot to beat North Carolina, dies at 60
- ↑ Paul Brodeur, journalist who exposed asbestos hazards, dies at 92
- ↑ ProRodeo Hall of Famer Sherry Combs Johnson passes away
- ↑ Connie Darnowski
- ↑ Las Cruces loses another icon: Former ambassador Delano Lewis has died
- ↑ Mark Edward Noennig
- ↑ Bastogne : Vince Speranza, le héros de guerre décoré de la Légion d’honneur, est décédé (in French)
- ↑ Florida man who dropped appeals is executed for 1988 hammer killing of a nurse
- ↑ Longtime Cape politician James Cafiero dies
- ↑ Broadway Alum Walter Charles Dies at 78
- ↑ Carl Davis, 'French Lieutenant's Woman' and 'Napoleon' Composer, Dies at 86
- ↑ Richard Mead Goody
- ↑ Charles Hardy, Commissioner Of Major League Eating, Dies
- ↑ Mark Margolis, Actor on ‘Breaking Bad’ and ‘Better Call Saul,’ Dies at 83
- ↑ Bishop Melvin George Talbert dies at 89
- ↑ Nechama Tec, Holocaust survivor whose book inspired the film ‘Defiance,’ dies at 92
- ↑ Bloomsbury USA president dies in speedboat collision in Italy
- ↑ Jango Edwards, clown and comedian, dies at 73
- ↑ Former Episcopal Diocese of Albany bishop, who left church over ordination of gay man, dies
- ↑ Rhoda Karpatkin, a driving force at Consumer Reports, dies at 93
- ↑ Charles Ogletree, legal scholar who championed reparations, dies at 70
- ↑ Paris Is Burning Icon Carmen Xtravaganza Passes Away At 62
- ↑ Dr. Walter Bortz II passes away at age 93
- ↑ Preminuo Nermin Crnkić (30), nekadašnji nogometaš Sarajeva i Tuzla Cityja (in Bosnian)
- ↑ RIP Tristan Honsinger (in German)
- ↑ Slim Lehart
- ↑ 'One of our greatest': U.S. Special Operations Command retired Gen. James Lindsay dies at 90
- ↑ Dennis Mark Nagy
- ↑ Arthur Schmidt, Oscar-Winning Film Editor on ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’ and ‘Forrest Gump,’ Dies at 86
- ↑ Herbert J. Siegel, Entertainment Industry Mogul, Dies at 95
- ↑ Elton Veals Sr.
- ↑ Harold M. Hyman
- ↑ Roger Allan Kramer
- ↑ David LaFlamme, Leader of San Francisco’s It’s a Beautiful Day, Dies
- ↑ Harvey 'Bud' Meyerhoff, Baltimore businessman and philanthropist who was a driving force behind Holocaust museum, dies at 96
- ↑ Chicago native DJ Capser, creator of the "Cha-Cha Slide," has died
- ↑ Roland L. Freeman, whose photos chronicled Black life, dies at 87 (subscription required)
- ↑ William Friedkin, ‘The Exorcist’ Director, Dies at 87
- ↑ Robert Giles, former editor of The Detroit News, dies at 90
- ↑ NELA musician Toussaint McCall dead at 89
- ↑ Former Tigers catcher and analyst Jim Price dies at 81
- ↑ Dorothy "Dot" Casterline
- ↑ Johnny Hardwick Dies: ‘King Of The Hill’ Dale Gribble Voice Actor Was 64
- ↑ Sixto Rodriguez, Detroit-born musician and subject of 'Searching for Sugar Man' documentary, dies at 81
- ↑ Shelley Smith, Super Model Turned Actress, Dies at 70
- ↑ Sean Dawkins, Cal Hall of Famer, dead at 52
- ↑ Brice Marden, Painter Who Redefined Abstraction, Dies at 84
- ↑ Cantor Philip Sherman, the 'busiest mohel in New York,' dies at 67
- ↑ Robert Swan, Actor in ‘Hoosiers,’ ‘Rudy’ and ‘The Babe,’ Dies at 78
- ↑ Patricia Bragg, health and wellness icon, dies at age 94 in her Goleta home
- ↑ Former UTC men’s basketball coach Henry Dickerson dies at 71
- ↑ William Elias George
- ↑ Senior U.S. Judge Rosemary Pooler dies at 85; longtime judge blazed a trail for women
- ↑ First-ever coach in UIW Football history has passed away
- ↑ Former The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza Guitarist Brad Thomson Has Died
- ↑ "Dive industry mourns Stan Waterman". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2024-04-19. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Former Pa. first lady Ellen Casey dies at 91
- ↑ Colorado nature photographer and environmentalist John Fielder dies
- ↑ New York City's first Emergency Management director Jerome Hauer dies
- ↑ Broadway Lyricist and Librettist Tom Jones Has Passed Away
- ↑ Andy Larkin
- ↑ Zum Gedenken an Judith McKenzie (in German)
- ↑ Prolific Black choreographer Gus Solomons Jr. dies after sudden heart failure
- ↑ "Longtime Branson entertainer dies at age 79". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-08-14. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Gregg Tafralis
- ↑ Richard Carl Tomanek
- ↑ Chuy's co-founder Mike Young, who helped define Austin style and cuisine, dies at 74
- ↑ Clarence Avant, the 'Godfather of Black Entertainment,' Dies at 92
- ↑ Nelson Broms
- ↑ Ex-NFL RB, Arkansas star Alex Collins dies at 28 after motorcycle crash
- ↑ Peter Magadini
- ↑ Magoo, Rapper Who Collaborated With Timbaland and Missy Elliott, Dies at 50
- ↑ Randall Harry Minniear
- ↑ William "Bill" Schlesinger
- ↑ South Carolina State Sen. John Scott of Richland County dies. He was 69.
- ↑ John Carroll, longtime dean of Cumberland School of Law and former federal judge, dies
- ↑ Rich Landrum Passes Away
- ↑ Clemson Hall of Fame لاعب فوتبول Gary Barnes Passes
- ↑ Ada Deer, influential Native American leader from Wisconsin, dies at 88
- ↑ Charles “Chip” Dox Dies: Former ‘General Hospital’ Production Designer & Art Director Was 80
- ↑ Mort d’Howard Becker, sociologue de la déviance (in French)
- ↑ Jerome Moss
- ↑ Rachmistrivka Rebbe passed away at 92
- ↑ Bruddah Waltah, man who made ‘Sweet Lady of Waiahole’ famous, dies at 68
- ↑ Art Collector euthanized at age 6 due to laminitis
- ↑ Mirė lietuviškų šaknų turėjęs buvęs NASA astronautas Karolis Bobko (in Lithuanian)
- ↑ MFSB guitarist Bobby Eli, an architect of Philly soul, has died
- ↑ Robert Burton "Bob" Ekelund Jr.
- ↑ Wayne Dale Gilbert
- ↑ Obituary: Gen. Wallace Hall Nutting
- ↑ Betty Tyson, who spent 25 years in prison for wrongful conviction, dies at age 75
- ↑ Gary Young, Pavement's original drummer, has died
- ↑ James L. Buckley, R.I.P.
