The Rockford Files (TV Series)
A Good Clean Bust with Sequel Rights (1978)
James Murtaugh: Bob Parsons
Jeff Seales : As you know, the Falcone legend has been told many different ways... this last time it was by his former partner Walt Wexler, and unfortunately the toys and the man are closely identified.
Bob Parsons : There's a complete line of police toys under his name.
Jim Rockford : Oh, and I'm supposed to keep the name and the legend clean?
Jeff Seales : Yes! If you could low profile Falcone just until we get the toy line launched, nothing more...
Bob Parsons : Just your being with him will have a calming effect! Just like a... a steer with a fighting bull.
Jeff Seales : [blinks twice] ... that could be the worst analogy I've ever heard...
Bob Parsons : Jim knows what I mean, don't you Jim?
[Jim gives an uncomfortable smile and nods his head]