How to make predictions at Gold Derby, explained

Here's how to compete against legions of fans, experts and your friends to predict who'll win all Hollywood races - from the Oscars and Emmys to 'Survivor,' 'Big Brother' and other hit TV shows. Can you achieve the highest prediction accuracy scores and earn esteemed places in Gold Derby's famous leaderboards?

Register for a free account

1. Click Register at the top right corner of the page on a desktop computer.

gold derby predictions instructions


On mobile devices, click the three gold bars to have the menu pop out. There you'll find the links to register or log in

mobile site gold derby register

2. Sign up with your Facebook, Google, or Twitter account, or use any other email address you wish.

gold derby predictions instructions

Make your predictions (on desktop)

1. Once you're registered, click Make Your Predictions at the upper right-hand corner of the page. This will take you to our predictions lobby.

gold derby predictions insturctions

2. Our lobby includes every event currently active, so click on the Predict button to jump right in.

gold derby predictions instructions

3. To make your predictions in a category, click on the green plus sign (+) next to a contender in the left column to add them to your predictions in the right column. Use your mouse to drag the nominees up and down in order of their likelihood of winning. You can predict as many or as few categories as you wish, but if you want to win our predictions contests, you'll need to predict every race.

gold derby predictions instructions

4. Once you've arranged your predictions to your liking, click Save & Next to move to the next category. If you're especially confident about your prediction, you can make it a Super Bet, which means you'll get five times as many points if you're right. Those points are important because in the event of a tie for the highest percentage of correct predictions, whoever has the most points wins. You can make up to two Super Bets per event.

gold derby predictions instructions

Make your predictions (on mobile)

1. You can also place your bets using your mobile device. First download the Gold Derby app from the Android or iTunes store. Once you're in, choose the event you'd like to predict.

gold derby predictions insturctions

3. Tap the blue plus sign (+) to add a candidate to your predictions. From the list that opens, tap on the candidate you want to add and click Save and Close. You can move each selection up and down using the orange arrows on the right.

gold derby predictions instructions

gold derby predictions insturctions

4. Once you're happy with your selections, tap Save, and then you can move on to the next category by tapping Next Question.

gold derby predictions instructions

See how you did!

1. Want to see how well you've done making predictions over the years? We've got you covered there too! Click on your name in the top right corner of the home page, then click on My Scores (Featured Leagues).

gold derby predictions instructions

2. Click to Expand any award to see how you did every single year you made predictions: where you ranked and what percentage of predictions you got right. And click View for even more detail about your forecasts. Revel in your smartest bets, and learn from your mistakes (nobody's perfect, as my 2021 Grammy nominations picks make clear).

gold derby predictions instructions

gold derby predictions instructions


Read our Official Contest Rules and watch our simple and esy video tutorial

Check out Gold Derby's official contest rules here.  

BELOW: Watch our brief video full of instructions on how to operate the app and mobile site.

4 thoughts on “How to make predictions at Gold Derby, explained”

  1. I’m a senior Citizen I would like to vote on Big Brother,but I can’t I want to vote for Cynthia Bailey. Thank you

  2. Why isn’t John Early eligible for supporting actor in Search Party?

    Alia Shawkat and Meredith Hanger are listed

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