- ↑ California store owner, mother of 9, fatally shot over a Pride flag displayed in her shop
- ↑ Dual Grade I-Winning Juvenile Cave Rock Succumbs To Laminitis
- ↑ Nancy Frangione
- ↑ The ‘Paul’ of 1960s Pop Duo ‘Paul & Paula,’ Ray Hildebrand, Dies at 82
- ↑ Lolita the orca reportedly dies in captivity before return to the PNW
- ↑ Richard Nelson Luft
- ↑ Former Minnesota Gov. Al Quie dies at age 99
- ↑ Casper Roos
- ↑ Eagles mourn the passing of Hall of Fame LB Maxie Baughan
- ↑ Jim Burke
- ↑ Fallece la compositora Gloria Coates a los 89 años (in Spanish)
- ↑ Former Pirates Outfielder Alex Cole Dies at 58
- ↑ Douglas Coler Obituary
- ↑ WVU Sports Hall of Famer Carl Crennel Passes Away
- ↑ Longtime Marvel X-Men Artist Dan جرين Passes Away[permanent dead link]
- ↑ Former Bishop Howard Hubbard dies at 84
- ↑ Ron Cephas Jones, Emmy-Winning 'This Is Us' Actor, Dead at 66
- ↑ James Parker
- ↑ Adobe co-founder John Warnock dies at 82
- ↑ Eleanor F. Weinstock
- ↑ Peter Garibaldi, former senator and mayor, dies at 92
- ↑ David Jacobs, 'Dallas' and 'Knots Landing' Creator, Dies at 84
- ↑ Former state GOP leader, House Rep for Indian River, St. Lucie counties Dale Patchett dies
- ↑ Herbert Edward Rupp II
- ↑ Victor "Vic" Herbert Seipke
- ↑ American historian Howard Spodek, known for long association with Ahmedabad, dies at 82
- ↑ Jerry Turner
- ↑ 12-Time Indy Starter Vukovich Dies At 79
- ↑ Laszlo Birinyi, Who Pioneered Money Flow Analysis, Dies at 79
- ↑ Elizabeth Hoffman, the Mother Bea on 'Sisters,' Dies at 97
- ↑ Carlos Alberto Perez[permanent dead link]
- ↑ Tom Courtney, Sprinter Who Lunged to Grab Olympic Gold, Dies at 90 (subscription required)
- ↑ Peter Gonzales Falcon, Star of Federico Fellini’s ‘Roma,’ Dies at 75
- ↑ Playwright and Screenwriter Nathan Louis Jackson Passes Away at 44
- ↑ CR Rao, renowned Indian-American statistician who won math ‘Nobel Prize’, passes away
- ↑ "Jim Romaniszyn". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-10-03. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Dubstep producer Christine Clements, AKA Vaccine, dies aged 43
- ↑ Bob Feldman, Songwriter Behind “My Boyfriend’s Back,” Other ’60s Hits, Dies at 83
- ↑ Terry Funk Dies: Wrestling Legend Who Appeared In 'Road House,' Stallone Movies, Was 79
- ↑ 'She'll be sadly missed' - death of leading owner-breeder Lady O'Reilly aged 73
- ↑ I memory of Robert Hale
- ↑ Bishop Joseph Hubert Hart †
- ↑ Warren Hoge, Who Covered Wars and World Crises for The Times, Dies at 82 (subscription required)
- ↑ Hersha Parady, ‘Little House on the Prairie’ Actress, Dies at 78
- ↑ Norman Pfeiffer, Bicoastal Architect of Civic Spaces, Dies at 82
- ↑ Saints mourn the passing of former defensive coordinator Steve Sidwell
- ↑ Ralph Allon "Catfish" Smith
- ↑ Craig Henriquez, biomedical engineer and associate vice provost for faculty advancement, dies at age 64
- ↑ Pat Kramer, Paterson mayor who helped create Great Falls park, dies at 90
- ↑ Early NHRA gasser star, Indy winner "Ohio George" Montgomery passes away
- ↑ Barbara Rossi, Chicago Imagist Who Painted with Humor and Wit, Dies at 83
- ↑ "BD"E: Harav Aharon Schechter, Zt"l, Rosh Yeshivah, Yeshivas Chaim Berlin". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-10-03. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Arleen Sorkin Dies: Voice Of Harley Quinn & 'Days Of Our Lives' Actor Was 67
- ↑ Bray Wyatt Dead. WWE Star & Third Generation Wrestler Unexpectedly Passes Away at 36
- ↑ Ta’Kiya Young’s family urges officer’s arrest after video shows him killing the pregnant Black woman
- ↑ Walt Curtis, unofficial poet laureate of Portland, dies at 82
- ↑ Bob Barker, longtime host of 'The Price Is Right' and animal rights activist, dies at 99
- ↑ John Benton-Harris obituary
- ↑ Dr. Jerold Alan Edmondson
- ↑ Carl Cohen Ph.D.
- ↑ The Effigies frontman John Kezdy dead at 64
- ↑ Iams Pet Food Billionaire Clay Mathile Dead At 82
- ↑ Notre Dame football: Legendary radio voice Tony Roberts has died
- ↑ Longtime MLB Catcher, Manager Reportedly Dead At 82
- ↑ Former chancellor Robert Holub passes away
- ↑ Rep. Mac Huddleston, longtime lawmaker from Pontotoc, dies at 79
- ↑ Joe Wurzelbacher, known as ‘Joe the Plumber’ in 2008 election, dies at 49
- ↑ Stars of the Lid’s Brian McBride dies at 53
- ↑ UT Mourns Pioneer of Computational Mechanics and Founder of Oden Institute
- ↑ Tony-Winning Costume and Scenic Designer Franne Lee Dies at 81
- ↑ Entertaineren Eddie Skoller er død 79 år gammel (in Danish)
- ↑ Long-time CFL defensive coordinator Rich Stubler dead at 74
- ↑ Former 2-Term Republican Tennessee Gov. Don Sundquist Dies at 87
- ↑ Fritz H. Windhorst
- ↑ August 08 Dead: Def Jam Producer and Singer-Songwriter, Dies at 31
- ↑ Trey Anastasio Band saxophonist James Casey has died
- ↑ Len H Chandler
- ↑ In Memoriam: Emerita Distinguished Professor of Linguistics Janet Dean Fodor
- ↑ Tina Howe Dies: 'Painting Churches', 'Coastal Disturbances' Playwright Was 85
- ↑ Carl C. Johnson
- ↑ In Memoriam: Dr. Edith G. McGeer, Professor Emerita
- ↑ Major General Dennis J. Murphy
- ↑ Belmont S. Winner Sarava Dies At Old Friends
- ↑ Sonny Seiler of Georgia football mascots and "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" dies at 90
- ↑ Teeuwynn Woodruff, MtG, Vampire: the Masquerade, and D&D Writer, Passes Away
- ↑ John Joseph Zajac Jr.
- ↑ Ole Miss men's basketball legend Coolidge Ball has passed away
- ↑ Don Browne, Former NBC Executive and Telemundo President, Dies at 80
- ↑ Nancy Buirski Dies: ‘Loving’ Producer Also Directed ‘Midnight Cowboy’ Doc & Founded Documentary Film Festival
- ↑ American Fitness Model Ahmo Hight Dies At Age 50
- ↑ Robert Klane, ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ Screenwriter, Dies at 81
- ↑ Norman George Rodgers
- ↑ Addio a Jack Sonni, chitarrista nei Dire Straits di Brothers In Arms (in Italian)
- ↑ Hall of Famer Gil Brandt passes away at age 91
- ↑ Aram V. Chobanian M.D.
