- 't Hoen, Andr� to (?), Alfonso II, Comte de Provence
- (?), Alfonso II, King of Asturias to (?), Ann
- (?), Ann to (?), Anrothan
- (?), Ansa to (?), Boleslaw I, Duke of Mazovia
- (?), Boleslaw I, King of Poland to (?), Charles IV, Duc de Lorraine
- (?), Charles IV, Roi de France to (?), Darlene
- (?), Dau� to (?), Ecgbeorht I, King of Kent
- (?), Ecgbeorht I, King of Northumbria to (?), Elizabeth
- (?), Elizabeth to (?), Elizabeth Jane
- (?), Elizabeth Maria to (?), Eve
- (?), Eve to (?), Geroldus
- (?), Geroldus to (?), Hannah
- (?), Hannah to (?), Hugues III, Roi des Francs
- (?), Hugues, Comte de Brienne et Lecce to (?), Jane
- (?), Jane to (?), Joan
- (?), Joan to (?), Kenneth
- (?), Kenneth I 'the Hardy', King of Alba to (?), Lulach 'the Fool', King of Alba
- (?), Lurena to (?), Margaret
- (?), Margaret to (?), Mary
- (?), Mary to (?), Mary
- (?), Mary to (?), Muiredach
- (?), Muiredach to (?), Paul, Jarl of Orkney
- (?), Paula to (?), Rhwyth
- (?), Riccardo to (?), Sarah
- (?), Sarah to (?), Susan
- (?), Susan to (?), Uhtred
- (?), Uhtred, Earl of Northumberland to (?), unknown wife
- (?), unknown wife to (?), Unknown Wife
- (?), Unknown Wife to (?), William, 5th Earl of Mar
- (?), William, Constable to A'Ness, Philippa Julie
- Aa, Catharina van der to Abbott, Elfrida Charlotte
- Abbott, Eliza Jane to Abbott, unknown
- Abbott, unknown to Abel Smith, Cyril Ralph
- Abel Smith, David Francis to Abercorn, Master of (Claud)
- Abercrombie, 1st Baronet (James) to Abercromby, unknown daughter
- Abercromby, unknown son to Abernethy, John, 8th Lord Saltoun of Abernethy
- Abernethy, Joneta to Abo, Ursula Isabel d'
- Abo, Zara d' to Acciaiuoli, Lapa
- Acclome, Elizabeth to Ackerman, Walter D.
- Ackermann, Erich to Acland, Cynthia Helen
- Acland, Daniel James to Acland, Michael Christopher Dyke
- Acland, Michael Dyke to Acton, Catherine
- Acton, Catherine to Acton, William, 1st Bt.
- Acton, Zoe to Adam, C. L.
- Adam, Catherine to Adams, Amy Elizabeth
- Adams, Amy Jennie to Adams, Edward Ward Dillon
- Adams, Edward Ward Dillon to Adams, Hugh Jeffrey Coker
- Adams, Hugh Robert to Adams, Margaret Anna
- Adams, Margaret Dorren to Adams, Samuel Allen
- Adams, Samuel Allen to Adamson, Gertrude Olive
- Adamson, Hamish Edgar Donaldson to Adderley, Charles
- Adderley, Charles Arthur Reginald Kenelm to Addington, Janet Theresa
- Addington, Jason Robin Mark to Addison, Nellie
- Addison, Paul Wand to Adkins, W. R.
- Adlam, Margaret to Affleck, Philippa
- Affleck, Richard E. M. to Agar, William Talbot
- Agar-Ellis, Caroline (Hon.) to Agnew, Amanda
- Agnew, Amanda Barbara to Agnew, Gordon Alexander Mackay
- Agnew, Grace to Agnew, Mary
- Agnew, Mary to Agnew, Ysabel August Aurelia
- Agnew-Somerville, Amelia Rachel to Aichelberg-Markenberg, Udalhild von
- Aichelburg, Elisabeth Gr�fin von to Ainley, William Henry
- Ainley-Walker, Emily Hilda to Aird, Margaret
- Aird, Margaret Elizabeth to Aitchison, Winifred Helen
- Aitchison-Denman, Marion to Ajmone-Marsan, Umberta
- Aked, Alice Theodora to Al-Hussaini, Waleed Khalid Yousif
- Al-Hussein, Abdulillah bin to Albert de Luynes, Yolande d'
- Albert, Charles Henry to Alcantara de Toledo, Pedro d', Duque de Infantado y Lerma
- Alcantara di Querrieu, Alexis d' to Aldam, William Wright
- Aldao Freyre, Marta In�s Rosa to Aldithley, William of
- Aldobrandeschi, Aldobrandino, Count of Anguillara to Aldworth, St. Leger
- Aldworth, St. Leger to Alexander, Andrew
- Alexander, Andrew to Alexander, Dorothea
- Alexander, Dorothea to Alexander, Herbrand Charles
- Alexander, Hervey to Alexander, Lucy Georgina
- Alexander, Lucy Kate to Alexander, Rolf Richard Creighton
- Alexander, Ronald Henry to Aleyn, Martha
- Aleyn, Martha to Alington, William, 3rd Baron Alington of Killard
- Aliotti, Bonaccorsa to Allan, William David
- Allana, Abdullabhoy Gulamhusen to Alldis, Oliver Charles
- Alldridge, Frederick George to Allen, Charles William
- Allen, Charles William to Allen, Geoffrey Edgar Howell
- Allen, Geoffrey Michael to Allen, John
- Allen, John to Allen, Mary
- Allen, Mary to Allen, Stephen Hugh
- Allen, Steven to Allendesalazar y la Cierva, Rita
- Allendesalazar y Travesedo, Carlos, Vizconde de Tapia to Allfrey, Hubert Mortimer
- Allfrey, Isabel Anne to Allison, Sloan
- Allison, Stanley to Allsopp, Samuel
- Allsopp, Samuel Charles, 2nd Baron Hindlip of Hindlip to Alsace, �vrard IV Comte d
- Alsace-Flandre, Lauretta d' to Alt, William John (Colonel)
- Altamira, Conde de (Gerardo) to Altham, Georgina Emily
- Altham, Harriot to Alvarez de Toledo y Bandeira, Santiago
- Alvarez de Toledo y Gomez-Trenor, Elvira to Amato, Giuseppa d'
- Amatruda, Francesco to Ames, Winifred Rose
- Amesbury, 1st Baron, of Kintbury-Amesbury and Barton Court, Berkshire and Aston Hall, co. Flint (Charles) to Amodio, Pasquale
- Amon, Guy Peter to Amstel van Ijsselstein, Otto van
- Amstel, Arnold van to Ancram, Michael
- Ancrame, 10th Earl of (William Schomberg Robert) to Anderson, Ben Hugo
- Anderson, Bert to Anderson, Ellen Blanche Carew Blacker
- Anderson, Ellen Coverdale to Anderson, James Farie
- Anderson, James George to Anderson, Margaret Minette Rohais
- Anderson, Margaret Rachel to Anderson, Sheena Fiona Egerton
- Anderson, Sheila Mary to Anderton, William Michael Ince
- Andes, Elie N. to Andrewes, William
- Andrews, 1st Baronet (James) to Andrews, Ida Evelyn
- Andrews, Iona Mary to Andrews, Patrick Halsey
- Andrews, Patrick Vassar to Andr�ssy de Cs�kszentkir�ly et Krasznahorka, Tivadar
- Andr�ssy, Countess (M�ria Gabriele) to Anglesey, Marchioness of (Victoria Marjorie Harriet)
- Angley, Patricia Margaret to Anhalt, Jilia Eilika Nicole Prinzessin von
- Anhalt, Joachim Ernst Herzog von to Anhalt-Dessau, Henriette Catherine von
- Anhalt-Dessau, Henriette Marie Luise von to Anhalt-Zerbst, stillborn daughter von
- Anhalt-Zerbst, stillborn daughter von to Anketell-Jones, Seymour Willoughby
- Ankettle, Helen to Annesley, Alice
- Annesley, Alice to Annesley, Hilda Cecil
- Annesley, Hugh to Annesley, Zara Jane
- Anness, Ann Maria to Anson, Edward Peter
- Anson, Edward Reynell, 6th Bt. to Anson, Thomas William Robert Hugh, 6th Earl of Lichfield
- Anson, Thomas William, 1st Earl of Lichfield to Anstruther, John of Anstruther, 1st Bt.
- Anstruther, John of that Ilk to Anthony, Joseph
- Anthony, Joseph Montesquieu to Antrobus, Margaret Jane
- Antrobus, Margaret Jean to Appleby, unknown
- Appleford, Bithiah to Apsley, William
- Aptaker, Margot to Arathoon, Winifred Margaret
- Araujo Figueiredo, Maria-Margarida to Arbuthnot, Glynis Kathleen
- Arbuthnot, Graham Stewart to Arbuthnot, William, 1st Bt.
- Arbuthnot-Dolan, Bonnie to Arbuthnott, Margaret
- Arbuthnott, Margaret to Archdale, Blith
- Archdale, Brenda to Archdall, Catherine Jane
- Archdall, Charles to Archer, Anne
- Archer, Anne to Archer, Maud
- Archer, Maud Louisa to Archibald, Michael Vernon William
- Archibald, Molly to Ardagh, unknown
- Ardagh-Walter, Philip Frank to Arden, Mary Kathleen
- Arden, Mary Margaret to Arenberg, Valerie Marie von
- Arenburg, Eleonore Prinzessin und Herzogin d' to Argyll, Thane of (Somerled)
- Argyropoulos, Maria to Arkwright, Margaret Louise
- Arkwright, Margery Bertha to Armfield, William Alexander
- Armildez, Arabuena to Armitstead, Robert Charles Henry (Lt.-Col.)
- Armour, Aleksandra Pavlovna to Armstrong, Eileen Mary
- Armstrong, Eileen Molly Nevill to Armstrong, Kathleen
- Armstrong, Kathleen Marion to Armstrong, William
- Armstrong, William to Armytage, Winifred Harriett
- Armytage-Creyke, Everilda Frances to Arnold, Richard
- Arnold, Richard Aldous to Arnott, Thomas of Chappel Kettle
- Arnott, Veronica Mary to Arrow, William
- Arrowsmith, Abigail to Arthur, Kieron Gerald
- Arthur, Leonard to Arundel, Anne
- Arundel, Catharine to Arundell, Isabella
- Arundell, Isabella to Arvanitidi, Leonidas
- Arvidsson, Erik R. to Ashbrooke, Veronica Philippa
- Ashburner, Alan to Ashburnham, Sophia
- Ashburnham, Theodosia Julia to Ashe, Wellesley St. George
- Ashe, William to Ashley, William
- Ashley-Cooper, Anne to Ashton, Julie
- Ashton, Karen to Ashworth, Kathleen
- Ashworth, Leonard Temple to Askwith, William Harrison
- Aslachsen, Eva Mary Hamilton to Asquith, Lucy Kate
- Asquith, Luke to Assheton, Rebecca
- Assheton, Richard to Astley, Editha
- Astley, Editha of to Astley, William, 4th Lord Astley
- Astley-Corbett, Francis Edmund George to Aston, Yvonne
- Astor of Hever, 1st Baron, of Hever Castle, co. Kent (John Jacob) to Astry, Samuel (Sir)
- Asturias, Alfonso I of to Athill, William Robert Charles
- Athinscuby, unknown to Atkin, William Robert
- Atkindon, unknown to Atkinson, Annesley Moira
- Atkinson, Annie Johnstone to Atkinson, James Netterville
- Atkinson, James Stewart to Atkinson, William
- Atkinson, William to Attlee, Margaret Joan
- Attlee, Margaret Mary to Aubrey, John
- Aubrey, John to Auchinleck, Margaret
- Auchinleck, Margaret to Audley, Baroness (Elizabeth)
- Audley, Baroness (Elizabeth) to Aufr�re, Sophia
- Augener, Elise Johanna Emma to Austen, George
- Austen, George to Austin, Margretta Stroup
- Austin, Maria Augusta to Avebury, Lyulph Ambrose Jonathan, of Avebury, Wiltshire
- Aveland, 1st Baron, of Aveland, co. Lincoln (Gilbert John) to Avogadro, Vittorio dei conti di Valdengo e Collobiano
- Avon, 1st Earl of (Robert Anthony) to Aydon, Audrey
- Aydy, Catherine to Aylett, William (Captain)
- Ayley, Elizabeth to Aylmer, Elizabeth
- Aylmer, Elizabeth Anne to Aylmer, Matthew
- Aylmer, Matthew to Aylwin, William Harry
- Aymer, Alexander Lindsay to Aytone, Mary
- Aytoun, Agnes to Babington, Benjamin
- Babington, Benjamin Faye to Babington, John
- Babington, John (Colonel) to Babington, William
- Babington, William to Backhouse, Elizabeth Este
- Backhouse, Ellis Brackman to Bacon, Edmund, 2nd Bt.
- Bacon, Edmund, 2nd Bt. to Bacon, Thomas Hugh
- Bacon, Thomas Walter to Baden, Leopold I Gro�herzog von
- Baden, Leopold Max Christian Ludwig Clemens Hubert Prinz von to Badenoch, Lochaber, Strathavon, Balmore, Auchidon, Garthie and Kincardine, 5th Lord (George)
- Badenoch, Lord of (Alexander) to Bagenal, Nicholas
- Bagenal, Nicholas to Bagge, William, 1st Bt.
- Bagger, Eugene to Bagnell, Selma Mary
- Bagnell, Sophia Mary to Bagot, Henry Richard Reginald
- Bagot, Hervey to Bagration-Gruzinsky, Nugzar (Prince)
- Bagration-Moukhranskaya, Maria de la Paz to Bagwell-Purefoy, Rosemary Joan Frances
- Bagwell-Purefoy, Susan Mary to Bailey, Francesca Diana
- Bailey, Frank to Bailey, Penelope Jane
- Bailey, Percival Henry Havelock to Baillie, Charlotte
- Baillie, Charlotte Augusta to Baillie, Mary
- Baillie, Mary to Baillie-Hamilton, Tessa
- Baillie-Hamilton, Walter Stuart to Baillou, Victor Franz Clemens Raoul Emil Wilhelm von
- Bailly, Bruno to Bainbridge, James Roland
- Bainbridge, James William Braithwaite to Baird, Anne Charlotte
- Baird, Anne Henrietta to Baird, Mary Isabel
- Baird, Mary Matilda Annie to Baker, Aidan
- Baker, Alan to Baker, Eleanor Davies
- Baker, Eleanor Isabella to Baker, Henry Defoe
- Baker, Henry Defoe to Baker, Margaret Vivian
- Baker, Margery to Baker, Sydney
- Baker, Sydney Ann Elizabeth to Balboa, Isabel de
- Balbonid, Clelia dei Conti to Baldwin, Eleanor Margaret
- Baldwin, Eliza to Balfe, Ellen Jane
- Balfe, Ellen Mary to Balfour, Bridget
- Balfour, Bridget to Balfour, Isabella Anne
- Balfour, Isabella Emily to Balfour, Michael, 6th Bt.
- Balfour, Minnie Georgiana to Balinhard, 5th Baron, of Farnell, Forfar (David Charles)
- Balint, Enid to Ball, Jonathan Gresley
- Ball, Jordan Broughton to Ballance, Susan Angela
- Ballande, Charles to Balliol, Thomas
- Balloch, Gary to Baltinglass, William,
- Baltissen, J. H. to Bamford, William
- Bamford-Hesketh, Emily Esther Anne to Banbury, William R. C.
- Bancalari, Nicola to Banfield, William
- Bangay, Madge Dorrington to Bankes, William John
- Bankes, William John to Banner, Thomas
- Banner-Martin, Guy William to Bannerton, William
- Banning, Clare to Baranoski, Stanley Steven
- Baranova, Olga Petrovna to Barber, William Samuel Timothy
- Barber-Starkey, Ann Josephine to Barclay, Anne
- Barclay, Anne to Barclay, Hamish Beauchamp
- Barclay, Hanbury to Barclay, Peter
- Barclay, Peter to Barcroft, Bridget Mary
- Barcroft, Catherine Elizabeth to Bardolf, John
- Bardolf, John, 3rd Lord Bardolf to Bariatinsky, Vladimir Vladimirovitch
- Barinaga y Suarez de Figueroa, Maria de la Concepcion to Baring, George
- Baring, George to Baring, Sarah Elizabeth
- Baring, Sarah Katharine Elinor to Barker, Anne Agnes
- Barker, Anne Elizabeth to Barker, Katherine
- Barker, Katherine Weston to Barker-Hahlo, Teresa Clare Cunningham
- Barker-Mill, 1st Baronet (John) to Barlow, Camilla Ruth
- Barlow, Caroline to Barlow, Maria Theresa
- Barlow, Maria Theresa to Barnard of Barnard's Castle, Baroness (Sylvia Mary)
- Barnard's Castle, Baron of, co. Durham (John) to Barnardiston, Lucy
- Barnardiston, Margaret to Barnes, Ernest Francis
- Barnes, Ernest John Ward to Barnes, Victoria Olga Felicity
- Barnes, Violetta Alyns to Barnett, William
- Barnett, William to Barnewall, Ismay
- Barnewall, Ismay to Barnewall, Thomas, 16th Baron Trimlestown
- Barnewall, Thomas, 6th Bt. to Baron, William Joseph
- Barone, Christina Marie to Barran, Louise Buchanan
- Barran, Lynn Jeanette to Barrett, Dennis
- Barrett, Diana Linda to Barrett, William Carter
- Barrett, William Carter to Barrett-Lennard, Judith
- Barrett-Lennard, Judith Anne to Barrington of Ardglass, Viscountess (Susan)
- Barrington of Newcastle, 10th Baron, co. Limerick (William Reginald Shute) to Barrington, Raie
- Barrington, Reto to Barron, Jane
- Barron, Jane Elizabeth to Barrow, Benjamin George Lendon
- Barrow, Blossom Perronelle to Barrow, Thomas Brewer
- Barrow, Thomas Pownall Pellew to Barry, Catherine
- Barry, Catherine to Barry, Ellen
- Barry, Ellen to Barry, Jane
- Barry, Jane to Barry, Mary
- Barry, Mary to Barry, Thomas
- Barry, Thomas to Barstow, Thomas
- Barstz, Emil Ernst to Bartlett, Betty Frances
- Bartlett, Brenda June to Bartley, Wilfred
- Bartning, Carl Georg to Barton, Elizabeth
- Barton, Elizabeth to Barton, Julia Margaret
- Barton, Julia Penelope Susan to Barton, Susannah
- Barton, Susannah to Barttelot, Joan
- Barttelot, Joan to Barwick, William
- Barwick-Ward, Annabel Jane to Bass, Sarah
- Bass, Sarah to Basset, unknown
- Basset, Walter Basset to Bastian, William
- Bastide, Charlotte to Bateman, Elizabeth Ann
- Bateman, Elizabeth Anne to Bates, Elizabeth
- Bates, Elizabeth to Bateson, William Latham
- Bateson-Harvey, 1st Baronet, of Killoquin, co. Antrim (Robert) to Bathurst of Bathurst, Countess (Tryphena)
- Bathurst of Battlesden, 1st Baron, co. Bedford (Allen) to Bathurst, Pamela Rosemary Alice
- Bathurst, Peter to Batten, William Henry
- Battenberg, Alexander Albert von to Battye, Wilhelmina
- Battye, Wynyard to Baumgartner, Walter
- Baumhoff, Anna Louise Erben to Baxter, D. (Colonel)
- Baxter, Daphne Maureen Joyce to Bayeaux, Odo, Earl of Kent
- Bayer, Antoinette to Bayern, Ludwig I K�nig von
- Bayern, Ludwig II K�nig von to Bayern, Ysabel Prinzessin von
- Bayern-Ingolstadt, Herzog von (Ludwig VII) to Bayley, Ethel Meverell
- Bayley, Evelyn to Bayley, Wilton Rees
- Bayley-Worthington, Gibbon to Bayly, Edward Oswald Vause
- Bayly, Edward Richard to Bayly, Maria
- Bayly, Maria Ann to Bayne, William Thirlwall
- Baynes, 1st Baronet, of Harefield Place, Middlesex (Christopher) to Bayntun, Lucy
- Bayntun, Lucy to Bazinet, Stephanie
- Bazley, 1st Baronet, of Hatherop, co. Gloucester (Thomas) to Beadon, Richard � Court
- Beadon, Robert to Beamish, Aline Marjorie de Courcy
- Beamish, Aline Matilda Hulda to Beamish, Ellen Prudence
- Beamish, Ellen Prudence Gregory to Beamish, John O'Meara
- Beamish, John Otway Hamilton to Beamish, Samuel
- Beamish, Samuel George to Beard, Kim
- Beard, Laraine Susan to Beaton, Janet
- Beaton, Johanne to Beatty, William Vandeleur
- Beaty, Clare Elizabeth to Beauchamp, Henry William Johnson
- Beauchamp, Henry Woodrooffe to Beauchamp, William de
- Beauchamp, William de to Beauclerk, Ida
- Beauclerk, Ida to Beaufort, Margaret
- Beaufort, Margaret to Beaumont, Anne
- Beaumont, Anne Charlotte to Beaumont, George Howland, 9th Bt.
- Beaumont, George Richard to Beaumont, Mark Nicholas Henry
- Beaumont, Martha to Beaumont, William
- Beaumont, William to Beche, Henry Thomas de la
- Bechenec, Anne de to Becher, Henry
- Becher, Henry to Becher, Samuel
- Becher, Samuel John to Beck, Tove
- Beck, Unknown Child to Beckett, William
- Beckett, William to Beckwith, William Malebisse
- Beckwith-Smith, Annabel Cecilia Mary to Bedford, Elvie Grace
- Bedford, Emily to Bee, Victoria Anne
- Beebe, Maria M. to Beedell, Herbert Vivian
- Beedle, Ivo Simon Nicholas to Beetham, William Henry
- Beetles, Emma to Begbie, Thomas Stirling (Colonel)
- Begg, Althea to Bekessy, Laetitia Allen Vere de
- Bekkers, Rod to Belfrage, Virginia
- Belfrage-Hertz, Anne to Bell, Agnes Elizabeth
- Bell, Agnes Mary Louise to Bell, Denise Elizabeth
- Bell, Denise Estell to Bell, Hannah Taylor
- Bell, Harold to Bell, Judith
- Bell, Judith Gordon to Bell, Peter
- Bell, Peter to Bell, Virginia Wallis
- Bell, Vivien Frances to Bellasis, William Dalglish
- Bellasyse, Barbara to Bellew, George Leopold
- Bellew, George Patrick to Bellingham, Brian Lewis
- Bellingham, Brigid Alaine to Bellingham-Smith, Sheila U.
- Bellings, Richard to Beloff, Simon
- Belohavkova, Jana to Bence, Susan
- Bence, Susan Janet Elizabeth to Benett, William
- Benevent, Adelchisa von to Benn, Emily
- Benn, Ernest John Pickstone, 2nd Bt. to Bennet, Judith
- Bennet, Julia to Bennett, Claire Jeanne Mary
- Bennett, Claire Rosamund to Bennett, H. G. Dudley
- Bennett, H. M. to Bennett, Maria
- Bennett, Marianne Heather to Bennett, Susan
- Bennett, Susan to Bennison, Frances Eveline
- Bennison, Francis to Bensley, Rosabel Sara
- Bensman, Cornelia Catharina to Benson, Morvyth Lillian
- Benson, Moses to Bentheim und Steinfurt, Prinzessin zu (Emma)
- Bentheim und Steinfurt, Prinzessin zu (Friederike) to Bentinck, Phoebe Georgina
- Bentinck, Primrose de Vere to Benton, Yvonne
- Bentzel, Elisabeth to Berendt, Titus Nathaniel Dudley
- Berenger, Fran�ois de to Beresford, Edward
- Beresford, Edward Marcus to Beresford, Karen Mary de la Poer
- Beresford, Kate Victoria to Beresford, William Warren de la Poer
- Beresford, William, 1st Baron Decies to Berg-Altena, Oda von
- Berg-Altena-Isenburg, Bruno von to Bergin, William
- Berglas, Ellen-Ruth to Berkeley, Cyril Sackville Jocelyn
- Berkeley, C�cile to Berkeley, John
- Berkeley, John to Berkeley, Sally Ann Stenson
- Berkeley, Sarah to Bermingham, Francis
- Bermingham, Francis to Bernadotte, Folke
- Bernadotte, Folke to Bernard, Dorothy
- Bernard, Dorothy Frances Farquhar to Bernard, Rose Antoinette
- Bernard, Rose Edith to Berney, Doris Rosemary
- Berney, Dorothy to Berridge, Prisca Isabelle Marie Josephe Huberte Ghislaine
- Berridge, Priscilla Lesley to Berry, Neville
- Berry, Nicholas Andrew to Bertie, Catherine Jane
- Bertie, Cecil Josephine to Bertin, Sabine
- Bertlesen, Mette Slej to Besley, W. H.
- Besly, Adrian Thomas to Best, James
- Best, James to Beswick, Sidney Bryan
- Beswick, Sonja Georgette to Bethell, Sadie Patricia Melfort
- Bethell, Sally Ann to Betjeman, Penelope Valentine Hester
- Betjemann, Ernest Edward to Beuzenberg, Evelyn
- Bevan, Ada Frances to Bevan, John Perry Vaughan
- Bevan, John Philip to Beveridge, Sarah Jane
- Beveridge, Sean to Bewicke-Copley, Thomas David
- Bewley, Alfred to Bibby, Hartley
- Bibby, Helen Jessie to Bicket, Simon A.
- Bickett, Jane to Biddulph, Charity
- Biddulph, Charles to Biddulph, Mary Estelle
- Biddulph, Mary Frances to Biehal, Christiana Franziska Luise
- Biela, Hubertus von to Bigge, Mary Anne
- Bigge, Mary Augusta to Bigod, Ralph
- Bigod, Ralph le to Billington, Sarah
- Billison, Patricia to Bing, Winifred Ivy
- Bingel, Bernard William to Bingham, Herbert
- Bingham, Hugh to Bingham, William Henry
- Bingham-Newland, Anthony to Binny, John Anthony Francis
- Binny, John G. to Birch, Ernest Woodford
- Birch, Esm� Consuelo Helen to Birch, William
- Birch, William to Bird, Herbert William
- Bird, Isabel to Birdwood, Judith Helen
- Birdwood, Judith Horatia to Birkin, Frances Emily
- Birkin, Frances Marjorie to Birn, Sigmund
- Birnaud, Isabel to Biscoe, Henry Legge John
- Biscoe, Henry Stafford Tyndale to Bishop, Mary-Jane
- Bishop, Matile Henderson to Bisse, Philip
- Bissell, Alexandra Diana to Bj�rklund, Wilson
- Bj�rnsdottir, Christina to Black, Ivy
- Black, J. Milne to Black-Stewart, Mary Forbes Kinloch
- Blackadder, Alison to Blackburn, Esther Joy
- Blackburn, Frances to Blacker, Emily Violet
- Blacker, Eva Mary Lucy St. John to Blackett, Frances
- Blackett, Frances Vere to Blackie, Wilfred John
- Blacking, John Anthony Randoll to Blackwell, Charlotte Martha
- Blackwell, Christopher John to Blackwood, John
- Blackwood, John to Blague, Thomas
- Blahova, Alexandra to Blair, Jennifer Mary
- Blair, Jenny Mabel to Blake, Anastace
- Blake, Anastasia to Blake, Edmund Martin
- Blake, Edmund Wallace to Blake, Isabel Ann
- Blake, Isabella to Blake, Mark
- Blake, Mark to Blake, Ruby
- Blake, Ruby Hilda to Blakeley, Vivien Anne
- Blakeman, Abijah to Blakeney, Mary
- Blakeney, Mary to Blakiston, Carol Clare
- Blakiston, Carol Helen to Blakiston-Houston, Thomas
- Blakiston-Smith, Finn to Bland, Edward
- Bland, Edward Humphrey to Bland, Robert Wyndham Humphrey Marciel
- Bland, Rosalyn Elizabeth to Blane, Helen
- Blane, Helen Mary to Blaton, Pierre
- Blatt, Corinna Katherine to Bleiches, Han�
- Bleifuss, Eugenie to Blennerhassett, Edward
- Blennerhassett, Edward to Blennerhassett, Leonard
- Blennerhassett, Leonard to Blennerhassett, unknown
- Blennerhassett, unknown to Bligh, Grace
- Bligh, Grace Jane Campbell to Blitz, Roger Adam
- Blixen-Finecke, Agnes Maria von to Blois, Marie de
- Blois, Marie, Comtesse de Blois to Blomfield, John
- Blomfield, Lucy Margaret to Blood, Francis
- Blood, Francis Gamble to Blood, Sarah
- Blood, Sarah Anne to Bloomfield, Godfrey Herbert
- Bloomfield, Harriott to Blount, Jane
- Blount, Jane to Bloxam, William Henry Paul
- Bloxham, Belinda Jane Skene to Blundell, Gilbert
- Blundell, H. C. to Blunt, Anne Isabella Noel
- Blunt, Annie Eliza to Blunt, Walter, 5th Bt.
- Blunt, Wilfrid James to Blythswood, Baroness (Mabel)
- Blyton, Baron, of South Shields in the County of Durham (William Reid) to Bocciardo, Paolo
- Bocconi, Riccardo to Bode, Wilhelmus den
- Bodeley, Mary to Bodwrda, Hugh Gwyn
- Body, Charles to Boggis-Rolfe, Rosemary Ann
- Boggs, unknown to Bohnert, Simon
- Bohtlingk, Henri�tte Anna Geertruida to Boileau, Matilda Grace
- Boileau, Maurice to Boissy, Marie-Helene
- Boisvert, Melanie to Boldireff, Wladimir
- Boldock, Anne to Bolitho, Nora
- Bolitho, Norah to Bolton, Carolyn
- Bolton, Catharine to Bolton, William
- Bolton, William to Bomford, Winifred Dora
- Bomhard, Christa von to Bonas, Winifred
- Bonaventuri, Bianca to Bond, John
- Bond, John to Bonde, Ylva
- Bondonneau, Guy Henry Ren� to Bonham, Richard Charles
- Bonham, Richard David to Bonnin, William Frew
- Bonnington, Evelyn Minnie to Bonzet, unknown du
- Boobbyer, Angus Tremayne to Boord, Yvonne Swingler
- Boorer, James to Booth, Charles Enfield
- Booth, Charles Henry to Booth, Haskell Elmor
- Booth, Hazel to Booth, Margaret
- Booth, Margaret to Booth, Sarah Maria
- Booth, Serenity Marie Amor to Boothby, Dorothy
- Boothby, Dorothy Margaret Bell to Boothby, Yvonne
- Boothe, Alice to Borbone, Elena Sofia, Principessa di Borbone delle Due Sicilie
- Borbone, Elias, Duca di Parma to Borb�n y de Borb�n, Pedro de Alcantara, Duque de Durcal
- Borb�n y de Bosch-Labras, Maria Cristina, Duquesa de Durcal to Bordes, Mabel Frances
- Bordessa, Beatriz, Contessa di Villa Calli to Boreel, William, 9th Bt.
- Boreham, Philip M. to Borlase, William
- Borlase, William to Borrie, Harold
- Borrie, Harriet Machin to Borselen, Wolfert VI, Heer van Veere, Comte de Grandpr�
- Borsicke, Anna to Borthwick, John
- Borthwick, John to Borthwick-Brown, Robert
- Borthwick-Norton, Eva Sardinia to Bosanquet, Gerald Percival
- Bosanquet, Gertrude Mary to Boscawen, James Townshend
- Boscawen, Jane to Bossi-Fedrigotti, Verena
- Bossingham, Benjamin to Bostock, William
- Bostock, William Brown to Boswell, Elizabeth
- Boswell, Elizabeth to Boteler, William, 2nd Baron Boteler of Brantfield
- Boterel, Christian to Botiler, William, 6th Lord Sudeley
- Botiller, 1st Lord le (William) to Bottomley, William Cecil
- Botton, Gilbert de to Boughey, Walter
- Boughey, William Charles Fletcher to Boulogne, William of Boulogne de
- Boulonnois, Emelie Josephine to Boulton, Nicholas Molesworth Adair
- Boulton, Nicola Mary to Bourbon, Jaime
- Bourbon, James to Bourbon-Vend�me, Marguerite de
- Bourchier of Cromwell, 1st Lord (Humphrey) to Bourdoncle de Saint-Salvy, Stephanie de
- Bourdot, Camille to Bourgoing, Philippe Marie Fran�ois de
- Bourke of Bophin, 1st Baron, co. Galway (John) to Bourke, Hubert Edward Madden
- Bourke, Irene to Bourke, Theobald, MacWilliam Bourke Oughter
- Bourke, Theodosia Eleanor to Bourne, Margaret Rose
- Bourne, Marian to Bouth, unknown
- Bouthe, John de to Bouymistrov, Wladimir
- Bouzet, Alexandre du to Bowden, Baroness (Mary)
- Bowden, Bertram Caleb to Bowen, Cecil
- Bowen, Cecil Leander John to Bowen, Marie Louise
- Bowen, Marion May to Bower, Ivy Vera
- Bower, James Bower to Bowers, William
- Bowes of Clonlyon, 1st Lord, co. Meath (John) to Bowhill, William Johnson
- Bowie, Angus Charles to Bowlby, Peter
- Bowlby, Peter to Bowles, R. L. (Dr.)
- Bowles, Rebecca to Bowman, William, 1st Bt.
- Bowman-Vaughan, Alyson Patricia to Bowyer, Dorothy
- Bowyer, Dorothy to Bowyer-Smijth, William, 12th Bt.
- Bowyer-Smyth, Alfred John to Boyce, Thomas Leighton
- Boyce, Thomas Leslie to Boyd, Eliza Louisa
- Boyd, Eliza Sarah to Boyd, John Dixon Ikl� (Sir)
- Boyd, John Gordon to Boyd, Sandra Molly
- Boyd, Sarah Caroline to Boyer, William Arabin
- Boyes, Alison Tamsin to Boyle, Bertha
- Boyle, Bertha to Boyle, Florence Cecilia
- Boyle, Florence Mary to Boyle, John William, 14th Earl of Cork
- Boyle, John, 2nd Earl of Glasgow to Boyle, Richard Michael Charles
- Boyle, Richard Patrick to Boyne, Viscountess (Rosemary Anne)
- Boynton, 10th Baronet, of Barmston, co. York (Henry) to Brabant, Irene Stainforth
- Brabant, Jack to Brabazon, Hugh
- Brabazon, Ida to Brabourne of Brabourne, Baroness (Penelope Meredith)
- Brabourne, Lord (Nicholas Louis Charles Norton) to Brackley, Viscountess (Frances)
- Bracknell, Catherine Caroline to Bradfelle, Richard de
- Bradfield, Canon William to Bradford, William Rex Jack
- Bradford-Atkinson, Mary Grace to Bradley, Williamina
- Bradley-Birt, Francis Bradley to Bradshaw, Mary Valentine
- Bradshaw, Mary Violet Frances to Brady, James
- Brady, James Cox to Bragan�a, Paula Mariana Joana Carlota
- Bragan�a, Paula Mariana, Infanta de Portugal e Brasil to Braine, William
- Braine-sur-Vesle, Seigneur de (Andre) to Bramley, William Hugh Carr
- Bramley-Moore, Ellaline to Brand, Herbert George
- Brand, Hilary to Brandenburg, Otto II von
- Brandenburg, Otto III Markgraf von to Brandolini d'Adda, Yasmin
- Brandolini, Maria to Brands, William
- Brandstetter, Lieselotte to Brashich, Ranko
- Brasic, Gillian Elizabeth to Brassey, John
- Brassey, John to Braunschweig-Bevern, Marie von
- Braunschweig-Blankenburg, Ludwig Rudolf von to Braunschweig-L�neburg, Ursula von
- Braunschweig-L�neburg, Wenzel II von to Braunschweig-Wolfenb�ttel, Wilhelm Herzog von
- Braunschweig-Wolfenb�ttel, Wilhelm I von to Bray, William
- Bray, William to Breary, William
- Breay, Christopher to Breen, Patrick
- Breene, Mary to Brenan, Mary Anne
- Brenan, Mary Anne to Brent, William
- Brentano, Anne Charlotte to Brereton, Francis
- Brereton, Francis to Brereton, Randle
- Brereton, Rebecca to Bretagne, John II de Montfort de
- Bretagne, John, 3rd Earl of Richmond to Brett, Mary
- Brett, Mary to Brewer, Victoria Louise
- Brewerton, Derrick to Brice, Mollie Hilda M.
- Brice, Peggy I. to Bridgeman, Gertrude Cecilia
- Bridgeman, Gladys Honor to Bridges, Cecily Mary
- Bridges, Charles to Bridgewater, Vanda Alexandra Clare
- Bridgford, Alice Maud Somerville to Brienne, Walter de
- Brienne, Yolande to Briggs, Lilian
- Briggs, Lorraine to Brightman, William Henry
- Brighton, Claire L. to Brind, Roger
- Brindisi, Margarito, Conte Palatino to Brisbane, James Stewart
- Brisbane, Janet to Briscoe, Eleanor Lucy Ellis-Lloyd
- Briscoe, Elizabeth to Bristed, Susan M.
