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"Barwaha" from books.google.com
... BARWAHA, India. March 17.— (&\— Miss Nancy Miller, of Seattle. the at dore ,who is a member of that caste. •Known now under the Hindu name of Devi gharmlsta, the American-girl- eat-down- to*ar-meal-with- women of the caste after ...
"Barwaha" from books.google.com
... Barwaha was •tninsformsd. by mulll- coloireid bamUngs and fealoons adorning the roadsides. The palace grounds wore aUlaae with electric ligtUs. Two pavilions had been erected, one for thc performance of the marriage ceremonies, the ...
"Barwaha" from books.google.com
... Barwaha was transformed by multi-colored bunting and festoons adorning tho roadsides. The palace grounds wero ablaze with electric lights. Two pavilions had been erected, ono of tho performance of Hie marriage ceremonies, tho other for ...
"Barwaha" from books.google.com
... Barwaha was •tninsformsd. by mulll- coloireid bamUngs and fealoons adorning the roadsides. The palace grounds wore aUlaae with electric ligtUs. Two pavilions had been erected, one for thc performance of the marriage ceremonies, the ...
"Barwaha" from books.google.com
... Barwaha was transformed by multi-colored bunting and festoons adorning tho roadsides. The palaco grounds wore ablaze with electric lights. Two pavilions had been erected, ono of the performance of tho marriage ceremonies, the other for ...
"Barwaha" from books.google.com
... BARWAHA, India, Mar. 17,— WP) —Amid scenes of Oriental splendor, the marriage ceremony proper for Tukoji Rao, former maharajah of Iiidore, and Nancy Ann Miller of Seattle, Washington, took place late today. BARWAHA, Indik, Mar. 17.— (IP} ...
"Barwaha" from books.google.com
... Barwaha, India. Mar. 17. (AP) — Attired in costly silks and with ihe highest Vedic rites, Nancy Ann Miller of Seattle, Wash., entered upon the final ceremonies today which -would make her the Hindu bride of Tukoji Rio, former mahar ...
"Barwaha" from books.google.com
... BARWAHA, India, March 17. (A. P.) — Amid scenes of oriental splendor, the marriage ceremony proper for Tukoji Rao, former Maharajah of Indore, and Nancy Ann Miller of Seattle, Washington, took place late today. The 1'rocenKlon. The ...
"Barwaha" from books.google.com
WEDDING IS SATURDAY WIT AVERTS WRECK. i lock m to Barwaha fcri .Marriage of Converted U. S. Girl to Hindu ~ Barwaha, India, Mar. 16. CAP). ^Devi Sharmista, the former Nancy Ann Tliller of Seattle, arrived here todW^for her marriage ...
"Barwaha" from books.google.com
... ceremoney. have arrived at Barwaha. It was understood that Colonel Lambhate. senior member of the Holkar family^ will give Shar mista away In marriage as he did in the case of the maharajah's second bride. RECORD WANT ADS GET RESULTS.