ABCMouse - Early Learning Academy |
(Access available only inside library) Fun, colorful educational games and learning activities for kids ages 2-6. |
Test Prep & Education |
ABCMouse - Early Learning Academy |
(Access available only inside library) Fun, colorful educational games and learning activities for kids ages 2-6. |
Kids & Teens |
Academics Collection |
Quickly access articles from a database of scholarly journals and other trusted periodicals. Best for academic research. |
Test Prep & Education |
African American Heritage Society of East Pasco County |
An archive of cultural, religious, and political history of African Americans in East Pasco County. |
Pasco History |
Agriculture Collection |
Access current and authoritative periodical content covering agriculture and its related fields. |
General Information |
American Revolution Reference Library |
This 4-vol. set supplies the in-depth information about the American Revolution that students and researchers need for class assignments and reports. |
History & World |
Archives Unbound |
Gain access to rare primary source documents with these topically focused digital collections. Supports academic research. |
History & World |
Archives Unbound |
Gain access to rare primary source documents with these topically focused digital collections. Supports academic research. |
Test Prep & Education |
Arts and Humanities Through the Eras |
Profiling milestones and movements in the arts, literature, music and religion from a specific period, each volume in this set helps students and researchers understand the various disciplines of the humanities in relation to each other, as well as to history and culture. |
History & World |
AtoZdatabases |
Business resource with industry and company information. |
Business & Career |
AtoZdatabases en Español |
Recurso empresarial con información de la industria y la empresa. |
En Espanol |
Ballotpedia |
A wide variety of campaign and political information at the local level, and a weekly newsletter with political news & updates. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Books and Authors |
Answer the age-old question, 'What do I read next?' Search and match reading interests to books, authors, genres, or topics. |
General Information |
Business Collection |
Understand the activities of companies and industries worldwide through leading business and trade publications. Updated daily. |
Business & Career |
Business Economics and Theory |
Discover content useful for starting a business, marketing a product, developing policy, analyzing trends, and more. |
Business & Career |
Business Entrepreneurship |
Analyze business insights, tips, strategies, and success stories. Updated daily. Best for business schools and entrepreneurs. |
Business & Career |
Business Entrepreneurship: Small Business |
Learn how to start, finance, or manage your small business. Includes sample business plans, how to guides, articles, and more. |
Business & Career |
Business Insights |
Research global companies and industries with in-depth analysis through current news, statistical data, and comprehensive reports. |
Business & Career |
Business Plans Handbook Series |
Search hundreds of actual business plans compiled by entrepreneurs seeking funding for small businesses throughout North America. Includes templates, fictional business plans, and a listing of organizations, agencies, and consultants. |
Business & Career |
C-SPAN Video Library |
Historical content includes debates, speeches, rallies, and more - just about everything that has ever aired on C-SPAN - updated daily. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Can I Vote? |
Find information about U.S. elections in all 50 states, such as deadlines & guidelines, and polling locations & the identification needed for it. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Career Preparation |
Resources and preparations for starting a new career or advancing in a current field. |
Business & Career |
Checks and Balances: The Three Branches of the American Government |
Presents easy to understand information about the inner workings of the federal government. For student and general audiences. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Civil War Sources in U.S. History Online |
Digital archive which includes firsthand accounts and photographs. |
History & World |
College Admissions Test Preparation |
Prepare for important exams like the ACT, SAT, AP Test, and more. |
Test Prep & Education |
Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) |
A nonpartisan corporation sponsoring/organizing debates for presidential candidates; histories back to 1858. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Communications and Mass Media |
Search millions of articles covering all aspects of communications, including advertising, public relations, and more. |
General Information |
Communications and Mass Media |
Search millions of articles covering all aspects of communications, including advertising, public relations, and more. |
Business & Career |