- Brister, Arsie Belle to Britt, Shirley Ivy
- Brittain, Ann to Broadbent, Mary Ellen
- Broadbent, Mary Ethel to Broccoli, Gloria
- Broch, Elisa to Brocklebank, Eleanor
- Brocklebank, Eleanor Hilda to Brockton, William Rippon
- Brockway, Archibald Fenner, Baron Brockway to Brodie, Elizabeth Maria
- Brodie, Elizabeth Mary to Brodie, Thomas
- Brodie, Thomas Dawson, 1st and last Bt. to Brodrick, Thomas
- Brodrick, Thomas Noel to Brome, Ursula
- Bromet, Alfred to Bromley, Elizabeth
- Bromley, Elizabeth to Bronson, Sherri
- Bronsvoord, Barend to Brooke, Anne
- Brooke, Anne to Brooke, Florence
- Brooke, Florence Selina to Brooke, Juliet Georgina L.
- Brooke, Karen M. to Brooke, Richard Sinclair
- Brooke, Richard Weston to Brooke-Pechell, William Henry Cecil George
- Brooke-Popham, Diana Mary to Brooks, Camilla Jane
- Brooks, Carlasinta to Brooks, Roislin Caroline
- Brooks, Ronald Clifton to Brooman-White, Rosalie Mary
- Broome, 1st Viscount, of Broome (Horatio Herbert) to Brough, unknown son
- Broughall, A. J. to Broughton, Charles
- Broughton, Charles to Broughton, Richard
- Broughton, Richard to Broun, James William
- Broun, James William to Brouwer, Thomas de
- Brouwers, Germaine Anna Marie Huberte to Brown, Brock Eastwood
- Brown, Bruce Lloyd to Brown, Eliza Anne
- Brown, Eliza Anne to Brown, Harriett
- Brown, Harry to Brown, John
- Brown, John to Brown, Marion Barclay
- Brown, Marjorie to Brown, Philip John Emerton
- Brown, Philip MacArthur to Brown, Thomas
- Brown, Thomas to Browne, Alannah Pamela Josephine Grace
- Browne, Alexander to Browne, Carola Jody Merchant
- Browne, Caroline to Browne, Eileen Humphrey
- Browne, Eleanor to Browne, George
- Browne, George to Browne, Jane
- Browne, Jane to Browne, Margaret
- Browne, Margaret to Browne, Noreen Anne
- Browne, Norris Gardiner to Browne, Thomas
- Browne, Thomas to Browne-Clayton, Zoe Winifred
- Browne-Kelly, Peter to Browning, Mary
- Browning, Mary to Brownlow, James Christy
- Brownlow, James George Christy to Brownscombe, Wendy
- Brownsmith, Bezaleel to Bruce, Alexander Hervey
- Bruce, Alexander Hugh, 6th Lord Balfour of Burleigh to Bruce, Charlotte
- Bruce, Charlotte Anne to Bruce, Emma Dorothy
- Bruce, Emma Frances to Bruce, Isobel
- Bruce, Isobel to Bruce, Laura Elizabeth Amabel Walroad
- Bruce, Lauren Fairlie to Bruce, Mary Katherine
- Bruce, Mary Louisa to Bruce, Robert, 2nd of Kinnaird
- Bruce, Robert, 2nd of Pitlethie to Bruce, Zoe Mary
- Bruce-Bell, Ethel Cecilia to Brudenell, George
- Brudenell, George to Bruen, unknown daughter
- Brueres, Caroline Mary to Brunner, Imogen Charlotte
- Brunner, Isabel Mary to Brush, unknown
- Bruslerie, Bernard de la to Bryan, Pauline Christina, Baroness Bryan of Partick
- Bryan, Percy A. H. to Bryce, Katharine
- Bryce, M. to Bryson, William Henry
- Brzezie-Lanckoronski, Adelheid Gr�fin von to Buchan, Anna
- Buchan, Anna Paula Almeida to Buchan-Hepburn, Walter Scott
- Buchan-Sydserff, Francis to Buchanan, Jean
- Buchanan, Jean to Buchanan, Za Wilkelmina
- Buchanan-Baillie-Hamilton, Alexander to Buck, William, 2nd Bt.
- Buckby, Arthur to Buckle, Mark Richmond
- Buckle, Mary Anne to Buckley, Thomas
- Buckley, Thomas to Bucknill, Thomas Townsend
- Bucknole, Charlotte to Buddicom, William Squire
- Buddle-Atkinson, Clara Elizabeth to Buffett, Dolores Pearl
- Buffett, Dolores Silva Elizabeth to Buffett, Selwyn Rowland
- Buffett, Shane Seymour to Bulgaria, Mafalda Cecilia, Princess of Bulgaria
- Bulgaria, Mafalda of to Bull, Frederick Cecil
- Bull, Frederick Julius to Bullen, James Joseph
- Bullen, James Robert Gillespie to Buller, Marianna
- Buller, Mary to Bullock, Harold Malcolm, 1st and last Bt.
- Bullock, Harriet to Bulstrode, William
- Bult, Amy Louisa to Bulwer-Long, William Hanslip Bulwer
- Bulwer-Lytton, Alexander Edward John, Viscount Knebworth to Bunbury, William, 5th Bt.
- Bunbury-Isaac, Alicia to Bunyan, William
- Bunyon, Lawrence to Burchell, Valentine
- Burcher, Albert Victor Kerry to Burdett, Francis
- Burdett, Francis to Burdon, William Wharton
- Burdon-Sanderson, Elizabeth to Burges, Ynyr Richard Patrick
- Burges-Lumsden, Christopher of Pitcable to Burgh, Barbara Elizabeth Marguerite de
- Burgh, Barbara June de to Burgh, Lorraine Joy de
- Burgh, Louisa to Burgh, Zo� de
- Burgh-Canning, Herbert George de to Burguez, Vicki Annette
- Burgund, Adalgunde von to Burke, Florence Mary Elizabeth
- Burke, Florence Nora to Burke, Mary Edith Elizabeth
- Burke, Mary Frances to Burkitt, Sarah L.
- Burkwood, Emily to Burn, Winifred
- Burn-Callander, Caroline Muriel to Burne, William Way
- Burne-Jones, 1st Baronet (Edward Coley) to Burnett, Andrew John Hanson
- Burnett, Andrew of Elrick to Burnett, Mary
- Burnett, Mary Augusta to Burney, Zara
- Burnford, Michael to Burns, Sarah
- Burns, Selina Colquhoun to Burrard-Lucas, William Peter
- Burrard-Neale, Grace Elizabeth to Burridge, William Millman
- Burril, Mary to Burrowes, Arnold
- Burrowes, Arnold to Burrows, Hedley Robert (Very Rev.)
- Burrows, Henrietta Elizabeth to Burt, William Nicholas George
- Burt-Brill, E. S. to Burton, Frederick
- Burton, Frederick to Burton, Thomas
- Burton, Thomas to Bury, John Thomas
- Bury, John William to Bush, Jonathan
- Bush, Jonathan Eric to Busk, Wadsworth Richard (Captain)
- Busk, William to Butcher, Samuel
- Butcher, Samuel to Butler, Anne
- Butler, Anne to Butler, Charles William
- Butler, Charles William to Butler, Eleanor
- Butler, Eleanor to Butler, FitzWalter George Probyn, 17th/27th Baron Dunboyne
- Butler, Fleur Josephine to Butler, Honora
- Butler, Honora to Butler, Janet
- Butler, Janet to Butler, Lorna
- Butler, Lorna Ailsa Graham to Butler, Mary Ellen
- Butler, Mary Emily to Butler, Reginald Paul
- Butler, Reginald Percy FitzGerald to Butler, Theobald
- Butler, Theobald to Butler, Walter Blake
- Butler, Walter Blake to Butler-Henderson, Valerie
- Butler-Johnstone, Henry to Butt, Winifred
- Butt-Thompson, Frederick William to Butternock, Gilbert of
- Butters, Hylda Florence to Butturini, Nicholas James
- Buturlin, Elisabeth, Countess Buturlin to Buxton, Georgina Elizabeth
- Buxton, Gerald to Buxton, Nicholas Fowell
- Buxton, Nicola Mary Caroline to Buzzard, Richard Bethune
- Buzzard, Sarah to Byk, unknown daughter
- Bykbury, Elizabeth to Byng, James Edmund
- Byng, James Master Owen to Byrne, Charles Christopher
- Byrne, Charles Lawrence to Byrne, Zoe Margaret
- Byrnes, Austin to Byron, Samuel Standidge
- Byron, Sarah to Cabbell Manners, Thomas Benjamin
- Cabbell, Katharine Joan to Cadbury, Susan
- Caddan, Elizabeth to Cadet de Gassicourt, Madeleine
- Cadge, Caroline Emma to Cadogan, Honoria Louisa
- Cadogan, Honoria Louisa to Cahaines, Ralph de
- Cahalan, Anna Mary to Cain, Zachary Peter Johnson
- Caine, 1st Baronet, of Greeba Castle in the Isle of Man (Derwent Hall) to Cairns, Conrad Thomas
- Cairns, Constance Anne to Caithness, Master of (John)
- Cajas, Elsa to Calder, Margaret of Napherson
- Calder, Muriel to Caldwell, Zara Louise
- Cale, Edith F. to Callaghan, Virginia
- Callaghan-Pace, Laura Frances to Callow, William C.
- Calloway, J. J. to Calverley, Walter, 1st Bt.
- Calverley, William to Calvert, Susannah
- Calvert, Susannah Honor to Cambridge, William James
- Cambrun, Jean de to Cameron, Catriona Mary Caulfield
- Cameron, Cecelia Jane to Cameron, Hermione Emily
- Cameron, Hester Caroline to Cameron, Mary Elizabeth
- Cameron, Mary Emma to Caminade de Chatenet, Edith
- Camm, Alfred Robert Maclean to Campbell, 4th Baronet (Claude Robert)
- Campbell, 4th Baronet (Guy Colin) to Campbell, Alexandra Belinda L.
- Campbell, Alexandra Clare to Campbell, Archibald
- Campbell, Archibald to Campbell, Carolina Diana Marion
- Campbell, Caroline to Campbell, Colin
- Campbell, Colin to Campbell, Donald of Ardnamurchan and Airds, 1st Bt.
- Campbell, Donald of Auchinard, younger to Campbell, Eleanor Margaret
- Campbell, Eleanora to Campbell, Ethel Mary
- Campbell, Ethel May to Campbell, Gillean Macgregor
- Campbell, Gillespic to Campbell, Ian Robert
- Campbell, Ian Vincent Hamilton of Barcaldine, 7th Bt. to Campbell, James, 5th of Craigforth and 15th of Ardkinglas
- Campbell, James, 7th of Lawers to Campbell, Jessie Florence
- Campbell, Jessie Isobel to Campbell, John of Whitestone
- Campbell, John of Woodside to Campbell, Lorne Mary Dennistoun
- Campbell, Lorraine to Campbell, Margaret Emily Robina
- Campbell, Margaret Erskine to Campbell, Mary
- Campbell, Mary to Campbell, Nora Margaret
- Campbell, Norma Joyce to Campbell, Roderick
- Campbell, Roderick Barry to Campbell, unknown daughter
- Campbell, unknown daughter to Campbell, �thel Rosa
- Campbell-Bannerman, Beltram Edward to Campbell-Orde, Richard Stewart
- Campbell-Orde, Ronald Charles to Campion, Nieza
- Campion, Noel to Candole, James Anthony de
- Candole, James de to Cannell, Hugh
- Cannell, Hugh to Cannon, Margaret Dorothy
- Cannon, Margaret Irene to Cantis, William
- Cantlay, Barbara Mary to Capel-Carnegy-Arbuthnott, Mary Anne Jemima
- Capel-Creasey, Henry Oliver to Capell, Winifred
- Capell-Coningsby, Catherine Kitty to Caracciolo di Castagneto, Violante
- Caracciolo di Torella, Beatrice (Donna) to Cardale, Zara Diana
- Cardbury, Florence Emily to Carden, Jane Bolton
- Carden, Jane Dorothea to Carden, Winifred Mary
- Carder, Anne to Cardross, Master of (Henry)
- Cardwell Moore, Patrick to Carew, Frances
- Carew, Frances to Carew, Robert Russell
- Carew, Robert Shapland to Carey, John
- Carey, John to Carisi, Sergio
- Carkeit, Elizabeth Anna to Carleton, William Henry
- Carleton-L'Estrange, Christopher to Carlow, William
- Carlowitz, Georg Christoph von to Carlyon, Philip
- Carlyon, Philip to Carmichael, Elizabeth
- Carmichael, Elizabeth to Carmichael, Thomas
- Carmichael, Thomas to Carne, William Power
- Carnegie of Kinnaird and Leuchars, 10th Lord (Charles Noel) to Carnegie, Henrietta
- Carnegie, Henry to Carnegie, Susan Jean
- Carnegie, Susan Katherine Maud to Carnwath, Penelope Clare
- Carnwell, Edith A. to Carpenter, Mary Ann
- Carpenter, Mary Anne to Carr, Florence Bushnell
- Carr, Frances to Carr, Sybil Margaret
- Carr, T. W. to Carrett, John
- Carreu, Joan de to Carrington, William
- Carrington, William Chambers to Carroll, William Gerard John
- Carroll, William Hales to Carson, Thomas Alan Cairnes
- Carson, Toby Edward to Carter, Edward Augustus
- Carter, Edward Henry to Carter, Lee Andrea
- Carter, Lelia to Carter, Wilfreda Christine
- Carter, Willa to Cartwright, Fairfax Leighton
- Cartwright, Fanny to Carvalho, Scipiao de
- Carvell, Beverley to Cary, Elizabeth
- Cary, Elizabeth to Cary, William
- Cary, William to Case, Mary
- Case, Muriel Beatrice to Casey, Eileen Ruth Evelyn
- Casey, Elizabeth to Cassel, Wilhelmina
- Cassell, David to Casson, Stanley
- Cassone, Susanne Silvia to Castell-R�denhausen, Wulf-Diether Wolfgang Christian Ernst Otto Paul Karl
- Castella, Antonio de to Castilla, Enrique de
- Castilla, Enrique I de to Castle, Winsome
- Castle-Durrow, 10th Baron, co. Kilkenny (Llowarch Robert) to Castro Freire, Philippa Mary de
- Castro Grundland, Santiago to Cathcart, Charles
- Cathcart, Charles Alan to Catherwood, Robert Frederick Ernest
- Catherwood, Robert Ross to Cator, William Thornhill
- Cats, Antje Hoitinga to Caulfeild, Charlotte Morley
- Caulfeild, Cicely to Caulfeild, Ruth
- Caulfeild, Ryan James to Cautley, Walter George
- Cauty, Anne Elizabeth to Cave, Elizabeth
- Cave, Elizabeth to Cave, Wyamarus de
- Cave-Browne, Alice Rose to Cave-Browne-Cave, unknown wife
- Cave-Browne-Cave, Ursula Jane to Cavendish, Elizabeth
- Cavendish, Elizabeth to Cavendish, Muriel Cecil Harriott
- Cavendish, Myles Joseph Charles to Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, William John Cavendish, 5th Duke of Portland
- Cavendish-Taylor, George to Cawston, Mary Ann
- Cawte, Elizabeth Houghton to Cayley, James
- Cayley, Jane to Cayzer, Mary
- Cayzer, Mary Agnes to Cearns, Marion
- Cear�, Duqueza de (Maria Isabel de Alc�ntara) to Cecil, Joan
- Cecil, Joanna Mary to Cejuela y Fern�ndez, Mercedes
- Celebre, Gino to Cettner, Anne de
- Cetto, Anton Baron von to Chadwick, �ira Helen
- Chadwyck-Healey, 1st Baronet, of Wyphurst, Cranleigh, Surrey (Charles Edward Heley) to Chalkley, Louise
- Challen, Edith Wilmhurst to Chaloner, Emma
- Chaloner, Esther Isabella Madeleine to Chamberlain, Isabel Dorothy
- Chamberlain, Isabel Ellen to Chamberlayne, Zo� E.
- Chamberlayne-Macdonald, Alexander Nigel Bosville to Chambers, Neve Judith
- Chambers, Nicholas Timothy George to Chambr�, William Wickham Meredith
- Chamcham, Ann Lucy to Champernowne, Wilhelmina Barbara Maria
- Champignelles, Seigneur de (Philip) to Champion, William Nihill
- Champkin, Clare to Chancellor, James
- Chancellor, Jane to Chandos-Pole, Winifred Olga
- Chandos-Pole-Gell, Henrietta Auriol to Chaplin, Emma Matilda
- Chaplin, Eric, 2nd Viscount Chaplin to Chapman, Dorothy Beatrix
- Chapman, Dorothy Christian to Chapman, Lloyd Steven
- Chapman, Lois Joslyn to Chapman, Zerelda Lillias
- Chaponay, Antoine Marie Fran�ois, Marquis de Chaponay-Morance to Chappuis, Aymar Andre, Baron d'Yzeron
- Chappuis, Aymar, Seigneur de la Goutte et de Gresieux to Chappuis, Vital
- Chappuis, Vital to Charlesworth, Winifred Maude
- Charleton, Alice to Charlton, Ellen Violet
- Charlton, Emma to Charrington, Elizabeth Mary
- Charrington, Elizabeth Nancy to Charteris, Zoe France
- Charteris-Wemyss-Douglas, Francis to Chase, Pauline
- Chase, Penelope Jane to Chatfield, George Staunton
- Chatfield, Gordon Cumming to Chaumont-Quitry, Philippe, Comte de Chaumont-Quitry
- Chaumont-Quitry, Renault de to Chavasse, Samuel
- Chavasse, Samuel Castle to Chaytor, Herbert Archibald
- Chaytor, Herbert Gordon to Cheape, Moira Olive
- Cheappe, Antoine to Chelmsford of Chelmsford, Baroness (Frances Charlotte)
- Chelmsford, 1st Viscount, of Chelmsford, co. Essex (Frederick John Napier) to Chenevix-Trench, May Lygon Gillespie
- Chenevix-Trench, Olivia Kate to Cherry, Laura Mary
- Cherry, Louisa Sarah Ann to Chester, Harry
- Chester, Harry to Chetwode, Benjamin
- Chetwode, Bryony to Chetwynd, Charles
- Chetwynd, Charles Cornwallis to Chetwynd, Viscountess (Mary)
- Chetwynd, Viscountess (Susannah) to Chetwynd-Talbot, Juliet Emma Serena
- Chetwynd-Talbot, Katherine Helen Anne to Chevers, John
- Chevers, John to Cheyne, John, 1st and last Lord Cheyne
- Cheyne, John, 4th of Esselmont to Chichester, Ada Catherine
- Chichester, Adah Georgiana to Chichester, George Augustus, Viscount Chichester
- Chichester, George Beresford to Chichester, Spencer Stanley
- Chichester, Stephen Algernon to Child, Elizabeth
- Child, Elizabeth to Childers, Hugh
- Childers, Hugh to Chinnery, Margaret
- Chinnery, Margaret to Chisholm, John Alexander Raymond
- Chisholm, John Angus to Chittick, Sylvia Elizabeth
- Chitty, 1st Baronet, of the Temple (Thomas Willes) to Cholmeley, Montague Aubrey Rowley, 4th Bt.
- Cholmeley, Montague Hugh Peter to Cholmondeley, Hugh
- Cholmondeley, Hugh to Choubersky, Anne de
- Choudrey, Baron, of Hampstead in the London Borough of Barnet (Zameer Mohammed) to Christian, Arthur Rolestop
- Christian, Arthur William to Christian, Edward
- Christian, Edward Alan to Christian, George Brightman
- Christian, George Cameron to Christian, John
- Christian, John to Christian, Marlena Joy
- Christian, Marlene Iona to Christian, Rosalind Eliza
- Christian, Rose to Christian-Bailey, Virginia D.
- Christian-Howard, Susan to Christie, William
- Christie, William Francis to Chubb, Jack Charles
- Chubb, Jason Louis to Church, William Arthur Lysaght
- Church, William Henry Frederick to Churchman, William Alfred, 1st and last Bt.
- Churchward, Adelina to Ch�lon, Rene de
- Ch�lon-Arlay, Claudia de to Cirencester, Lord (William Jack Henry)
- Cirlin, Hope to Claneboye, Viscountess (Anne)
- Clanehugh, 10th Baron, co. Longford (Peter Arthur Edward Hastings) to Clapp, Zoe Alice Katherine
- Clapperet, Sophia to Clarfelt, Tessa Dorothy Florence
- Clarges, 1st Baronet, of St. Martin's in the Fields, co. Middlesex (Walter) to Clark, Annie
- Clark, Annie Letitia to Clark, Elliott B.
- Clark, Elspeth King to Clark, Jane Smith
- Clark, Janes Henry Nicholas to Clark, Mary
- Clark, Mary to Clark, Susan
- Clark, Susan Caroline to Clarke, Alison Stephenson
- Clarke, Alwyn Herbert to Clarke, Constance Violet
- Clarke, Constance Vivian to Clarke, Frances Hervey
- Clarke, Frances Hyde to Clarke, Joan
- Clarke, Joan to Clarke, Mary
- Clarke, Mary to Clarke, Ruth
- Clarke, Ruth Agnes to Clarke, William
- Clarke, William to Clatworthy, Peter
- Claude, Agnes Joyce to Clay, Edith Louisa
- Clay, Edith Mary to Clay, Xanthe Sophia Louise
- Claybaugh, Martin to Clayton, Gerald Fancourt
- Clayton, Gertrude Adelaide to Clear, Susan
- Cleary, Angus Peter to Clegg, Hilda Frances
- Clegg, Hugh Anthony to Clement, William
- Clement, Yves to Clements, Robert
- Clements, Robert Bermingham, 4th Earl of Leitrim to Clerk, Christian
- Clerk, Christian to Clerk, Susan Edith
- Clerk, Susan Rosemary Dacre to Clerke, William, 9th Bt.
- Clerkington, Lord (William) to Cleveland, Susan
- Cleveland, Susan Sophia to Clifford, 3rd Baronet (Robert Cavendish Spencer)
- Clifford, 3rd Baronet, of Flaxbourne, in the province of Marlborough, in the colony of New Zealand (Charles Lewis) to Clifford, Henrietta Hilda Elizabeth
- Clifford, Henrietta Hilda Elizabeth to Clifford, Thomas
- Clifford, Thomas to Clifton, Evelyn Isobel Ida Charlotte
- Clifton, Evelyn Mary Amelia to Clifton-Brown, Sarah Simonetta
- Clifton-Hastings-Campbell, Alicia Moira Stuarta to Clinton, Henry, 2nd Earl of Lincoln
- Clinton, Henry, 7th Earl of Lincoln to Clive of Plassey, Edward, co. Clare
- Clive of Walcot, 1st Baron, co. Shropshire (Edward) to Clobery, Susannah
- Clocys, Marcia to Close, Jessie
- Close, Joan Warre to Clough, William
- Clough-Taylor, Cara Prunella to Clucas, Mary Jane
- Clucas, Michael Louis to Clutton-Brock, Timothy
- Cluysenaar, Andr� Edmond Alfred to Coates, Edward Francis
- Coates, Elizabeth to Coats, Eliza
- Coats, Elizabeth to Cobb, Wilton Winstanley
- Cobbald, Blanche Katherine to Cobbold, Isabella Frances
- Cobbold, Isobel Amy to Cobham, Reginald de
- Cobham, Reginald de to Cochrane, Arunrat
- Cochrane, Barbara to Cochrane, Isabella
- Cochrane, Isabella to Cochrane, Richard Thomas Mackinnon
- Cochrane, Richard William to Cockayne, William
- Cockayne-Cust, Emmeline Mary Elizabeth to Cockburn, James George
- Cockburn, James Graham to Cockburn, Yvonne Pearl
- Cockburn-Campbell, Alexander Bruce to Cockle, Marion Blanche
- Cockman, Alan to Cocks, Robert
- Cocks, Robert Gordon to Codner, Vivien Ogilvy
- Codorniu y Aguilar, Alfonso to Coe, Toby Richard
- Coehoorn, Theodora Aurelia van to Coffin, William
- Coffy, Anne to Coghlan, William
- Coghlin, Natalie Rosamond Sophia to Cohen, Matilda Waley
- Cohen, Maurice to Cokayne, Thomas
- Cokayne, Thomas to Coke, Richard
- Coke, Richard to Colbert, Susan J. M.
- Colbert-Chabanais, Adolphine Henriette Anne Gabrielle Guillemette de to Colclough, Elizabeth Gertrude
- Colclough, Emily to Coldicott, Underhill
- Coldicutt, Bertie James to Cole, Georgina Ada
- Cole, Georgina Dorothy May to Cole, Thomas Christopher
- Cole, Thomas N. to Coleclough, Thomas James
- Colefax, Anne Marie to Coleridge of Ottery St. Mary, Baroness (Rosemary Frances)
- Coleridge, Alethea Buchanan to Coles, John
- Coles, John to Collard, Rosamund Agnes
- Collari, Clara Johanica Beata von to Collett, Martha
- Collett, Mary to Collier, Fay
- Collier, Flora Constance to Collingridge, Violet Isabel
- Collings, Amelia to Collins, Dorothy Aylet
- Collins, Douglas James to Collins, Penelope Anna
- Collins, Peter to Collis, Sheila Mae
- Collis, Simon Christopher to Colman, Maria Elizabeth
- Colman, Marjorie to Colquhoun, Auriol Emma
- Colquhoun, Barbara Camilla to Colquhoun, Susan Elizabeth
- Colquhoun, Sutherland Morrison to Colthurst, Charles St. John, 10th Bt.
- Colthurst, Charles Vesey to Coltman, Zoe
- Coltman-Oliver, Theodore Stephen to Colvill, Thompson
- Colvill, Victoria to Colville, James, 2nd Lord Colville of Culross
- Colville, Jane to Colville, Zelie Isabelle Richard
- Colville-Wallis, Judith Horatia to Combe, Ida
- Combe, Ingerise to Comnenos, Isaac
- Comnenos, Isaac to Compton, Mary
- Compton, Mary to Comyn, William
- Comyn, William George to Condostavlo, Mina
- Condron, Alice Rivi�re to Congreve, John
- Congreve, John to Coningsby, Michael
- Coningsby, Nicolas to Connell, Joan C�cile
- Connell, Joan Ursula to Conner, William Robert
- Connery, Johanna to Conolly, Irene Beatrice
- Conolly, Isabella to Considine, Mary
- Considine, Mary to Constable, unknown daughter
- Constable, Wendy Erin to Constantinople, Manuel II of
- Constantinople, Matthew of to Conway, Margareta Maria
- Conway, Martha to Conyers, John, 1st Bt.
- Conyers, John, 3rd Bt. to Conyngham, William
- Conynghame, Isabel to Cook, Gerald Payne
- Cook, Gertrude to Cook, Vernon Edward
- Cook, Veronica to Cooke, Elizabeth
- Cooke, Elizabeth to Cooke, M. F.
- Cooke, Marcus Mervyn to Cooke, William Francis Henry
- Cooke, William Henry to Cookes, Thomas, Bt.
- Cookesley, Harriet Anne to Cooley, Sarah
- Coolidge, Abigail Gratia to Cooper, Agnes Cecil Emmeline
- Cooper, Agnes Dorothy to Cooper, Christopher Patrick
- Cooper, Cicely Florence to Cooper, Frederick William Rides
- Cooper, Gary to Cooper, John S. M.
- Cooper, John Shewell to Cooper, Nina
- Cooper, Nora to Cooper, Thomas
- Cooper, Thomas to Coore, Marion Evelyn Jane Alexander
- Coorse, Mors to Coote, Harriet Mary
- Coote, Harriet Moore to Copcutt, Wilfred Christopher Michael
- Copdowe, Mirabel to Cope, William
- Cope, William to Copleston, W. E.
- Coplestone, Alice to Coppell, William
- Coppen, John to Corballis, Robert
- Corballis, Ruth Patricia to Corbet, Julia Barbara
- Corbet, Julia Bridget to Corbett, Ida
- Corbett, Isabella to Corbould-Warren, William
- Corbucco, Emma to Cordner, Richard Lawrence
- Cordobes y Bermudez, Miguel to Corkran, Winifred Maud
- Corless, Faye Elizabeth to Cornet d'Elzius du Chenoy, Xavier
- Cornet d'Elzius, Catherine to Cornuz, Marcel George
- Cornwall Legh, Barbara Katherine to Cornwallis of Eye, Baroness (Margaret)
- Cornwallis, 1st Baron, of Linton, co. Kent (Fiennes Stanley Wykeham) to Corr, Suzette Margaret
- Corral y Casado Sastre, Elizabeth de to Corry, Susan
- Corry, Susanna to Cory, Herbert
- Cory, Herbert George Donald, 2nd Bt. to Cosby, Elizabeth
- Cosby, Elizabeth to Coss�-Brissac, Pierre-Emmanuel de
- Costa Amado-Noivo, Antonio da to Cotes, Rhoda
- Cotes, Rhoda to Cotter, Eugene Richard
- Cotter, Eug�nie Isabelle to Cotter, Patrick Hayes
- Cotter, Patrick Laurence Delaval, 7th Bt. to Cotterill, Winifred Helen
- Cottesloe, 1st Baron, of Swanbourne and Hardwick, co. Buckingham (Thomas Francis) to Cotton, Elizabeth Grania Lennox
- Cotton, Elizabeth Jean to Cotton, Mary Bridget
- Cotton, Mary Evelyn to Cottrell, William Swinfen
- Cottrell-Dormer, Beatrice to Coulson, John
- Coulson, John to Couper, William Lempri�re
- Coupier, Anne, Baronne de Meilly-Coulonge to Courage, Piers Raymond
- Courage, Primrose Sophia Gwnendoline to Courcy, Michael Constantine, 26th Lord Kingsale
- Courcy, Michael de to Courten, William the younger
- Courtenay Clack, Charlie to Courtenay, Isabella
- Courtenay, Isabella to Courteney, unknown daughter
- Courthope, 1st Baron, of Whiligh, co. Sussex (George Loyd) to Cousans, Susan Eva
- Cousens, Ada Mary to Coventry, Archibald Charles St. John
- Coventry, Arthur Beauclerk to Coventry, Lorna Mary
- Coventry, Lorna Peggy Maria to Covert, William
- Covery, Mary to Cowell, Matthew
- Cowell, Matthew to Cowie, Rosalind Mary
- Cowie, Rose to Cowper, John
- Cowper, John to Cox, Dulcie Eila Minnie
- Cox, Dylan Mackintosh to Cox, Michael Guy
- Cox, Michael Piers to Coxey, Ursula
- Coxhead, Ethel to Crabb, Wendy Helen
- Crabbe, Arthur Bington to Cradock, William
- Cradock-Hartopp, 10th Baronet, of Freathby, co. Leicester (Kenneth Alston) to Craig, Hazel Betty
- Craig, Heather to Craigie, unknown
- Craigie, unknown daughter to Crampton, J.
- Crampton, James Nicholas Douglas to Crane, Susan
- Crane, Susan to Cranstoun, William, 3rd Lord Cranstoun
- Cranstoun, William, 5th Lord Cranstoun to Craufurd, William Devereux
- Crause, Mary Rebecca to Craven, Sheila Mary
- Craven, Simon George, 8th Earl of Craven to Crawford, Corran
- Crawford, Countess of (Catherine) to Crawford, Joan
- Crawford, Joan Margaret to Crawford, Sarah
- Crawford, Sarah to Crawfurd-Stirling-Stuart, William James of Castlemilk
- Crawley, Abraham to Crawley, Sarah
- Crawley, Sarah to Crawshay, Marie Augusta Hester
- Crawshay, Mary to Creagh, Rebecca Victoria
- Creagh, Reginald Simon to Creery, Ruth
- Crees, Emilie Anna to Cressac de Sloeuvre, Sylvian de
- Cressac de Sloeuvre, Valerie de to Crewdson, Sarah Albinia
- Crewdson, Sophie Horatia Fermor to Cribb, W. J. Douglas
- Crichton of Sanquhar and Cumnock, 10th Lord (John) to Crichton, Grizel
- Crichton, Harriet E. to Crichton, Robert of Eliock
- Crichton, Robert of Kinnoull to Crichton-Stuart, William Henry
- Crick, Alfred William to Cripps, Violet Mary
- Cripps, Violet Mary to Critchley, Violet Frances Stephanie
- Critchley-Salmonson, Angela Jane to Crocker, unknown
- Crocker, Ursula Margaret Rosemary to Croft, Francis Edgar
- Croft, Frank to Croft, Stephen
- Croft, Stephen to Crofton, Catherine
- Crofton, Catherine to Crofton, Jane
- Crofton, Jane Inglis to Crofton, Yvonne Florence Arnott
- Crofton-Atkins, Ada to Crofts, Wilhelmina
- Crofts, William to Croker, Henriette Victoria
- Croker, Henry to Cromer, William (Sir)
- Cromie, 1st Baronet (Michael) to Cromwell, Frances
- Cromwell, Frances to Crone, Michael Scott
- Crone, Michelle Jayne to Crooke, Elizabeth
- Crooke, Elizabeth Cunningham to Cropley, William
- Cropp, Sarah to Crosbie, Elizabeth Claire
- Crosbie, Elizabeth Eleanora to Crosbie, Winifred
- Crosby, Alasdair Gordon Patrick to Cross, Elizabeth
- Cross, Elizabeth to Cross, William, 2nd Bt.
- Crosse, Anne to Crossley, Yvonne van
- Crossling, Emily to Croudace, William
- Croudis, Rae Irene Anne to Crowley, Theodosia
- Crowmer, Elizabeth to Croy, Katharina Stefanie Ebba Madeleine Liselotte
- Croy, Klemens Maria Hubertus Joseph Alexander to Crozier, William
- Crozier-Cole, Barbara Gertrude Valerie to Cro�, Marie-Claire Prinzessin von
- Cro�, Marie-Dorothy Constance Marie Prinzessin von to Crump, John
- Crump, Joseph Kipling to Cuadra, unknown
- Cuaran, Olaf to Cubitt, William George
- Cubitt, William George, V.C. to Culemborg, Peter van Heer van Boxmeer
- Culham, Alfred Frank to Cullen, Michael
- Cullen, Michael to Culme-Seymour, Violet Katharine Maria
- Culmore, 1st Baron, co. Londonderry (William) to Cumberland, William Bentinck
- Cumberland-Brown, Georgina Dimity to Cumming, Mary Sophia
- Cumming, May to Cummins, Sarah Ann
- Cummins, Sarah Ann to Cuningham, John
- Cuningham, John Fairlie to Cuninghame, Janet
- Cuninghame, Janet Lucretia to Cunliffe, Diana Wentworth
- Cunliffe, Douglas Malcolm to Cunliffe-Kay, John
- Cunliffe-Lister, Ada to Cunningham, Edward
- Cunningham, Edward James to Cunningham, Mary
- Cunningham, Mary to Cunninghame, Richard John
- Cunninghame, Robert to Cuppage, Ellen Sophia
- Cuppage, Ethel to Curling, Victoria Margaret
- Curney, Grace to Currey, Dorothy Christian
- Currey, Edith Anna to Currie, Hilda Katherine Fendall
- Currie, Horace Gore to Curry, R. G.
- Curry, Ralph Booth to Curtis, Eveline Jane
- Curtis, Eveline Manser to Curtis, Robert Cecil
- Curtis, Robert Frederick Peregrine to Curwen, Patricius, 1st and last Bt.
- Curwen, Philip Mark Ivo to Curzon, John, 1st Bt.
- Curzon, John, 3rd Bt. to Cusack, Georgina Frances
- Cusack, Gertrude Edith to Cust, Edward, 1st Bt.
- Cust, Eleanor Katherine to Cuthbertson, Penelope
- Cuthbertson, Richard John Uniacke to Cuyk, Willem van Burggraf van Leiden
- Cuyk-Arnsberg, Adelheid van to Czartoryski, Zdislaw Aleksander
- Czaykowski, Frederic Michael Vladimir Marie de to D'Abreu, Veronica Teresa
- D'Absac, Ann to D'Arcy, Henrietta Maria
- D'Arcy, Henrietta Mary to D'Arcy, Sasha Phatsimo Topsy
- D'Arcy, Sheelah Patricia to D'Oyly, Kathleen
- D'Oyly, Laura to Dacre, William, 5th Lord Dacre
- Dacres Dixon, Anthony John to Dahl, Thorleif
- Dahlgren, Bernhard Ulrik to Dale, Margaret Louise
- Dale, Mary to Dalison, William Stanley
- Dalkeith, 10th Earl of (Richard Walter John) to Dalmahoy, William of Ravelrig
- Dalman, Amelia to Dalrymple, Hannah
- Dalrymple, Harriet to Dalrymple, Zelda Raney
- Dalrymple-Crichton, Anne to Dalrymple-White, Merial Catherine Dalrymple
- Dalsallock, Alicia de to Dalton, Thomas Norcliffe
- Dalton, Tomas to Daly, Dominick Daniel
- Daly, Dominick Gore to Daly, Mary Charlotte
- Daly, Mary Florence to Dalzell, Elizabeth
- Dalzell, Elizabeth to Dam, Susan
- Damasceni Peretti, Flavia (Donna) to Dampierre, Yolande, Dame de Cassel et de Nogent-le-Rotrou
- Dampierre-de-L'Aube, Helwide, Dame de Nanteuil-la-Fosse, de Faverolles et de Tr�lon to Dane, Margery
- Dane, Martin Louis Geoffrey to Daniel, Lucy Anne
- Daniel, Lucy Veronica Tennant to Daniell, Maud Edith
- Daniell, May Frances Drummond to Dansey, William Mallet
- Dansie, Charles to Darby, George
- Darby, George to Darcy, Arthur
- Darcy, Aymer to Dare, Sibyl Rowena
- Dare, Sonia Ione to Darko, Una
- Darley, Abel to Darling, Suzanne C.
