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2007, Machine Learning: ECML 2007
Classification tasks often suffer from limited training data, making it difficult to effectively estimate models. This paper investigates the use of partially relevant datasets—where the data may come from different distributions than the test data—to enhance classifier performance for the specific task of interest. The approach is framed as a multi-task learning problem, distinguishing it from traditional symmetric models by focusing on asymmetric relevance. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method outperforms existing techniques in scenarios with insufficient data, showing its effectiveness in leveraging partially representative information.
We study the problem of learning a group of principal tasks using a group of auxiliary tasks, unrelated to the principal ones. In many applications, joint learning of unrelated tasks which use the same input data can be beneficial. The reason is that prior knowledge about which tasks are unrelated can lead to sparser and more informative representations for each task, essentially screening out idiosyncrasies of the data distribution. We propose a novel method which builds on a prior multitask methodology by ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
In the statistical pattern recognition field the number of samples to train a classifier is usually insufficient. Nevertheless, it has been shown that some learning domains can be divided in a set of related tasks, that can be simultaneously trained sharing information among the different tasks. This methodology is known as the multi-task learning paradigm. In this paper we propose a multi-task probabilistic logistic regression model and develop a learning algorithm based in this framework, which can deal with the small sample size problem. Our experiments performed in two independent databases from the UCI and a multi-task face classification experiment show the improved accuracies of the multi-task learning approach with respect to the single task approach when using the same probabilistic model. 2Àgata Lapedriza, David Masip and Jordi Vitrià
IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications, 2011
Probabilistic classification and multi-task learning are two important branches of machine learning research. Probabilistic classification is useful when the 'confidence' of decision is necessary. On the other hand, the idea of multi-task learning is beneficial if multiple related learning tasks exist. So far, kernelized logistic regression has been a vital probabilistic classifier for the use in multi-task learning scenarios. However, its training tends to be computationally expensive, which prevented its use in large-scale problems. To overcome this limitation, we propose to employ a recently-proposed probabilistic classifier called the least-squares probabilistic classifier in multi-task learning scenarios. Through image classification experiments, we show that our method achieves comparable classification performance to the existing method, with much less training time.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
When a number of similar tasks have to be learned simultaneously, multi-task learning (MTL) models can attain significantly higher accuracy than single-task learning (STL) models. However, the advantage of MTL depends on various factors, such as the similarity of the tasks, the sizes of the datasets, and so on; in fact, some tasks might not benefit from MTL and may even incur a loss of accuracy compared to STL. Hence, the question arises: which tasks should be learned together? Domain experts can attempt to group tasks together following intuition, experience, and best practices, but manual grouping can be labor-intensive and far from optimal. In this paper, we propose a novel automated approach for task grouping. First, we study the affinity of tasks for MTL using four benchmark datasets that have been used extensively in the MTL literature, focusing on neural network-based MTL models. We identify inherent task features and STL characteristics that can help us to predict whether a group of tasks should be learned together using MTL or if they should be learned independently using STL. Building on this predictor, we introduce a randomized search algorithm, which employs the predictor to minimize the number of MTL trainings performed during the search for task groups. We demonstrate on the four benchmark datasets that our predictor-driven search approach can find better task groupings than existing baseline approaches.
We address the problem of multi-task learning with no label correspondence among tasks. Learning multiple related tasks simultaneously, by exploiting their shared knowledge can improve the predictive performance on every task. We develop the multi-task Adaboost environment with Multi-Task Decision Trees as weak classifiers. We first adapt the well known decision tree learning to the multi-task setting. We revise the information gain rule for learning decision trees in the multitask setting. We use this feature to develop a novel criterion for learning Multi-Task Decision Trees. The criterion guides the tree construction by learning the decision rules from data of different tasks, and representing different degrees of task relatedness. We then modify MT-Adaboost to combine Multi-task Decision Trees as weak learners. We experimentally validate the advantage of the new technique; we report results of experiments conducted on several multi-task datasets, including the Enron email set and Spam Filtering collection.