Crime and Punishment in America Reference Library |
A reference ebook covering many aspects of the American criminal justice system. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Criminal Justice Collection |
Comprehensive periodical content for researchers studying law, law enforcement, forensic science, terrorism, and more. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Criminal Justice Collection |
Comprehensive periodical content for researchers studying law, law enforcement, forensic science, terrorism, and more. |
Test Prep & Education |
Culinary Arts Collection |
Find a variety of information from major cooking and nutrition magazines as well as key reference titles. |
General Information |
Demographics Now Library Edition |
Connect with a wealth of highly detailed demographic data on more than 24 million U.S. businesses and 206 million consumers. Easily and rapidly produce a variety of both standard and custom reports to help make informed decisions. |
Business & Career | |
Get comfortable using technology: learn the basic skills you need to make technology work for you. |
Test Prep & Education |
Diversity Studies Collection |
Access a range of periodical content to explore cultural differences, contributions, and influences in the global community. |
Test Prep & Education |
The Digital Public Library of America provides access to primary and secondary online resources held by America’s libraries, archives, museums and other cultural heritage organizations. |
Genealogy |
Education: Middle School Edition |
Explore the most-studied topics including cultures, government, people, history, literature, and more. |
Kids & Teens |
Education: High School Edition |
Database geared for teens and their research needs. |
Kids & Teens |
Educator's Reference Complete |
Gain insight on issues in administration, funding, and policy. Best for educators, administrators, and education students. |
Test Prep & Education |
Employ Florida Market Place |
Employ Florida Marketplace is your one-stop online resource for job listings, education and training opportunities, career building assistance and much more. |
Business & Career |
Encyclopedia of African American Culture & History |
African-American experience from 1619-present. |
History & World |
Environmental Studies and Policy |
Investigate environmental issues with diverse perspectives from the scientific community, policymakers, and corporate interests. |
General Information |
ERIC: Institute of Education Sciences: |
A database of all things education maintained by the US Department of Education. |
Test Prep & Education |
Exhibition of Anderson House |
Read an extended historical narrative of the Anderson family’s move to Elfers area, and Charles B. Anderson’s impact on the Florida citrus industry. Also, explore a gallery of photographs and documents provided by the Anderson and Kuenzi families or found through archival research. |
Pasco History |
Family Law |
Get Family Law Forms from the Florida Courts website. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Fashion, Costume, and Culture |
Broad overview of costume traditions from diverse cultures. |
History & World |
Federal Register |
The official daily publication of presidential documents and rules and notices from Federal agencies. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Find A Grave |
Search and add to an online database of cemetary and memorial records, including Pasco County locations. |
Pasco History |
Fine Arts Collection |
Search millions of articles about drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. Diverse resource for serious fine arts students. |
Test Prep & Education |
Fivay |
Various articles on the history of Pasco County through Fivay. |
Pasco History |
Flipster |
Free digital magazine service for our patrons providing access to popular magazines. |
Newspapers & Magazines |
Florida Classroom Collection |
Help for educators, and showcase of collaborative projects between State Library and Archives of Florida & Florida schools. |
History & World |
Florida Courts |
Connect with supreme, circuit, county, and district courts in Florida- find information about services as well as publications and statistics. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Florida Digital Newspaper Library |
Access news and history of Florida Newspapers, including the Dade City Banner. |
Pasco History |
Florida Driving Practice Tests |
Free DMV practice tests, in partnership with |
Test Prep & Education |
Florida Free Legal Answers |
Gives low-income Floridians a way to get their legal questions answered by a licensed attorney free of charge. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Florida Government Information | is the official portal of the state of Florida- information for visitors, residents, and businesses. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Florida Gravestones |
Access an archive of Florida gravestone photos, including Pasco County cemeteries. |
Pasco History |
Florida Memory |