- Darling, Sydney to Darroch, Elizabeth Marianne St. Leger
- Darroch, Evelyn Valpy to Darwin, Mary Ann
- Darwin, Mary Jane to Dashwood, Florence Kathleen
- Dashwood, Florence Rachel de Courcy to Dashwood, Susan Caroline
- Dashwood, Susan Mary to Dauncey, William de Alneto
- Daundeley, Joan to Daunt, Robert
- Daunt, Robert to Davenport, Louisa
- Davenport, Louisa to Davey, Zoe Janet
- Davico di Quittengo, Sheran to Davidson, Donald
- Davidson, Donald to Davidson, Martin Charles
- Davidson, Mary to Davie, John, 8th Bt.
- Davie, John, 9th Bt. to Davies, Cresten
- Davies, Crompton Llewelyn to Davies, Hugh
- Davies, Hugh Alexander Evan to Davies, Mary Louisa
- Davies, Mary Myfanwy to Davies, Thomas
- Davies, Thomas to Davis, Anna Frances Mary
- Davis, Annalisse to Davis, George John
- Davis, Georgina Elizabeth Laetitia to Davis, Matthew Jeremy
- Davis, Maurice to Davis-Goff, William, 1st Bt.
- Davis-Scourfield, Gwynedd Mary to Davy, Charles Henry
- Davy, Charles Raikes to Dawe, Penelope
- Dawe-Lane, John to Dawkins, Marguerite Marie Etienette
- Dawkins, Maria Margaret to Dawnay, Sarah
- Dawnay, Sarah to Dawson, Frances
- Dawson, Frances to Dawson, Philadelphia Hannah
- Dawson, Philip to Dawtrey De Alta Ripa, Josselin
- Dawtrey, Alice to Day, Olivia
- Day, Olivia to De Ritter, William Philip Alastair
- De Rouet, Eugenie M. L. to Deadman, Sheryl Lesley
- Deady, Dora Rodliff to Dean, Patience
- Dean, Patrick William Mackenzie to Deane, Matthew, 3rd Bt.
- Deane, Matthew, 4th Bt. to Dease, Ida Mary
- Dease, James to Debenham, Winifrede Gillian
- Debievre, Francoise-Ernestine to Dedel, Willemina Cornelia
- Dedem, Alexander van to Degenfeld-Schonburg, Christoph Martin Maximilian Friedrich Graf von
- Degenfeld-Schonburg, Christoph Martin Nikolaus Philipp Graf von to Deira, �lle of
- Dekker, Albert Henry to Delaney, William
- Delano, Amy to Delfont, Susan Jane
- Delfosc, Susanne to Delm�-Murray, Rosemary Janet
- Deloose, Arielle to Demaine, Jane
- Demaine, Jane to Demol, Ysabelle
- Demond, Sally to Deneys, Nancy Mary Emmott
- Deng, Wendi to Dening, William
- Denington, Baroness, of Stevenage in the County of Hertford (Evelyn Joyce) to Denman, Elizabeth
- Denman, Elizabeth Margaret to Denmark, Ulf of
- Denmark, Ulrich of to Dennis, Elizabeth
- Dennis, Elizabeth to Denniston, Robert of Denniston
- Dennistoun, Alexander to Denny, Ella Jane
- Denny, Ella May to Denny, William Murray
- Denny-Cooke, Beatrice Jessie to Dent, William (Captain)
- Dent, William Dent to Deramore of Belvoir, Baroness (Violet Blanche)
- Derby Smith, Rachel to Dering, Richard
- Dering, Richard to Desanges, William
- Desart, 1st Baron (Hamilton John Agmondesham) to Despard, William
- Despencer, 6th Lord le (Charles) to Deutshcer, Jane Elizabeth Norah
- Deutz van Assendelft, Andries Adolf Vrijheer van Assendelft en Assumburg, Heer van Nootdorp, Rietschoten, Rietwijkeroord en Heer van Wijk aan Zee en Duin to Devereux, Francis Richard
- Devereux, Frank to Devitt, Herbert Pye-Smith
- Devitt, Howson Charles to Devonshire, Robert L.
- Devoreaux, Winifred to Dewar, James Forrest
- Dewar, James Gow to Dewe, Pamela Mary
- Dewell, Mary to Deym zu Stritez, Katharina Gr�fin von
- Deym zu Stritez, Katharina Gr�fin von to Dick, Catherine Davidson
- Dick, Catherine Laura to Dick-Lauder, Zella Evelyn
- Dickason, Harriet to Dickins, William Drummond Scrase
- Dickinson, 1st Baron, of Painswick, co. Gloucester (Willoughby Hyett) to Dickinson, Robert
- Dickinson, Robert to Dickson, Henrietta Walker
- Dickson, Henry to Diephol, Hedwig von
- Dierbach, Johan to Digby, Everard
- Digby, Everard to Digby, William FitzGerald
- Digby, William John to Dilks, Thomas Bruce
- Dill, Ada Maud to Dill, Thomas Reginald Colquhoun
- Dill, unknown to Dillon, Edmund
- Dillon, Edmund to Dillon, John, 1st Bt.
- Dillon, John, 6th Bt. to Dillon, Rose Anne
- Dillon, Rose, Baroness ffrench of Castle ffrench to Dimbleby, William
- Dimech, Roslyn Anne to Dingwall, David
- Dingwall, Dulce Fordyce to Dirletoun, 9th Lord (Thomas)
- Dirnenberger, Elisabeth to Ditson, Sam Lennie
- Dittborn, Luis Urrejola to Dixon, Angela
- Dixon, Angela Ierne Evelyn to Dixon, Katherine Bertha Constance
- Dixon, Katherine Jean to Dixton, William Higford
- Dixwell, 1st Baronet (Basil) to Dobbin, Jean Madeline
- Dobbin, Jeanette Bathurst to Dobbs, Cheryl Maureen Fairlie
- Dobbs, Christine Elisabeth to Dobbs, Robert Wallace
- Dobbs, Rosalind Heyworth to Dobrzensky, Leopoldine
- Dobrzyn, Duke of (Boleslaw) to Docker, Thomas Everett
- Dockerie, Dorothy to Dodds, Ralph Edward
- Dodds, Ralph Jordan, 2nd Bt. to Dodwell, William
- Doe, Ann to Doig, Douglas William
- Doig, Duncan Andrew to Dolben, William, 3rd Bt.
- Dolbey, Joan to Dolphin, unknown
- Dom-Paul, Amy Joy Barnard to Domvile, William, Bt.
- Domville, 1st Baronet, of St. Albans, co. Hertford (William) to Donald, Janet
- Donald, Janet Wilgres to Donaldson, unknown
- Donaldson, Unknown to Dongen, Robert Albert van
- Donger, Alan David to Donnelly, Ivon Arthur Frederic
- Donnelly, James to Donovan, J. R.
- Donovan, James to Doratt, John (Sir)
- Dorchester, 1st Baron, of Dorchester, co. Oxford (Guy) to Dorman, Mary
- Dorman, Mary to Dormer, Isabella
- Dormer, James to Dorset, Countess of (Elizabeth)
- Dorset, Countess of (Frances) to Doughty, Matilda Brenda
- Doughty, Penelope Ann to Douglas, Alice
- Douglas, Alice to Douglas, Carstairs
- Douglas, Carstairs Cumming to Douglas, Elizabeth
- Douglas, Elizabeth to Douglas, Gerard Noel
- Douglas, Gertrude Evelyn Augusta to Douglas, James (Admiral)
- Douglas, James (Hon.) to Douglas, John Francis
- Douglas, John Graham to Douglas, Margaret Jean
- Douglas, Margaret Jean Gai Eliott-Drake to Douglas, Robert
- Douglas, Robert to Douglas, Victoria Maria
- Douglas, Victoria Rose to Douglas-Hamilton, Douglas Bruce
- Douglas-Hamilton, Douglas Charles to Douglas-Matheson, Violet
- Douglas-Menzies, Andrew Edward to Doulton, Sylvia Rosalind Stafford
- Doumen, Emma Sheelin to Doveton, William Webber
- Doveton-Kay, Diana Mary to Dowding, Yuki Elizabeth
- Dowe, Joshua to Downall, John
- Downe, 10th Viscount (Richard) to Downham, William
- Downie, Agnes Helen Flockhart to Dowse, William
- Dowse-Finnemor, Fabienne Jos� to Doyle, Sophia
- Doyle, Sophia Cramer to Drabson, Roger
- Drac, Alix du to Drake, Francis, 3rd Bt.
- Drake, Frank Dufford to Drake-Brockman, Philip Charles
- Drake-Brockman, Ralph to Drechsel zu Deuffstetten, Sophie von
- Drechsel, C. F. to Drew, Louisa
- Drew, Lucy to Driberg, Thomas Edward Neil, Baron Bradwell
- Drielen Gimberg, Jacques Theodore van to Drogheda, Marchioness of (Mary Caroline)
- Drokensford, Claricia to Drum, William
- Drumalbyn, 1st Baron, of Whitesands, co. Dumfries (Niall Malcolm Stewart) to Drummond, Beatrix
- Drummond, Beatrix to Drummond, George
- Drummond, George to Drummond, John William Ainslie
- Drummond, John, 10th of Lennoch, 3rd of Megginch to Drummond, Maurice
- Drummond, Maurice to Drummond-Hay, Charles
- Drummond-Hay, Charles Robert to Drury, Ernest O'Brien
- Drury, Essex Leila Hilary to Dryden, Ethel Marion
- Dryden, Evelyn Kate Mary to Duane, Sarah
- Duarte, Maria Leila to Ducie of Tortworth, Baroness (Sarah)
- Ducie, 1st Baronet (Robert) to Duckworth, Penelope Mary Leonora
- Duckworth, Peter Henry to Dudhope, Viscountess (Margaret)
- Dudina, Tatiana to Dudman, Ellen Marjorie
- Dudson, Alfred to Duff, Charles Michael Robert Vivian, 3rd Bt.
- Duff, Chloe Nola to Duff, John
- Duff, John to Duff, William, 1st of Muirtown
- Duff-Assheton-Smith, Alice Laura to Duffus, William
- Duffy, Alice to Dugdale, Mary
- Dugdale, Mary to Duivenvoorde, Willem 'Snickerieme' van
- Dujol, Marie Fran�oise to Duldig, Wendy
- Dule, Cr�n�in of to Dunbar, 7th Baronet, of Durn (Drummond Miles)
- Dunbar, 7th Baronet, of Hempriggs, co. Caithness (George Cospatrick) to Dunbar, George
- Dunbar, George to Dunbar, Margaret
- Dunbar, Margaret to Dunbar, William, 1st of Hempriggs
- Dunbar-Anderson, Douglas Kingsley to Duncan, Emma Maria Hanson
- Duncan, Emma Maud Marion to Duncan-Haldane, Robert Dundas, 1st Earl of Camperdown of Lundie
- Duncan-Johnstone, Angus Colin to Duncombe, William
- Duncombe, William to Dundas, Christian
- Dundas, Christian to Dundas, Henry
- Dundas, Henry Charles Clement, 7th Viscount Melville of Melville to Dundas, Margaret
- Dundas, Margaret to Dundas, Thomas Lawrence
- Dundas, Thomas of Fingask to Dungern, Kallie Rose von
- Dungern, Kristina Melissa von to Dunlop, Anna Elizabeth
- Dunlop, Anne Jack to Dunlop, Miranda Grace
- Dunlop, Nicholas George Teacher to Dunn, Elizabeth Mary
- Dunn, Ella to Dunn, Yencheun Yeh
- Dunn-Astley-Corbett, Clare to Dunning, Winston Eric
- Dunning-Gribble, Carl Leopold to Dunstan, Ysobel Sophie Helen
- Dunstanville of Tehidy, 1st Baron de (Francis) to Duppa, Vivienne Muriel
- Duppengiezeer, Anna to Durand, Ralph Anthony
- Durand, Reginald to Durham, William Bruce
- Durham, William Campbell to Durnford, Sarah Eliza
- Durnford, Sebiana to Dusautoy, John Abbott
- Duse, Sybil to Dutton, Ralph, 1st Bt.
- Dutton, Reginald George to Dwyer, William
- Dwyer-Hampton, Bertie Cunynghame to Dyer, Maria Letalia
- Dyer, Mark to Dyke-Poore, Henry Pakenham
- Dykema, Albert Jans to Dynevor of Dynevor, Baroness (Selina)
- Dynham, Catherine to Eade, Margaret
- Eade, Mary Anna to Eagleton, Winifred Mary
- Eagling, Caroline Byng to Eardley-Wilmot, Mabel Ernestine
- Eardley-Wilmot, Mabel Iris to Earle, Helen Alice
- Earle, Helen Elizabeth Dunkin to East Breffny, Lord of, co. Cavan (Gildas)
- East Franks, Louis II of the to Eastwick, William Joseph
- Eastwick-Field, Susan Jane Hunter to Eatwell, Vladimir
- Eaves, Kate to Ebsworth, Wilfrid Algernon
- Eburton, Elizabeth to Echlin, Henry, 1st Bt.
- Echlin, Henry, 3rd Bt. to Eddis, William McDonell
- Eddisbury of Winnington, 1st Baron, co. Chester (Edward John) to Eden, Elfrida Charlotte
- Eden, Elfrida Marjorie to Eden, Norah Madeline
- Eden, Oliver to Edgar, Shane Malcolm
- Edgar, Thomas to Edge-Partington, Thomas Keppel
- Edgecliffe-Johnson, Catherine Louise to Edlmann, Violet Florence F.
- Edman, Grace Edman Cunningham to Edmonstone, Dru Benjamin Marshall
- Edmonstone, Edith Isabella to Edward, Gwendolen Agnes Rodney Edwards
- Edward, Gwyneth Ethel to Edwards, Anne
- Edwards, Anne to Edwards, Frances
- Edwards, Frances to Edwards, Lewis
- Edwards, Lewis John to Edwards, Thomas
- Edwards, Thomas to Ees, Iliane Elizabeth van
- Eeuwen, Dwaine Grant van to Egerton, Cyril Reginald
- Egerton, David to Egerton, Margaret Falkiner
- Egerton, Margaret Gillian to Egerton, Wion de Malpas
- Egerton-Cust, John William Spencer Brownlow to Egerton-Warburton, Mary August
- Egerton-Warburton, Mary Heath to Eglinton, Master of (John)
- Egloffstein, Isabelle von und zu to Eickhoff, Freda-Ingeborg
- Eidestedt, Jean Margaret to Ekstrand, Estelle
- Ekstrom, Margreth to Eldon, Rita Jacqueline
- Eldred, Anne to Elibank, Viscountess (Ermine Mary Katharine)
- Elichaoff, Camilla Elizabeth to Eliot, William, 2nd Earl of Saint Germans
- Eliot-Cohen, Arthur to Eliott, Lynette Anne
- Eliott, Mabel Alicia Georgina to Elland, Anuszka
- Ellard, Agnes to Ellice, Robert
- Ellice, Robert to Elliot, Ethel Winifred
- Elliot, Evangeline Marguerite Ladys to Elliot, Sonia Annabel
- Elliot, Stephen Horgan to Elliott, Dennis David James
- Elliott, Diana Frances Obry to Elliott, Robert Perceval
- Elliott, Robert William, Baron Elliott of Morpeth to Ellis, Frances
- Ellis, Frances to Ellis, Sarah
- Ellis, Sarah to Ellsworth, Susan
- Elltoft, John to Elphinstone, Alexander Francis
- Elphinstone, Alexander Howard Cathcart to Elphinstone, John, 13th Lord Elphinstone
- Elphinstone, John, 2nd Bt. to Elrington, Walter Favi�re
- Els, Bernadette to Elton, Edward
- Elton, Edward to Elton, unknown daughter
- Elton, Vera Ida to Elwes, Barnaby
- Elwes, Bede Evelyn Dominick to Elwes, Ysabel Caroline
- Elwess, Jean Elspeth to Ely, William Grosvenor
- Elycott, Elizabeth to Emett, Thomas
- Emflorgo, Mary Lou to Emmott, Susanna
- Emmott, Theodore to Engeler, Sarah Th�r�se
- Engelhard, Antonette Henriette to England, Thomas of
- England, Vanessa Anne to Ennis, Winifred Dorothy
- Ennisdale, 1st Baron, of Grately, co. Southampton (Henry Edward) to Enzenberg, Wiltrud Marie Gr�fin von
- Enzenberg, Wolfgang Graf von to Erbach-F�rstenau, Hermann-Albrecht Graf zu
- Erbach-F�rstenau, Hermann-Albrecht Wilhelm Ernst-Otto Friedrich-Carl to Eriksdottir, Sophie, Princess of Denmark
- Eriksen, Susan to Ernley, Susan
- Ernly, Bridget to Erskine Maconochie, Wendy Eleanor
- Erskine Meyer, Anna Audrey to Erskine, Charles
- Erskine, Charles to Erskine, George
- Erskine, George David to Erskine, John Robert
- Erskine, John Steuart to Erskine, Patricia
- Erskine, Patricia Louise to Erskine-Hill, Suzannah
- Erskine-Murray, Alan D'Ardis, 14th Lord Elibank to Eskridge, Rebecca
- Esla, Helena d' to Espagne, Rosalie d'
- Espa�a, Alfonso Christian Teresa Angelo Francisco de to Essarts, Fran�ois, Seigneur de Sautour
- Essayan, Geraldine St. Lawrence Lee to Este, Marchese d' (Obizzo I)
- Este, Margherita d' to Estolaza y Donoso, Rosa
- Eston, Baron of, Essex (Reinald) to Etherton, Wendy
- Ethiopia, Amadeo of to Eustace, Catharine
- Eustace, Catherine to Eustace, Mary
- Eustace, Mary to Evan-Thomas, Margery
- Evance, Hester to Evans, Charles D.
- Evans, Charles Edward to Evans, Elizabeth
- Evans, Elizabeth to Evans, Harriette George Marion Gledstanes
- Evans, Harriot to Evans, Judith Margaret
- Evans, Judth Carpenter to Evans, Michael Charles Elmore
- Evans, Michael David Agnew to Evans, Stewart Eyre
- Evans, Stuart George Rutherford to Evans-Freke, Joyzelle Mary
- Evans-Freke, Katherine Felicia to Eveillard, Marie
- Evekink, Dorus to Evelyn, Sydney
- Evelyn, Thomas to Everard, Winifred
- Everdell, Anne to Eversfield, Thomas (Sir)
- Evershed, 1st Baron, of Stapenhill, co. Stafford (Francis Raymond) to Every-Clayton, Edith Minnie
- Every-Clayton, Edna Beatrice to Evreux, Simon III d'
- Evry, Marquis d' (Georges) to Ewing of Kirkford, Baroness (Margaret)
- Ewing, Aileen Stephen to Exshaw, Egl�
- Exshaw, Egl� de Richemont to Eyles-Styles, Mary
- Eyll, Maria van to Eyre, Eva Lucy Mary
- Eyre, Evelyn Alice to Eyre, Millicent
- Eyre, Minna Mary Jessica to Eysinga, Isabella Catharina Johanna van
- Eysteinsson, 'The Mighty' to Faber-Castell, Maria-Gabrielle Gr�fin von
- Faber-Castell, Maria-Gabrielle von to Fagan, Elizabeth
- Fagan, Elizabeth to Fagan, Robert
- Fagan, Robert to Fair, William John
- Fairbairn Smith, Ian P. to Fairbairn, Suzanne Mary
- Fairbairn, Sydney George to Fairfax, Anne
- Fairfax, Anne (Hon.) to Fairfax, Mary Ann
- Fairfax, Mary Anne to Fairie, Thomas
- Fairland, Emma Mary to Faithfull, William Conrad
- Faithorne, Elizabeth Ann to Falconer, William, 6th Lord Falconer of Halkertoun
- Falconi, Alessandro to Falkiner, Sarah
- Falkiner, Sarah to Fallowfield, William
- Falls, Charles Fausset to Fane de Salis, Jerome
- Fane de Salis, Jerome Andrew to Fane, Blanche Louisa
- Fane, Brenda to Fane, Isabel
- Fane, Isabel to Fanner, Charles Louis
- Fannin, Catherine Anna to Fanshawe, Zilla Mary
- Fanslow, Edward to Farmar, William Russell
- Farmborough, Edith Adela Emily Louisa to Farnfield, William
- Farnham, 10th Baron, of Farnham, co. Cavan (Somerset Henry) to Farquhar, James Brydon
- Farquhar, James Edward to Farquharson, Diana
- Farquharson, Donald to Farquharson, Mary Maynard
- Farquharson, Mary Sarah to Farrar, Frederick William
- Farrar, George Herbert, 1st and last Bt. to Farrer, Marjorie Laura
- Farrer, Mark to Farris, Rosemary Joy
- Farrish, Elizabeth to Faucomberge, Walter, 4th Lord Faucomberge
- Faucompre, Germaine Jeanne Aron de to Faull, Gertrude Daphne
- Faulquier, Susanna to Favot, Rosa
- Favot, Sante Antonio to Fawsitt, Sean McDiarmhid
- Fawson, unknown to Fearon, William Guy Rupert
- Feasey, Alice Helen to Feilden, Charlotte Delia Harriet
- Feilden, Charlotte Emily Willoughby to Feilding, Geffrey
- Feilding, Geoffrey Percy Thynne to Feldman, Tilly
- Feldmann, Friedrich to Fellowes, Frederic William
- Fellowes, Frederick David Lyon to Fellows, Judith A.
- Fellows, Lancelot Desmond to Fenney, Linda Jane
- Fennie, Margaret to Fenwick, Charles
- Fenwick, Charles to Fenwicke-Clennell, Warren
- Fenzi, John M. Douglas de to Ferguson, Charles Augustus
- Ferguson, Charles James to Ferguson, R.
- Ferguson, Rachel Christina to Fergusson, Helen Dorothea
- Fergusson, Helen Hamilton to Fergusson, Winifred Evelyn
- Fergusson-Buchanan, Avril Nora to Fernandez-Llorente, Romina V.
- Fernandez-Maquieira y de Borb�n, Alberto to Ferranti, Yolanda Mary Dorothy de
- Ferrar, Dorothy to Ferrers, Eleanor
- Ferrers, Eleanor to Ferris, Wendy Rose
- Ferriter, Alice to Fetherstonhaugh, Bridget Mary
- Fetherstonhaugh, Bronwen Alicia Mary to Fetherstonhaugh, Matthew, 1st Bt.
- Fetherstonhaugh, Maude Ada to Few Brown, Rebecca Mary
- Few, Elaine to fforde, Winifred Lillian
- fforde-Tipping, Elisabeth fforde to ffrench, Mary Catherine
- ffrench, Mary Geraldine to Field, Henry
- Field, Henry to Fielder, Victoria Frances
- Fieldhouse, Amanda to Fiennes, Isabeau de
- Fiennes, Ivo to Fifi, Maria Cynthia
- Fifield, Donald Ernest to Filgate, William Rodolph
- Filho, Lucinda Grace to Finch, Daniel, 8th Earl of Winchilsea
- Finch, Desmond Otho FitzGerald to Finch, Urwin
- Finch, Vera S. to Findlater, Joyce
- Findlater, Judith to Fingall, Dowager Countess of (Mary)
- Finger, Marcia Jane to Finlay, Zoe Josephine
- Finlay-Greig, Madeleine Betty Kezia to Finnie, Antoinette
- Finnie, Archibald to Finnis, William Frederick Forder
- Finnsdottir, Ingibiorg to Firmin, Zoe Charlotte
- Firmin-Didot, Christine Aim�e to Fishbourne, Sarah Elizabeth
- Fishburn, Alice Benita to Fisher, Elizabeth
- Fisher, Elizabeth to Fisher, Margaret
- Fisher, Margaret to Fisher, William
- Fisher, William Allen to Fitton, Edward Brown
- Fitton, Edward, 1st Bt. to FitzAlan, Richard, 3rd/10th Earl of Arundel
- FitzAlan, Richard, 4th/11th Earl of Arundel to Fitzgerald, Adolphine Caroline Annie Helena Marie
- FitzGerald, Adrian Dighton Desmond to FitzGerald, Clarissa
- FitzGerald, Clarisse Fanny to FitzGerald, Elizabeth Dorothea Maud
- Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Ellen to FitzGerald, Geraldine Sydney
- FitzGerald, Geroit Oge to Fitzgerald, John
- Fitzgerald, John to Fitzgerald, Marianne
- FitzGerald, Marianne to FitzGerald, Peter David
- FitzGerald, Peter Desmond to FitzGerald, unknown son
- FitzGerald, unknown son to FitzGibbon, Frances
- FitzGibbon, Frances Geraldine Dillon to FitzGibbon, Walter
- FitzGibbon, William to Fitzherbert, Eleanor
- FitzHerbert, Eleanor Margaret to FitzHerbert, Mary Joanna Sophia
- FitzHerbert, Mary Lucy to Fitzherbert-Brockholes, William Joseph
- Fitzherbert-Stafford, Francis Edward to FitzLewis, Richard
- FitzLyons, Alison to FitzMaurice, Frederick O'Bryen
- FitzMaurice, Gamalial to Fitzmaurice, Maureen Margaret
- FitzMaurice, Maurice to FitzPatrick, Elizabeth
- Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth to Fitzroy, Charles Edward
- FitzRoy, Charles Edward Millett to FitzRoy, Phoele Likelike
- FitzRoy, Phyllis Joan to FitzWarin, William
- Fitzwarine, Hawise to FitzWilliam, William
- Fitzwilliam, William to Flanagan, Veronica
- Flanaghan, Georgina Maria to Fleetwood, Gustaf Miles friherre
- Fleetwood, Harald Georg friherre to Fleming, Daniel, 5th Bt.
- Fleming, David to Fleming, John Fraser le
- Fleming, John James to Fleming, Thomas
- Fleming, Thomas (Rev. Dr.) to Fletcher, Dorothy
- Fletcher, Dorothy to Fletcher, Katherine Marie
- Fletcher, Kathleen to Fletcher, William Daniel
- Fletcher, William Dunbar to Flint, William
- Flint, William to Flower, Deborah Susannah
- Flower, Desmond Llowarch Edward, 10th Viscount Ashbrook to Floyd, Francis
- Floyd, Gertrude Frederica Mary Ashburnham to Fl�rez-Estrada Orlandis-Habsburgo, Luis Mar�a
- Fl�rez-Estrada, Maria del Pilar to Folejambe, Thomas
- Foletta, Geoffrey George to Foley, Mary
- Foley, Mary to Foljambe, Victor Alexander Cecil Savile
- Folk, Raymond to Fonnereau, William Charles
- Fonseca de Ulloa, Juan Alfonso to Foot, John Winslow
- Foot, Kate to Forbes Adam, Wilfrid Peter Jamie
- Forbes Irvine, Alexander to Forbes, Archibald Herbert d'Esterre
- Forbes, Archibald of Putachie to Forbes, Eliza
- Forbes, Eliza Agnew to Forbes, Henry
- Forbes, Henry to Forbes, John of Blackford
- Forbes, John of Brux to Forbes, Mary
- Forbes, Mary to Forbes, unknown son
- Forbes, unknown son to Forbes-Leith, Williamina Stewart
- Forbes-Maitland, Arthur to Ford, Charles Annesley Wilbraham
- Ford, Charles B. to Ford, Lachlan
- Ford, Lascelles Wharton to Ford, William Charles
- Ford, William Clay to Fordham, Sylvia Christina
- Fordill, heiress of to Forestier-Walker, Godfrey George
- Forestier-Walker, Gwent to Forni, Tommaso, Comte Forni
- Forres, 1st Baron, of Glenogil, co. Forfar (Archibald) to Forrester, Robert
- Forrester, Robert of Boquhan to Forster, Jane
- Forster, Jane to Forsyth, Kevin Hugh
- Forsyth, Malcolm William to Fortescue, Aurelia Mary Elizabeth
- Fortescue, Barbara to Fortescue, Margaret Anne
- Fortescue, Margaret Annie to Fortune, William Rankine
- Fortye, Alfred to Foster, Anne
- Foster, Anne Dorothea to Foster, Gay
- Foster, Gayle Lynn to Foster, Mary Adelaide Leslie
- Foster, Mary Barbara Elizabeth to Foster, William Orme
- Foster, William Robert Brudenell to Foulcher, Patricia Barbara
- Fould-Springer, Eug�ne to Fountain, William
- Fountaine, Alexandra Juliet Catherine to Fowle, William Hugh
- Fowler, 1st Baronet (John) to Fowler, Mary Johanna
- Fowler, Mary Mabel Enid to Fox, Arthur Barton
- Fox, Arthur Copley to Fox, Emily Cecile
- Fox, Emily Charlotte to Fox, Jamie Edward Devereux
- Fox, Jane to Fox, Michael Frederick
- Fox, Michael John Francis to Fox, William
- Fox, William to Fox-Strangways, William Thomas Horner, 4th Earl of Ilchester
- Foxall, Emma to Fraguier, Pamela de
- Fraguier, Patrick de to Frampton, Robert Thornton
- Frampton, Robin Shirley to France, William Beckwith
- France-Hayhurst, Cecil Halstead to Francis, Thomas Austin
- Francis, Timothy to Francs, Roi des (Henri I)
- Francs, Roi des (Hugues III) to Frankland, Frederick William Francis George, 10th Bt.
- Frankland, Frederick William, 8th Bt. to Franklin, Virginia
- Franklin, W. D. K. to Franks, Margaret
- Franks, Margaret to Fraser, Agnes
- Fraser, Agnes to Fraser, Catharine
- Fraser, Catharine to Fraser, Frank Hazel
- Fraser, Frederick M. to Fraser, Jean Helen
- Fraser, Jean Madeline Frances to Fraser, Mary Kathleen
- Fraser, Mary Kathleen to Fraser, unknown daughter
- Fraser, unknown daughter to Frazer, Jenny-Lynn
- Frazer, John to Frederick, Mary Theresa Caroline Alice
- Frederick, Melba to Freeman, Cherry Anne Carruthers
- Freeman, Chloe Anne to Freeman, William
- Freeman, William to Freke, Theodosia Elizabeth
- Freke, Thomas to Fremantle, Winifred Grace Culling
- Freme, Anna Maria Isabella to French, Elizabeth
- French, Elizabeth to French, Katherine Lorne
- French, Kathryn Ann to French, Sarah
- French, Sarah to Frend, Margaret Patricia
- Frend, Martha Amelia to Fresnes, Vivian Robert James George de
- Fresnes-Lemay, Briana Iona Isabella de to Freyre, Jose Ramon
- Freys van Kuinre, Aleida to Frift, Walter
- Friis, Coradine Christiane to Froggatt, Wendy
- Frogley, Helen to Frost, Zachary Oliver Gustav
- Froster, David in Methven to Fry, John Gurney
- Fry, John Henry Pelly to Fryer, Joanna Karenza
- Fryer, John to Fulford-Dobson, Susan Penelope
- Fuljambe, Constance to Fuller, Jessie Alison
- Fuller, Joanna Elizabeth to Fullerton, Grant
- Fullerton, Helen Ernestine to Funn, Karen
- Funnell, Angela Nelson to Furness, Everard Haslam
- Furness, Fiona Elizabeth to Fursdon, unknown son
- Furse, Alice Jane to Fyfe, William Thomson
- Fyfe-Jamieson, Colin to Fynn, Walter Couling
- Fysh, Fergus McMaster to F�rstenberg, Prinzessin
- F�rstenberg, Prinzessin von (Anna) to Gabbett, Mary
- Gabbett, Mary to Gaddum, William Henry A.
- Gadea Escobar, Juan Jose to Gage, Eleanor
- Gage, Eleanor to Gage, Peter Robert
- Gage, Philip S. to Gaillard de Champris, Thibaud
- Gaillard de Lavald�ne, Bruno Henri Aymar Comte de to Gaisford, Walter Thomas
- Gaisford-St. Lawrence, Alexander William to Galbraith, Jane
- Galbraith, Jane to Gale, Roger
- Gale, Rupert Arthur Leake to Galitzine, Yevdokiya Borisovna
- Galiziano, Flaminia to Galliera, Antonio Maria Luis Felipe Juan Florencio de
- Galliers-Pratt, Alexandra Clare to Gallwey, Ellen
- Gallwey, Ellen to Galsworthy, William Jack Heywood
- Galt, Ada Campbell to Galwey, Elizabeth
- Galwey, Elizabeth to Galwey, Theodora
- Galwey, Thomas to Gamble, Enid Kathleen
- Gamble, Eric to Gammon, W. C.
- Gamon, 1st Baronet, of Minchenden, co. Middlesex (Richard Grace) to Gans, Randolph Charles von
- Gansberg, Franziska to Garde, William
- Gardella, George A. to Gardiner, Helen Jane
- Gardiner, Henrietta Maria to Gardiner-Hill, Susan Mary
- Gardini del Castillo, Rosa Elvira to Gardner, Ivan Elfin
- Gardner, J. to Gardner, Yuko
- Gardner-Brown, Elizabeth June Houlding to Garlies, Lord (Alexander)
- Garlington, Christopher to Garnett, John
- Garnett, John to Garnier, Laura Margaret
- Garnier, Lavender Hyacinth to Garraway, Roger
- Garrel, Teagan to Garrod, Sybil Audrey
- Garron, Alice Jane to Garth-Turnour, unknown daughter
- Garthorpe, Maria Johanna to Gasca, Susan Mary
- Gaschet, Annik Marie Nicole to Gascoyne, Isaac
- Gascoyne, Isabella to Gaskell, Trevor Roger
- Gaskell, Victoria Jacquine to Gatehouse, Timothy George
- Gatenby, Dimity Ann to Gatzke, Edith
- Gaubert, Helene Olga Lydia Tamara Maria to Gavan Duffy, William Charles Joseph
- Gavan, Anne to Gayand, Marguerite de
- Gayard, Charlotte to Geake, William Edward
- Geale, Alfred Gordon Harold to Geddes, Gordon
- Geddes, Gordon to Gee, William Benedict Robert Cooper
- Gee-Turner, Bettina Tamara Helga to Gell, William
- Gellard, Alexandra to Gemundt, Ilse
- Genade, Kathleen to George, Edward
- George, Edward Alan John, Baron George to Gerard of Bryn, Baroness (Mary Frances Emma)
- Gerard of Gerard's Bromley, 1st Baron (Thomas) to Gerard, William Cansfield, 2nd Baron Gerard of Bryn
- Gerard, William, 11th Bt. to Gerrard, William
- Gerret, Ann to Gethin, Rowene Margaret
- Gethin, Rupert Mark Lovell to Giacosa, Orsina
- Gialdini, Nella Penelope to Gibbins, SAmuel
- Gibbon, 'the White Knight' to Gibbons, Elizabeth
- Gibbons, Elizabeth Jean to Gibbs, Anstice Rosa
- Gibbs, Anthony Durant, 5th Baron Aldenham to Gibbs, Jane
- Gibbs, Jane Duncombe to Gibbs, Susan
- Gibbs, Susan to Gibson, Dawn
- Gibson, Debra to Gibson, Leanda Alice Devin Joan
- Gibson, Leight Robert to Gibson, William Archibald
- Gibson, William Barnaby Thomas to Gielgud, Violet Rose Elizabeth
- Giels, Frances Clotilde to Giffard, Roger
- Giffard, Roger to Gifford, Robert
- Gifford, Robert Francis, 2nd Baron Gifford of St. Leonard's to Gilbert, Marianne Charlotte Isabella
- Gilbert, Mark to Gilbey, Laura
- Gilbey, Lavinia to Gilder, Sherrington
- Gilder, Sherrington Ernest Alfred to Gilkison, Janet Kate
- Gilkisson, Alexander to Gill, Thomas Husband
- Gill, Thomas W. to Gillett, Frederick William Alfred Herbert
- Gillett, G. E. to Gilliland, William
- Gilling, Phyllis Ethel May to Gillman, Warren
- Gillman, Warren to Gilmour, James
- Gilmour, Jane to Gingell, unknown
- Ginger, Alice Margaret to Girouard, Theresa
- Giroult des Brosses, Claude to Gladstone, Christopher Steuart
- Gladstone, Claire Jane to Gladwin, Wendy Anne
- Gladwyn, 1st Baron, of Bramfield, co. Suffolk (Hubert Miles Gladwyn) to Glascock, Sara Catherine
- Glascoke, Edward to Glassey, William John
- Glassford, Anne to Gleig, Percy North
- Gleisberg, Claudia to Glengall, 2nd Earl of (Richard)
- Glenham, Dorothy to Glinski, Helen
- Glisson, Jacqueline Kaye to Glover, Mary
- Glover, Mary to Glyn, Frederick
- Glyn, Frederick Anthony to Glynn, Mark John
- Glynn, Maud Isabel to Gobourn, Timothy Richard Crichton
- Goch, Tangwystyl to Goddard, Yvonne
- Godden, Alexandra M. to Godfrey, Sonja Lois
- Godfrey, Stanley to Godley, Zara Valda Mari
- Godman, Adelaide Mary Philippa to Godwin, William
- Godwin-Austen, Alfred Godwin to Goff, Winifred
- Goffe, Anne to Gold, Walter Gilbey
- Gold-von Simson, Gabrielle to Goldney, John
- Goldney, John to Goldsmith, Gillian Marion
- Goldsmith, Ginette Christiane to Gomez, Rafael
- Gomez-Acebo Botin, Carla to Gonzaga, Vincenzo II, 7th Duca di Mantova
- Gonzales, Jayne Alexandra to Gooch, Hermione Ellen
- Gooch, Hester to Goodall, Mary Emily
- Goodall, Peter to Goodbody, Hannah Ridgway
- Goodbody, Hannah Woodcock to Goodbody, Michael Joseph
- Goodbody, Michael Leonard to Goodday, William
- Goodden, Benjamin Bernard Woulfe to Goodfellow, William
- Goodford, Andrew Christopher John to Goodlake, William Garrard
- Goodland, Mary to Goodricke, Ursula Monica
- Goodridge, F. to Goodyear, Moses
- Goodyer, Hester to Gordan, Marjorie Walter
- Gorden, Gilliam Sarah Esme to Gordon, Alexander
- Gordon, Alexander to Gordon, Bertie Edward
- Gordon, Bertie Ralph Dudley to Gordon, E. C. A.
