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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is an age-related interstitial lung disease, characterized by inadequate alveolar regeneration and ectopic bronchiolization. While some molecular pathways regulating lung progenitor cells have been described, the role of metabolic pathways in alveolar regeneration is poorly understood. We report that expression of fatty acid oxidation (FAO) genes is significantly diminished in alveolar epithelial cells of IPF lungs by single-cell RNA sequencing and tissue staining. Genetic and pharmacological inhibition in AT2 cells of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1a (CPT1a), the rate-limiting enzyme of FAO, promoted mitochondrial dysfunction and acquisition of aberrant intermediate states expressing basaloid, and airway secretory cell markers SCGB1A1 and SCGB3A2. Furthermore, mice with deficiency of CPT1a in AT2 cells show enhanced susceptibility to developing lung fibrosis with an accumulation of epithelial cells expressing markers of intermediate cells, airway secretory cells, and senescence. We found that deficiency of CPT1a causes a decrease in SMAD7 protein levels and TGF-β signaling pathway activation. These findings suggest that the mitochondrial FAO metabolic pathway contributes to the regulation of lung progenitor cell repair responses and deficiency of FAO contributes to aberrant lung repair and the development of lung fibrosis.
Quetzalli D. Angeles-Lopez, Jhonny Rodriguez-Lopez, Paula Agudelo Garcia, Jazmin Calyeca, Diana Álvarez, Marta Bueno, Lan N. Tu, Myriam Salazar-Terreros, Natalia Vanegas-Avendaño, Jordan E. Krull, Aigul Moldobaeva, Srimathi Bogamuwa, Stephanie S. Scott, Victor Peters, Brenda F. Reader, Sruti Shiva, Michael Jurczak, Mahboobe Ghaedi, Qin Ma, Toren Finkel, Mauricio Rojas, Ana L. Mora
Total views: 2466
Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) are gut-derived peptide hormones that potentiate glucose-dependent insulin secretion. The clinical development of GIP receptor–GLP-1 receptor (GIPR–GLP-1R) multiagonists exemplified by tirzepatide and emerging GIPR antagonist–GLP-1R agonist therapeutics such as maritide is increasing interest in the extrapancreatic actions of incretin therapies. Both GLP-1 and GIP modulate inflammation, with GLP-1 also acting locally to alleviate gut inflammation in part through antiinflammatory actions on GLP-1R+ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes. In contrast, whether GIP modulates gut inflammation is not known. Here, using gain- and loss-of-function studies, we show that GIP alleviates 5-fluorouracil–induced (5FU-induced) gut inflammation, whereas genetic deletion of Gipr exacerbates the proinflammatory response to 5FU in the murine small bowel (SB). Bone marrow (BM) transplant studies demonstrated that BM-derived Gipr-expressing cells suppress 5FU-induced gut inflammation in the context of global Gipr deficiency. Within the gut, Gipr was localized to nonimmune cells, specifically stromal CD146+ cells. Hence, the extrapancreatic actions of GIPR signaling extend to the attenuation of gut inflammation, findings with potential translational relevance for clinical strategies modulating GIPR action in people with type 2 diabetes or obesity.
