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Noam Çomski

Noam Çomski
inglizce Noam Chomsky
Doğma adı inglizce Avram Noam Chomsky
Doğğan künü 1928 dekabr 7(1928-12-07)[1][2][3][…] (95 yaşında)
Doğğan yeri
Zenaatı felsefeci, lisaniyatçı (lingvist), siyasiy yazıcı, universitet ocası, psychologist, beşeriyatçı (antropolog), aq qorçalayıcı, educator, media critic, yazıcı, publitsist, kompyuter alimi, tarihçı, filolog
Baba William Chomsky[d][5]
Ömür arqadaşı Carol Chomsky[d][6] ve Valeria Wasserman Chomsky[d]
Balalar Aviva Chomsky[d]

Sretenje Order[d]

Orwell Award[d] (1987)

Guggenheim Fellowship[d]

Benjamin Franklin Medal

Helmholtz Medal[d] (1996)

Thomas Merton Award[d] (2010)

James Joyce Awards[d]

Erich Fromm Prize[d] (2010)

William James Fellow Award[d] (1989)

Albertus-Magnus professorate[d] (2011)

Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences[d] (1988)

APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology[d] (1984)

honorary doctor of the University of St Andrews[d]

honorary doctorate from Columbia University[d]

honorary doctor of Harvard University[d]

honorary doctorate from the University of Cambridge[d]

honorary doctor of the University of Uppsala[d]

Honorary doctor of the University of Bologna[d]

honorary doctorate of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel[d] (2003)

honorary doctor of the University of Athens[d]

Honorary doctorate from University of Toronto[d]

CSS Fellow[d]

Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada[d]

Fellow of the Linguistic Society of America[d]

Honorary Doctorate of University of Buenos Aires[d]

honorary doctorate from the McGill University[d]

honorary doctor of the Peking University[d] (2007)

BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award[d] (2018)

Honorary Doctorate from the National Autonomous University of Mexico[d]

honorary doctor of Loyola University Chicago[d]

honorary doctorate of the Autonomous University of Madrid[d]

honorary doctor of the University of Chile[d]

Associate Member of the Tunisian Academy of Sciences[d]

honorary doctor of the University of Calcutta[d]

Honorary doctorate from university of Florence[d]

honorary doctor of Amherst College[d]

Albertus-Magnus professorate[d] (2011)

Carl von Ossietzky Prize[d] (2004)

Seán MacBride Peace Prize[d] (2017)

US Peace Prize[d] (2011)

Sydney Peace Prize[d] (2011)

Honorary Fellow of the British Psychological Society[d]

Avtograf Изображение автографа
Saytı chomsky.info(ing.)
Логотип Викисклада Медиафайлы на Викискладе

Avram Noam Çomski (daa Homskiy kibi telâffuz etile,  inglizce Avram Noam Chomsky, 1928 senesi, ilk qış ayınıñ 7, Filadelfiya, Pensilvaniyada doğ.) — amerikalı tilşınas, felsefeci ve siyasiy faali, talilci, edebiyatçı, Massaçusets tehnologiya institutınıñ (MTİ) istifadaki tilşınaslıq professorı. Çomski, akademik ve ilmiy cemiyetine zemaneviy lisaniyatınıñ esasçılarından biri olaraq belli olıp analitik felsefede meşur bir şahıstır. 1960 senelerden itibaren belli siyasiy dissident ve anarhisti ola. Çomski, 100 kitaptan ziyadesiniñ müellifidir[7]. 1988 s. — Kiot mukâfatı (Nobel mukâfatınıñ analogı), 1999 s. - B. Franklinniñ medali (AQŞ).

Ukrainağa qarşı Putin tecavuzını, Qırımnıñ zapt etilüvini ve Suriyedeki Başar Asadnıñ rejimini qabaatsız dep tanıy edi[8].

  1. Хомский Ноам // Большая советская энциклопедия (rus.): [в 30 т.] / под ред. А. М. Прохорова — 3-е изд. — Москва: Советская энциклопедия, 1969.
  2. Internet Movie Database (англ.) — 1990.
  3. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/22/movies/is-the-man-who-is-tall-happy-a-michel-gondry-documentary.html
  4. Хомский Ноам // Хомский Ноам (rus.) / под ред. А. М. Прохорова — 3-е изд. — Москва: Советская энциклопедия, 1969.
  5. 5,0 5,1 Каталог Немецкой национальной библиотеки (нем.)
  6. http://archive.boston.com/news/education/higher/articles/2008/12/20/carol_chomsky_at_78_harvard_language_professor_was_wife_of_mit_linguist/ — 1995.
  7. Книги Чомскі 13 martnıñ 2012 s. arhivlengen.
  8. Muhammad Idrees Ahmad. Chomsky and the Syria revisionists: Regime whitewashing. Al Araby (5 травня 2017).