- Gordon, Edgar Louis to Gordon, George of Cochlarachie
- Gordon, George of Cocklarochie to Gordon, James
- Gordon, James to Gordon, John
- Gordon, John to Gordon, Lucia
- Gordon, Lucinda Helen to Gordon, Marybelle
- Gordon, Mathilda Ann to Gordon, Thomas (Sir) of Cluny
- Gordon, Thomas Alexander George Forlong to Gordon-Craig, Tom
- Gordon-Cranstoun, Alastair Joseph Edgar to Gordon-Lennox, Elizabeth Grace
- Gordon-Lennox, Ellinor Caroline to Gore, Arthur Jocelyn Charles, 6th Earl of Arran of the Arran Islands
- Gore, Arthur L. to Gore, Frederick Dundas Corbet
- Gore, Frederick Dundas Corbet to Gore, Millicent Sophia
- Gore, Milo Thomas Spencer to Gore, Yoko
- Gore-Booth, Aideen Joyce to Gorges, Jane
- Gorges, Jane Frances to Goring, Mary
- Goring, Mary to Gort, Viscountess (Sharon Lyn)
- Gorter, Charlotte to Gosling, Charles
- Gosling, Charlotte to Gosselin, Nicola Jane
- Gosselin, Sarah to Gouch, W.
- Gouderack, Veronica Yorke H�l�ne Cecilia van to Gough, Jane
- Gough, Jane to Gould, Clare
- Gould, Cyril Edward to Gould, Veronica Ruth
- Gould, Viola Katherine to Gourlay, Elizabeth
- Gourlay, Elizabeth to Gow, John
- Gow, John Warrender to Gowland, Thomas
- Gowlland, Geoffrey Cathcart to Grabmayr, Leinhard von
- Grabow, Barbara to Gradidge, Richard
- Gradner, Joan Frances Casga to Graham and Mugdock, James
- Graham Menzies, Cynthia Lindsay to Graham, Barry Michael
- Graham, Bear to Graham, Edward
- Graham, Edward to Graham, Grace, Baroness Norwood of Knockalton
- Graham, Graham William to Graham, Jean Rose
- Graham, Jean Sibyl Violet to Graham, Margaret
- Graham, Margaret to Graham, Priscilla
- Graham, Priscilla Ann to Graham, Vera Patricia Stuart
- Graham, Vere to Graham-Toler, William Brabazon Lindsay, 4th Earl of Norbury
- Graham-Vivian, Audrey Emily to Granard, Viscountess of (Catherine)
- Granby, 10th Marquess of, co. Nottingham (Charles John Robert) to Grange, William Drayton
- Grangehill, Baron of (Robert) to Grant, Ann
- Grant, Ann to Grant, Dorothea
- Grant, Dorothea to Grant, Gregory
- Grant, Gregory Colquhoun to Grant, John 'Mor' of Freuchie, younger
- Grant, John 'Mor', 1st of Glenmoriston to Grant, Mary
- Grant, Mary to Grant, Sarah
- Grant, Sarah to Grant-Peterkin, Theresa Jean
- Grant-Sturgis, Mark Beresford Russell to Granville, Michael Keith
- Granville, Morwenna to Grattan, William Henry
- Grattan, William Henry to Graves, Florence Belinda
- Graves, Florence Mary Augusta to Graves, Thomas Ryder
- Graves, Thomas William to Gray, Caroline Margaret
- Gray, Caroline Maria to Gray, Gilbert of Bandirran
- Gray, Gillian Wendy to Gray, Lucy
- Gray, Lucy to Gray, Rosalind Macleod
- Gray, Rosalind Mary to Graydon, unknown
- Grayling, Anthony Clifford to Greatbatch, Toby William
- Greater Poland, Duke of (Boleslaw) to Greaves, William Hall
- Greaves-Banning, A. G. to Green, Edward
- Green, Edward to Green, Kathleen Mary
- Green, Kelvin Douglas to Green, Vincent
- Green, Virginia to Greenall, William Francis
- Greenaway, 1st Baronet, of Coombe, co. Surrey (Percy Walter) to Greene, Ellen
- Greene, Ellen to Greene, Margaret
- Greene, Margaret to Greene, Wynfred
- Greenebank, Mary to Greenlees, Thomas Ian Esmonde
- Greenley, Bertha Anne to Greenwell, Jane Frances
- Greenwell, Jean Henrietta Rose to Greenwood, Olga
- Greenwood, Oliver Michael Robin to Greer, Henry
- Greer, Henry to Greer, Sylvia
- Greer, Terence Michael to Greeves, John Ernest
- Greeves, John Greer to Gregan, Sinead
- Gregan-Craufurd, James to Gregory, Georgina
- Gregory, Geraldine Rachel to Gregson, Mary Ann
- Gregson, Mary Edwards to Grene, Sophia Joan
- Grenelle, Julia Stewart to Grenolais, Marie Jeanne
- Grenside, Rosemary to Gresham, Mary
- Gresham, Mary to Greswell, Susanna
- Greswolde-Williams, Anna Louisa to Greville, Janine Josephine
- Greville, Jeannette M. A. to Grey, 4th Baron, of Wilton (Reynold)
- Grey, 4th Baronet, of Fallodon (Charles George) to Grey, Christopher John
- Grey, Chrysogona to Grey, George de
- Grey, George Forbes to Grey, Katherine Louisa
- Grey, Katherine Maude to Grey, Rodney York
- Grey, Roger de to Greystoke, William, 2nd Lord Greystoke
- Gribble, Anne Bridget to Grierson, Esther
- Grierson, Esther Marion to Grierson, Philip
- Grierson, Philip Henry to Griffin, Dalley Leslie
- Griffin, Darrell Colin to Griffith, Beryl Jeanette Fortescue
- Griffith, Beryl Violet to Griffith, Susan Gaynor
- Griffith, Susanna to Griffiths, John Rogers
- Griffiths, John William to Grigson, William Shuckforth
- Grill, Antonia Katharina to Grimshaw, William Howard Murphy
- Grimshawe, Anne Genevieve to Grimston, Susan Edith
- Grimston, Susannah Askell (Hon.) to Grob, John
- Grobbelaar, Gawie to Groom, William Douglas Ian
- Groombridge, David Henry to Grosvenor, Gabriella
- Grosvenor, Gabriella to Grote, Otto August Gottlieb Adolf Graf
- Grote, Otto Friedrich to Grove, Edward Elias Dunstervme
- Grove, Edward William to Grove, unknown
- Grove, unknown to Grover, William Montague
- Groves, Alastair Michael William to Grubb, Edward Winstanley
- Grubb, Edwin Victor to Grubb, Joseph Stanley
- Grubb, Josephine to Grubb, Robert
- Grubb, Robert to Grubbe, William Roaf
- Grubber, Sandra to Grubert, Wiktor
- Grubham, Margaret to Gruszner, Zoltan
- Grut, Antonia to Gubbins, W. G.
- Gubbins-Mounsey-Heysham, Gentian to Guelph, Wilhelm II
- Guenette, Francine to Guest, Montague
- Guest, Montague John to Guilford, Countess of (Mich�le C.)
- Guilford, Countess of (Osyth Vere Napier) to Guinness, Daphne Suzannah Diana
- Guinness, David Gerald Charles to Guinness, Mary
- Guinness, Mary to Guiry, Michael
- Guiry, Michael Robert to Guise, Rosemary Caroline
- Guise, Ruth Victoria Margaret to Gully, William Slade
- Gulson, John to Gunby, Simon
- Gund, Albert to Gunn, Margaret
- Gunn, Margaret to Gunning, Susan Mary
- Gunning, Sybil Viola to Gurdon, Robert Thornhagh, 1st Baron Cranworth of Letton and Cranworth
- Gurdon, Robin to Gurney, Laura Elizabeth
- Gurney, Leslie James to Guthe, Sarah Jane
- Guther, Maarten to Guthrie, William
- Guthrie, William to Gwatkin, Frederick Ambrose Stapleton
- Gwatkin, Frederick John Stapleton to Gwynn, Mary Caroline
- Gwynn, Mary Katherine to Gybbon-Monypenny, Janet Phillips
- Gybbon-Monypenny, Jean to Haakonsson, Sverre Magnus
- Haamstede, Arent I van to Habsburg, Margarethe Valerie Gr�fin von
- Habsburg, Margarethe von to Habsburg-Lothringen, Erzherzog von (Robert Ferdinand)
- Habsburg-Lothringen, Erzherzogin von (Anna Maria) to Hackett, Catherine
- Hackett, Catherine to Hackett, Pippa
- Hackett, Raty to Haddar, Zeeve
- Hadden, Bessie Octavia Hibbert to Hadfield, Richard
- Hadfield, Richard Henry to Haffenden, James
- Haffield, Arthur to Haggard, Mary Katherine
- Haggard, Mary Wyborn to Hahn, Susan
- Hahn-Gallo, Adolph Heinrich Georg von to Haig, William
- Haig, William to Haine, Valerie Elizabeth
- Haines, Abigail to Halagaza, Paul
- Halahan, Constance Beryl Bertha to Haldane, Norah
- Haldane, Patricia to Hale, Mary
- Hale, Mary to Hales, William Hales
- Hales-Tooke, Ann Mary Margaret to Halkett, David Craigie
- Halkett, Edith Mary to Hall, Barbara Rosemary
- Hall, Barry Clarke to Hall, Eliza Mason
- Hall, Eliza Thomasin to Hall, Helen Mary
- Hall, Helen Sara Margaret to Hall, Julia Rosa
- Hall, Julian Hamilton to Hall, Michael Fearon
- Hall, Michael John to Hall, Susan Catherine
- Hall, Susan Cicely to Hallam, W. H.
- Halland, Duke of (Bertil Gustaf Oscar Carl Eugen) to Halliday, William of Tullibole
- Hallifax, Albert Praed to Hallowes, Thomas Richard Francis Brabazon
- Hallows, Arnold to Halsey, Reginald
- Halsey, Reginald Malcolm to Halys, Roger
- Halywell, John to Hambro, Marina Isabella Kimberly
- Hambro, Marjorie Caroline to Hamill-Stewart, Suzanne
- Hamilton Ash, Caroline to Hamilton, Alastair Colin Stirling
- Hamilton, Alastair Gavin to Hamilton, Anne Geraldine
- Hamilton, Anne Jane to Hamilton, Catherine of Wishaw
- Hamilton, Catherine Sophia to Hamilton, Diane Carol
- Hamilton, Dianne Jean to Hamilton, Ellender
- Hamilton, Ellinor to Hamilton, George
- Hamilton, George to Hamilton, Henrietta Cecily Augusta
- Hamilton, Henrietta Elmina to Hamilton, James
- Hamilton, James to Hamilton, Jean
- Hamilton, Jean to Hamilton, John, 5th of Haggs
- Hamilton, John, 5th of Orbiston to Hamilton, Margaret
- Hamilton, Margaret to Hamilton, Mary
- Hamilton, Mary to Hamilton, Robert
- Hamilton, Robert to Hamilton, Terrick Elyston Scott
- Hamilton, Thelda Rosemary to Hamilton, William Henry
- Hamilton, William Henry to Hamilton-Grierson, Susan Jean
- Hamilton-Hill, Deirdre Deline to Hamlyn, Zenobia
- Hamlyn-Fane, Christine Louisa to Hammick, William Maxwell
- Hammill, Amy Jeannette to Hammond, William
- Hammond-Chambers, Enid Mary to Hampson, George, 4th Bt.
- Hampson, George, 5th Bt. to Hampton, Dudley George
- Hampton, Dudley John to Hampton, John Moffat
- Hampton, John Moffat to Hampton, Olga
- Hampton, Olive Maude to Hampton, Yvonne
- Hampton-Hall, Holly to Hanbury, Edward de
- Hanbury, Effield Dorothy Cecil to Hanbury, Verena Elizabeth Anne
- Hanbury, Victoria K. to Hancock, Hope Elizabeth
- Hancock, Ian Robert to Handcock, Evelyn Violet Muriel
- Handcock, Fiona Elizabeth Jane to Handoll, Trevor Casbay
- Hands, Andr�e to Hankey, Basil A. A.
- Hankey, Beatrice to Hankey, William
- Hankey, William to Hanmer, David Henry Vianna
- Hanmer, David Nicholas Frank to Hanmer, Roger
- Hanmer, Rosemary Elizabeth to Hannay, Charles Graham
- Hannay, Charlotte to Hanning, William
- Hanning-Lee, Edward to Hansard, Winifred White
- Hansbrow, George to Hanson, Zoe Charlotte
- Hansson, Anna-Llena Margareta to Harbord, Charles Edward Ralph
- Harbord, Charles Francis to Harbron, Dinah
- Harby, 1st Baronet (Job) to Harcourt, Jean IV d', seigneur de Lillebonne, de Brionne, d'Elbeuf et d'Aarschot, vicomte de Ch�tellerault
- Harcourt, Jean V d', seigneur de Bonnetable, de Lillebonne, de Brionne, d'Elbeuf et d'Aarschot, vicomte de Ch�tellerault to Harden, Joseph Webster
- Harden, Kara Leigh to Harding, Elizabeth
- Harding, Elizabeth to Harding-Newman, William Richard
- Harding-Rolls, Alice Mary to Hardisty, Richard
- Hardkyn, Elizabeth to Hardy, Edith Annis
- Hardy, Edith Jocelyn to Hardy, William
- Hardy-Johnston, Alice Louisa to Hare, Henrietta
- Hare, Henrietta to Hare, Thomas
- Hare, Thomas Edward to Harford, William Scandrett
- Harford-Battersby, Abraham Gray to Hargreaves, William Sidney
- Hargreaves-Allen, Christopher to Harington, Robert de
- Harington, Robert Edward Stuart to Harlech, Baroness (Sylvia)
- Harleston, Alice to Harman, Mary Harris
- Harman, Mary Rachel to Harmsworth, Christabel Rose
- Harmsworth, Claire Elen Mary to Harold-Barry, William John
- Haroldi, Kasha to Harpham, William Howson
- Harpin, Eliza to Harries, William Davys
- Harrild, Frederick to Harris, Anna Meredith
- Harris, Annabel Joan to Harris, Elizabeth
- Harris, Elizabeth to Harris, James Howard, 3rd Earl of Malmesbury
- Harris, James Hugh Carleton, Viscount FitzHarris to Harris, Michael
- Harris, Michael to Harris, Tristram Jason
- Harris, unknown to Harrison, Benjamin (Reverend)
- Harrison, Benjamin Mathew to Harrison, Ellen Rebecca
- Harrison, Elsie Jane to Harrison, James
- Harrison, James to Harrison, Martha
- Harrison, Martha Ann to Harrison, Sarah
- Harrison, Sarah to Harriss, Wayne Ewing
- Harrisson, Ann to Hart Dyke, Mercy Constance Cecilia
- Hart Dyke, Michael Percyvall to Hart, George Vaughan
- Hart, George Vaughan (Reverend) to Hart, Sophia
- Hart, Stephen to Hartig, Elisabeth Riedl von
- Hartig, Elisabeth von to Hartley, George Blanchard
- Hartley, George Henry to Hartog, Marguerite Rosette
- Harton, Bernard John to Hartwell, Frederick Sydney
- Hartwell, George Rollen to Harvey, David
- Harvey, David Cavendish to Harvey, Honora Elizabeth Hester
- Harvey, Horace to Harvey, Mary Jane
- Harvey, Mary Jane Dora to Harvey, William Crosbie
- Harvey, William Edward to Harwood, Vernon
- Harwood, Victoria Takouhi Claire to Haskard, Piers
- Haskel, Baron, of Higher Broughton in the County of Greater Manchester (Simon) to Haslewood, William Philip (Reverend)
- Haslock, Patricia Kaye to Hastings, 9th Baron, of Hungerford (George)
- Hastings, 9th Lord (John) to Hastings, Ferdinando, 6th Earl of Huntingdon
- Hastings, Flora to Hastings, Margaret Elizabeth
- Hastings, Margaret Logie to Hastings-Ison, Mary Ann
- Hastings-Ison, Phoebe Hall to Hatherton, Baroness (Mary Alice)
- Hathon, J. Cassie to Hatton, William Howard Brinton
- Hatts, Barbara to Haughton, Dorothea
- Haughton, Dorothea to Haughton, John Barcroft
- Haughton, John Barcroft to Haughton, Richard Shakleton
- Haughton, Robert to Haute-Lorraine, Simon I Duc de
- Haute-Salm et de Chiny, Jean III Comte de to Haverington, unknown de
- Havers, Alfred Charles Timothy to Hawes, William
- Hawgood, Martha to Hawker, Thomas
- Hawker, Trevor Wynn Eyre to Hawkins, Charles
- Hawkins, Charles to Hawkins, John
- Hawkins, John to Hawkins, William
- Hawkins, William Anthony Charles Horatio to Hawley, Elizabeth
- Hawley, Elizabeth to Haworth, Susan Helen
- Haworth, Susan Kathleen to Hay of Pedwardine, 9th Baron, co. Hereford (Charles William Harley)
- Hay of Sawley, 1st Baron, co. York (James) to Hay, Arthur Vincent
- Hay, Arthur William George Patrick, 15th Earl of Kinnoull to Hay, Elizabeth
- Hay, Elizabeth to Hay, James
- Hay, James to Hay, Louisa Emily
- Hay, Louisa Emily May to Hay, Peter, 3rd of Megginch
- Hay, Peter, 4th of Megginch to Hay, William Henry of Alderston, 8th Bt.
- Hay, William Hope to Haycraft, Simon Hervey
- Hayde, Courtney to Hayes, Francis Brian
- Hayes, Francis Edward Sutherland to Hayes, Thomas Edward
- Hayes, Timothy to Haynau, Thekla von
- Haynau, Theresia Weber von to Hayter, Rosamond Clare
- Hayter, Sarah Ann Lee to Haywood, Katherine Mary
- Haywood, Leah Maree to Hazlerigg, Laura
- Hazlerigg, Lesley to Head, Henry
- Head, Henry to Headfort, Viscountess (Jane)
- Headington, Sylvia to Healey, Winnie
- Healing, Amanda Mary to Hearn, William
- Hearn, William Edward to Heath, Robert
- Heath, Robert to Heathcote, Cecil Hamilton
- Heathcote, Cecil Starr to Heathcote, Isabel Frances
- Heathcote, Isabel Lucy to Heathcote, W.
- Heathcote, Walter Comyn to Heaton, Theodosia Maria
- Heaton, Thomas to Hebblethwaite, William J.
- Hebblethwayte, Mary to Heberden, Winifred Susan
- Heberdon, James to Hedley, unknown
- Hedley-Dent, Ren�e Maude to Heid, Patrick
- Heide, Sigrid to Heinzl, Susan
- Heipmann, Elisabeth to Hellings, Zoya Eleanor
- Helliwell, Edward to Hely Hutchinson, Geraldine Mary
- Hely Hutchinson, Gladys to Hemingway, Vera Elizabeth Kathleen
- Hemlein, Kristen to Henckel von Donnersmarck, Maria Carl Josef Erdmann Jakob Edwin Lazarus Andreas Alois
- Henckel von Donnersmarck, Maria Friedrich-Carl Lazarus Emanuel Franz Johannes to Henderson, Clement Drusilla
- Henderson, Colleen Amanda to Henderson, James
- Henderson, James to Henderson, Mary
- Henderson, Mary to Henderson, William
- Henderson, William to Heneage, Henry Granville
- Heneage, Henry Robert to Henley, Leontine Christiane
- Henley, Lila to Hennessy, Deborah J.
- Hennessy, Doouglas Conslade to Henniker, Hannah
- Henniker, Hector Reginald to Hennis, William Howe
- Henny, Lucie to Henry, Robert
- Henry, Robert to Hepburn, Alexander
- Hepburn, Alexander McGregor to Hepburn, Janet
- Hepburn, Janet to Hepburn, Robert of Bearford
- Hepburn, Robert of Bearford to Heppel, Th�r�se
- Heppell, Lilian to Herbert, Anne
- Herbert, Anne to Herbert, Elizabeth
- Herbert, Elizabeth Alicia Maria to Herbert, John
- Herbert, John to Herbert, Percy, 2nd Baron Powis
- Herbert, Peter James to Herbert-Stepney, Mary S.
- Herberts, Alison Philippa to Heriot, Isobel
- Heriot, James to Hermon-Hodge, Valentine Kathleen
- Hermon-Worsley, Harold Montagu to Heron-Maxwell, William Henry Stopford of Teviot Bank
- Heron-Maxwell-Blair, Edward James to Herrman, Heidi
- Herrmann, Amelia Henriette to Hervey of Ickworth, Baroness (Mary)
- Hervey of Kidbrooke, 1st Baron, co. Kent (Henry) to Hervey, Penelope
- Hervey, Penuel Isabel Mary Lyons to Heseltine, Yvonne
- Heselwood, Elsie May to Hesketh, Thomas
- Hesketh, Thomas to Hessen, Wilhelm II Landgraf von
- Hessen-Braubach, Johann Landgraf von to Hessen-Kassel, Prinz von (Christoph Ernst August)
- Hessen-Kassel, Prinz von (Ferdinand) to Hessenstein, Marie Gr�fin von
- Hessenstein, Moritz Graf von to Heveningham, William
- Heverin, Elfie Mary to Hewett, Frances Mary
- Hewett, Frances Sophia to Hewitt, Beatrix Constance Henrietta
- Hewitt, Belinda Anne to Hewitt, Patrick
- Hewitt, Patrick Francis to Hewster, Joan
- Hewtson, Charles William to Heyerdahl, Thor
- Heyes, Donald James to Heymanson, Simon John
- Heymoz, Augusta Jeanne Marie to Heywood, Jonathan G.
- Heywood, Jonathan Martin to Hezlet, Robert Knox
- Hezlett, Ian Moore to Hick, Terence Charles
- Hickcox, Halle to Hickman, Charlotte Louise
- Hickman, Christina to Hickman, Sophia
- Hickman, Stephanie Amy to Hicks, Sidney Rivers
- Hicks, Simon to Hield, Joan Mary
- Hielmann, Monica Baronin von to Higgins, William Thomas
- Higginson, Agnes Isabella to Highley, William Samuel
- Highlord, John to Hildyard, Felicity
- Hildyard, Frederick to Hill, Allan Henry
- Hill, Allan Paul to Hill, Charles Maclolm
- Hill, Charles Montagu to Hill, Elizabeth Ann
- Hill, Elizabeth Ann to Hill, H. D.
- Hill, H. Morgan to Hill, John
- Hill, John to Hill, Martha
- Hill, Martha Louise to Hill, Rhett Stephen
- Hill, Richard to Hill, Thomas Laurence
- Hill, Thomas Noel to Hill-Wood, Wilfred William Hill
- Hillaby, Hector to Hillingdon, Baroness (Sarah Gray)
- Hillion, Matilda to Hilton, James Foord
- Hilton, Jennifer Margaret to Hind, Vivien
- Hind-Sayers, Enna Dorothy to Hine, Victor T. G.
- Hines, Alberta to Hinton, William
- Hintz, Anna Eliza to Hirst, Margaret
- Hirst, Margaret Joyce to Hives, Lawrence Ernest William
- Hives, Lisa Joanna to Hoare, Christabel Mary
- Hoare, Christina Alice to Hoare, Hyacinthe Cecilia
- Hoare, Iris Marie to Hoare, Quintin Vincent
- Hoare, Rachael to Hobart, Caroline
- Hobart, Caroline to Hobart-Hampden, Vere Frederick Cecil, 9th Earl of Buckinghamshire
- Hobart-Hampden-Mercer-Henderson, Dorothy Edith Isabel to Hobhouse, Henry
- Hobhouse, Henry to Hobson, Dorothy Helen
- Hobson, Dorothy Rosemary to Hocker, William (Reverend)
- Hockert, Catherina Margareta to Hodgens, Robert
- Hodges, Alison Mary to Hodgins, William Egerton
- Hodgkin, Amy Beatrice to Hodgson, Elizabeth
- Hodgson, Elizabeth to Hodgson, Yolande Anne
- Hodgson-Huntley, Catherine Moneypenny to Hodson, Tania Elizabeth
- Hodson, Teresa Francesca to Hoffenberg, Raymond (Sir)
- Hoffer, Magdalenae Margarithae Freiin to Hogarth, Wilson
- Hogarth-Scott, Harrison Stirling Caius to Hogg, Isobel Grace
- Hogg, J. S. to Hoggarth, Timothy
- Hogge, Ann to Hohenau, Wilhelm, Count von Hohenau
- Hohenberg, Adelfeid von to Hohenlohe, Konrad
- Hohenlohe, Konrad to Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Johanna Amalie Susanne Maria Henriette Prinzessin zu
- Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Johanna Henriette Philippine Prinzessin zu to Hohenlohe-Uffenheim-Entsee, Ludwig von
- Hohenlohe-Waldenburg in Bartenstein, F�rst zu (Ludwig) to Hohenlohe-�hringen, Margarethe Prinzessin zu
- Hohenlohe-�hringen, Margarethe Viktoria Pauline Dorothea Luise Helene zu to Hohenzollern, Johanna von
- Hohenzollern, Johanna von to Hohler, Henrietta Margaret Cynthia
- Hohler, Henrietta Wilhelmina to Holborrow, Richard
- Holbourne, Frances to Holden, Charles
- Holden, Charles Edward to Holden, Wanda
- Holden, Wendy Margaret to Holdsworth, unknown son
- Holdsworth, Victoria to Holland, Alice
- Holland, Alice to Holland, Jane Mary
- Holland, Janet Miriam Grace to Holland, unknown daughter
- Holland, unknown daughter to Hollett, Robert I.
- Holley, Aline Jane to Hollis, William Herbert
- Holliss, Arthur Gray to Holman, Elizabeth Winifred
- Holman, Emma Charlotte to Holmes � Court, (?)
- Holmes � Court, (?) to Holmes, Ella
- Holmes, Ellen to Holmes, Robin
- Holmes, Rosalind to Holstein, Nikolaus von
- Holstein, Olga Alexandrovna von to Holstein-Schauenburg, Heinrich von
- Holstein-Schauenburg, Helene von to Holt, Nicholas James
- Holt, Nicholas James Vesey to Holy Roman Empire, Rupprecht of the
- Holy Roman Empire, Sigismund of the to Home, Christian
- Home, Constance Stanley to Home, Mungo of Cowdenknowes
- Home, Nancy Helen to Hone, Bertha
- Hone, Bridget to Hone, Robert
- Hone, Robert Monro to Honywood, Hilda Catharine
- Honywood, Isaac to Hood, Charles Hugh
- Hood, Charles Ivo Sinclair to Hood, Samuel Francis Wheler
- Hood, Samuel Wynn Hornby to Hookway, Terry
- Hoole, Agnes Gertrude to Hoorn, Willem van
- Hoos, Caroline Fleur to Hope, Adrian Philip
- Hope, Adrian Price Webley to Hope, Eliza Clara
- Hope, Eliza Louisa to Hope, Joan Isabella
- Hope, Joan Kathleen Henrietta to Hope, Patricia Anne
- Hope, Patricia Frances Thomasine to Hope-Morley, Violet Norris
- Hope-Murray, Charles to Hopkins, Georgianna
- Hopkins, Gertrude Agnes to Hopkinson, Frederick Nicholas Hugo
- Hopkinson, George to Hopson, Kevin Eric
- Hopson, Kieran Paul to Horam, John Rhodes, Baron Horam
- Horan, Frederick Seymour to Hore, Walter
- Hore, Walter to Hornak, Patricia Sybil
- Hornbach, Wido Graf von to Horne, Constance Louisa
- Horne, Constance Mary to Hornell Lennox, Lavinia Caroline Angela
- Hornell, Angela Susan Sanders to Hornung, Veronica
- Hornwick, Emily to Horsfall, Jonas
- Horsfall, Jonathan David to Horsley-Carr, William
- Horsman, Alexander James to Horton, Helen Dorothy Wakefield
- Horton, Henry Anson to Hoskin, Theophilus
- Hosking, Dale Kerry to Hoskyns, Kate
- Hoskyns, Katherine Margaret to Hoskyns-Abrahall, Wren
- Hoslop, James to Hotham, Diana
- Hotham, Diana to Hotson, Mildred Alice
- Hotte, Sheldon Winston to Houghton, William Jack
- Houghton-Beckford, Caroline Elsie Houghton to Houson, Maria Amy
- Houssemayne Du Boulay, Adela to Houston, Zira
- Houstoun, 1st Baronet (Patrick) to Hove, Wendela Eleonora ten Vrouwe van Doorn, Den Bosch en Sleeburg
- Hovel, Dorothy to How-Seamons, Pamela Mary
- Howan, Ashley Gordon to Howard, Anthony Michael Geoffrey
- Howard, Anthony Richard Tonino to Howard, Dorothy
- Howard, Dorothy to Howard, Fulke Greville
- Howard, Gale to Howard, Jemma Grace Louise
- Howard, Jennifer to Howard, Mary
- Howard, Mary to Howard, Robert
- Howard, Robert (Hon.) to Howard, William Gilbert
- Howard, William Haddon to Howden, Walter
- Howden-Runnenkamp, Christian to Howe, Violet Augusta Mary
- Howe, Violet Elisabeth to Howells, Wilfred Vivian
- Howes, Anne to Howie, Williamina Martha Mary
- Howie-Reid, Margaret Paterson to Howth, William
- Hoxar, Jennifer Louise de to Hoyos, Veronika
- Hoysted, Charlotte to Hubbard, Mary Theresa Catherine Joan
- Hubbard, Mary-Miranda Josephine to Huddleston, Willoughby Baynes
- Huddlestone, Ann to Hudson, Frank Bousfield
- Hudson, Gabriel Charles More to Hudson, Sarah
- Hudson, Sarah to Huggins, Eliza
- Huggins, Elizabeth to Hughes, Alison Frances Ann
- Hughes, Allan to Hughes, Evangeline
- Hughes, Evangeline Gratiana to Hughes, Keon
- Hughes, Kevin Bryan Vaughan to Hughes, Samuel
- Hughes, Samuel Garnet Spencer to Hughes-Morgan, Violet
- Hughes-Onslow, Andrew George to Hulbert, Mary
- Hulbert, Mary to Hulse, Henrietta Eleanor
- Hulse, Jessie Marian to Hulton, William Wilbraham Blethyn, 1st Bt.
- Hulton-Harrop, Benjamin James de Lacy to Hume, John
- Hume, John to Humfrey, Terence Charles Burrowes
- Humfris, J. Proctor to Humphreys, Mabel Alexandra
- Humphreys, Mabel Emma to Hungary, Wladislaw I of
- Hungate, 2nd Baronet (Francis) to Hungerford, Elizabeth
- Hungerford, Elizabeth to Hungerford, Louisa Agnes
- Hungerford, Lovick Tyrell to Hungerford, Thomas Henry
- Hungerford, Thomas John to Hunt, Clyde
- Hunt, Colin Bertram to Hunt, Joseph
- Hunt, Joseph Pinder to Hunt, unknown daughter
- Hunt, unknown daughter to Hunter Blair, Walter Charles
- Hunter Gordon, Alisa to Hunter, Emily Jean
- Hunter, Emma Lilian to Hunter, Marjorie Phyllis
- Hunter, Mark to Hunter, Wooneytha Oliver
- Hunter-Arundell, Elizabeth Agnes to Huntington-Whiteley, William Joseph
- Huntingtower, 10th Lady, co. Perth (Wenefryde Agatha) to Hurd, William
- Hurdis, Harriet Charlotte to Hurst, William Probyn (Captain)
- Hurst-Bannister, Barnabas J. to Hussey, Catherine
- Hussey, Catherine Henrietta to Hustler, Jennet
- Hustler, John to Hutchinson, Catherine
- Hutchinson, Catherine Mary to Hutchinson, Mary
- Hutchinson, Mary to Hutchison, James Colville of Rossie, 3rd Bt.
- Hutchison, James Hardy Oliphant to Huth, Roland
- Huth, Ronan to Hutton, John Barton
- Hutton, John D'Arcy to Huxley, Thomas Henry
- Huxtable, Allegra Georgia to Hyde, Eleanor
- Hyde, Elizabeth to Hyde, �na
- Hyde-Clarke, Maureen Elay to Hynes, Tracy
- Hynson, Anne to Ibeling, Barbara Ulrike
- Ibison, Joan Elizabeth to Ilchester and Stavordale, 9th Lord, Baron of Redlynch, co. Somerset (Maurice Vivian de Touffreville)
- Ilchester, 10th Earl of (Robin Maurice) to Imbert, Sally
- Imbert, Simon to Ince, Townsend
- Inch, Archibald to Ingall, William Lenox
- Ingalls, Florence to Ingilby, William, 3rd Bt.
- Inglada, Anna Isabel to Inglis, Elizabeth
- Inglis, Elizabeth to Ingoldsby, Pamela Jean
- Ingoldsby, Richard to Ingram, Sarah-Anna
- Ingram, Sebastian Simon to Innes, 8th Baronet (James Henry Robert)
- Innes, 8th Baronet, of Balvenie (William) to Innes, Desmond Erick
- Innes, Diana Selkirk to Innes, Hugh
- Innes, Hugh to Innes, John of Leuchars
- Innes, John of Balvenie and Edingight, 10th Bt. to Innes, Peter John
- Innes, Peter John to Innes, William James Maxim
- Innes, William John to Inverclyde of Castle Wemyss, Baroness (Olivia Sylvia)
- Inverey, Margaret to Irby, Frances Rachel Gertrude
- Irby, Francis Edward to Ireland, Francis (Sir)
- Ireland, Franklin to Ireton, William de
- Iriam, Alice to Irvine, Elizabeth Hervey
- Irvine, Elizabeth Sarah to Irvine, unknown of Cults
- Irvine, unknown of Drum to Irving, Ymilia
- Irving-Bell, Angela Rosemary to Isaac, Jane
- Isaac, Jane Elizabeth to Isenburg, John Philipp Prinz von
- Isenburg, Joy von to Isham, Vere Arthur Richard
- Isham, Vere Murray Gyles to Isted, Mary
- Istria, Hunfried von to Ivory, Ruth Marie
- Ivory, Thomas to Jackman, William Arthur
- Jacks, Ann to Jackson, Chani Leigh
- Jackson, Charity to Jackson, Evelyn Johanna
- Jackson, Evelyn Mary to Jackson, James
- Jackson, James to Jackson, Margaret
- Jackson, Margaret to Jackson, Renae Lynne
- Jackson, Richard to Jackson, William
- Jackson, William to Jacob, Robin
- Jacob, Rosemary to Jacomb, William
- Jacot, Dorothy to Jaffray, William, 2nd Bt.
- Jaff�, Gabriel to Jamal, Sumayah
- Jamatel, Georg to James, Diana Margaret Elonwy
- James, Diana Mary to James, Henry
- James, Henry to James, Mark
- James, Mark Neville to James, Susanna
- James, Susanna to Jameson, Margaret
- Jameson, Margarita Ines to Jamys, John
- Jan, Gabriel Raphael to January, Marie Louise
- Janverin, Edward Taylor to Jardine, Jane
- Jardine, Jane Gertrude to Jarvis, Fanny
- Jarvis, Frances Amcotts to Jay, Peter
- Jay, Raymonde to Jebb, Samuel
- Jebb, Samuel to Jefferson, Harry Wyndham
- Jefferson, Ian David to Jeffreys, Harriet Margaret
- Jeffreys, Harriett to Jejeebhoy, Jerbai
- Jejeebhoy, Jerbai to Jenison-Walworth, Winifred
- Jenkes, Elinor to Jenkins, Katharine Mary
- Jenkins, Katherine to Jenkinson, J.
- Jenkinson, Jack Charles to Jennens, William
- Jenner, 1st Baronet (William) to Jennings, Mark
- Jennings, Mary to Jephcott, Sylvia Mary
- Jephson, 1st Baronet, of Spring Vale, co. Dorset (Richard Mountenay) to Jermyn, W.