Rola Hammoud, Kiran Deep Kaur, Jacqueline A. Koehler, Laurie L. Baggio, Chi Kin Wong, Katie E. Advani, Bernardo Yusta, Irina Efimova, Fiona M. Gribble, Frank Reimann, Sigal Fishman, Chen Varol, Daniel J. Drucker
Total views: 1972
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) osteoarthritis with pain is a highly prevalent disorder affecting patients’ quality of life. A comprehensive understanding of cell type diversity and its dynamics in painful TMJ osteoarthritis (TMJOA) is lacking. Here, we utilized an inflammatory TMJOA mouse model via intra-articular injection of CFA. TMJOA mice exhibited cartilage remodeling, bone loss, synovitis, increased osteoarthritis (OA) score, and orofacial pain, recapitulating hallmark symptoms in patients. Single-cell transcriptomic profiling of the TMJ was performed in conjunction with mouse genetic labeling, tissue clearing, light sheet and confocal 3D imaging, multiplex RNAscope, and immunodetection. We visualized, reconstructed, and analyzed the distribution and density of nociceptive innervation of TMJ at single-axon levels. We systematically mapped the heterogeneity and anatomical position of blood endothelial cells, synovial fibroblasts, and immune cells, including Cx3cr1-positive barrier macrophages. Importantly, TMJOA mice exhibited enhanced neurovascular coupling, sublining fibroblast hyperplasia, inflammatory immune cell expansion, disrupted signaling-dependent cell-cell interaction, and a breakdown of the sandwich-like organization consisting of synovial barrier macrophages and fibroblasts. By utilizing a mouse model with combined TMJ pain history and OA, we reveal the cellular diversity, anatomical structure, and cell dynamics of the TMJ at single-cell resolution, which facilitate our understanding and potential targeting of TMJOA.
Supawadee Jariyasakulroj, Yang Shu, Ziying Lin, Jingyi Chen, Qing Chang, Pao-Fen Ko, Jian-Fu Chen
Total views: 1809
BACKGROUND. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains the leading cause of cancer-related mortality necessitating the exploration of alternate therapeutic approaches. Tumor reactive or activated-by-cytokine killers (TRACK) are PD-L1+ highly cytolytic natural killer (NK) cells derived from umbilical cord blood NK cells and engineered to express soluble IL15 (sIL15), showing promise in preclinical studies against NSCLC. METHODS. We assessed safety, persistence, homing and cytotoxic activity in six patients with advanced, refractory, and progressing NSCLC who received a low dose of unmatched, allogeneic, off-the-shelf sIL15_TRACK NK cells. We evaluated NK cell presence and persistence with droplet digital (dd) PCR, flow cytometry, and immunofluorescent staining. RESULTS. sIL15_TRACK NK cells had peak measurements at one hour and became undetectable four hours after each in fusion. Cognate ligands to activating NK cell receptors were found in NSCLC. sIL15_TRACK NK cells were observed in a lung tumor biopsy seven days after the final infusion, confirming their sustainment and tumor-homing ability. They retained cytolytic function following isolation from the lung tumor. Three out of six patients achieved disease stabilization on repeat imaging, while the others progressed. CONCLUSION. Unmatched, allogeneic, cryopreserved, off-the-shelf sIL15_TRACK NK cells express activating receptors, home to tumor sites that express their cognate ligands, and retain cytolytic activity after infusion, underscoring their potential as a therapeutic approach in solid tumors. At low doses, the therapy was safely administered and showed preliminary evidence of activity in three of six patients with advanced and progressive NSCLC. Additional dose escalation cohorts and co-administration with atezolizumab are planned. TRIAL REGISTRATION. NCT05334329 FUNDING. Funding was provided by CytoImmune Therapeutics; CA266457; CA033572; CA210087.
Miguel A. Villalona-Calero, Lei Tian, Xiaochen Li, Joycelynne M. Palmer, Claudia Aceves, Hans Meisen, Catherine Cortez, Timothy W. Synold, Colt Egelston, Jeffrey VanDeusen, Ivone Bruno, Lei Zhang, Eliezer Romeu-Bonilla, Omer Butt, Stephen J. Forman, Michael A. Caligiuri, Jianhua Yu
Total views: 1595
Recently, skeletal stem cells were shown to be present in the epiphyseal growth plate (epiphyseal skeletal stem cells, epSSCs), but their function in connection with linear bone growth remains unknown. Here, we explore the possibility that modulating the number of epSSCs can correct differences in leg length. First, we examined regulation of the number and activity of epSSCs by Hedgehog (Hh) signaling. Both systemic activation of Hh pathway with Smoothened agonist (SAG) and genetic activation of Hh pathway by Patched1 (Ptch1) ablation in Pthrp-creER Ptch1fl/fl tdTomato mice promoted proliferation of epSSCs and clonal enlargement. Transient intra-articular administration of SAG also elevated the number of epSSCs. When SAG-containing beads were implanted into the femoral secondary ossification center of 1 leg of rats, this leg was significantly longer 1 month later than the contralateral leg implanted with vehicle-containing beads, an effect that was even more pronounced 2 and 6 months after implantation. We conclude that Hh signaling activates growth plate epSSCs, which effectively leads to increased longitudinal growth of bones. This opens therapeutic possibilities for the treatment of differences in leg length.