- ↑ Former New Hampshire State Senator Bob Clegg passes away
- ↑ Longtime WBTV journalist Steve Crump dies
- ↑ Gayle Hunnicutt obituary
- ↑ Douglas Lenat Obituary
- ↑ Accomplished stage actor, pioneering theatre director Marti Maraden dies at 78
- ↑ Capt. Bill Pinkney, first African American to sail around the world solo, dies at 87
- ↑ Sarah Young, author of ‘Jesus Calling,’ dies at 77
- ↑ PowerPoint co-creator Dennis Austin is dead at 76
- ↑ The Stains’ Robert Becerra dead at 64
- ↑ Jimmy Buffett Dead: 'Margaritaville' Singer, Dies at 76
- ↑ Gerald P. Carmen, 93, recalled as influential political figure who didn't need an office
- ↑ Dr. Elton Jake Gissendanner II
- ↑ "Bill Nathaniel Malley". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-09-14. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Bill Richardson, Former U.N. Ambassador and New Mexico Gov, dead at 75
- ↑ Speaker Nels Smith Dies In Head-On Highway Crash
- ↑ Legendary L.A. Graffiti Icon Tempt One Dies At 54
- ↑ Nazi Survivor Composer Dies at 103
- ↑ Dr. Max Gomez, award-winning medical reporter for CBS New York, dies after long illness
- ↑ Robert Lamb, renowned expert on influenza virus, dies at 72
- ↑ Preminuo Ilija Mitić, član legendarne generacije "Partizanovih beba" (in Serbian)
- ↑ 'True Blood' actress Marcia de Rousse dies at 70
- ↑ Shannon Wilcox, Actress in 'Songwriter,' 'Six Weeks' and 'Dallas', Dies at 80
- ↑ NY1 anchor Ruschell Boone, who spotlighted NYC’s diverse communities, dies at 48
- ↑ Legendary Wyoming Cowboys coach Paul Roach dies
- ↑ "Wilma Briggs, pro baseball player from RI, dies at 92". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-10-14. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Edith Grossman, Who Elevated the Art of Translation, Dies at 87 قالب:Better source
- ↑ Steve Harwell, Smash Mouth Founding Singer, Dead at 56
- ↑ "Tail Dragger Jones Obituary, American Chicago Blues Singer Tail Dragger Jones Has Died". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-12-03. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Tirso del Junco
- ↑ Wonder Boys Legend Eddie Meador Dies at 86
- ↑ Ferid Murad Obituary
- ↑ John Wolfe
- ↑ Gary Wright Dies: 'Dream Weaver' & 'Love Is Alive' Singer-Songwriter Was 80
- ↑ Nebula Bassist Tom Davies Dead At 48 Years Old
- ↑ Lee Halliday, « père de cœur » de Johnny Hallyday, est décédé (in French)
- ↑ Tucson's Molly Holzschlag, known as 'the fairy godmother of the web,' dead at 60
- ↑ George Lefont, king of Atlanta independent cinema, dies at 85
- ↑ Doo-wop icon, Larry Chance, dies
- ↑ Richard Davis, international jazz legend and champion of racial justice, dies at 93
- ↑ Jim Tom Hedrick Dead: 'Moonshiners' Star And Master Distiller Was 82
- ↑ Steve Roden
- ↑ Louis Vitale, Pax Christi USA Teacher of Peace, presente! 1932-2023
- ↑ Oldest Living NBA Player Dies At 101
- ↑ Hommage à Charles Gayle (in French)
- ↑ Geechy Guy, a favorite Vegas comic, found dead at 59
- ↑ Legendary H.S. coach Mathis dies at age 80
- ↑ Former Spartan Volleyball Head Coach Ginger Mayson Passes Away
- ↑ Christian artist Mylon Lefevre has died
- ↑ Bodybuilding Star Lisa Lyon Dead at 70
- ↑ Brett Wayne Sawyer Passes Away
- ↑ Nancy Storrs
- ↑ Serial killer and former police officer Anthony Sully dies on death row at a California prison
- ↑ Felicia تايلور, former CNN, CNBC business correspondent, dies at 59
- ↑ Norma O Walker Obituary
- ↑ Former State Representative Bill Black Dead at 81
- ↑ Robert S. Bennett, Washington's Go-to Lawyer in a Scandal, Dies at 84 (subscription required)
- ↑ Beloved Singer-Songwriter, Charlie Robison Dies
- ↑ Streetlight Manifesto trumpet player Matthew Stewart has died at 41
- ↑ Alabama Olympic sprinter dead at age 94
- ↑ Radio News Reporter And Manager Dick Bertel Dead At 92
- ↑ Dual Classic Winner, Hall of Famer Point Given Dies
- ↑ Ronald Rencher
- ↑ Former New York City police commissioner Howard Safir dies
- ↑ Professor Emerita Mary Terrall Passes Away
- ↑ Brandon Hunter, Ex-NBA Player, Dead at 42
- ↑ EKU football legend Roy Kidd passes away at 91
- ↑ Pete Kozachik Dies: Oscar-Nominated ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ Visual Effects Artist Was 72
- ↑ Ex-Bucs, Bills WR Mike Williams dies at age 36
- ↑ Zeus, the world's tallest dog, has died aged three, Guinness World Records says
- ↑ James "Jim" Eugene Kieffer
- ↑ Joseph J. Kohn
- ↑ Former President Marvin E. Newman Has Passed
- ↑ Rep. Mary Peltola’s husband dies after Alaska plane crash
- ↑ Business Giant, Philanthropist Robert Day Dies at 79
- ↑ Pearl Bowser, Expert in Early Black Filmmakers, Dies at 92
- ↑ Prominent Indigenous Musician Robert Tree Cody Passes Away at the Age of 72
- ↑ Lauch Faircloth Dies at 95; Senator Targeted D.C. Home Rule in Crisis (registration required)
- ↑ Carol Harter, UNLV’s longest-serving and first female president, dies at age 82
- ↑ Fred Lewis Of The Funk Band Lakeside Passes Away At Age 72
- ↑ Joseph Massino, 80, low-key Mafia boss turned fed witness, has died
- ↑ Michael McGrath, Tony-Winning Actor, Dies at 65
- ↑ Scott تايلور
- ↑ Prudence Ann McIntyre
- ↑ Billy Miller, Daytime Emmy Winning Y&R and GH Vet, Dead at 43
- ↑ Actor from Oregon TV history who played trooper in Blitz-Weinhard beer commercials dies at 95
- ↑ Victor Fuchs, pioneer of health care economics, has died
- ↑ Irish Grinstead, Member of Girl Group 702, Dead at 43
- ↑ Eminent author and Odisha CM’s sister Gita Mehta passes away
- ↑ Roric Harrison
- ↑ Harold A. Baker
- ↑ Warroad state hockey tournament legend Henry Boucha dies at 72
- ↑ Constance Clayton, Philadelphia’s first Black and female schools superintendent, has died at 89
- ↑ Leina’ala Ann Teruya Drummond, whose image helped popularize the iconic Hawaiian Airlines logo, dies at 77
- ↑ Former KY Governor, Airdrie Stud Founder Jones Dies
- ↑ Joe Matt, Creator Of Peepshow, Died Aged 60 At His Drawing Board. RIP
- ↑ Renowned car collector Peter Mullin passes at 82
- ↑ Billy Chemirmir, Suspected Serial Killer Accused of Murdering 22 Elderly Women, Killed in Texas Prison
- ↑ Temple’s acting president, JoAnne A. Epps, has died after collapsing on stage at university event
- ↑ Opernsänger Stephen Gould gestorben (in German)
- ↑ James Hoge, Who Led 2 Big City Tabloids, Dies at 87
- ↑ Dartmouth Announces Death of Buddy Teevens ’79
- ↑ Marvelettes co-founder Katherine Anderson dies at age 79
- ↑ Dick Clark, a Democrat who won a US Senate seat by walking across Iowa, dies at 95
- ↑ Elaine Devry, Actress and Fourth Wife of Mickey Rooney, Dies at 93
- ↑ Bobby Durnbaugh
- ↑ In Memoriam: Emeritus Professor of Philosophy Stephen A. Erickson
- ↑ David Mack III, Lowcountry lawmaker and radio host, dies at 69
- ↑ Lucy Morgan, Pulitzer-winning force of Florida journalism, dies at 82
- ↑ Indiana State Sen. Jack Sandlin, who represented Marion and Johnson counties, dies
- ↑ Phil Sellers, hoops star who led Rutgers to Final Four, dies at 69
- ↑ Scream Drummer Kent Stax has died
- ↑ Mississippi civil rights activist Hollis Watkins dies at age 82
- ↑ Former Minnesota Congressman Arlen Erdahl dies at 92
- ↑ Remembering 2x Super Bowl champion and Savannah native Hubert Ginn
- ↑ Jeremy Silman (1954-2023)
- ↑ Music Industry educator and renowned composer and arranger Robert W. Smith dies from complications following cardiac surgery
- ↑ Former Senator Robert J. Glasgow to be laid to rest at Texas State Cemetery in Austin.
- ↑ Evelyn Fox Keller (1936–2023)
- ↑ Pava LaPere: Suspect arrested in killing of Baltimore tech CEO
- ↑ Mike Henderson, Ex-Member of the SteelDrivers and Chris Stapleton Co-Writer, Dead at 69
- ↑ Mark Manges Passes Away
- ↑ Wallace B. Smith (1929 – 2023)
- ↑ James R. Courtney
- ↑ Terry Kirkman, the Association Singer and Founding Member, Dies at 83
- ↑ Danny Walker Morris
- ↑ 'Renaissance man': Paul Woodruff, beloved University of Texas professor, dies at 80
- ↑ "Viktor Belenko, Who Defected to the West in a Jet Fighter, Dies at 76". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-11-19. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ '8 Mile' Actor Nashawn Breedlove Dead at 46
- ↑ Miami Dolphins mourn as former defensive back Tim Foley passes away
- ↑ Barry Olivier, 1935-2023
- ↑ Charles Everett Romine Jr.