- Jermyn, William to Jerusalem, Sybil of
- Jervis of Meaford, 1st Baron, co. Stafford (John) to Jervoise, Thomas (Sir)
- Jervys, Elizabeth to Jesson, Zena Gertrude
- Jessop, A. W. to Jex, William
- Jex-Blake, Arthur John to Jocelyn, Mary
- Jocelyn, Mary to John, Lawrence
- John, Leslie to Johnson, Alexander Percival (Lt.-Col.)
- Johnson, Alfred to Johnson, David
- Johnson, David to Johnson, Gordon
- Johnson, Gordon to Johnson, Kate May (Bessie)
- Johnson, Katharine Hargreaves to Johnson, Noble
- Johnson, Noble to Johnson, T.
- Johnson, T. J. L. to Johnson-Gilbert, T. I.
- Johnson-Head, Beatrice Mary to Johnston, Charles Hepburn
- Johnston, Charles John to Johnston, Hamish Ian
- Johnston, Harriet to Johnston, Kenneth Arthur
- Johnston, Kenneth Arthur William to Johnston, Reginald Eden
- Johnston, Reginald Edward to Johnston, Wynne
- Johnston, Yvonne to Johnstone, David
- Johnstone, David Ewart to Johnstone, James
- Johnstone, James to Johnstone, Maria Phillis
- Johnstone, Marie Gordon to Johnstone, Violet Mary St. Clair
- Johnstone, Violet Sybil to Joliffe, William
- Joll, Alan Trevor to Jolly, Kenneth
- Jolly, Lesley Alison to Jones, Annabel Lucy Veronica
- Jones, Annabel Mary to Jones, Cleo Effie
- Jones, Clifford Keith to Jones, Elizabeth Louisa
- Jones, Elizabeth Malet to Jones, Harvey
- Jones, Hayden to Jones, John
- Jones, John Alexander to Jones, Margaretta Diana
- Jones, Margery to Jones, Oliver John
- Jones, Oliver Mark to Jones, Sarah
- Jones, Sarah to Jones, William
- Jones, William to Jordan, Edward
- Jordan, Eleanor to Joseph, Yolanda Victoria
- Joseph-Lester, Jasper to Jowitt, William Thomas Benson
- Jowsee, George to Jozwik, Jadwiga
- Juarez, Abelina to Judge, William
- Judkin, Charles Herbert to Junor, William James Balfour
- Junot, Caroline Louise Marguerite to Kaberry, Simon Edmund John
- Kabilka, Gerti to Kalmar, Stephen
- Kalms, Baron, of Edgware in the London Borough of Barnet (Harold Stanley) to Kaplan, Susan Beth
- Kapp, Aloisa Theresia to Kar�tsonyi de Karatsonyfalva et Beodra, Jen� Graf
- Kasermann, Corinne to Kavanagh, Marie Macmurrough
- Kavanagh, Mary to Kaye, Christopher Henry
- Kaye, Christopher Walter to Keane, Harriet
- Keane, Helen Augusta to Kearsley, William
- Kearton, Baron, of Whitchurch in the County of Buckingham (Christopher Frank) to Keck, Samuel
- Keddie, Diana Constance to Keenan, Wendy Margaret
- Keene, Alice to Keighly-Peach, Winifred
- Keightley, Alison M. to Keith, George of Whiteriggs
- Keith, George, 4th Earl Marischal to Keith, William, Master of Marischal
- Keith-Falconer, Adrian Wentworth to Kelk, William
- Kelke, Alicia to Kellett, unknown daughter
- Kellett, unknown daughter to Kellogg, Noah
- Kellogg, Oliver to Kelly, Elizabeth
- Kelly, Elizabeth to Kelly, Margaret Clare
- Kelly, Margaret Hilary Vaughan to Kelman, Raymond
- Kelsall, Ann Heap to Kemeys, William
- Kemeys-Tynte, Alice to Kemp, Mary Anne
- Kemp, Mary Elizabeth to Kempston, unknown
- Kempt, Francis (Captain) to Kendall, Philippa
- Kendall, Richard to Kennard, Elizabeth Preston
- Kennard, Ellen to Kennaway, Jessica Imogen
- Kennaway, John Henry, 3rd Bt. to Kennedy, Charles Pratt
- Kennedy, Charles Seecombe Craufurd to Kennedy, Gilbert Ronald
- Kennedy, Gilbert, 2nd Earl of Cassillis to Kennedy, John, of Culzean, co. Ayr
- Kennedy, Jonet to Kennedy, Percy William
- Kennedy, Peter to Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick, William John Charles
- Kennedy-Erskine, Alice Marjorie Cunningham to Kenrick, Mary Florence
- Kenrick, Mary Isabella to Kent, Marilyn Susan
- Kent, Mary to Kenyon, Dora Maud
- Kenyon, Dorothy to Kenyon-Slaney, Ursula Jane
- Kenyon-Slaney, Vivien to Keppel, Sally Claire
- Keppel, Sonia Rosemary to Ker, Madeline
- Ker, Margaret to Kerans, William Robert
- Kerapa, Susan Marie to Kerr, Andrew of Caverton
- Kerr, Andrew of Cessford to Kerr, Ione Bruce Melville
- Kerr, Irene to Kerr, Philip Hugh
- Kerr, Philip Walter to Kerrigan, unknown
- Kerrill, Elizabeth to Kershaw, Ronald Frank
- Kershaw, Rosalind Lilian to Kett, Thomas
- Kettel, Gary to Kevill-Davies, William Trevelyan Somerset
- Kew, George Donald to Keynes, Zachary Edmund
- Keynton-Williams, Adeline Mary to Khorassani, Marjan
- Khosla, Kuldip to Kidston, Lilian Frances
- Kidston, M. G. to Kilbourne, Tracey
- Kilbracken, 1st Baron, of Killegar, co. Leitrim (John Arthur) to Killeen, Victoria Brabazon
- Killegrew, Cecilia to Kilner, Toby Jonathan Casson
- Kilpatrick of Kincraig, Baron, of Dysart in the District of Kirkcaldy (Robert) to Kimber, Winifred Margaret
- Kimberley, 1st Earl of, of Kimberley, co. Norfolk (John) to Kincraigie, Margaret
- Kindelan, Andrew to Kinebanian, Sarah Anne
- Kinedon, Bessie to King, Charles Macintosh
- King, Charles Macintosh to King, Frederick Hamilton
- King, Frederick Nathaniel to King, John
- King, John to King, Mary Ann
- King, Mary Ann Bertie to King, Sidney Jane Gower
- King, Simon to King-Harman, Michael Charles
- King-Harman, Montague Jocelyn to Kingsbury, Toby Bernard Richard Henry
- Kingsbury, Walter Bridgeman to Kingscote, William de
- Kingscote, Winifred to Kingston of Kingsborough, Viscountess (Jane)
- Kingston of Mitchelstown, 1st Baron, co. Cork (George) to Kington, Susanna Ann
- Kington, Susannah to Kinloch, Jill D.
- Kinloch, John to Kinnaird, William
- Kinnane, Madonna Maree to Kinsky, Wilhelmine Marie Gr�fin
- Kinsley, Elizabeth to Kirby, Mary Susanna
- Kirby, Maud Ellen to Kirkbride, Timothy George
- Kirkby, Alexander to Kirkpatrick Sharpe, unknown
- Kirkpatrick, 10th Baronet, of Closeburn (James Alexander) to Kirkpatrick, Lucy Frances
- Kirkpatrick, Lynn Marion to Kirkwood, Matilda Alice
- Kirkwood, Melanie Jane to Kirwan-Taylor, William John
- Kirwood, G. H. to Kitchiner, William
- Kitching, Agnes Ross to Klap, Phillip
- Klasen, Christiane to Kleve, Wilhelm IV von
- Kleve-H�lchrath, Agnes von to Knabe, Peter
- Knabel, Hildegard to Knatchbull, Lucy Eleanor
- Knatchbull, Lucy Rhona to Kneale, Winter Oliver
- Knebel Doeberitz, R�diger von to Knight, Elizabeth Mary
- Knight, Ellen to Knight, Peregrine Robert Christian Murless
- Knight, Peter to Knightley, Mary
- Knightley, Mary to Knol, Stefan
- Knolles, Ann to Knott, William Espenett Bayly
- Knout, Eve to Knowles, Willis
- Knowles, Winifred Mellor to Knox, Frances Emma
- Knox, Frances Harriet to Knox, Rosemary Beatrice Vesey
- Knox, Rosemary Catherine Marion to Knyveton, William, 1st Bt.
- Knyvett, 1st Baronet, of Buckenham, co. Norfolk (Phillip) to Knyvett, William John Baptist
- Knyvett-Leighton, Agatha Georgiana to Kohler, Susanne
- Kohlhaas, George E. to Koolwijk, Patrice
- Koolwine, Dorothy Maria to Koschinsky, Pamela Marion
- Kosciuszko, Elizabeth Kerr to Krabuanrat-Chaiyakiart, Piyatida
- Kracher, Christina Ellen to Krick, William Arthur
- Krieckenbeck, Alvarade von to Kuefstein, Viktoria Gr�fin von
- Kuehn, Annis Elizabeth to Kushma, Sara
- Kusibab, Helena to Kynaston, James Hamilton
- Kynaston, Jane to K�ckritz, Isabell von
- K�ln, Blithildis von to La Touche, Gertrude
- La Touche, Gertrude Cecilia to Labouchere, Martin
- Labouchere, Martine Louise Am�lie to Lack, Timoth�e
- Lackersteen, Sandra Jane to Lacy, John
- Lacy, John to Lafarelle, Thomas
- Lafargue, Jenny Laura to Laing, Donald James
- Laing, Dorothy Lynette to Laird Craig, Roxane
- Laird, Agnes to Lake, Holly Sidney Kathleen
- Lake, Hubert Atwell to Lakin, unknown daughter
- Lakin, unknown daughter to Lamb, Henry
- Lamb, Henry Benjamin G. to Lambart, Ernest Oliver Cavan
- Lambart, Essex Lucy to Lambert, Agnes Laura
- Lambert, Aileen Mary to Lambert, Eliza
- Lambert, Eliza to Lambert, Jane
- Lambert, Jane to Lambert, Mercy
- Lambert, Meredith Ellen to Lambert, Zo� Desley
- Lambert-Swiney, Henry Stephan to Lambton, John George
- Lambton, John George, 1st Earl of Durham to Lamont, Rebecca
- Lamont, Robert to Lanaghan, Richard
- Lanark, 10th Earl of (William Alexander Anthony Archibald) to Lancerone, Agnes
- Lanceston, 1st Viscount of (Frederick Louis) to Landon, W. H. P.
- Landor, Catherine to Lane, Catharine
- Lane, Catharine Elizabeth Eyre to Lane, Joseph
- Lane, Joyce to Lane-Fox of Soho, Baroness, of Soho in the City of Westminster (Martha)
- Lane-Fox, Alice Margaret to Lang, Mary Janet
- Lang, Mary Joan to Langdon-Down, Stella
- Lange, Andrew to Langham, James, 2nd Bt.
- Langham, James, 5th Bt. to Langley, Venetia Margaret Clare
- Langley, Walter to Langrishe, Ralph
- Langrishe, Reading to Langworthy, Sarah Elizabeth
- Lanham, Dora N. to Lanyon, Rachel Mary
- Lanyon, Richard Patrick to Larisch von Moennich, Henriette Gr�fin
- Larisch von M�nnich, Eleonore Marie Henriette Ernestine Gr�fin to Larthe, Louis Phillippe
- Larway, Dorothy to Lascelles, Jane
- Lascelles, Jane to Lassus Saint Genies, Yves de
- Lasswade, Helen Frances to Latham, Mary Grace
- Latham, Mary Jane Wainwright to Latimer, Jack
- Latimer, Jack to Lauder, Allan
- Lauder, Andrew to Lauderdale, Master of (Ian)
- Laudrel des Essars, Anne-Caroline to Laurich, Peter Hermann
- Laurie, 1st Baronet, of Maxwelton, co. Dumfries (Robert) to Lautenschlager, Martin
- Lautern, Johann Kasimir von to Lavoipierre, Denise Anne
- Lavulo, Tokilupe to Law, John
- Law, John to Lawe, Robert
- Lawer, Elizabeth to Lawley, Mary
- Lawley, Mary to Lawrence, Claire Gayle Anne
- Lawrence, Clara to Lawrence, Louisa
- Lawrence, Louisa Anne to Lawrence, Zo�
- Lawrence-Jones, Christopher, 6th Bt. to Lawson, Bruce Aubrey
- Lawson, C. F. C. to Lawson, Leeann Ruth
- Lawson, Leslie to Lawson-Tancred, Patrick Hugh Marmaduke
- Lawson-Tancred, Pauline to Layard, John Granville
- Layard, John Thomas to Layton, Sarah Jean
- Layton, Temple Hillyard to Le Fanu, John Lewen
- Le Fanu, Joseph to Le Maistre, Violet Katharine Maria
- Le Maitre, Arthur to Le Quesne, P. H.
- Le Riche, Dikka to Leach, Ellen
- Leach, Elsie to Leadlay, Serena Imogen Alice
- Leadley, Alison to Leal y Perkins, Maria Isabel
- Leal, Diana to Leary, Thomas
- Leask, Agnes to Leatham, Elizabeth
- Leatham, Elizabeth Anne to Leaver, Wallace Edward Thomas
- Leaveti, Mary to Lechmere, unknown
- Lechmere, unknown to Ledebur-Wicheln, Valentin Graf von
- Ledell, Bartholomew to Lee, Charles Wilfred
- Lee, Charles Yate to Lee, John
- Lee, John Bridges to Lee, Vanessa
- Lee, Vanessa Joanne to Leech, William Jeremy
- Leeche, Jane to Leeke, Hester Catherine
- Leeke, Hester Marion to Lees, Gerald Hartley
- Lees, Geraldine Barbara Elizabeth to Lees-Millais, Stephen
- Lees-Milne, Alex Milne to Lefeuvre, Philippe
- Lefevre, Helena to Legard, Eve Lilian
- Legard, Evelyn Elizabeth Catherine to Legge, David Anthony
- Legge, Derek Rupert Spicer to Legge, William, 7th Earl of Dartmouth
- Legge, William, Viscount Lewisham to Legh, Mary
- Legh, Mary to Leicester of Holkham, Countess of (Vera)
- Leicester, 1st Baronet, of Tablay, co. Cheshire (Peter) to Leigh, Augusta Elizabeth
- Leigh, Augusta Susanna Egerton to Leigh, Francis
- Leigh, Francis to Leigh, Lucy
- Leigh, Lucy Alexandra to Leigh, Susan
- Leigh, Susan to Leighton Byrne, John
- Leighton of Saint Mellons, 1st Baron, of St. Mellons, co. Monmouth (George Leighton) to Leiningen, Karl Boris Frank Markwart Prinz zu
- Leiningen, Karl Graf zu to Leith, Anita Lorna
- Leith, Ann Katherine to Leithner, Otto Freiherr von
- Leitner, Alicia Kinvara to Lemos, Isabel de
- Lemoyne, James to Lennard, Stephen Arthur Hallam Farnaby, 3rd Bt.
- Lennard, Stephen, 1st Bt. to Lennox, Sarah
- Lennox, Sophia Georgiana to Lenygon, Nicholas
- Lenz, Frederich to Leopold, Marie Elizabeth
- Leoporano, 12th Principe di (Ferdinando Amedeo Maria) to Lesher, Percy
- Leshure, Barbara to Leslie, Duncan
- Leslie, Edith Mackay to Leslie, John
- Leslie, John to Leslie, Robert
- Leslie, Robert to Leslie-Melville, Susan Lucy
- Leslie-Melville, Susanna Elizabeth Johanna to Lethbridge, Catherine
- Lethbridge, Catherine Jean Beveridge to Lethieullier, William
- Lethington, Lord (Richard) to Levay, Ted
- Leveaux, Ethelwyn Sylvia Arthur to Leveson, Katherine
- Leveson, Lord (George James) to Levett, Richard
- Levett, Richard Byrd to Levinge, Henry Mark
- Levinge, Hester M. to Levitsky, Xenia
- Levitt, Alison to Lewes, Watkin
- Lewey, Arthur Werner to Lewis, Catriona Caroline
- Lewis, Cecily Theodora to Lewis, H.
- Lewis, Hannah to Lewis, Mark Talbot
- Lewis, Mark William to Lewis, Vivienne Serena
- Lewis, Vyvyan to Lewthwaite, Henry
- Lewthwaite, Hilda to Ley, Violet Geraldine
- Ley, Virginia Mary to Leyland, Margaret
- Leyland, Mary to Liddell, Anne Jennifer
- Liddell, Anne Maria to Liddell, Myra Elizabeth
- Liddell, Nicholas Mark Robert to Lidwell, Richard
- Lidwill, Anna to Liechtenstein, Louisanne Marie Prinzessin von und zu
- Liechtenstein, Ludmilla Prinzessin von und zu to Lieshout, Sarah Elizabeth van
- Lieu, Jean-Baptiste-Marie de to Ligne, Philippe-Charles Fran�ois, Herzog von Arenberg, hertog van Aarschot, Duc de Cro�
- Ligne, Princesse de (Marie Melanie) to Lillingston, Vivienne Margaret
- Lillingston, William George to Limburg-Stirum, Wolfgang Graf von
- Limburg-Styrum, Adolf Graf von to Lind, Ursula Winchester
- Linda, Isobel to Lindon, Myleta Fenton
- Lindop, Christine Robin to Lindsay, Catherine
- Lindsay, Catherine to Lindsay, Francis Howard
- Lindsay, Frederick Richard to Lindsay, John Samuel
- Lindsay, John Stewart to Lindsay, Patrick, 6th Lord Lindsay of the Byres
- Lindsay, Peter to Lindsay-MacDougall, Szofia Rozsa Mhairi
- Lindsay-Stewart, Alexander Charles Kenneth to Lingen, Julia Lucas
- Lingen, Julie Rene van to Lintz, Warren Tico
- Linwood, A. Campbell B. to Lippe-Detmold, Wilhelmine Caroline zur
- Lippe-Weissenfeld, Alexandra zur to Lisburne, Viscountess (Elizabeth)
- Lisci, Gabriele Venturi Ginori, Marchese de Riparbella to Lister, Eleanor
- Lister, Eleanor to Lister, Tom
- Lister, Tony to Lithgow, Emma
- Lithgow, Esther Mary to Little, Muriel
- Little, Nancy Elizabeth to Littleton, Cassandra
- Littleton, Catherine to Littlewood, Wallis St. John
- Littley, Frances SHephard to Livingston, Henry
- Livingston, Henry to Livingstone, Robert (Sir) of Drumry
- Livingstone, Robert of Middlebinning to Llewellyn, Bronwen Mary
- Llewellyn, Caroline E. to Llewellyn-Davies, Richard, Baron Llewelyn-Davies
- Llewellyn-Jones, Georgina Mary to Lloyd, Arthur Christian
- Lloyd, Arthur Cresswell to Lloyd, Eliza W.
- Lloyd, Elizabeth to Lloyd, India Avery Clementina
- Lloyd, Innes to Lloyd, Margaret Jane
- Lloyd, Margaret Jean to Lloyd, Samuel
- Lloyd, Samuel Eyre Massy to Lloyd-Blood, Vivienne Lucy
- Lloyd-Davies, Ann to Llywelyn, unknown
- Ll�pis y de Palacio, Mar�a Isabel to Lobkowicz, Marie Prinzessin von
- Lobkowicz, Marie Therese von to Lochen, Jennifer Alison
- Lochert, Katarzyna to Locke, William Thomas
- Locke-Wheaton, Annabelle to Lockhart, Jean
- Lockhart, Jean to Lockwood, Elizabeth Crosby
- Lockwood, Ella M. to Locock, Helen Christine
- Locock, Henry to Lodge, Hilton
- Lodge, Honor to Loewen, Laura
- Loewenstein, Andrea Freud to Loftus, Lucy
- Loftus, Lucy to Logie-Pirie, Thomasina
- Logozzi, Abigail Elizabeth to Lombe, Mary Isabella
- Lombe, Mary Turner to Long, Barbara
- Long, Barbara Frances to Long, Frances Louisa
- Long, Frances Munro to Long, Mary
- Long, Mary to Long, Victoria Florence de Burgh
- Long, Violet Beatrix Alice Lambton to Longe, William Martin Peel
- Longemarre, Marie Elizabeth Lucie de to Longman, William
- Longmire, Ann to Longueville, William de
- Longworth, Alice Lee to Looney, William Henry
- Looram, Bettina Jemima to Loraine, William, 4th Bt.
- Loraine-Smith, Annabelle Catherine to Lorillard, Ruth King
- Lorimar, Cameron to Lorraine, Fran�ois, Comte de Lambesc
- Lorraine, Frederic de to Lort-Phillips, Virginia
- Lorton of Boyle, 1st Viscount, co. Roscommon (Robert Edward) to Loudham, Margaret
- Loudon, (?) to Loughneagh, 9th Baroness of, co. Antrim (Harriet)
- Loughran, Alison Jane to Louvain, Thomas de
- Louvencourt, unknown de to Lovel and Holland, 9th Lord, Baron Lovel and Holland of Enmore, co. Somerset (Frederick Joseph Trevelyan)
- Lovel of Minster Lovel, 1st Baron (Thomas) to Lovell, Scott
- Lovell, Scott James to Low, Baron, of Bispham in the County of Lancashire (Toby Austin Richard William)
- Low, Beatrice Dorothy to Lowe, Anne
- Lowe, Anne Cecilia Rosemary Elizabeth to Lowe, Maria Frederica
- Lowe, Maria Sarah to Lowicz, Joanna
- Lowin, Mary to Lowry, William (Captain)
- Lowry-Corry, Adrian to Lowther, 5th Baronet (St. George Henry)
- Lowther, 5th Baronet, of Lowther, co. Westmorland (James) to Lowther, John
- Lowther, John to Lowthrop, Rebecca
- Lowy, Charles to Luard, Lydia Maria Louisa
- Luard, Marianne to Lubbock, Nora
- Lubbock, Nora to Lucarini, Roberto
- Lucas of Chilworth, 1st Baron, of Chilworth, co. Southampton (George William) to Lucas, Helen Mary
- Lucas, Helen Morar to Lucas, William
- Lucas, William Henry to Lucie-Smith, unknown
- Lucien-Brun, Benedicte to Lucy, Mary
- Lucy, Mary to Ludlow, Thomas William
- Ludlow, W. S. to Lukey, Mary
- Lukic, Asja to Lumley, Lawrence Roger, 11th Earl of Scarbrough
- Lumley, Leonora Constance to Lumsden, Hugo
- Lumsden, Isabel to Lundie, William of that Ilk
- Lundin, 'Ostiarius Regis' to Lupton, Mary
- Lupton, Mary Elinor Katherine to Lushington, Henry
- Lushington, Henry to Luske, Sarah
- Lussan, Comte de (James) to Luttrell, Thomas
- Luttrell, Thomas of Dunster to Luxmoore-Ball, Richard Edmund Coryndon
- Luxmoore-Styles, Lily Sarah to Lyell, Clementina Lindsay
- Lyell, David to Lyle, Joshua
- Lyle, Joyce Jean to Lynch, Elizabeth
- Lynch, Elizabeth to Lynch, William Wiltshire
- Lynch-Blosse, Alannah Marie to Lyne, Thomas
- Lyne, unknown daughter de to Lyon, Flora Rachel
- Lyon, Florence Matilda to Lyon, Phoebe
- Lyon, Phoebe to Lyons, Iella
- Lyons, Jai Douglas to Lysaght, John
- Lysaght, John to Lyster, William
- Lytcott, Sarah to Lyttelton, Rachel Beatrice
- Lyttelton, Richard to L�pez de Carrizosa y Mitj�ns, Sol
- L�pez de Lerena de la Quadra-Salcedo, Rosario to L�wenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg, Monika Maria Immaculata Consolata Benedikta Aloisia Josephone Theresa Antonia Johanna Carla Conrada Vitalis
- L�wenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg, Monika Maria Prinzessin zu to Maberly, John
- Maberly, John to MacAlister, Christina
- MacAlister, Donald to Macara, William Donald
- Macara-Meredith, Ethel Maud to Macarthur-Onslow, Winifred Hall
- Macarthur-Stanham, Andalucia to Macartney-Filgate, Michael Graham Travers
- Macartney-Filgate, Michele to MacCallum, Sheila
- MacCallum, unknown to Maccauley, Sarah
- MacCausland, Fanny to MacDermot, Jean Lorna
- Macdermot, Jeannie Miriam to Macdonald, Alastair Alan Graham
- Macdonald, Alastair Blair to Macdonald, Angus of Inch
- Macdonald, Angus of Kilaulay to Macdonald, Donald
- Macdonald, Donald to Macdonald, George Browne
- MacDonald, George James to Macdonald, Janet
- Macdonald, Janet to Macdonald, Macdonald
- Macdonald, Macdonell to Macdonald, Miles
- Macdonald, Minette Alaine to Macdonald, unknown
- Macdonald, unknown to Macdonell, Donald
- Macdonell, Donald to MacDonnell, John
- MacDonnell, John to MacDougall, Katherine
- MacDougall, Kenna Alexandra to Macdowall, Mary
- Macdowall, Mary to Macfarlane, Fanny Worswick
- Macfarlane, Fiona to MacGeough Bond, William
- MacGeough, Alice to MacGregor, Gregor of Inverardran
- MacGregor, Gregor of Roro to Machalak, Frank
- Macham, Anne to MacIntyre, Clico
- MacIntyre, Dilys Mary to Mack, Zo� Catherina
- Mackaby, Mary to Mackay, Florence Kathleen
- Mackay, Frances Charlotte to Mackay, Maria Paula Hermanna
- MacKay, Marian to MacKellar, William Neil
- MacKelvie, Jeannette to Mackenzie, Anna Hildagonda
- Mackenzie, Anna Isabella to Mackenzie, Edward
- Mackenzie, Edward Alexander to Mackenzie, Iona Margaret
- Mackenzie, Irene Carter to Mackenzie, Kenneth
- MacKenzie, Kenneth to Mackenzie, Mary
- Mackenzie, Mary to Mackenzie, unknown daughter
- Mackenzie, unknown daughter to Mackesy, William Poulter
- Macket, Annie to Mackinnon, Henrietta
- Mackinnon, Henry to Mackintosh, Duncan of Culloden
- Mackintosh, Duncan Robert to Mackintosh, Rachel
- Mackintosh, Robert Andrew Nicholas to Mackworth, Frances
- Mackworth, Francis to Macky, Sarah
- Maclachen, Angus to Maclaine, Murdoch, 13th of Lochbuie
- Maclaine, Murdoch, 19th of Lochbuie to MacLean, Alexandra Mary
- MacLean, Alexandrina to Maclean, Hope
- Maclean, Hugh to MacLean, Roswitha T.
- MacLean, Ruth to MacLeod, Alice Olivia
- Macleod, Alicia Caroline Mary to MacLeod, Isabella
- MacLeod, Isabella to MacLeod, Norman
- Macleod, Norman to Maclure, Yvonne Irene Valerie
- MacLurg, David to Macmillan, Georgina Elizabeth
- MacMillan, Gilbert to Macnab, Finlay of Macnab, 4th Chief
- Macnab, Finlay of Macnab, 6th Chief to Macnaghten, Edward Alexander
- Macnaghten, Edward Charles of Dundarave, 5th Bt. to Macnamara, Mary
- Macnamara, Mary Catherine Frances to Macneil, unknown daughter
- MacNeil, William Mackinnon to Macpherson, Ann Primrose
- Macpherson, Anna to Macpherson, John
- Macpherson, John to Macqueen, John
- Macqueen, John Otto to MacRory, unknown daughter
- MacRuari, Allan of Gamorgan to MacWilliam, William, Lord of Egremont
- MacWilliams, Margaret to Madden, Wyndham D'Arcy
- Madden-Simpson, Hester Vivian to Madog, Philip ap
- Madox, Ann to Magan, unknown son
- Magan, unknown wife to Magliano, Cleope Teresa
- Maglietta, Maria Clara to Magri, Zayne Robert Christian
- Magruder, Agnes to Mahon, Charlotte
- Mahon, Cicely to Mahony, Elizabeth Mary
- Mahony, Ella to Maill�, Victor Alfred
- Mailtitz, Hans-Ulrich von to Mainwaring, John
- Mainwaring, John to Mais, Violet Geraldine
- Maisey, Elsie Ellen to Maitland, Alexander Charles
- Maitland, Alexander Charles Richards to Maitland, George Ramsay
- Maitland, George Ramsay, 7th Bt. to Maitland, Mary
- Maitland, Mary to Maitland-Carew, Thomas Francis Conolly
- Maitland-Dougall, Colin to Major-Ball, Terry
- Majorca, Isabel de to Makgill, Jean
- Makgill, Jean to Makower, William
- Makowska, Eva to Malcolm, James
- Malcolm, James Alexander to Malden, Janet May Dilkes
- Malden, John Walters Scott to Malet, Lucy
- Malet, Lucy to Mallabone, David
- Mallaby, Elizabeth to Mallinson, Erin Elizabeth
- Mallinson, Ethel Maudie to Malone, Jane
- Malone, Joan Desir�e to Maltoft-Nielsen, Villy
- Malton, 1st Baron (Thomas) to Manchester, Countess of (Anne)
- Manchester, Countess of (Doddington) to Mander, Mavis Flora Rosalind
- Mander, Melanie Jane to Manery, Susan Elizabeth
- Manes, Clare Helen Alexandra to Manley, William Lambert
- Manliffe, Anne to Mann, Mary Elizabeth
- Mann, Mary Emily Blount to Manners, George John Henry, Marquess of Granby
- Manners, George, 11th Lord de Ros of Helmsley to Manners-Sutton, Winifred Grace
- Mannes, Martha to Manno, Vittorio, Barone Manno
- Mannock, 1st Baronet (Francis) to Mansel, Henry
- Mansel, Henry to Mansel-Pleydell, Vivien
- Mansell of Margam, 1st Baron (Thomas) to Mansfield, Keziah
- Mansfield, Louisa to Manwaring, Thomas
- Manwaring-White, Amica Mary Frederica to Mar, Countess of (Mary)
- Mar, Countess of (Mary) to March Phillipps de Lisle, Marina Iris Maud
- March Phillipps de Lisle, Mary Agnes Adeodata to Marchant, Thomas le
- Marchbank, Anthea to Mare, William Henry
- Mareau, Gabriele Baron von to Margesson, John
- Margesson, John to Marino, Vincenzo
- Marinori, Henrietta to Mark, James
- Mark, Johann I Graf von der to Markham, Catherine Frances Nannette
- Markham, Cecile Mary Isabella to Markham, Yvonne Penelope
- Markhof, Harriet Mautner von to Marles, Sheila Minton
- Marlesford, Baron, of Marlesford in the County of Suffolk (Mark Shuldham) to Marno, William Victor
- Marnoch, Isobel to Marriage, Thomas Charles
- Marrian, David to Marrson, Robert
- Marry, Elizabeth to Marseille, Vicomte de (Barral I)
- Marselis Hartsinck, Catharina Susanna van to Marsh, Paul Disbury
- Marsh, Peter to Marshall, Cornelius
- Marshall, Cornelius (Reverend) to Marshall, Jeanette Marcia
- Marshall, Jeanie Mavis to Marshall, Rudolf Welzer
- Marshall, Samuel to Marsham, Marion Caroline
- Marsham, Mary to Martell, William Michael
- Martelli, Amabel Amy Antonella to Martin, Avice Blanaid
- Martin, Aylmer ffulke to Martin, Erskine Thackery (Major)
- Martin, Esther Mary to Martin, Jean Crosby
- Martin, Jean Yvonne to Martin, Mary
- Martin, Mary to Martin, Stephen
- Martin, Stephen to Martineau, Horace Robert, V.C.
- Martineau, Hubert to Marton, Thomas
- Martonffy-Dudutz, Istvan to Marwood-Elton, William
- Marword, James to Masham of Swinton, Baroness (Elizabeth Alice)
- Masham, 1st Baron, of Ellington, co. York (Philip) to Mason, Florence
- Mason, Florinda Frances to Mason, Xenia Laura
- Mason-Cox, Charles Dennis to Massey, Zoe
- Massey-Mainwaring, William Frederick Barton to Massow, Rudiger von
- Massu, John to Massy, Elizabeth Aphra
- Massy, Elizabeth Fidelia to Massy, Isabella
- Massy, Isabella Frances to Massy, unknown
- Massy, unknown son to Masterman, Thomas William
- Masterman-Sykes, Henrietta to Mateos y Fernandez-Maquieira, Zenaida
- Mateos y Garcia, Purificacion to Matheson, Eupehmia MacRae
- Matheson, Farquhar to Mathew, Penelope Susannah
- Mathew, Perdita Mary to Maton, Reginald Foster Pitt
- Matonte, 3rd Marquis (Luis) to Matthews, Emma Elizabeth
- Matthews, Emmeline Harriet to Matthews, William
- Matthews, William to Matz, Stefan
- Matzke, Diana Sophie to Maude, Elinor Louisa
- Maude, Elise Marie to Maude, Vera Marian
- Maude, Victor Francis to Maule, Henry
- Maule, Henry to Maunsell, Anna Maria
- Maunsell, Anne to Maunsell, Edith Mary Victoria
- Maunsell, Edmund Robert Lloyd to Maunsell, George Woods
- Maunsell, George Wyndham to Maunsell, Laura Beatrice
- Maunsell, Laura Eileen to Maunsell, Phyllis
- Maunsell, Phyllis Rehu to Maunsell, Venetia Sophie
- Maunsell, Vero to Maurice, William fitz
- Mauricio, Marianna to Maxey, Willa Storm Macfarlane
- Maximo, Despina to Maxwell, Agnes
- Maxwell, Agnes to Maxwell, Elizabeth
- Maxwell, Elizabeth to Maxwell, Jane
- Maxwell, Jane to Maxwell, Mariot
- Maxwell, Marioun to Maxwell, unknown daughter
- Maxwell, unknown daughter to Maxwell-Stuart, William Joseph Peter
- Maxwell-Witham, Bettina to May, Tanya Sheridan
- May, Theodora to Mayhew, John Anthony
- Mayhew, John de Perigault Gurney to Mayne, Charles William
- Mayne, Charlotte Annesley to Mayo, Viscountess (Maud)
- Mayon-White, Mary Angela to McAdam, Mary
- McAdam, Mary Atkins to McAlpine, Robert, 2nd Bt.
- McAlpine, Roberta Ida Freeman to McBean, Williamina
- McBeath, Anne to McCallie, Matthew Ross
- McCallum, Alan to McCarthy, Charles
- McCarthy, Charles to McCarthy, William Terence Webb
- McCarthy-O'Leary, Jane Frances to McClean, Victoria Mary
- McCleary, Judith to McClintock, Michael Leopold Elphinstone
- McClintock, Millicent to McClymont, unknown
- McCobb, Aaron to McConnell, Julie Mary
- McConnell, Karen to McCormick, Janet
- McCormick, Janet to McCowen, Richard Ian
- McCoy, 'Big Hunty' to McCracken, William
- McCrae, Andrew Murison to McCugh, Margot
- McCullagh, 1st Baronet, of Lismara, in the parish of Carnmoney, co. Antriim (Crawford) to McDiarmid, Terry
- McDoagall, Marianne Adelaide to McDonnell, Betty
- McDonnell, Britt to McDouall, Grace Maria
- McDouall, Graham Richard to McDougall, Muriel Dolores
- McDougall, Nadine Sylvia Ada to McEntee, William Charles
- McEntire, Alice Violet to McFarlane, William Stephen
- McFaul, Margaret to McGill, William James
- McGillespy, Janet to McGough, Virginia Clare Diana
- McGoun, Archibald to McGregor, Philippa
- McGregor, Robert to McIlvain, unknown
- McIlveen, Ann to McIntyre, Nancy Ivy
- McIntyre, Ottilie Rose to McKeage, William
- McKeage, William Ronald to McKenna, William Columban
- McKennes, Heather to Mckenzie, Zara Kala
- McKenzie-Laing, Alan to McKnight, Tracy Ann
- McKno, Joan Wall to McLaren, Winifred Agnes
- McLaren-Throckmorton, Clare to McLean, Elizabeth
- McLean, Elizabeth to McLeod, Hugh
- McLeod, Hugh to McMahon, Edith Beatrice
- McMahon, Eliza to McMicking, Thomas Neil
- McMillan, Alice to McNab, Thelma May
- McNabb, Ann to McNaught, Sheila Jean
- McNaughtan, Constance Marion Molyneux to McNeill, William
- McNeill-Moss, Geoffrey Cecil Gilbert to McQueen, Virginia
- McQuestion, Adeline Sophia to McShane, William
- McSharry, Anne Marie to McWilliam, Veronika Augusta Amelie
- McWilliams, Donald Saxby to Meade, James Richard
- Meade, Jane to Meadows, Windham
- Meads, Andrew David to Meath Baker, William John Clovis
- Meath, 10th Earl of (John Chambr�) to Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Herzog von (Paul Friedrich)
- Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Herzog von (Wilhelm) to Medici, Vittoria de
- Medill, Anne Judith to Medows, William
- Medrano y Yllera, Jesus to Megginson, Katherine Rose
- Meggison, Ann to Meinertzhagen, Frederick
- Meinertzhagen, Frederick Huth to Melchers, Tessa
- Melchet, Beatrice to Melles, William Eugene
- Melleth, Grace to Mellor, Helen Joy
- Mellor, Isabel to Melvill, Thomas
- Melville of Melville, 10th Viscount, co. Edinburgh (Robert Henry Kirkpatrick) to Melville, William, 3rd of Raith
- Melville-Cook, Diana Mary to Mengers, Rocky Knight
- Menges, Roberta to Mentmore, 4th Viscount, of Mentmore, co. Buckingham (Harry Ronald Neil)
- Mentone, Maria Isabella to Menzies, Katherine Patricia
- Menzies, Keith Graham to Meran, Ladislaja Maria Karoline Franziska Therese von
- Meran, Ladislaja von to Mercer, Zandra Theresa Jane
- Mercer-Adam, Ellen Elizabeth to Meredith, William, 3rd Bt.