Dana Trompet, Anastasiia D. Kurenkova, Baoyi Zhou, Lei Li, Ostap Dregval, Anna P. Usanova, Tsz Long Chu, Alexandra Are, Andrei A. Nedorubov, Maria Kasper, Andrei S. Chagin
Total views: 1399
Dengue is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions globally and imposes a considerable disease burden. Annually, dengue virus (DENV) causes up to 400 million infections, of which approximately 25% present with clinical manifestations ranging from mild to fatal. Despite its significance as a growing public health concern, developing effective DENV vaccines has been challenging. One reason is the lack of comprehensive understanding of the influence exerted by prior DENV infections and immune responses with cross-reactive properties. To investigate this, we collected samples from a pediatric cohort study in dengue-endemic Managua, Nicaragua. We characterized T cell responses in 71 healthy children who had previously experienced 1 or more natural DENV infections and who, within 1 year after sample collection, had a subsequent DENV infection that was either symptomatic or inapparent. Our study investigated the effect of preexisting DENV-specific T cell responses on clinical outcomes of subsequent DENV infection. We assessed DENV-specific T cell responses using an activation-induced marker assay. Children with only 1 prior DENV infection displayed heterogeneous DENV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell frequencies. In contrast, children with 2 or more prior DENV infections showed significantly higher DENV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell frequencies associated with inapparent rather than symptomatic outcomes in subsequent infection. These findings demonstrate the protective role of DENV-specific T cells against symptomatic DENV infection and advance efforts to identify protective immune correlates against dengue.
Rosa Isela Gálvez, Amparo Martínez-Pérez, E. Alexandar Escarrega, Tulika Singh, José Victor Zambrana, Ángel Balmaseda, Eva Harris, Daniela Weiskopf
Total views: 1339
Crohn’s disease (CD) is the chronic inflammation of the terminal ileum and colon triggered by a dysregulated immune response to bacteria, but insights into specific molecular perturbations at the critical bacteria-epithelium interface are limited. Here, we report that the membrane mucin MUC17 protected small intestinal enterocytes against commensal and pathogenic bacteria. In noninflamed CD ileum, reduced MUC17 levels and a compromised glycocalyx barrier allowed recurrent bacterial contact with enterocytes. Muc17 deletion in mice rendered the small intestine particularly prone to atypical bacterial infection while maintaining resistance to colitis. The loss of Muc17 resulted in spontaneous deterioration of epithelial homeostasis and in the extraintestinal translocation of bacteria. Finally, Muc17-deficient mice harbored specific small intestinal bacterial taxa observed in patients with CD. Our findings highlight MUC17 as an essential region-specific line of defense in the small intestine with relevance for early epithelial defects in CD.