- ↑ Renowned Graphic Designer Behind Iconic Nutrition Facts Label Dies at 76
- ↑ Tribute to Eugenio Calabi
- ↑ Gerald James Shamray
- ↑ Actress, Instructor Sandra Dorsey Dies at 83 After Battle with Cancer
- ↑ Teri Hope Redack
- ↑ Hall of Fame 3B, Orioles legend Brooks Robinson dies at 86
- ↑ Donna Becker
- ↑ Drumming Legend, Dom Famularo Has Passed Away
- ↑ 'Colonel' Bob Sheridan, legendary boxing announcer, passed away
- ↑ Hawaii scientist who cloned world’s first mouse passes away
- ↑ Glenn D Bujnoch
- ↑ Remembering Vei Moala: Former Grant Pacers, Cal Golden Bears football ‘legend’ dead at 30
- ↑ Murió Jon Fausty, considerado padre del sonido Fania (in Spanish)
- ↑ Dianne Feinstein, longest-serving female US senator in history, dies at 90
- ↑ Joyce Grable Passes Away At Age 70
- ↑ UT System President Emeritus Joe Johnson Mourned, Leaves Lasting Legacy
- ↑ Kurt Schumacher
- ↑ 绘本作家杨志成去世,他在西方讲中国故事 (in Chinese)
- ↑ Renowned New Orleans drummer Russell Batiste Jr. dies at 57
- ↑ Pixel Scroll 9/30/23 Pixels Are Those Which, When You Stop Believing In Them, Don’t Scroll Away
- ↑ Russell Sherman: 1930 – 2023
- ↑ Obituary: Eve Bunting
- ↑ Jim Caple, former ESPN, national MLB writer, dies at 61
- ↑ Two killed in Lake Placid airplane crash identified
- ↑ Ron Haffkine, Dr. Hook Producer and Manager, Dies at 84
- ↑ North Dakota state senator, his wife and 2 kids die in Utah plane crash, Senate leadership says
- ↑ Richard J. Lesniak Sr.
- ↑ Sir Christopher Lewinton
- ↑ Two killed in Lake Placid airplane crash identified - Exact cause still unknown
- ↑ Roughriders legend George Reed, one of CFL's greatest running backs, dies at 83
- ↑ Selfless teammate, 'extraordinary human' Tim Wakefield passes away
- ↑ Lt. Gen. Claudius 'Bud' Watts III, former president of The Citadel, dies at 87
- ↑ Beverly Willis, 95, Dies; Architect and Advocate for Women in the Field
- ↑ Chicago Auxiliary Bishop Kevin M. Birmingham dead at 51
- ↑ "Local philanthropist and businessman, Mack Chase has died at the age of 92". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-11-06. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Casey Cox
- ↑ Obituary: Tenor Herbert John Handt Dies at 97
- ↑ James Jorden, Creator of an Essential Opera Blog, Dies at 69 (subscription required)
- ↑ Philadelphia journalist and advocate Josh Kruger shot and killed at home
- ↑ David Henry Montplaisir
- ↑ Coach Hampton Lee "Cutta" Smith
- ↑ Joe Christopher, outfielder on expansion 1962 Mets, dies at 87
- ↑ Jennie Margaret Meador Forehand
- ↑ The Prodigal Son Of NYC’s Five Families, Former Gambino Mob Captain Thomas Gambino, Gone At 94
- ↑ Rev. Dr. Lena McLin, Chicago pastor, music teacher for Jennifer Hudson, Chaka Khan, dies
- ↑ Howard J. Murphy Jr.
- ↑ Harriet Pattison, 94, Dies; Landscape Architect With a Tie to Louis Kahn
- ↑ Former Hawaii football coach Bob Wagner dies at 76
- ↑ Former Major Leaguer, Shenandoah native Wayne Comer dies
- ↑ Patrick Henry Hays, former North Little Rock Mayor and co-architect of twin city development, has died
- ↑ Rives McBee
- ↑ Boris M. Schein
- ↑ Shawna Trpcic, ‘The Mandalorian’ and ‘Ahsoka’ Costume Designer, Dies at 56
- ↑ Ex-USC gynecologist charged with sexually assaulting students dies before going to trial
- ↑ Bears legend Dick Butkus dies at age 80
- ↑ Keith Jefferson Dies: Actor In Tarantino’s ‘Django Unchained’, ‘Hateful Eight’ & ‘Once Upon A Time In Hollywood’ Was 53
- ↑ Jordan Levy, former Worcester mayor and radio show host, dies at 79
- ↑ Michael Chiarello, Celebrity Chef and Former Food Network Star, Dies at 61
- ↑ Loren Cunningham is with Jesus
- ↑ Vincent Patrick, Chronicler of Hustlers and Mobsters, Dies at 88 قالب:Registration
- ↑ Georgia Tech Mourns the Loss of Jim Poole
- ↑ Veteran WWLP-TV Channel 22 reporter Sy Becker has died
- ↑ Patricia Cray
- ↑ Eric Griffin
- ↑ 1 American Climber Killed, 1 Missing After Twin Avalanches Near Peak of Tibet Mountain
- ↑ Brian Anthony Iwata Obituary
- ↑ Loyal Jones passes
- ↑ ‘An extraordinary soul’: Auburn native and accomplished mountaineer declared dead after avalanches in Tibet
- ↑ Former Montana Gov. Schwinden dies at 98
- ↑ Freddie Boyd, former Oregon State All-American and NBA first-round pick, dies at 73
- ↑ On the passing of Brookings senior fellow David Dollar
- ↑ "Dive industry mourns tech pioneer Bret Gilliam". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-11-29. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Jim Kauahikaua, first Native Hawaiian to lead Hawaii Volcano Observatory, dies at 72
- ↑ Jeffrey A. Peterek
- ↑ Herschel Savage Passes Away at 70
- ↑ Burt Young, ‘Rocky’ Actor Who Played Complex Tough Guys, Dies at 83
- ↑ Former Trail Blazer and Lake Oswego orthodontist Terry Dischinger passes away
- ↑ Chuck Feeney, Irish American billionaire who gave his fortune away, passes
- ↑ Keith Giffen, Co-Creator Of Rocket Raccoon & Lobo, Has Died, Aged 70
- ↑ Steven Lutvak Dies: Composer Of Tony-Winning Hit 'A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder' Was 64
- ↑ Kevin Phillips, 82, Dies; Political Analyst Predicted G.O.P. Resurgence قالب:Registration
- ↑ Richard Rauh
- ↑ Country Music Instrumentalist, Longtime Branson Entertainer Buck Trent Dies
- ↑ Alternative surf memoirist Allan C. Weisbecker passes away
- ↑ Former Alabama State Senator dead at 67
- ↑ ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre III’ Director Jeff Burr Has Passed Away
- ↑ Director Shirley Jo Finney Passes Away at 74
- ↑ Mark Goddard Dies: 'Lost In Space' Actor Was 87
- ↑ US: Martin Goetz, father of third-party software, dies at 93
- ↑ Former Wisconsin Assembly member passes away
- ↑ Eva Kollisch, a prominent lesbian rights advocate who escaped the Holocaust to Staten Island, dies at 98
- ↑ Obituary: Ken Lally, video game actor, passed away at age 52
- ↑ Rest In Peace Dick Leach, Legendary USC Men’s Tennis Coach
- ↑ Brendan Malone, NBA coach, father of Nuggets' Michael Malone, dies
- ↑ Author and activist Louise Meriwether, who wrote the novel ‘Daddy Was a Number Runner,’ dies at 100
- ↑ Fashion Model and TV Journalist Gail O'Neill Dies at 61
- ↑ Douglas Clark, convicted murderer and half of the Sunset Strip Killers, dies of natural causes
- ↑ Phyllis Coates Dies: TV's Original Lois Lane Was 96
- ↑ Oklahoma State, Dallas Cowboys, and American Legend Walt Garrison Passes Away
- ↑ Rudolph Isley Dies: Founding Member Of The Isley Brothers Was 84
- ↑ Former Nebraska State Sen. Jim Jensen remembered for real estate dealings, love of family
- ↑ Rosemarie Myrdal, the second woman to serve as North Dakota’s lieutenant governor, dies at 94
- ↑ Cynthia Hyla Whittaker
- ↑ In Memory: Robert von Dassanowsky
- ↑ Howard Forman, former state senator and Broward County clerk of court, dies at 77
- ↑ Tom O'Lincoln
- ↑ Lara Parker, Angelique on Cult Favorite 'Dark Shadows,' Dies at 84
- ↑ Colette Rossant, 91, Dies; Gave French Cuisine a Global Flourish قالب:Registration
- ↑ Longtime Syracuse-area Assemblyman Michael Bragman dies
- ↑ Louise Glück, Nobel-winning poet of terse and candid lyricism, dies at 80
- ↑ Burdie Haldorson
- ↑ Medal of Honor Recipients Announce Passing of Medal of Honor Recipient Frank A. Herda
- ↑ Ronald Milton Mottl
- ↑ Loren Parks
- ↑ Bud Somerville, skip of first US curling world champs, dies at 86
- ↑ Lois Erdmann Wright
- ↑ Fatal Illinois stabbing of 6-year-old Palestinian refugee Wadea Al-Fayoume prompts feds to warn of 'lone wolf' attacks
- ↑ Andy Bean, 11-time PGA Tour winner, dies after recent lung replacement surgery
- ↑ Maurice W. Long
- ↑ Piper Laurie, Three-Time Oscar Nominee Who Starred in 'Carrie' and 'The Hustler,' Dies at 91
- ↑ Chinese linguist Tsu-Lin Mei dies at 90
- ↑ Richard Adam Bielski
- ↑ Biggers, Neal Brooks, Jr.
