Property talk:P524
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temporal range end
the end of a process such as a geological unit or extinction of a life form relative to the geologic time scale
the end of a process such as a geological unit or extinction of a life form relative to the geologic time scale
Description | The end of a fossil record, sedimentation, ice age (...) relative to the geologic time scale. | ||||||||||||
Data type | Item | ||||||||||||
Template parameter | Template:Taxobox : "fossil_range" - see Template:Taxobox (Q52496) | ||||||||||||
Domain | Animals, Plants, Fossils, Stratigraphic units, (note: this should be moved to the property statements) | ||||||||||||
Allowed values | According to this template:
geochronological unit (Q6156156) - Stages of the Geologic Time Scale (see latest list)
According to statements in the property:
When possible, data should only be stored as statementsHadean (Q104460), Eoarchean (Q731470), Paleoarchean (Q738167), Mesoarchean (Q607992), Neoarchean (Q645135), Archean (Q104168), Siderian (Q870498), Rhyacian (Q870511), Orosirian (Q597383), Statherian (Q684942), Paleoproterozoic (Q193738), Calymmian (Q876805), Ectasian (Q367597), Stenian (Q776333), Mesoproterozoic (Q210611), Tonian (Q743343), Cryogenian (Q507402), Ediacaran (Q188654), Neoproterozoic (Q191935), Proterozoic (Q104162), Precambrian (Q103910), Fortunian (Q1424618), Cambrian Stage 2 (Q5025306), Terreneuvian (Q515287), Cambrian Stage 3 (Q5025307), Cambrian Stage 4 (Q5025308), Cambrian Series 2 (Q5025303), Wuliuan (Q5025311), Drumian (Q43712), Guzhangian (Q43667), Middle Cambrian (Q1276038), Paibian (Q2060764), Jiangshanian (Q33062), Cambrian Stage 10 (Q5025305), Furongian (Q1269670), Cambrian (Q79064), Tremadocian (Q1267676), Floian (Q10528257), Early Ordovician (Q10739169), Dapingian (Q288112), Darriwilian (Q1032866), Middle Ordovician (Q13389102), Sandbian (Q1807140), Katian (Q1736601), Hirnantian (Q583151), Late Ordovician (Q13389115), Ordovician (Q62100), Rhuddanian (Q260369), Aeronian (Q381595), Telychian (Q681835), Llandovery (Q1187992), Sheinwoodian (Q582801), Homerian (Q753045), Wenlock (Q1064996), Gorstian (Q752878), Ludfordian (Q912190), Ludlow (Q1065155), Pridoli (Q1062563), Silurian (Q62412), Lochkovian (Q1089613), Pragian (Q1089625), Emsian (Q576789), Early Devonian (Q731293), Eifelian (Q730523), Givetian (Q650845), Middle Devonian (Q731313), Frasnian (Q264200), Famennian (Q253839), Late Devonian (Q10265844), Devonian (Q65955), Tournaisian (Q940381), Visean (Q647290), Serpukhovian (Q1068088), Mississippian (Q744718), Bashkirian (Q639443), Moscovian (Q1179385), Kasimovian (Q545853), Gzhelian (Q1030848), Pennsylvanian (Q373772), Carboniferous (Q133738), Asselian (Q740340), Sakmarian (Q912962), Artinskian (Q713094), Kungurian (Q1073812), Cisuralian (Q642169), Roadian (Q1051453), Wordian (Q686803), Capitanian (Q858203), Guadalupian (Q1077376), Wuchiapingian (Q591906), Changhsingian (Q860048), Lopingian (Q1077390), Permian (Q76402), Induan (Q855153), Olenekian (Q914322), Early Triassic (Q1075885), Anisian (Q549024), Ladinian (Q726791), Middle Triassic (Q929395), Carnian (Q911899), Norian (Q1080207), Rhaetian (Q530828), Late Triassic (Q917293), Triassic (Q47158), Hettangian (Q633834), Sinemurian (Q911869), Pliensbachian (Q540479), Toarcian (Q914363), Early Jurassic (Q284787), Aalenian (Q300887), Bajocian (Q375180), Bathonian (Q791313), Callovian (Q764255), Middle Jurassic (Q500054), Oxfordian (Q375784), Kimmeridgian (Q733565), Tithonian (Q855125), Late Jurassic (Q499312), Jurassic (Q45805), Berriasian (Q663355), Valanginian (Q843329), Hauterivian (Q734179), Barremian (Q732702), Aptian (Q622265), Albian (Q301728), Early Cretaceous (Q752187), Cenomanian (Q185567), Turonian (Q691429), Coniacian (Q645398), Santonian (Q257290), Campanian (Q492941), Maastrichtian (Q278141), Late Cretaceous (Q338199), Cretaceous (Q44626), Danian (Q502179), Selandian (Q503349), Thanetian (Q508587), Paleocene (Q76252), Ypresian (Q508691), Lutetian (Q514893), Bartonian (Q508675), Priabonian (Q508438), Eocene (Q76274), Rupelian (Q508633), Chattian (Q502171), Oligocene (Q101873), Paleogene (Q55810), Aquitanian (Q508479), Burdigalian (Q508650), Langhian (Q167254), Serravallian (Q499307), Tortonian (Q499299), Messinian (Q508465), Miocene (Q76267), Zanclean (Q146094), Piacenzian (Q514873), Pliocene (Q76259), Neogene (Q103924), Gelasian (Q428579), Early Pleistocene (Q444693), Chibanian (Q492596), Late Pleistocene (Q498831), Pleistocene (Q25546), Holocene (Q25445), Quaternary (Q26185), Cenozoic (Q102416), Phanerozoic (Q101313), Tertiary (Q188645) or not applicable | ||||||||||||
