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ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuAncient Egypt Taƴto
Noble titleFerauna paraoh Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo22. century BCE Taƴto
Date of death22. century BCE Taƴto
FamilyEighth Dynasty of Egypt Taƴto
Sana'ajistatesperson Taƴto
Position heldFerauna paraoh Taƴto
Time periodAncient Egypt Taƴto

Neferkamin ina waawi wonde firaawna laamu go’aɓuru e nder leydi Misra ɓooyndi e nder yontaaji hakkundeeji gadani

Innde jappeere makko "Sneferka" ina seedtini tan e doggol laamɓe Abydos (n. 47) hay so tawii ina gasa tawa ɗoo innde ndee ina selli, tee O34 hieroglif ("s") e goonga ko R22 ("min"), . ko ɗoon woni « Neferkamin ».[1] Janngugol laaɓtungol innde oo laamɗo ina tawee, yantude e innde Nikare, e dow alluwal kaŋŋe gonngal hannde e nder suudu defte Biritaan ; kono ina sikkaa wonde ndeeɗoo huunde ina waawi wonde fenaande.[2]

Neferkamin ɗon walaa nder nder nder nder Turin canon ngam ɓillaare mawnde nder deftere nde'e ɗon hawta ɓurɓe laamiiɓe nder laamorde 7th/8th.[3][4] Walaa defte jamanuure walla suudu dow innde maako heɓii.

  1. Kim Ryholt: The Late Old Kingdom in the Turin King-list and the Identity of Nitocris, Zeitschrift für ägyptische, 127, 2000, p. 91
  2. Gold plaque EA 8444 in the British Museum.
  3. Thomas Schneider: Lexikon der Pharaonen. Albatros, Düsseldorf 2002, Template:Catalog lookup link, p. 114.
  4. Jürgen von Beckerath: Handbuch der ägyptischen Königsnamen. Deutscher Kunstverlag, München/ Berlin 1984, Template:Catalog lookup link, p. 48, 186.

Wurooji wurooji

[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]
  • 7th Dynasty 2175 - 2165, Hokkaama 9 Noofambar 2006.
  • Abydos King List, Hokkaama 9 Noofambar 2006.