- ↑ Bishop Tod David Brown †
- ↑ Joanna Merlin Dies: Original 'Fiddler On The Roof' Tzeitel, Longtime Judge On 'Law & Order: SVU' Was 92
- ↑ Richard Todd Reynolds
- ↑ David Shaffer, Medical ‘Detective’ in Suicide of Youths, Dies at 87
- ↑ Suzanne Somers Dead at 76 After Breast Cancer Battle
- ↑ Psychedelic Research Pioneer Roland Griffiths Passes At Age 77
- ↑ Geri M. Joseph
- ↑ Steven Weisberg, Film Editor on 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' and 'Men in Black II,' Dies at 68
- ↑ Carol Berman
- ↑ Edward Bleier, Visionary Executive at Dawn of Cable TV, Dies at 94 قالب:Registration
- ↑ Carla Bley, Jazz Composer, Arranger and Provocateur, Dies at 87
- ↑ Bob George Dies: Producer For Films ‘Newness’, ‘Zoe’ And ‘Endings, Beginnings’ Was 51
- ↑ Thomas R. Rychlec
- ↑ Roger Brown, a rugged rebounder on Jayhawks’ 1971 Final Four team, dies at age 73
- ↑ David George Puddington
- ↑ Dwight Twilley Dies: Part Of The 'Tulsa Sound' Was 72
- ↑ DJ Mark the 45 King Reportedly Dead at 62
- ↑ Judy Balaban, High-Placed Participant in Hollywood, Dies at 91
- ↑ Jack Anderson – dance writer, historian, and poet – dies at 88
- ↑ Remembering Colonel Jack Brennan
- ↑ Milwaukee Brewers hero of the 1982 World Series run Pete Ladd has died
- ↑ Dr. Richard M. Osgood Jr.
- ↑ 'Goodfellas' mobster Vinny Asaro, dies at 86
- ↑ Natalie Zemon Davis, Historian of the Marginalized, Dies at 94 قالب:Registration
- ↑ Joan Evans Dies: Actress In 'On The Loose' And 'Skirts Ahoy' Was 89
- ↑ Rob F Gardner
- ↑ Stephen Kandel
- ↑ San Fernando politician, Cindy Montañez, dies at age 50
- ↑ Betsy Rawls, a 4-time U.S. Women's Open champion, dies at age 95
- ↑ Dusty Street, pioneering female DJ for Los Angeles radio station KROQ, dies at 77
- ↑ Detroit synagogue president Samantha Woll found dead outside her home
- ↑ Ida Applebroog (1929–2023)
- ↑ In remembrance of Jeffrey A. Bader
- ↑ Lee Berk, former Berklee president and college namesake, dies at 81 قالب:Registration
- ↑ Former LSU Assistant Coach Tasha Butts Passes Away
- ↑ Vic Fischer, last surviving Alaska Constitutional Convention delegate, dies at 99
- ↑ Don Laughlin, who founded the riverside resort town, dies at 92
- ↑ Anita Arrow Summers, Professor of Public Policy at Penn, has passed away.
- ↑ Gregg Sutton, Songwriter-Musician Who Played With Artists From Lone Justice and Bob Dylan to Andy Kaufman, Dies at 74
- ↑ Charles E. Young, UCLA’s longest-serving chancellor, dies at 91
- ↑ In Remembrance of the Honorable J. Frederick Motz, United States District Judge for the District of Maryland
- ↑ Harry Porterfield, beloved former CBS 2 News anchor, dies at 95[permanent dead link]
- ↑ Longtime champion of the arts in Oklahoma, Betty Price dies
- ↑ Merv Shiner
- ↑ Tom Walker, father of former Pittsburgh Pirates 2B Neil Walker, dies
- ↑ Former CBS2 journalist Arnold Diaz dies at age 74
- ↑ Steve Riley, Former L.A. Guns and W.A.S.P. Drummer, Dies at 67
- ↑ Richard Roundtree Dies: ‘Shaft’ Star Was 81
- ↑ Longest-serving Black congressional staffer, Bertie Bowman, dies at 92
- ↑ Steve Erwin, Deathstroke the Terminator Artist and Checkmate Co-Creator, Passes Away at 63
- ↑ Robert Irwin, pioneer of Light and Space art who designed Getty’s Central Garden, dies at 95
- ↑ David Mitchell, Weekly Editor Who Exposed a Corrupt Cult, Dies at 79
- ↑ Investor Byron Wien of Blackstone dies at 90
- ↑ Saints mourn the passing of former strong safety Ray Brown
- ↑ Psytrance Pioneer Goa Gil Dead at 72
- ↑ Phillip Isenberg, former Sacramento mayor and state Assemblymember, dies at 84
- ↑ Richard Moll, Bull the Bailiff on ‘Night Court,’ Dies at 80
- ↑ Harvey Munford, former lawmaker and Las Vegas community leader, dies at 83
- ↑ Judy Nugent Dead: 'Ruggles,' 'Adventures of Superman' Actress Was 83
- ↑ Bobby 'Bingo' Smith, part of Cavs' 'Miracle of Richfield' team, dies at 77
- ↑ Longtime U.S. District Judge LeRoy Hansen dies at 90
- ↑ Remembering William F. May, Ph.D.
