As a woman, I am truly humbled and deeply moved by this film. I enjoyed it even more than I'd hoped. It tells the story of a fierce, bold woman's tireless work to advocate for female rights. Watching this movie, I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like for me to live in a time where I did not have (nearly) the same rights as a man. Even as a 23 year old woman living in America, I have experienced sexism and the negative impacts of a patriarchal society throughout my entire life. I have felt the consequences of being a woman in a man's world since I was a young girl; discrepancies in respect, power, rights. It is more than emotional, it is more than intellectual: my phsyical rights. So many times I have been aware of how my situation would be better, if I were simply a man. I am indebted and thankful for the hard work of Gloria Steinem and her peers for shrinking that gap. While our country and world still has progress to make, I cannot imagine the deep pain and inequalities I would face daily, had it not been for Gloria's hard work and the feminist movement. Thank you.