Cholera is a water and food-borne infectious disease that continues to be a major public health problem in most Asian countries. However, reports concerning the incidence and spread of cholera in these countries are infrequently made available to the international community. Cholera is endemic in Sarawak, Malaysia. We report here the epidemiologic and demographic data obtained from nine divisions of Sarawak for the ten years from 1994 to 2003 and discuss factors associated with the emergence and spread of cholera and its control. In ten years, 1672 cholera patients were recorded. High incidence of cholera was observed during the unusually strong El Niño years of 1997 to 1998 when a very severe and prolonged drought occurred in Sarawak. Cholera is endemic in the squatter towns and coastal areas especially those along the Sarawak river estuaries. The disease subsequently spread to the rural settlements due to movement of people from the towns to the rural areas. During the dry seasons when tributary gravity fed tap waters cease to flow, rural communities rely on river water for domestic use for consumption, washing clothes and household utensils. Consequently, these practices facilitated the spread of water borne diseases such as cholera. The epidemiologic and demographic data were categorized according to ethnic group, gender, occupation, and age of the patients. Large outbreaks occurred in north Sarawak (Bintulu, Miri, and Limbang) rather than the central (Kapit, Sarikei, Sibu) Cholera is a serious epidemic disease and continues to be a major health problem globally. Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 was formerly considered as the sole etiologic agent of epidemic and pandemic cholera. In the severe form, cholera results in a profuse watery diarrhea and is often accompanied by vomiting. If untreated this leads to rapid dehydration, acidosis, circulatory collapse, and death within 12 to 24 hours. Therapy using prompt fluid replacement with adequate quantities of electrolyte solution corrects dehydration, acidosis, and hypokalemia and is the keystone to recovering from cholera . In October of 1992, a non-O1 serotype of V. cholera referred to as V. cholera O139 or the "Bengal" strain appeared in India and Bangladesh and has pandemic potential. Since that time, V. cholerae O1 and O139 serotypes have both been considered to be the etiologic agents of epidemic cholera [Seas and Gotuzzo 1996]. V. cholerae O1 and O139 serotypes produce cholera toxin that is responsible for the cholera symptoms.
