New York Magazine was recognized today by the American Society of Magazine Editors (ASME) with eight National Magazine Award nominations, tied for the most of any publication. New York was nominated for General Excellence (News, Sports, and Entertainment) for the ninth consecutive year, and had work recognized across a variety of written journalism and photography. Additionally, two New York staffers received ASME Next Awards for journalists under 30: Vulture staff writer Rebecca Alter and New York photo editor Isabela Quintero, and New York was a finalist for four ASME Awards for Design, Photography & Illustration.
New York’s Vox Media colleagues at Eater, Polygon, and The Verge were finalists for four additional National Magazine Awards. Winners will be announced on April 2nd.
The full slate of wins and nominations for New York Magazine is listed below.
National Magazine Awards:
- General Excellence, News, Sports, and Entertainment
- Photography, for “Let’s Have a Real Conversation About Barbara Walters,” photographs by Brigitte Lacombe, March 13-26; July 3-16 print issue; and “The Power Issue,” October 23-November 5
- Single-Topic Issue, for “The War and New York”
- Service Journalism, for “The Transgender Family Handbook,” reporting by Amelia Schonbek, Erin Schwartz, Camille Squires, Laura Thompson, Angelina Chapin, Tiana Randall, Marisa Carroll and Jordan Larson
- Lifestyle Journalism, for “When She Was ‘It,’” introductory essay by Matthew Schneier
- Feature Writing, for “AI Is a Lot of Work”, by Josh Dzieza (in partnership with The Verge)
- Profile Writing, for “You Are Not a Parrot,” by Elizabeth Weil
- Public Interest, for “Protecting a Predator,” by Bianca Fortis and Laura Beil (in partnership with ProPublica)
ASME Next Awards for Journalists Under 30
- Rebecca Alter, Staff Writer, Vulture (nominated by Neil Janowitz, editor-in-chief, Vulture)
- Isabela Quintero, Photo Editor, New York (nominated by Jody Quon, director of photography, New York)
ASME Awards for Design, Photography & Illustration
- Best Print Design, for “Fall Preview 2023”
- Best Service and Lifestyle Photographs, for “The Decomposition of Rotten Tomatoes,” photograph by Bobby Doherty
- Best Profile Photographs, for “Inside Job,” photograph by Philip Montgomery
- Best News and Entertainment Story, for “The Power Issue,” photographs by Mark Peterson