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Geese depicted in the tomb of Nefermaat
Name in hieroglyphs
g g

Gengen-Wer or Negeg-Wer (Ngg wr) is an Ancient Egyptian god of creation who appeared like a Goose, Possibly a Egyptian goose.[1] His name can translate to great honker or great cackler. He is said to guard a celestial egg containing a powerful creative energy. He also played a minor role in one spell in Chapter 59 of the Book of the Dead.[2]


  1. ^ "Gengen Wer – Goose God Who Guarded The Celestial Egg Containing The Life Force In Egyptian Beliefs". 22 April 2021.
  2. ^ "Gengen-Wer and Weret-Hekau – Creative Energy and Magic". 7 January 2022.