How to Find Your Default Gateway IP Address

Find your default gateway IP address on any device

Knowing the IP address of the default gateway (usually a router) on a home or business network is important information to successfully troubleshoot a network problem or gain access to the router's web-based management. In most cases, the default gateway IP address is the private IP address assigned to the router. This is the address that the router uses to communicate with a local home network.

Instructions in this article apply to Windows 10 through Windows XP. There are also directions for macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.

How to Find Your Default Gateway IP Address in Windows

The default gateway IP address is stored in the Windows network settings, and it shouldn't take more than a few minutes to locate it.

These instructions find the default gateway IP address on wired and wireless home and small business networks. Larger networks, with more than a single router and simple network hubs, may have more than one gateway and more complicated routing.

  1. Open Control Panel, accessible from the Start menu in most versions of Windows.

    To shorten this process on Windows 10 or 8.1, select WIN+X to open the Power User menu, and select Network Connections. Then, skip to Step 4 (Windows 10) or Step 5 (Windows 8).

  2. Select Network and Internet. In Windows XP, select Network and Internet Connections.

    Network and Internet in Control Panel

    If the Control Panel view is set to Large icons, Small icons, or Classic View, select Network and Sharing Center, then go to Step 4. In Windows XP, select Network Connections and skip to Step 5.

  3. In the Network and Internet window, select Network and Sharing Center. In Windows XP, select Network Connections and skip to Step 5.

    Network and Sharing Center
  4. Select Change adapter options. In Windows 8 and 7, choose Change adapter settings. In Windows Vista, select Manage network connections.

    Change adapter settings link in Network and Sharing Center
  5. Locate the network connection for the default gateway IP. On most Windows computers, a wired network connection is labeled as Ethernet or Local Area Connection, a wireless network connection is labeled as Wi-Fi or Wireless Network Connection.

    Windows can connect to multiple networks at the same time, so there may be several connections. If the network connection is working, exclude any connection that is not connected or disabled. To determine which connection to use, go to Details view and note the information in the Connectivity column.

  6. Double-click the network connection to open a status dialog box.

    If Properties, Devices and Printers, another window, or a notification appears, the network connection does not have a status, meaning it's not connected to a network or the internet. Go to Step 5 and look for a different connection.

  7. Select Details. In Windows XP, go to the Support tab, then select Details.

    Details button in Ethernet0 Status window
  8. In the Property column, locate IPv4 Default Gateway, IPv6 Default Gateway, or Default Gateway, depending on the network type.

    IPv4 Default Gateway section in Ethernet0 Status
  9. The default gateway IP address being used by Windows appears in the Value column.

    If no IP address is listed, the connection you chose in Step 5 may not be the one Windows is using to connect to the internet. Go back to Step 5 and choose another connection.

  10. Make a note of the IP address. You can now use it to troubleshoot a connection problem, to access the router, or perform other tasks.

How to Find Your Default Gateway IP Address Via IPCONFIG

The ipconfig command is a quick way to find the default gateway IP address. Use this method if you're experienced working with commands in Windows.

  1. Open Command Prompt.

  2. Enter ipconfig and select Enter.

  3. Go to the Default Gateway entry to find the IP address.

    ipconfig command in Command Prompt, with Default Gateway result

Here's an example result where the default gateway for the Ethernet connection is listed as

 Ethernet adapter Ethernet:
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . : lan
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

If this is too much information, enter ipconfig | findstr "Default Gateway" and select Enter. This trims down the data that's returned in Command Prompt. However, this method is only helpful if you have one active connection, since multiple connections would show the default gateways with no more context on what connection they apply to.

ipdonfic | findstr "Default Gateway" command in Command Prompt with Default Gateway result

How to Find Your Default Gateway on a Mac or Linux PC

On macOS, there are two ways to find the default gateway: through a graphical program and using the command line.

The easiest way is through System Preferences. Select Network, choose the network connection you're using, then choose Advanced. Select the TCP/IP tab and locate the IP address next to Router.

Router address in macOS Network System Preferences

Another way is to use the netstat command. Open a terminal, type this, and then select Enter:

 netstat -nr | grep default
netstat command in Terminal in macOS with default result

To display the default gateway IP on most Linux-based computers, enter this in a terminal window:

 ip route | grep default

How to Locate the Default Gateway on iPhone or Android

On an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > Wi-Fi and tap the small (i) next to the network you're connected to. Next to Router is the default gateway.

Wi-Fi, Info, and Router information screens in iOS Settings

Directions for Android depends on the version. See TuneComp's website for specific details, or try these general steps: swipe down from the top of the screen and press-and-hold Internet, or the Wi-Fi icon. Then, tap the settings icon next to the network and read the address next to Gateway (you might need to open an Advanced menu on some devices).

Use Default IP Address Assigned by Router Maker

Unless you've changed the router's IP address, or your computer connects directly to a modem to access the internet, the default gateway IP address used by your computer and other devices will never change.

If you can't locate the default gateway, use the default IP address assigned by your router maker, which probably hasn't changed. Check out our updated Linksys default password list, D-Link default password list, Cisco default password list, and NETGEAR default password list to find the default password for your router.


  • How do I change my IP address?

    To change your IP address in Windows, go to Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change adapter options > Wi-Fi > Properties > Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). On a Mac, go to System Preferences > Network, choose a network, and select Advanced. Then, go to the TCP/IP tab and select Manually.

  • How do I hide my IP address?

    To hide your IP address from websites, use a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN allows you to choose an IP address in another country. That way, you can access content blocked in certain regions, and no one can trace your internet history.

  • How do I find a website's IP address?

    If you want to find a website's IP address, you can use the Ping command, or use a website like WHO.IS or

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