Users employing the programs or methods explained below are encouraged to add the template HiRes to the Miscellaneous Notes section for scores they upload as this will allow other users who are interested in obtaining high-resolution images to find this page.
The following (7) sites are not available thru the version v.1.35 (or older) of the JAVA Downloader tool due to changes in their image processing. Using versions v.1.36 or newer the images of 4 sites can now be downloaded again the other 3 need at least v.1.37. Due to changes on BLmanu site you need the new version v.1.38 now:
LOEB - use v.1.36 or higher
WIEN - use v.1.36 or higher
NYphil - use v.1.37
BachDig - use v.1.37
Duben - use v.1.37
DFmi - use v.1.36 or higher
BLmanu - use v.1.38 or higher
2017/09/02: I've just noticed that the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) seems to have problems currently with their zooming of scores. As a result the downloader does not work right now.
2017/09/05: The download from Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) works again.
2018/04/28: The download from Badische Landesbibliothek (BLB) works again (use version v.1.43).
2018/05/22: The download from New York Philharmonic (NYphil) works again (use version v.1.44).
2020/04/19: The download from Conservatorio di Milano (Milan) works again (use versionv.1.48). - Now one day later the library already changed their score viewing system so you have to register and log in. I have to accept that they obviously don't want that kind of download. - 2020/04/21: now it works again for me.
To download the scanned scores provided by some library sites in the original high quality - usually 300dpi resolution and more in color or grayscale - the libraries often offer no possibilities themselves. All you can do is download some PDF files with lower resolution images (about 100-150dpi resolution). The high resolution scans can just be viewed in some special viewer they offer inside your browser.
Nevertheless there is a way to download the high resolution scans.
I provide here a little JAVA program I wrote that can be used to download the scans from the Bibliothèque nationale de France. In its current version the program is now able to download the high resolution images from 24 library sites. See below how to download from all those different sites
You can download it here as a zipped Windows exe or here as a zipped JAVA archive (jar) file.
Newest version 1.51 only as jar file build with JAVA version 17 is a fix for the Polona site.
The Windows exe can be run directly on Windows systems by double clicking as usual. But it needs a JAVA runtime to be installed on your system. When no JAVA runtime is found it should ask you to install one.
The JAVA archive file should run on every system with an installed JAVA runtime. You simple have to run it with your JAVA VM executable (e.g. java.exe on Windows systems).
It was first written in JAVA 1.6 and later updated to JAVA 1.8 and JAVA 1.13. The newer version zip archives include a jar for use with JAVA 1.8 and one that runs with JAVA 1.13 as well as 1.14.
If you experience any problems please let me know.
This is how the GUI of the program looks like and how it is used.
The program needs six parameters from you to run.
Nachus001 wrote a script in Python that will also download high-resolution jpg files from BNF. The file and instructions are available at the IMSLP Forums. This method requires the user to have the following software installed: Python (tested with version 3.3), cURL, and ImageMagick.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site SLUB to download from.
You need the SLUB-Katalog (PNN) number as identification as in the case of it is the number 311929699.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site LOEB to download from. As identification you have to use the number of the viewer pages internet address. In this case with address it is the number 14001388.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site SBB to download from. As identification you have to use the PPN number of the title pages internet address. In this case with address it is the number PPN665349858.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site BLB to download from. As identification you have to use the number of the title pages internet address. In this case with address it is the number 2185190.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site WIEN to download from. As identification you have to use the number of the title pages internet address. In this case with address it is the number 434507.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site Morgan to download from. As identification you have to use the id number of the title pages internet address. In this case with address it is the number 114220.
After my changing the downloader to work with the new viewer the library provides (see below), only one day later the library already changed their score viewing system again so you have to register and log in to view the scores. I have to except that they obviously don't want that kind of download. So please don't ask for it any more.
2020/04/21: now it works again for me.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site Milan to download from. As identification you have to use the handle ID in the describing internet address. In this case with address it is the handle 20.500.12459/2459.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site NYphil to download from. As identification you have to use the number of the viewer pages internet address. In this case with address it is the number 4c934bb4-9b68-4bd8-b6f4-fe11e55262ba.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site BachDig to download from. As identification you have to use the number of the referrer pages internet address. In this case with address it is the number 00001152.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site ONB to download from. As identification you have to use the DOCCHOICE or otherwise metsid number of the viewer pages internet address. In this case with address it is the number 4002698 (don't wonder that the link is no longer valid as the dvs number - 1426449414575~100 in the above link - is a temporary number connected with the session I opended when taking the snapshot).
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site HathiTrust to download from. As identification you have to use the id in the viewers internet address consisting of a short name, a dot and a number. In this case with address;view=1up;seq=8 it is the string uiug.30112059841020. Also note that the files downloaded will most likely be a mixture of 300dp color or grayscale jpgs and 600dpi grayscale or black and white png files.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site ThULB to download from. As identification you have to use the id in the viewers internet address. In this case with address it is the number 00006825.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site Duben to download from. As identification you have to use the id in the viewers internet address. In this case with address it is the number 2002.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site DFmi to download from. As identification you have to use the id in the viewers internet address. In this case with address it is the number 6244955.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site BLmanu to download from. As identification you have to use the reference name on the referring page. In this case with address it is Zweig_MS_40.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site eManuscripta to download from. As identification you have to use the full path on the referring page as the number itself is not sufficient to identify the scans. In this case with address it is zuz/noten/content/titleinfo/23826.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site eRara to download from. As identification you have to use the full path on the referring page as the number itself is not sufficient to identify the scans. In this case with address it is bau_1/content/titleinfo/9176731.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site ULB' to download from. As identification you have to use the id in the viewers internet address. In this case with address it is 3094270.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site CAM to download from. As identification you have to use the reference name on the referring page. In this case with address it is MS-FF-00001-00023.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site Halle to download from. As identification you have to use the id in the viewers internet address. In this case with address it is 2382287.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site Bruckner to download from. As identification you have to use the name in the signature field. In this case with address it is A-WstMHc4080 (the signature field shows A-WstMHc4080).
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site BrucknerDrucke to download from. As identification you have to use the reference name that you find in the page selector of the viewer. In this case with address it is WAB005 (the page selector shows WAB005-1 for the first page being currently shown in the viewer).
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site Polona to download from. As identification you have to use the id in the viewers internet address. In this case with address it is 1624807.
Use the same JAVA program you can find for the BnF downloads. The only differences in usage are, that you choose the site of the Bibliothèque royale de Belgique to download from. As identification you have to use the id in the viewers internet address. In this case with address it is 1496332.
Don't use the downloader if the viewer shows PDF files. It is just made for tiled images. PDF files can be downloaded directly from the viewer without any extra tool.