- ↑ Brandon Enoch Smith
- ↑ US Hockey Player Dies After Taking Blade To The Neck In Freak Accident During Weekend Match
- ↑ Maj. Roland Lajoie (1936–2023), instrumental Cold War leader
- ↑ Former Santa Clara Mayor Patricia Mahan dies at age 71
- ↑ Country Songwriting Great Bill Rice Passes
- ↑ 'Friends' Star Matthew Perry Dead At 54 After Apparent Drowning
- ↑ Legendary women's basketball coach Dean Weese dies at 88
- ↑ Robert Brustein, a giant of the American theater, dies at 96
- ↑ Dr. Reed McNeil Izatt, American Chemist, Dies at 97
- ↑ Thierry Rautureau, Seattle's Chef in the Hat, dies at 64
- ↑ Sam Ball, the Henderson native who played for the Baltimore Colts, has died
- ↑ Peter S. Fischer, ‘Murder, She Wrote’ Co-Creator and ‘Columbo’ Writer, Dies at 88
- ↑ Frank Howard, four-time All-Star and Washington Senators legend, dies 87
- ↑ Tim Parenton, who coached UNF baseball for six years, passes away after battle with cancer
- ↑ Lois Galgay Reckitt, a fierce champion of the gender equality and LGBTQ rights, dies
- ↑ Former 'General Hospital' Actor Tyler Christopher Dead at 50
- ↑ Le producteur de blues Lawrence Cohn est décédé (in French)
- ↑ NASA Administrator Remembers Apollo Astronaut Thomas K. Mattingly II
- ↑ The Town of Chesapeake Beach Honors George W. Owings, III
- ↑ Taraja Ramsess, 'Black Panther' and 'Avengers: Endgame' Stuntman, Dies at 41
- ↑ Mel Sembler, Florida developer and top Republican fundraiser, dies at 93
- ↑ Influential ALS advocate Ady Barkan, Featured in 2021 Documentary 'Not Going Quietly' Dies at 39
- ↑ Norma A. تايلور
- ↑ Geaux Rocket Ride euthanized; 2nd death ahead of Breeders' Cup
- ↑ Legendary basketball coach Bob Knight dies at 83
- ↑ In Memoriam: Peter Tarnoff
- ↑ Peter White obituary: actor in All My Children dies at 86
- ↑ Former Phoenix Suns star, UNC great Walter Davis dies at 69
- ↑ Mort Downey, 1936-2023
- ↑ Dick Drago, staple of Red Sox pitching staff in 1970s, dies at 78
- ↑ Sikes, national champ at UA, dies at 83
- ↑ Brenda Snipes, Broward’s ex-supervisor of elections, dies at 80
- ↑ Birmingham's first Black police officer dead at age 90: 'He will forever be in hearts and mind'
- ↑ Howard Wayne Dies at 75; Ex-Assembly Member Taught ‘Ladder of Opportunity’
- ↑ Robert Butler, 'Remington Steele' Co-Creator and Emmy-Winning Director, Dies at 95
- ↑ Gary Colson, who lobbied to add the 3-point shot during a basketball coaching career, dies at 89
- ↑ F.L. ‘Bubba’ Copeland, Alabama mayor and pastor, kills himself
- ↑ Dennis Dean Higgins
- ↑ Remembering Betty Reardon (1929–2023)
- ↑ Martin Shefter, professor of government, dies at 79
- ↑ Priit Vesilind, Writer Who Penetrated the Iron Curtain, Dies at 80
- ↑ Karen Davis, President and Founder of UPC, Has Passed Away
- ↑ Judge Robert George Doumar
- ↑ Arthur Eckman
- ↑ Aaron Harper, ancien joueur de la Chorale de Roanne, décède dans un accident de la route (in French)
- ↑ IRE legend Meyer dies at 93
- ↑ Ahmad Tousi
- ↑ Gary Winnick, Global Crossing founder and once L.A.’s richest man, dies at 76
- ↑ Russell Camilleri
- ↑ Evan Ellingson Ex-Child Star Dead at 35 ... 'My Sister's Keeper,' 'CSI'
- ↑ David Ferry
- ↑ J. L. Heilbron (in Italian)
- ↑ Pat E. Johnson, 'Karate Kid' Trainer, Dies at 84
- ↑ Matt Ulrich, Super Bowl champion with Colts, dead at 41
- ↑ Joseph William (Bill) Dellastatious
- ↑ Janet Landgard, 'The Swimmer' and 'The Donna Reed Show' Actor, Dies at 75
- ↑ RIP, Business Travel Columnist Joe Sharkey
- ↑ Mike Shuster, who covered the world for NPR for three decades, has died at 76
- ↑ Semiconductor visionary Simon Sze passed away at age 87
- ↑ Former UNC coach Carl Torbush dies at 72
- ↑ Frank Borman, Who Led Historic Flight Around the Moon in 1968, Dies at Age 95
- ↑ C-Knight, Dove Shack Rapper Dead at 52: Report
- ↑ Julius Ottis Duncan Jr.
- ↑ Longtime Utah federal judge dies at age 96
- ↑ Mr. Lamar Lemmons Jr. Obituary
- ↑ Roger Kastel Dead: 'Jaws' Movie Poster Artist Was 92
- ↑ National Endowment for the Arts Statement on the Death of National Heritage Fellow R.L. Boyce
- ↑ David Gauthier (1932–2023)
- ↑ Alan Hevesi, New York Official Who Fell From Grace, Dies at 83
- ↑ Governor Dunleavy Mourns Passing of Former Kenai Peninsula Legislator Kurt Olson
- ↑ John Sayre
- ↑ Adiós a John Tooby (in Spanish)
- ↑ John Bailey, Former Academy President and ‘Groundhog Day’ Cinematographer, Dies at 81
- ↑ Celebrated Jewelry Designer Henry Dunay Dies at 88
- ↑ La Fortitudo piange Charles Jordan (in Italian)
- ↑ Former UH لاعب فوتبول D.J. Hayden killed in collision near downtown Houston
- ↑ Clarence A. "Clancy" Holland M.D.
- ↑ Kyle LeDuc, 1981-2023
- ↑ Rhode Island baseball legend Dave Stenhouse passes away at 90
- ↑ Conny Van Dyke, Motown Singer and 'W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings' Star, Dies at 78
- ↑ Edith Marie (Doughtie) Warren
- ↑ Tom Zych, former St. Louis politician turned minister, dies at 83
- ↑ President M. Russell Ballard Dies at Age 95
- ↑ Peter Boylan
- ↑ Paul Martin Lester
- ↑ Elinor Otto, one of the original Rosie the Riveters, dies at 104
- ↑ Kevin Turen, Producer on 'Euphoria' and 'The Idol,' Dies at 44
- ↑ Retired Navy Capt. Don Walsh, Deep Sea Submariner and Ocean Explorer, Dies at 92
- ↑ Former President Donald Trump's Sister Dies At 86 In New York
- ↑ Robert Belloir
- ↑ Michael Bishop (1945-2023)
- ↑ Former Oklahoma state representative Kiger dies from injuries from tractor collision
- ↑ Robert Philibosian, L.A. County D.A. who oversaw McMartin Preschool case, dies at 83
- ↑ In Remembrance: George Tscherny (1924 – 2023)
- ↑ Champion Sprinter Work All Week Passes Away
- ↑ Former Fresno State لاعب فوتبول Devon Wylie dies, family confirms
- ↑ Statement by Fred Ryan, Chairman of the Board of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute on the death of Rick Ahearn
- ↑ Ken Adamson, member of Broncos' inaugural team, dies at 85
- ↑ Neville Garrick obituary: Bob Marley's art director dies at 73
- ↑ Betty Rollin, Who Wrote Candidly About Her Breast Cancer, Dies at 87
- ↑ Padres Chairman Peter Seidler dies at 63
- ↑ Terry تايلور, first woman AP sports editor, dies at age 71
- ↑ Former Phoenix Mayor Thelda Williams dies