Academic Section PÀ £ÁðlPÀ gÁdå ªÀ ÄÄPÀ Û «±À é «zÁ央AiÀ Ä ªÀ ÄÄPÀ Û À UÀ AUÉ AEÃwae , ªÉ ÄʸÀ AEgÀ Ä -570 006 Karnataka State Open University Mukthagangotri, Mysuru -570 006 Second Year B.A / B.Com Contents SL.NO. ASSIGNMENT PAGE NO. ¢é wÃAi ÀÄ ©.J / ©.PÁA ¦ae ÃwAi ÀÄ «zÁåyð, ¤ §Azs ÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¸À°ȩÀĪÀ ªÉAEzÀ®Ä PɼÀV£À CA±ÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß UÀªÀĤ¸À¨ÉÃPÀÄ 1. ©.J/©.PÁA ¢é wÃAi ÀÄ ªÀµÀðzÀ°è ¥Àae wAi ÉAEAzÀÄ «µÀAi ÀÄPÉÌ ªÀÄAEgÀÄ DAvÀjPÀ ¤ §Azs À ¥Àae ±ÉßUÀ½zÀÄÝ Ai Ài ÁªÀÅzÁzÀgÀAE JgÀqÀÄ ¥Àae ±ÉßUÀ½UÉ GvÀÛ j¸ÀvÀPÀÌ zÀÄÝ (2Χ10=20), ¥Àae w «µÀAi ÀÄPÉÌ 20 CAPÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¤UÀ¢¥Àr¸À¯ÁVzÉ. 2. ¢£ÁAPÀ: 31-05-2016 gÉAE¼ÀUÉ «zÁåyðAi ÀÄÄ DAi ÉÄÌ ªÀi ÁrPÉAEArgÀĪÀ Czs ÀåAi ÀÄ£À PÉÃAzÀae PÉÌ DAvÀjPÀ ¤ §Azs ÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¸À°ȩÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. 3. PÉÃAzÀae ¸ÁÜ £ÀPÉÌ ¤ §Azs ÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¸À°è ¹zÀ°è CªÀÅUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ªÀi Ë®åªÀi Á¥À£À ªÀi ÁqÀ¯ÁUÀĪÀÅ¢®è . 4. ºÉAEgÀ gÁdåzÀ «zÁåyð vÀ£Àß ¤ §Azs ÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß PÀgÁªÀÄÄ« «¨s ÁUÀUÀ¼À ¸ÀA §A¢ü vÀ Czs ÀåPÀë gÀÄUÀ½UȨ À°ȩÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. 5. ¥Àae ªÉñÁw ¥ÀqÉzÀ ªÀµÀðzÀ¯Éè à «zÁåyð vÀ£Àß ¤ §Azs ÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¸À°ȩÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. ¥Àae ªÉñÁw ªÀµÀðzÀ°è vÀ£Àß ¤ §Azs ÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß ¸À°ȩÀ®Ä «zÁåyðAi ÀÄÄ «¥s À®ªÁzÀ°è DAvÀjPÀ ªÀi Ë®åªÀi Á¥À£ÀzÀ CAPÀUÀ¼À£ÀÄß MªÉÄä¯É PÀ¼ÉzÀÄPÉAE¼ÀîÉÃPÁUÀÄvÀÛ zÉ. EzÀgÀ CxÀð «zÁåyðAi ÀÄÄ yAi ÀÄj CAPÀUÀ¼À¯Éè vÉÃUÀðqÉ ºÉAEAzÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. F ¤nÖ £À°è Ai Ài ÁªÀÅzÉà ¥ÀvÀae ªÀåªÀºÁgÀPÉÌ D¸Àà zÀ«gÀĪÀÅ¢®è . ¤ªÀÄä GvÀÛ gÀªÀ£ÀÄß RavÀ ¥Àr¹PÉAE½î . CzÀÄ vÁQðPÀªÁVgÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. ÀgÀ¼ÀªÀÅ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ ¸ÀjAi Ài ÁzÀ ¨s ÁµÉAi ÀÄÄ EgÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. Àà µÀÖ ªÁVAi ÀÄAE ªÀÄvÀÄÛ CAzÀªÁVAi ÀÄAE ¸Àé - §gÀªÀt UÉAi ÀÄ°è gÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. PÉÃAzÀae ¸ÁÜ £ÀPÉÌ / Czs ÀåAi ÀÄ£À PÉÃAzÀae PÉÌ ¸À°ȩÀ¯ÁzÀ ¤ §Azs ÀUÀ¼À £ÉgÀ¼ÀZÀÄÑ ¥Àae wAi ÀÄ£ÀÄß «zÁåyðAi ÀÄÄ ElÄÖ PÉAEArgÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ ªÀÄvÀÄÛ CªÀjAzÀ ¹é ÃPÀÈw ¥ÀvÀae ªÀ£ÀÄß vÉUÉzÀÄPÉAEArgÀ¨ÉÃPÀÄ. ±ÀĨs Á±ÀAi ÀÄUÀ¼ÉAEA¢UÉ, ¥ÉAEae . n.r.zÉêÉÃUËqÀ rãï (±ÉÊPÀë t PÀ), PÀgÁªÀÄÄ« 10 Department of Studies and Research in Telugu KSOU, Mukthagangotri, Mysuru Internal Assignment Questions 2015-16 II-Year B.A Telugu (Language) Answer any Two Question from each course: Max. Marks:2X10=20 Department of Studies and Research in Telugu KSOU, Mukthagangotri, Mysuru Internal Assignment Questions 2015-16 II-Year B.Com Telugu (Language) Answer any Two Question from each course: Max. Marks:2X10=20 2. Describe the nature, scope and importance of public economics. ÁªÀ ðd¤PÀ CxÀ ð±Á¸À Û ç zÀ ¸À é gÀ AE¥À , ªÁå¦Û ªÀ ÄvÀ ÄÛ ¥Áae ªÀ ÄÄRåvÉ AiÀ Ä£À Äß «ªÀ j¹. 3. Define inflation. Explain the causes and effects of inflation? ºÀ tzÀ Ä §â gÀ ªÀ £À Äß ªÁåSÁ夹. ºÀ tzÀ Ä §â gÀ PÉ Ì PÁgÀ tUÀ ¼À Ä ªÀ ÄvÀ ÄÛ ¥À juÁªÀ ÄUÀ ¼À £À Äß «ªÀ j¹. 12 gÁdå±Á¸À Û ç Czs À åAiÀ Ä£À ªÀ ÄvÀ ÄÛ ¸À A±É AEÃzs À £Á «¨s ÁUÀ , PÀ .gÁ.