... A unit of "weight A river in Italy. . *,, A musical note. ~Tf' Proceed. '? Printer's measure; -s/ Sun God. Male -pronoun. Provided. A parent Men who leave The tip. To anger. The egg of an The egg of an An article. A household pet A ...
... a learned and capable musician with the astounding assertion that he could bring each of those giant build- Ings crashing to the ground with one simple note of music! The man who advances this fantastic conception is Theodore isendis ...
... a life-long stndy with him, and the aesthetics and the ethics of the art ... musical nute? Music is tbe creation of man. The sculptor finds that nature ... note well enoaen, but « hat is it constiintes the note? In tha noise all ...
... A £orStiferbReproJuc If lion of PAono$rafh. * * Ruordi-- You can play your favorite phonograph records by a mere turn ... musical note has three inherent qualities — Pitch, Intensity and Character. Pitch distinguishes the high note ...
... musical instrument, Swan says, "they can entice some students to develop the skills, such as note reading, which they must know in order to enjoy playing an instrument. "Learning music basics on a computer builds up students' enthusiasm ...
... a day. Seven days a week. Nothing but news. It will be local, regional and national, and will include a certain proportion of such "soft" items as features and reviews. And although note may be taken of musical events, nary a musical note ...
... a downtown department store by shouldering his bagpipes and playing a 15 ... musical note since 1945, but only on Saturdays. Montreal provided a new ... musical note since 1945, but only on Saturdays. Montreal provided a new ...
... musical I note which they havo been hearing tills , wetk between concert numbers. Tha ex- plannllon is a simple one, however, and is not a fault in either the receiving set or the transmitter but a scheme to guide the radio audience In ...
Weather Report That Swings. By CAPPY DICK. Today's project can be a riot of fun if you can find three friends, each of whom can hold a musical note without toeing influenced by ithe other notes. The object of the stunt is for the three to ...
... a musical note. Renowned jazz singer Queen Bey gave a special presentation for Fort Scott Middle School students concerning the topics of music and mutual respect. Bey, an accomplished singer who has performed in concert halls and ...