- ↑ Famed Artist Radcliffe Bailey Dies
- ↑ Dex Carvey Dies: Comedian Son Of Dana Carvey Was 32
- ↑ Sandra Farina
- ↑ Professor Emeritus Willard R. Johnson, political scientist who specialized in African studies, dies at 87
- ↑ Statement on the passing of Dr. Worta McCaskill-Stevens
- ↑ Sad News – Ken Squier passes away
- ↑ Jeanette L. Bottazzi
- ↑ Former Congressman Tom Bliley, Jr. dead at 91
- ↑ George "Funky" Brown Dies: Kool & The Gang Drummer & Songwriter Was 74
- ↑ Johnny جرين, New York Knicks All-Star, Dies at 89
- ↑ James Paul Johnson Obituary
- ↑ Keys Evans, woman behind landmark ICC case, succumbs
- ↑ Bobby Ussery, Hall of Fame jockey whose horse was DQ’d in 1968 Kentucky Derby, dies at 88
- ↑ Former Dream Theater Singer Charlie Dominici Dies
- ↑ Remembering Merle Goldman: Giant Among Scholars, Lifelong Friend of the Fairbank Center
- ↑ H. Roger Grant, Railroad Author and Historian, Dies at 79
- ↑ Suzanne Shepherd Dead: 'Goodfellas' And 'The Sopranos' Actress Was 89
- ↑ Lou Skizas
- ↑ A famed American composer has died
- ↑ Rosalynn Carter, former first lady and tireless humanitarian who advocated for mental health issues, dies at 96
- ↑ Roslynn Alba Cobarrubias, media entrepreneur and pillar of Filipino community, dies at 43
- ↑ Herbert Gold, postwar novelist of love and marriage, dies at 99
- ↑ Carlton Pearson, influential megachurch founder who rejected the idea of hell, dies at 70
- ↑ Transformers' Voice Actor Peter Spellos Dead at 69 After Cancer Battle
- ↑ Alice Denney, Washington’s impresario of the experimental, dies at 101 (subscription required)
- ↑ Preston Lee Hanna
- ↑ Willie Hernández, 1984 AL MVP, dies
- ↑ John Walsh, Mass. Democratic activist, dies at 65
- ↑ Mars Williams, Saxophonist in the Psychedelic Furs and the Waitresses, Dies at 68
- ↑ Ronald William Acks
- ↑ Francis Nicosia, 1944-2023
- ↑ Former Illinois State Senate President James 'Pate' Philip dead at 93
- ↑ Champion Stravinsky passes away at 27 in Japan
- ↑ Former Purdue football All-American tight end Dave Young dies
- ↑ Tom Larson, former sports host on Channel 38 and NESN, dies at 84
- ↑ Jean Knight, 'Mr. Big Stuff' Singer, Dead at 80
- ↑ Radio host & writer Nguyen Qui Duc has died
- ↑ Longtime Seattle TV forecaster Steve Pool dies from early-onset Alzheimer's
- ↑ Phil Quartararo, Former Head of Warner Bros. and Virgin Records, Dies at 67
- ↑ Entertainer and singer Jim Salestrom passes away at the age of 67
- ↑ Linda Sagan
- ↑ Jim Carter was an unappreciated but hard-nosed middle linebacker
- ↑ Steve Jurczyk
- ↑ Mark Peter Kellar
- ↑ The founding editor of The Washington Monthly magazine, Charles Peters, has died at 96
- ↑ Jimmy Buffett's music partner Fingers تايلور dies. Check out his legacy
- ↑ Douglas F. Ahlstedt
- ↑ McDonald’s Canada founder has died at age 86
- ↑ Former New York Mets catcher Ron Hodges dies at 74
- ↑ Herb Klein, former N.J. congressman, dies at 93
- ↑ Elliot Silverstein, Director of 'Cat Ballou' and 'A Man Called Horse', Dies at 96
- ↑ Marc Thorpe, Father of Robot Wars, Passes Away
- ↑ ‘He was like Ted Lasso’: LDS historian, ex-college president and a student favorite dies
- ↑ Former State Sen. Whitney Anderson Dead At 91
- ↑ US orchestras mourn long-serving conductor, 69
- ↑ "Obituary, Robert Mann Gallery, New York Pays Tribute To Larry Fink, Visionary Photographer And Extraordinary Artist – Death". مؤرشف من الأصل في 2023-11-26. اطلع عليه بتاريخ 2024-01-12.
- ↑ Veteran PD/Air Talent Clarke Ingram Dies
- ↑ Tim Dorsey, who mixed comedy and murder in his novels, dies at 62
- ↑ Legendary WCBS-TV reporter Pablo Guzman dies at 73
- ↑ Christian Music Pioneer Jimmy Owens Has Passed Away
- ↑ Bob Albright, former state House member who represented north Alabama, dead at 87
- ↑ William Anastasi, Conceptualist Who Drew a Cult Following, Dies at 90
- ↑ Susan Catania
- ↑ Mary Cleave, the first woman to fly on NASA's space shuttle after Challenger disaster, dies at 76
- ↑ Victor Kemper Dead: 'Dog Day Afternoon' Cinematographer Was 96
- ↑ Acclaimed author of the 'Milagro Beanfield War,' John Nichols, dies
- ↑ Easton-based U.S. District Judge Edward G. Smith has died
- ↑ Notorious school machete attacker William Stankewicz dies in prison
- ↑ Tony Winner Frances Sternhagen Dies at 93
- ↑ Thomas Augsberger, Eden Rock Founder and 'Solace,' 'Mr. Brooks' Producer, Dies at 60
- ↑ Remembering General Julius W. Becton, Jr., former President of Prairie View A&M University
- ↑ Former Vt. lawmaker dies after colliding with bus in Killington
- ↑ John Kelly Colaianni
- ↑ Charlie Munger, investing genius and Warren Buffett's right-hand man, dies at age 99
- ↑ Influential Detroit pastor the Rev. Charles Gilchrist Adams dies at age 86
- ↑ Richard Berkley, Kansas City's first Jewish mayor who responded to walkway collapse, dies
- ↑ Elliott Erwitt, Master Photographer from Magnum Photos, Dies at 95
- ↑ Scott Kempner Dies: Cofounder of The Dictators and The Del-Lords Was 69
- ↑ Dr. Henry Kissinger Dies at Age 100
- ↑ Mildred Miller Posvar, singer and founder of Opera Theater of Pittsburgh, dies at 98
- ↑ Russian Orthodox Archpriest Michael James Oleksa has died at 76
- ↑ William P. Murphy Jr., an Inventor of the Modern Blood Bag, Dies at 100 (subscription required)
- ↑ Legendary Braves scout Paul Snyder passes away
- ↑ Edwin Yoder, Pulitzer-winning editorial writer, columnist, dies at 89 (subscription required)
- ↑ Sandra Day O’Connor, first woman on Supreme Court, dies at 93
- ↑ Honorable Lyle E. Strom
- ↑ Stanley R Graham
- ↑ Sedevacantist Bishop Clarence Kelly, R.I.P. (1941-2023)
- ↑ William Joseph Hicks
- ↑ Pioneering Latina public radio journalist Maria Martin dies at 72
- ↑ Former Oregon Supreme Court Chief Justice Edwin Peterson who modernized courts dies at 93
- ↑ Theatre Critic Edwin Wilson Has Passed Away at 96
- ↑ Claude R. Engle III
- ↑ Andrea Fay Friedman Dead: 'Life Goes On' Actor Was 53
- ↑ David McKnight Dies: Star Of 'J.D.'s Revenge' And 'The Hollywood Shuffle' Was 87
- ↑ Well-known Vermont attorney Jerry O’Neill dies at 77
- ↑ Juanita Castro, sister of Cuban leaders Fidel and Raul Castro, dies in Miami
- ↑ World Archery honorary president Jim Easton dies aged 88
- ↑ Edgar S. Woolard, Jr.
