This episode 7 of season 3 of "American Crime Story: Impeachment" called "The Assassination of Monica Lewinsky" was by far one of the better one's of this season. As it's so special as for the first time the news media breaks the story and the news about Bill and Monica's affair! Plus we see the sharks from the right out to get Bill, and plus the depositions and interviews that President Bill Jeff gives in which he denies everything as his pride is to much to give up. And interesting was seeing how political advisor Dick Morris advised him, as it never ends with Paula Jones and other ladies still making claims and not backing down. Finally towards the end for one of the first times in the series we see Hillary(the great Edie Falco) as now Mrs. Clinton must believe Bill like a trophy wife and look the other way and come full circle and stand by her man. Excellent episode that sets up for a final three that should be super, great, and excellent.