Lesson XII.
- 我個臥房爾有掃或未
- Uá-kâi út-pâng lṳ́ ũ sàu a-būe?
- Have you swept my bed-room?
- 有。樓頂俱皆掃清潔
- Ũ, lâu-téng lóng-tsóng sàu chheng-khih
- Yes, I have swept the whole of up-stairs clean.
- 有洗或無
- Ũ sói a-bô?
- Did you wash it?
- 無。樓頂還了是清潔
- Bô, lâu-téng huân-lióu sĩ chheng-khih
- No, up-stairs is still clean.
- 洗浴房有水或無
- Sói-ék-pâng ũ tsúi a-bô?
- Is there any water in the bath-room?
- 無。我來去擔
- Bô, uá lâi khṳ̀ taⁿ
- No, I will go and carry some.
- 速速去我要洗浴
- Méⁿ-méⁿ khṳ̀, uá àiⁿ sói-ék
- Go quickly, I am going to bathe.
- 此携去藏房貯貨房
- Chiá khiéh khṳ̀ khǹg pàng tî-kò?
- Where shall I keep this?
- 窓閉玻璃免用閉
- Theng kueⁿ, po-lî mín-ēng kueⁿ
- Shut the window, you needn't shut the glass.
- 若是有雨鱟伯策就着閉
- Naⁿ-sĩ ũ hõu hāu-peh-chheh chiũ tiéh-kueⁿ
- If there is rain, then shut the venetians.
- 要落樓梯勿𰛄𰛅呌
- Àiⁿ-lóh lâu-thui màiⁿ pĩn-põng-kiè[1]
- If you are coming down the stair-case, don't make a trampling noise.
- 火爐起火
- Húe-lôu khí-húe
- Make a fire in the grate.
- 爾去伙食房呌火頭來
- Lṳ́ khṳ̀ húe-sít-pâng kiè húe-thâu lâi
- You go to the kitchen, and tell the cook to come.
- ↑ An onomatopoetic word.