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Orm ye un apellativu que'l so orixe procede del nórdico antiguu y presente en danés, suecu, noruegu y nynorsk, pallabra que significa culiebra, viérbene o dragón. Se convirtió en nome propiu anglosaxón mientres el periodu de expansión viquinga nel Danelaw.

Un exemplu ye'l rei llexendariu Orm «Concha rota» rei de Romsdal, enantes del sieglu VIII.


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  • Zoega, Geir (2004). A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic. University of Toronto Press. ISBN 0-8020-8659-4.
  • Adventure Roads in Norway by Erling Welle-Strand, Nortrabooks, 1996. ISBN 82-90103-71-9
  • West Norway and its Fjords by Frank Noel Stagg, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1954.
  • The Heart of Norway by Frank Noel Stagg, George Allen & Unwin, Ltd., 1953.


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