Example | Tyrannosaurus (Q14332) → Maastrichtian (Q278141) Old Red Sandstone (Q1517523) → Emsian (Q576789) | ||||||||||||
Source | Scientific literature and databases (note: this information should be moved to a property statement; use property source website for the property (P1896)) | ||||||||||||
Tracking: usage | Category:Pages using Wikidata property P524 (Q47471998) | ||||||||||||
<complementary property> | temporal range start (P523) | ||||||||||||
Lists |
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Proposal discussion | Proposal discussion | ||||||||||||
Current uses |
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Search for values |
[create Create a translatable help page (preferably in English) for this property to be included here]
Value type “geochronological unit (Q4005761)”: This property should use items as value that contain property “instance of (P31), subclass of (P279)”. On these, the value for instance of (P31), subclass of (P279) should be an item that uses subclass of (P279) with value geochronological unit (Q4005761) (or a subclass thereof). (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303). List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P524#Value type Q4005761, SPARQL
One of Q104460, Q731470, Q738167, Q607992, Q645135, Q104168, Q870498, Q870511, Q597383, Q684942, Q193738, Q876805, Q367597, Q776333, Q210611, Q743343, Q507402, Q188654, Q191935, Q104162, Q103910, Q1424618, Q5025306, Q515287, Q5025307, Q5025308, Q5025303, Q5025311, Q43712, Q43667, Q1276038, Q2060764, Q33062, Q5025305, Q1269670, Q79064, Q1267676, Q10528257, Q10739169, Q288112, Q1032866, Q13389102, Q1807140, Q1736601, Q583151, Q13389115, Q62100, Q260369, Q381595, Q681835, Q1187992, Q582801, Q753045, Q1064996, Q752878, Q912190, Q1065155, Q1062563, Q62412, Q1089613, Q1089625, Q576789, Q731293, Q730523, Q650845, Q731313, Q264200, Q253839, Q10265844, Q65955, Q940381, Q647290, Q1068088, Q744718, Q639443, Q1179385, Q545853, Q1030848, Q373772, Q133738, Q740340, Q912962, Q713094, Q1073812, Q642169, Q1051453, Q686803, Q858203, Q1077376, Q591906, Q860048, Q1077390, Q76402, Q855153, Q914322, Q1075885, Q549024, Q726791, Q929395, Q911899, Q1080207, Q530828, Q917293, Q47158, Q633834, Q911869, Q540479, Q914363, Q284787, Q300887, Q375180, Q791313, Q764255, Q500054, Q375784, Q733565, Q855125, Q499312, Q45805, Q663355, Q843329, Q734179, Q732702, Q622265, Q301728, Q752187, Q185567, Q691429, Q645398, Q257290, Q492941, Q278141, Q338199, Q44626, Q502179, Q503349, Q508587, Q76252, Q508691, Q514893, Q508675, Q508438, Q76274, Q508633, Q502171, Q101873, Q55810, Q508479, Q508650, Q167254, Q499307, Q499299, Q508465, Q76267, Q146094, Q514873, Q76259, Q103924, Q428579, Q444693, Q492596, Q498831, Q25546, Q25445, Q26185, Q102416, Q101313, Q188645, novalue: value must be one of the specified items. Please expand list if needed. (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303). List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P524#One of, values statistics, SPARQL
Scope is as qualifier (Q54828449), as main value (Q54828448): the property must be used by specified way only (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303). List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P524#Scope, SPARQL
Allowed entity types are Wikibase item (Q29934200): the property may only be used on a certain entity type (Help)
Exceptions are possible as rare values may exist. Exceptions can be specified using exception to constraint (P2303). List of violations of this constraint: Database reports/Constraint violations/P524#Entity types
Geologic time scale
[edit]A list of items from the Geologic time scale can be found here: User:Tobias1984/Geologic_Time_Scale. --Tobias1984 (talk) 16:48, 12 July 2013 (UTC)