- Meredith-Hardy, Alexandra to Merivale, Walter Herman Hodgson
- Merivale-Austin, Alison Mary to Merrill, Linton Surget
- Merrill, Louise Gautier to Mershon, Cynthia Ann
- Mersington, Lord (Alexander) to Messano, Rosemary Constance
- Messchert, Maria to Metcalfe, Cicely
- Metcalfe, Clara Elizabeth to Metham, unknown de
- Methan, Julian to Mettlich, Sophia Vivien
- Metz, Adalbert Graf von to Mexborough of Longford, Countess of (Venetia Stanley)
- Mexico, Maximilian I of to Meynell, Frances
- Meynell, Frances Olive to Meyricke, Theophilus
- Meysey, Anna Maria to Michell, Frances Elizabeth
- Michell, Frederica Louisa to Middlebrook, William, 1st Bt.
- Middleditch, Celia Jean to Middleton, Clara Talbot
- Middleton, Constance to Middleton, Thomas
- Middleton, Thomas to Mikaklauskas, Katherine Annette
- Mikes von Zabola, Klementine Gr�fin to Milbanke, Sheila Margaret MacKellar
- Milbanke-Huskisson, Emily to Mildmay, Henry
- Mildmay, Henry to Miles, Hilda
- Miles, Hubert Christopher to Milford, Thomas
- Milford-Cottam, Diana Hazel to Millar, George Bury
- Millar, George William Russell to Miller Mundy, Rory
- Miller of Chilthorne Domer, Baroness, of Chilthorne Domer in the County of Somerset (Susan Elizabeth) to Miller, Christopher Declan
- Miller, Cindy Marie to Miller, Graham Austin Herrock
- Miller, Graham Christopher to Miller, Julius
- Miller, Kara Lea to Miller, Patricia Ann
- Miller, Patricia Georgina to Miller, Wendy Margaret
- Miller, Wendy Vida to Milligan, Lucy Mary Frances
- Milligan, Margaret to Mills, Antonia Helen
- Mills, Arthur to Mills, John Checkley
- Mills, John Digby to Mills, Winifred Mary
- Mills-Powell, Bridget to Milne, Ann
- Milne, Ann Geraldine to Milne-Home, Rosemary Honor Croad
- Milne-Thomson, A. to Milnes Gaskell, Thomas
- Milnes, 1st Baronet (Robert Shore) to Milward, Vendela Susan Esther
- Milward, Victor (Colonel) to Minchin, Charles
- Minchin, Charles to Minchin, Enid Stephanie
- Minchin, Eric Reginald to Minchin, Jane Elizabeth
- Minchin, Jane Elizabeth Mary to Minchin, Maree Therese
- Minchin, Margaret to Minchin, Richard Ernest
- Minchin, Richard George Edward to Minchin, William Peter
- Minchin, William Reilly to Minto of Minto, Baroness (Anna Maria)
- Minto, 1st Earl of, co. Roxburgh (Gilbert) to Mitchel, William St. Leger
- Mitchelbourne, Elizabeth to Mitchell, Emma Sarah
- Mitchell, Emma V. G. to Mitchell, Kathleen Roberta
- Mitchell, Katrina Mary to Mitchell, Thomas
- Mitchell, Thomas to Mitford, George
- Mitford, Georgiana Jemima to Mobbs, Virginia
- Moberly, Alice Sidney to Moffat, William
- Moffat, William to Mohamadialal, Diane
- Mohamed, Sardar to Moir, Wortley Cornelia Anne
- Moir-Byres, Aleyne Katherine Elizabeth to Molesworth, Arthur William Bysse Nepean
- Molesworth, Balfour Nepean to Molesworth, Guy Lindsay
- Molesworth, Gwen Gertrude Mary to Molesworth, Mary Anne
- Molesworth, Mary Anne to Molesworth, William Nassau
- Molesworth, William Nassau to Molland, Reginald Charles Graves
- Molle, Anna Inglis to Molony, Marie Etienne
- Molony, Marjory to Molyneux, Diana
- Molyneux, Dorothy to Molyneux, William
- Molyneux, William to Monck, Charles Joseph Kelly, 3rd Viscount Monck of Ballytrammon
- Monck, Charles Miles Lambert to Monckton, Diana
- Monckton, Diana Jane to Monckton, Mabel Cordelia
- Monckton, Mabel Jessie to Monckton-Arundell, William, 2nd Viscount Galway
- Monckton-Hall, Elizabeth to Moncreiffe, Berthia
- Moncreiffe, Bethia to Moncrieffe, William Stewart
- Moncur, Andrew of that Ilk to Money, Irene Lethbridge
- Money, Isabel to Money-Kyrle, Violet Erule Ada
- Money-Kyrle, William to Monnery, Natasha May
- Monnet, Francois to Monseignat, Marie Gabriele Walburga Cacilia Theresia de
- Monsell, 1st Viscount (Bolton Meredith) to Monson, John
- Monson, John George, 4th Baron Monson of Burton to Montagu Douglas Scott, Zalia
- Montagu Johnson, Alicia May to Montagu, Drogo
- Montagu, Dru to Montagu, Jacqueline de
- Montagu, Jacqueline Mary Alva to Montagu, Pollyanna Mary Clare
- Montagu, Rachel to Montagu-Scott, Walter Francis
- Montagu-Stuart-Wortley, Alan Ralph to Montalt of Hawarden, 9th Baron de, co. Tipperary (Robert Connan Wyndham Leslie)
- Montalt, John de to Montefiore, Vita
- Montefuerte, Conde de (Manuel) to Montfort, Arthur III of Richmond, Duc de Bretagne
- Montfort, Augusta to Montfort, Sally Petrina de
- Montfort, Sarah to Montgomerie, Gertrude
- Montgomerie, Gertrude Claire to Montgomerie, Samuel Hynman
- Montgomerie, Sandra to Montgomery, Catherine
- Montgomery, Catherine to Montgomery, Joan Catharina
- Montgomery, JoAnn to Montgomery, Walter, Bt.
- Montgomery, Wendy to Montmorency, Geoffrey Fitz-Hervey de
- Montmorency, Geoffrey James Brooke de to Montrose, 8th Earl of (James)
- Montrose, 8th Marquess of (Douglas Beresford Malise Ronald) to Monypenny, Thomas, 5th of Pitmilly
- Monypenny, Thomas, 8th of Pitmilly to Moon, Ernest Robert
- Moon, Ethel Rose Grant to Moore Bell, Rosemary Elizabeth
- Moore of Drogheda, 10th Viscount (Henry Francis Seymour) to Moore, Arthur Nevil
- Moore, Arthur Trevelyan to Moore, Dorcas
- Moore, Doris Vera to Moore, Florence Mary Georgianna
- Moore, Florence Mary Jackson to Moore, J H
- Moore, J. to Moore, Kathleen Lesley
- Moore, Kathleen Mary to Moore, Mary Violet
- Moore, Matilda to Moore, Samuel
- Moore, Samuel to Moore, William Daniel
- Moore, William Edwin to Moorhouse, William Sefton
- Moorman, Frederic William to Morant, George
- Morant, George Francis to Moray-Stirling, William, 17th of Abercairny
- Morazzani, Odile to Mordaunt, Katherine Patricia
- Mordaunt, Kim John to More, Norah
- More, No�lle Joanna to Moreton Macdonald, Simon Foster
- Moreton of Tortworth, 1st Baron, co. Gloucester (Thomas) to Morgan, Charles Carroll
- Morgan, Charles Christopher to Morgan, Hannah
- Morgan, Harold to Morgan, Mary Joan
- Morgan, Mary Julia to Morgan, Yvonne M.
- Morgan-Brown, Margaret Rosamira to Morier, Victoria
- Morieux, Thomas to Morland, William Thornhill
- Morland-Gee, Elizabeth Ann to Morley, Rose Mary
- Morley, Rupert Oliver Henry to Morrall, Thomas Simon Neil
- Morreau, Amanda to Morris, Allan Lindsay, 11th Bt.
- Morris, Allison to Morris, Florence May
- Morris, Frances to Morris, Louise Merilyn
- Morris, Lowry to Morris, Samuel
- Morris, Samuel to Morrish, Thomas Buxton
- Morrison of Lambeth, Baron, of Lambeth in the County of London (Herbert Stanley) to Morrison, John Forbes
- Morrison, John Granville, 1st Baron Margadale to Morrison-Bell, William Hollin Dayrell, 4th Bt.
- Morrison-Duncan, Adam Alexander to Morrow, Sylvia Frances
- Mors, Else to Mortensen, Turdis
- Mortenson, Alma Christopher to Mortland, Nicholas John
- Mortleman, Cecily Kathleen Mary to Morton, Master of (Robert)
- Morton, Mathew Villiers Sankey to Moseley, John
- Moseley, John to Mosley, Ernald
- Mosley, Ethel Marcia to Moss, Katherine Elizabeth
- Moss, Kathleen to Mostyn, Clare Sibylla
- Mostyn, Clementina to Mostyn, Robert
- Mostyn, Robert to Mott, Roger John Kynaston
- Mott, Stella Mabel Thornely to Moulliac, Christian de
- Moull�-Berteaux, Alain to Mount, Viola Clare
- Mount, Virginia Jane to Mountford, William
- Mountfort, Catherine to Mousson, Beatrix von
- Moustier, Adelaide Charlotte de to Mowbray, William de
- Mowbray-Green, Joy to Moynihan, Herbert James
- Moynihan, Humphrey to Mugge, Margaret
- Muggeridge, Bryan to Muir, Joss Patrick Robertson
- Muir, Juliet Sara Kirstie to Mulgrave of New Ross, Baroness (Martha Sophia)
- Mulgrave, 1st Earl of, co. York (Edmund) to Mullens, Mildred
- Muller, Anton to Mullins, Winifred Claire
- Mullion, Annabel to Muncaster, Ursula Mary
- Munch, Anne Stine to Munn, William James
- Munnick, Enid to Munro, Hector of Foulis, 11th Bt.
- Munro, Hector of Foulis, 1st Bt. to Munro, Zachary Adrian
- Munro-Butler-Johnstone, Elaine to Murch, John
- Murchison, Anne Christine to Mure, John, 5th of Caldwell
- Mure, John, 6th of Caldwell to Murphy, County (John Nicholas)
- Murphy, Cristin Audrey to Murphy, John Baldwin
- Murphy, John Fitzjames to Murphy, Rose
- Murphy, Rose Ellen to Murray, Ada Oliphant
- Murray, Adam to Murray, Anne
- Murray, Anne to Murray, Charles
- Murray, Charles to Murray, Eleanor
- Murray, Eleanor to Murray, Gary
- Murray, Gask and Balquhidder, 10th Lord (John James Hugh Henry) to Murray, Imogen Ann
- Murray, Imogen Olivia Hallam to Murray, Jennifer Lee
- Murray, Jennifer Mary Ellen to Murray, Lalage Virginia
- Murray, Lastania to Murray, Marion Blackwood
- Murray, Marion Jane to Murray, Patrick, Lord Murray and Gask
- Murray, Paula Rosann to Murray, Timothy
- Murray, Timothy to Murray, Zoe Ann
- Murray-Aynsley, Agnes Athole to Murtagh, Paula
- Murthwait-How, Betty Winifred to Musgrave, Elizabeth Mary
- Musgrave, Ellen to Musker, William Keith
- Muskerry, 14th Lord of (Cormac) to Muston, William Pitt
- Musurus, Constantine to Myddelton, William, 4th Bt.
- Myddelton-Biddulph, Agnes Mary to Mylne, William Chadwell
- Mylonas, Pavlos to Myrton, William of Cambo
- Myslik, Marianne to Nabokova, Xenia Nikolaevna
- Naboulet, Hortensia to Nainby-Manby, William
- Nair, Bettina Mary to Naismith, William Peter
- Nakahara, Susan to Nani-Mocenigo, Virginia
- Nankivell, Ernest James Patch to Napier, Anne
- Napier, Anne to Napier, Harry James Lennox
- Napier, Hazel Therese to Napier, Mary
- Napier, Mary Ada to Napier-Clavering, unknown daughter
- Napier-Munn, Elisabeth to Nash, Elizabeth
- Nash, Elizabeth Anne S. to Nason, James
- Nason, Jane to Nassau-Dietz, Willem Georg Friso von
- Nassau-Dillenburg, Adolf Prinz von to Nassau-Weilburg, Marie Prinzessin von
- Nassau-Weilburg, Marie Prinzessin von to Naughton, Robert
- Nauman, Grant Brendan to Naylor, Sarah Hannah
- Naylor, Sharon to Neame, Timothy Roger Hancox
- Neasey, Mavis to Neave, Mary
- Neave, Mary Catherine to Needham, Francis Jack
- Needham, Francis Jack Richard Patrick, 5th Earl of Kilmorey to Neeson, William John Liam
- Neff, Darell to Neilson, Tracy
- Neilson, unknown to Nellis, Mary Virginia
- Nellthorpe, Ann to Nelson, Frederick Vincent
- Nelson, G. H. to Nelson, Monique Elise
- Nelson, Morval to Nelthorpe, Ursula
- Nelthropp, Caroline Louisa to Nesbitt, Helen
- Nesbitt, Helena de la Cruz to Netherthorpe, Baroness (Margaret Lucy)
- Netherway-Morrish, Leonore Mollie to Nettles, Robert (Reverend)
- Nettles, William to Neve, Thomas Wilder Neville
- Nevell, Christopher Paul to Nevill, Hugh
- Nevill, Idina Mary to Neville, Dora
- Neville, Dorothea to Neville, John Robert
- Neville, John, 1st and last Marquess of Montagu to Neville, Thomas de
- Neville, Thomas de to Newall, Sarah
- Newall, Sarah to Newburgh, William
- Newburn, Robert de to Newcomen, William, 1st Bt.
- Newdegate, Elizabeth Sophia Lucia to Newenham, Worth
- Newent, Ellen de to Newman, Frances Joyce
- Newman, Francis Hugh Cecil, 4th Bt. to Newman, Zachary John Bissett
- Newman-Clark, Archibald to Newry and Mourne, Viscount (Robert Francis John)
- Newsam, Charles Wren to Newton, Edward Hotham
- Newton, Edward Isaac to Newton, Robert, 1st Bt.
- Newton, Rory James to Nichol, Robert William
- Nicholas, Alison to Nicholls, Frederick
- Nicholls, Geoffrey IV, Comte de Cherbourg to Nicholson, Alice Margaret
- Nicholson, Alice Rose to Nicholson, Gertrude
- Nicholson, Gertrude Ann to Nicholson, Mary
- Nicholson, Mary to Nicholson, Zo� Mary Louisa
- Nicholson-Smith, Elizabeth Muriel to Nicol, Mary Douglas
- Nicol, Mary Frances to Nicolle, Miranda Camilla
- Nicolls, Agnes Margaret to Nicolson, Thomas
- Nicolson, Thomas to Nieves, Sara
- Niewald, Renate gennant Pollmann to Nightingale, Manby
- Nightingale, Manby Lindsay to Nisbet, Catherine
- Nisbet, Charles to Nissim, Reuben Meyer
- Nissvandt, Karin Emma Louise to Nixon, Newton
- Nixon, Nicola Caroline to Nobbs, Gladys Ada
- Nobbs, Gladys H. to Noble, Christopher Shayan
- Noble, Connor Daniel to Noble, Zita Mary
- Noblet la Clayette, Arnaud Maie Octave Xavier de to Noel, Emily Elizabeth
- Noel, Emma to Noel, Susan Rachel
- Noel, Susanna Elisabeth to Nolan, Kim Kathleen
- Nolan, Leslie Adams to Norcliffe, Mary
- Norcliffe, Nicholas to Norman, Antony Rory
- Norman, Arabella to Norman, Ronald Collet
- Norman, Rory to Normanville, William
- Normean, Nancy Ann to Norris, Frederica
- Norris, Frederica Elizabeth Sophia to North, Audrey Edith Durant
- North, Augusta to North, Maria
- North, Maria to Northampton, �lgifu of
- Northbourne of Betteshanger, 1st Baron, co. Kent and of Jarrow Grange, co. Palatine of Durham (Walter Charles) to Northcote, John
- Northcote, John to Northey, William
- Northey, William to Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Ainslie
- Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah to Norton, Marian
- Norton, Marie to Norway, Haakon of
- Norway, Haakon V of to Noton, Richard Thomas Widdowson
- Nott, Agnes Mary Helyar to Novis, Susan Josephine
- Novoa, Ana Julia to Nugent, Antoinetta
- Nugent, Antoinette to Nugent, George, 1st Bt.
- Nugent, Georgiana Elizabeth to Nugent, Mary
- Nugent, Mary to Nugent, Zo� Virginie
- Nugent-Dunbar, Charlotte Mary Emily to Nussey, Henry
- Nussey, Henry (Reverend) to Nuttall, Robert
- Nuttall, Robina Elizabeth to N�rnberg, Margaret von
- N�rnberg, Margarete von to O'Brien, Catherine
- O'Brien, Catherine to O'Brien, Ellen Martha
- O'Brien, Ellen Mary to O'Brien, Lucia Jane
- O'Brien, Lucia Josephine Mary to O'Brien, Peter Thomond
- O'Brien, Peter, 1st and last Baron O'Brien to O'Brien, Zsuz�nna �va Szer�na
- O'Brien-ffrench, Alexis Evelyn Henry to O'Callaghan, Ellis
- O'Callaghan, Ellis to O'Callaghan, William Frederick Ormonde
- O'Callaghan-Westropp, Brian George to O'Connell, Charles Daniel
- O'Connell, Charles Francis Xavier to O'Connell, Ida
- O'Connell, Iris Gwendoline to O'Connell, Maurice Edward
- O'Connell, Maurice Edward to O'Connell, �The Liberator'
- O'Connell-Hewett, James Piers to O'Connor, Winnifred Hayes
- O'Connor-Fenton, Lavinia Jane to O'Conor, Philip Hugh
- O'Conor, Piers Montgomery to O'Donel, Rose
- O'Donell, Aedh 'Ruadh', King of Tir Conaill to O'Donnell, Manus
- O'Donnell, Manus to O'Donoghue, Maude Mary
- O'Donoghue, Megan to O'Dwyer, Stuart Goold
- O'D�ine, Maud to O'Grady, Ellen
- O'Grady, Ellen to O'Grady, Standish Stamer
- O'Grady, Standish Thomas to O'Halloran, William Robert Cole
- O'Hanlon, Abigail Elizabeth to O'Keeffe, Wilhelmina
- O'Keele, George Lowe to O'Kelly, William �g
- O'Kennedy, Connor Roe to O'Malley, William
- O'Malley-Keys, Jane Byrnes to O'Neill, Aedh 'Og'
- O'Neill, Aedh 'Og' to O'Neill, Henry
- O'Neill, Henry to O'Neill, Shane Michael Andrew
- O'Neill, Shane Sebastian Clanaboy to O'Reilly, Walter Frederick
- O'Reilly-Nugent, Alan Grant to O'Shea, M.
- O'Shea, Marie to Oakeley, Maureen
- Oakeley, Maureen Frances to Oakley, Martin
- Oakley, Mary to Obert de Thieusies, Vicomte (Alain Martel Marie Joseph Ghislain)
- Obert, Agatha to Odell, Annie
- Odell, Annie Maria Annette to Odell, John
- Odell, John to Odell, Wycherley
- Odemira, Sancho de to Oettingen, Wilhelm Graf von
- Oettingen-Oettingen und Oettingen-Spielberg, Albrecht Ernst Otto Joseph Maria Notger F�rst zu to Ogden, Robert James
- Ogden, Robert Nelson to Ogilvie, Rebecca
- Ogilvie, Rosemary Margaret to Ogilvy, Caroline
- Ogilvy, Caroline to Ogilvy, James
- Ogilvy, James to Ogilvy, Mary
- Ogilvy, Mary to Ogilvy-Wedderburn, Sam
- Oginski, Michael-Bogdan to Ogle, Margaret
- Ogle, Margaret to Okeover, Judith
- Okeover, Leake to Oldenburg, Christian IV, King of Denmark
- Oldenburg, Christian V of to Oldenburg, William Henry, Duke of Gloucester
- Oldenburg-Delmenhorst, Agnes von to Oldham, Wilton Stransham
- Oldifeld, Andy to Oliphant, Daphne Christine
- Oliphant, David to Oliphant, Marie Jeanne
- Oliphant, Marion to Oliver, Edward Dudley
- Oliver, Edward George Mordaunt to Oliver, Oliver
- Oliver, Oswald to Olivier, Herbert Arnould
- Olivier, Isaac to Olson, Theresa
- Olsoufieff, Aleksey Vasilyevich (Count) to Onley, William
- Onn, Mary Cecilia to Onslow, Elizabeth Anne
- Onslow, Elizabeth Frances to Onslow, Michelle Claire
- Onslow, Middleton to Opava, Margaret of
- Opdeback, Susan Harriet Catherine to Oppersdorff, Wilhelm Hans Georg Mathias Eduard Anton Graf von
- Oppitz, Adolf to Orchard, William Henslow
- Ord, Alexander of Findochtie to Orde-Powlett, Heather Victoria
- Orde-Powlett, Hector Percy Algar to Orkney, Master of (John)
- Orlamuende, Graf von (Hermann I) to Orl�ans, Foulques Thibaut d', Prince de France
- Orl�ans, Foulques Thibaut Robert Jacques G�raud Jean Marie to Orl�ans-Bragan�a e Wittelsbach, Pedro, Prince de Orl�ans-Bragan�a
- Orl�ans-Bragan�a, Gabriel de to Ormerod, Zachary
- Ormesby, Elizabeth to Ormsby, John
- Ormsby, John to Orpen, Phoebe
- Orpen, Rachel to Orr, Elizabeth Sarah
- Orr, Ellinor to Orrell, William
- Orrery, 10th Earl of (Charles Spencer) to Orton, William
- Ortt, Susanna Sophia to Osborne, Agnes Lily Jean
- Osborne, Alan Fell to Osborne, Henry, 11th Bt.
- Osborne, Herbert Edward to Osborne, William Mackreth Peter
- Osborne, William McKinley to Ossory, Countess of (Amelia)
- Ossulston, 10th Baron, of Ossulston, co. Middlesex (Charles Augustus Grey) to Oswald, Zandra
- Oswell, Alice Gertrude to Ottley, William Young
- Otto, Anna to Outerbridge, Yeaton
- Outhit, Nellie Wills to Ovens, Thomas Leslie
- Ovenstone, Annabel to Owen, Dorothy Constance
- Owen, Dorothy Lilian to Owen, Mary Frances
- Owen, Mary Frances to Owens, Tom Orton
- Ower, Margaret to Oxfuird, Viscountess of (Venetia Cunitia Mary)
- Oxholm, Elsa Mimi Adelaide Marie to Pack-Beresford, Tristram Anthony
- Packard, Abigail Forbes to Padberg, Wolfgang von
- Padcock, Ellen to Page, Doreen Mary
- Page, Edith Violet to Page, William Lionel
- Page-Blair, Emma to Paget, Cyril Nevil
- Paget, Daniella Charlotte to Paget, John
- Paget, John to Paget, Wellesley Lynedoch Henry
- Paget, William to Paine, Laurence
- Paine, Lillian Margaret to Pakenham, Eliza
- Pakenham, Eliza Catherine to Pakenham, Richard Arthur
- Pakenham, Richard de to Pakington, William
- Pakynham, Robert de to Palgrave, William Gifford
- Palgrave-Barker, Geoffrey to Palliser, John
- Palliser, John to Palmer, Archdale
- Palmer, Archdale to Palmer, Elizabeth
- Palmer, Elizabeth to Palmer, Henry
- Palmer, Henry to Palmer, Louise
- Palmer, Louise Janet to Palmer, Robert
- Palmer, Robert to Palmer, Zo� Catherine
- Palmer-Acland, 1st Baronet, of Fairfield, co. Somerset (John) to Panajotakulos, Takis
- Panam, Ernst Augustus to Papasavvas, Suzanna Cecily
- Papastavrou, Ekaterina Theodora Joanna to Parbroath, Reginald
- Parbry, Lorna to Parent, Ruth Aideen
- Parente, Alison to Parish, Woodbine
- Parisi, Arabella to Parker Bowles, Wilma Mary Garnault
- Parker of Ewelm, 1st Viscount, co. Oxford (Thomas) to Parker, Catherine
- Parker, Catherine to Parker, Fiona Janetta Sophie
- Parker, Fiona MacPherson to Parker, John
- Parker, John to Parker, Mary Jane
- Parker, Mary Jane to Parker, Thomas
- Parker, Thomas to Parker-Jervis, Yolande
- Parker-Toop, Kathleen to Parkinson, Mary
- Parkinson, Mary to Parma, Duca di (Pier Luigi)
- Parma, Duca di (Rainuzzio I) to Parnell, Robert George
- Parnell, Robert Thomas to Parravicini, Reynaldo
- Parrett, Helen to Parry, Lionel Dalton
- Parry, Lionel Walpole to Parsons, Clara Helena
- Parsons, Clare E. to Parsons, Mary
- Parsons, Mary to Partington, William Matthew
- Partington, Yvonne Dorothy to Pasley, Charlotte
- Pasley, Christian to Pasquier, Veronique de de Franclieu
- Pasquini, Clara to Paston-Cooper, Thomas Astley Ward
- Pastor, Teresa to Paterson, John
- Paterson, John to Paton, George
- Paton, George Dickson to Pattenson, Thomas
- Patterson, A. to Pattison, Roland
- Pattison, Ronald to Paul, Frances Eleanor
- Paul, Frances Katherine to Paulet, Constance
- Paulet, Edward to Paulson, William
- Paultre de Lemotte, H�l�ne Marie St�phanie to Pawle, Victoria Louise Maria
- Pawlett of Basing, Charles to Payne, E.
- Payne, Edgar to Payne, Thomas
- Payne, Thomas to Peace, William
- Peacey, Albert Henry to Peacocke, Nathaniel Levett, 2nd Bt.
- Peacocke, Norah Kathleen to Pearce, Frank Colville
- Pearce, G. W. to Peareth Kincaid Lennox, William Mandeville, Chief of Lennox
- Peareth, Alice M. to Pearson, Arthur
- Pearson, Arthur to Pearson, John Richard Anthony
- Pearson, John Stevenson to Pearson-Bayly, Jeht James
- Pearson-Cooper, Michelle to Pease, Lily
- Pease, Louisa Ann to Pechell, Charlotte Alice Rothwell
- Pechell, Charlotte Elizabeth to Pedder, Thomas
- Peddie, Ada Mary E. to Peel Yates, Sarah
- Peel, 1st Baronet (Sidney Cornwallis) to Peel, Henry
- Peel, Henry to Peel, Wilmot Reginald Blomefield
- Peel, Winifred to Pejacsevich, Peter Graf von
- Pejoh, Anne Eleonore von to Pelham, Lucy
- Pelham, Lucy to Pell, Maurice
- Pell, Michelle to Pelly, Alice Leonora
- Pelly, Alice Mabel to Pelly, Frances Carruthers
- Pelly, Frances Elsie to Pelly, Mary Richenda
- Pelly, Mary Rose to Pelpola, Saya
- Pels, Agneta to Pemberton-Pigott, William
- Pembery, Francis to Penfold, Nicola Jane
- Penfold, Philip James Bedford Linzee to Pennefather Evans, Maude
- Pennefather, 1st Baronet, of Golden, in the County of Tipperary (John de Fonblanque) to Penney, Winnifred Mae
- Pennicard, Katherine Ida to Penny, Shelagh
- Penny, Stephen to Penrose, Zoe Louise
- Penrose-FitzGerald, Charles Bryan (Major) to Peploe, Sydney Katherine
- Peplow, Coleen Yvonne to Pepys, Kenelm Charles Everard Digby, 8th Earl of Cottenham
- Pepys, Kenelm Charles Francis, 5th Earl of Cottenham to Perceval, Diana Mary
- Perceval, Donald William to Perceval, Yvonne Sheila
- Perceval-Maxwell, Andrew John to Percy, Anne
- Percy, Anne to Percy, Margaret
- Percy, Margaret to Perez de Andujar y Andujar, Laureano
- Perez de Barroso y Mencia de Sotomayor, Fernan to Perkins, Minnie Margaret Matilda
- Perkins, Mo to Perrin, Zoe Christina Sainsbury
- Perrine d'Auvilliers, Marie Etienette to Perry, Catherine
- Perry, Catherine to Perry, William
- Perry, William to Persse, Emily
- Persse, Emily Alicia to Persse, Nancy
- Persse, Nancy to Perth, Countess of (Nancy Seymour)
- Pertile, Maestro Vincenzo to Peryam, William (Sir)
- Peryman, Miriam Rheta to Peter-Hoblyn, Susanna Diana Georgina
- Peterborough, 1st Earl of, co. Northampton (John) to Petersham of Petersham, Charles co. Surrey
- Petersham, 1st Baron, co. Surrey (John) to Petkievicz, Vladmir Rostislavovich
- Petley, Jane Fowler to Petre, Baroness (Mary)
- Petre, Beatrice Mary to Petre, Mary
- Petre, Mary to Petrie, William Witon
- Petrie-Hay, Louise Cecilia Mary to Petty, George
- Petty, George to Peyton, Alice Mary
- Peyton, Alice Willson to Peyton, Tobias
- Peyton, Tobias to Pfalz, Wolfgang von der
- Pfalz-Lothringen, Richenza von to Phelan, unknown
- Phelip, Elizabeth to Philip, William
- Philiphaugh, Lord (James) to Philipps, Richard Bulkeley Philipps Gramt
- Philipps, Richard Bulkeley Philipps Gramt, 1st Baron Milford to Philips, Sarah
- Philips, Sarah to Phillimore, Maria
- Phillimore, Maria of Shiplake, co. Oxford to Phillips, Charles Edward
- Phillips, Charles Edward Alan to Phillips, Joan Doreen
- Phillips, Joanna to Phillips, Stephen
- Phillips, Stephen to Philpot, William
- Philpots, Vera to Phipps, Lepel Sophia
- Phipps, Lepell to Piane, Stefano delle
- Pianezza and Livorno, Charles Emanuel di , Marquis of Pianezza and Livorno to Pickering, Eleanor
- Pickering, Elizabeth to Pickles, Sarah Catherine
- Pickman, Jane to Pierce, Elizabeth
- Pierce, Elizabeth Ann to Pierrepont, Mary Augusta
- Pierrepont, Mary Frances to Pierson, W. DeVier
- Piersone, Kristian to Pigot, Robert Edward Richard
- Pigot, Robert James to Pigott, Stephanie
- Pigott, Stephen Robert Erskine to Pike, James
- Pike, James Eben to Pilcher, John Giles
- Pilcher, Jonathan Swaine Trevilian to Pilkington, Deborah
- Pilkington, Doris to Pilkington, unknown daughter
- Pilkington, unknown daughter to Pinckney, Virginia Mary
- Pinckney, W. Percy to Pinney, George Richard
- Pinney, George Robert to Pinto, unknown daughter
- Pint� y Lecanda, Mar�a Luisa to Pirrie, William James, 1st and last Viscount Pirrie
- Pirson, Marta Noemi Testa to Pitman, Isaac James
- Pitman, Isabel to Pitt, Thomas John
- Pitt, Thomas, 1st Earl of Londonderry to Planells, Sara Luisa
- Plank, Edward Charles to Plato, Gisela von
- Platt, 1st Baronet (Harry) to Playfair, Jean
- Playfair, Jean Ann to Plettenberg, Donata von
- Plettenberg, Donata von to Pleydell-Bouverie, Harriot
- Pleydell-Bouverie, Harriot Isobel to Plowden, Edmund Charles Sheldon
- Plowden, Edmund Francis Joseph to Plum, Sally
- Plumb, A. G. to Plumptre, Max Eustace Ian
- Plumptre, Michael John to Plunket, Piers Robert Conyngham
- Plunket, Richard to Plunkett, Jane
- Plunkett, Jane to Plunkett, William Joseph
- Plunkett-Ernle, Ernle Elizabeth Louisa Maria Grosvenor to Podewils, Sylvia Freiin von
- Podewils-D�rniz, Katharina Gr�fin von to Poitiers, William, Comte de Poitiers
- Poitou, Adelaide de to Pole, Arthur Stuart
- Pole, Augusta Katherine Antonia to Pole, Martha
- Pole, Mary to Polenghi, Santiago
- Polenz, Benno von to Pollard, George
- Pollard, George Leslie Grove to Pollexfen, Warwick
- Polley, Alan to Pollock, Gavin John Hugh
- Pollock, George to Pollock, Thomas
- Pollock, Tobias Frederick to Pomeroy Colley, William Wingfield
- Pomeroy, Agnes to Pommern-Wolgast, Wratislaus IV Herzog von
- Pomm�, Genevieve to Ponsonby, Eileen May
- Ponsonby, Eleanor Elizabeth Anne to Ponsonby, Nicola Jane
- Ponsonby, Noel Edward to Pontifex, William Lionel
- Pontifex-Cooper, Evelyn Mary Jessamine to Poole, Judith Caroline Halsted
- Poole, Judith Mimi to Pooley, Richard
- Pooley, Richard to Pope Elliis, Wendy
- Pope, 1st Baronet, of Wilcote, co. Oxford (William) to Pope, Oscar Alexander James
- Pope, Pamela Joy to Popham, William Vyvyan Molesworth
- Popken, Hannelore to Portal, Bernard Bedwell
- Portal, Bertha Mary to Porte, Pierre-Jean-Fran�ois, Marquis de Presles
- Portela Chagas, Gleide to Porter, Isabel Dorothy
- Porter, Isabella to Porter, William
- Porter, William to Portman, Harriet Emily Cavendish
- Portman, Harriette Mary to Portugal, Infante de (Duarte Nuno)
- Portugal, Infante de (Eugene) to Postlethwaite, William Dunbar
- Postlewaite, Amy to Potter, Elizabeth
- Potter, Elizabeth to Pottinger, William Jameson
- Pottle, Henry to Poulett, Mary
- Poulett, Oriel Ross to Pounder, Thomas
- Pounfreth, Eglina to Powell, Charles Watson
- Powell, Charles William to Powell, Hylda
- Powell, Ida to Powell, Richard, Jr.
- Powell, Richmond to Power, Catherine
- Power, Catherine to Power, John 'Mor'
- Power, John 'Og' to Power, Sara
- Power, Sarah to Powlett, Jane
- Powlett, Jane to Powys, Henry Lyttelton
- Powys, Henry Philip to Poynings, Margaret
- Poynings, Margaret de to Poyntz, James
- Poyntz, James to Poyntz, William Henry
- Poyntz, William James to Praschma, Ryan Peter Maria Graf
- Praschma, Savannah Lee Maria to Pratt, Jennifer Marianne
- Pratt, Jenny to Preaux, Pierre de
- Prebble, Henry to Prendergast, Maud
- Prendergast, Maurice de to Prescott, Pauline Elizabeth
- Prescott, Rebecca to Preston, Barbara
- Preston, Baronet, of Craigmillar (George) to Preston, John
- Preston, John to Preston, Thomas
- Preston, Thomas to Pretyman, William
- Pretyman, William Maurice to Preu�en, Prinz von (Burchard Friedrich Max Werner Georg)
- Preu�en, Prinz von (Christian Ludwig Michael Friedrich Ferdinand) to Prevost, Jacques
- Prevost, Jacques to Price, Benjamin Wilson
- Price, Bernard to Price, Francis Caradoc Rose, 5th Bt.
- Price, Francis Caradoc Rose, 7th Bt. to Price, Lorna Mary Elizabeth Rose
- Price, Louisa to Price, Ruth F.
