No Place Like Homicide! (1961)
Kenneth Connor: Ernie Broughton
Syd Butler : Do you know, you're beginning to get on my nerves?
Ernie Broughton : No, but if you'll hum it... I can remember the tune.
Everett Sloane : I'm not convinced your friend is the fool he makes himself out to be.
Ernie Broughton : Oh, yes I am.
Ernie Broughton : I'm a beneficiary.
Syd Butler : You filthy swine. How long can they give you for that?
Ernie Broughton : Syd, is this an omen?
Syd Butler : No, it's a Rolls Royce.
Ernie Broughton : Well, why do I always have to stay with the women.
Syd Butler : Because somebody's got to look after you.
Ernie Broughton : Mr. Sloane, what did my poor uncle die of?
Everett Sloane : He died of status lymphaticus.
Ernie Broughton : What's that?
Everett Sloane : It's a glandular disturbance, brought on by shock.
Ernie Broughton : Ah, shock. Oh, electric?
Everett Sloane : No, fear. Good night, Mr. Broughton.
Ernie Broughton : Some fellas have got it and some fellas don't.
Syd Butler : Well, if you've got it mate, I don't know where you're hiding it.
Syd Butler : She loves ya, mate. Like a brother.
Ernie Broughton : I've got five sisters already.
Ernie Broughton : All right, then. If you think more of your stomach than my good fortune.
Syd Butler : I do.
Arkwright : Who's been murdered?
Ernie Broughton : Dr. Edward, Janet, Malcolm.
Arkwright : [Writing it down] Dr. Edward Janet Malcolm. Where's the body?
Syd Butler : Body? Bodies. There's three of 'em.
Arkwright : Three?
Syd Butler : Edward Broughton, Janet Broughton and Malcolm Broughton.