A Sun-Saturn alignment in Pisces this morning sets a serious tone for the day. This isn’t the easiest of astrological transits, but it isn’t a bad one, either; it simply demands a bit of discipline from you. If you’ve been procrastinating or trying to avoid your responsibilities lately, it’s likely to come back to haunt you, but with patience and hard work, you’ll also be given the chance now to set things right.
Aries Daily Horoscope
Usually, if you’re irritated or sad or angry, you know exactly why — and because of that, you can identify solutions relatively easily. Today, though, the source of your dissatisfaction may be uncomfortably vague, but try to resist the temptation to look for someone to blame. Instead of putting the responsibility on others, dig deeper into your own feelings to figure out what you truly need to be happy.
Taurus Daily Horoscope
As nice as it would be to have total control over who gets to be in your life, the truth is you rarely get as much say as you like. From co-workers to neighbors, there are plenty of people you have to deal with whom you’d never have chosen for yourself. This may be particularly irritating today — but if you can get past your annoyance, it might be rewarding, too. Sometimes a chance comment from an unexpected person can help you to see your life more clearly and remember what you truly want.
Gemini Daily Horoscope
In your ideal world, you would never have to turn down any opportunities because you’d have the time and energy to do it all. You wouldn’t have to wonder about the roads not taken because you’d have a chance to experience all possibilities. But in the real world, you have to prioritize. Sometimes, this frustrates you, but today, try to stop struggling against the constraints and instead embrace them. Working within your limitations will help you to clarify what truly matters.
Cancer Daily Horoscope
It’s important to recall that you don’t owe anybody forgiveness. Even if they apologize and work hard to make amends, it’s up to you to decide how to proceed. Just remember that at a certain point, holding grudges only keeps you stuck in the past and prevents you from moving on with your life. That doesn’t mean you’re obligated to let bygones be bygones, but today, at least allow for the possibility of growth — not just for the other person’s sake but for yours.
Leo Daily Horoscope
Lately, you may feel a great deal of pressure to come up with definitive answers to all the big questions. It isn’t enough to take life as it comes — you want to know where you’re headed and why, to be clear on your goals and how you’ll achieve them. But, realistically speaking, that’s a tall order; today, forgive yourself for not knowing everything. The bigger and more complex your life is, the more uncertainty there will be. That’s not a bad thing, so try to embrace it.
Virgo Daily Horoscope
Even your most solid relationships may be difficult to navigate today. The differences of opinion you would usually brush off suddenly demand your attention, and any unmet emotional needs become impossible to ignore. It may be tempting to lash out — or, at the opposite extreme, to suppress your feelings — but the best thing to do is have a serious discussion about how you’re feeling. No two people are perfectly in sync 100 percent of the time, and no matter how much somebody loves you, they can’t give you what you need unless you tell them what that is.
Libra Daily Horoscope
Sometimes when you look around, it seems as if everyone else is having a better time than you are. You get the impression that while you toil thanklessly, stuck in a rut, your friends are all out experiencing romance and adventure. You don’t mind working hard, but it’s frustrating to feel like the unglamorous tasks always fall to you. But keep at it — at least for now. If you stay consistent and disciplined a bit longer, you’ll get your own chance for excitement soon enough.
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
You’ve got big ideas, but you’re also pragmatic — you know what you’re good at, and you would rather play to your strengths than waste your time on impossible dreams. But sometimes, you hold yourself back by relying too heavily on your gifts. Today, remember that consistent effort can take you just as far as, perhaps even further than, innate talent. It’s possible to cultivate new skills and go beyond what you thought you were capable of as long as you’re willing to put in the work.
Sagittarius Daily Horoscope
With your adventurous nature, you’re constantly looking outward and envisioning new horizons. Sometimes, though, this means you’re left without the time or the energy to make sure all is well at home — eventually, the cracks will start to show. If you have been taking your closest relationships for granted, neglecting your living space, or suppressing your feelings, spend some time today to set things right. A little care and effort now will go a long way toward rebuilding a strong foundation.
Capricorn Daily Horoscope
In general, you try not to worry about the small stuff — rather than squandering all your energy on insignificant details, you tend to save it for the big opportunities. Today, though, it’s likely the seemingly unimportant moments will have the greatest potential to change your life. Casual encounters could end up opening new doors, bringing you much closer to your goals than you thought possible. Don’t assume that any task (or person) is beneath you; the little things add up.
Aquarius Daily Horoscope
Some people always seem to stick with the pack, afraid of what might happen if they set out on their own. You, in contrast, probably prefer to act as an individual — you have faith in yourself, and you aren’t reliant on the support or approval of others. Occasionally, though, this attitude leads to loneliness, so remember that connecting with your community doesn’t mean relinquishing your freedom. If you devote time to your relationships today, you’ll be rewarded down the line.
Pisces Daily Horoscope
You hardly expect your friends to be perfect. You understand that they’ll make mistakes and accidentally hurt you sometimes, but then they’ll apologize and learn to do better. What can be harder for you to remember is that you’re allowed to love yourself through your imperfections, too. There’s no reason to withhold all self-compassion until you’ve reached some invented milestone or fixed all your perceived flaws — you deserve to care for yourself right now.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.