- Price, Ruth Gladys to Prichard, Mari Christina
- Prichard, Mary Ann to Prideaux, William James Nicholas
- Prideaux-Brune, Adah Louisa Anne to Primavesi, William
- Prime, Annarella to Primrose, Mary
- Primrose, Mary to Pringle, Heather
- Pringle, Helen to Prinsep, Sophia Charlotte
- Prinsep, Sophia Elizabeth to Pritchard, Rhonda
- Pritchard, Richard George William to Proby, Charles
- Proby, Charles to Procter, Thomas
- Procter, Thomas to Promnitz, Johann Baron von
- Promnitz-Dittersbach, Eleonore Baronin von to Prowse, Thelma Muriel
- Prowse, Thomas to Pryor, Martha
- Pryor, Mary to Puddick, Simon Nicholas Graves
- Puddicombe, Elizabeth to Puissar, Marquis de (Louis James)
- Puisset, Hugues de to Pullen, William Christopher Wyldbore
- Puller, Christopher to Purcell, Cecilia Harriett
- Purcell, Charles to Purden, Robert
- Purdey, Harriet Patricia Constance to Purnell, William Paston
- Purr, Andrew to Pury, William
- Pus, Katarzyna to Pycroft, William
- Pye, 1st Baronet (Edmund) to Pym, Helen Maud
- Pym, Henry Wollaston to Pynsent, Thomas
- Pynson, Humphrey to Quadt, Xaverius
- Quaglia, Frederica to Quayle, Margaret
- Quayle, Margaret to Quick, Theodora Ann
- Quicke, Amanda Julia to Quin, Richard
- Quin, Richard to Quinn, William David
- Quinnell, Amy to Quintal, Evon Kate
- Quintal, Faccie to Quintal, Michael
- Quintal, Michella Phoebe to Quinton, William West
- Quipp, F. E. to Rabinovitch, June Caroline Lucy
- Rabl von B�hmen, Abraham to Radcliffe, Dominic Joseph
- Radcliffe, Dorothy to Radcliffe, Ralph
- Radcliffe, Ralph to Radford, Walter Buckley
- Radford-Norcop, Henrietta Grace to Radziwill, Krzysztof
- Radziwill, Ladislaus to Rae, William, 3rd Bt.
- Rae-Fraser, Douglas to Ragland, Virginia Cary
- Ragnvaldsdottir, Ascrida to Raincock, Lucy Roynon
- Raine, Dorothy Frances Maria to Rait, John (Colonel)
- Rait, Kathleen Georgina to Ralli, Edward John
- Ralli, Elizabeth to Ram, Irene Mary Montagu
- Ram, Jane to Ramsay of Dalhousie, 9th Lord (George)
- Ramsay of Glenmark, 1st Baron, co. Forfar (George) to Ramsay, Dorothy Cynthia
- Ramsay, Dorothy Shephard to Ramsay, Jane Maria
- Ramsay, Janet to Ramsay, Neis, 1st of Bamff
- Ramsay, Neryl Eileen to Ramsay-Fairfax, William George Herbert Taylor, 2nd Bt.
- Ramsay-Fairfax-Lucy, 2nd Baronet, of the Holmes, co. Roxburgh (William George Herbert Taylor) to Ramsden, Anne
- Ramsden, Anne to Ramsden, Mary Zillah
- Ramsden, Matthew John to Ranchhodlal, Vasumati
- Rancliffe, 1st Baron (Thomas Boothby) to Randolph, Martha
- Randolph, Mary to Rankin, Florence Margaret
- Rankin, Gavin Niall, 5th Bt. to Ransome, Tabitha
- Ranson, Elizabeth to Rash, Rosemary Anne
- Rashbury, Sally to Ratcliff, William Milner
- Ratcliffe, Adeline Constance St. Aubyn to Ratner, Sylvia Jane
- Ratoff, Harry to Raven, Sylvie Martha
- Ravencroft, Elizabeth to Ravera, Marina
- Raverat, Elisabeth to Rawlins, Eliza Nash
- Rawlins, Elizabeth to Rawlinson, William
- Rawll, Andrew Charles Vyvyan to Ray-Jones, Raymond
- Rayden, Ann to Rayner, Mary
- Rayner, Mary Evelyn to Rea, William
- Rea, William Alexander to Read, Winifred Mary
- Reade Peycke, Gwilym to Reade, Martha
- Reade, Mary to Reading, Viscountess (Alice Edith)
- Readings, Horace Charles to Rebbeck, Waller
- Rebecchini, Osanna to Rede, Thomas
- Redei, Martha von to Redish, John
- Redkins, Ellen to Redvers, Robert de
- Redvers-Bate, Manon to Reed, Laurence Cecil
- Reed, Leicester Morgan to Rees, Noel
- Rees, Noelle Eva Mabel to Reeve, Mary Louisa
- Reeve, Mary Scarlett to Reeves, William Vandeleur
- Refaat, Leila to Reid, Benedict
- Reid, Benjamin James Dundas to Reid, James of Pitlethie
- Reid, James Scott Cumberland, Baron Reid to Reid, Sally Christine
- Reid, Sandy to Reilly, Isabella Elizabeth
- Reilly, James to Reith, John
- Reith, John Charles Walsham, 1st Baron Reith to Renals, William
- Renaud, Isabelle to Rennie, Winifred Beamish
- Rennie-Strachan-Carnegie, Alan Bruce Strachan to Renton, David Kurt
- Renton, David Lockhart-Mure, Baron Renton to Repetito, Luis
- Repington, Catherine to Reuss zu Greiz, Sophie Henriette Gr�fin
- Reuss zu K�stritz, Alexandrine Prinzessin to Reve, Mary
- Revedin, Alvise, Comte di San Martino to Reynell, Richard
- Reynell, Richard to Reynolds, Ian Walter Graham
- Reynolds, Isabel to Reynolds, Victor H.
- Reynolds, Vincent John to Rhenen, Sophia van
- Rhett, Edward Lowndes to Rhodes, William Barnard
- Rhodes, William Frederick Wilkinson to Ribblesdale, Baroness (Rebecca)
- Ribbon, Florence to Rice, George Talbot
- Rice, George Talbot, 3rd Baron Dynevor of Dynevor to Rich, Charles Henry Stuart, 4th Bt.
- Rich, Charles Henry, 2nd Bt. to Rich, Robert, 1st Earl of Warwick
- Rich, Robert, 2nd Baron Rich to Richards, Eileen Mary
- Richards, Eleanor Beatrice to Richards, Rebecca
- Richards, Rhoda to Richardson, Charles Frederick
- Richardson, Charles Garner to Richardson, J.
- Richardson, J. to Richardson, Maureen Helen Townshend
- Richardson, Megan Lloyd to Richardson, Zaleha
- Richardson-Brady, Augusta Le Vicomte to Richmond, James, 1st of Kincairney
- Richmond, Jane to Rickards, Walter James
- Rickards, William Henry to Ricketts, Katharine Elizabeth
- Ricketts, Katherine Charlotte to Riddell, Andrew James Michael
- Riddell, Andrew John to Riddell, Julia
- Riddell, Juliet Clare to Riddett, Sara Caroline
- Riddick, Cecilia Margaret to Ridgway, Henry
- Ridgway, Henry to Ridley, Martha
- Ridley, Mary to Riederer von Paar zu Sch�nau, Thomas Freiherr
- Riederer, Alexandra to Rigby, unknown
- Rigby, unknown to Riley, Patrick
- Riley, Paul to Ringland, Thomas
- Ringrose, Alice Synge to Ripley, William Nottidge
- Riplingham, William to Ritchie, Claire
- Ritchie, Claire to Ritchie, William Thackeray Denis
- Ritchie-Calder, Baron, of Balmashanner in the Royal Burgh of Forfar (Peter Ritchie) to Rivers, Ursula
- Rivers-Bulkeley, Anne Charmian to Rivett-Carnac, Sybil Mary
- Rivett-Carnac, Thomas to Robartes, Warwick
- Robarts, Abraham to Robbins, Winifred
- Robe, Frances Charlotte to Roberts, Barbara Joan Stewart
- Roberts, Barbara Marian Nicolson to Roberts, Francis William
- Roberts, Fred Russell to Roberts, Josiah Charles
- Roberts, Joyce M. S. to Roberts, Reginald Gordon Seymour
- Roberts, Reginald Wynne to Robertson, Alexander
- Robertson, Alexander to Robertson, Colin John Trevelyan
- Robertson, Colin Lawrence to Robertson, Helen Saunders
- Robertson, Helen Thomson to Robertson, Lennox
- Robertson, Lesley to Robertson, Robert John
- Robertson, Robert Joseph to Robertson-Glasgow, Zella Muriel Mary
- Robertson-Macdonald, Caroline Janet to Robinson, 9th Baronet, of London (Frederick Laud)
- Robinson, A. B. to Robinson, Christine Cecile Mimmi
- Robinson, Christopher to Robinson, Eustace
- Robinson, Eustace Blewitt to Robinson, Jack
- Robinson, Jack to Robinson, Maeve
- Robinson, Magdalen Mary to Robinson, Peter Duncan
- Robinson, Peter Frank, 4th Bt. to Robinson, W. R.
- Robinson, W. R. to Robson, Hamish Hastings Murray
- Robson, Harold Burge to Roche, Camilla Mary
- Roche, Caroline Jean Burke to Roche, Timothy O'Grady
- Roche, Ulick to Rochfort, Charles Gustavus
- Rochfort, Charlotte to Rochfort-Boyd, Sarah Jane
- Rochfort-Hume, Alice to Rodd, Phyllis Caroline
- Rodd, Rachel Georgiana to Rodgers, Vivienne Carol
- Rodgers, Wayne Robert to Rodney, William Powell
- Rodocanachi, Ambrose John to Roe, William Lot
- Roeber, Bruno to Rogers, Elizabeth
- Rogers, Elizabeth to Rogers, Patricia Anne
- Rogers, Paul Heberden to Rohan, Jean de
- Rohan, Jean, Vicomte de Rohan to Rokeby, Thomas
- Rokeby, Thomas to Rolle, Judith Maria
- Rolle, Louisa to Rolleston, William Leslie
- Rolleston-Spunner, Charles to Rollo, unknown
- Rollo, unknown to Romanoff, Stephena Alexandra
- Romanoff, Stephena Verdel to Romanov-Ilyinsky, Victoria Bayard
- Romanova, Ekaterina Ioannovna, Princess of Russia to Romer, Wolfgang William
- Romer-Lee, Anthony James to Ronayne, William Crooke
- Roncallo, Maria Maddalena to Rooper, William
- Roos of Belvior, 1st Baron, co. Leicester (John James Robert) to Roper, Elizabeth
- Roper, Elizabeth to Roper-Curzon, George Henry
- Roper-Curzon, George Henry, 16th Baron Teynham to Rordorf und weitere, Mangold I von
- Rorer, Cecily Pauline Calvert to Roscommon, 9th Earl of (Robert)
- Roscow, Richard Barnes to Rose, Frances Walrond
- Rose, Francis to Rose, Magdalen
- Rose, Magdalene to Rose, Yvonne Charlotte
- Rose-Cleland, Agnes Elizabeth to Rosenburg, Max
- Rosendorff, Armgard to Ross, Adrian
- Ross, Agnes to Ross, Edward Gordon
- Ross, Edward J. L. to Ross, James of Pitcalnie
- Ross, James Paterson, 1st Bt. to Ross, Matilda de
- Ross, Matilda Elizabeth to Ross-Lewin, Susannah
- Ross-Ross, Diana Clara to Rosslyn, Countess of (Violet Aline)
- Rossman, Herman Peter to Rothery, William Lee
- Rothes, 10th Earl of (John) to Rothschild, Lionel Nathan de
- Rothschild, Lionel Nathan de to Rottal, Theresia
- Rotten, Sarah Mary to Round-Turner, Zoe Paula
- Roundell, Ann to Rous, unknown daughter
- Rous, unknown daughter to Routledge, Rose
- Routledge, Sarah to Rowcliffe, Una Mary
- Rowcroft, Anne Josephine Felicete to Rowe, Norah Patricia
- Rowe, Norman to Rowlandson, Violet May
- Rowlatt, Alice Martha Moseley to Rowley, Howard Fiennes Julius
- Rowley, Hugh to Rowley-Conwy, William Geoffrey Peter
- Rowling, Edgar Lindeman to Roy, unknown daughter
- Roy, unknown daughter to Royle, John Charles Fanshawe
- Royle, John Popplewell to Rucker, Zo� Meriel
- Rucks, Sallie to Rudnay de Rudn� et Div�k-Ujfalu, Viktoria
- Rudnay, Andras to Rugg, Simon
- Rugge, Frances to Rule, William James
- Rule-King, Linda to Rumsey, William
- Rumwalla, Jean to Rupprecht, Walter
- Ruprecht, Alexander Dominic to Ruspoli Memmo, Patrizia dei principi
- Ruspoli y Alvarez de las Asturias Bohorques, Carlos, 7� Duque de la Alcudia to Russell, Alexander Cumming
- Russell, Alexander Duncan of Aden to Russell, Christopher
- Russell, Christopher to Russell, Emma Maria
- Russell, Emma Rose to Russell, Ian Macdonald Affleck
- Russell, Ian Mervyn to Russell, Kathleen Mary
- Russell, Katie to Russell, Natasha
- Russell, Nellie to Russell, Thompson
- Russell, Toby Alan to Russia, Nikolai II of
- Russia, Nikolai Konstantinovich of to Rutherford, Hubert
- Rutherford, Hugh to Ruthven, Elizabeth
- Ruthven, Elizabeth to Rutley, Simone Catherine
- Rutnam, Anna Frances to Ru�tolo, Umberto
- Ry, Adela�de Charlotte Sophie du to Ryan, Matthew
- Ryan, Matthew Joseph to Ryder of Eaton Hastings, Baroness (Eileen)
- Ryder of Warsaw, Baroness, of Warsaw in Poland and of Cavendish in the County of Suffolk (Margaret Susan) to Ryder, Maria
- Ryder, Maria to Ryland, Mary Josephine
- Ryland, Nerissa Joy Fetherstonhaugh to Rzyzora, Simon Peter
- R�tien, Adalbert I von to Sabo, Janet Theresa
- Sabonadaire, Frank to Sachsen, Frederuna von
- Sachsen, Frida Erdmuthe Elvira Ludovica Benedicte von to Sachsen, Paul Clemens Prinz von
- Sachsen, Pfalzgraf von (Ludwig III) to Sachsen-Altenburg, Therese Prinzessin von
- Sachsen-Bergedorf, Albrecht IV Herzog von to Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld, Prinzessin
- Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld, Prinzessin to Sachsen-Lauenburg, Ursula von
- Sachsen-Meiningen und Hildburghausen, Bernhard II Erich Freud Herzog von to Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, J�rg Wilhelm Albrecht von
- Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, Karl Alexander August Johann Gro�herzog von to Sackett, Richard
- SAcks, Baron, of Aldgate in the City of London (Jonathan Henry) to Saddington, William
- Saddler, Mary Ann to Saffery, Rosalind Louise Mary
- Saffi, Giovanna to Saint Albans, unknown
- Saint Albin, Charles de to Saint, Victoria NAdine Mary
- Saint-Amant, Esther to Sainz Amoros, Alfonso (Dr.)
- Sainz Wilson, Alonso Eduardo to Sale, William
- Sale-Hill, Alan Rowley to Salis, Zoe Miranda de
- Salis-Schwabe, Gladys Mary to Salm, unknown daughter Gr�fin von
- Salm, Wild und Rheingraf zu Dhaun und Neuviller-sur-Moselle, Philipp Franz von to Salm-Salm, Karl-Philipp Josef Petrus Coelestinus Balthasar Prinz zu
- Salm-Salm, Klara Prinzessin zu to Salmon, Honor Isabel
- Salmon, Hugh Gerald Broome to Salt, George
- Salt, George Edmund Stevenson to Salter, Rose-Marie Elizabeth
- Salter, Samuel to Salusbury-Trelawny, Richard John
- Salusbury-Trelawny, Rosamund Helen to Samborne, unknown
- Samborne-Palmer, Frederick Carey Stuckley to Samsbury, William
- Samson, Alice Mary to Samuel, Zoe Elizabeth
- Samuel-Montagu, Ewen Edward Samuel to Sancerre, Stephen, Count of Sancerre
- Sancha, Thomas de to Sandeman, Walter Albert
- Sandeman-Allen, Charles James to Sanders, Robert Massy Dawson
- Sanders, Robert Stevelly to Sanderson, John
- Sanderson, John to Sandford, Christina Katarin
- Sandford, Christopher to Sandilands, Isobel
- Sandilands, James to Sandrey, Mary
- Sandrez, Marcella to Sandys, James
- Sandys, Jane to Sangster, William
- Sanguinetti, Charlotte Emma Georgiana to Santo Domingo Pumarejo, Julio Mario
- Santo Domingo Rechulski, Julio Mario to Sargeant, Sally
- Sargeaunt, Alice Caroline to Sartoris, Vivien May
- Sartorius y Cabeza de Vaca, Vicente, 4� Marqu�s de Marino to Satg�, Valentin Ernest, 1st Vicomte de Saint-Jean
- Sato, Hiroko to Saunders Watson, Yasmin Liebe Georgina Shamim
- Saunders, 10th Baronet, of Newtown Gore, co. Mayo (Arthur Strange Kattendyke David Archibald) to Saunders, John Boyd
- Saunders, John Frederick to Saunderson, Georgina
- Saunderson, Grace to Savage, Christian
- Savage, Christopher Domville to Savage, William Henry
- Savary de Beauregard, Regina to Savile, Henrietta
- Savile, Henrietta Anna to Savile-Lumley, Minnie Emma Susan
- Savill Onley, Arthur to Savoia, Maria Beatrice di
- Savoia, Maria Beatrice di to Savory, Victoria Lucy Lee
- Savory, William Henry to Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Leopold George Duncan Albert, 1st Duke of Albany
- Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Louise Caroline Alberta, Princess of the United Kingdom to Sayer, William Feetham
- Sayers, Alan to Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, Wolfgang Friedrich Max Prinz zu
- Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg-Johannsmann, Konstantin Gustav Heinrich Richard zu to Scales, Winifred
- Scaletta, Carlo dei Principi della to Scaramanga, Theodore Ambrose (Major)
- Scaramanga-Ralli, Constantine to Scarlett, William James Yorke
- Scarlett-Streatsfield, Sarah Penelope to Schaffgotsch, Rudolf Graf
- Schaffgotsch, Sidone to Schaumburg-Lippe, Niklas Georg Prinz zu
- Schaumburg-Lippe, Otto Prinz zu to Schenk von Stauffenberg, Valerie Sophie Gr�fin
- Schenk von Winterstedt, Anna Magdalene to Schilizzi, Zanni
- Schill, Brigitte to Schleswig, Waldemar II Herzog von
- Schleswig-Holstein, Anna Cathrine of to Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Beck, Sophie Luise von
- Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Franzhagen, Christiane Elisabeth von to Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Gl�cksburg, Wilhelm Friedrich Christian G�nther Albert Adolf Georg
- Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Gl�cksburg, Wilhelm Friedrich Herzog zu to Schmidt, Margaret
- Schmidt, Martina to Schnurbein, Stefanie Baronin von
- Schoales, Adam to Schomberg, unknown
- Schomburg-Wechselberg, Jeromia Gr�fin von to Schreiber, Marion
- Schreiber, Mark Shuldham, Baron Marlesford to Schultz, William
- Schultz-S�chting, Nikolaus to Schuyler, Philip Pieterse
- Schuyt, Adela�de Fr�d�rique Marie Pauline to Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, Wilhelmine zu
- Schwarzchild, Jacob to Sch�nborn-Buchheim, Vincenz Graf von
- Sch�nborn-Wiesentheid, Adalbert Joseph Maria Franz August Graf von to Sch�nburg-Hartenstein, Lily
- Sch�nburg-Hartenstein, Louise to Sclater, William Patrick
- Sclater-Booth, Amy Cicely to Scot, Walter
- Scot-Skirving, Ann Margaret to Scott, 6th Baronet, of Ancrum, co. Roxburgh (William)
- Scott, 6th Baronet, of Great Barr (Edward Dolman) to Scott, Arthur Avison
- Scott, Arthur Bodley to Scott, Clifford
- Scott, Clifford to Scott, Elizabeth Rosemary Merriell
- Scott, Ella Rose Virginia to Scott, Henrietta
- Scott, Henrietta to Scott, Jean
- Scott, Jean to Scott, Keith Dennis Heathcote
- Scott, Keith Heathcote to Scott, Mary
- Scott, Mary to Scott, Richard
- Scott, Richard to Scott, Thomas
- Scott, Thomas to Scott, William Henry
- Scott, William Hugh to Scott-Moncreiff, Ronald
- Scott-Moncrieff, Adelaide Maud to Scrimgeour, Walter
- Scrimshire, Elizabeth to Scrope, Victoria Emily Louise
- Scrope, Virginia Ann Katherine to Scudamore, Peter
- Scudamore, Philip to Seager, Zo� Leighton
- Seagram, Mary Anne Laetitia to Sealy, Winthrop Baldwin
- Seaman, Anna Maria to Seaton, William John
- Seatow, Kathrin Elizabeth to Sebright, William
- Sebrinski, Ethel to Sedgwick, Violet Margaret
- Sedley, 1st Baronet, of Southfleet, co. Kent (Charles) to Seely, Josephine Wilhelmina Philippa
- Seely, Joyce to Segrave, Stephen de
- Segrave, Stephen de to Selby, Elizabeth
- Selby, Elizabeth to Selby-Lowndes, Winifred
- Selby-Smyth, E. G. to Sellon, William Rivers
- Sellors, Hazel Margaret to Sempill, Elizabeth Ross
- Sempill, Emily Sarah to Senhouse, William John
- Senior, Agnes to Sergison, William Thomas
- Sergison-Brooke, Bertram Norman to Servaes, William Reginald
- Servantes, Marie Elise to Seton, Barbara
- Seton, Barbara to Seton, Lucy
- Seton, Lydia to Sevastopoulos, Penelope
- Sever, Alice to Sewell, unknown
- Sewell, unknown to Seymour, Blanche
- Seymour, Blanche Catherine to Seymour, Frances
- Seymour, Frances to Seymour, Joseph John
- Seymour, Joyce Eleanor to Seymour, unknown
- Seymour, unknown to Shackleton, Elizabeth
- Shackleton, Elizabeth to Shaftesbury, Mary of
- Shafto, Amanda Elizabeth to Shakespear, Henrietta
- Shakespear, Henry Davenport to Shand, Hugh Morton
- Shand, Isabella to Shapland, S.
- Shapley, Olive Mary to Sharp, Ethel Adelaide
- Sharp, Ethel Maura to Sharpe, George
- Sharpe, George to Shatwell, Kirsty
- Shaughnessy, 1st Baron, of Montreal, Canada and Ashford, co. Limerick (Thomas George) to Shaw, Charles
- Shaw, Charles to Shaw, Glencairn Dalrymple
- Shaw, Grace Eleanor to Shaw, Julia
- Shaw, Julia Elizabeth to Shaw, Robert John
- Shaw, Robert Jonathan de Vere to Shaw-Mackenzie, Vero Campbell of Tordarroch and 5th of Newhall
- Shaw-Preston, Robert Francis Hubert to Shawcross, William Tuer
- Shawe, Albinia Hester to Shedden, William George
- Shee, 1st Baronet, of Dunmore (George) to Sheffield, John Robert
- Sheffield, John Vincent to Shekleton, Robert
- Shekleton, Robert to Shelfotd, Leonard Edmund
- Shell, Alfred to Shelley, Mary
- Shelley, Mary to Shenkman, Susan Mary
- Shenn, Annie to Shepherd, Lalage Virginia
- Shepherd, Lambert to Sheppard, Robert Arthur Byas
- Sheppard, Robin to Sherbrooke, Margaret McDonald
- Sherbrooke, Mary to Sheremetev, Vasilii Sergyeevich
- Sheremetev, Vasilii Sergyeevich to Sheridan, Sophie Florence Lothrop
- Sheridan, Thomas to Sherriff, Zulimah Paton
- Sherring, Gladys Maude to Shewell, Ethel Agnes
- Shewell, Ethel Frances to Shiffner, Emily
- Shiffner, Emily to Shipley, Lucy
- Shipley, Major-Gen William Davies to Shirley, Evelyn John
- Shirley, Evelyn Philip to Shirley-Smith, Richard
- Shirlock, Elizabeth to Shoppee, Dorothy Marion
- Shoppee, Duncan Ross to Shoppee, Robert Charles
- Shoppee, Robert John to Shores, Sylvia Mary Cowie
- Shoresworth, Margaret de to Shotter, V. W.
- Shottesbrooke, Edith to Shuckburgh, Euseby
- Shuckburgh, Evelyn to Shury, William James
- Shushnynski, Darrell to Shuttleworth, Sarah Camilla
- Shuttleworth, Sheridan to Sicily, William, Duke of Athens
- Sickingen, Anna Sofie Carol to Sidley, Kristina Mary
- Sidmouth, 1st Viscount, of Sidmouth, co. Devon (Henry) to Sievier, Robert William
- Sievwright, Beatrice Catherine to Sills, Timothy
- Silly, Elizabeth to Sim, Nicola Anne
- Sim, Nola Joan to Simeon, unknown daughter
- Simeon, Ursula Mary to Simmons, William
- Simmons-Green, Beryl Kathleen to Simonds, Hannah Louise
- Simonds, Helen to Simpson, Benjamin John Lawrence
- Simpson, Bertha Beatrice to Simpson, Isabella
- Simpson, Isabella to Simpson, Ruth Gertrude Moore
- Simpson, S. J. V. to Sinclair, 4th Lord (William)
- Sinclair, 5th Baronet (Robert) to Sinclair, Edith
- Sinclair, Edith Lilian to Sinclair, Isabella Carolina
- Sinclair, Isaiah William Columba Stroma to Sinclair, Karen Lesley
- Sinclair, Kate to Sinclair, Rodney Alexander
- Sinclair, Ronald Norman John Charles Udny of Dunbeath, 8th Bt. to Singer, Janet
- Singer, Janet Marion to Sinha, unknown wife
- Sinhji, Mahendra, Maharaja of Morvi to Sitwell, George Reresby, 4th Bt.
- Sitwell, George, 2nd Bt. to Skeates, Maria
- Skeats, Philippa Jane to Skelton, Gillian Mary
- Skelton, Jane to Skene, Zo�
- Skeoch, Catherine to Skinner, Frances
- Skinner, Frances to Skipton, Thomas
- Skipwic, Geoffrey de to Skipwith, John de
- Skipwith, John Granville Wemyss to Skitt, Ruth Mary
- Skjoth, Andreas to Slack, Thomas Cartwright
- Slack, Tom to Slade, Patrick Charles Gordon
- Slade, Pauline Albinia to Slater, Hanna
- Slater, Hannah to Sleight, Geoffrey Francis
- Sleight, George Frederick to Slingsby, William Cecil
- Slinn, Rebecca Mary to Slutzkin, Doris
- Sluys, C. V. D. to Smallpiece-Whitington, Tania Beatrice Eva
- Smallwood, Adina to Smelt, William
- Smerdon, Geoffrey to Smissaert, Willemine Phoenicia
- Smissen, Eva Constance to Smith, Alan
- Smith, Alan Bosworth to Smith, Anna Eleonora
- Smith, Anna F. C. (Hon.) to Smith, Bennett
- Smith, Benvenuto Nuto to Smith, Charles H.
- Smith, Charles Henry to Smith, Deborah Anne
- Smith, Deborah Perry Smith to Smith, Eliza Ord Ussher
- Smith, Elizabeth to Smith, Emma Frances Vaughan
- Smith, Emma Gertrude to Smith, Frederick Henry, 1st Baron Colwyn
- Smith, Frederick Howard to Smith, Hannah
- Smith, Hannah to Smith, Hugh
- Smith, Hugh to Smith, Janette Lefevre
- Smith, Janette Mary to Smith, Jonah Smith Walker
- Smith, Jonathan to Smith, Lily
- Smith, Limen Douglas to Smith, Marianne
- Smith, Marianne to Smith, Mathew Dean
- Smith, Matilda to Smith, Penelope
- Smith, Penelope to Smith, Robert Lester
- Smith, Robert Mark to Smith, Sophia
- Smith, Sophia to Smith, Trevor Arthur, Baron Smith of Clifton
- Smith, Trichelle to Smith, William Harvey
- Smith, William Heath to Smith-Dorrien, Walter Montgomery
- Smith-Dorrien-Smith, Arthur Algernon to Smithson, Jane
- Smithson, Jason Allan to Smyth, Anne Elizabeth
- Smyth, Anne Faith to Smyth, John
- Smyth, John to Smyth, Ursula Catherine
- Smyth, Valentine to Smythe, Mary
- Smythe, Mary to Snell, Beatrice
- Snell, Bernard Alfred to Sneyd, Emma Penelope
- Sneyd, Emma Sophie to Snow, Hannah Maria Boden
- Snow, Harold Leslie to Snowden, Winifred Kate
- Snowdon, 1st Baron of (Frederick Louis) to Sobbe, Violet Mary von
- Sobbit, Mary to Solly, William Herbert
- Solmes, Marion Church to Solms-R�delheim und Assenheim, Wilhelm Karl Ludwig Graf zu
- Solms-R�delheim, Georg Ludwig Graf zu to Somers Cocks, Philip Sebastian, 9th Lord Sommers, Baron of Evesham
- Somers of Evesham, 1st Baron (John) to Somerset, Edith
- Somerset, Edith Frances Wilhelmina to Somerset, Katherine de Vere
- Somerset, Katherine Emily Mary to Somerset, Winifred May
- Somerset-Johnstone, Alice Maud to Somerville, John
- Somerville, John to Somis, Joseph Ignace
- Sommariva, Maria to Sorapure, Mary Agnes
- Sorbi, Leopold to Sotheby, John
- Sotheby, John to Soulsby, William George Lawson
- Soumans, Arent to Southby, Victoria Jane
- Southcombe, Anne Lewis to Southwell of Castle Mattress, Viscountess (Sophia Maria Josepha)
- Southwell, 10th Baronet, of Castle Mattress, co. Limerick (Pyers Anthony Joseph) to Southwell, William
- Southwell-Sander, Bettina Myra Olivia to Spadoni, Robert John
- Spaen, Alexander Jacob Baron van to Sparks, Lilian Violet
- Sparks, Lorna to Speare-Cole, Rebecca Anne
- Spearink, Selina to Spee, Hildegard Gr�fin von
- Spee, Huberta von to Speir, Zara Mary
- Speirs, Alexander Graham to Spencer of Althorp, Viscountess (Margaret Georgiana)
- Spencer of Wormleighton, 10th Baron (George) to Spencer, Eilza
- Spencer, Eleanor to Spencer, Katharine Emily
- Spencer, Katherine to Spencer, Victoria Alexandrina
- Spencer, Victoria Ivy Louise to Spencer-Nairn, Ursula Helen
- Spencer-Payne, Arthur Llewellyn to Spens, Ian John
- Spens, Ida Beatrice to Spensley, William
- Speransky, 1st Count (Michael) to Spicer, William Webb
- Spick, Allister Lee to Spinas, Sebastian Antone
- Spinat, Erina to Sponheim, Stephan II Graf von
- Sponheim-Kreuznach, Elisabeth Gr�fin von to Sprat, Thomas
- Spratley, Ann to Spread, William Rochfort
- Spreag, Alana to Spring, Mary
- Spring, Mary to Sprules, Robert George Wallbutton
- Spruntulis, Ben to Squarey, William
- Squery, Margaret to St. Aubyn, Giles Rowan
- St. Aubyn, Guy to St. Clair, Harold
- St. Clair, Harry Murray Kennedy to St. Cleere, Sibylla de
- St. Clere, Edith to St. George, John
- St. George, John to St. Hilaire, Marie de
- St. Hilary du Harcouet, Jacques de to St. John, Cecilia
- St. John, Cecilia Margaret Beaufort to St. John, Henry Beauchamp
- St. John, Henry Beauchamp to St. John, Mary Elizabeth
- St. John, Mary Ella to St. John, Walter Warren
- St. John, Walter, 3rd Bt. to St. Lawrence, Margaret
- St. Lawrence, Margaret to St. Leger, Richard
- St. Leger, Richard to St. Poll, Thomas
- St. Priest d'Urgel, unknown de to Stack, William
- Stackelberg, Bernt Otto von to Stacpoole, James
- Stacpoole, James to Staden, Steve van
- Stadie, unknown Graf von to Stafford, Humphrey
- Stafford, Humphrey to Staheyeff, Sophie Ann
- Stahischmidt, Ann Martha to Stallard, Vanessa
- Stallard-Penoyre, Anna Maria Brodbelt to Stamp, Jonathan Guy
- Stamp, Jonathon James Whittington Dudley to Standifer, Paul Harmer
- Standing, Anthony M. to Stange, Richard
- Stanger-Leathes, Ethel Macdonell to Stanhope, Jennifer
- Stanhope, Jessie Marion Hawkins to Staniforth, Sarah Elizabeth
- Stanihurst, James to Stanley, David Patrick
- Stanley, David William to Stanley, Jane
- Stanley, Jane to Stanley, Sarah
- Stanley, Sarah to Stannus, Mary
- Stannus, Mary Elizabeth Anna to Stapers, unknown daughter
- Stapilton, Bryan to Stapleton, Anne C.
- Stapleton, Anne Drummond to Stapleton, Redmund
- Stapleton, Richard to Stark, Margaret
- Stark, Margaret to Starr, Walter Edwin
- Starre, Alice to Staveley, John
- Staveley, John Charles to Stead, William
- Steadman, Barry to Steel, David
- Steel, David Martin Scott, Baron Steel of Aikwood to Steele, John Stanley
- Steele, Judith Lynn to Steere, unknown daughter
- Steers, Ellinor to Steiniche, Joann Joseph
- Steinichen, Anna Rosina to Stephen, Ann
- Stephen, Ann Davies to Stephens, Juline Marie
- Stephens, Katherine to Stephenson, Jessica Frances
- Stephenson, Joan to Stepney, William
- Stepp, Marion to Sternberg, Zdenka Gr�fin von
- Sternberg-Manderscheid, Christine Gr�fin von to Steuart, Maria
- Steuart, Marian to Stevens, Elizabeth Margaret Moira
- Stevens, Elizabeth Polk to Stevens, William
- Stevens, William to Stevenson, James of Nether Carswell
- Stevenson, James Stuart to Stevenson, William
- Stevenson, William Beckford James (Hon.) to Stewart, 16th Baronet (Andrew Richard Charles)
- Stewart, 1st Baronet (Andrew) to Stewart, Alexandra Berney
- Stewart, Alexandra Catharine Dyce to Stewart, Archibald of Castlemilk, 3rd Bt.
- Stewart, Archibald of Fynart, Cassilton and Castlemilk to Stewart, Charlotte
- Stewart, Charlotte to Stewart, Elizabeth
- Stewart, Elizabeth to Stewart, Frederick
- Stewart, Frederick D. M. to Stewart, Hugh of Neilstounside
- Stewart, Hugh St. Clair to Stewart, James, Duke of Ross
- Stewart, James, Duke of Rothesay to Stewart, John
- Stewart, John to Stewart, Lilias Williamina Helen
- Stewart, Lillian Alice to Stewart, Marion
- Stewart, Marion to Stewart, Neil P.
- Stewart, Neil Ridgeway to Stewart, Rosemary Elinor Dorothy
- Stewart, Rosemary Zara to Stewart, unknown son
- Stewart, unknown son to Stewart-Bam, Pieter Canzuis van Bloomestein
- Stewart-Blacker, Fiona K. to Stewart-Richardson, Mary
- Stewart-Richardson, Mary Louisa to Stiles, Sarah
- Stilgoe, Fiona Margaret to Stirling, Anna
- Stirling, Anna to Stirling, Isabella
- Stirling, Isabella to Stirling, Michael Andrew Grote
- Stirling, Michael Charles to Stirling-Maxwell, William, 9th Bt.
- Stirling-Moray, Charles, 15th of Abercairny to Stockar-Scherer-Castell, Walther von
- Stockard, Lesley H. to Stockhausen, Uta von
- Stockhay, Joan to Stoddart, Jennifer
- Stoddart, Jenny to Stokes, Inger Anita
- Stokes, Iris to Stolberg-Stolberg, Georg Ferdinand Aloysius Alfred Petrus Johannes Evangelist Antonius Lukas Maria
- Stolberg-Stolberg, Georg Ferdinand Graf zu to Stonard, Susan
- Stonborough, Eloise Charlotte India to Stone, Sarah
- Stone, Sarah to Stoney, Francis Goold Moroney
- Stoney, Francis Richard to Stoney, Winifred Claire
- Stoney-Bowes, Andrew Robinson to Stonor, Edmund Charles Joseph
- Stonor, Edward to Stopford Sackville, Lucinda Mary
- Stopford Sackville, Luke Mordaunt to Stopford, Joseph
- Stopford, Joshua to Storck, Henry
- Stordy, Mary Tirzah to Storrow, Ann
- Storrs, Emma Sarah to Stoughton, Nathaniel
- Stoughton, Nicolas to Stourton, Mary
- Stourton, Mary to Stowell, Tina Wendy, Baroness Stowell of Beeston
- Stowers, Medrie Georgette to Strachan, James McGill
- Strachan, James, 1st of Inchtuthill to Strachey, Richard Philip Farquhar
- Strachey, Richard Sholto to Strafford of Harmondsworth, Baroness (Marianne)
- Strafford, 1st Earl of (John) to Strang Steel, William of Philiphaugh
- Strang, 1st Baron, of Stonesfield, co. Oxford (William) to Strange, Alice
- Strange, Alice Minnie to Strangman, Thomas
- Strangwayes, D'arcy Edward to Strathcarron, Baroness (Valerie)
- Strathclyde, 1st Baron, of Barskimming, Mauchline, Ayrshire (Thomas Dunlop) to Stratton, Joanna Rosalind
- Stratton, John to Streatfeild, Frances Maria
- Streatfeild, Frank Newton to Stretch, Unknown Child
- Strettell, Amos to Strickland, Julia Mary
- Strickland, Julia Maud to Stride, William John Francis Keatley
- Strigewsky, Ana to Strohschneider, Wolfgang
- Strokosch, George to Strother, William
- Stroud, Alexander to Strutt, Ellen
- Strutt, Emily to Stuart of Castle Stuart, 9th Baron (Morton Gray)
- Stuart of Edgbaston, Baron, of Edgbaston in the City of Birmingham (Gisela) to Stuart, Caroline Elizabeth Josephine
- Stuart, Caroline Henrietta to Stuart, Elsie
- Stuart, Elsie to Stuart, Jane
- Stuart, Jane to Stuart, Mary
- Stuart, Mary to Stuart, unknown daughter
- Stuart, unknown daughter to Stuart-Menteth, Ludivina Frances
- Stuart-Menteth, Ludivina Granville to Stubbs, William Cotter
- Stubbs, William Cuthbert to Stubenberg, Marie Agathe Anna Herrin und Gr�fin von
- Stubenberg, Marie Agathe Dominika Herrin und Gr�fin von to Studd, Edward
- Studd, Edward to Studdert, David Handcock
- Studdert, David Steele to Studdert, John
- Studdert, John to Studdert, Nina Josephine
- Studdert, Nina Josephine to Studholme, Edgar Channon
- Studholme, Edgar Lynn to Sturdy, Katharine Nora
- Sturdza, Pulcheria to Sturry, Rachel
- Sturt, Anthony to Style, Erin Kay
- Style, Esther to Styles, Roger Paul Lawrence
- Stylesbury, Ann to Suddaby, Michelle Lynn
- Sudeikis, Jason to Suffolk, Maria
- Sugar, Alan Michael, Baron Sugar to Sullivan, Emma Lucy Mary
- Sullivan, Erina Kate to Sulyard, Philippe
- Sulyard, Ralph to Summerskill, Wis
- Summerson, Margery to Sunderland, Violet
- Sunders, Alice Ellen to Surrey, H. G.
