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Anfield Memorial Service 20 years after Hillsbrough Disaster

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Anfield Memorial

Thousand of people have met at Liverpool Anfield Football ground to mark the 20th anniversary of the Hillsborough Disaster which claimed the lives of 96 Liverpool FC fans. A minutes silence was held at 15:06 in Liverpool, Nottingham and Sheffield.

In the 20 years that have passed but the families of the victims and a large portion of the population in Liverpool feel that there are still unanswered questions over the events and blame still to be apportioned.

In addition there are questions regarding, what is seen as, the post event coverup and the part played in it by Norman Bettison. Who was latter appointed Chief Constable of Merseyside by Merseyside Police Authority in circumstances that caused members of the authority to resign.

The Sun newspaper and it's then editor Kelvin Mackensey are still regarded with hate by a portion of Liverpool fans for there coverage of the events particularly for blaming Liverpool fans and for allegations that fans attacked the police during the rescue and urinated on them.

