There’s no better way to start your morning than by trying to remember which Martin Scorsese movies John C. Reilly has appeared in — and now Vulture is providing that experience to you nine times a day, five days a week. (Well, not that exact experience; that wouldn’t be much of a game.)
We’re pleased to introduce our new Cinematrix, a grid-game-style movie trivia romp that we hope will join the 10x10 crossword puzzle as an essential part of your daily gaming regimen. Here’s how it looks:
Each weekday, the Cinematrix will have new clues along the top and side. Your goal is to identify a movie for each of the nine squares that satisfies the two intersecting clues, with the number of possible answers ranging from a few (Melissa McCarthy movies directed by Paul Feig) to dozens (Samuel L. Jackson movies that earned more than $100 million at the box office).
You have just nine guesses to complete the grid — make a mistake, and your quest for perfection will have to wait until the following day, though you can still put up a nice score by making canny choices with your remaining picks. We were captivated by the game when we saw the Movie Grid team launch it, and now we’re excited to be working with them to bring a custom version to Vulture readers.
But that’s not the only Vulture Games news we have for you today. Alongside the launch of the Cinematrix, we’re moving the publishing time of our 10x10 to earlier in the morning. Going forward, both puzzles will be available bright and early at 5 a.m., perfect for anyone who wants to feel bright early.
To ensure you don’t miss an edition, we’ll be sending both puzzles out in a daily Vulture Games newsletter. You can sign up for it here (existing subscribers to the 10x10 alert: You’re already registered):
After that, we recommend spending time link-wandering around IMDb. Your pursuit of a nine out of nine will depend on it.