Priapus | |
![]() Fresko Priapus, House of the Vettii, Pompeii | |
Simbol | Keledai, bunga, buah, sayur, ikan, lebah |
Informasi pribadi | |
Orang tua | Aphrodite dan Dionysus; Hermes dan Aphrodite; Dionysus dan Chione; Zeus dan Aphrodite Pan |
Saudara | Charites, Eros, Hermaphroditos, Hymenaios, Pan, satyrs |
Romawi | Mutunus Tutunus |
Dalam mitologi Yunani, Priapus (/praɪˈeɪpəs/;[1] bahasa Yunani Kuno: Πρίηπος, Príēpos) adalah seorang dewa kesuburan, pelindung hewan ternak, tumbuhan buah, taman dan genitalia laki-laki. Priapus ditandai oleh ereksi berlebihan dan permanennya yang merupakan cikal bakal dari istilah medis priapisme. Ia menjadi figur populer dalam seni rupa erotis Romawi dan sastra Latin.
[sunting | sunting sumber]
Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Priapus.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Daftar pustaka
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Brown, Emerson, Jr. "Hortus Inconclusus: The Significance of Priapus and Pyramus and Thisbe in the Merchant's Tale". Chaucer Review 4.1 (1970): 31–40.
- “Priapus and the Parlement of Foulys”. Studies in Philology 72 (1975): 258–74.
- Coronato, Rocco. “The Emergence of Priapism in the Two Gentlemen of Verona”. In Proteus: The Language of Metamorphosis, ed. Carla Dente, George Ferzoco, Miriam Gill and Marina Spunta. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005, chapter 8, 93–101.
- Delord, Frédéric. "Priapus". 2009. In A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Classical Mythology (2009–), ed. Yves Peyré.
- "'O, the difference of man and man!' (IV.ii.26): Références et différences génitales dans King Lear" in Autour de King Lear, ed. A. Lafont and M.-C. Munoz, with F. Delord. Montpellier: IRCL, February 2009.
- Érubescences et turgescences dans l’imaginaire shakespearien et la culture de la Renaissance, thèse dactylographiée (Ph.D). Montpellier: Université Montpellier III – Paul Valéry, 2008.
- Franz, David O. "Leud Priapians and Renaissance Pornography". SEL: Studies in English Literature 1500–1900 12, n°1 (winter 1972): 157–72.
- Morel, Philippe. "Priape à la Renaissance: Les guirlandes de Giovanni da Udine à la Farnésine". Revue de l’Art 69 (1985): 13–28.
- Peyré, Yves. "Priape dénaturé: Remarques sur les Apotheseos…Deorum Libri Tres de Georges Pictor et leur adaptation anglaise par Stephen Batman". Influences latines en Europe (Cahiers de l’Europe Classique et Néo-Latine). Toulouse: Travaux de l’Université de Toulouse – Le Mirail, A.23 (1983): 61–87.
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[sunting | sunting sumber] Definisi kamus Priapus di Wikikamus
Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Priāpus". Encyclopædia Britannica (edisi ke-11). Cambridge University Press.
- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology Diarsipkan 2013-10-15 di Wayback Machine.
- Priapos: Greek & Mysian God of Gardens and Fertility – Theoi Project