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Robert Conquest was former communist who became a speechwriter for Margaret Thatcher. Photograph: Robert Gumpert/NP Pictures
Robert Conquest was a former communist who became a speechwriter for Margaret Thatcher. Photograph: Robert Gumpert/NP Pictures
Robert Conquest was a former communist who became a speechwriter for Margaret Thatcher. Photograph: Robert Gumpert/NP Pictures

Robert Conquest obituary

This article is more than 9 years old
Historian and poet who exposed the full extent of Stalin’s terror during the Soviet era

Among the western historians of the Soviet Union, Robert Conquest, who has died aged 98, had a unique place. In 1989-90 his account of the terror of the 1930s was translated and published in a Soviet journal. At the same time, a half-dozen other Soviet journals were publishing translated material from Conquest’s other books. He was not the first to describe the extent and workings of the Stalin tyranny, but he did so in fine detail. He had become, for a broad Russian readership, the man who told the truth about the terror, and Stalin’s murderous tyranny.

The Great Terror (1968) undermined the “official” Soviet story of conspiracy and treason. Conquest placed the murder in 1934 of the Leningrad party boss, Sergei Kirov, as the key to the mechanism of terror. He returned to this in Stalin and the Kirov Murder (1989), though no smoking-gun evidence has yet been found to confirm Stalin’s role.

Conquest demonstrated that the show trials of old Bolsheviks were the product of faked evidence, torture, blackmail, threats and deceit. He explained in carefully documented detail the mechanism of the arrests, interrogations – the “conveyor” of continuous interrogation, denial of food and sleep, and extreme physical abuse – and the mechanics of the trials.

He was less persuasive explaining why the terror was created, falling back on Stalin’s motivation, his unquenched drive for absolute power. Critics have continued to challenge Conquest’s view, elaborated in Stalin: Breaker of Nations (1991), that in the last analysis the purge depended upon the personal and political drives of Stalin alone. The Great Terror, with revised editions in 1990 and 2007, remains Conquest’s major work, in measure endorsed by the flood of revelations that followed the opening of the Soviet archives in the 90s.

Further studies deepened his account of the terror. Kolyma: The Arctic Death Camps (1978) and his history of the collectivisation of agriculture, The Harvest of Sorrow (1986), were forensically argued investigations of aspects of Soviet life that had been denied or ignored by myopic western commentators.

Conquest was an ex-communist and former Labour supporter who became a speechwriter for Margaret Thatcher and went on to testify before the US Senate subcommittee on national sec urity. His brisk contributions to cold war foreign policy appeared in Present Danger (1979). All this made him a welcome presence in the richly endowed circuit of conservative thinktanks. From 1981 his academic perch was as senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution, at Stanford University, California.

He was a vigorous polemicist, arguing on numerous occasions (perhaps a few times more than was strictly necessary) the many failings of socialist and Marxist thought, as in Where Marx Went Wrong (1970). He later called Marxism a “misleading mental addiction”. Conquest was seldom happier than when refuting western admirers of the Soviet Union, such as EH Carr and Eric Hobsbawm, but often seemed to be addressing audiences who needed little by way of nuance or documentation.

His work makes references to “some circles” and their grievous misunderstandings, and much worse, needs proper sourcing of quotations. But Conquest rather grew out of that kind of thing after the fall of the Soviet Union. In the footsteps of Stalin’s purge prosecutor, he could be a proper little Vyshinsky when dealing with fellow travellers.

Robert was born in Malvern, Worcestershire, to Rosamund (nee Acworth) and Robert Sr, a well-to-do Virginian. His parents lived in San Remo on the Italian Riviera during his childhood, and Italian and French were spoken at home. Educated at Winchester college, Robert won an exhibition to Magdalen College, Oxford, later completing a doctorate in Soviet history. With a twinkle in his eyes, he enjoyed the paradox of having joined the Carlton Club and the Communist party in the same term at Oxford. When the Communist party in Britain denounced the war in 1939 as imperialist and capitalist, Conquest broke with it and enlisted in the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry.

In 1943 he was posted to the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, London, for a crash course in Bulgarian. He found Russian considerably harder to master, but was posted as a liaison officer attached to Bulgarian forces serving with the Soviet third Ukrainian front. After demobilisation Conquest joined the Foreign Office, and returned to the British delegation in Sofia. Whatever sympathy he might have felt for the Soviet Union was swept aside by the ruthless communist takeover of Bulgaria in 1946.

Back in London, Conquest was recruited for a new secret Foreign Office operation, blandly called the Information Research Department, designed to counter Soviet propaganda. Conquest’s assistant, Celia Kirwan (later Celia Goodman), approached George Orwell for information to help identify Soviet sympathisers. Orwell’s list, discovered after her death in 2002 by her daughter, included Guardian and Observer journalists, as well as Carr and Charlie Chaplin.

Conquest became a research fellow at the London School of Economics in 1956; several other university posts in the US followed. The publication of his first volume of verse, Poems (1955), was followed by New Lines (1956), an influential anthology of verse by younger poets, edited by Conquest. What appealed to him was that the new spirit in poetry submitted to no great system of theoretical constructs. It was bluff, and very English. New Lines brought him into contact with Kingsley Amis and Philip Larkin, who remained close friends for decades.

Amis was in Swansea, Larkin in Hull, and Conquest, enjoying the good life in London, provided a place to stay for their occasional visits to the capital. He also sent Larkin judicious selections of the latest pornography. When Larkin came down to London, Conquest took him on shopping trips to the Soho porn shops.

He provided accommodation when Amis came to town for a liaison, and shared Amis’s taste for science fiction. (Conquest, a “rocket buff”, had been a member of the British Interplanetary Society since the 40s.) The two writers jointly edited Spectrum, five anthologies of new sci-fi writing from 1961. He also proposed to Amis the idea of a collaboration based on a draft comic novel which Conquest had completed. Revised by Amis, it appeared under both their names as The Egyptologists (1965).

A reviewer in the New York Times felt that their “elaborate little jokes leave an unpleasant taste”. Conquest also shared with Amis and Larkin an enthusiasm for bawdy limericks. Larkin particularly admired Conquest’s genius at the intricacies of the form.

Conquest was invited to talk about Russian foreign policy with Thatcher while she was in opposition, and helped sharpen up her Iron Lady speeches. He introduced Amis to her: “I thought her bright,” Amis wrote to Larkin in 1977, “and tough and nice, and by God she doesn’t half hate lefties.” Larkin shared his robust political enthusiasms with Conquest: “Fuck the students … fuck the Common Market … Hurray for Ian Smith, Ian Paisley …”

A dual national by birth (his mother was British), Conquest moved comfortably in the “Anglosphere”, and was bestowed with honours, most notably the US Presidential medal of freedom in 2005. He joined Aretha Franklin and Muhammad Ali, as they waited to be introduced to President George Bush. He was appointed OBE in 1955 and CMG in 1996.

Conquest’s first three marriages – to Joan Watkins, Tatiana Mihailova, and Caroleen Macfarlane – ended in divorce. He is survived by his fourth wife, Elizabeth Neece, whom he married in 1979, and by the two sons of his first marriage.

George Robert Acworth Conquest, historian and poet, born 15 July 1917; died 3 August 2015

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