- ↑ Howard Stern’s friend, longtime stylist Ralph Cirella, dead at 58: ‘He didn’t take care of himself’
- ↑ Jeffrey Dahmer's Father, Lionel, Dead at 87
- ↑ Ronald Michael Fernandes
- ↑ The most famous Serbian actor in Hollywood has died: He starred alongside Stallone in "Rambo"
- ↑ Norman Lear, Whose Comedies Changed the Face of TV, Is Dead at 101
- ↑ Lawrence Steven Meyers Dies: Meyers Media Group Founder Was 67
- ↑ Jack Hogan Dead: 'Combat!' Star Was 94
- ↑ Ellen Holly Dies: 'One Life to Live' First Black Soap Star Was 92
- ↑ 'One of a kind' retired Associate Professor Neil Shulman dies at 78
- ↑ John Brooks Slaughter, trailblazing engineer who led Occidental College, dies at 89
- ↑ Dave Wehrmeister
- ↑ Terry Baucom, Duke of Drive, passes
- ↑ Lola Dee, Popular Singer of the 1950s, Dies at 95
- ↑ David Ellenson, leading Jewish scholar and former HUC president, dies at 76
- ↑ Kenneth Donald Long
- ↑ 'Lizzie McGuire' Producer Stan Rogow Dies at 75
- ↑ Guy Stern, Who Fled Germany and Then Interrogated Nazis, Dies at 101 (subscription required)
- ↑ Keisha Nash Whitaker Dies: Actor/Producer And Ex-Wife Of Forest Whitaker Was 51
- ↑ Dynasty lead singer Nidra Beard dies after battle with cancer
- ↑ San Jose legendary community leader Frank Fiscalini dies
- ↑ Ryan O'Neal Dead: 'Love Story', 'Paper Moon' Actor Was 82
- ↑ Paul Webb, a Virginia Gentleman Who Built ODU Into a Division I Basketball Powerhouse, Passed Away Friday Morning
- ↑ Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell Dies: ‘Here Comes Honey Boo Boo’ Co-Star Was 29
- ↑ Bishop Raymond Goedert, 96
- ↑ Dærick Gröss Sr Has Passes Away
- ↑ Former CT state senator, a professor and politician in Manchester, remembered as a trailblazer
- ↑ Frank Wycheck, longtime Titans tight end and hero of 'Music City Miracle', dies at 52
- ↑ Former Kentucky Governor Julian Carroll dies at 92
- ↑ Remembering Vice Adm. Michael Cowan, the 34th Surgeon General of Navy Medicine (2001-2004)
- ↑ David Drake
- ↑ Mort Engelberg, 'Smokey and the Bandit' Prodcuer Who Worked on Bill Clinton's Presidential Campaigns, Dies at 86
- ↑ Microbiologist Barbara Iglewski, Champion of Female Scientists, Passes Away
- ↑ Former Mississippi Supreme Court Justice James Robertson passes away at age 83
- ↑ Twitching Tongues’ Cayle Sain dead at 31
- ↑ Andre Braugher Dies: Star Of 'Homicide: Life On The Street', 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' & Other Series And Films Was 61
- ↑ Jeffrey Foskett, Beach Boys Member and Key Architect of Brian Wilson’s Comeback, Dead at 67
- ↑ Irascible former San Diego Chargers player who lived under a fig tree and captured Bakersfield’s heart dies at 82
- ↑ Ken Kelsch, Cinematographer on 'Bad Lieutenant,' Dies at 76
- ↑ Essra Mohawk, Singer-Songwriter With Ties to Zappa, Garcia, Lauper, Tina and 'Schoolhouse Rock,' Dies
- ↑ Camden Toy, go-to monster actor on 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer', dies at 68
- ↑ Mr. Robert Gray Allen
- ↑ William G. Connolly, editor who updated نيو يورك تايمز, dies at 86
- ↑ Obituary of Lawrence E. Miggins
- ↑ Craig Watkins, former Dallas County District Attorney, dies at 56
- ↑ Former JSU football coach Bill Burgess dies
- ↑ Stand-Up Comic Kenny DeForest Dies At 37 After E-Bike Crash In Brooklyn; No Other Vehicles Now Believed Involved – Update
- ↑ Small Brown Bike guitarist Travis Dopp has passed away
- ↑ Julia Brooks Gentleman
- ↑ Miljenko Grgich - In Memoriam
- ↑ Stephen N. Junker
- ↑ Roger McMurrin
- ↑ Ted Morgan, acclaimed author with a vivid past, dies at 91 (subscription required)
- ↑ Former Representative Geraldine "Gerae" Peten dies at 75
- ↑ John Wade
- ↑ Selma Fenning Archerd
- ↑ Cari Beauchamp, Admired Author and Hollywood Historian, Dies at 74
- ↑ Dr. Conrid Clyde Berry
- ↑ Former Missouri First Lady Betty Cooper Hearnes passes away
- ↑ Hall of Famer, Pacers legend George McGinnis dies at 73
- ↑ Lee Redmond, who once had the longest fingernails ever, dies just days before Christmas
- ↑ Angus Hugh Morrison
- ↑ MSU Legend Jim Ashmore Passes Away
- ↑ Richard Hunt, iconic Chicago sculptor, dies at 88
- ↑ Former State Sen. Scott Lautenbaugh dies
- ↑ Original Misfits Drummer Manny Martinez Reportedly Dies At 69
- ↑ Norma Barzman Dead: Screenwriter and Hollywood Blacklist Survivor Dies
- ↑ Amp Fiddler Has Died; Cause Of Death
- ↑ Jim Ladd Dead: Los Angeles Radio DJ Was 75
- ↑ James McCaffrey, 'Max Payne' and 'Alan Wake 2' Voice Actor, Dies at 65
- ↑ Eric Montross passes away at 52 after battle with cancer
- ↑ Longtime Bay Area News Group ‘Mr. Roadshow’ columnist Gary Richards dies
- ↑ Larry Faircloth, longtime West Virginia political figure, has died
- ↑ Dan جرينburg, Who Poked Fun With His Pen, Dies at 87 (subscription required)
- ↑ Arno Mayer Passes Away
- ↑ Chiefs guard Ed Budde, who opened up '65 toss power trap', dies at 83
- ↑ Passing: Senate powerhouse Sen. Lyda جرين
- ↑ Bram Inscore, songwriter and producer who worked with Beck, Troye Sivan and BTS, dies at 41
- ↑ Former Packers DT Carl Barzilauskas dies at age 72
- ↑ Former Congressman Philip Hayes Dies
- ↑ Frank Riggs, former North Coast congressman, dies at 73
- ↑ Former US ambassador John Kornblum is dead
- ↑ Paula Murphy, trailblazing female race car driver, dies at 95
- ↑ Former New Mexico attorney general and lawmaker David Norvell dies at 88
- ↑ Ian Punnett مارس 3, 1960 – December 21, 2023
- ↑ Nobel Prize winning economist Robert Solow dies
- ↑ Laura Lynch, founding member of The Dixie Chicks, dies in car crash in Texas
- ↑ Ryan Minor passes away at 49
- ↑ Ruth Seymour, KCRW founder and NPR pioneer, dies at 88
- ↑ Renowned Dallas journalist and bestselling author Hugh Aynesworth has died
- ↑ Nick & Aaron Carter's Sister Bobbie Jean Carter Dead at 41
- ↑ Chicago actor Mike Nussbaum dies at 99, the oldest working actor in the country
- ↑ Pope.L, Daredevil Artist Who Invoked Heady Ideas About Blackness, Dies at 68
- ↑ Richard Romanus, Actor in 'Mean Streets', Dies at 80
- ↑ Former Meridian Mayor Cheri Barry passes away
- ↑ Richard Bowes (1944-2023
- ↑ Grateful Dead producer/engineer John Cutler has died
- ↑ 'One Life to Live' Star Kamar de los Reyes Dead at 56
- ↑ Naomi Gisela Feil
- ↑ Choral music legend Alice Parker dies at 98
- ↑ Sheffield native, former Yale music professor Willie Ruff dies at 92
- ↑ Zemřel Milan Zelený. Specialista na podnikové řízení byl nejcitovanějším českým ekonomem (in Czech)
- ↑ Vinie Burrows, New York Stage Stalwart, Dies at 99
- ↑ Dave Freeman passes
- ↑ Former JU hoops star, NBA first-round draft pick James Ray, 66, passes away in Gainesville
- ↑ Bobby Rivers, TV Personality and Movie Critic, Dies at 70
- ↑ Tom Smothers, Comic Half of the Smothers Brothers, Dies at 86 (subscription required)
- ↑ Undersized Ken Bowman, who played big in Super Bowl I and the Ice Bowl, dies
- ↑ Forestry Passes at 27 in Brazil
- ↑ Michael Gibbons Jr., Early Lead Guitarist for New York Hardcore Band Leeway, Has Died
- ↑ Herb Kohl, former U.S. senator and Milwaukee Bucks owner, dies at age 88
- ↑ Ignacio Lozano Jr., part of publishing dynasty that founded La Opinión, dies
- ↑ Kelly Doran, Twin Cities real estate developer, dead at 66
- ↑ Hall of Famer Bill McColl Passes Away
- ↑ Herman Raucher Dies: Oscar-Nominated 'Summer of '42' Screenwriter Was 95
- ↑ Cowboy and Gregg Allman Guitarist Tommy Talton, Dead at 74
- ↑ Founder of the American Family Association dies in Mississippi
- ↑ Maurice Hines, Tap Dancer Extraordinaire, Dies at 80
- ↑ Legendary NHRA car owner Roland Leong, "the Hawaiian," passes away
- ↑ Les McCann, Legendary Jazz Pianist, Dies at 88
- ↑ Joey Meyer, who coached DePaul to 7 NCAA Tournaments, dies at 74
- ↑ Sandra Reaves-Phillips, Actress and Singer on Stage and Screen, Dies at 79
- ↑ Martha Diamond, Painter of New York Skyscrapers, Dies at 79
- ↑ Cindy Morgan, 'Caddyshack' and 'Toron' Actress, Dies at 69
- ↑ Doug J.J. Peters, a popular former lawmaker, dies at age 60
- ↑ Comic legend Shecky جرينe dies at 97
- ↑ Eddie Bernice Johnson, who represented North Texas in the U.S. Congress for 30 years, dies at 88
- ↑ Cale Yarborough, three-time Cup champion, dies at 84
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