In this video collection, authors of findings published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation present personally guided tours of their results. The journal accepts video submissions from authors of recently accepted manuscripts. Instructions can be found on the Video Abstracts Guidelines page.
In this episode, Shashwat Tripathi and Hinda Najem discuss how, using scRNA-seq, their analysis shows that CAFs, specifically the immune modulatory subtype, are increased in frequency as a function of glioma grade. Notably, collagen is a key ligand for the immune checkpoint LAIR-1. The study also characterizes which collagens are present in gliomas and their anatomical locations within the tumor microenvironment that can serve as a reference for the scientific community.
In this episode, Laszlo Farkas explains that the results of this study indicate that reduced endothelial expression of endolysosomal RAB7 causes dysregulation of autophagy, mitochondrial dysfunction and endothelial senescence, and induces spontaneous PH.
In this episode, Yijuang Chern and Jian Jing Siew discuss the novel role of Gal3 in the regulation of extracellular vesicles, promotion of pathogenic tau fibrillation, and microglial activation.
In this episode, Eralda Kina and Claude Perreault explain how using proteogenomics, their manuscript identifies tumor-specific antigens in primary human breast cancers. These antigens are more numerous in triple-negative tumors and represent attractive targets for immunotherapy.
In this episode, Xiaobo Wang, Shuang Geng, and Junchen Meng explain how this work reestablished the suppressive functions in Tconvs absence of Foxp3 indistinguishable from Tregs by simply blocking RyR2 expression.