Displaying all articles tagged:

Social Security

  1. early and often
    Musk Hints Entitlements Like Social Security Are DOGE’s Next TargetThe DOGE edgelord has views on popular entitlement programs that no politician could embrace without fear of extinction.
  2. early and often
    DeSantis Is Letting Trump Crush Him on Retirement ProgramsRepublican voters simply do not share the views of conservative ideologues on Social Security and Medicare. Trump gets it; DeSantis doesn’t.
  3. the swamp
    How Biden Learned to Love the Debt-Ceiling CrisisHe has turned a chronic political headache into a winning issue.
  4. early and often
    Rick Scott’s Revised ‘Rescue Plan’ Is Still Stuck on StupidAfter damaging his party and delighting Democrats, Scott finally relented on sunsetting Social Security and Medicare — but not the other madness.
  5. politics
    Biden Didn’t Have the Power or Luck to Become FDR or LBJBiden is trying to govern in an era totally unlike the 1930s or 1960s with little margin for error and a lot of nasty surprises. Give him a break.
  6. politics
    Biden Fires Trump-Appointed Social Security CommissionerAndrew Saul, who was fired after refusing to resign on Friday, says he’ll challenge the legality of the move.
  7. covid-19 stimulus
    The Four-Year Swing That Saved America’s Safety NetBiden’s COVID stimulus bill is even more impressive when you remember the assault on poor people Republicans failed to enact in 2017.
  8. politics
    What We Know About Trump’s New ‘Executive Orders’The president’s power grab is more likely to deliver a constitutional crisis than economic relief during the pandemic.
  9. federal budget
    Trump to Propose Cuts to Safety Net Once AgainIt’s budget proposal season, meaning the Trump administration has again recommended billion-dollar cuts to Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare.
  10. president trump
    Donald Trump Is Already Trying to Cut EntitlementsForget Trump’s vague public remarks. His White House has officially endorsed cuts to Social Security, and is trying to cut Medicaid by fiat.
  11. vision 2020
    Democrats Should Make 2020 Into a Referendum on ‘More Socialism for Old People’The GOP needs seniors’ votes but is ideologically incapable of meeting their needs.
  12. 2020 elections
    Iowa Republican Senator Wants to Gut Social Security ‘Behind Closed Doors’The salt-of-the-earth Senator Ernst is exposing her inner wing nut in treating the safety net as a “problem” elites must “solve.”
  13. social security
    Social Security Isn’t Going Broke. Older Americans Are.Cutting benefits won’t make it easier for America to support its growing elderly population. Expanding immigration and raising taxes would.
  14. the republican party
    The Republican Party Has an Older Voters ProblemAs our retirement crisis deepens, the GOP will have a harder time balancing its opposition to social spending and reliance on elderly voters.
  15. 2018 midterms
    Even Old Folks Trended Democratic in 2018The Democratic future depends on young and minority voters and college-educated women. But many seniors vote, and more of them are voting Democratic.
  16. the budget
    Please Stop Helping Mitch McConnell Lie About the DeficitThe Senate Majority Leader says that simple math requires the U.S. to cut Social Security and Medicare. Too many “objective” reporters agree.
  17. medicare for all
    GOP’s Latest Mediscare Tactic Is Deeply CynicalAttacking Medicare for All as a threat to Medicare is pretty bald-faced.
  18. No, Democratic Populism Won’t Force Republicans to Accept Big GovernmentReihan Salam wants Republicans to develop a positive agenda of universal programs the white working class will embrace. It’s not going to happen.
  19. Paul Ryan’s Long Fight to Destroy the Welfare State Ends in DefeatAfter failing to repeal Obamacare and “reform” Medicaid, Ryan looked forward to more years of futility and decided to pack it in.
  20. No, the HOPE Scholarship Didn’t Kill Great Society LiberalismA provocative op-ed says Zell Miller’s and Bill Clinton’s embrace of merit-based scholarships showed their betrayal of liberalism. I beg to differ.
  21. Ryan to Unemployed Poor: Let ‘Em Eat Job TrainingThe frustrated would-be entitlement reformer Paul Ryan is taking the indirect route of linking work requirements to job-training programs.
  22. LePage Insists Medicaid Is ‘Welfare’With Maine voters having a chance to expand Medicaid over Paul LePage’s objections, he wants the ballot to call the venerable program “welfare.”
  23. House Budget Proposes Cuts to Medicare, Taxes on the RichThe House GOP wants the president to break his promise not to cut Medicare, for the sake of funding regressive tax cuts.
  24. Remember Trump’s Promise Not to Touch Social Security? It’s Gone NowSteve Mnuchin quietly backs away from a famous Trump position.
  25. GOP Prepares to Make Case Poor People Must Sacrifice So Rich Can Get Tax CutsWhispers are emerging from Capitol Hill to that effect.
