Taxon profile


Homo Linnaeus, 1758

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Chordata - chordates »  class Mammalia - mammals »  order Primates - primates »  family Hominidae - hominids »  subtribus Hominina

Scientific synonyms

Africanthropus Weinert, 1938
Atlanthropus Arambourg, 1954
Cyphanthropus Pycraft, 1928
Eoanthropus Woodward, 1913
Maueranthropus Montandon, 1943
Pithecanthropus Dubois, 1894
Proanthropus Wilser, 1900

Included taxa

Number of records: 15

species Homo sapiens Linnaeus, 1758 - Human

Homo sapiens

Fossil taxa

species Homo antecessor de Castro et al., 1997
Quaternary: Lower Pleistocene

Homo antecessor

species Homo dubius Koenigswald, 1950
species Homo erectus Dubois, 1894 - Upright Man
Tertiary: Piacenzian – Quaternary: Upper Pleistocene

Homo erectus

species Homo ergaster Groves & Mazák, 1975 - Workman

Homo ergaster

species Homo floresiensis Brown, Sutikna, Morwood, Soejono, Jatmiko, Wayhu Saptomo & Rokus Awe Due, 2004 - Ebu

Homo floresiensis

species Homo habilis L. Leakey, Tobias & Napier, 1964 - Handy Man
Tertiary: Piacenzian

Homo habilis

species Homo heidelbergensis Schoetensack, 1908 - Heidelberg Man

Homo heidelbergensis

species Homo helmei Dreyer, 1935
species Homo kanamensis Leakey, 1935 - Kanam Man
species Homo luzonensis Détroit, Mijares, Corny, Daver, Zanolli, Dizon, Robles, Grün & Piper, 2019
Quaternary: Upper Pleistocene
species Homo naledi Berger et al., 2015
species Homo neanderthalensis King, 1864 - Neanderthal Man

Homo neanderthalensis

species Homo rhodesiensis Woodward, 1921 - Rhodesian Man

Homo rhodesiensis

species Homo rudolfensis (Alexeev, 1986) - Rudolf Man

Homo rudolfensis

Links and literature

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Taxa (not confirmed) - 3


extinct taxon