ªÀ ÄÄ.«., ªÀ ÄÄPÀ Û À UÀ AUÉ AEÃwae , ªÉ ÄʸÀ AEgÀ Ä Department of Studies and Research in Political Science, KSOU, Mukthagangotri, Mysuru DAvÀ jPÀ ¤ §Azs À UÀ ¼À À ¥À ae ±É ßUÀ ¼À Ä 2015-2016 Internal Assignment Questions 2015-2016 ¢é wÃAiÀ Ä ©.J.gÁdå±Á¸À Û ç / II-Year B.A Political Science ¥À ae wAiÉ AEAzÀ Ä PÉ AEøïð£À°è AiÀ ÄAE AiÀ iÁªÀ ÅzÁzÀ gÀ Ä JgÀ qÀ Ä ¥À ae ±É ßUÉ GvÀ Û j¹. UÀ jµÀ × CAPÀ UÀ ¼À Ä:2X10=20 Answer any Two Question from each course: Max. Marks:2x 10=20 BPS-22 PÉ AEøïð/ ¥À wae PÉ -II : Dzs À ĤPÀ ¸À PÁðgÀ UÀ ¼À Ä Course II -Modern Governments 1. Discuss the Power and Functions of the President of America. CªÉ ÄjPÁzÀ gÁµÀ Ö ç ¥À wAiÀ ĪÀ gÀ C¢ü PÁgÀ ªÀ ÄvÀ ÄÛ PÁAiÀ ÄðUÀ ¼À £À Äß ZÀ að¹. 2. Examine the Composition, Powers and Functions of French Legislature. ¥s Áae ¤ì £À ±Á¸À PÁAUÀ zÀ gÀ ZÀ £É , C¢ü PÁgÀ ªÀ ÄvÀ ÄÛ PÁAiÀ ÄðUÀ ¼À £À Äß ¥À j²Ã°¹. 3. Explain the features and role of the Pressure Groups in America. CªÉ ÄÃjPÁzÀ°è £À MvÀ Û qÀ UÀ ÄA¥À ÄUÀ ¼À ®PÀ ët ªÀ ÄvÀ ÄÛ ¥ÁvÀ ae ªÀ £À Äß «ªÀ j¹. À ªÀ iÁd±Á¸À Û ç Czs À åAiÀ Ä£À ªÀ ÄvÀ ÄÛ ¸À A±É AEÃzs À £Á «¨s ÁUÀ , PÀ .gÁ.ªÀ ÄÄ.«., ªÀ ÄÄPÀ Û À UÀ AUÉ AEÃwae , ªÉ ÄʸÀ AEgÀ Ä Department of Studies and Research in Sociology, KSOU, Mukthagangotri, Mysuru DAvÀ jPÀ ¤ §Azs À UÀ ¼À À ¥À ae ±É ßUÀ ¼À Ä 2015-2016 Internal Assignment Questions 2015-2016 ¢é wÃAiÀ Ä ©.J.¸À ªÀ iÁd±Á¸À Û ç / II-Year B.A Sociology ¥À ae wAiÉ AEAzÀ Ä PÉ AEøïð£À°è AiÀ ÄAE AiÀ iÁªÀ ÅzÁzÀ gÀ Ä JgÀ qÀ Ä ¥À ae ±É ßUÉ GvÀ Û j¹.
Forthcoming: Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 2021
This study investigates direct and indirect linkages between financial development and inclusive human development in data panels for African countries. It employs a battery of estimation techniques, notably: Two-Stage Least Squares, Fixed Effects, Generalized Method of Moments and Tobit regressions. The dependent variable is the inequality adjusted human development index. All dimensions of the Financial Development and Structure Database (FDSD) of the World Bank are considered. The main finding is that financial dynamics of depth, activity and size improve inclusive human development, whereas the inability of banks to transform mobilized deposits into credit for financial access negatively affects inclusive human development. Policies should be tailored to improve mechanisms by which credit facilities can be provided to both households and business operators. Surplus liquidity issues resulting from the inability of banks to transform mobilized deposits into credit can be resolved by enhancing the introduction of information sharing offices (like public credit registries and private credit bureaus) that would reduce information asymmetry between lenders and borrowers. This study complements the extant literature by assessing the nexus between financial development and inclusive human development in Africa.