Discover online collections of primary source materials from the State Archives of Florida and the State Library of Florida through this digital outreach program. |
Pasco History |
Florida Newspaper Database |
Florida-specific articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals. |
Pasco History |
Florida Newspaper Database |
Florida-specific articles from newspapers, magazines, and journals. |
Newspapers & Magazines |
Florida Photographic Collection |
This photo collection is part of the Florida Memory Project, and contains a variety of historical and contemporary images. |
History & World |
Gale eBooks (Virtual Reference Library) |
Explore this database of encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform. For multidisciplinary research. |
General Information |
Gale eBooks (Virtual Reference Library) |
Explore this database of encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform. For multidisciplinary research. |
Test Prep & Education |
Gale Literary Index |
Search this digital master index to find coverage of authors and works in products published by Gale. |
General Information |
Gale Literary Index |
Search this digital master index to find coverage of authors and works in products published by Gale. |
Test Prep & Education |
Gale Power Search |
Gale PowerSearch is a search platform unlike any other, providing libraries with a sophisticated yet simple solution for managing a wealth of periodical, reference, multimedia and primary source information. |
General Information |
Gale Power Search |
Gale PowerSearch is a search platform unlike any other, providing libraries with a sophisticated yet simple solution for managing a wealth of periodical, reference, multimedia and primary source information. |
Newspapers & Magazines |
Gale Primary Sources |
Gale Primary Sources is an integrated research environment that allows users to search across all of their Gale primary source collections. Gale Primary Sources takes users beyond a simple search and retrieve workflow, allowing them to analyze content using frequency and term-relationship tools. Through intuitive subject-indexing users will discover new material even in the most familiar of content sets. |
General Information |
Gale Primary Sources |
Gale Primary Sources is an integrated research environment that allows users to search across all of their Gale primary source collections. Gale Primary Sources takes users beyond a simple search and retrieve workflow, allowing them to analyze content using frequency and term-relationship tools. Through intuitive subject-indexing users will discover new material even in the most familiar of content sets. |
Test Prep & Education |
Gardening and Horticulture |
Find millions of articles on the practical and scientific aspects of horticulture studies. For all horticultural enthusiasts. |
General Information |
GCF LearnFree |
Crucial career and life skills: technology, math and reading, English as a second language, etc. |
Test Prep & Education |
Gender Studies Collection |
Discover balanced coverage of topics related to gender studies, family and marital issues, and more. |
Test Prep & Education |
General OneFile Collection |
Access general interest magazines and key serials in a single resource. Best for general research. |
General Information |
General OneFile Collection |
Access general interest magazines and key serials in a single resource. Best for general research. |
Newspapers & Magazines |
Health and Wellness Collection |
Search a full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to alternative medical practices. |
Health & Medicine |
HeritageQuest |
For genealogical research. |
Genealogy |
Historical Marker Database |
Search for Pasco County's historical markers by entering 'Pasco County' in the search bar. |
Pasco History |
History in Dispute |
History in Dispute addresses heavily debated questions by offering users different critical perspectives on major historical events, drawn from all time periods and from all parts of the globe. |
History & World |
Home Improvement Collection |
Search home improvement topics such as architectural techniques, tool and material selection, zoning requirements, and more. |
General Information |
Hospitality and Tourism Collection |
Discover well-rounded coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism industries. |
General Information |
Information Science (Technology) Collection |
Access articles covering all aspects of managing and maintaining information and technology. Updated daily. |
Test Prep & Education |
Informe Académico |
Una colección de revistas hispánicas en texto completo. Abarca negocios, salud, tecnología, cultura, actualidades y otras materias. Search across full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines from and about Latin America. |
En Espanol |
Insurance and Liability |
Discover information about physical and intellectual asset protection, from individuals to multinational corporations. |
Business & Career |
Leadership and Management |
