The only official lecture notes provided by Kaplan Medical, USMLE Step 3 Lecture Notes 2021-2022: 2-Book Set offers case-based review with a variety of life-like cases.
The Best Review Exam-like focus on best initial diagnostic test, most accurate test, and most likely diagnosis New Urology chapter Current pharmacology updates throughout Hundreds of full-color diagnostic images Practical tips for the CCS ...
"I have not seen a more complete, concise Step 3 review" "This book is full of easy to remember mnemonics and algorithms that make studying for the Step 3 less of a chore, especially during internship.
"Targeted review from USMLE expert Conrad Fischer, MD, Master the Boards USMLE Step 2 CK delivers what you need to excel on the exam and match into the residency program you want.
The content focuses on subjects most commonly tested on the USMLE Step 3. Quick Hits, buzzwords, mnemonics, acronyms, and lists are used throughout the text. A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text and color photographs.
Covering all the topics addressed in the Step 2 exams, this study guide provides test-taking advice, reviews the crucial information, and supports key points with illustrations and tables.
- Organizes material logically and allows quick spot review using bulleted and numbered lists, as well as many tables throughout the text.Presents updated case scenarios mirroring those on the Step 3 exam to keep you abreast of changes to ...