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Historiae adversus paganos, 1561

Paulus Orosius (c. 375 - c. 418)[1] ƿæs crīsten stǣrƿrītere, dryhtƿeorþ ƿrītere, ƿita and Scte. Augustines lǣringmann. He ƿæs of Hispanie, ƿēnunga fram Bracara Augusta[2]. He lifde and ƿrāt æt þǣm ende þæs Rōmāniscan Ricum.

Orosius is cūþost for his bēc Historiarum Adversum Paganos Libri VII ("Seofen Stærbēc ƿið þā Hǣðnas"), þa ƿrāt he ongēan þone gelēafan on folce þe þæs Rōmāniscan Rīces amolsnung ƿæs þȳ hit hæfde onfangen Cristendōm.

Siþþan Orosius ƿearþ prēost, aspyrede hē þā Priscillianistas on Spēnum. Þā ēode hē tō Scte Augustine æt Hippo in Norþaffrice in þǣm 413. gēare oððe þǣm 414. Siþþan hē hæfde abiden sume þrāge in Affrice tō Augustines leornungcnihte, ƿæs Orosius in þǣm 415. gēare of Augustine gesended tō Palestine mid pistole him tō gecȳðenne Orosius tō Ierome, se ƿunede in Bethleheme. His ǣrend ƿæs þe Orosius meahte habban mā lāre from Ierome on ymb þā ƿēna þāra Priscillianista and Origenista. Nōþylæs, man segeð þe in sōþe ƿæs his bisgo fullǣst for Ierome and ōþrum ƿið Pelagie, se, fram þǣm Cartaina synoðe in þǣm 411. gēare, ƿunede in Palestine and þǣr fand frīend.

Æfter Orosies tōcyme, ƿæs oferstǣled Iohannes Biscop of Ierusaleme, to abannenne synoð in þǣm Ǣrran Līðan þæs 415. Æt þissum synoðe getealde Orosius Cartaine rǣdnessa and he rēd missenlice Augustines ƿritunge ƿiþ Pelagie. Mære ascode Pelagius Et quis est mihi Augustinus? ("Hƿa me is Augustine?"). Sige nadde Orosius on Crēcum, þa ne understōd Orosies Læden. Orosius geƿonne Iohannes biscopes ƿord to sendenne pistolas and menn to þæm biscope of Rombyrige beforan cƿōm he ongean to Affrice

Paulus Orosius forþfērde geleāflice on Affrice oððe on Ispanie.

Stær ƿiþ þæm Hæþnum

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Historiarum Adversum Paganos ("Stær ƿiþ þæm Hæþnum") ƿrāt Orosius æt Augustines scīenesse. Orosius cƿēþ þe seo middangeard hæfþ ƿeaxen tīlor siððan Cristendōmes tōcyme. For andƿorde to þæm menn þa lociað to þisse ielde ƿēum, cƿēþ he fram ærdada ƿēum, þa cƿōm beforan Cristendōme þa ƿæron rihte ƿiersa. Þeos bōc ƿork, an ƿoruld-stær on þæm ƿēum þa habbaþ befeallan manncynn fram Adame oð ymbe 417, ƿæs seo ærrest ƿoruld-stærbōc sƿa stær of Godes hand sƿa manncynnes ƿeard. Eftsōn ƿæs seo bōc frēamære. Ælmæst tƿegen hundred biƿriten bēc sind in bōchordum ofer þære ƿorulde.

Bono Giamboni aƿendede þæm boc in þæm Eotoliscan gereorde[3]. Aƿendung þæs fēoƿertēoþa gearhundredes in þæm Aragoniscan gereorde, be Domingo de García Martín, ƿæs geƿyrhte fram Bono Giambonis Eotoliscan aƿendung. Historiarum Adversum Paganos ƿæs in Arabisc aƿendede in Speonlande under al-Hakam II, Caliph of Cordoban.

Ælfredes Cyninges Orosius

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Ēac sēo Ōhthere and Ƿulfstān

Ælfred cyning ƿyrhte abridged, freo aƿendung þæs Stær ƿiþ þæm Hæþnum[4]. Ælfredes Orosius ne holdeþ fæst to Orosies ærest text; hit bringeþ manige þing to Ælfredes dæge.

Seo bōc beginneþ mid biliþ þære ƿorulde; "Hu ure ieldran ealne þisne middangeard on þreo todældon". Ac seo ƿoruld aƿended micle betƿeonum Orosies dæg and Ælfredes and hēr toƿriteþ Ælfred þære landa Europes in his gearum, and on þæm landum and folcum middangeardes. Ēac hæfþ seo bōc Ƿulfstanes talu in his færelde to þæm Ostsæ to Denemearce, Norþƿege, Sƿeolande and Estlande, and Ōhtheres talu in his færelde ofer norþ to Beormalande.

Þæræfter folgieð Ælfredes cyninges bōc Orosies stær on þæm Engliscum gereorde, fram Ninie Asiria cyninge and fram Sodome and Gomorre to Alerices cyninges dæge in Italie.


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  1. David Rohrbacher, "Orosius," in The Historians of Late Antiquity (Routledge, 2002), pp. 135–137
  2. Catholic Encyclopedia - Paulus Orosius
  3. ed. Tassi, Firenze 1849; partial editions are available in Cesare Segre, Volgarizzamenti del Due e del Trecento, Torino 1953 and in Cesare Segre, La prosa del Duecento, Milano-Napoli 1959)
  4. Englisc mid glēsinge, adihtede be Janet Bately; ISBN 0-19-722406-7
    Englisc word, mid ærword on Lædene, ādihtede be H. Sweet, 1883

Ūtƿearda hlencas

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