Search authoritative periodical content covering topics like organizational dynamics, adult learning, and more. Updated daily. |
Business & Career |
League of Women Voters |
A nonpartisan political organization, with its national office in Washington, DC, and local and state Leagues in all 50 states, DC, & USVI. |
Law, Government & Voting |
League of Women Voters Florida |
Helping Florida voters, with news, issues, events, and a helpful page |
Law, Government & Voting |
Learning Express |
(EBSCO Learning) Recursos Para Hispanohablantes, y GED® en Español. |
En Espanol |
Learning Express |
(EBSCO Learning) Career and college preparation, GED Center, School Admissions Testing Adult core skills, and much more. |
Test Prep & Education |
Litfinder |
Access literary works and authors throughout history, including full-text poems, plays, short stories, speeches, and more. |
History & World |
Litfinder |
Access literary works and authors throughout history, including full-text poems, plays, short stories, speeches, and more. |
Test Prep & Education |
MEDLine Plus |
Brought to you by the US National Library of Medicine, easy to understand information about common health topics. |
Health & Medicine |
MedlinePlus en Español |
Encuentre artículos e información acerca de temas de salud comunes. Incluye información sobre enfermedades y medicinas. |
En Espanol |
MEDLine Plus en Español |
Encuentre artículos e información acerca de temas de salud comunes. Incluye información sobre enfermedades y medicinas. |
Health & Medicine |
Merck Manuals |
Medical information resources for both medical professionals and consumers. The manuals are created by medical experts worldwide and are editorially independent from Merck & Co. |
Health & Medicine |
Merck Veterinary Manual |
Animal health information for students and practicing veterinarians. |
Health & Medicine |
Military and Intelligence |
Search scholarly journals, magazines, and reports covering all aspects of past and present military affairs. Updated daily. |
History & World |
MLA(Medical Library Association) |
For Health Consumers and Patients: MLA Top Health Website. |
Health & Medicine |
National Career Development Association |
Professional development, publications, standards, and advocacy to practitioners and educators. |
Business & Career |
Newsbank |
Newsbank provides a multitude of sources for reliable information. Access current and archived records from Tampa Bay Times and News Magazines like The Atlantic, National Review, and more |
Newspapers & Magazines |
Newsbank |
Newsbank provides a multitude of sources for reliable information. Access current and archived records from Tampa Bay Times and News Magazines like The Atlantic, National Review, and more |
General Information |
Nursing and Allied Health |
Research full-text titles cited in CINAHL and other resources to support specialized care, treatment, and patient management. |
Health & Medicine |
O*Net Dictionary of Occupational Titles |
Career exploration resource which includes job descriptions and requirements. |
Business & Career |
Occupational Outlook Handbook |
U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics resource on occupations, trends, job descriptions and pay ranges. |
Business & Career |
OER Commons |
A public digital library of free open educations resources. View resources for all ages from Preschool to Adult Educational levels. |
Test Prep & Education |
OpenSecrets |
From nonpartisan group Center for Responsive Politics, search campaign finance data, lobbying, interest groups and political action committees (PACs). |
Law, Government & Voting |
Pasco County Clerk of the Circuit Court |
Get information about legal and financial processes in Pasco County- passports, property sales, marriage licenses, etc. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Pasco National Register of Historic Places |
View the National Register of Historic Places listings in Pasco County on Wikipedia. |
Pasco History |
Pasco Votes |
All the information and resources you need to vote in Florida elections. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Peterson's Career Prep |
Learn about careers, receive personalized recommendations, create resumes, search for jobs and schools, and get career advice. |
Business & Career |
Peterson's Master the GED® Test 2014 |
Test-prep strategies and review materal for the high school equivalency diploma test. |
Test Prep & Education |
Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine |
Access academic journals and magazines covering the fields of physical therapy, physical fitness, and sports medicine. |
Health & Medicine |
Political Ad Archive |
Started in 2016 by founders of the Internet Archive, browse and view TV advertisements by specific candidates, with resources for fact-checking. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Politwoops |
Deleted tweets, once published, by local, national, and presidential candidates. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Pop Culture Studies |
Access scholarly journals and magazines that both analyze and contribute to popular culture. |