  26. Has Trump Really Taken Social Security and Medicare Reform Off the Table?There are serious tensions within the GOP on the matter. But the president-elect has given a new signal.
  27. Unpaid Student Debt Is Already Pushing Seniors Into PovertyTo collect on student-loan debt, the government reduced the Social Security checks of 114,000 Americans last year.
  28. the national interest
    Are Republicans Crazy Enough to Go After Social Security?A bill is introduced in the House to cut Social Security and destroy the GOP.
  29. Clinton’s Economic Policies Are Popular. Maybe She Should Campaign on That.The Democratic nominee has spent the past month praising Reagan and Paul Ryan, instead of tying Trump to his party’s unpopular supply-side agenda.
  30. 2016 Is Turning Into a Historically Great Year for Social SecurityWith Democrats now moving toward expansion, and the GOP nominee reversing the Party’s long-held plans to cut it.
  31. a matter of life and death
    87-Year-Old Brooklyn Woman Declared Dead, Much to Her SurpriseWhat happens when you accidentally get on the Death Master File.
  32. Former Nazis Received $20.2 Million in Social Security BenefitsCongress prevented these payments from happening last year. 
  33. Shared Hatred of Nazis Finally Unites Democrats and RepublicansCongress has moved to take their Social Security.
  34. war crimes and misdemeanors
    Nazi War Criminals Expelled From the U.S. Still Collect Social Security Benefits were reportedly used as an incentive to get them out of the country.
  35. social security
    Social Security Funds to Vanish Even Sooner Than ExpectedThree years sooner.
  36. master debaters
    Rick Perry Is Going to Get Piñata-ed Tonight Like It’s a Mexican Birthday PartyIn the fifth GOP presidential debate, Rick Perry’s Social Security remarks will take center stage.
  37. rick rolling
    Does Rick Perry Think Medicare and Social Security Are Unconstitutional?His comments on Medicare and Social Security could come back to haunt him.
  38. debt ceiling
    Obama Puts Social Security and Medicare Cuts on the TableNo more sacred cows in the budget deal.
  39. baby men
    Senator Tom Coburn Is Not Happy With the World’s Most Famous Adult BabyBecause he’s getting Social Security.
  40. early and often
    Bi-partisan Commission Calls for Cuts in Spending and Increased Taxes to Lower Federal DebtThe proposal calls for cuts in domestic and military spending, curbing Social Security benefits, and increasing the payroll tax.
  41. cable news
    Talk Box: Nobody Puts Rick Perry in a CornerEliot Spitzer tries to box the Texas governor in on Social Security reform.
  42. the greatest recession
    Old People to Cut Back on Werther’s Originals This YearFor the past three and a half decades, the payments have been automatically adjusted according to the prevailing inflation rate.
  43. tea party
    Tea Party on Social Security: ‘We Are All Collateral For The Banks’Congressman Bob Inglis shares his observations.
  44. social security
    Social Security Pay Out To Exceed Pay-In, Six Years Ahead of ScheduleThreshold seen as a “tipping point” by analysts.
  45. instant politics
    Tyler Cowen and Ezra Klein on Palin’s Speech and What Obama and McCain Would Each Accomplish — or Not — As PresidentFor today’s conversation, we bring together Tyler Cowen, a professor of economics at George Mason University who blogs at MarginalRevolution.com, and The American Prospect’s Ezra Klein.
  46. the morning line
    No Thanks • The police blotter shows no intention of taking a holiday. In the West Village, a New Yorker’s after-dark nightmare came to life when a woman hailing a taxi was kidnapped and raped by the three men who offered her a ride. The nearby NYU dorm is abuzz with freaked-out students exchanging stories. [NYP] • And in this heartwarming Thanksgiving bit, an estranged gay son came home to reestablish contact with his Brooklyn parents; what he found was Dad’s bones, which the mother had squirreled away to continue picking up his Social Security checks. [NYDN] • So much for the fantasy Spielberg offered in The Terminal: A judge rules that a Harlem grocery clerk’s deportation to Somalia shouldn’t be affected by the fact that Somalia, well, has no government and is currently kinda-sorta run by an Islamist junta. The deportee’s pro bono lawyer is furious. [NYT] • In what’s shaping up as the worst week in race relations since Katrina, MTA executive Gary Dellaverson stands accused of racism after joking to the reporters that he was “putting needles in [his] Roger Toussaint doll.” Al Sharpton is already calling for Dellaverson’s resignation, saying — and we quote — the remark was “the same as if he said, ‘I want to stick pins in my Al Sharpton watermelon.’” Except that actually, Al, no, it’s not. [amNY] • And just to break up the relentless gloom of today’s news, the Black Eyed Peas won three American Music Awards. Wait, that’s just as depressing as the other ones. [Newsday]