Elena Layunta, Sofia Jäverfelt, Fleur C. van de Koolwijk, Molly Sivertsson, Brendan Dolan, Liisa Arike, Sara I.M. Thulin, Bruce A. Vallance, Thaher Pelaseyed
Total views: 1302
BACKGROUND Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) around conception in preclinical models results in placental insufficiency, likely contributing to offspring abnormalities. Altered placental DNA methylation (DNAm) and gene expression suggest epigenetic mechanisms, perhaps involving impacts on methyl donor levels. PAE around conception in women is common but placental effects are rarely examined. This cohort study investigated associations between PAE around conception and intake/plasma measures of the methyl donors folate and choline, feto-placental blood flow, and placental growth measures, gene expression, and DNAm.METHODS Pregnant participants delivered at Mater Mothers’ Hospital, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (n = 411). Dietary intake of choline and folate were calculated and plasma concentrations measured using mass spectrometry (MS) and clinical immunoanalyzer, respectively. Cerebroplacental ratio (CPR) was calculated using Doppler measurements. Placentas were weighed/measured at delivery and samples used to quantify methyl donors (MS), global DNAm (ELISA), and gene expression (quantitative PCR). Data were compared between control/abstinent and PAE groups, by fetal sex.RESULTS A CPR <5th-centile, indicating fetal brain sparing because of placental insufficiency, was found in 2% of controls and 18% of the PAE group, mostly male fetuses (63%). Compared with controls, male PAE placentas had reduced mean thickness and placental growth factor mRNA and DNAm, whereas female PAE placentas had increased S-adenosylmethionine and a trend toward increased DNAm.CONCLUSION PAE around conception is associated with reduced CPR and altered placental growth measures, particularly in males, with potential implications for future health.FUNDING National Health and Medical Research Council (APP1191217) and Mary McConnel Career Boost Program for Women in Paediatric Research (WIS132020).
Sarah E. Steane, Christopher Edwards, Erika Cavanagh, Chelsea Vanderpeet, Jade M. Kubler, Lisa K. Akison, James S.M. Cuffe, Linda A. Gallo, Karen M. Moritz, Vicki L. Clifton
Total views: 1214
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is one of the most common solid tumors in children and adolescents. Patients with relapsed/refractory RMS have limited treatment options, highlighting the urgency for the identification of novel therapeutic targets for RMS. In the present study, aurora kinase B (AURKB) was found to be highly expressed in RMS and associated with unfavorable prognosis of patients. Functional experiments indicated that inhibition of AURKB significantly reduced RMS cell proliferation, induced apoptosis and ferroptosis, and suppressed RMS growth in vivo. The highly expressed AURKB in RMS contributes to the apoptosis and ferroptosis resistance of tumor cells through the nucleophosmin 1 (NPM1)/Sp1 transcription factor (SP1)/acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 5 (ACSL5) axis. Furthermore, inhibition of AURKB exerted an anti-RMS effect together with vincristine both in vitro and in vivo, with tolerable toxicity. The above findings provide insights we believe are new into the tumorigenesis of RMS, especially with regard to apoptosis or ferroptosis resistance, indicating that AURKB may be a potential target for clinical intervention in patients with RMS.
Huimou Chen, Mengzhen Li, Yu Zhang, Mengjia Song, Yi Que, Juan Wang, Feifei Sun, Jia Zhu, Junting Huang, Juan Liu, Jiaqian Xu, Suying Lu, Yizhuo Zhang
Total views: 1182
Determining how alveoli are formed and maintained is critical to understanding lung organogenesis and regeneration after injury. To study the cellular dynamics of this critical stage of lung development, we have used scanned oblique-plane illumination microscopy of living lung slices to observe alveologenesis in real time at high resolution over several days. Contrary to the prevailing notion that alveologenesis occurs by airspace subdivision via ingrowing septa, we found that alveoli form by ballooning epithelial outgrowth supported by contracting mesenchymal ring structures. Systematic analysis has produced a computational model of finely timed cellular structural changes that drive normal alveologenesis. With this model, we can now quantify how perturbing known regulatory intercellular signaling pathways and cell migration processes affects alveologenesis. In the future, this paradigm and platform can be leveraged for mechanistic studies and screening for therapies to promote lung regeneration.
Nicholas M. Negretti, Yeongseo Son, Philip Crooke, Erin J. Plosa, John T. Benjamin, Christopher S. Jetter, Claire Bunn, Nicholas Mignemi, John Marini, Alice N. Hackett, Meaghan Ransom, Shriya Garg, David Nichols, Susan H. Guttentag, Heather H. Pua, Timothy S. Blackwell, William Zacharias, David B. Frank, John A. Kozub, Anita Mahadevan-Jansen, Evan Krystofiak, Jonathan A. Kropski, Christopher V.E. Wright, Bryan Millis, Jennifer M.S. Sucre
Total views: 1175