General Information |
Popular Magazines |
Access the most searched magazines across Gale OneFile focusing on current events, sports, science, and health issues (note: Images not included). |
Newspapers & Magazines |
Psychology Collection |
Find authoritative periodical content supporting research in all fields of psychology. |
General Information |
Psychology Collection |
Find authoritative periodical content supporting research in all fields of psychology. |
Health & Medicine |
Quotations Search |
The 120,000 most authoratative quotations on the web, with 50,000 other short selections. |
General Information |
RealClearPolitics |
A daily roundup of poll results from multiple polling sources, including opinions, news, analysis, video and poll commentaries. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Religion & Philosophy |
Research the impact of religion on culture throughout history, including literature, arts, and language. Updated daily. |
General Information |
Religion & Philosophy |
Research the impact of religion on culture throughout history, including literature, arts, and language. Updated daily. |
Test Prep & Education |
Robert's Rules of Order |
A general set of rules for organizing societies (groups, parliaments, organizations, etc.) and their meetings. |
General Information |
Sage Knowledge |
Access to the premier social sciences platform for SAGE and CQ Press book, reference, and video content. |
Test Prep & Education |
Science Collection |
Access information on the latest developments across a range of scientific disciplines. Updated daily. |
Test Prep & Education |
Sixth Judicial Court of Florida - Pasco/Pinellas |
Get information and answer questions about local courts- civil, criminal and family courts. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Small Business Resource Center |
Covers all aspects of starting and owning a small business. You'll find recent articles and business plans. |
Business & Career |
State Library of Florida |
A vast archives of published history of Florida including Pasco County. |
Pasco History |
Storyline Online |
The SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Daytime Emmy®-nominated and award-winning children’s literacy website, Storyline Online®, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. |
Kids & Teens |
Sunlight Foundation |
Making government & politics more accountable & transparent, to enable citizens with more complete,equitable & effective democratic participation. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Tampa Bay Times Collection |
Explore Tampa history through local news, events, and people with Tampa Bay Times Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online. |
Newspapers & Magazines |
Tech Life Unity (formerly Tech Boomers) |
Tutorials on social media tools, familiar websites, and computer basics. |
Test Prep & Education |
Thomas Net: US Companies and Products |
Find suppliers, distributors, and businesses for your business needs. Also, a great job hunt resource. |
Business & Career |
The Congressional Record |
The official record of the proceedings and debates of the US Congress- published daily when Congress is in session. |
Law, Government & Voting |
TumbleBooks |
A collection of animated books for kids to view & read along online! No downloads required. |
Kids & Teens |
U.S. Election Assistance Commission |
Helpful voter information, and access to surveys & studies on U.S. elections along with the National Voter Registration Act. |
Law, Government & Voting |
U.S. History Collection |
Search balanced coverage of events in U.S. history. Best for novice historians and academic researchers. Updated daily. |
History & World |
Value Line |
Smart Research; Smart Investing. |
Business & Career |
Vocations and Careers Collection |
Research a vocation, find an appropriate institution of learning, and get assistance on job searches and maintaining a career. |
Business & Career |
VoteSmart |
A one-stop resource providing factual and unbiased information on elections, candidates, and elected officials both locally and nationally. |
Law, Government & Voting |
Wall Street Journal (ProQuest) |
Contains newspaper articles on a broad range of topics. (note: Images not included). |
Newspapers & Magazines |
War and Terrorism Collection |
Gain valuable insight into conflicts and their causes, impact, and perception on a global scale. |
History & World |
West Pasco Historical Society |
The West Pasco Historical Society preserves the history of the local community through their museum, library, historical records and other methods. |
Pasco History |
Wonderopolis |
Wonderopolis is an informational site that helps kids ask and answer interesting questions about the world. |
Kids & Teens |
World Factbook |
This resource from the CIA contains comprehensive information on countries and organizations. |
History & World |
World History Collection |
Access balanced coverage of events in world history and scholarly work being established in the field. |
History & World |