Journal of Non Linear Mathematical Physics, 2008
We introduce a differential geometry description of the path lines, stream lines and particles contours in hydrodynamics. We present a generalized form of a Korteweg-de Vries type of equation for the exterior of a circle. Nonlinearities from the boundary conditions, surface tension and the Euler equations are taken into account, but the flow is considered inviscid and irrotational. For the circular case we describe the traveling waves shapes, solitons and the particles trajectories.
Cocoa production has been the backbone of Ghana's economy for more than six decades now. The sector employs over a million people throughout the country and remains the major source of livelihood for many people in the country. The government of Ghana spends huge sums of money annually on the purchase and distribution of fertilizers, viable seedlings and other inputs to farmers but the sector is still beset wi a lot of challenges which reduce yield significantly annually. In order to maximize yield, it is very important that cocoa production challenges throughout the supply chain are identified, assessed and dealt with early enough in order to restore the level of productivity of the sector. This research is aimed at identifying these challenges from the perspective of farmers, staff and management of some selected Licensed Buying Companies and Cocobod. The effects of the challenges are also assessed accordingly. After the study, the researchers identified the following challenges: Unfamiliarity of modern methods of farming, Late distribution of farm inputs by government, Land degradation by 'galamsey' operators, etc. The researchers recommend a greater collaboration of all partners of cocoa production in order to meet all challenges confronting the sector.
2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018
We present a new multi-task learning (MTL) approach that can be applied to multiple heterogeneous task estimators. Our motivation is that the best task estimator could change depending on the task itself. For example, we may have a deep neural network for the first task and a Gaussian process for the second task. Classical MTL approaches cannot handle this case, as they require the same model or even the same parameter types for all tasks. We tackle this by considering task-specific estimators as random variables. Then, the task relationships are discovered by measuring the statistical dependence between each pair of random variables. By doing so, our model is independent of the parametric nature of each task, and is even agnostic to the existence of such parametric formulation. We compare our algorithm with existing MTL approaches on challenging real world ranking and regression datasets, and show that our approach achieves comparable or better performance without knowing the parametric form.
We propose an Online MultiTask Learning (Omtl) framework which simultaneously learns the task weight vectors as well as the task relatedness adaptively from the data. Our work is in contrast with prior work on online multitask learning which assumes fixed task relatedness, a priori. Furthermore, whereas prior work in such settings assume only positively correlated tasks, our framework can capture negative correlations as well. Our proposed framework learns the task relationship matrix by framing the objective function as a Bregman divergence minimization problem for positive definite matrices. Subsequently, we exploit this adaptively learned task-relationship matrix to select the most informative samples in an online multitask active learning setting. Experimental results on a number of real-world datasets and comparisons with numerous baselines establish the efficacy of our proposed approach.
Journal of machine learning research : JMLR, 2011
In typical classification problems, high level concept features provided by a domain expert are usually available during classifier training but not during its deployment. We address this problem from a multitask learning (MTL) perspective by treating these features as auxiliary learning tasks. Previous efforts in MTL have mostly assumed that all tasks have the same input space. However, auxiliary tasks can have different input spaces, since their learning targets are different. Thus, to handle cases with heterogeneous input, in this paper we present a newly developed model using heterogeneous auxiliary tasks to help main task learning. First, we formulate a convex optimization problem for the proposed model, and then, we analyze its hypothesis class and derive true risk bounds. Finally, we compare the proposed model with other relevant methods when applied to the problem of skin cancer screening and public datasets. Our results show that the performance of the proposed method is hi...
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2007
Consider the problem of learning logistic-regression models for multiple classification tasks, where the training data set for each task is not drawn from the same statistical distribution. In such a multi-task learning (MTL) scenario, it is necessary to identify groups of similar tasks that should be learned jointly. Relying on a Dirichlet process (DP) based statistical model to learn the extent of similarity between classification tasks, we develop computationally efficient algorithms for two different forms of the MTL problem. First, we consider a symmetric multi-task learning (SMTL) situation in which classifiers for multiple tasks are learned jointly using a variational Bayesian (VB) algorithm. Second, we consider an asymmetric multi-task learning (AMTL) formulation in which the posterior density function from the SMTL model parameters (from previous tasks) is used as a prior for a new task: this approach has the significant advantage of not requiring storage and use of all previous data from prior tasks. The AMTL formulation is solved with a simple Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) construction. Experimental results on two real life MTL problems indicate that the proposed algorithms: (a) automatically identify subgroups of related tasks whose training data appear to be drawn from similar distributions; and (b) are more accurate than simpler approaches such as single-task learning, pooling of data across all tasks, and simplified approximations to DP.