- Surriage, Agnes to Sutcliffe, Theresa Jean
- Sutcliffe, Thomas to Sutherland, Evan Charles
- Sutherland, Eveline Betty to Sutherland, Sophia Dunbar Gordon
- Sutherland, Stanley to Sutton, Catherine
- Sutton, Catherine de to Sutton, Jessie Constance
- Sutton, Joan to Sutton, Tracy Louise
- Sutton, Tristan Antony to Swabia, Matilda of
- Swaby, Ann to Swan, William H.
- Swan, William, 1st Bt. to Swayne, Peter Wilbraham
- Swayne, Philip Coney to Sweet, William James
- Sweet-Escott, Elizabeth to Swift, Elizabeth
- Swift, Elizabeth to Swiney, Wayne Egerton Haig
- Swinfen, 1st Baron, of Chertsey, Surrey (Charles Swinfen) to Swinton, Jean
- Swinton, Jean to Swire, Zara Mary
- Swithenbank, May to Sydney, William
- Sydney-Jones, Charles to Sykes, Elizabeth
- Sykes, Elizabeth to Sykes, Paul Carton
- Sykes, Paul Lionel to Symes, Wymond Cory
- Symes-Bullen, John Bullen to Symons, Jean Erskine
- Symons, Jemima to Synge, John Lighton
- Synge, John Millington to Szatkowska, Paulina
- Szatkowski, Artur to S�mur, Helie de
- S�pibus, Laure de to Tabor, Nicola Mary Hamilton
- Tabor, Pamela Roxane to Taillefer, Wulgrin II, Comte d'Angoul�me
- Taillepied de Bondy, Anne Paule Marie to Talbot of Malahide, Baroness (Patricia Mary)
- Talbot Rice, Alexander Thomas to Talbot, Cecily Mary Gertrude
- Talbot, Charles to Talbot, Gertrude
- Talbot, Gertrude Caroline to Talbot, Louisa Frances
- Talbot, Louise Victoria Gisela to Talbot, Sarah
- Talbot, Sarah to Talbot-Ponsonby, William Peter
- Talbot-Smith, Emma Rosemary to Tamworth, Viscount (William Robert Charles)
- Tan, Liyi to Tangye, Joseph
- Tangye, Lincoln to Tapper, Tracy Dorothy
- Tappin, Rex to Tarneaud, Michel
- Tarnoswki, Pawel to Tatchell, Saur� Cynthia Mary
- Tate, 1st Baronet, of Park Hill, Streatham Common, London (Henry) to Tatham, Nigel John
- Tatham, Percy Lawrence to Taubman, unknown
- Tauffer, Brigit to Tayleur, William
- Tayllard, Geoffrey to Taylor, Bridget
- Taylor, Bridget to Taylor, Edward Clough
- Taylor, Edward David to Taylor, Geoffrey Vere
- Taylor, Geoffrey Wayne to Taylor, Jane
- Taylor, Jane to Taylor, L. H.
- Taylor, L. V. to Taylor, Melanie
- Taylor, Melinda Charlotte to Taylor, Ryan Harvey William
- Taylor, Sabetta to Taylor, Walter
- Taylor, Walter to Tchkotoua, Zourab (Prince)
- Te Au, Marie Anne to Tecklenburg, Simon Graf von
- Tecklenburg-Lingen, Otto II Graf von to Telfer, William of Haircleugh
- Telfer-Smollett, James Drummond to Tempest, Margaret
- Tempest, Margaret to Temple, Frances (Hon.)
- Temple, Frances Mary to Temple-Gore-Langton, Victoria Rose
- Temple-Gore-Langton, Walter Grenville Algernon, 8th Earl Temple of Stowe to Tempsky, Robert Gordon von III
- Tems, James Sydney to Tennant, James
- Tennant, James to Tennyson, George
- Tennyson, George to Terry, Florence
- Terry, Florrie Nellie to Tetley-Jones, William
- Tetlock, James Samuel to Thacker, Thomas William
- Thackeray, Alexander to Tharp, Theodore Augustus
- Tharp-Gent, William Montagu to Thelwall, Sidney
- Thelwell, Charlotte to Thesiger, Zara Jane
- Thessalonica, Boniface I of to Thierry-Mieg, Nicole
- Thierr�e, Jeanne Marie to Thomas, Ann Tresina
- Thomas, Anna Maria to Thomas, Elizabeth
- Thomas, Elizabeth to Thomas, Iltid
- Thomas, Iltid (Lt.-Col.) to Thomas, Maria
- Thomas, Maria to Thomas, Sally
- Thomas, Sally Jane to Thomason, Thomas
- Thomasson, Alan Mayfield to Thompson, Augustine Madeline
- Thompson, Avice Isabella to Thompson, Elizabeth
- Thompson, Elizabeth Angela Matilda to Thompson, Ida Jean
- Thompson, Inez Margaret to Thompson, Margaret Louise
- Thompson, Margaret Springall to Thompson, Richard Smith
- Thompson, Riley to Thompson, William Bennet
- Thompson, William Bethel to Thomson, Carey Bruce
- Thomson, Carl Norman to Thomson, James Douglas Wishart of Glendarroch, 2nd Bt.
- Thomson, James Gibson to Thomson, Ruth
- Thomson, Ruth to Thorn, William Knapp
- Thornback, Juliet to Thornewill, Emily
- Thornewill, Fanny Susan to Thornhill, William
- Thornhill, William Blundell to Thornton, John Henry Fitzhugh
- Thornton, John Knowsley to Thorold, Alice
- Thorold, Alice to Thorold, Margaret
- Thorold, Margaret to Thorp, William
- Thorpe, Albert Parsons to Threlfall, William James
- Threlkeld, Anne to Throckmorton, Mowbray Nicholas
- Throckmorton, Muriel to Thurgau, Warin Graf im
- Thurgood, Alison Si�n to Thurn und Taxis, Karl Wilhelm Prinz von
- Thurn und Taxis, Karoline Prinzessin von to Thursby, Margaret
- Thursby, Margaret Emily to Thykier, Sven Christopher Stael
- Thyknes, Nicholas de to Thynne, Ulrica Maria Teresa
- Thynne, Ulrica Marjory to Ticey, Roy
- Tichborne, 10th Baronet, of Titchborne, co. Southampton (James) to Tidswell, Tony
- Tidwell, Anna to Tillard, James
- Tillard, James Arthur to Tilson, Thomas
- Tilston, Edward to Tindal, Sally
- Tindal, Sarah to Tippett, Patricia Frances
- Tippetts, Alice Elizabeth to Tissot, Marquerite
- Tissot-Demidoff, Alexandre to Tod, George
- Tod, George Russell to Todd, William Utten
- Todd-Thornton, Alice Elizabeth to Tolich, Neda Beatrice
- Tolj, Ljubo to Tollemache, Hugh Ernest
- Tollemache, Hugh Francis to Tollemache-Tollemache, Timothy Miles Saxon
- Tollenaar, Audrey Diana to Tomes, Yvonne Ann
- Tomkin, Alastair Peter Royce to Tomlinson, Willis
- Tomlyn, Ann to Tonnet, Louis Rex
- Tonney, Emma to Topham, Mary
- Topham, Mary Isabel to Torlonia, Vittoria Eugenia Carolina Honor Paola Alexandra Maria
- Tormley, Charlotte Louise to Torrington, Viscountess (Susan Honour)
- Torry Anderson, Alexander Penrose to Tottenham, George William Loftus
- Tottenham, Georgina to Touchet-Jesson, Thomas Touchet
- Toucy, Emma de to Tovey, Winifred
- Tovey-Cozens, Alice Mary to Towneley, Cosima Cecilia
- Towneley, Cuthbert William A. to Townsend, Alicia
- Townsend, Alicia to Townsend, Elizabeth
- Townsend, Elizabeth to Townsend, Ivry Cordelia
- Townsend, J. J. to Townsend, Mary
- Townsend, Mary to Townsend, Thomasine
- Townsend, Thomasine Isabella to Townshend, Debby
- Townshend, Denise Kaye to Townshend, Mary Margaret
- Townshend, Mary Mina to Toyne Sewell, Timothy Patrick
- Toyne, Jane to Tracy-Keck, Susan
- Tradigal, Margaret to Trafford, Margery
- Trafford, Margery to Traill, Daniel Anthony
- Traill, David Severn to Trapp, Zeno
- Trappes, Helen to Travers, Deborah
- Travers, Dilys Violet Constance to Trbojevic, Vladimir
- Treacher, Grace to Trefgarne, Trevor Garro
- Trefgarne, William David Garro to Treharne, Thomas
- Trehawke, Alice to Trelewen, Melissa Helen
- Treloar, Alice Patricia to Trench, Catherine Anne Swetenham
- Trench, Catherine Janet to Trench, Gertrude Iola
- Trench, Gertrude Wilbraham to Trench, Michelle
- Trench, Mildred to Trenchard, Francis Frederick
- Trenchard, Frederick Alfred to Tretheway, son3
- Trethewie, Richard to Trevelyan, George Philipp
- Trevelyan, George Thomas to Trevelyan, Willoughby Fenwick
- Trevelyan, Willoughby John to Trevor, Sarah
- Trevor, Sidney Walter to Tribe, Raglan Horatio Andrew Harold
- Tribe, Ruth to Trinkle, Isabella
- Trintignant, Anne to Tritton, Elspeth Muriel
- Tritton, Emily Mary to Trollope, Anne
- Trollope, Anne to Trollope, William
- Trollope, William Arthur to Trotter, Henry Redvers, 13th of Mortonhall and 4th of Charterhall
- Trotter, Henry, 11th of Mortonhall and 2nd of Charterhall to Troubridge, Violet Elizabeth Emily
- Troughear, Leonard to Trower, Zara Rose Catherine
- Troy, Fran to Truman, William Thomas
- Trumble, Anthony to Tryon, Henry Robert
- Tryon, Henry William to Tuchet, William
- Tuchkov, Irina Ivanovna to Tucker, Geoffrey Nicholas
- Tucker, George to Tucker, Sue
- Tucker, Susan to Tudor-Craig, Rosalind L'Estrange
- Tudor-Evans, Arthur Gruffyd to Tufton, Dorothy
- Tufton, Edith Sophia Elizabeth to Tuite, Thomas
- Tuite, Thomas to Tulloch, William (Captain)
- Tullock, Elizabeth to Tupper, �melius de Vic
- Tupper-Carey, Albert Darell to Turle, Robert
- Turley, Alexandra Sarah to Turnbull, William Peveril
- Turner Irton, Alice E. to Turner, Danielle Andr�e
- Turner, Daphne Mavis to Turner, H. G.
- Turner, Hadassa to Turner, Kathleen
- Turner, Kathleen Lorraine to Turner, Rachel
- Turner, Rachel Elizabeth to Turner, William Lovett
- Turner, William Robert to Turnour, Keppel John
- Turnour, Louisa Anne to Turton, Winifred Constance
- Turvey, 1st Baron (Nicholas) to Tuyll van Serooskerken, Willem Ren� Baron van
- Tuyll van Serooskerken, Willem Ren� Baron van to Tweedsmuir, Baroness (Susan Charlotte)
- Tweedy, Amy Grace to Twigg, William George
- Twigge, Elin V. to Twisleton, William Thomas
- Twisleton-Fiennes, Gregory William to Twiss, Winifred Mary
- Twist, Alexandra Jane to Twysden, William, 5th Bt.
- Twysden, William, 6th Bt. to Tyler, James
- Tyler, James Endell to Tyndale-Biscoe, Ina Kathleen
- Tyndale-Biscoe, Irene to Tyrell, unknown
- Tyrell-Kenyon, Alexander Simon, 8th Lord Kenyon, Baron of Gredington to Tyrrell, Thomas
- Tyrrell, Thomas to Tyrwhitt-Drake, Effie Margo
- Tyrwhitt-Drake, Elizabeth to Tyutchev, Nikolay Andreevich
- Tywhitt, Joan to Ufford, William d', 2nd Earl of Suffolk
- Ufgau, Gebhard Graf von to Ulyate, Robin
- Ulyate, Sally Susan Valentine to Underwood, Margery
- Underwood, Marian to United Kingdom, Helena Victoria of the
- United Kingdom, Henry of the to Uphill, Jacob
- Upington, Elizabeth to Upton, William John Henry
- Upton-Cottrell-Dormer, Clement to Urquhart, Charles Robert
- Urquhart, Charles Stuart to Urquhart, William, 2nd of Craigston
- Urquijo y de Morales, Juan Manoel de to Usher, Margaret
- Usher, Margaret Anne to Ussher, Emily Atkinson
- Ussher, Emily Georgiana to Ussher, Robert
- Ussher, Robert to Vadim, Vania
- Vadnay, B�la to Valentine, Richard
- Valentine, Richard William to Valmareno, Conte di (Tiberto)
- Valmaseda, Conde de (Antonio) to Van de Vlierd, Stacey Lee
- Van de Weyer, Adrian John Bates to Vandeleur, Giles
- Vandeleur, Giles Alexander Meysey (Lt.-Col.) to Vanderplank, Samuel
- Vanderpoel, Elizabeth to Vane-Fletcher, Walter
- Vane-Tempest, Adolphus Frederick Charles William to Vanneck, Nesta Frances
- Vanneck, Nina Sara to Vansittart, Marjorie Alice
- Vansittart, Martha to Varney, Owen Buckingham
- Varteig, Inga of to Vaughan, Angela Frances Mary
- Vaughan, Anna to Vaughan, Janet
- Vaughan, Janet to Vaughan, unknown
- Vaughan, unnamed child to Vaux, Helen Camilla Mary
- Vaux, Helen Penelope to Vavasour, Joan Millicent Kirkland
- Vavasour, Joan Reilly to Vechen, Gerrit Claes
- Vechten, Claes Nicholas Arentse van to Venables, Eveline
- Venables, Fiona Melanie to Vend�me, Renaud, Comte de Vend�me
- Venebles, Josephine to Vera d'Aragona, Vincenzo de
- Veraby, Howard to Vere, Bridget de
- Vere, Catharine de to Vereker, Elizabeth
- Vereker, Elizabeth Adelaide to Vergy, H�lissende, Dame du Fay
- Verhagen, Caitlin Johanna to Verner, David
- Verner, Derrick to Verney, Mary Rachel
- Verney, Mary, Baroness of Fermanagh to Vernon, Ellen
- Vernon, Ellen Mary Woodhouse to Vernon, Mary de
- Vernon, Mary Martha to Vernon-Harcourt, Frederick Edward
- Vernon-Harcourt, George Granville to Vervuurt, Stuart Rene
- Verwoerd, Anton to Vesey, Oliver Ivo
- Vesey, Olivia Denise Helen to Vestey, William, 1st Baron Vestey
- Vestur, Francois to Vickers, Emma H.
- Vickers, Esther Lisba Marion to Vignerot du Plessis, Louis Fran�ois Armand, 3rd Duc de Richelieu
- Vignier, unknown de to Villar, Arthur Andrew Sidney
- Villaragut, Berengar de to Villiers, Bayley
- Villiers, Beatrice to Villiers, Isaac Pierre de
- Villiers, Isabel Alexandrina to Villiers, Villiers William
- Villiers, Villiers William to Vincent, Christopher Frederick (Hon.)
- Vincent, Corinna Valerie to Vincent, William, Jr.
- Vincent-Fosbery, Anthony Vincent to Violet, Mary
- Violett, Atwood to Vissers, Jeanne Georgina
- Vista Alegre, Duque de (Fernando) to Vivian, John
- Vivian, John to Vlaming, Isabella Patricia
- Vlangali-Handjeri, Alexander to Vollenhoven, Pieter van
- Vollenhoven, Pieter van to Vowell, Thomazin
- Vowler, Elizabeth to Vyvyan, Charlotte Elisabeth Constance
- Vyvyan, Charlotte Lamorna to Vyvyan, Yin Tsu
- Vyvyan-Robinson, Aileen to Waddel, Janet
- Waddell, Alexander John to Wade, Dorothy Matilda Elizabeth
- Wade, Edith Constance to Wade, W. de Vins
- Wade, W. H. to Wagg, Timothy John
- Waggett, Anne to Wain, Robert Brian
- Wain, Ruth Bessie to Wake, Charles
- Wake, Charles to Wake, Thomas
- Wake, Thomas to Wakefield, John Howard
- Wakefield, John Humphrey Baring to Wakeley, William Jeremy
- Wakelin, Alison Ruth to Waldbott von Bassenheim, Stephanie Baronin
- Waldburg und Waldsee, Anton Friedrich Willibald Maria Graf zu to Waldburg, Vittoria Ida Walburga Maria Josefa Leonhardo von
- Waldburg-Trauchburg, Theresia Gr�fin von to Waldegrave, Anne Katharine
- Waldegrave, Annette Laura Maria to Waldenburg, Elise von
- Waldenburg, Elsa von to Waldron, William Victor
- Waldron-King, Mildred Feridah to Waley-Cohen, Stephen Harry, 2nd Bt.
- Waley-Cohen, Tamsin Alice to Walker, Agnes
- Walker, Agnes Nivison to Walker, Christopher Michael Tollemache
- Walker, Christopher Robert Baldwin, 5th Bt. to Walker, Franklin
- Walker, Freda Constance to Walker, Jane
- Walker, Jane to Walker, Marian Elizabeth
- Walker, Marianna Clare (Hon.) to Walker, Rosaline Avril Orr
- Walker, Rosamond Christian Barbara to Walker, Zo� Rosaleen
- Walker-Drummond, Alice Isabella Henrietta to Wall, Edward
- Wall, Elaine to Wallace, Eleanor Margaret Rangel-Wallace
- Wallace, Eleanora to Wallace, Katherine Charlotte
- Wallace, Katherine Frances to Wallace, William Nevin
- Wallace, William of Busbie and Cloncaird to Waller, Daisy Copeland
- Waller, Daisy Emma to Waller, Jonathan Wathen, 1st Bt.
- Waller, Josephine Harrison to Waller, Thomas Wathen, 2nd Bt.
- Waller, Thomas William to Wallis, John Richard Smyth
- Wallis, Joleen Lisa Wallis to Wallop, unknown daughter
- Wallop, Urania to Walpole, Elizabeth
- Walpole, Elizabeth to Walpole, Winifred
- Walpole-Walsh, Emma Judith to Walsh, Carol Ann
- Walsh, Catherina to Walsh, Pauline
- Walsh, Penelope Jane to Walsingham, William
- Walstein, Alice Gr�fin von to Walter, William
- Walter, William to Walthall, Theodora Serena Delves
- Waltham, 1st Baron, of Philipstown in the King's County (John) to Walwyn, William
- Walz, Dagmar Sibylla to Warburton, Elizabeth Augusta
- Warburton, Elizabeth Emily to Ward, Alice Geraldine
- Ward, Alice Lilian to Ward, Daniel
- Ward, Daniel Everett to Ward, George Henry
- Ward, George Innes Crosbie to Ward, Joseph James Laffey, 4th Bt.
- Ward, Joseph James Martin, 5th Bt. to Ward, Oscar Joseph
- Ward, P. T. to Ward, Victoria Anne
- Ward, Victoria Larissa Cecilia to Warde, Millicent Anne
- Warde, Molina to Wardlaw, Elizabeth
- Wardlaw, Elizabeth to Wardrop, unknown
- Wardrop-Moore, Janet Monteith to Warfield, Thomas
- Wargrave, 1st Baron, of Wargrave, co. Berks (Edward Alfred) to Warmack, Robert Randall
- Warmack, Thomas to Warner, Joan
- Warner, Joannah to Warrand, Thomas Alexander
- Warrander, Anna to Warren, Brisbane
- Warren, Brisbane Charles Somerville to Warren, Gillian Mawdsley
- Warren, Gladys Irene to Warren, Minnie Ellen
- Warren, Minnow Felda Inez to Warren, Zoe Inez
- Warren-Bulkeley, Elizabeth Harriet to Wartenberg, Rixa Bathildis Elfrida von
- Wartenburg und Penzlin, Andreas Baron zu to Wasall, Stephen Bruce
- Wasbrough, Claire Victoria to Washington, William de
- Wasielewski, Alexander Michael Thaddeus von to Wast, Mary
- Wastelius, Susann to Waterlo, Walran
- Waterloo, 1st Prince of (Arthur) to Waters, Michael Grant
- Waters, Millicent Edith to Watkins, Haden
- Watkins, Hamish Eugene to Watney, Philip Anthony
- Watney, Phyllis Amy to Watson, Charles Stanbrough
- Watson, Charles Wager, 2nd Bt. to Watson, Fenella Margaret Grace
- Watson, Fiona Caroline Mary to Watson, Joel
- Watson, Johanna Mary Beresford to Watson, Marjorie Somerville
- Watson, Marjory Irving to Watson, Sarah
- Watson, Sarah to Watson-Armstrong, Zaida Cecile
- Watson-Baker, Margaret Edith Ann to Watt, Margaret
- Watt, Margaret to Watts, Audrey
- Watts, Barbara to Watts, Winston Alan
- Watts-Russell, Anthony Michael Guy to Wauchope, William of Niddrie, younger
- Waud, Christopher Frederick Croysdale to Way, Edward Sean
- Way, Elizabeth to Wearing, William
- Wearmouth, Margaret to Weaver, William Ronald Gerrard
- Weavers, Albert George to Webb, George H.
- Webb, George Samuel to Webb, Sarah Ann
- Webb, Sarah Harper to Webber, Ronald Colin Board
- Webber, Stella to Webster, John Frederick
- Webster, John Morrison to Weddell, William
- Wedderburn of Charlton, Baron, of Highgate in the County of Greater London (Kenneth William) to Wedderburn, Mary Wisdom
- Wedderburn, Mathilde to Wedgwood, Diana Mildred
- Wedgwood, Doris Audrey to Weede, Johan Heer van
- Weede, Johanna Maria van to Weichelt, Margaret Anne
- Weichs zur Eenne, Margarete Hedwig Baronin von to Weir, Elizabeth
- Weir, Elizabeth to Weiss, William
- Weissel, Andrea to Welby, William Earle, 1st Bt.
- Welby, William Earle, 2nd Bt. to Weld Forester, Victoria Alexandrina
- Weld Forester, Willoughby George Orlando to Weld-Forester, Venetia Dawn
- Weld-Smith, Mita Drinkwater to Weldon, Winifred Edith
- Welfare, Alice Emily Ishbel to Wellesley, Caroline Jane
- Wellesley, Caroline Maria Frances to Wellesley, William Henry Charles
- Wellesley, William Henry George to Wells, Eleanor Catherine
- Wells, Eleanor Maria to Wells, Sarah Jospehine
- Wells, Sasha to Welsh, Geoffrey Peter
- Welsh, George Richmond Aagaard to Wemyss, Elizabeth
- Wemyss, Elizabeth to Wemyss, William John
- Wemyss-Charteris, Francis, 9th Earl of Wemyss to Wentworth, Anne
- Wentworth, Anne to Wentworth-Fitzwilliam, William Thomas George, 10th Earl Fitzwilliam
- Wentworth-Stanley, Adrian Charles to Wertheimer, Thierry Ren�
- Wertheimstein, Alfred von to West, Ann
- West, Ann to West, Frederick Foster
- West, Frederick John to West, Mary
- West, Mary to Westarp, Eberhard Joachim von
- Westarp, Edelgarde von to Westcott-Betenson, Richard
- Westdorpe, Cornelia van to Westerveld, J. B.
- Westfalen, unknown Graf von to Westminster, Marchioness of (Elizabeth Mary)
- Westmoreland, David Gray to Weston, Elizabeth
- Weston, Elizabeth to Westphalen zu Furstenberg, Vera von
- Westphalen zu F�rstenburg, Ferdinand Aloys Graf von to Westropp, Harriet Vereker
- Westropp, Harry to Westropp, unknown child
- Westropp, unknown child to Wetherell, William Edward May
- Wetherhead, Agnes to Weyermann, Stuarta Frances
- Weygand, Armgard to Wharton, Charlotte
- Wharton, Charlotte to Whatley, William Hughes
- Whatman, Ann Lillian to Wheeler, Caroline
- Wheeler, Caroline Jane to Wheeler, Sophie
- Wheeler, Stanley John to Wheler, John
- Wheler, John Mordaunt to Whidborne, Stephen Barham
- Whieldon, Alice Lorna to Whitaker, Jacquelin
- Whitaker, James to Whitbread, Poppy Katherine
- Whitbread, Rose Helen to White, Anne
- White, Anne to White, Edward James
- White, Edward James to White, Hannah
- White, Hans Grove to White, John Napier
- White, John Neville (Reverend) to White, Mary Kathleen O'Halloran
- White, Mary Layard to White, S. Francis
- White, S. J. to White, Zita Loretta
- White-Griotteray, Dominic Christian to Whitehead, Burton Jones
- Whitehead, C. R. to Whitehouse, Judith
- Whitehouse, Kerryn to Whitestone, W. A.
- Whiteway, Alban Robert to Whiting, Yvonne Heather
- Whitinge, Agnes to Whitmore, George
- Whitmore, George to Whitney, Nancy Marie
- Whitney, Oliver to Whittenbury, Robert James Havelock
- Whitter, Catherine to Whitworth, Gaye
- Whitworth, Geoffrey Arundel to Whyte, Hannah
- Whyte, Harold Adam to Wickes, unknown daughter
- Wickett, Katharine Mary to Widdows, William Maurice
- Widdowson, Gillian to Wied, Wolff-Heinrich Prinz zu
- Wied-Neuwied, 2nd F�rst zu (Friedrich Carl) to Wigan, Edward John
- Wigan, Eira Grey to Wiggin, William Henry
- Wiggin, William Malins to Wigoder, Zoe Edith
- Wigram, 1st Baron, of Clewer, co. Berks (Clive) to Wigram, Hilary Margaret
- Wigram, Hilda to Wigram, William Ainger
- Wigram, William Arthur to Wilbraham, Veronica Augusta
- Wilbraham, William to Wilde, Elinor
- Wilde, Eliza to Wildsmith, Theresa
- Wildt, Agnes Willemina de to Wilkie, William
- Wilkie, William to Wilkinson, Catherine Frances
- Wilkinson, Cecil Harry Twigg to Wilkinson, Maria
- Wilkinson, Maria to Willan, William
- Willans, Andrew to Willett, William Saltren
- Willetts, Anna to Williams, Alfred
- Williams, Algar Temple to Williams, Bulkeley
- Williams, Burton Robert, 6th Bt. to Williams, Dorothy
- Williams, Dorothy to Williams, Ernest Martyn
- Williams, Esther Eleanor to Williams, Helen Donald
- Williams, Helena Lucy to Williams, John
- Williams, John to Williams, Margaret
- Williams, Margaret to Williams, Muriel Grace
- Williams, Muriel Heriot to Williams, Romer
- Williams, Romer to Williams, Trevor
- Williams, Trevor to Williams-Bulkeley, �ira Helen
- Williams-Drummond, Annabella Mary to Williamson Ramsay, Thomas
- Williamson Ross, Ethel Frances Sara of that Ilk and Pitcalnie to Williamson, James Ker of Cardrona
- Williamson, James Matthew Lloyd to Williamson, William Huddleston
- Williamson, William, 4th Bt. to Willink, William Williamson
- Willis Fleming, Adam Dashper to Willis, Robert
- Willis, Robert to Willoughby of Parham, Thomas
- Willoughby, 10th Baronet (Digby Wentworth Bayard) to Willoughby, Henry
- Willoughby, Henry to Willoughby, William
- Willoughby, William to Wills, Henry
- Wills, Henry Herbert to Wills, Winifred
- Wills, Zachary to Wilmot, Cicely
- Wilmot, Clemence Mary to Wilmot, Zo� Meriel
- Wilmot-Chetwode, Edward to Wilson, Alexander Shaw Ferguson
- Wilson, Alexander Vivian to Wilson, Caroline
- Wilson, Caroline to Wilson, Dorothy
- Wilson, Dorothy to Wilson, Eug�nie Marie Seraphi�
- Wilson, Eunice to Wilson, Helen Jane
- Wilson, Helen Joyce to Wilson, Jasmine Haley
- Wilson, Jean to Wilson, Lavinia
- Wilson, Lavinia Mary to Wilson, Mary Catherine
- Wilson, Mary Crossley to Wilson, R. R.
- Wilson, R. W. to Wilson, Stuart Francis James
- Wilson, Sue to Wilson, William Wilson Carus
- Wilson, William, 1st Bt. to Wimbledon, Dowager Viscountess (Sophia)
- Wimborne, 1st Baron, of Canford Magna, co. Dorset (Ivor Bertie) to Winckley, Thomas
- Wincoll, Anne to Windisch-Graetz, Otto Charles Fran�ois-Joseph Marie de
- Windisch-Gr�tz, Adriana to Windmill, Robert John
- Windour, Elizabeth to Windsor, William of
- Windsor, William, 2nd Baron Windsor to Wingate, Reginald Ramsay
- Wingate, Richard to Wingfield, Eveline Jocelyn
- Wingfield, Fanny to Wingfield, Susan
- Wingfield, Susan Averil Rhys to Winn, Elizabeth
- Winn, Elizabeth to Winnington-Ingram, Carol
- Winnington-Ingram, Carolyn Fuchsia to Winslet, Sally Ann
- Winsley, Mary Catherine to Winter, Robert
- Winter, Robert Arthur to Winthrop, William
- Winthrop-Young, Ghislaine to Wisborg, Folke af
- Wisburn Lowenstein-Wetheim Chacon, Aida Maria to Wiseman, Elizabeth
- Wiseman, Elizabeth to Wistrand, Sylvie Adrienne
- Wiszniewska, Diana Marguerite Mary to Witt von D�rring, unknown son2
- Witt, Alexandra de to Wittlin, Katarzyna
- Wittmann, Armin to Wodehouse, Francis Margaret
- Wodehouse, Frederic William to Wodehouse, Yoma Irene Mandra
- Woder, Alice to Wolfe, Wood
- Wolfe-Murray, Alison Isabel Rowe to Wolff-Metternich, Marie-Leonie Baronin von
- Wolffe, Elizabeth to Wolley, William
- Wolley-Dod, Annie McKerrell to Wolseley, Clementina
- Wolseley, Constance Fetherstone to Wolseley, Robert de
- Wolseley, Robert de to Wombwell, George
- Wombwell, George Orby, 4th Bt. to Wontner, Yvonne M.
- Wontner-Riches, Michael to Wood, Britannia Ellen
- Wood, Brooks Crompton to Wood, Elizabeth
- Wood, Elizabeth to Wood, Henry Paul Lindley
- Wood, Henry Richard to Wood, Kenneth Robert Alfred
- Wood, Kirstin Rebecca to Wood, Norman
- Wood, Norman to Wood, Thomas David
- Wood, Thomas Green to Woodberry, Max
- Woodbine Parish, David Elmer to Woodford, William de
- Woodforde, Anne Oliver to Woodhouse, Mary Jane Stormont
- Woodhouse, Mary Lateward to Woodroffe, Richard
- Woodroffe, Ruth to Woods, Nicola Anne
- Woods, Nicola Clare to Woodward, Joseph
- Woodward, Julius Sterling to Woolf, Wendy
- Woolfall, Clarissa Alice to Woolley, Yvonne Mary
- Woolliams, Frank H. to Wootton, William Edward James
- Wopfner, Anna Josefa Amalia to Wordsworth, Zara Caroline
- Worfield, Ann to Worrall, William Henry
- Worrell, A. B. van to Worsley, Katharine Elizabeth Edith
- Worsley, Katharine Lucy Mary to Worth, William
- Wortham, Ellen G. to Wortley, Thomas
- Wortley-Hunt, John to Wraxall, William Nathaniel Lascelles
- Wraxhall, Anne to Wreford, William J.
- Wreford-Brown, Amanda Jane to Wrey, Henrietta Maria
- Wrey, Henrietta Sophie to Wright, Cecilia Ann
- Wright, Cecilia Georgiana to Wright, Francis
- Wright, Francis to Wright, John
- Wright, John to Wright, Michael
- Wright, Michael Aden to Wright, Sybil Mary
- Wright, Sylvia Araby Jane to Wrightson, Rufus Guy
- Wrightson, Simon Murrough to Wroth, William Henry
- Wrothe, Mary to Wroughton, Winifred Mary
- Wrout, Charlotte to Wyatt, Elizabeth
- Wyatt, Elizabeth to Wyck, Wolter Gerard van der
- Wyckliff, Agnes to Wyldbore-Smith, Robina
- Wyldbore-Smith, Robina Ann to Wynch, Williamina
- Wyncoll, Alexander Fowler to Wyndham, Jessica Mary
- Wyndham, Joan to Wynell-Mayow, Mayow
- Wyness, Maxine to Wynn, William Percival
- Wynn-Carington, Albert Edward Charles Robert, Viscount Wendover to Wynne, Witheral
- Wynne-Aubrey, Barbara Elisabeth to Wyvill, Melissa C.
- Wyvill, Rachel to W�rttemberg, Marie-Amelie Diane Katharina Beatrix Philippa Sophie
- W�rttemberg, Marie-Amelie Herzogin von to Yalden, Elizabeth
- Yaldwin, Henrietta to Yarde-Buller, Richard Francis Roger, 4th Baron Churston of Churston Ferrers and Lupton
- Yarde-Buller, Rita Adela to Yates, Joan Genille
- Yates, Joan Madelaine Dampier to Yeats-Brown, Timothy
- Yeaveley, William de to Yelverton, Zoe May
- Yeman, Janet to Yerburgh, Winifred Prudence Mary
- Yerbury, Eliza to Yonge, Mary
- Yonge, Mary to Yorke, Dianne Marie
- Yorke, Dorothea Agnes to Yorke, Simon
- Yorke, Simon to Young, Anna Maria
- Young, Anna Maria to Young, Cyril Bertram
- Young, Cyril Claude to Young, Florence Amy
- Young, Florence Annette to Young, James
- Young, James to Young, Lilian McKenzie
- Young, Lilian Olive to Young, Nellie Matilda
- Young, Nelson to Young, Susan Elizabeth
- Young, Susan Holey Tyler to Younge, Richard
- Younger of Leckie, 1st Viscount, of Alloa, co. Clackmannan (George) to Younger, William of Ravenswood
- Younger, William Robert, 2nd Bt. to Ysenburg und B�dingen, Prinzessin zu (Anna)
- Ysenburg und B�dingen, Prinzessin zu (Elisabeth) to Zadnik, Phillida Mary
- Zadubsky von Schonthal, Maria Nepomucena Johanna to Zarifi, Theodore M.
- Zarlas, Andreas to Zerega di Zerega, Louis H.
- Zerega, Charlotte di to Ziervogel, Mimmie Ethel
- Ziesler, Diane Rider to Zoete, Winifred Mary de
- Zoethout, Grietje to Zouche, William, 3rd Baron Zouche (of Haryngworth)
- Zouche, William, 4th Baron Zouche (of Haryngworth) to Zvirblis, Rasa Janina
- Zw, Isa Maria to �sterreich, Anton Erzherzog von
- �sterreich, Anton Viktor Erzherzog von to �sterreich, Erzherzogin
- �sterreich, Erzherzogin to �sterreich, Gabriela Erzherzogin von
- �sterreich, Gabriela Maria Charlotte Felicitas Elisabeth Antonia to �sterreich, Maria Christina Isabelle Natalie
- �sterreich, Maria Christine Erzherzogin von to �sterreich, Zsofia Erzherzogin von
- �sterreich-Este, Anna Astrid Erzherzogin von to �xk�ll-Gyllenband, Caroline Gr�fin von