Armageddon (1998)
Jessica Steen: Co-Pilot Jennifer Watts
Lev Andropov : It's stuck, yes?
Watts : Back off! You don't know the components!
Lev Andropov : [annoyed] Components. American components, Russian Components, ALL MADE IN TAIWAN!
Rockhound : We're in segment 202, lateral grid 9, site 15H32 - give or take a few yards. Captain America here blew the landing by 26 miles!
Colonel William Sharp : How the hell do you know that?
Rockhound : Because I'm a genius.
Watts : The gauges will not read; they're all peaked like we're plugged into some magnetic field
Rockhound : [sarcastically] Well, who on the spaceship wants to know why?
Gruber, Munitions Specialist : By all means.
Rockhound : The reason we were shooting for grid 8 was because thermographics indicated that grid 9 was compressed iron ferrite. Which means you landed us on a goddamn iron plate!
Watts : [showing a video] Neil Armstrong, 1969, bouncing on the moon. He's bouncing because there's less gravity up there than on Earth. This will be similar to the asteroid. So, watch it. Something gets launched off that asteroid with enough force, it's gonna keep on going, right into outer space.
Oscar : [to Bear] What is the deal? Is it just me, or is Watts really hot?
Bear : [nods] Yeah.
Watts : So we have these new generation suits. With directional accelerant thrusters. You won't bounce like Neil Armstrong.
[seeing that Bear is not paying attention]
Watts : Bear!
Bear : Yes?
Watts : Do we have a problem?
Bear : No.
Watts : 'Cause I'm trying to describe to you how these DATs keep your ass on the ground, so that if I were to kick you in the balls, and you don't know how to work them, what happens to you?
Bear : I float away.
Watts : Yeah.
Rockhound : When do we start training for THAT?