We introduce new Perceptron-based algorithms for the online multitask binary classification problem. Under suitable regularity conditions, our algorithms are shown to improve on their baselines by a factor proportional to the number of tasks. We achieve these improvements using various types of regularization that bias our algorithms towards specific notions of task relatedness. More specifically, similarity among tasks is either measured in terms of the geometric closeness of the task reference vectors or as a function of the dimension of their spanned subspace. In addition to adapting to the online setting a mix of known techniques, such as the multitask kernels of Evgeniou et al., our analysis also introduces a matrix-based multitask extension of the p-norm Perceptron, which is used to implement spectral co-regularization. Experiments on real-world data sets complement and support our theoretical findings.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 2015
In Object Substitution Masking (OSM) a surrounding mask (typically comprising of four dots) onsets with a target but lingers after offset; under such conditions the ability to perceive the target can be significantly reduced. OSM was originally claimed to occur only when a target was not the focus of attention, for instance when embedded in an array of distractors (Di Lollo, et al., 2000). It was argued that the distractors influenced the time taken for focal attention to reach the target. Some recent work, however, failed to find any such distractor influence: the effect of mask duration being independent of set size when steps were taken to avoid ceiling effects in the smallest set size condition (Argyropoulos et al., 2013; Filmer et al., 2014a). In three experiments we repeatedly found that set size manipulations can interact with mask duration (where neither ceiling nor floor effects are evident), the effect of the mask on target perceptibility being amplified according to the number of distractor items. However, a further experiment (Exp. 4) showed that crowding by nearby distractors was actually responsible for this ‘set size’ effect. When decoupled from crowding, set size alone did not interact with masking, though it did influence overall accuracy. Thus the presence of distractors does influence OSM but not in the way originally assumed by Di Lollo and colleagues in their model (Di Lollo et al., 2000). The crowding × OSM interaction suggests that the two phenomena involve partly overlapping mechanisms.
Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2012
ABSTRACT This paper describes an implementation of the fast multipole algorithm using the free-surface Green’s function for ocean water waves. Its aim is to investigate different parameters of the fast multipole algorithm in order to efficiently carry out computations on sets of unknowns that are very inhomogeneously distributed in space. Some limits of the algorithm for this specific case are pointed out. Those limits are essentially due to slow convergence of the multipole expansion of the Green’s function. Eventually, a simplified algorithm for this specific application is described. The performance of the different algorithms is evaluated based on the computational time they require.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2003
Diffusion experiments through hardened cement pastes (HCP) using tritiated water (HTO) and 22 Na + , considered to be conservative tracers, have been carried out in triplicates in a glove box under a controlled nitrogen atmosphere. Each experiment consisted of a through-diffusion test followed by an out-diffusion test.
Statistical sensitivity analysis is a useful technique to analyze mul- tivariate stochastic computer model in order to better understand the cause and eect relationships between input parameters and output observations. This paper is based on a pre-existent formal evolution- ary economic model that simulates the main aspects of the market and the innovation processes that take place inside the pharmaceutical
Imagine a world without sport; the euphoric triumphs, the heart-breaking losses and the everyday sporting controversies which captivate a global audience would no longer exist. For millions of people around the world the excitement that sport entails ‘are like lightning bolts that interrupt an otherwise continuous skyline’ (Cashmore, 2000:6). Without sport, the world would never have witnessed Andy Murray make history by being the first Briton in 77 years to win the Wimbledon men's title, Victoria Pendleton would never have powered her way to winning gold in the women’s Keirin during the 2012 London Olympics, and Alex Ferguson would not have retired as the ‘greatest’ football manager of all time (?). Needless to say, there is more to sport than the sports themselves. Sport has become so deeply entrenched as a pillar of modern society, that to envisage a world without it seems inconceivable; neither the globalisation of commercial sports (Coakley, 2003) nor the intimate relationship between sport and politics (Houlihan, 2002) would ever have been formed. Additionally, the idea of using mega-sporting events, such as the Olympics, as global platforms for protest (Cottrell and Nelson, 2010), or as backdrops for terrorism (Giulianotti and Klauser, 2012), would be non-existent.